Medicines to restore the pancreas. Treatment of the pancreas with drugs: the best remedies

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Treatment of the pancreas with medications should be performed under the supervision of a physician. It is not recommended to make a choice and determine the dosage of the product yourself. This risks complications. The most common pathological condition that develops in the pancreas is pancreatitis. For such a disease, drug treatment should be comprehensive: eliminate the symptoms and restore the functions of the affected organ.

What drugs are prescribed

The list of effective drugs for treating the pancreas is quite extensive. They are selected in accordance with the characteristics of the course of the disease, the condition of the patient’s body and the stage of development of the pathology. Drugs for the treatment of the pancreas can solve different problems:

  • elimination of pain syndrome;
  • restoration of the gastrointestinal tract, in this case it is necessary to compensate for the lack of enzymes, normalize intestinal motor function, prevent the development of dysbacteriosis or eliminate the emerging signs of this pathological condition;
  • if endocrine insufficiency has developed, this process must be reversed.

Combination drugs for the treatment of the pancreas have not yet been created, so different types of drugs are prescribed that affect certain body systems. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the acute manifestations of the disease. These include pain.

Then other pathological processes are affected.

It must be remembered that there are different pancreatitis (acute, chronic, recurrent). These are the names of one disease in different forms. In each case, different drugs may be used. If the same drugs are used for inflammation of the pancreas in chronic, acute and recurrent forms, then the dosage, duration of therapy, and dosage regimen change.

Pain relief medications

They represent a group of antispasmodics and analgesics. Such medications are usually available in tablet form. They can have different principles of influence on the body:

  • eliminate spasms in the digestive system;
  • act comprehensively: help relieve spasms and relieve pain;
  • relieve pain syndrome.

The choice is made taking into account the symptoms and condition of the patient. If the pain is unbearable, you need to quickly remove these sensations. In this case, it is better to take narcotic analgesics. List of medications that relieve pain and can be prescribed for inflammation of the pancreas:

  1. Papaverine. Represents a group of antispasmodics. Has a weak effect on the nervous system. Available in the form of tablets, solution for injection, suppositories. This medicine can even be prescribed to pregnant women, as it reduces tone and helps relax the smooth muscles of organs of different systems (respiratory, digestive, genitourinary). The active ingredient is papaverine hydrochloride. The drug provokes dilation of the arteries and reduces the excitability of the heart muscles. Papaverine is indicated for spasms of various types. For liver dysfunction, the drug is not prescribed. Other restrictions on use: children under 6 months of age, old age, glaucoma, AV block.
  2. No-shpa. Can be administered intramuscularly or intravenously. In addition, the medicine is also offered in tablet form. The active ingredient is drotaverine hydrochloride. This remedy represents a group of antispasmodics; it does not affect the central nervous system. No-spa is prescribed for smooth muscle spasms of various types. If you have pancreatic disease, you can also take pills. Contraindications: children under 1 year of age, liver dysfunction, lactose deficiency, impaired glucose absorption.
  3. Atropine. The drug reduces smooth muscle tone and is also characterized by analgesic properties. Thanks to this, acute symptoms of pancreatic disease are eliminated. The medicine contains atropine sulfate and is offered in the form of a powder or solution. The product has few contraindications: glaucoma and disorders of the urinary system due to adenoma in men.
  4. Promedol. This drug has properties close to morphine and represents a group of narcotic analgesics. Indications for use are various pathological conditions that are accompanied by acute pain: active labor, myocardial infarction, angina attack, postoperative period and inflammation of the pancreas. Restrictions on use: respiratory failure, old age. The pancreas should be treated with caution with this drug. The fact is that with prolonged use there is a possibility of the patient developing drug addiction.

Pancreatic diseases are very common among residents of our country. They are detected in approximately 9% of patients, and in most cases pancreatitis is diagnosed, accompanied by inflammation of the pancreatic parenchyma, which provokes a number of other diseases (necrosis, cholelithiasis, etc.). And in order to prevent the development of serious complications and the onset of complete dysfunction of the organ, doctors prescribe to their patients special tablets for the pancreas, which help relieve inflammation and improve digestion.

The pancreas is an unpaired organ that is located behind the posterior wall of the stomach and is adjacent to the duodenum and spleen. It performs two functions - exocrine and endocrine. The exocrine function involves the synthesis of digestive enzymes (amylase, lipase and protease), which are required for the digestion and absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The endocrine function is responsible for the production of hormones that regulate blood sugar levels and ensure normal metabolic processes in the body.

When exocrine and/or endocrine function is disrupted, a malfunction of the pancreas is observed, which naturally affects the general well-being of a person. He periodically experiences pain in the right or left hypochondrium, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, etc. All this is a consequence of disruption of digestive or metabolic processes in the body, which, unfortunately, cannot always be restored.

Pancreatic diseases that can be treated

Special medications are used to treat the pancreas. However, they are always selected taking into account not only the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, but also the type of disease that was diagnosed with him. And before voicing the names of the pills that are most often used to compensate for glandular insufficiency, it is necessary to consider what types of pancreatic diseases there are.

Among them, the most common are:

  • acute and chronic pancreatitis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • pancreolithiasis;
  • pancreatic tumor;
  • pancreatic cancer.

In all these cases, different treatment of the pancreas with tablets is carried out. But they do not always give positive results. Unfortunately, in the presence of diseases such as pancreolithiasis, cancer and pancreatic tumors, drugs provide only a temporary effect. To cure these diseases, surgery is required.

Most diseases of this organ cannot be treated with medication. Most often, pancreatic pills are prescribed only as an auxiliary therapy, which can reduce the manifestations of the disease and prevent its further progression.

And if we talk about what signs of pancreatic diseases have, it should be noted that when this organ malfunctions, the first thing that suffers is digestion. This is manifested by the occurrence of:

  • heartburn;
  • belching, after which a bitter taste is felt in the mouth;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • stool disorders;
  • nausea;
  • increased frequency of urination;
  • constant thirst;
  • aversion to fatty and fried foods;
  • weaknesses.

Location of the pancreas

It should also be noted that pancreatitis is often accompanied by acute girdling pain in the upper abdomen, which literally constrains the patient, fever and vomiting. As a rule, such symptoms occur during exacerbation of the disease.

Important! If there is a sudden exacerbation of pancreatitis, you should not look for information on the Internet about what to do for pain in the pancreas. You should immediately call a team of doctors to your home! If the patient does not receive timely medical care, this can lead to serious consequences, including necrosis and the development of an abscess.

Treatment of acute pancreatitis

With the development of acute pancreatitis, a person experiences severe pain, the appearance of which is explained by the activation of self-digestion processes in the pancreas due to inflammation, which leads to swelling of the parenchyma, compression of the excretory ducts and stagnation of pancreatic juice in the organ. In this case, tablets for pain in the pancreas are not used, as they can aggravate the patient's condition.

In acute pancreatitis, therapy with drugs available in the form of solutions for intramuscular or intravenous administration is indicated. In this situation, an important point is to block the synthesis of digestive enzymes. For this purpose, anti-enzyme drugs are used, which include Gordox and Contrical.

To relieve pain, doctors resort to analgesics (Analgin, Ibuprofen, etc.) and antispasmodics (No-shpa, Papaverine and others). If the inflamed pancreas gives symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, then in this case, in order to prevent dehydration of the body, antiemetic drugs (Cerucal or Metoclopramide) and antidiarrheals (Regidron, Tannacomp and others) are used.

In situations where pancreatitis is accompanied by a bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed. However, their use is made after a complete assessment of the condition of not only the pancreas, but also the liver, since it is the liver that bears the greatest load when taking these drugs. And since with pancreatitis the work of this organ also malfunctions, without assessing its functioning, antibacterial drugs are used only in emergency cases.

Gordox is an antienzyme drug for the treatment of the pancreas in inpatient conditions

Intravenous or intramuscular administration of drugs is carried out until the patient’s condition returns to normal. But in parallel with this, a starvation diet is used. It also helps reduce the activity of digestive enzymes and relieve stress on the inflamed pancreas.

Once the patient's condition has stabilized, treatment is carried out with medications in the form of tablets. It is recommended to drink them for a long time. However, in this case, anti-enzyme drugs are replaced with enzyme drugs (Pancreatin, Creon, Mezim, etc.), and painkillers are canceled (only antispasmodics remain). Thus, it is recommended to treat the pancreas for 2-3 months. In this case, treatment table No. 5 is also prescribed, which must be followed for 6-12 months.

Treatment of chronic pancreatitis

The doctor decides which tablets should be taken to treat chronic pancreatitis depending on the general condition of the patient. However, with the development of this disease, patients often suffer from abdominal pain, which is accompanied by nausea and flatulence. And it is not always possible to visit a doctor to ask him which pills to take for pain in the stomach and pancreas.

With a disease such as chronic pancreatitis, the stomach hurts in two cases - after eating food or when a person takes a lying position. In such situations, you should not immediately grab the pills. You can try to do without them, take a sitting position, tilt your upper body forward and apply a cold compress to the pancreas area. If these measures do not help eliminate pain, you can take an antispasmodic or analgesic. But remember that drugs in the form of tablets for pain in the pancreas can be taken only if there are no signs of exacerbation of the disease (vomiting, diarrhea, fever, etc.).

In case of inflammation of the pancreas and pain in the right or left hypochondrium, doctors recommend taking the following antispasmodics and analgesics:

  • Baralgin,
  • Asperin,
  • Paracetamol,
  • Papaverine,
  • Drotaverine or No-shpu.

Analgesics that help relieve pain in the pancreas

If the pain does not go away, it is necessary to use drugs belonging to the pharmaceutical group of H2 blockers. Among them, the ones that most quickly relieve pain are:

  • Ranitidine,
  • Famotidine.

Also, to alleviate the patient’s condition, antihistamines and anticholinergic drugs are used - Diphenhydramine, Platiphylline and Atropine.

Other drugs for the treatment of pancreas

In the treatment of the pancreas, an important point is to take enzyme preparations, but not at the time of an acute attack. These products contain enzymes that restore digestive functions and improve the absorption of nutrients in the intestines. These medications include:

  • Pancreatin,
  • Mezim Forte,
  • Panzinorm,
  • Festal and others.

This list contains enzyme preparations based on the active substance pancreatin, which is obtained from the bovine or porcine pancreas. Some people have an allergic reaction to it, and in these cases, herbal medicines based on papain or rice fungus are used to improve the functioning of the pancreas. Among them, the most common are Unienzyme, Pepphys and Somilase.

Enzyme preparation of plant origin that helps improve digestion processes

If pancreatitis is accompanied by an increase in the level of acidic gastric juice and a high risk of peptic ulcers, doctors also recommend taking:

  • Omez,
  • Almagel,
  • Ocil,
  • Pepsidil,
  • Gastrozol.

Features of treatment with pancreatic tablets

It is necessary to understand that in 90% of cases, the development of pancreatitis and other diseases of the pancreas is provoked by an unhealthy lifestyle, namely the abuse of tobacco and alcohol products, as well as the presence of a high content of fatty and fried foods in the diet. All this negatively affects the functioning of the gland and provokes the development of inflammatory processes in it.

And for treatment with pancreatic drugs to give a positive result, therapy must include a diet and giving up bad habits. If negative factors continue to influence the pancreas, it will not be possible to prevent further progression of the disease and the occurrence of complications against it. Your doctor will tell you how to eat if you have pancreatitis.

To understand how to restore the pancreas, you need to understand the mechanisms that lead to its damage. This organ performs 2 main functions. Glandular tissue produces enzymes necessary for digestion. And in beta cells, insulin synthesis occurs (this is necessary for the absorption of glucose by tissues). The ability to normalize these functions varies. It is also very important how badly the gland tissue is damaged, and what the main factor was that caused the disease.

Can the pancreas heal itself?

The pancreas is located in the upper abdomen, located slightly below the stomach. Its head is facing to the right, towards the liver, and its tail is facing to the left. The pancreatic duct passes through the entire gland, through which digestive juice is secreted into the lumen of the duodenum.

The cells of the pancreas, responsible for the production of enzymes and hormones, are highly differentiated. They are formed in the child in utero and, by the time the gland is formed, they lose the ability to divide. Therefore, their loss as a result of death is irreversible.

But during illness, cells may not die, but be damaged. If the action of the damaging factor has ceased, regeneration processes are launched at the cellular level. And despite the fact that the replenishment of dead pancreatocytes does not occur, the remaining ones can begin to work “in full force” again. Therefore, it is quite true that the pancreas is capable of self-healing.

How quickly or slowly the functioning of the pancreas will normalize depends on the state of the body, as well as on the mood of the patient himself. Recovery can be helped by following other doctor's recommendations. Sometimes, if a large number of cells have died, it is impossible to completely restore the functioning of the organ, and enzymatic or insulin deficiency develops, requiring maintenance therapy for life.

Recovery after pancreatitis

Sometimes pancreatitis develops as a result. The pancreatic duct opens into the intestinal lumen through the same opening as the bile duct. Therefore, when the gallbladder becomes inflamed, microbes can spread to the pancreas.

Pancreatitis occurs in acute or chronic form. They are quite different in nature. Therefore, recommendations for normalizing the functioning of the pancreas in acute and chronic pancreatitis differ. But in both cases you should not count on a quick effect.

How to restore pancreatic function in acute pancreatitis?

This disease usually develops suddenly, is severe, and must be treated in a surgical department. The patient develops severe pain in the left hypochondrium, nausea, vomiting, bloating, and fever.

The reason may be eating a large amount of “heavy” food: fried, fatty, spicy, sour. Sometimes acute pancreatitis develops as a result. One of the most severe forms of acute pancreatitis is pancreatic necrosis, which most often develops against the background of heavy drinking.

In the mechanism of development of acute pancreatitis, own enzymes play an important role. Food or alcohol, acting as an irritant, increases the secretion of pancreatic juice with increased viscosity. If its outflow is obstructed due to spasm or increased pressure in the duodenum, it stagnates inside the gland itself, starting the process of “” tissue.

This condition is very serious. To bring the patient out of it, in the initial period a complete refusal to eat for several days is necessary. A small amount of warm water is allowed. This is necessary so that the gland temporarily stops producing pancreatic juice. For the same purpose, special drugs from the groups of M-anticholinergics, antispasmodics, and enzyme blockers are prescribed. If part of the pancreas is destroyed, sometimes it is necessary to undergo resection of (part of) the pancreas to remove necrotic areas.

With a successful course of acute pancreatitis, the patient’s diet gradually expands, first through the most gentle diet. Then the patient is gradually transferred to the general table. In order for recovery after acute pancreatitis to be successful, you need to eat fractionally and in small portions. This helps the pancreas - it stimulates the normal production of pancreatic juice and prevents its stagnation.

There is another form of acute pancreatitis - drug-induced. It can develop while taking antibiotics, diuretics, blood pressure pills from the group of ACE inhibitors and some other drugs. Clinical manifestations are similar to ordinary pancreatitis. But recovery requires, among other measures, discontinuation of the drug whose use caused the disease. Sometimes drug-induced pancreatitis occurs in a chronic form.

Does the pancreas recover during chronic pancreatitis?

Chronic pancreatitis is more mild, but its consequences are no easier. This is due to the fact that it can manifest itself for a long time with minimal symptoms (belching, heaviness in the abdomen, accumulation of gas in the intestines). Existing inflammation has a destructive effect on gland tissue.

Sometimes the disease causes exacerbations, occurring in the form of an attack with nausea and vomiting. These attacks resemble acute pancreatitis, but are not accompanied by a massive release of enzymes into the pancreatic tissue.

The mechanism of development of acute pancreatitis is similar to chronic pancreatitis, but the damaging factors act weaker and for a longer time. Therefore, when symptoms appear, pronounced changes in the pancreas of a diffuse nature are often detected. To seriously talk about recovery from chronic pancreatitis, you need to know the main causes of the disease:

  1. Poor nutrition. Excessive consumption of fatty, spicy, spices and irritating foods leads to the production of a viscous secretion that clogs the ducts.
  2. Smoking - in addition to also having an irritating effect, can cause spasm of smooth muscle cells in the walls of the excretory ducts.
  3. Chronic cholecystitis - due to the entry of infected bile into the pancreatic duct.
  4. Stress and functional impairment. By disrupting the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, they can lead to difficulty in the outflow of pancreatic juice.
  5. Chronic alcohol abuse.

Elimination of these factors will create conditions for pancreas restoration. The earlier the problem is identified, the better recovery you can expect. It is important to completely give up bad habits, as well as any excess in food. Some foods should be completely excluded from the diet. For functional disorders, special medications are sometimes prescribed (Iberogast, Trimedat, Duspatalin, No-Shpa).

There are forms of pancreatitis that are practically irreversible. This is an autoimmune and hereditary pancreatitis, as well as developing against the background of cystic fibrosis. But even in these forms, compliance with dietary and other doctor’s recommendations is necessary so that the patient can live a normal life for as long as possible.

How to restore the pancreas in case of endocrine dysfunction?

When beta cells die, the synthesis of insulin, the hormone responsible for the absorption of glucose by cells, decreases. As a result, it accumulates in the blood, having a destructive effect on organs. Excess glucose is excreted in the urine, and cells and tissues suffer from energy starvation.

This disease is called diabetes mellitus. It is heterogeneous in nature – there are several types. The most common:

  1. First type– insulin dependent – ​​develops as a result of autoimmune cell damage. Usually develops at a young age, cells die irrevocably. Patients almost immediately begin to need hormonal therapy - insulin injections.
  2. Second type. Usually develops in adulthood, often against the background of obesity. With this type, beta cells do not immediately die and do not lose their ability to produce insulin. But it is not enough due to the reduced sensitivity of insulin receptors in tissues, as well as due to excess glucose consumed. Antihyperglycemic medications can temporarily cause beta cells to produce more of the hormone, causing blood sugar levels to drop. But soon they become exhausted, especially if patients do not properly follow the diet and other doctor’s recommendations. Such patients also begin to need insulin over time.

If the cells have not died, and diabetes has developed due to obesity, an excess of easily digestible carbohydrates in the diet, or due to insulin resistance, then diet, exercise and weight loss can increase the sensitivity of insulin receptors. The number of secreting beta cells cannot be increased. At least, there is no such remedy in the arsenal of official medicine yet, otherwise there would not be a single diabetic left in the world. You can somewhat improve the function of these cells by normalizing the level of glucose in the blood, since its excess is toxic.

In alternative medicine, Ayurveda offers systems for healing the body that help lower blood sugar levels. But they also primarily concern patients with type 2 diabetes.

Gland restoration after alcohol

Alcohol damage to the pancreas can be in different forms - chronic or acute pancreatitis, as well as -. Therefore, it is necessary to restore the pancreas depending on the nature of its damage.

But a prerequisite must be a complete abstinence from alcohol, in any, even minimal, doses. It is useless to treat a disease without eliminating its cause. How long this process will take depends on the depth of the lesion. If, as a result of alcohol damage, a significant part of the cells has died, enzymatic deficiency may remain for life.

How to restore the gland after surgery?

It can be performed on the pancreas for a malignant or benign tumor, for abdominal trauma with organ damage, as well as for pancreatic necrosis. Any operation on the gland is very traumatic. The situation may be aggravated by the fact that the patient is receiving preoperative chemotherapy or suffers from alcoholism, and therefore the body is exhausted. The rehabilitation period is divided into several subperiods:

  1. Early postoperative – occurs in the hospital. The patient is prescribed bed rest and fasting. After a few days, the patient can be activated - allowed to sit down, perform special exercises, and stand up. A diet is prescribed - table 0 or 1 according to Pevzner (depending on the severity of the condition).
  2. Late postoperative – from discharge to 3 months. The diet is expanded to 5 p of the table. During this period, it is possible to refer the patient for further treatment to a sanatorium or other health-improving institution.

A return to a normal lifestyle is possible after about six months, but recommendations for proper nutrition and lifestyle, as well as abstinence from alcohol, must be followed for life.

Folk remedies for restoring the pancreas

Use for pancreatic diseases simultaneously with official medicine can speed up the recovery process and strengthen the body's defenses. It must be remembered that herbs in their effects are sometimes equal in strength to drugs, therefore compliance with the dosage, regimen, taking into account indications and contraindications are mandatory.

It must be purchased at pharmacies or specialized health stores. Unless otherwise advised by your doctor, follow the instructions on the package when using.

Among the folk remedies, the following are known and have proven themselves: fireweed, parsley root, elecampane, shepherd's purse herb, marshmallow root, calamus, cinquefoil and many others. There are also less traditional remedies: ingesting freshly squeezed or infused Altai mumiyo.

Diet and diet for pancreas recovery

To restore the pancreas, various diets are prescribed, depending on the severity and duration of the disease. But it is always necessary to observe the principle of rationality and nutrition. The diet should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements. It should help strengthen the immune system.

In the acute period, as already mentioned, the hospital uses a diet of 0 or 1 table according to Pevzner. This is liquid (0 table) or maximally pureed food (). There is usually no need to prepare it at home. At home, patients should adhere to the recommendations corresponding to the 5p table. List of permitted products:

  • fruit, dairy or vegetarian soups without frying;
  • rice, semolina, water, pasta;
  • lean meats and fish;
  • from vegetables: zucchini, cauliflower and Chinese cabbage, carrots, potatoes, boiled and pureed;
  • baked sweet fruits and berries;
  • white dried (“yesterday’s”) bread, unleavened biscuits and lean biscuits.

Fried, smoked, salty foods, spices, fatty meats and fish, and rich broths are not recommended. The following porridges are prohibited: millet, pearl barley, corn and barley. But you should also give up legumes, eggplants, yeast and rye bread, and sour fruits.

The need to clean the pancreas to restore function

The concept of “cleansing” a particular organ to improve its health is quite widespread in everyday life. Its premise is the idea of ​​illness as a consequence of the “slagging” of the body. “Cleansing yourself from toxins” has become fashionable.

This idea is both true and false. On the one hand, medicine does not know many examples when “slags” were found in a person, well, perhaps. On the other hand, if the concept of cleansing is treated as a return to a healthy lifestyle, then it is quite possible to achieve an improvement in well-being during illness.

And also by cleansing we can understand the use of remedies from the arsenal of traditional medicine in the form of health courses for chronic pancreatitis. There are good reviews from taking an infusion of bay leaves, vegetable juices, buckwheat, soaked in water or kefir for several hours (in the evening).

How to restore pancreatic enzymes?

If exocrine insufficiency develops as a result of a pathological process, the patient develops signs of digestive disorders - belching, bloating, diarrhea, weight loss. They can help in such situations. They should be taken simultaneously with food; they contain enzymes necessary for digestion. They compensate for the lack of their own digestive juices.

One of the most famous drugs is Creon. There are cheaper analogues and drugs with similar effects: Mezim, Pancreatin, Panzinorm. But when choosing a drug, price is not the main thing. The main thing is proven effectiveness. And also pay attention to the amount of active ingredient in one tablet.

It should be remembered that restoration of the pancreas is possible if, as a result of the pathological process, the function of the secreting cells is impaired, but they have not died. Then diet, giving up bad habits and proper treatment will contribute to recovery. If functional deficiency develops, lifelong use of replacement medications may be required.


  1. Golden Book of Traditional Medicine. M.: “Belfry-MG”, Ripol classic, 2000.
  2. Troshin V.D. et al. A treasure trove of health. Nizhny Novgorod, 1995
  3. Large family encyclopedia of traditional medicine from Dr. Uzhegov. M.: Olma-press, Education, 2006.
  4. Shapiro D.K., Shemetkov M.F. Bee products and human health. Minsk 1987
  5. Krivtsov N.I., Lebedev V.I. Bee products. Library "Home Economics for Everyone". M. Niva of Russia. 1995

Pancreatitis is a serious pathology in which the pancreas becomes inflamed. The immediate cause of inflammation is the premature activation of enzymes that begin to digest organ tissue.

Active enzymes damage not only the cells of the pancreas parenchyma, but also corrode the vascular walls. Having penetrated the blood in this way, they spread throughout the body and affect vital organs - the heart, kidneys, stomach and brain.

Pancreatitis can occur in acute and chronic forms. In case of a sudden attack or exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, treatment is carried out in a hospital. The main objectives are relief of acute symptoms, restoration of the digestive process and compensation of exocrine insufficiency. To normalize pancreatic function, medications of several groups are used.

Relieving spasms and pain relief

The drug of choice for pancreatitis is Paracetamol, since it does not have a pronounced aggressive effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. However, patients with liver disease should take it with caution and only as prescribed by a doctor. An absolute contraindication to taking Paracetamol is hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, as well as alcoholic pancreatitis.

Salicylates and acetylsalicylic acid - Aspirin, Asfen, Askofen, Excedrin, Citramon - help relieve pain. Analgin, Baralgin, Pentalgin, Dexalgin, Ketorolac, Pentazocine can be used to eliminate pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for the pancreas are used in rare cases due to their irritating effect on the mucous membranes.

The leading symptom of pancreatic diseases is pain, which causes great suffering to people; to relieve pain, No-shpa has been used by gastroenterologists for more than 50 years, relieving patients from suffering

Since the cause of pain in pancreatitis is smooth muscle spasm, taking antispasmodics is most justified. Modern antispasmodic drugs have a long-lasting effect, high efficiency, and no serious side effects.

The most popular drugs remain No-shpa, Papaverine, Drotaverine Hydrochloride, Spasmol, Mebeverine. Indications for the use of antispasmodics are muscle spasms caused by hypermotor dyskinesia of the bile duct, as well as functional disorders in the sphincter of Oddi. It is involuntary muscle contractions that cause problems with the outflow of pancreatic secretions from the pancreas into the duodenum.

With the help of antispasmodics, pain of varying intensity and nature is eliminated - aching, girdling, sharp. It all depends on which part of the pancreas is inflamed. For moderate pain, drugs for the treatment of the pancreas are prescribed in tablets. If the patient experiences frequent vomiting, then Papaverine and Baralgin are administered by parenteral (drip) route.

Enzymes and antienzymes

To inactivate enzymes in the acute period, drugs that reduce pancreatic secretion are used - Contrikal, Gordox, Pantripin, Ingitril. In some cases, the hormonal drug Somatostatin is prescribed, which promotes adequate absorption of monosaccharides from the intestine into the systemic circulation, reducing gastrin production, slowing blood flow in the abdominal cavity and gastrointestinal motility.

Enzyme inhibitors are used primarily in hospitals and are administered to patients by drip. Since treatment with drugs of this group is quite often accompanied by allergic reactions, antihistamines are dripped in parallel.

Enzyme preparations are sold in pharmacies without a prescription - they can be taken in case of one-time errors in nutrition. But to treat pancreatic pathology, precise dosages of enzymes are required, which can only be determined by a qualified specialist.

After relief of acute symptoms, enzyme replacement therapy is performed. Medicines containing enzymes help compensate for exocrine function. The choice is quite wide, but the basis of most drugs is pancreatin. This does not mean that all drugs are the same: tablets and capsules may contain different numbers of units of the active substance.

In addition, bile components may be added to them. Some medications have identical composition but are produced by different manufacturers. Hence the various trade names. Considering the above, it is not recommended to treat pancreatitis yourself, since only a doctor can choose a remedy for a specific patient.

The list of enzyme agents to improve the functioning of the pancreas looks like this:

  • Pancreatin, Creon, Mezim, Lycreaza, Zimet, Vestal, Pangrol;
  • Panzim Forte, Panzinorm Forte N, Pancreazim, Pancrealipase;
  • Pankreal Kirchner, Pankrenorm, Pankreon, Pankreoflat;
  • Pancitrate, Pensital, Prolipase, Trienzyme.

Products containing bile components:

  • Festal, Encipalmed, Enzistal;
  • Forte Enzym, Ferestal, Tagestal;
  • Rustal, Panstal, Panolez, Pankral;
  • Normoenzyme, Menzym, Ipental;
  • Digestal Forte, Digestal.

It is worth noting that enzyme deficiency occurs not only with pancreatitis. Enzyme deficiency can be congenital, primary and secondary, absolute and relative. Primary deficiency occurs due to diseases of the gland itself (steatosis, cancer), secondary deficiency develops against the background of pathologies of other digestive organs.

The histology of the exocrine lobe of the pancreas is represented by acini (from the Latin “bunch of grapes”) - structural units that produce enzymes. It is in these cells that trypsin, chymotrypsin, lipase, amylase and a number of other enzymes are formed.

Regardless of the cause of the lesion, the function of the acini is impaired and the production of enzyme substances is reduced. To compensate for the resulting deficiency, all preparations contain lipase, protease and amylase in different proportions.


Antacids are prescribed to neutralize hydrochloric acid in the stomach, as it stimulates the formation of pancreatic juice. In this regard, one of the directions of therapy is the elimination of the aggressive acid factor. In acute pancreatitis, antacids are used in combination with secretion inhibitors - antienzymes, which is due to the insufficient duration and strength of the acid-lowering effect.

Maalox has an adsorbing and enveloping effect; after taking this product, hydrochloric acid is quickly and effectively neutralized, and the activity of gastric juice is significantly reduced

Treatment of chronic pancreatitis, even with large doses of enzymes, is not always effective, since gastric acid quickly inactivates the medicinal components - trypsin and lipase. The effect of enzymes may also decrease for other reasons - inadequate dosage or non-compliance with the recommended dosage regimen.

However, most often the lack of the desired result is a consequence of insufficient antacid therapy. Most drugs that maintain the necessary acidity of the stomach contain phosphoric acid salts, magnesium and aluminum hydroxide, magnesium stearate and alginate (extract from seaweed). The best drugs to treat damage to the pancreas are Almagel, Maalox, Almagel-Neo and Phosphalugel.

When taken, the neutralizing effect occurs quite quickly and lasts for 2.5 – 3 hours. If the recommended doses are followed, antacid medications have virtually no systemic effects or unwanted side effects.


For diseases of the pancreas, antibiotics are used both for prevention and in complex therapy when symptoms of bacterial infection appear. Infection is diagnosed in almost a third of patients and can spread through blood, plasma and from neighboring organs - the duodenum, biliary system and portal vein.

Clarithromycin is one of the newest drugs in the group of macrolides that can destroy microbes inside cells

Antimicrobial treatment for preventive purposes is rarely carried out. However, if characteristic symptoms occur - nausea, vomiting, fever - taking antibiotics is mandatory.

Since it is not possible to study the microflora of the pancreas in a non-invasive (without incision) way due to the deep location of the organ, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used. This takes into account the minimal resistance of the most well-known bacterial strains to them.

As a preventive measure, antibacterial therapy is carried out if the patient has a severe concomitant disease, namely:

  • AIDS and HIV infection;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • tumors.

Most often, antibiotics are prescribed for biliary pancreatitis, accompanied by damage to the liver and gallbladder and diagnosed in 40-57% of cases. The drugs of choice are macrolide drugs, in particular Clarithromycin and its analogues – Klabaks, Fromilid, Klatsid, etc.

In addition to a wide spectrum of activity, macrolides have another advantage - they are excreted from the body along with bile. Due to this, high concentrations and a pronounced antimicrobial effect are created.

The choice of antibiotic depends on the type of disease and the extent of the infection. Minimum concentrations are provided by drugs of the protected penicillin series (Timentin), cephalosporins of the 3rd and 4th generation - Medocef, Cefobid, Kefsepim, Movisar.

The following have a stronger and more reliable effect:

  • fluoroquinolones – Tsiprolet, Pefloxabol, Abaktal, Tsiprinol;
  • carbapenems - Jenem, Mepenem, Grimipenem, Tienam;
  • metronidazole (Trichopol, Efloran) and its combinations with 3-4 generation cephalosporins.

It is important to remember that treating pancreatic diseases is not only taking pills, but also proper nutrition. In order for the enzymes that improve the functioning of the pancreas to provide the expected result, it is necessary to follow a diet.

During exacerbations, it is recommended to fast for 1-3 days, and then gradually introduce semi-liquid food into the diet - porridge, slimy soups and vegetable decoctions. In the future, when the acute symptoms subside, you can eat nutritiously, but with restrictions.

The list of prohibited foods includes alcohol, fatty and fried foods, processed foods and other harmful foods. The basic principles of nutrition are set out in diet No. 5, which is recommended for all people with gastrointestinal pathologies.

It is also worth noting that it is often enough to change eating habits for complete recovery to occur. However, the basis of successful treatment is compliance with medical recommendations and taking prescribed medications. Be healthy!

Last updated: October 19, 2019

Treatment of the pancreas is carried out by prescribing a diet and medications. This will stop the development of pancreatitis and the progression of inflammation of the pancreas. Pancreatitis is a serious pathology, which, during the period of global development of science and pharmaceuticals, is considered an incurable disease. Therefore, the main direction of therapy is to relieve symptoms and bring the disease into a state of permanent remission.

The attending physician, in case of inflammation of the pancreas, prescribes the following groups of drugs to the victim:

  • antispasmodics;
  • antacids;
  • painkillers (analgesics);
  • means for accelerating the removal of bile from the body;
  • broad-spectrum effects - antibiotics.

In some cases, they are prescribed, which can help restore the immune system and improve the condition of the affected gland. All medicinal products have different forms of release - tablets, syrups, injection therapy drugs. Depending on the damage to the organ, different methods are used by patients. Products used for treatment, synthetic or organic origin.

The disease pancreatitis often occurs due to the strong effect on the pancreas of alcohol, smoking, consumption of abundant fat-containing foods and cholelithiasis. In addition, pancreatitis can be caused by cardiovascular diseases, drug overdose, peptic ulcers of the duodenum and intestines, genetic predisposition, and diabetes. Strange as it may seem, even helminthic infestations also create the conditions for its occurrence, not to mention infectious diseases and hormonal imbalances in the human body.

The onset of the pathogenic process of the pancreas is accompanied by severe symptoms:

  • nausea with bouts of vomiting;
  • fever (chills);
  • increase in body temperature;
  • sharp cutting pain in the solar plexus;
  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea with impurities of undigested food.

The degree of pathology of the disease says that the larger the lesion of the pancreatic organ, the stronger the symptoms of the disease. Therefore, when prescribing a medicine for inflammation of the pancreas, the clinical picture of the development of the disease is taken into account. Pancreatitis has two forms of development - acute and chronic. Therefore, each form has its own symptoms and individual treatment options.

During an acute attack of inflammation, therapy at home is contraindicated and will not bring the long-awaited and beneficial effect, but will only aggravate the patient’s condition. Therefore, therapy is carried out under round-the-clock supervision of medical personnel, under conditions of a strict daily routine in the hospital of a medical institution. In acute cases of the disease, first of all, food consumption is prohibited, and complete fasting is prescribed for 2-3 days.

During exacerbation of pancreatitis, the following treatments are prescribed:

  • agents that stop the work of enzymes and pancreatic juice of the pancreas;
  • painkillers (analgesics);
  • preparations and methods of traditional medicine for detoxifying the body;
  • if the infectious component of the inflammation process is confirmed, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used.

At the initial stage of the inflammatory process of the gland, medications are administered by injection so as not to aggravate the irritation of the pancreas. Tablets for the pancreas are started to be taken only with a stable process of remission and a decrease in the inflammatory process of the disease. After relief of the pain syndrome, the victim is allowed

The patient is recommended to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and follow the dietary course of treatment using the prescribed diet. Also, at the time of pancreatitis, it is advisable to eliminate bad habits from everyday life and use.

For chronic pancreatitis, enzyme preparations are prescribed to improve functioning (Mezim, Festal).

These drugs are created from organic substances of the pancreas of cattle, and at the time of problems with the production of enzymes in the gland, they are able to replace and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

And also to stop the inflammatory process, in case of chronic disease, doctors prescribe an anti-inflammatory medicine:

  • Vancocin;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Abaktal.

These tablets can relieve the inflammatory process from the pancreas and prevent the development of peritonitis, sepsis, and abscess. The dosage and number of days of use are prescribed by the doctor, since, having the clinical picture of the disease in hand, he will be able to correctly prescribe medication treatment. In addition to these medications, medications containing enzymes that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are also prescribed. These drugs include: Creon, Pancreatin.

In any case, without medical experience and knowledge, self-medication will not bring positive results and will immediately create a state of complete non-return to the treatment of the pathology. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct a full examination of the body and strictly follow the prescribed standards of treatment in the hospital of a medical institution.

What medications are prescribed

What pills can help with pancreatitis and properly restore functions in the gastrointestinal tract? This is the main question that is constantly asked by victims during a consultation at a medical institution.

With pancreatitis, periodic acute attacks and pain symptoms occur, so tablets are prescribed to eliminate these issues:

  1. Antispasmodics. The drugs are used for acute and cutting pain in the abdomen, so they are well suited: No-spa, analgin, baralgin and other painkillers. In case of severe pain, it is recommended to use it by injection.
  2. H2 blockers. To reduce the production of pancreatic juice and pancreatic enzymes, use Ranitidine and Famotidine.
  3. Antacids. If the clinical picture of the gland disease shows insufficient ability to secrete secretions and enzymes, the doctor will prescribe treatment for the pancreas, such tablets or drugs: Almagel, Phosphalugel.
  4. Enzyme agents. These preparations contain lipase, amylase, and trypsin. Among the most common medications, the main ones in demand are: Creon 8000, Mezim, Festal, Pancreatin.

Drug treatments and some medications for inflammation of the pancreas have to be used for more than one year, and the effect of taking the drugs is visible only after 3-4 months of constant and systematic use.


The main thing is pain. Therefore, first of all, therapeutic fasting and medications - antispasmodics - are prescribed. They will help relieve pain and not spoil the clinical picture of the disease, which will not create problems or interfere with establishing the correct diagnosis.

There are a huge number of causes of pain symptoms during the inflammatory process of the pancreas. Among them, the main and most painful:

  • swelling of the gland organ;
  • severe stretching of the pancreas due to swelling;
  • Oddi valve condition and spasmodic attack;
  • spasms of the gallbladder and ducts;
  • spasms of the small intestine.

All these negative actions are a vegetative reaction to the strong production of adrenaline and cortisol (the hormone of fear and stress). By acting on smooth muscles, these hormones provoke pain and side effects on the human body.

Therefore, when it appears, antispasmodics are used, which have a relaxing effect on this muscle group, which relieves pain completely or partially. How does the drug work for a developed chronic disease and what remedy should be used to relieve pancreatic pain?

It has been generally proven that the cause of pancreatitis is a spasm of the valve of Oddi, through which digestive juice and bile substance penetrate into the duodenum. Therefore, we treat the pancreas using the drug Duspatalin. It is good, but since the drug is in the form of tablets or powder, use in the acute phase of pancreatitis is undesirable.

In the acute form of pancreatitis, the pain syndrome has a severe attack, which in some cases provokes shock and death. Therefore, to relieve this painful condition, special drugs and injections are used:

  • No-shpa;
  • Papaverine;
  • Platyfillin.

The drug No-shpa is of plant origin, which allows it to be used in tablets, but only in the absence of vomiting. Therefore, you should not delay use, since the pain threshold of a person with acute pancreatitis will cause severe harm to the mental state and cause pain shock.

As for papaverine, the drug is similar to its actions on No-shpu, and relieves tension from the smooth muscles of the abdominal region. The disadvantage is the short duration of action, which requires repeating the dose after 3-4 hours.

A long-acting drug is Platiphylline. Consumption relieves pain symptoms for 12-14 hours and is administered intramuscularly. Having a strong effect on the source of pathological pain, its use is carried out under the supervision of doctors.

Antispasmodics cope well with painful symptoms of the pancreas; drugs are used to maintain muscle tone in a relaxed state, which improves the course of the disease.

Antibacterial drugs

Prescribed drugs in the treatment of acute inflammation of the pancreas stop the negative state of the sick person and bring this pathology into a stable direction of remission. A dangerous manifestation of pancreatitis in the acute phase contributes to damage not only to the organ itself, but also to the corrosion of the walls of the gland and its ducts by pancreatic juice. In turn, this will lead to the appearance of dead areas of the pancreas - tissue necrosis or peritonitis.

The goal of treating the pancreas with antibiotics is:

  • relieving the inflammatory process;
  • preventing the development of infectious diseases of neighboring organs affected by enzymes and pancreatic juice;
  • relieving inflammation from the gland itself.

When tests confirm a rupture of the bile ducts or stagnation in the bladder, broad-spectrum antibiotics are also the main drugs. The doctor, using the available tests, prescribes, depending on the pathology of development, the necessary course of drug treatment with antibacterial drugs.

What helps and what antibacterial tablets help treat the pancreas and gland:

  • at the time of home therapy and a mild stage of the disease, Oletetrin, Tetracycline group of drugs, Sigmamycin are prescribed;
  • development of acute pancreatitis, Tienam, Cefotaxime, Abaktal, Vankrmitsin are used in hospital hospitals;
  • improvement of microflora, give Linex, Bifiform, Lactiale.

The attending physician will tell you in more detail which medications to take and which ones should be avoided when treating the pancreas, after a full course of diagnostic measures.


Anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat various pathologies of inflammatory diseases. Non-steroidal drugs NSAIDs are considered one of the most powerful drugs. They do not easily relieve pathogenic processes, but also lower body temperature and relieve pain in the body. These drugs are prescribed by a gastroenterologist. Therefore, independent decisions and uncoordinated use are categorically unacceptable, as they will lead to health consequences if used incorrectly. What drugs are used to treat pancreatic pathology?

Basically, in the treatment of inflammation of the pancreas, anti-inflammatory medications are used in hospital hospitals, which are mostly introduced into the body, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, intravenously, intramuscularly. Thanks to the method, the medicine quickly enters the human bloodstream, which speeds up recovery and relief from the symptoms of the disease.

A good anti-inflammatory drug from Analgin and Baralgin, depending on the symptoms of pancreatitis, the size and quantity of each drug is prescribed by the attending physician.

And also in the treatment of the gland, Atropine with the addition of Papaverine and Phenicaberane is used in treatment. Having strong capabilities to relieve inflammation and pathogenic properties of pancreatitis, this composition relieves symptoms and accelerates recovery.

Folk remedies

When treating the inflammatory process of the pancreas, and diet. These remedies relieve pain symptoms, relieve inflammation, and improve the functioning of the human immune system. The diet, on the contrary, enriches the human body with essential minerals and helps relieve irritation of the mucous membrane of the diseased pancreatic organ. Many of the methods for treating pancreatitis have no contraindications and do not have a negative effect on the body as a whole.

It is believed that the most powerful and effective remedy for inflammation of the pancreas is Kryphea Amur. When the medicinal composition is properly prepared, it has the following properties on a person when consumed:

  • improves the digestive system;
  • relieves nausea and eliminates vomiting;
  • relieves pain symptoms.

True, there is a group of people who are allergic. Therefore, before using traditional medicine, it is worth consulting with your doctor.