Dental treatment according to the lunar calendar. Favorable days for dental treatment Favorable days for dental treatment August

Useful tips

In April the weather is already much warmer than in the previous month, the winter wardrobe gives way to a lighter spring one. I want to bright colors, new emotions and a feeling of lightness in everything. In April 2016 there are many more favorable days for visiting cosmetologists and plastic surgeons, so if you have been postponing any procedures, now you can safely sign up for them by looking at the lunar calendar.

It is better to plan all operations, cleansing procedures, and visits to the dentist during the days of the waning moon: from 1 to 7 and from 22 to 30 April 2016(avoid unfavorable days). On the days of the waxing moon ( from 8 to 21 April 2016) various anti-aging procedures will be much more useful, nourishing and strengthening masks for face, hair and body.

Almost the whole month ( from April 5 to April 30, 2016) Venus will be in sign of Aries. During this period, you will most likely be more drawn to brighter colors in clothes and brighter makeup. Also at this time, it is important not to make quick decisions; all your actions regarding appearance should be carefully thought out in advance.

Build your fitness training so thatalternate loadswithin a month. For example,from April 1 to April 5, 2016your workouts should be with minimal loads, as this4th phase of the moon.

From 8 to 12 April 2016 your workouts should be the most difficult. During this period, energy begins to increase noticeably. You will have more strength and you will be able to work more deeply important muscle groups.

From April 14 to April 20, 2016 Reduce physical activity slightly compared to the previous week. AND from 22 to 28 April 2016 your workload should be high again. This 3rd phase of the moon when you can also do more complex exercises, and during this period you will lose weight faster overweight, if you are exercising with the goal of losing weight.

Take a break from training on days when the Moon is approaching a phase change: April 6, 7, 13, 21 and 29, 2016.

At the end of the article you will find listing the main beauty procedures and the most favorable days for them in April 2016.

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar for April 2016 section:


The new month will begin with have a positive day. Moon and Venus today will be in a favorable aspect, which means that various cleansing procedures for the skin will be useful today. You can also go to the dentist today to get rid of tartar, but treating your teeth or installing crowns or dentures is not yet recommended. Be sure to visit after sunset nail salon, or do a manicure and pedicure at home.

Fitness : Today you can do cardio exercises, but without putting any strain on your knees. It’s good to put stress on your arms, shoulders, and chest muscles.

Unusual for you hair, makeup and clothes today will allow you to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Today, cleansing masks for the face and body will be beneficial. You can also go to the sauna and get a massage. On this day, age spots and freckles are removed well.

Fitness : work with the back area.

Today you can use new care products skin and hair. Hardware cosmetology products will help you get rid of any problems. Today it also makes sense to experiment with makeup and hairstyles. You can visit the solarium.

Fitness : cardio exercise, running, but be careful with your lower legs: there is a risk of stretching the muscles.

Moon without course until 08:46

It is better not to do surgery today: the risk of side effects is increased. Also today you should avoid others complex procedures for face and body, as Luna does unfavorable aspect with malefic Mars. If you have fungus on your toes, today there will be effective procedures on its removal. It is useful to have a massage reflex zones feet.

Fitness : light physical activity.

Moon without course from 13:33

On this day it is also unfavorable to do complex operations due to damage to the Moon. Masks for cleansing the skin of the face and body will work well. Scrubs can be used to remove dead layer of skin cells. In the evening, be sure to take a bath with your favorite aromatic oils. You cannot visit the hairdresser on this day, but removal unwanted hair will be very effective.

Fitness : Cardio workout for the whole body. Don't focus on any part of your body today. But don't forget to do exercises to strengthen your abs.

Moon without course until 09:46

Dangerous and unfavorable day, especially on this day you cannot plan plastic surgeries and other complex procedures. It’s generally better to rest and relax more on this day, although you want to move more. It is important to spend the day before the new moon in a calm and relaxed atmosphere. Useful smells to improve your condition today: smell pine needles, basil, sage. You can light opium incense sticks.

Fitness : rest.

Beauty: calendar of lunar days

NEW MOON at 14:24

Today is the new moon, which means it's time make plans for next month . Today, put off all complex procedures and, like yesterday, do not burden yourself so as not to accumulate stress. The lucky lunar day will begin at 14:24 and will last until 06:33 the next day. During this period, it is important to make wishes and make plans, to imagine how you see yourself in the future.

Fitness : rest or very little physical activity.


Moon without course until 09:11

The moon is beginning to grow, so now various anti-aging procedures, with the exception of operations, are especially useful. Also, if possible, you should not do beauty injections to avoid the appearance of side effects. Going to the store shopping for clothes, jewelry and cosmetics will be successful.

Fitness : As the Moon grows, you may need more intense training, this is especially true for those who are trying to get rid of extra pounds. During next week try to do the most complex programs and reduce calorie intake. Today you can work the muscles of the midsection.

Moon without course from 12:49

Auspicious day. All procedures according to at least, their beginning, plan for the first half of the day. To avoid swelling, drink less fluid than usual today. You can please yourself sweet fruits, but it is better to exclude any dishes with white flour and sugar if you are losing weight. It is beneficial to take baths with sea ​​salt and aromas of vanilla and bergamot, which will help get rid of accumulated stress.

Fitness : yoga, relaxation exercises, stretching.

Moon without course until 08:59

Today is a good day to go to beauty saloon, however, it is better to refuse any operations and injections today, since the Moon will be affected by the pest Mars. It's better not to get a manicure today. A good day to learn a lot about yourself in the field of beauty and health.

Fitness : load on the hips and buttocks. It is better not to do exercises to strengthen the muscles of the arms and chest, as they are now the most vulnerable.

Hand care will have good effect. You can make special ones hand masks, place your hands in warm gloves at night, or apply nourishing cream to your hands before going to bed. Today, pay special attention to the condition of the skin on your hands. Do not use the funds household chemicals no gloves. Manicures today are still not recommended. It's good to visit a sauna or bathhouse.

Fitness : Today, do cardio exercises that focus on your legs. You can go jogging and jumping rope.

Moon without course until 11:07

Until 11 am do not start any procedures, especially if they are the first, since the Moon is “idling”. In the afternoon, you can pay attention to the skin, as it is now losing its vulnerability. Be sure to make nourishing and toning masks for your face and body, but it’s better not to deal with your hair today.

Fitness : today give yourself the minimum physical activity to allow the muscles to recover a little from the difficult workouts of the previous days. Walk more.

Today is a difficult day: the change of the lunar phase is approaching. If possible, avoid complex procedures, especially surgeries. Can be done face and body masks at home. Pay special attention to the neck and décolleté area. You can use fermented milk products as the basis for homemade masks.

Fitness : rest.

Lunar beauty calendar 2016

Second phase of the moon from 07:00

Moon without course from 07:01 to 16:53

Don't do your hair in the first half of the day. In the late afternoon (after 17:00) you can visit the hairdresser. You can also apply eyelash and hair extensions in the evening. In the first half of the day, you can remove unwanted hair at home.

Fitness : today you can do exercises for all muscle groups; in the evening, give up cardio. It is better to postpone the jogging to the first half of the day.

Great day for visits to salons and hairdressers. Today you can do various anti-aging procedures, nourishing masks, apply wrinkle-smoothing serum. Hairstyles done on this day will delight you. It's good to dye your hair, especially in bright colors. Nice, bright day, don't miss it! After sunset you can get a manicure and pedicure.

Fitness : It is better to postpone cardio exercises and strength exercises for the back muscles. Today you can work on your arms and legs.

Still a good time for visits to the hairdresser. Today you can experiment with hairstyles, makeup and clothes. Look for a new, brighter and more noticeable image that can improve your mood and help you become more confident. It is also good to wear gold jewelry or gold-look jewelry today. Be careful with physical activity.

Fitness : Do abdominal exercises today, but without putting too much strain on your back areas. It’s better to postpone cardio, or do simple exercises. Today it is not recommended to spend the day passively. If you don't exercise today, make sure you take about 10,000 steps throughout the day. Walk more and breathe air. If possible, go for a walk outside the city.

Today it is not recommended to undergo plastic surgery and other complex procedures. You can visit a hairdresser and get nourishing masks for face and body. You can extend eyelashes and also weave african braids. It will be especially useful today cold and hot shower and massage of problem areas.

Fitness : you can do something today bottom body, but it’s better not to pump up your abs to avoid discomfort in the abdominal area. Cardio exercises that focus on your legs will be very effective.

Moon without course from 15:29

It's a good day to start weight loss programs: it will be easy for you to refuse harmful products. Soon the moon will begin to wane and the extra pounds will disappear much faster. It's still a good time to visit the hairdresser. It is better to schedule all complex procedures ahead of time. after 10:00 when the moon leaves negative aspect with Saturn.

Fitness : It’s also better to do some cardio today moderate severity. Yoga, stretching.

Moon without course until 14:24

Today you can go to the hairdresser for a new haircut, but it is better in the afternoon. Don't pluck your eyebrows or remove unwanted hair: they will quickly grow back. In the afternoon it is especially useful to do various rejuvenating procedures for face.

Fitness : Try to move more today. It is better not to load the hip area. Buttocks and lower back.

A good day to visit a cosmetologist for consultation and development individual program skin care. Cleansing procedures are not worth doing yet, since the Moon is still growing, but nourishing and rejuvenating masks will be very effective.

Fitness : Cardio exercises, full body exercises.

Moon without course from 09:13

Surgeries and complex procedures are not recommended today, as the full moon, and the Moon will be “idling” all day. On this day, it is best to rest and relax, surround yourself only with pleasant people and pleasant emotions. You can go to the sauna or bathhouse, or sign up for a relaxing massage.

Fitness : rest.

Lunar calendar of health and beauty

FULL MOON at 08:25

Today is a full moon day, so it is unfavorable for operations. Also avoid unusual and fashionable complex procedures, which they may offer you, since the result of their use may be quite unexpected. Today you can make classic cleansing masks, especially if you have problem skin.

Fitness : yoga, stretching.

Peelings different levels complexities in the area of ​​the face, neck and décolleté can be very effective. This day is also suitable for plastic surgery and removal of tumors in the face and neck area. Today is also a good time to visit the dentist, have your teeth whitened, remove tartar, and get dentures and crowns.

Fitness : Cardio exercises focusing on top part bodies.

Moon without course until 15:46

Don't plan anything serious for the first half of the day. After 16:00 You can do hair treatment, make cleansing masks for the face and body, wraps against signs of cellulite. Can be deleted ingrown toenails.

Fitness : Today, try to structure your workouts so that there is no stress on your hips and buttocks.

Today, various procedures for getting rid of “ orange peel", however, try not to resort to too much aggressive methods, since the hips and buttocks area is now very vulnerable. Today, any operations are prohibited as the Moon is afflicted by malefic planets.

Fitness : cardio, aerobics.

Find out new information about cosmetic procedures Oh, surgeries and cosmetics: you may have missed something. Today you can undergo operations, beauty injections and various complex cosmetic procedures, since Venus and the Moon will be in harmonious aspect with each other.

Fitness : strength exercises for the arms. Do not load your hips and buttocks, it is better to work only with top part bodies.

This day is suitable for caring skin of the face and body. Be sure to do a body and face scrub and other skin cleansing treatments. Can be done scalp peeling which will stimulate hair growth. Tartar can be removed. Today, operations in the chest and abdomen are allowed.

Fitness : Cardio without jumping. Do not put stress on your knees. Better give up long-distance running.

Good to do today treating diseased skin if you have any problems. You can visit a cosmetologist. It is better to postpone all new, previously untested procedures today. Experiments are not encouraged today. You can cleanse your skin at home. Today is a good time to get a manicure and pedicure.

Fitness : yoga, stretching.

Moon without course from 10:07 to 11:47

A difficult day before the lunar phase changes. Don't make any plans for today important procedures, especially if it's first procedures. If possible, do not put any stress on skin, as she is still very vulnerable today. Light cleansing scrubs and masks are allowed. In the afternoon you can visit the sauna. After sunset you can get a manicure and pedicure.

Fitness : rest.

The fourth phase of the moon from 06:30

Today is a good day for massage, sauna or steam bath. You can also self-massage and take a soothing bath with your favorite scents. It is still useful to do scrubs and skin-cleansing masks if you have not had time to do them during the week. Today you can also visit the solarium. You can also make masks using face whitening or seek treatments to get rid of freckles and age spots. You can do tattoos and make-up.

Fitness : From now on and for the next week, your workouts should not be too strenuous. Today be sure to give yourself a good cardio load. You can go to the pool, do swimming or water aerobics.

Lunar calendar of cosmetology for April 2016

Nourishing and soothing face masks: 9-21
Cleansing masks: 1-5, 22-30
Facial scrub: 1-3, 22, 24, 26-30
Anti-aging procedures: 8, 9, 15, 16, 19, 20
Skin treatment: 1, 26, 28
Removing age spots and freckles, evening out complexion: 2, 3, 30
Dental care, dentist: 1, 22, 23, 26-28
Manicure: 1, 8, 15, 22, 28, 29
Hand care: 10-12
Pedicure: 1, 15, 28, 29
Tanning, solarium: 2, 3, 29, 30
Facial piercing: 2, 3, 26, 30
Facial plastic surgery: 23, 26
Tummy tuck: 23, 27, 28
Breast surgery: 1, 23, 26-28
Massage: 2-5, 10-12, 19-21, 29, 30
Stone therapy: 10-12
Lymphatic drainage massage: -
Aromatherapy: 4, 5, 12-14, 22-24
Cryotherapy: -
Depilation, hair removal: 4, 5
Removing unwanted hair from the face: 4, 5
Weight loss programs (start): 17, 18
Anti-cellulite programs (beginning): 10, 24-26
Healing procedures (beginning): 8, 9
Sauna, bath, baths, swimming pool: 2, 3, 10-12, 19-21, 29, 30
Eyelash and hair extensions: 8, 9, 15-17
Tinting eyelashes and eyebrows: 8, 9, 15-20
Eyebrow plucking and shaping: 4, 5, 12-14
Permanent makeup and tattoos: 2, 3, 26, 30
Visit to the hairdresser: 8, 9, 15-20
Visiting a cosmetologist, trichologist: 8, 9, 19, 20, 26, 28
Visit to a makeup artist: 8, 9, 19, 20, 26
Fungus treatment: 4, 5
Purchases: 8-11
Unfavorable days for complex procedures and operations: 4-7, 10, 13, 17, 21, 22, 25, 29
The most successful days for cosmetic procedures: 1, 8, 9, 19, 20, 23, 26-28

Astrology, which is a soft science, is often perceived with skepticism when its influence on precise medicine is assessed. However, ardent skeptics confirmed that the course of dental treatment and prosthetics is determined by the lunar phases.

From the article you will learn about how the phases of the Moon affect treatment and health in general, how the success of treatment depends on what phase the Moon is in, and you will also be able to calculate the optimal day to schedule a visit to the dentist depending on your zodiac sign.

Moon phases and their effect on teeth and health in general

Human biological rhythms are determined by the phases of the moon

Lunar phases affect living organisms: water exchange in plants, cyclical reproduction.

The new or waning moon determines the ebb and flow of the tides. Human biological rhythms are also determined by the phases of the moon.

Full cycle the celestial body passes in 29.6 days.

During this time, four phases change: new moon, waxing period, full moon, waning.

The Moon stays in each state for a little more than a week.

According to astrological information, scientifically confirmed, the phases of the celestial body determine the standing of people and influence what manipulations and health procedures are indicated and contraindicated during that period.

New moon

For many people, in the initial phase of the new moon, sharp deterioration physical and psychological health

The darkest nights of the cycle occur during the new moon period.

In astrology they are associated with the manifestation of demonic, mystical forces.

Many people in the initial phase of the new moon experience a sharp deterioration in their physical and psychological health.

During this period, there is an increase in interaction between the Sun and the celestial body closest to the Earth, because of this, water begins to leave the body at a rapid pace.

This causes weakened immunity.

Appetite also worsens, performance decreases, apathy and lethargy are felt throughout the body. Due to lack of water, there are difficulties with respiratory system.

Nausea, sweating, and involuntary muscle twitching appear.

Increased susceptibility to disease chronic diseases are getting worse. It is not advisable to carry out serious manipulations with your body during the new moon phase, this also applies to dental treatment. The body will perceive surgical interventions as a blow to its immune system.

During the new moon, it is recommended to refuse treatment, dental prosthetics, exercise during this period preventive measures. Relaxing procedures are indicated for the body as a whole. On will benefit massage, warm baths with essential oils, therapeutic fasting.

Waxing Crescent

The waxing moon phase allows you to carry out therapeutic manipulations with your body. But they must be balanced. A person’s energy field strengthens, making it easier for him to perceive interventions.

In general, for the body during this period, the beginning of medical therapy is indicated - in the phase of the waxing Moon, the body is tuned to changes and adapts to them faster.

Full moon

Even if you enter medicine correct and in the right dosage, there is a risk that it will cause adverse reaction

The full moon phase, when the Moon opposes the Sun, is characterized by instability.

If men react more brightly to the new moon, then the opposite is true with the full moon.

Women during this period feel ambivalent: they are haunted either by apathy and depression, or by causeless joy and euphoria.

Unpredictable what might turn out medical therapy in this period.

A sign of unfavorability is also that during the full moon the body absorbs the maximum of the funds it has received.

Even if the medicine is administered correctly and in the right dosage, there is a risk that it will cause an adverse reaction.

Are becoming worse and nervous diseases, aggressiveness, excitability, which does not allow any manipulations with the body and teeth in particular. Another reason to refuse interventions is increased blood loss and poor wound healing.

Waning moon

As you approach the new moon in a few days, you feel a decrease in immunity and a deterioration in well-being.

In this phase, the body returns to its best condition, the fluid level returns to normal, the energy plan is even and stable.

Shown health treatments, including dental treatment.

During the waning moon phase the following are useful:

  • removal of toxins and waste;
  • surgical interventions;
  • treatment of kidneys and gastrointestinal tract;
  • dental treatment and prosthetics;
  • weight loss procedures.

When approaching the new moon, a decrease in immunity and a deterioration in well-being are felt within a few days. One or two days before the new cycle, stop the healing procedures.

Moon eclipse

Moon eclipse- an unpredictable period. Its effect on the body is different. Some feel a surge of energy, while others simply cannot get out of bed due to decreased vitality.

During what phases of dental treatment is the most beneficial?

Depending on the type of treatment, how beneficial the effect of the therapy is is determined. On the new moon they spend therapeutic treatment starting from the second day of the cycle.

Metabolic processes begin to accelerate as the full moon approaches, so it is effective to:

During the period of the waning moon, the work of the immune system is at its maximum, recovery occurs quickly.


  • filling;
  • deletion;
  • installation of bridges, braces, staples and dentures;
  • other types of surgery.

Which ones are unfavorable?

In the first days of the new moon and the last days of the waning moon, the full moon is an unfavorable period. Regeneration processes slow down and decrease immune functions. Conduct dental procedures it is forbidden.


The phase of the convex Moon is favorable for cleansing from toxins and waste, so cleaning and prevention in dentistry is possible. However, in this cycle bleeding increases, which will adversely affect the removal.

Dental treatment according to the lunar calendar depending on the zodiac

The zodiac sign in which the Moon is located affects the body.

For dental health and oral cavity in astrology, the planet Saturn is responsible and depending on how the constellation is combined according to the horoscope and it, treatment occurs:

Dental treatment depending on the lunar day

The lunar calendar influences the procedures, since the phase of the celestial body determines the state of the body.


  • 3,4 and 5 days of the waning moon for tooth extraction (wounds heal quickly, the risk of inflammation is minimal);
  • 2, 27 and 28 days for cleaning the canals (decreasing allergic reactions, inflammation is rare);
  • Days 6 and 14 for filling (the process of healing and acceptance of the material by the body is successful);
  • 6, 24 and 30 days for installation of crowns (little pus discharge and edematous conditions appear);
  • 1.4, 8, 10-19, 21-25 days for therapy and preventive cleansing ( the immune system in good condition).

Important! Unfavorable days day of visit dental office The 7th, 20th and 29th days of the moon phase are considered. On these days, immunity decreases, bleeding and swelling are possible.

How to schedule a tooth extraction according to the lunar calendar?

To plan tooth extraction should take into account the sign in which the celestial body is located, a specific day, and also what phase the Moon is in.

Before visiting the dentist, consider:

You can find out when it is favorable to remove teeth yourself by looking at which zodiac circle and day the celestial body is in.

For this purpose, special tables have been developed for the year, which are easy to navigate.


Dental prosthetics are done during the waning moon, as a last resort- 3-6 days young. This is due to the fact that on other days there is a risk that the device will not take root and will be rejected as a result of swelling or an allergic reaction.

Lucky days on which it is better to get dentures are when the celestial body is in Leo, Taurus, Scorpio.

Best dates for dental treatment in 2018

The table shows the best dates for dental treatment:

Serious problems (cyst, sharp pain, discharge of pus) require immediate medical attention, regardless of the phase of the moon.

No one wants to get sick and think in advance about what actions to take if a situation arises when they need to see a doctor. However, if such a situation occurs, and it occurs even among people who monitor their health as carefully as possible, it is preferable to do this at the most opportune moment from the point of view of... the Moon.

Human health is associated with the phases of the Earth's night satellite. This has long been a proven fact, and not only astrologers, but also many doctors advise coordinating various therapeutic and health-improving manipulations with the phases of the night star. Dentistry is no exception. You can remove and treat teeth much more successfully, with less likelihood of complications, by coordinating your actions with the lunar cycle.

Planets and human health

There is no doubt today that the Moon, like the Sun, directly influences all living things living on the planet. But if the influence daylight obvious - most creatures cannot survive without sunlight and warmth, then the influence of the night is clearly difficult to determine. However, the state of fluid in our body depends on the lunar phase. Also, with its change, the rate of growth and division of all cells changes.

Important! An astrological document such as the lunar calendar may well serve as a guide to action or inaction in the process of implementing many medical procedures, in dentistry, and especially in surgery.

Our ancestors also noticed that the Moon controls the ebb and flow of all seas, oceans, and watery land on the planet. Depending on the phase of the liquid, they produce one or another movement (ebb/ebb). The human body consists of 70% water. Therefore, everything that happens to liquids on our planet concerns the human body.

Moon and dentistry

Even medicine - an exact and scrupulous science - today perceives astrological forecast quite seriously. When the night star wanes, living organisms are in a state of rest, as if they freeze, the blood thickens, the flow of fluids slows down. Therefore, it is optimal to carry out operational interventions at this time.

The new moon is considered favorable. By this period, the human body cyclically accumulates vital energy, any external influences are tolerated more easily, and cellular tissue is restored faster.

Important! On a waning moon, pain is felt less, and with any open exposure the bleeding will be least severe.

The full moon is a time when it is not advisable to plan any extractions. They will be fraught with complicated consequences and may turn out to be large blood loss. Wounds inflicted on the body take a long time to heal.

Full moon - no best time for tooth extraction

There is no need to undergo surgery during an eclipse. In addition, you should not go to the dentist when the moon is waxing.

The waxing Moon is a bad time to go to the dentist

The most unfavorable for therapy or extraction are recognized next days 29 day cycle:

  • seventh;
  • ninth;
  • fifteenth;
  • twenty third;
  • Twenty-ninth.

It is also worth considering that the influence of the new moon and full moon is not limited to one day, but extends to the neighboring ones - the previous and subsequent ones.

Of course, if you have an urgent need, you should not wait until the planet changes phase and the most auspicious hour. Emergency cases require immediate assistance. But if you need to perform a planned extraction, it makes sense to coordinate it not only with your doctor’s work schedule, but also with the night star.

Dentistry according to the phases of the moon - second half of 12017

If you decide to correlate therapeutic manipulations with the night luminary, you will need a schedule of its “work”. There is no need to compile it yourself. Professional astrologers do this, and they do it a year in advance so that people can plan their future.

Table. Tooth extraction in the second half of 2017

Name of the monthFavorable datesUnfavorable dates

1, 2, 10, 14, 15, 29, 30 3-5, from 6 to 9, 13, from 16 to 22, 31.

5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14-17, 20, 23, 24, 27, 28 2-4, 7, 9-11, 18, 19, 25, 29-31.

1, 6, 7, 10-12, 14-19, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30 2-5, 8, 9, 20, 23, 24, 28.

1, 2, 10-18, 19, 21, 25-29 3-9, 22-24, 30, 31.

8-13, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23-25 1-7, 14-18, 21, 26-30.

5, 8-20, 22, 31 1-4, 6, 7, 18, 21, 23-30.

In addition to phases, there are also time periods for a satellite to be in a particular zodiac sign. Here the meaning is transferred not to the patient and the state of fluids in his body, but to the energy abilities of the doctor. At a certain stage, these abilities increase, concentration increases, the surgeon’s hand is steady, less likely medical errors.

In particular, such “lucky” dates are observed when the Moon is in the zodiac sign:

  • Leo;
  • Libra;
  • Aquarius;
  • Scorpio.
  • Cancer.

By the way. When it is in Capricorn, a person feels unwell, tissues weaken, muscles decrease tone. The compilers of horoscopes advise against prescribing therapy and pulling out teeth, and also not to go for prosthetics.

The following days will be favorable for any impact on the dentofacial apparatus: 1 and 2, 14, 15, as well as 29 and 30. Even complex, mass planned extractions for prosthetics can be carried out, with cutting of the gums.

Do not rush to visit the dentist unless there is an urgent indication, 3 and 5, 6 to 9, 13, and 16 to 19.

It is better not to plan operations on July 4, from 20 to 22 and on the last day of the month - 31. On these days, it is strongly recommended to refrain from serious and complex interventions, since numerous complications are possible later.

The installation of prosthetic structures is indicated on 10, and from 24 to 28.

On any of the days - 5 and 6, 14-16, 20 and 24 - any external intrusions can be allowed. It is good to do clinical cleaning, bleaching, fluoridation and installing leveling structures.

Internal tissue invasions are not planned these days. They will most successfully pass 8, 21 and 22.

On the first day of the month, as well as 3 and 4, 7, 11, 19, 29 and 30, absolutely any external interventions, especially surgery, are not recommended. All manipulations will be extremely painful for the patient and can cause complications.

The most painless days when any dental treatment is indicated are days 12 and 13, 17, 23, 27 and 28.

Days 2, 9 and 10, as well as 18, 25 and 26, and 31 are considered neutral days, on which severe and complex interventions are not recommended, but if there is pain, there is no need to refrain from going to the dentist.

This month there is a lot have a nice day to start or continue treatment, or have surgery. These are: 1, 10-12, 15-18, 22, 26, 27 and 29.

For complex operations, root extraction, as well as removal of dentures, 19, 21 and 30 are suitable.

Any surgical procedures are fraught with complications with the formation of flux and inflammation on days: 2-5, 8 and 9, 20, 23, 24 and 28.

In the first autumn month, astrologers call 6, 7, 13, 14 and 25 neutral, conditionally possible for treatment and extraction.

The extraction of teeth, especially in preparation for subsequent prosthetics, as well as the removal or removal of dentures for restoration and reinstallation can be carried out on October 1, 2, 25, 28 and 29.

But for fillings, canal cleaning and other medical procedures, it is better to choose one of the favorable dental days. These are the periods between 10-16, and 19-21.

Put in order appearance and it’s best to do dental aesthetics on the 17th, 18th, 26th and 27th. At this time, bleaching and cleaning procedures, fluoridation, and veneering will be carried out successfully and effectively.

Neutral days, when there are no contraindications to treatment and extraction, but without urgent need, these procedures can be abstained, will be: 3, 8, 22-24, 30 and 31.

The first is the full moon. It is strongly recommended not to perform any manipulations. Also, do not plan to extract or even treat teeth 2 through 5, 15 through 18, 21, 26, 29, and 30.

Not counted good days for dental interventions (except emergency cases) November 6, 7, 14, 27, 28.

Very good days for carrying out therapeutic and extractive procedures: 8-13, 24 and 25.

You can go for treatment to a dentist-therapist, carry out restorative, cleansing and whitening effects on November 17, 20, 22 and 23, but it is better not to contact a surgeon on these days.

IN last month In 2017, astrologers do not recommend healing, filling teeth, and even more so performing operations to remove crowns or roots on 1-3, 7, 18, 21, 23, 27 and 30.

Any surgical interventions will best take place on the 13th, 17th and 22nd.

December 5, 12-16 and, if anyone wishes, December 31 are days that are suitable for filling, as well as whitening and cleaning.

A person, in the course of his life, is influenced by all cosmic planets, to one degree or another. But their influence and its strength are not fully understood. The influence of the moon is proven and obvious. Listen to your body at different times lunar cycles. Monitor your feelings at different lunar phases. And you will understand that the heavenly body is quite capable of helping a person become healthy and improve their well-being. You just need to correctly use the knowledge accumulated by humanity and choose the right day.

Video - Atraumatic tooth extraction

Video - Removing tooth roots

The influence of the Moon on human body scientifically proven. The celestial body affects our mood, well-being and luck. In view of this, astrologers have compiled many lunar calendars, by adhering to which we can make our lives significantly easier. In this article we will tell you about when you can treat your teeth according to lunar calendar 2017.

Lunar calendar for dental treatment for January 2017

January 2017 will start from 3 lunar day, when the Moon will be under the influence of the zodiac constellation Aquarius. This means that on the 1st it is better not to visit dentists for the purpose of treatment or filling of teeth. On this day, it is only allowed to remove diseased teeth and fillings. The same must be done on January 2, 14, 15, 22, 26, 28.

Any dental procedures are strictly prohibited on January 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 25, 30 and 31, as after them all sorts of complications can arise - inflammation, bleeding, fluxes, and so on...

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The influence of the moon on the human body has been noted and studied since ancient times. This is not a whim or a pseudo-teaching; there are completely scientific grounds for the impact of the activity of this celestial body on all earthly processes. It is best to carry out treatment during the new moon, when the body accumulates a large number of fluids and the risk of complications is low.

Favorable days for treatment

Dental treatment is an unpleasant procedure, even taking into account the use modern technology and new methods discomfort are saved. Possible various complications after procedures and the consequences of anesthesia, which is not denied by dentists. What other factors can affect the outcome of treatment, besides the qualifications of the doctor and the patient’s health status?

Astrologers say that it is necessary to carry out dental treatment according to the lunar calendar, then the risk of complications is reduced, the procedure is easy and painless.

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Anyone knows from personal experience what it is toothache and how unbearable it is. At the same time, a visit to the dentist is an exciting event and every patient wants the treatment to be quick, high-quality and painless. But often this process can be delayed or cause complications, and the reason here is not at all the negligence of the doctor or faulty equipment.

In this regard, it is worth noting that successive lunar phases have a powerful influence on the person himself, his actions, feelings and most importantly - general state the body and well-being of any of us.

Practicing astrologers were able to calculate the most favorable days for a visit to the dentist, when treatment, prosthetics, or simply prevention will provide best result, and absolutely painless and without consequences. If you are planning a visit to the dentist in advance, look at the lunar calendar for advice and then everything will go well.

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The lunar calendar of operations allows you to plan a surgical intervention that will go well and leave a minimum negative consequences. Natural rhythms can influence a person and regulate processes in his body.

Favorable and unfavorable days for surgical operations in April 2016

Each of us knows about modern medicine: a variety of drugs, medications, manipulations and equipment. All this will be useful for treatment, but will not answer the main question: “When should operations and surgical interventions be performed so that they end successfully?”

It is for this reason that the lunar calendar of favorable and unfavorable days was created. After all, from time immemorial it has been known that the moon has a huge influence on a person and all the processes occurring in his body.

Lunar calendar of favorable and unfavorable days for surgical operations

April 2016 is characterized by a waning moon. It is at this time that you should...

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Beauty and health calendar for December 2016

Calendar of favorable and unfavorable days for hair cutting, perm, coloring, plastic and surgical operations, visits to the dentist, peeling, manicure.
The most favorable days for cutting hair in December:
December 12 after 16:00.
December 18, December 20
December 22, December 27

Beauty and health calendar from December 1 to 10
December 1, Thursday, moon in Sagittarius, from 11.52 in Capricorn
Health – Today, take care of your bones, spine and skin.
These days, the risk of fractures increases sharply.
Visit to the dentist chiropractor, operations on gallbladder, pancreas and spleen, it is advisable to postpone it to other days.
Treatment of gastritis, ulcers and other stomach diseases will have a good effect.
It's good to eat salty foods.
Beauty is an unfavorable day for any procedures on the head, hair cutting, ear piercing, etc.

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Favorable days for dental treatment and prosthetics in 2017

There is nothing worse than toothache! A visit to the dentist is always an exciting event and everyone wants dental treatment to be performed competently and efficiently. But sometimes the placed fillings and crowns do not last at all, and tooth extraction becomes too painful.

What is the reason? After all, now dental clinics have the latest equipment, and tooth extraction operations take place virtually without pain and without serious complications.

It is known that changing lunar phases affect not only human behavior and emotions, but health and the entire body as a whole.

Therefore, astrologers have calculated the most favorable days for visiting the dentist, on these days the treatment will pass successfully and painlessly. Do not forget to do preventive examinations on time, they will help prevent serious problems with teeth. If you are planning a trip to the dentist, look into the lunar...

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The next two days are the best of the month for nourishing, softening and toning the skin and caring for nails. It is believed that nails cut these days become harder and more resistant to impact. Any care for hands and feet, except for the removal of calluses. You can carry out any manipulation with your hair. An unfavorable day for plastic surgery, permanent makeup and any removal from the skin. An unfavorable day for stress on knees and other joints that are vulnerable today. In this regard, treatment, removal and prosthetics of teeth, as well as any surgical interventions in the joint area are undesirable. But warming and anti-inflammatory compresses on the knees promise to be effective. It's a great day to go to the sauna, but it's best not to use oils in it.

Today is one of the best days for nourishing and toning skin care. Don't miss it when caring for your nails. It is believed that...

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By correctly planning the time of visiting the dentist, you can extend the life of the filling, avoid complications, and save general health oral cavity. Dental therapy according to the lunar calendar on good days for this can also play a significant role in the quality of care medical services. According to astrologers, the best time for this is the waning moon. It is also important which zodiac sign the planet passes through.

How can the moon affect the sanitation of the oral cavity and tooth extraction? It affects not the process itself, but the person’s well-being and biorhythm. It is best if any oral surgery is performed when the patient is in good health and ready for a major procedure. It is better to treat teeth on good days with what is immediately available positive attitude, if you decide in advance which phases are suitable.

You can take into account the movement of stars and planets in Everyday life, and especially before important events. Favorable days– this is the best time for events that cause anxiety and...

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By properly planning the time of visiting the dentist, you can extend the life of the filling, avoid complications, and maintain overall oral health. Dental therapy according to the lunar calendar on good days can also play a significant role in the quality of medical services. According to astrologers, the best time for this is the waning moon. It is also important which zodiac sign the planet passes through.

How can the moon affect the sanitation of the oral cavity and tooth extraction? It affects not the process itself, but the person’s well-being and biorhythm. It is best if any oral surgery is performed when the patient is in good health and ready for a major procedure. It is better to treat your teeth on good days because you will immediately have a positive attitude if you decide in advance which phases are suitable.

You can take into account the movement of stars and planets in everyday life, and especially before important events. Favorable days are the best time for events that cause anxiety and fear. If such emotions accompany a trip to the dentist, then it would be good to know in advance which phases of the moon are ideal for this, noting positive days.

Lunar calendar and visiting the dentist

Favorable phases for rehabilitation, in particular, tooth extraction, are the new moon and the days of the waning moon. At this time, you can safely go to the dentist for various manipulations. You can come for a preventive examination on any days and phases, but it is better to do more serious therapeutic and surgical procedures at the dentist 3-5 days after the full moon. This could be caries treatment, depulpation, root canal filling, prosthetics or implantation, that is, those activities that require precision from a specialist, because the phases of the moon also affect the doctor’s activity, his attention, and well-being.

When the doctor is tired or anxious, the result of therapy will depend on this, so it is better to choose good days for treatment.

When the full moon comes, it is no longer worth treating and removing teeth, of course, unless there is an urgent need for it. In any case, when there is sharp pain or serious inflammatory process, you need to go to the dentist immediately, without waiting for certain days.

Favorable days for 2017

Lunar calendar for sanitation and tooth extraction by month for 2017 (non-specified days are neutral and do not in any way affect treatment at the dentist):

  1. July - good days for removal will be 4 and 21, it is better not to treat 20;
  2. August – positive days – 1, 27, 31, negative – 18;
  3. September – you can remove and treat teeth 1, 27 and 30, but 16 is better to abstain;
  4. October – positive days of the month are 1, 18, 25, bad days are 16 and 21;
  5. November – you can undergo treatment on 17, 24, 29, undesirable on 1 and 30;
  6. December - great days 15, 21 and 25, unfavorable - 1, 31.

The most favorable months are January and February, when the planet is in the constellation Aquarius.

During the waxing moon, it is better not to self-medicate, as in any other period. But February and August are good for planning preventive examination from the dentist and other specialists. On neutral days you can spend any healing procedures, But heavy operations in the oral cavity is not recommended, it is better to leave them on good period waning moon.