Light sedatives for children. Sleeping pills for children

A fairly common problem for parents is the increased excitability of children, their nervousness and irritability, tearfulness and whims, fatigue and depression, and sleep disturbances. These manifestations are not always symptoms of a nervous system disorder.

In modern conditions, not only adults, but also children are often exposed to stressful situations. The birth process itself is stressful for the baby. In subsequent years, there are many provoking factors and reasons for nervous, restless behavior: adaptation to kindergarten and school; increased stress in connection with mastering the school curriculum and before exams; scandals in the family or lack of contact with parents. Pediatricians and neurologists often have to prescribe sedatives (sedatives) to children. In this article we will look at various sedative drugs for children.

Sedative (calming) drugs help relieve not only nervous excitement, but also the feeling of discomfort due to changes in weather or abdominal cramps, and normalize falling asleep and sleep itself.

There are a lot of methods and means of influencing the nervous system and normalizing the processes of excitation and inhibition in the brain:

  • herbal medicine: herbal teas and decoctions;
  • medicinal sedatives;
  • homeopathic remedies;
  • traditional medicine;
  • pedagogical methods of behavior correction.


Herbal tea made from plants that have a sedative effect will help calm the child’s nervous system and prepare him for sleep.

Parents more often give preference to drugs of plant origin, considering them safe for the child’s body. These drugs have a milder effect, have fewer side effects, and can also be used for children under one year of age.

But they also have contraindications and side effects; the dosage of the drugs is prescribed depending on the age of the child. Therefore, their use in children must also be agreed with a pediatrician.

The range of preparations from medicinal plants is quite large. Traditionally and most often, plants such as peppermint, motherwort, valerian officinalis, lemon balm and others are used to produce sedatives.

Valerian preparations not only reduce the excitability of the nervous system, but also have an antispastic effect (that is, relieve spasms), due to the presence of a complex of active substances (essential oils and alkaloids). They are used for increased nervous excitability and sleep disturbances in children, starting from the infant period.

Extracts from peppermint have a calming and analgesic effect, and also relieve spasms and reflexively dilate blood vessels in the brain and heart. Mint leaves and stems are used. They contain essential oil, trace elements (manganese, copper, etc.), tannins, and other active ingredients. Thanks to its composition, mint relieves nervous tension and has an antidepressant and anti-stress effect. This unpretentious plant is used in the treatment of neuroses and insomnia.

Lemon balm or lemon balm also has a similar pharmacological effect. In addition to lemon balm essential oil, the vitamins it contains (riboflavin, thiamine, ascorbic acid) and microelements have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. The biologically active substances of lemon balm have a pronounced antihypoxic effect and even an anticonvulsant effect.

For motor and emotional restlessness in children, a herbal preparation such as Persen (in capsules and tablets) is also widely used. The drug consists of herbal components: lemon balm, valerian and peppermint. Indications for prescribing Persen include insomnia, irritability and increased excitability. In the form of tablets, the drug is used for children from 3 years of age, and in capsules - from 12 years of age.

The most common form of use of soothing herbs is teas, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. They can be in the form of granules for dissolution or packaged in filter bags for brewing. Such teas are produced by many baby food companies or pharmaceutical companies.

The effect of such teas can be expressed to varying degrees: from insignificant to paradoxical, depending on the composition of the herbs included in the tea. Most often, mint, chamomile, lemon balm, valerian, fennel, motherwort, and linden blossom are used in teas. Granulated teas may contain sugar, maltodextrose or fructose.

Some teas can be used even in the first year of life. From the second week after the baby is born, granulated tea “Sweet Dreams” from Humana is approved for use. It contains lemon balm, linden blossom, mallow and thyme. From the age of six months you can use teas: in the form of granules - HIPP, in bags "Bebivita" and "Babushkino Lukoshko". They do not contain dyes or preservatives.

Increased excitability of a child before bedtime and restless sleep are indications for prescribing soothing tea. But the pediatrician must choose the type of tea for the baby. No matter how harmless tea may seem to parents, you should not exceed its dosage for your baby. Many remedies have an individual effect: while helping one little patient, they may not help another, or even cause the opposite effect.

Many dietary supplements also contain medicinal plants and can affect the child’s mood and psychomotor reactions. Therefore, before using them on your baby, you need to consult your pediatrician.

Medicinal sedatives

Modern living conditions, a huge flow of information, and children’s early passion for computer games and television shows have a negative effect on the child’s emotional state and an insufficiently formed nervous system. Therefore, for some children, the prescription of sedative medications is a necessity.

One of the widely used sedatives is Glycine. It is an amino acid that promotes emotional relief, reduces arousal processes, normalizes sleep and improves brain function. Pantogam, Magne B 6, Citral, Phenibut, which have a sedative effect, are also prescribed.

In special cases of excessive agitation of the child, neurologists may prescribe Phenazepam, Sibazon, Tazepam, Elenium. The listed drugs (tranquilizers) effectively eliminate the feeling of fear and nervous overexcitation. These drugs can cause addiction to the body, so they are used in exceptional cases, for a short time, under the supervision of a doctor.

Some doctors - neurologists and pediatricians - use the Citral mixture in children's practice, which contains motherwort tincture, valerian root extract, magnesium sulfate and sodium bromide. However, you should be aware that a child taking medications with bromine for a long time may show signs of accumulation of bromine ions in the body. As a result, nervous excitability is suppressed, but apathy, drowsiness, and memory impairment develop; a cough and skin rash occurs on the body.

For the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children over 6 years of age and adolescents, European and international standards recommend the only drug from Stratter - Atomoxetine. It is not a psychostimulant and is not addictive.

You cannot prescribe sedatives to your child on your own. For all behavioral or sleep disorders in children, regardless of their age, you should contact your pediatrician.

Homeopathic remedies

Children are often prescribed homeopathic remedies as sedatives.

It should be remembered that homeopathic remedies are not analogues of herbal preparations. Today, in pediatrics, homeopathic medicines are often used as sedatives: “Notta”, “Baby-Sed” (“Caprizulya”), “Valerianahel”, “Nervohel”, “Hare”, “Scamp”, “Leovit”, “Edas”, “Dormikind”, etc. These drugs are used for stress (moving, adaptation period in kindergarten, parental divorce, etc.).

The baby's nervousness and pain during teething can be relieved by Viburkol suppositories. For sleep disturbances, the drugs “Dormikind” and “Notta” are used. "Dormikind" and "Valerianahel" can also be used up to one year of age. And the drug “Hare” is offered in the form of a fructose-based syrup, so it does not cause an adverse allergic reaction.

A sedative in the form of Bayu-Bai drops can lift your mood, improve sleep, and relieve irritability, but it can only be taken by children over 5 years of age. Drops contain: peony extract, oregano extract, mint extract, motherwort extract, hawthorn fruit extract, glutamic acid and citric acid. The drug also has a general strengthening and mild anti-inflammatory effect, and an analgesic effect. Schoolchildren's performance and load tolerance improves. All phases of sleep and morning activity of children are normalized.

For depression in adolescents, aggressive behavior, and psychological stress, Epam 1000 drops have a good effect. The drops contain propolis and herbal extracts (motherwort, valerian, Rhodiola rosea). The action of the drug helps restore the structure of nerve cells.

Traditional medicine

An aromatic pillow can be a good soothing remedy for a child. Mom can sew it herself and fill it with dried herbs (mint, chamomile, lemon balm). But before that, you need to check how the herbs used specifically affect your child, and make sure that there is no allergy to these herbs. Herbs can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepared yourself.

Evening baths with the addition of herbs have a beneficial effect on the baby's sleep. Use lavender, pine, motherwort, valerian, and nettle infusions to add to the bath. The bath decoction is prepared as follows: 3 tbsp. collect herbs with 500 ml of water and boil in a water bath for 20-30 minutes. and leave for several hours, filter and add to 10 liters of water in the bath.

There are also ready-made pharmacy mixtures for baths: “Soothing”, “Phytosedan”, “Children’s sedative”. Such baths can be used from birth, but until the baby is one year old, it is recommended to use a decoction of only one herb. The duration of the bath is 15 minutes, the course of treatment is 10 days.

You can also use a decoction of bedstraw for baths: 5 tbsp. herbs, brew 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and strain.

Before going to bed, you can use a bath for 10 minutes from the collection of mint, oregano and calendula flowers. Pour 50 g of dry herbal mixture into 3 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain and add 10 liters of water to the bath. It is recommended to carry out 3 baths per week (up to 7 procedures in total).

A bath with sea salt has no contraindications for use at any age. Such a bath not only has a calming effect, but also a general strengthening and tonic effect. Iodine and other microelements penetrate into the body from the solution through the skin. Such baths are recommended for children with birth injuries, rickets, and sleep disorders.

Depending on the indications, you can change the concentration of salt in the bath from 5 to 30 g per 1 liter of water. Water temperature is 38˚C, procedure duration is 15 minutes. After a bath, the child should be rinsed with warm water (to wash off the salt).

In pharmacies you can buy sea salt with natural essential oils (mint, lavender).

Pedagogical behavior correction

The immaturity of a child's nervous system in early childhood is often the cause of negative behavior. In some cases, this behavior does not require the use of medications, but is subject to pedagogical correction and assistance from parents in adapting the child to environmental conditions and acquiring verbal communication skills.

Problems often arise due to the desire of parents to use newfangled methods for the early development of their child. These techniques may be an excessive burden for the child, which he cannot cope with.

In some cases, problems of anxiety and increased excitability in a child, behavior correction can be solved with the help of:

  • adherence to daily routine;
  • sufficient sleep duration;
  • control of time spent at the computer and watching TV;
  • compulsory stay in the fresh air;
  • balanced diet;
  • normal psycho-emotional situation in the family;
  • child's visit to kindergarten;
  • work in children's creativity groups.

Children also have biorhythms, that is, some of them are so-called “larks”, others are “owls”. Depending on the biorhythm, you should plan the child’s daily routine. By carefully observing the child and his activity, you can determine the type of his biorhythm and correctly build a regime for him, which will avoid hysterics and inappropriate behavior.

Excessive guardianship of the child should also be avoided, and not make him the “center of the Universe” in the family or an object of worship. Behavioral abnormalities that begin in childhood can affect the mental state in the future.

This does not mean that attention should not be paid to the child and his interests: deviations in behavior can also be caused by a lack of parental participation, when the child tries to attract attention and make up for its deficit with shocking actions.

Sometimes, to ensure a restful sleep for your baby, you just need to avoid noisy games before bed, give him a glass of warm milk or tea with a spoon of honey (if there is no allergy), and tell him a fairy tale. There are also music CDs that help you fall asleep. Parents should not organize entertainment events in the evening if there is a small child in the family, go to visit him in the evenings and stay there until late.

The mental state of a child often depends on the behavior of the parents. In your relationship with your child, you should be measured and calm. Parents' irritability and fatigue should not affect their children. Don't forget about this. Perhaps parents need sedatives primarily so that mutual understanding and peace reign in family relationships. Then children will not need treatment either.

Summary for parents

An active lifestyle and frequent exposure to fresh air strengthen the child’s nervous system.

Modern children develop actively and quickly. But this development also has a flip side to the coin. The child may not be able to cope with the flow of information and emotional stress, which will lead to sleep disturbances, changes in behavior, whims and hysterics. Before trying to find a way out of this situation on your own, or using the advice of neighbors and friends, consult a pediatrician. The doctor will figure out the cause of behavioral deviations, select the remedy the baby needs and help eliminate the child’s increased excitability at any age.

Young children have a very vulnerable and sensitive psyche. This is explained by the fact that the babies are not yet mature enough and their nervous system has not formed. The child simply does not know how to behave, since he has never encountered various stressful situations before. Many parents notice that their baby is developing neurosis. And all because of irritability that appears with age-related changes. If the neurosis is prolonged, it can lead to various disorders, as well as problems of adaptation.

All this means that a neurotic state may well lead to very serious changes in the personality of a growing person and the occurrence of stress. Recently, a lot of children are facing neurosis. Doctors say that the main risk factor is pathologies during pregnancy, as well as during the birth process. Hypoxia may also be a cause. All this affects the nervous tissue of an unborn child or a newborn. As a result, increased excitability and emotional instability arise, which will ultimately lead to neurotic problems in the baby.

Neurosis has several predisposing factors:

Duration of this state may depend on several factors:

  • age;
  • features of upbringing;
  • child psychotype.

And the child’s temperament is also very important:

  • choleric;
  • sanguine;
  • phlegmatic person;
  • melancholic.

Sedatives for children

To help their child, parents need to look into some special baby sedatives that may help. Today's pharmacies have a large assortment of sedatives for children, which are intended to have a very gentle effect on the fragile nervous system.

Sedatives for babies are divided into three groups:

  1. Medicines.
  2. Homeopathic medicines that are produced specifically for children.
  3. Preparations of herbal origin.


The first group of drugs includes strong sedatives for children; they can only be purchased with a doctor’s prescription. . In the event that parents just do this Self-medication with such drugs can cause serious problems with the child. Such drugs should be used only if the central nervous system is affected, and there are congenital pathologies or birth injuries.

Herbal products

Remedies that are of plant origin are various herbal infusions that soothe the child. These can also be tinctures and syrups.

They have a moderate effect and also include natural ingredients, and therefore are in great demand. These drugs have very few contraindications. They are attractive to children because they have good taste.

Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic remedies are much less popular than previous options, but some parents use them. Many doctors doubt the effect of these methods because they believe that it is comparable to the placebo effect. But debate about these drugs is still ongoing and no clear answer has emerged. Many parents believe that homeopathy can really save their child from increased excitability, as well as excessive irritability.

Before starting treatment You should definitely seek advice from a professional doctor. But if treatment began without a specialist, then you should use only those drugs that are of herbal or homeopathic origin.

Sedative for children under one year old

There are cases when a mother encounters neurotic problems in her child already in the very first month after his birth. The baby may experience sleep disorders, as well as excessive excitability and other neurotic disorders.

The pediatrician will recommend using a special sedative for children that must be taken orally. These are sedative medications that are approved for use by children under 1 year of age. Here is a list of several remedies that can be used on a child who is not yet 1 year old:

Of course, these are not all drugs that are approved for use by young children. But these are the most sought after and popular. In addition to these remedies, some parents very often use special soothing teas and mixtures, but their effect will be much less than that of medicine.

It must be remembered that the child should never You should not give any medicine without your doctor's permission. Because only a good neurologist, as well as a pediatrician, will be able to find out the cause of the child’s disorders and choose the right treatment.

Sedatives for babies from 1 year to 3 years

Many parents know that as their child ages, they may experience psychological crises. This is due to awareness of the surrounding world, one’s own self, as well as the boundaries of permitted actions. During such periods, the baby may experience increased excitability, hysterics, and hyperactivity. To avoid serious pathologies, you need to contact a pediatrician and neurologist. Doctors will prescribe such sedatives for children 2 years old(1st, 3rd) to calm the nervous system:

It often happens that nervousness occurs in a child due to the growth of teeth, since their cutting will be accompanied by pain, and an elevated temperature may also occur. If the case is very serious, then the doctor may prescribe a drug that is part of the group of tranquilizers. These drugs are very serious., as well as powerful and should be used only in the most serious situations.

Sedatives for children over 3 years old

At the age of 3 to 7 years, the following sedatives can be used to combat neurosis:

If a child is having a seizure neurosis at this age, then you need to contact a neurologist, as well as a psychologist. It may turn out that the baby is in a stage of prolonged depression, as well as emotional stress, from which only a specialist can remove it.

Medicine for children over 7 years old

A neurotic condition in a child can also occur at school age. And for such cases there are also sedatives. School and studying can cause very serious stressful situations. That is why parents should always have special medications ready for an agitated child.

These medications include the following:

  1. Tenoten can improve memory and concentration, as well as relieve emotional stress from the child.
  2. Sanason-Lek. This drug normalizes sleep and also relieves anxiety.
  3. Persen is prescribed in cases where there are neurological pathologies, psychosomatic disorders, and severe depression.

You can give your child more than just medicine. You also need to invite him to do something new, find a hobby or some kind of passion. It has been scientifically proven that playing various sports can strengthen not only the health and muscles of the child, but also his nervous system.

Herbs, tea, infusions

There are many different herbs available in various pharmacies that can have a sedative effect on the human central nervous system. These herbs include:

  • chamomile;
  • mint;
  • linden;
  • yarrow;
  • Adonis;
  • valerian;
  • dried marsh wheat;
  • hawthorn;
  • sagebrush.

All this can be brewed according to the instructions that will be inside the package. It is necessary to take such decoctions no more than 2 or 3 times a day. All injuries have a mild effect, as well as a minimum of contraindications, so they can be used even by the smallest children. There is a special soothing tea for children, as well as various fees in the form of filter packages. Here are the most popular names of such drinks:

  • Hipp.
  • Humana.
  • Calm down.
  • Bebivita.
  • Mom's fairy tale.

You can also buy ready-made preparations in pharmacies that are sedative. They vary depending on age.

Traditional methods

Besides various medications, there are also traditional medicine recipes. A couple of centuries ago, people did not know about sedatives and used only herbs and herbal ingredients. You can independently make a special collection that will include several plants. This can greatly speed up the effect and allow the child to get rid of emotional stress in a fairly short time.

Sedative made from herbs for the nervous system can be made in several ways:

Bottom line

When treating a child, you need to accurately select the medicine that is suitable for him, since in no case should it harm the growing body or provoke addiction. Also, do not forget that some medications cause drowsiness.

Every parent should understand that not all neurotic disorders can be cured with medications. Very often problems can arise due to lack of attention from parents. And this cause is very easy to eliminate without taking strong medications. Take care of your child and be healthy.

This problem affects every fifth growing person. About 20% of all parents complain of sleep disturbances in their child. Adequate rest is actually necessary for both children and their mothers and fathers.

If strength is already running low, and the child cannot sleep through the night and does not allow his parents to do so, adults are seriously puzzled by the question of how to choose a harmless and effective sleeping pill for their baby. And in general, should children be given sleeping pills?

Before you run to the pharmacy or look for answers in medical reference books, you need to figure out whether your baby really needs sleeping pills? Not all sleep disorders are a sign of a disease that requires drug treatment.


Sleep disturbances can be caused by psychological and physiological reasons:

  • If the child is naturally a “little sleeper.” In this case, frequent awakenings may be a feature of the baby’s character and temperament.
  • If the child has age-related psychological difficulties. He began to have scary dreams due to the active development of his imagination; he has age-related crises (3 years, 7 years, adolescence)
  • If there is a difficult atmosphere in the family, quarrels, conflicts, or the child has experienced severe stress.
  • If the child is in pain. Sleeping pills will not have any effect in this case.

In these cases, the child does not need sedatives (hypnotics). He will benefit from the help of a psychologist, confidential communication with parents, and play therapy. In case of pain, you need to consult a doctor and treat the cause, not the effect.

Sleep disorders in children and adolescents can also have other origins:

  • Shallow, restless sleep, awakening accompanied by shrill crying. These signs may indicate damage to the child's nervous system.
  • Night shudders are a very warning sign. This may be the first “bell” in the event of the onset of epilepsy. The child urgently requires examination.
  • Somnambulism. Or as we call it, sleepwalking. This is a sleep disorder that is painful in nature. The child can walk, talk, do something without waking up.
  • Bedwetting – enuresis. A wet bed does not promote sound sleep for a child.
  • Sleep apnea. The child breathes unevenly during sleep, sometimes breathing is interrupted.
  • Sleep phase disorder syndromes. This is a “failure” of the child’s internal clock. He may be sleepy during the day and awake at night. In infants, the biological clock is restored independently or with the help of parents. And in older children, sleep phase disorder syndromes may also require drug treatment.

Types of drugs

By sleeping pills we are accustomed to understand any sedative that helps you relax and fall asleep. From a medical point of view, this is not an entirely correct definition.

Sleeping pills are a group of drugs that have psychoactive effects. There are three types of sleeping pills—barbiturates, antihistamines, and bromine-containing medications.

The drug of the barbiturate group is a strong sleeping pill, which inherently does not normalize sleep, but changes its architecture. Antihistamines have the same effect. Barbiturates, among other things, cause severe physical dependence. There are no “gentle” sleeping pills.

What we used to call sleeping pills for children are herbal preparations, herbal preparations, homeopathic preparations. Let's talk about them in more detail.

How to choose for a child?

Before choosing a drug, you must consult a doctor, even if it is a herbal medicine, you need to minimize the risks of developing allergic reactions in a child.

Newborns and children under 1 year

At this age, there can only be two reasons for taking real sleeping pills: hydrocephalus of the baby’s brain or postnatal encephalopathy. These are serious diseases for which self-medication is inappropriate.

Most often, herbal infusions are recommended for restless babies under one year of age to normalize sleep. Mint, motherwort, and lemon balm have a mild effect. They can be drunk as tea or added to the bath in which the baby bathes. Infants are often given a decoction of ordinary chamomile.

At this age, a child has good reasons for not sleeping: colic, wet diapers, uncomfortable diapers, hunger. Therefore, parents should look for what the root of the baby’s problems is and eliminate negative factors. Sleep will improve even without medications.

For very restless babies, there is a milk formula with tryptophan (an amino acid that regulates sleep and wakefulness) on sale. It's called "Frisolak". It can be given from birth to six months.

After the baby turns 6 months old, the choice of such special “nighttime” adapted mixtures expands significantly. Almost every baby food manufacturer includes a mixture with tryptophan in its line.

If your 6-month-old baby and older child have a doctor discovering disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, he may prescribe Pantogam. This is a mild sedative that improves blood flow to the brain. It comes in tablets, syrup and capsules. The tablet form should not be taken by children under three years of age.

A children's single dose of Pantogam starts at 0.25 grams, the daily dose is a maximum of 3 grams. Depending on the diagnosis, the course of treatment will last from 1 to several months.

In the next video, a young mother will tell you why a child in the first year of life may not sleep well and what your actions should be.

Preschool children

For older toddlers (2-5 years old), in addition to homeopathic and herbal preparations, the doctor may prescribe Phenibut. This is a nootropic drug that has a mild tranquilizer effect. This medicine improves blood circulation in the central nervous system and improves the activity of brain cells.

The pediatric dose of this drug is from 20 to 100 mg per day. Treatment will last up to 4 weeks. A doctor may also recommend Phenibut for enuresis in a child and for the treatment of certain forms of stuttering.

Most often, pediatricians recommend a mixture with citral for children aged 2-5 years to normalize sleep. It has a gentle effect, calms the child and reduces intracranial pressure. Also helps with ascariasis. The dosage is calculated based on the child's weight.

Magnesium preparations, for example, Magne B6, also normalize sleep, but you should not give them to a child without a doctor’s recommendation. If the doctor, based on the results of the child’s tests, comes to the conclusion that there is not enough magnesium in the small body, he will certainly offer you this particular drug. Magnesium improves the functioning of cells throughout the body, including the nervous system. Improves sleep, appetite, reduces anxiety.

The instructions for Magna B6 say that the children's dosage is 1-6 tablets per day. The amount does not depend on age, as many mothers think, but on the degree of magnesium deficiency in the body. That's why it's better to get tested first.

Homeopathic remedies

  • “Bayu-bai” are homeopathic drops that contain extracts of medicinal plants - motherwort, hawthorn, peony. The manufacturers of these drops recommend starting to take them at the age of 5, but many parents (and I am no exception) practice the “Bayu-Bai” method even before the baby turns 1 year old. Of course, strictly dosed - no more than two drops before bedtime. The drops have a calming effect and practically do not cause allergic reactions.

  • "Persen"this is a safe sedative that can be given to children from 3 years of age in tablets, and from 12 years of agein capsules.“Persen” contains herbs – mint, lemon balm, valerian. Persen is often recommended to be taken by children aged 10-14 years who are having difficulty entering adolescence.

  • “Notta” is another homeopathic medicine that allows you to curb emotional manifestations in a child and improve his restless sleep. Effectively reduces children's anxiety. "Notta" is available in the form of drops and tablets. The tablets are recommended for overly irritable and capricious children.

  • "Dormikind" is a German homeopathic medicine. It completely eliminates sedative effects, and therefore can be used by the smallest - children from birth to 4 years. It is often prescribed to hyperactive children. Dormikind tablets are diluted in a teaspoon of water for children; older children are prescribed 1 tablet 4 times a day.

  • Children's syrup "Hare". Designed for restless and excitable children over 3 years old. Reduces tension, relieves anxiety, normalizes sleep and makes it sound. “Hare” contains herbal ingredients (cumin, chamomile, valerian, hawthorn) and vitamins. It is taken by dissolving the dose in any liquid 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

  • "Baby grey." These are soothing homeopathic granules. They can be given to children over 7 years old. 5 capsules should be dissolved in the morning a quarter of an hour before meals. “Baby Gray” is ideal for whiny, impressionable children of primary school age. Doctors often recommend the drug for easier psychological adaptation to school.

  • "Kaprizulya" is a sedative homeopathic medicine in granules that can be taken by children over 1 year of age. The method of administration and dosage is the same as that of “Baby-sed”.

On the road

Sometimes parents are looking for a way to help their child calmly survive a long journey or a long plane flight. Since travel is a one-time event, not daily, there is no need to take medications, even homeopathic ones. But you can use “Children's sedative No. 23” tea. It contains the roots of valerian, dandelion, mint leaves, walnut, plantain, hawthorn, cumin, rose hips, oregano, St. John's wort and many other useful plants. This tea relieves stress, reduces neuromuscular tension, and reduces feelings of fear. According to parents, it acts gently and does not cause serious side effects.

Most homeopathic medicines and herbal infusions can be purchased in pharmacies without prescriptions, but this does not mean that you should not consult a doctor before starting use. The fact is that even mild “herbal” sleeping pills can cause unwanted side effects - allergies, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness.

If your child has trouble sleeping at night, but is healthy and full of energy, you can try playing pleasant soothing music before bed, which is presented in the video below.

How to improve your sleep and get enough sleep, Dr. Komarovsky tells in his program.

Many parents are faced with the problem of restless sleep, prolonged falling asleep and nervousness of the baby at an early age. Any medications, including sedatives, should be given to infants with great caution and only after a medical prescription. Let's find out about the options for such treatment.

If the baby is healthy, then the best sedative for him will be his mother’s breast, a lullaby and a calm atmosphere in the house. But this is ideal. And sometimes such options do not work, and you have to resort to choosing medications. First of all, you need to go to an appointment with a pediatrician, and maybe a neurologist. Doctors may prescribe the following medications for your baby at night:

  1. Phenibut. This sedative is quite serious. But it can be prescribed for children under 12 months. The drug helps eliminate anxiety, fear and irritability in the baby. But at the same time, it also causes allergies. It is possible to become addicted to the medicine. Therefore, it is prescribed to babies in very small doses.
  2. Pantogam. It has proven itself to be an effective remedy for relieving increased muscle tone. There are two dosage forms of it - syrups and tablets.
  3. Tenoten for children under 12 months is prescribed by pediatricians for increased excitability, cerebral circulatory disorders, and intoxication. Although the instructions do not recommend giving it to children under three years of age.
  4. Notta is an effective anti-anxiety drug that significantly improves a child's sleep and makes him more restful during the day. The drug belongs to the homeopathic category. Release forms: sedative drops and tablets. The first is preferred due to ease of use.
  5. Glycine is a natural drug that is an amino acid. It is recommended for children and their mothers.

Universal drugs for sedation include Citral and Magne B6.

In exceptional cases, pediatric neurologists prescribe tranquilizers to infants. These are Tazepan, Elenium, Sibazon. According to the instructions, they can only be prescribed to children from the age of five, but as an exception, according to indications and under the supervision of a doctor, this is done in tiny doses.

Calcium supplements are also often recommended by pediatricians, because a deficiency of the substance leads to irritability and poor sleep for the baby.

Sedatives for children up to one year after stress

The best option to help your baby in this case is herbal remedies. They are safe and can be used by mothers without a prescription from a pediatrician. Today, pharmacies have a large selection of such drugs. These are teas or ready-made children's mixtures. For example, “Babyvita sweet dreams” can be given to infants from the first month. From the age of six months, Hipp with natural herbs, Hipp apple tea with lemon balm, Hipp good night are recommended. Among the domestic teas, “Calming Children's” and “Evening Tale” are suitable. The instructions for such safe parental assistants contain detailed descriptions of how to use them. You can give your child teas after stress and at night. If a mother is breastfeeding, then she herself can drink herbs with a sedative effect with a sedative effect, thus calming the child. You just need to know their features. For example, motherwort infusion reduces blood pressure, and if a woman has low blood pressure, then it is better to give preference to lemon balm or lavender. For children under one year old, you can make infusions of fennel, valerian, and hops.

The best option to avoid looking for a sedative after stress is to protect the child from being among a large crowd of strangers or a new turbulent environment. Sometimes even large toys given to a baby can lead to severe fright.

Homeopathic sedatives for children under one year of age

Such drugs are gentle and safe. This is their main advantage and the secret of popularity. Homeopathic medicines Tenoten, Nota, Edas, Nervohel, Viburkol, Zaichonok, Shalun, Kaprizulya, Baby-ed, Valerianahel, Dermikind have proven themselves well. Before giving such sedatives to children, it would be a good idea to consult with your local pediatrician. He will help you choose the best option for your baby.

It is worth noting that before using any sedatives, it is necessary to objectively analyze why the baby sleeps poorly, is nervous and often cries. Perhaps the reason for this is the unfavorable situation in the family or the fatigue of the mother herself? Maybe the baby lacks walks and attention from his parents? And sometimes the elementary heat in the room, non-compliance with the temperature regime lead to irritability and protests in the child.

Especially for -Diana Rudenko


The most harmless sedatives are herbal decoctions. You can give your baby a decoction of valerian to drink throughout the day. One teaspoon per 1 liter of water. If the child does not accept its taste, you can brew it with tea.
Pharmacies and children's departments sell ready-made herbal teas. They are easy to use as they are already packaged in tea bags. For example, “Grandma’s Basket”, “Soothing for Children”, soothing decoction No. 3 or “Evening Tale”. They contain various herbs with a calming effect. Try several options and choose the one that suits your taste and effect.
When decoctions do not help, homeopathic or chemical preparations can be used.

Sedative homeopathic remedies are widely available, but even they are best taken with the permission of a doctor. These are Baby-Sed and Nervohel, Valerianahel and Notta, Shalun and Dormikind and others. The advantages of homeopathic remedies are that they can be taken in combination with other drugs, and they have virtually no contraindications (only age restrictions and sensitivity to the components of the drug). All of the remedies we have indicated can be used for sleep disorders, as well as for increased excitability, neuroses, irritability, and tearfulness. The differences between these drugs mainly lie in the age at which they can be used. Dormikind is the only remedy that can be given even. Nervohel, Notta and Shalun are used from 3 years old, Valerianahel - from 2 years old, Baby-Sed - only from 7 years old.

"Bayu-Bai" drops are a dietary supplement. It contains extracts of peppermint, hawthorn, motherwort, peony and oregano, glutamic acid and citric acid. The drops have a mild calming effect, relieve irritability, normalize all phases of sleep and morning activity, and promote adaptation to school stress. According to the annotation, "Bayu-Bai" can be used from the age of 5, but sometimes doctors prescribe it at an earlier age. Release form or in the form of a spray with a dispenser. Contraindications - only individual intolerance to the components.
Mothers give positive reviews about this drug. As a rule, it is given to children who have trouble sleeping. The effect becomes noticeable already on the third day.

If the child is older than 1 year, you can use medications: glycine and valerian. Half a tablet twice a day. Be careful when giving sedatives. You get used to them and the body stops responding to them. Therefore, it is recommended to drink valerian in courses: 1 week and a three-week break. Glycine acts gradually; it is an acid that gradually accumulates in the body and its effect is delayed. There are no restrictions for taking it. But it must be borne in mind that its effect is very individual. In some cases, instead of a calming effect, it leads to excitement.

Synthetic drugs can only be used with a doctor's prescription. One of them is Citral medicine. It is often prescribed to young children. The active ingredient is citral. It has a slight calming effect and reduces intracranial pressure. This drug is often prescribed as a sedative for young children. It can be used from the first months of life. Take within 10 days.

Phenibut drops. According to reviews posted by mothers on the Internet, opinions about the drug are mixed. The drug is very strong. It works well for some kids. The child calms down and sleep normalizes. In some cases, aggression, excitability, and convulsions appear (described as a side effect in the instructions). Therefore, it must be taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor.
It is important to know that this drug is withdrawn gradually, as it is addictive. The full course of treatment is 21 days.

Pantogam. This is a nootropic drug with a very mild effect. It normalizes sleep and helps supply the brain with oxygen. Unlike other nootropics, pantogam can be taken along with other sedatives and tranquilizers. You can take Pantogam from the first days of life. For babies it is available in the form of syrup.

Magne B6 for children is sold in ampoules. It is a sweet syrup that children drink easily. The drug stimulates the development of the nervous system and has a calming effect (sleep improves, behavior becomes calmer, attention increases). The drug is based on magnesium. If the norm of its content in the body is exceeded, side effects appear: vomiting and nausea, decreased activity, lethargy, etc. Therefore, the drug is taken in courses, strictly in the dosage determined by the doctor.


Some experts do not recommend using sedatives at an early age. They justify their opinion by the fact that sedatives can slow down the development of a child.
Please note that children are not recommended to give herbal tinctures in alcohol. Even in diluted form. It is better to replace them with herbal decoctions, herbal baths or tablets (syrups).
Before giving your child sedatives, assess the current situation adequately. Consult your doctor and, after weighing all the information received, make your choice.
All sedatives are tolerated very individually. Therefore, carefully monitor your child's reaction.

Helpful advice

Whims and frequent tantrums can be caused by various reasons. First of all, try to identify the cause of this behavior disorder. Perhaps by eliminating it you will solve your problem. Nervousness can be caused by a change in furnishings or a change in the family structure (for example, the arrival of a new baby, separation from a loved one, starting school or visiting a kindergarten, etc.). Talk to your child, explain to him what is happening in his and in your life. A child is capable of understanding much more than we think.
Let the sedative be your assistant, and not the only means of solving the problem.

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