Medicinal plants. Pictures and photos with descriptions

In the summer, many people want to get out into nature. Even if you just take a walk in the forest, by a river, in a meadow, breathe in the fresh air, admire the sunset, you will already feel healthier. But at the same time, you can collect not only strawberries or mushrooms for aromatic soup, but also find medicinal plants. Of course, you need at least basic knowledge. Here, too, sometimes you get confused among mushrooms - where is edible and where is poisonous, to say nothing of the rich variety of herbs. Therefore, before you start collecting medicinal plants, you need to at least know them in person. It is also advisable to master at least the basic rules for preparing and storing medicinal raw materials. We hope that our next issue dedicated to this topic will also help you navigate the amazing kingdom of healing flora. We asked experienced specialists from the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences and experienced herbalists to conduct unique master classes on the pages of NG. Let's bow to the green doctors together, friends!

Tops and roots

Collection of medicinal raw materials - whole science, and here everything must be done according to the rules

Many people believe that the preparation medicinal plants- a trivial matter. But in reality everything is not so simple. She told me about how to collect and dry plants that are often found in our forests and meadows. Researcher Laboratory of Biodiversity of Plant Resources of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences Inna Savich.

If the buds and bark of trees are harvested in early spring, and seeds, fruits, roots and rhizomes are harvested closer to autumn, then in the summer months, as a rule, leaves, flowers and grass are harvested. The above-ground parts of plants (leaves, flowers, grass, fruits) are collected in dry weather after the dew has dried and before the appearance of evening dew. Roots and rhizomes - throughout the day. You need to collect raw materials only from healthy, well-developed plants not damaged by insects or diseases. It is not recommended to collect it near large industrial enterprises and on the sides of roads with heavy traffic (closer than 100 m from the roadside), as well as within large cities, along polluted ditches and reservoirs.

Some types of medicinal plants can cause allergic reactions, dermatitis, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and nasopharynx, the specialist recalled. - Therefore, you should not use such drugs without consulting your doctor.

Before using medicinal preparations, consult your doctor!

Sandy immortelle

The sunny inflorescences of this regular in forests and meadows delight us from June to August. The medicinal raw materials are the inflorescences cut before the flowers bloom. The infusion is used as choleretic agent for acute and chronic diseases liver, gallbladder and biliary tract. The inflorescences are cut with scissors or pruners. Dry them by scattering thin layer in well-ventilated, shaded places for two to three weeks, turning occasionally. Herbs dried in this way can be stored well in regular paper bags for 3 years.

Dandelion officinalis

All parts of this plant have healing properties. Young dandelion leaves can be added to salads and soups as a vitamin supplement. But the most valuable biologically active substances are in its roots. They are used in the form of a decoction, a thick extract as a bitterness to enhance secretion digestive glands and as a choleretic agent. The roots are dug up in the fall, when the leaves are withering, washed and cut into pieces. Dry in dryers at a temperature of 40-50 degrees or in a low-heat oven. Drying can be completed when the roots become brittle. You can store such raw materials in glass jars, having previously tied the neck with linen cloth.

Cornflower blue

It is not only a decoration for bouquets, but also an excellent medicine. To prepare a healing infusion and tea from cornflowers, the marginal flowers plucked from cut flowering baskets are used. These are mild diuretics for kidney disease and Bladder. The collected raw materials are laid out in a thin layer on a clean sheet of paper or cotton cloth. Dry, turning constantly. Dried flowers are stored for about a year in paper bags in a dry place.

pharmaceutical camomile

This is an unpretentious annual plant. Chamomile flowers collected at the beginning of flowering have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. They are used for making teas and rinses. When collecting flowers, they are picked by hand or cut with scissors. You can dry chamomile under a canopy in a shaded place, while constantly turning the raw material over and making sure that the sun's rays do not fall on it. Chamomile can also be dried in a special home dryer at a temperature of 40 degrees. Dry chamomile is stored in cardboard boxes or tightly sealed glass jars in a dark, dry place. If these rules are followed, chamomile flowers will retain their beneficial features during a year.

Hawthorn blood red

Now is the time to start harvesting the flowers of this shrub. They contain biological active substances, which have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system. Flowers are collected at the beginning of flowering in dry weather, quickly delivered to the drying site and dried under a canopy or in dryers heated to 40 degrees.

Creeping thyme (creeping thyme)

Herbs collected during the flowering period and dried at the plant are used as medicinal raw materials. outdoors in the shade or in dryers at 40 degrees. Before packaging, the dried grass is threshed and large stems are removed. It is used as an antispasmodic, expectorant and carminative. The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years.

Cinquefoil erecta (wild galangal)

Rhizomes harvested during the flowering period are used as medicinal raw materials. The decoction is used as an astringent and hemostatic agent for diseases gastrointestinal tract, in the form of rinses with inflammatory processes oral cavity. Rhizomes are dried outdoors in the shade and in dryers at a temperature of 40 degrees.

Common calamus (swamp calamus)

This herbaceous perennial is also called cinquefoil, yavara, and Tatarian grass. Decoctions from the root of this herb are used to treat eye diseases, toothache. Rhizomes are medicinal raw materials. They are harvested towards the end of summer, throughout the autumn or spring. Used in the form of a decoction as an aromatic bitterness, which increases appetite and improves digestion. Dry after preliminary drying in well-ventilated areas and attics.


Oregano contains a large amount of vitamin C, essential oils. The herb of this plant is used as a medicinal raw material. It is used as part of chest, diaphoretic, carminative preparations for colds and other respiratory diseases as an anti-inflammatory and expectorant. But oregano preparations and teas should never be consumed during pregnancy! For medicinal purposes, oregano is collected during flowering (June - August), cutting off the leafy tops up to 20 cm long with pruners. Drying in the shade under canopies or in rooms with good ventilation.

(Fig. 27) is a perennial herbaceous plant up to 60 cm high. It grows in meadows, along roads, clearings, and clearings. The leaves contain bitter and tannin substances, carotene, vitamins C and K, and a large number of other substances. Collected throughout the summer and until late autumn, dried in the shade or in dryers at a temperature of 40-50°C. Juice and infusion from the leaves are used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Rice. 27. Large plantain

Chamomile officinalis, or pharmacy(Fig. 28) is a widespread annual herbaceous plant in Belarus, growing in gardens, vegetable gardens, near homes, in fields and along roads. Flower baskets without pedicels are collected at the stage of full flowering (June-July), dried in the shade or in dryers at a temperature of 35-40°C. Chamomile essential oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. An infusion of flowers is used to rinse the mouth and throat for sore throats, laryngitis, etc. Chamomile is often used in combination with other plants.

Rice. 28. Chamomile (pharmacy)

Birch(see Fig. 29) grows everywhere in Belarus. For medicinal purposes, they use buds, leaves, juice, as well as tar obtained from birch wood and the birch mushroom (chaga) growing on it. The swollen resinous buds are collected in winter and early spring, when they have not yet blossomed. The fragrant and sticky leaves are collected in May during flowering. Birch buds contain essential oil, leaves contain vitamin C, resins, antibiotic substances with strong antimicrobial properties. Kidney tincture is prescribed as a diuretic and choleretic agent. fresh leaves birch trees prepare infusions, decoctions and tinctures that have diuretic and diaphoretic properties. Compresses are also made from them on joints for rheumatism, to relieve neuralgic pain. Birch juice used for some lung diseases, bronchitis, tuberculosis as tonic Birch charcoal (carbolene) - finely ground, odorless and tasteless black powder, insoluble in water - is used as an adsorbent. Infusion of birch mushroom (chaga) is used for peptic ulcer gastritis and also for tumors as a general tonic

Fig. 29. Silver birch

(Fig. 30) grows in the zone of coniferous, coniferous and birch forests throughout the territory of Belarus. Its berries contain about 12% tannins, organic acids, sugars, vitamins, microelements (copper, manganese, etc.). The leaves are rich in essential oils, organic acids, as well as substances that have a hypoglycemic effect. Blueberries are used in medical practice as an astringent and dietary agent for acute and chronic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, especially in children, in the form of infusions and decoctions. For mild intestinal lesions, use blueberry jelly or a decoction of dried blueberries (pour a tablespoon of berries with a glass of boiling water, leave for 6-10 minutes, filter and drink warm, 0.5 cups 4 times a day). A decoction of blueberry berries and leaves is used for pain in the stomach, intestines, and bladder. Eating fresh and dried blueberries has a positive effect on the blood supply to the retina, which improves night vision. An infusion of the leaves reduces blood glucose levels and is used in the treatment of diabetes.

Rice. 30. Blueberries

Or cinnamon(Fig. 31), found throughout the republic, grows on the edges, clearings and river valleys. Rosehips are harvested in August or September, when they turn red or orange-red. The pulp of rose hips contains up to 11% vitamin C, up to 2.5% vitamin B1 and B2, as well as organic acids, sugars, etc. The oil obtained from the seeds contains fatty acid, carotenoids, tocopherols (vitamin E). Rose hip tea and infusion have a general tonic, anti-inflammatory, anti-sclerotic, and general strengthening effect, reduce blood sugar, and normalize metabolic processes. The infusion is used to treat diabetes, reduces cholesterol in the blood, and lowers the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Rosehip preparations are used to treat skin diseases.

Rice. 31. May rose hips

(Fig. 32) is a perennial herbaceous plant. It is found throughout the territory of Belarus, growing mainly in groups in flooded and swampy areas, forest edges. The root system of valerian is powerful, with a characteristic odor, and consists of a thick but short rhizome (3-4 cm long) and numerous thread-like roots. The roots are collected in September-October, when they contain the greatest amount of active ingredients. To dry, they are laid out indoors in a thin layer for 2 days, turned 2-3 times a day, then a dryer is used at a temperature of 35-40°C. The rhizome with roots contains essential oil, as well as tannins, organic acids, and starch. Valerian preparations find the most wide application in medical practice and at home as a sedative for nervous excitement, hypertension, palpitations, insomnia and as a digestive aid. Valerian is included in such drugs as Corvalol, Valocordin. At home, to obtain an infusion, 10 g of dried and crushed roots and rhizomes are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, boiled for 30 minutes, then infused for 2 hours. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Rice. 32. Valerian officinalis

(Fig. 33) is a perennial herbaceous plant with a thick tap root. It grows in meadows, clearings, near roads, on streets, in gardens, parks and vegetable gardens. The roots are harvested in August-September during the period of wilting of the leaves, washed with water, dried gradually, first under a canopy for 3-4 days, and then in dryers at a temperature of 60-70 ° C and good ventilation. Dandelion is used to stimulate appetite and improve digestion, as a diaphoretic, choleretic, expectorant, tonic and enhances the body's protective properties. The root is part of gastric, appetizing, diuretic and diabetic teas. To prepare the decoction, pour 3 tablespoons of crushed root into 2 cups of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, and filter. Drink 1 glass 2 times a day half an hour before meals.

Rice. 33. Dandelion officinalis

(Fig. 34) is a perennial herbaceous plant distributed throughout Belarus in dry places. Peduncles along with leaves are collected during flowering and dried at a temperature of 35-40 ° C in dryers or in air under a canopy. St. John's wort preparations have an astringent, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic effect, stimulate regenerative processes, are widely used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, for healing wounds, ulcers, burn surfaces, for treatment chronic stomatitis, sinusitis, inflammatory processes of the skin, etc.

Rice. 34. St. John's wort

(see Fig. 35) grows in mixed and coniferous forests, in damp shady places, in clearings and clearings, in ravines, and is common in home garden culture. Therapeutic effect possess fruits, leaves and flowers. The fruits contain organic acids (malic, citric, tartaric, ascorbic, salicylic), sugars (glucose and fructose), mucus, pectin and protein substances, carotene, vitamins A, group B, biologically active substances, due to which they have anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, antipyretic and anti-sclerotic properties. properties are useful as a preventive and therapeutic agent for metabolic disorders, diseases of the respiratory tract, gastritis, enteritis. To prepare the infusion, take 2 tablespoons of dried raspberries, pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes and filter, drink hot 2-3 times a day. Decoctions from the leaves have a good astringent effect.

Rice. 35. Common raspberry

(Fig. 36) is found along river banks, in fields, meadows throughout the territory of Belarus. For medicinal purposes, rhizomes and roots are used, which are harvested in autumn or early spring. The variety of biologically active substances makes it possible to widely use elecampane as an expectorant in the form of an infusion for acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, as well as for low acidity gastric juice and inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis), peptic ulcers, for the treatment of skin diseases and purulent wounds. The infusion is prepared by pouring 30 g of root into 1 liter of boiling water, cool, and take 0.5 cups 3 times a day. Elecampane is also included in various medicinal preparations.

Rice. 36. Elecampane tall

(Fig. 37) is a perennial herbaceous plant common in Belarus. Collected during the budding period - at the beginning of flowering, cutting off young shoots 2-3 times over the summer. The leaves contain about 2.5% essential oil, organic acids, tannins, carotene, trace elements (copper, manganese) and other chemical compounds, the main one being menthol. As water infusion Mint leaves are used as a remedy to improve digestion, stomach cramps, and nausea. To prepare the infusion, take 2 tablespoons of leaves per 2 cups of boiling water, brew it like tea and drink 0.5 cup 2 times a day before meals. Mint is included in various mixtures, stomach tablets, delicious teas, etc. Peppermint oil It is included in many medications (Corvalol, Valocordin, Pectussin), dental drops and other products; it is also used to improve the taste of mixtures. Pure menthol is used in the treatment of skin diseases (eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatitis, urticaria), and colds.

Rice. 37. Peppermint

(Fig. 38) is an evergreen berry plant, widespread throughout Belarus (especially in the north) in mixed forests and swampy conifers. The berries contain organic acids, sugars, pectin, tannins and coloring substances, vitamin C, microelements, and thanks to benzoic acid they can be kept fresh for a long time. Lingonberry juice and syrup are used for hypovitaminosis, injuries, inflammatory processes, increased body temperature, after operations and serious illnesses.

Rice. 38. Lingonberry

Linden(Fig. 39). As remedy Linden flowers are used, collected at the beginning of flowering, when some of them have not yet bloomed. They contain tannins and dyes, essential oils, carbohydrates, vitamins, etc. Flowers are dried in the shade on fresh air. It is believed that the active substances contained in flowers enhance the activity of sweat glands, dilate blood vessels. Linden blossom is used in the form of a hot water infusion for colds (1-2 teaspoons of linden blossom are brewed with a glass of boiling water and drunk hot). Linden inflorescences can be part of medicinal preparations used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, liver and intestines.

Fig 39. Small-leaved linden

(Fig. 40) grows on the edges of mixed forests, among bushes, often in gardens and parks. Elderberry flowers contain essential oil, rutin, malic, acetic and valeric acids, fruits contain glucose, fructose, organic acids, tannins and dyes. Flowers are collected during flowering, fruits - during full ripening. Flowers have diaphoretic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant effects. Preparations in the form of infusions and extracts are used for inhalation, rinsing during various diseases respiratory tract, leaves - as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

Rice. 40. Black elderberry

(Fig. 41) is often found in forests and river valleys of Belarus. The bark and fruits are used for medicinal purposes. The bark is harvested in the spring. It contains tannins and dyes, resins, organic acids, and vitamins. The bark is used as a sedative, antipyretic, antimicrobial agent, fruits - as a dietary and multivitamin product that has a positive effect on cardiac activity, has a general strengthening and diuretic effect. A water decoction of flowers is drunk for coughs and colds and other diseases.

Rice. 41. Viburnum

Rowan and chokeberry(Fig. 42) - plants common in Belarus. The fruits contain pectin, coloring, tannins, organic acids, sugars, vitamins C and P, and a lot of carotene. Fresh or dried berries and preparations made from them are used for heart diseases, low acidity of gastric juice, as a mild laxative, diuretic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory agent. Medicinal properties berries chokeberry mainly due to vitamins, tannins and dyes. Extracts, juices, infusions are used for hypertension, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, allergic diseases skin. Chokeberry berries are especially effective for hypertension, diabetes, and hyperthyroidism.

Rice. 42. Rowan

(Fig. 43). In medical practice, buds and turpentine processing products - turpentine - are usually used. Young needles contain vitamin C and essential oils. Tar is a product of dry distillation of pine wood; it is part of Vishnevsky and Wilkinson ointments. Steamed pine buds are used for inhalation for respiratory diseases. Turpentine (ointments, compresses) is used for radiculitis, rheumatism and gout, as well as for inhalation as an antimicrobial agent.

Rice. 43. Scots pine

Bird cherry(Fig. 44) grows along river banks, forest clearings, and edges. For medicinal purposes, fruits (berries) are used, which are separated from the stalks and dried in an oven or dryer at a temperature of 50-60°C. The berries contain tannins, organic acids, sugars, and vitamins. Fresh fruits, flowers and leaves have anti-inflammatory properties. A decoction of the berries is used as an astringent for disorders of the digestive tract.

Rice. 44. Bird cherry

(Fig. 45) is a herbaceous plant. Stems, leaves and flowers contain formic acid, which gives it pungency, vitamins C, B2, K, carotenoids, tannins, antimicrobial substances, mineral salts. The presence of vitamin K in nettle preparations increases blood clotting and the amount of hemoglobin. Used for anemia and internal bleeding. An infusion of flowers and leaves is used for chronic skin diseases(furunculosis, eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis).

Rice. 45. Stinging nettle

(Fig. 46) is a perennial herbaceous plant. Found on sandy soils and thinned pine forests. Flowers are collected at the stage when they have not fully bloomed (June-August), dried in the shade, and stored in a dry, dark place. The flowers contain compounds that stimulate the secretion of bile, gastric and pancreatic juices, relax the muscles of the intestines, gall bladder and blood vessels, and have antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. Preparations from immortelle enhance the secretion of bile by liver cells, change its chemical composition, reduce the level of bilirubin and cholesterol, relieve spasms of the gallbladder sphincters, improve the action of the bile ducts, and promote the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. They are used for liver diseases, cholelithiasis, and after hepatitis. Included in preparations for the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, bladder, inflammation sciatic nerve, neuralgia, etc.

Rice. 46. ​​Sandy immortelle

Review questions

  1. Name the main types of medicinal plants growing in Belarus.
  2. Name the timing of collection and methods of preparing medicines from chamomile flowers.
  3. List the diseases for which valerian rhizome is used.
  4. When are small-leaved linden flowers collected, for what diseases are they used?
  5. List the diseases for which rose hips, blueberries, raspberries, lingonberries, viburnum, and rowan are used.

Many people take herbs for treatment various kinds diseases, used as prophylactic. Herbs have a more gentle effect on the body than drugs that are based on synthesized substances. Plants can be found almost everywhere in nature: in the field, in the forest, in the garden, and even grown on your windowsill at home. But it should be remembered that their use is not a panacea for all diseases and in some cases it is better to use traditional ways treatment. The article is about the most popular medicinal plants, photos and names of their species.

Photos of medicinal plants with names and descriptions

  1. First aid on our windowsill can be called aloe . If you use the miracle cure correctly, you can get rid of diseases such as arthritis, gastritis, and sore throat. The flower also helps restore vision. Quite often it is used in dentistry: for stomatitis, acute toothache. You need to put a small piece of leaf on the tooth, and the pain will subside after a while. To relieve inflammation of the gums, you should chew fresh fox several times throughout the day and rinse your mouth with juice diluted with water.

  2. One of the most effective plants in therapeutic practice is St. John's wort. The tops of the flower with inflorescences are used for medicinal purposes. The drug is used internally for intestinal diseases, inflammations in the mouth and throat. Widely used for burns, wounds and other skin injuries.

  3. There probably isn't one right now herbal remedy, which would be more useful than nettle . The list of diseases for which the plant can be used is impressive: anemia, bleeding, hemorrhoids, liver disease, asthma, allergies, heart disease, vascular disease, tuberculosis. Often used as a wound-healing, diuretic, tonic, vitamin remedy. Externally the plant is attached with open wounds, skin diseases, to strengthen hair growth.

  4. Useful qualities coltsfoot difficult to underestimate. The plant helps with colds, kidney and liver diseases. A decoction of the leaves cleanses the scalp and makes hair shiny. An infusion of leaves helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

  5. Used for a large number of ailments therapeutic properties dandelion . It is a hematopoietic agent. Recommended for inflammation of the lymph nodes, cancer diseases, hepatic colic, hepatitis.

  6. Unlike many medicines, it does not cause side effects motherwort . It is used to treat epilepsy, thrombosis, and intestinal disorders. Motherwort affects the body like valerian, but the effect is much better, especially in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders.

  7. One of the most popular plants is chamomile . Its composition is unique, making the flower miraculous. It is used to treat burns, colds, fatigue, and neuralgic pain. Externally used for washing, hair care, and gynecological diseases.

  8. It is very popular. IN folk medicine can be used both internally and externally. Decoctions, ointments, and tinctures are prepared on its basis. It has diuretic and choleretic properties. The herb is used as an antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral agent. Used against the removal of calluses.

  9. Since ancient times it has been valued as a cure for all diseases sage . Scientists claim that it increases the secretory activity of the digestive system, promotes the secretion of gastric juice, helps with sweating, strengthens Airways, has a positive effect on the stomach and intestines.

Medicinal plants for the garden

Today, when more and more people are celebrating side effects from the use of traditional medicines to herbal medicine. And this is not surprising. With the help of herbs you can improve your health for many years. The cost of such treatment is often much less. The article describes only part of the information about what medicinal plants are; photos and names of the most famous ones are given.

To get advice on what natural source will be needed for treatment specific disease, it is better to consult a doctor - a specialist in herbal products. There is no need to take medicinal plants on your own. Some of them have strong effect and may cause undesirable consequences.

The section describes medicinal plants - their places of growth and healing properties, rules for collection and storage. You will learn about how to take care of these plants, what role they play in human life. Below is a list by name in alphabetical order of the main, from the point of view of medicinal use, medicinal plants with detailed descriptions, pictures and recommendations for use for the treatment of various diseases.

Medicinal plants- an extensive group of plants used in medical and veterinary practice for various diseases for therapeutic or preventive purposes. The medicinal properties of medicinal plants are due to the presence of certain chemical compounds in them - the so-called active substances.

Medicinal plants are used in the form of collections, or teas, powders, etc., or after processing (see, Dosage forms). Special groups medicines prepared from medicinal plants at chemical-pharmaceutical factories consist of products of their primary processing (fatty and essential oils, resins, etc.), pure (without admixture of ballast substances) amounts of active substances, individual chemical compounds and their combinations. The active substances are distributed unevenly in medicinal plants. Typically, only those parts of the plant are used where the maximum amount of active substances accumulates. The composition and amount of active substances in medicinal plants changes throughout the year, with the age of the plant and depending on the conditions of its habitat, temperature, light, air, soil conditions, etc. Many medicinal plants are of only historical interest, since they are currently used in medicine are not used.

List of the most important wild and cultivated medicinal plants

The nomenclature of medicinal plants approved for use in medical practice contains about 160 names. Preparations or raw materials of 103 of these plants are described in the tenth edition of the State of the USSR (SFH). Requests for raw materials of medicinal plants are approximately half in terms of tonnage and about 75% in terms of nomenclature are satisfied through the collection wild plants, and the rest comes from cultivated medicinal plants.

Also given morphological description annual medicinal plants introduced into the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the Kirghiz SSR, the content of biologically active substances in them is given, the viability of plants in new conditions is described and some issues of agricultural cultivation technology are considered.

IN Lately interest in herbal medicine increased, which in turn increased the number of collectors. However, using medicinal plants without knowing their properties and chemical composition, it is forbidden. Many medicinal plants, their distribution and use are described in popular publications. The chemical composition and methods of obtaining certain biologically active substances from plants are discussed in scientific works. Despite the seemingly abundance of famous medicinal herbs, new ones are being opened, which undergo initial tests in botanical gardens and experimental stations. Botanical gardens located in different climatic zones of the globe have collections of various medicinal plants to study the biological characteristics, medicinal properties and methods of growing these herbs. Thanks to this, more and more new types of medicinal plants are being introduced into the industry. Seeds are the main material for exchange with other botanical gardens and other organizations. Similar work is being carried out in the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the Kirghiz SSR.

The section provides some information about annual medicinal plants grown in the experimental plot, and provides data on some long-known plants, but for some reason forgotten. Most of plants synthesize useful material in the above-ground mass - in the grass (chamomile, string, snakehead, fumes), in many species the seeds are valuable (coriander, anise, datura, flax, poppy, large plantain, etc.). In some plants medicinal properties flowers have (calendula officinalis, blue cornflower, etc.).

Our long-term research shows that many introduced plants do not change their chemical composition, and often the quantitative content of active substances is not inferior to that of wild plants. The study of the chemical composition of medicinal plants was carried out jointly with the laboratory of the Institute of Physiology and Experimental Pathology of the High Mountains and the laboratory natural compounds Organic Institute.

All plants are divided into two groups: 1) introduced into scientific medicine and included in the pharmacopoeias of the Soviet Union; 2) used in folk medicine.

Medicinal plants are types of plant organisms used for the manufacture of therapeutic and prophylactic drugs that are used in medical and veterinary practice. Herbal medicines account for over 30% of all medicines traded on the world market. In the USSR, about 40% of the medicines used are made from plants.

About 2,500 plant species from the flora of the USSR, including those used in folk medicine, have medicinal value.

The diversity of soil and climatic conditions of the USSR allows the introduction on its territory of numerous species of foreign medicinal plants of the cold, temperate and subtropical zones.

More than 600 plant species can be used as raw materials for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, in the pharmacy chain and for export. Of this amount, not counting minor medicinal plants, only about 200 species belonging to 70 families are practically used in medicine (mainly the families Asteraceae, Rosaceae, Legumes, Lamiaceae, Umbelliferae, Solanaceae, Buckwheat, Cruciferous, Ranunculaceae). About 70% of the medicinal plants used are used in galenic production, other types are used in pharmacies, homeopathy and are exported.

When harvesting wild and cultivated medicinal plants, as a rule, individual organs or parts of the plant are collected.

The collection of medicinal plant materials is carried out in certain deadlines- during periods of maximum accumulation of active substances. The collected raw materials are usually dried.

In the USSR, a comprehensive study of medicinal plants already known in medicine is being carried out (identifying their reserves, introducing them into cultivation, increasing productivity and finding ways to reduce the cost of raw materials, establishing better harvest times, conditions for drying and storing raw materials, preparing new drugs and dosage forms).

A search is underway for new and cheaper sources of plant raw materials to replace already known imported or scarce ones. medicinal drugs, as well as medicinal plants with new pharmacological and therapeutic effect(study of their chemical composition, pharmacological activity and therapeutic value, development of technology for the production of drugs and their manufacture).

New medicinal plants and physiologically active substances of plant origin are identified through a complete or selective chemical and pharmacological study of the flora of certain regions of the USSR. At the same time, information about the use of certain medicinal plants in folk medicine is taken into account.

In targeted searches for a specific compound, species and genera that are phylogenetically close to the plant from which this compound was previously isolated are studied first.

Thus, to date, over 6,000 plant species have been previously studied for the content of alkaloids, over 4,000 for the presence of essential oils, about 2,000 have been studied for the presence of cardiac glycosides, about 3,000 saponins, about 1,000 flavonoids, and about 1,000 species of coumarins.

As a result, a large number of individual chemical substances have been isolated and many new therapeutic drugs have been created on their basis.

In Belarus, the production of medicines based on herbal raw materials accounts for the lion's share of imports. At the same time, the country has a huge reserve of, for example, chamomile, calendula, and thyme. What does it take to generate income from what is under your feet?

Vanishing Ginseng

To gain strength, the herbal pharmacy advises:

- It is best to drink a decoction of ginseng root - it strengthens the immune system, increases efficiency and speeds up thought processes. But, unfortunately, we don’t have it in our pharmacy for a long time, try looking for it in commercial stores.

I learned from the Internet that, according to the recommendations of oriental healers, after 40 years, ginseng, considered one of the most useful plants in the world, is taken by almost every Chinese, and even Belarusians are familiar with it. Following the advice of a specialist, I call pharmacies, commercial and government. And suddenly I’m faced with a shortage. A call to the Grodno Republican Unitary Enterprise “Pharmacia” confirmed my guesses: not to any of the pharmacies regional center Ginseng root has not been reported recently, although it is included in the State Pharmacopoeia. Has the market gone in a different direction?

But there really were plenty of online offers. True, prices vary suspiciously: from 17 rubles to more than 60 for 50 grams. This is how you can run into the dubious root of life.

Where did ginseng go, for example? Of course, he is not a panacea. But have the times when Belarusians tried to grow it even in their dachas really sunk into oblivion? Not profitable? No demand? What is the reason?

I called the state farm “Minsk Vegetable Factory”, where in the late 1980s the chief agronomist of the state farm, Georgy Violentiy, founded the famous industrial ginseng plantation. At one time, it enjoyed enormous fame in the country, being a supplier of medicinal plant materials to the domestic market, and also opened export horizons, receiving the European Henry Ford Award for the preservation of cultural heritage and the environment.

At the farm, unfortunately, they told me that with the death of Georgy Ivanovich, the plantation also went down in history.

Apparently, the taiga root did not succeed in taking root here for a long time. And it's not just about the climate. There are many ingredients needed for an initiative to grow. What about the native Belarusian medicinal herbs?

Don't dry things out

In Soviet times, we had a clear system for procuring wild medicinal herbs. At that time, anyone could collect healing gifts of nature in a meadow or forest, hand them over to pharmacies or procurement points of consumer cooperatives, and earn good money from this. Such raw materials were also grown on an industrial scale. Now the situation has changed, the prerogative of collection and procurement has passed to a few farmers and private enterprises, the number of procurement organizations can be counted on one hand, and only a few pharmaceutical companies accept the lexicon on an industrial scale. As a result, according to experts, today we only procure about five percent of the possible volume of medicinal raw materials, despite the fact that, according to UNDP, about 40 percent of our medicines are herbal preparations. And interest in them is growing.

Meanwhile, the empty niche in the market was quickly filled by imported analogues. However, experts believe that in the future the country can not only fully provide itself with its own medicinal plants, but also export both raw materials and finished phytoproducts to many countries.

The head of the department of bioregulators of the State Enterprise “Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”, Doctor of Biological Sciences Liliya Nadolnik, reveals long-cherished plans on this matter:

- In Belarus, this direction can become promising. Our institute, in particular, has a large potential for studying the effect of plant extracts on the human body during various diseases, and the corresponding complex herbal remedies are already available. We have developed a business plan for creating a pilot production for deep processing of medicinal raw materials using supercritical and membrane technologies, which has no analogues in Belarus. Projects implemented under the program have now been submitted to the competition innovative development Grodno Regional Executive Committee. During the international symposium, which took place at our institute, round table to discuss the concept of the Union State program “Metabolism”. It involves a complex of works on the production of medicines from plant materials: from the development of technology for growing plants to the direct creation of highly effective drugs and equipment for their production.

But, alas, it often happens that a huge period of time passes from the idea to its implementation. However, the Grodno LLC “NPK “Biotest” is already successfully developing the traditions of herbal medicine, persistently “breaking through” into the market of the Customs Union. Head of the company, candidate of biological sciences Nikolai Doroshkevich shares his opinion:

- In my deep conviction, herbal medicines can help improve the health of the nation. These are the origins of our medicine. Indeed, in the history of mankind, the time interval for the use of synthetic drugs is only a small fraction. We do not yet know what consequences treatment with them will bring to humanity. But, unfortunately, herbal medicine is still at a low level in our country. For its thorough development, it is necessary, first of all, for medicinal herbs to be standardized. And in order for us to start moving away from imports, it is necessary for the interests of the state, producers and consumers to come together.

Where did the daisies hide?

The Bolshoye Mozheikovo state farm, in the Shchuchinsky district, is the only agricultural enterprise in the country specializing in growing chamomile, motherwort, milk thistle, calendula, and valerian. This specialization has been preserved since Soviet times, as well as the main production equipment, which has long required large-scale updating.

Compared to its heyday, the state farm had to significantly reduce its unusual plantations. An area of ​​420 hectares is used for them, and in the old days only one valerian was grown on 300 hectares. We have our own packaging shop, with a production capacity of about 220 tons of finished products per year.

Director of the KSUP “State Farm “Bolshoye Mozheikovo” Yuri Belyavsky notes that the economy could not only return to its previous scale, but also increase plantations and output of finished products. Technical re-equipment required:

- Mozheykovsky raw materials today are more expensive than Polish ones. Energy costs affect the cost. The funds needed for technical re-equipment are considerable; the state farm cannot cope on its own. As a domestic manufacturer of import-substituting raw materials, we hope for government support. If the state farm develops this direction, it is necessary not only to re-equip existing workshops, but also to build new ones.

It should be noted that, given such competition, the farm manages to stay afloat: all its finished packaged products are sold in our country and Russia, trial batches were sent to Lithuania and Poland. By the way, on the domestic market the state farm works only with state pharmacies. And according to the observations of pharmacists, Belarusians have a special demand for Mozheikovsky products.

In the meantime, specialists from a unique agricultural enterprise in the country are calculating what the savings could be. The arithmetic is simple: one kilogram of chamomile wholesale for export costs about $3. For the same amount you can sell 3 hundred gram boxes medicine- if there was a larger workshop.

Meanwhile, having heard a lot about the unique state farm preserved from Soviet times, foreign farmers periodically come to Bolshoye Mozheikovo with a request to sell seeds and teach them the technology of growing and processing medicinal plants.

What we have, we don’t take

According to scientists, we have about 270 species of higher plants, or one sixth of the flora. The total biological reserve of this raw material is impressive, but only a fraction of nature’s gifts are actually used. But with a reasonable approach, it would be possible to resume the practice of collecting medicinal plants by the population by reviving and modernizing procurement points. But, unfortunately, the reality is that the original knowledge about medicinal plants is disappearing, the culture of collecting them is disappearing.

As for farms, including farms, that support and develop this industry, it is difficult for them to resist new trends in chemical medicine.

Valery Shnigir has been growing medicinal herbs in the Novogrudok region for 13 years. His farming“Arnica mountain” enjoys well-deserved authority. There are about 200 healing hectares here. About competition farmer Shnigir knows firsthand:

- Most domestic manufacturers of medications import herbal raw materials, thus supporting foreign farmers or farms involved in the cultivation of medicinal herbs. For example, we have so far managed to maintain contact only with the Minsk Pharmaceutical Plant.

As a result, Belarusians see in pharmacies herbal preparations. Yes, they are packaged in our country, but the herbs are grown outside of our country. This absolutely does not mean that the quality of our raw materials is inferior to imported ones. We just need to learn not only to produce and prepare something, but also to learn to promote and advertise the product. Close supply chains on it. You can, of course, try to achieve the introduction of some non-tariff barriers for imported products. However, I think this is not the way that will give the desired result. After all, the task is not only to saturate your market, but also to gain a foothold in foreign ones.

Knowing that Arnica montana already grows about 20 species of medicinal plants, I ask an experienced farmer if he intended to grow the notorious root of life?

Valery Shnigir says frankly:

- Ginseng is a very whimsical plant. For the root to mature, you need to look after it for five years. Whether it is profitable for our farmer to grow it today, judge for yourself. After all, even less labor-intensive herbs are not easily sold.


Georgy Grits, Vice-Rector of the State Educational Institution “Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Managers and Industry Specialists “Industry Personnel”:

Medicines based on herbal raw materials are primarily one of the areas of activity of the National Academy of Sciences. At the same time, it is important that scientists and practitioners work in tandem, the most progressive Scientific research and developments were implemented. Growing medicinal plants, in my opinion, can be the prerogative of a private owner, and there should be tax preferences from the state. Phytoproducts could become a unique brand of our country, which is positioned with an environmental focus. By the way, during the times of Tsarist Russia, the territory of modern Belarus was the leader in the supply of fireweed tea, the export position to Europe was comparable to the supply of fur. And now teas based on this medicinal plant are brought to us from Siberia; unfortunately, we are also losing other medicinal plants.

We need more herbal doctors

Svetlana Lapina from the village of Zheludok, Shchuchinsky district, brought together herbal and medical knowledge. She is a herbalist who continued the work of her father, a certified physician and herbalist known throughout the area, Ivan Egorov:

“I learned the power of herbs as a child, my grandmother healed us from all illnesses with them and at the same time instructed: “If you take pills, you won’t live up to my age.” Having become a doctor, I began a thorough study of the healing nature of herbs and became convinced of their power in practice.

Using special knowledge, she not only collects the gifts of nature, but also, together with her husband, grows plants in her garden. There are already about a hundred varieties in the Lapins' green pharmacy. Svetlana remembers her father with gratitude:

- He left a legacy of real wealth - time-tested recipes, schemes, treatment methods. We are improving these catalogs and creating an electronic database of its collections. I add a lot from my own experience and knowledge. Unfortunately, our generation is moving away from the original knowledge of how nature itself heals. I believe that herbalists should be trained locally medical universities. I am convinced that herbal medicine should be combined with chemicals, because natural medicines capable of removing side effects chemical ones, and they are much cheaper.

A hereditary herbalist from the village of Zheludok believes that what, figuratively speaking, grows under our feet heals us. Belarusians did not grow up on exotics, and in her opinion, the most beneficial effect on the body of herbs growing in our area is already laid down at the genetic level.


Drops of the Danish King.Breast Elixir(Elixir e Succo Liquiritiae):

2 parts pure licorice root extract,
6 parts dill water,
2 parts ammonia solution with anise oil.

The mixture settles for several days and is drained from the sediment. The elixir is opaque, brown in color, and is stored in a well-sealed bottle.

Amber essence(Ambra-Essenz):

150.0 wine alcohol 90%,
50.0 Esprit triple de Jasmine,
0,5 rose oil,
1 drop of orris root oil,
0.5 amber,
0.02 musk,
0.1 vanillin,
0.05 coumarin.

Cologne water (Eau de Cologne):

10.0 bergamot oil,
5,0 lemon oil,
5.0 purified French rosemary oil,
3.0 orange flower oils,
1.0 clove oil,
0.2 ylang-ylang oil,
1.0 acetic ether,
1.0 diluted acetic acid 30%,
825.0 wine alcohol 90%,
150.0 orange blossom water.

The mixture is heated to 70 °C, left for several days in a cool place and then filtered.

(From the archives of the Grodno Pharmacy Museum.)

SURVEY .Do you use folk remedies?

Valeria Vilchik, accountant:

I collect linden blossoms, dry them and make decoctions in winter. This the best remedy from a cold. At the first sign of illness, I drink this healing drink. Linden flowers are great for coughs. I read that they contain a lot of vitamin C and other substances beneficial to the body. And my husband has his own recipe: he prepares brooms from linden branches. These are irreplaceable in the bathhouse.

Karina Golovach, sales consultant:

I don’t use herbs, you still need to know how to infuse and dose them correctly, but I drink herbal teas with great pleasure. Unfortunately, many such imported drinks are now sold, but I would like to see ours, Belarusian ones. I once saw souvenir teas produced in Grodno in a herbal pharmacy, even among foreign tourists they were in great demand. There would be more such domestic products.

Tatyana Glavnitskaya, administrator:

I take pills only in exceptional cases. The goal was not to collect herbs, but in pharmacies you can now buy all kinds of herbs inexpensively. In my opinion, any chemical medicine gives by-effect, and his professional advertising brings someone a lot of money. After all, you can collect the herbs yourself if you wish; such treatment will not cost anything.

Victor Vasko, entrepreneur:

I think that herbal medicine, which is now being revived from time immemorial, is PR. Medicine has already come a long way, and treatment with all kinds of herbs and herbs can be fraught with consequences.

Anna Grigorenko, student:

We always have chamomile in our house; its decoction relieves any inflammation, even cleanses the skin of acne. My grandmother drinks chamomile tea before bed and says it helps with insomnia and treats gastritis.

SvetlanaRusina, teacher:

I take a bath before bed with herbal infusions. It has a relaxing and calming effect. I make the decoction myself: I mix lavender, lemon balm, sage - 100 grams of each herb, pour in three liters of boiled water, leave for 15 minutes, filter and pour into the bath. I carry out this procedure once a week. It is necessary, of course, that the water be no hotter than 30 degrees and lie there for no more than 30 minutes. The composition of the infusions can be completely different, depending on your health.