Benefits and in-kind assistance for children registered as disabled. How to apply for autism disability and is it worth it?

The site looked into whether it is possible to assign the status of “disability” to all autistic people, whether this will bring benefit or harm, and how serious a mental disorder autism is.

What happened?

On December 15, at a meeting on innovations in the field of education in the Federation Council, Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva (together with the Ministry of Health) proposed legislatively assigning the status of disabled people to “autistic children.” This initiative is supported by the Ministry of Health. The fact that currently children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are not classified as “disabled children” hinders the organization of specialized training, since there is no separate expense item in the budget.

What is autism?

Autism (also childhood autism) belongs to the group of autism spectrum disorders (ASD), which also includes atypical autism and Asperger's syndrome. According to WHO data as of February 2016, ASD is observed in one child in 160. Some signs of autism: difficulties in communicating with others, weakening or loss of social connections, self-absorption and an inactive reaction to the outside world. The results of many studies have shown that if autism is detected in early age, after which the child receives appropriate care, the severity of the symptoms decreases.

When discussing autism, it is always necessary to answer some moral and ethical questions. To what extent can this disorder be considered a serious mental disorder? Is it possible to limit communication between children with ASD and their neurotypical peers? Is inclusive education possible? It should be taken into account that not every child who seeks solitude rather than noisy play is autistic, and not every child diagnosed with ASD has completely lost control of himself.

"Disabled child"

According to the federal law “On social protection of disabled people in Russian Federation“, “disabled” is a person who “has a health impairment with a persistent disorder of body functions, caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limitation of life activity and necessitating his social protection" In the same act, “limitation of life activity” is understood as “the complete or partial loss of a person’s ability or ability to carry out self-care, move independently, navigate, communicate, control one’s behavior, learn and engage in work.” The category “disabled child” is removed upon reaching adulthood.

Once a child’s disability is confirmed, he and his family are guaranteed monthly benefits. In 2016, the amount of payments to disabled children is just under 12 thousand rubles. In addition to payments, families are provided social benefits: receiving necessary medications And medical supplies, vouchers to health resorts, free pass, rent subsidies. All of the benefits listed can be provided to the family if desired. monetary equivalent. Every month, parents of disabled children receive a care allowance of 5.5 thousand rubles, and guardians - 1.2 thousand rubles.

A person with neuropsychiatric disorders, which include, for example, paralysis with signs of dementia, mental retardation, cerebral circulation, leading to dementia, epilepsy, can be classified as “disabled”.

Expert opinion

Tatyana Morozova, clinical psychologist, expert of the Naked Heart Foundation:

“Many children have characteristics that qualify them as disabled. On the other hand, if it is a legal question whether to automatically classify all autistic people as disabled, then it has no solution. Children are different, some have minimal characteristics. The task of parents is to adequately accept the classification by which disability is assigned.

Inadequate autism diagnosis systems result in children having everything other than autism, resulting in programs that do not meet needs. The fact that it is necessary to improve the detection system and adequately diagnose normal age(this would make it possible to receive adequate services), I completely agree with this. But an adequate diagnosis and disability are two different things. A diagnosis requires access to certain services that are specific to needs, and these are different for everyone.

There must be two-way development: on the one hand, improvement in diagnosis, on the other, the introduction of modern proven methods of assistance. If this happens, then the initiative will make sense. If the diagnosis leads to parents turning to quacks to receive inadequate services, it will be very bad.

This is a problem that does not have one solution for everyone. It is very important that we talk about this. But before making any drastic decisions, you need to assess the situation. I wouldn't want it to be like this good idea harmed people."

Natalya Zakharova, practicing psychiatrist, Ph.D., employee of the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology of the Russian Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov:

"IN various types childhood autism requiring treatment, constant assistance, disability is established. This does not mean that absolutely all autistic people should be given a disability. Not all forms of childhood autism require government intervention because many autistic people are not disabled and can learn and fit into the community even better than non-autistic people.”

How to register a disability for a child with Autism. How and why, what payments are due.

Personal experience and useful information.

I didn't intend to apply for disability. Moreover, the word disabled, disability and everything connected with it scared me terribly. I didn’t want to stigmatize the child and was going to restore my son completely to school and forget the diagnosis as horrible dream. So, I hope it will be! But I need money here and now. When my child is 3.5 and there are a lot of good therapies, specialists and all this is incredibly expensive!

WE didn’t tell anyone about our son’s autism and weren’t in a hurry to register with specialists. We proudly believed that we didn’t need money, but life made us look at this problem differently.

A close friend of mine had a healthy 6-year-old child fall out of the window. From the 4th floor. Accidentally. The girl fell into a coma for 17 days. And when she came out of the coma, she lay hung with tubes and they were promised a plant child. The parents prayed for a miracle. And a miracle happened. On the third day of leaving the coma, the child began to return to normal. And a week later, the girl walked, talked, understood and remembered everything. When we met, she chatted incessantly about her new kitten, which mom and dad had given her as a joyful gift. Only vision remained in question. It did not recover completely, but the child saw it! That same month, the parents almost automatically filed for disability and began to restore the child who had returned to life.

It was their story that made me think about a lot of things: about how little we value life, our children, that autism is not the most terrible and certainly correctable disease, that disability is not visible to anyone and is very easy to remove, but money for disability can creature help the child. Therapies, activities, vitamins, sea, dolphins, horses, etc. Whatever parents consider necessary. And if you suddenly, like me, think that it’s not worth it and don’t even know how much and what it’s supposed to be...

The total of all disability payments in the Russian Federation is about 20,000 rubles. per month!!!

Enough to restore your child, receive various therapy, buy necessary vitamins etc. + get a good speech therapy kindergarten or a kindergarten for autism if available + various benefits and assistance. IT'S DEFINITELY WORTH IT!

I sometimes came across information about disabilities. And I was horrified by how much there was to do all the paperwork, running, lying down, walking, etc. The reality turned out to be much simpler! NO NEED TO STAY IN THE HOSPITAL! Stay registered for a year too. There is no need to wait until the child grows up! There is now only one disability group - disabled from childhood, payments are the same for everyone! Most of the information is outdated. There are too many autists. The procedure has become much easier and faster.

In order to know why and why disability is needed, read the list of benefits, payments and assistance that will be provided after registration.

1. Cash payments

(information taken from different sources, reliability is not accurate, check your region of the Russian Federation)

Type of payment Payment amount Where to contact
1 Social pension from the federal budget
  • RUB 8,861.54

(as of 2014)

Pension Fund
2 Monthly cash payment (MAP) ( at the expense of part of the EDV you can receive a set social services(NSU)*)
  • RUB 2,123.92


Pension Fund
3 Compensation payment to social pension(paid during the period for which the pension was assigned) The amount is determined based on the amount of the child’s pension (total amount pensions and compensation payment it cannot be lower than the city guaranteed minimum)
4 Compensation payment to a person caring for a disabled child under 18 years of age or a disabled person from childhood to 23 years of age (appointed from the month of the child’s examination at the medical-sanitary examination bureau and paid for the month of expiration of the disability period, but no more than until the child reaches the age of 23 years) 5700 rub. Department of Social Protection of the Population
5 Compensation payment to a disabled child and a person disabled since childhood under the age of 23 who has lost a breadwinner 1450 rub. Department of Social Protection of the Population
6 Child benefit (assigned to families of Muscovites with an average per capita income, which on the date of application does not exceed 8,000 rubles, for children under the age of 16, as well as for children studying in general education institutions until graduation, but no more than until they reach 18 years of age) For children of single mothers (single fathers) - 1,500 rubles. per child, for children in other families - 750 rubles. per child Department of Social Protection of the Population
7 Compensation payment to reimburse the increase in the cost of food for children under 3 years of age 675 rub. per child Department of Social Protection of the Population

Rights and benefits of a disabled child and his family

Benefits and natural help for children registered as disabled:

  • Priority admission to preschool educational institutions.
  • Free attendance at preschool educational institutions.
  • Obtaining a specialized speech therapy kindergarten according to indications
  • Possibility of studying in a general education or individual program at home
  • Obtaining initial vocational education without charging fees.
  • Help social services in professional, social, psychological rehabilitation.
  • 50% discount on payment for housing and utilities
  • Free travel on public transport (except minibuses).
  • Exemption from payment of 100% of the cost of travel in city, suburban and intercity traffic for children and accompanying persons.
  • Providing emergency medical care (NO QUEUE at the clinic)
  • Additional provision of life necessities important indications medicines.
  • Providing pension benefits to one of the parents
  • Payment of temporary disability benefits in case of caring for a sick child under 15 years of age for the entire period outpatient treatment or cohabitation with a child in hospital, but no more than 120 calendar days in a calendar year for all cases of care for this child (one of the parents).
  • Providing housing for families with disabled children in need of improved housing conditions (registered before January 1, 2005).
  • Payment for four additional days leave per month to care for disabled children
  • Take your disability certificate to work. You will not be able to be laid off, transferred, or sent on a business trip without your consent.
  • In some regions there are compensations for paid education through the education department in a decent amount.
  • Tax deductions for treatment, training (save receipts)

Free supply of dairy baby food products on doctor's prescriptions

Sanatorium-resort treatment, including at sea, is free for children and one parent!

Free provision of medicines and products medical purposes according to prescriptions from doctors of medical institutions (in case of refusal of monetary compensation)

Free entry to the zoo, museums, exhibition halls, cultural and recreational parks run by the government and even to many shopping, gaming, children's stores (ask)

Free education in art schools

Providing free textbooks

Some Internet providers give 50 percent discounts

Sberbank offers free social cards and increased interest on deposits

Payment of 50% tax on vehicle

ANSWERS. E if you want, but are in doubt. Here are some more answers for you. Disability is just a piece of paper! Our children are entitled to disability until they are restored. Issued for 1 year, occasionally for 2 years. If you don’t want to renew, you’ll be deregistered! If you want, go through the commission every year. You do not need to show a certificate to register for school. A certificate of disability is not an obstacle to a child’s education, but rather a way to get a special kindergarten and additional opportunities! The child does not need to be admitted to a hospital to receive disability; an outpatient examination is sufficient. According to the law on mental health care, information about disability is CONFIDENTIAL!

Grounds for recognizing a person as disabled

a) health impairment with persistent impairment of body functions, caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects;
b) restriction of life activity (complete or partial loss by a citizen of the ability or opportunity to exercise self-service, move independently, navigate, communicate, control your behavior, learn or engage in work activities);
V) the need for social protection measures, including rehabilitation.

For clarity, I emphasized everything that relates to our children. Autistic people are entitled to a disability and if your doctor or hospital has a different opinion, you legally have the right to change both doctor and hospital!

Autism severe disorder requiring TIMELY intervention and correction. Requires money and specialists. You can greatly simplify your life by getting all the benefits you are entitled to. We didn’t want sick children and we will do everything possible to restore them!

How to apply for disability.

Make an appointment with a psychiatrist. The doctor will examine you, register you, and create a card. There is no need to LYE UP. You will only be referred to a district psychiatrist and to medical commission(ITU).

After initial appointment psychiatrist, you will be referred to specialists


EEG (brain preferably during sleep)

Blood and urine analysis

The doctor who was registered with him, if so (we had an orthopedist and an ophthalmologist)

Attention: if you have undergone any specialists within a year, this data will be recorded

After visiting all the specialists, you need to go back to the psychiatrist, he will issue a disability card and enter the conclusions of all the specialists. Afterwards, he will refer you to the district psychiatrist, who will give his opinion, and with this opinion you can sign up for the commission. If you go to kindergarten, you will need a reference. The child’s presence is necessary everywhere, but no one conducts any tests, they look, I ask the mother, they fill out papers.

When we go to MSEC we have with us:


child's outpatient card

parents' passports

Birth certificate - original and copy

SNILS of the child and parents

WHAT WE DID. OUR experience of receiving disability.

At 3.5 years old, we began to register a disability, visible autistic features remained: stims, autistic games, vocalizations, etc., speech was nominative, echo, monosyllabic... We had an urgent need for a good defectologist and especially a speech therapy kindergarten, sound therapy...

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150 comments: Disability

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Autism disability

I have a question: my eldest son has had a disability since he was 4 years old, diagnosed with autism, now he is 8 years old, he has aggressive behavior, he attacks his younger brother and sister, the attending doctors and the PMPC commission recommended registration in a psychoneurological boarding school, but we received a refusal to register due to the fact that he has both parents, what can we do in this situation?

Contact the prosecutor's office. Refusal to medical help is unacceptable.

You have the right to appeal the refusal in court.

5 years old, in December 2018 he was diagnosed with 70℅ disability, we have three diagnoses, autism, anemia moderate severity, bulbar syndrome- paralysis, please tell me my son is entitled to an apartment and where can I find out, since I heard that if a child is sick, then according to ICD 10 they must provide living quarters, is it possible or is the state again hanging noodles on their ears?

Residential premises of the state or municipal fund are provided to citizens on a waiting list for improved housing conditions. This rule fully applies to disabled people of all groups. The city queue is maintained by the authority local government or an authorized body of municipal property. To register, you must submit the following documents: application from a disabled person; documents confirming the lack of an apartment or the need for housing; a certificate from the MSEC authorities regarding the establishment of a disability group; certificate of family composition; documents confirming the status of low-income citizens. Regional legislation may establish preferential queues for certain categories of citizens, including disabled people. Preferential social housing becomes available to local authorities through the construction of multi-apartment buildings, the acquisition of individual apartments on the primary and secondary markets, as well as through the use of quotas in commercial buildings.

Based on what document is a child diagnosed with Childhood Autism (F84.0) classified as having a disability (primary). My son is 3 years old and 3 months old, diagnosed with Autism.

This issue can only be decided by a medical board; you need to take a referral to it.

We have a child with disabilities (autism, intellectual disabilities). Turned 14 years old. Tell me what to do if there is no way to do it normal photo(the child does not focus his gaze and does not respond to spoken speech). How can such children get a passport? Thank you.

Unfortunately, there is no legal advice here, you need to contact either good photographers or to doctors, because the order of photographs of disabled people is not regulated in any way by law.

If I have light form autism (group 1 disability), can I drive a car?

You need to get a medical opinion. commission on the possibility of management vehicle. However, most likely on the basis of Articles 23-23.1, 28 Federal Law dated December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ "On safety traffic" (hereinafter: the Law) they may not give it to you with such a diagnosis. However, this should be decided by doctors, not lawyers.

Good day to you. Autism in and of itself is certainly not grounds for restricting rights. Rights can be limited due to incapacity, mental disorders. The list is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 555 dated September 29, 1989 “On improving the system of medical examinations of workers and drivers of individual vehicles.” I wish you good luck in resolving your issue.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 N 1604 “On lists medical contraindications, medical indications and medical restrictions on driving" I. Mental disorders and behavioral disorders (in the presence of chronic and prolonged mental disorders with severe persistent or frequently exacerbating painful manifestations) 1. Organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders F00 - F09 2. Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders F20 - F29 3. Mood disorders (affective disorders) F30 - F39 4. Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders F40 - F48 5. Personality and behavioral disorders in adulthood F60 - F69 6. Mental retardation F70 - F79 Mild form of autism - is in the ICD-10 classification under code F84.1. That is, your disease is not on the List of Medical Contraindications to Driving (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 N 1604) And everything else is decided by the medical commission - whether you can drive a vehicle or not. Lawyers do not solve this issue.

--- Hello dear visitor, it’s not a fact that doctors will sign for you. driving license, but it is only in their competence. See Order of the Ministry of Health No. 344 n dated July 15, 2015 “On conducting a medical examination in mandatory for drivers of motor vehicles and candidate drivers." Good luck to you and all the best, with respect, lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

Hello, site visitor, in your situation, yes you can, you need to undergo a medical examination to obtain a license; the diagnosis of autism is not included in the list of medical contraindications, medical indications and medical restrictions for driving a vehicle Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 N 1604 " On the lists of medical contraindications, medical indications and medical restrictions on driving a vehicle"

My son has been diagnosed with autism. He has a disability. PMPK gave us direction to correctional kindergarten accompanied.
Before the child was diagnosed, we went to a regular kindergarten and are still enrolled in it. Due to health and developmental issues, we did not go there for almost 2 years. Now the specialists who work with him strongly recommend that we attend a regular kindergarten for at least 2-3 hours a day, accompanied by our mother.
But the head is trying to refuse us under the pretext that there are no specialists in the kindergarten, although we do not pretend to study with them. The main thing for us is socialization. Now we have been asked to bring documents on the child’s disability, a PMPK conclusion... and the question of a visit is postponed until next year. But as far as I read, I have the right to bring my child to kindergarten even tomorrow. The only question is how to legalize the mother’s stay with him and what documents she should have.
Tell me how the child as soon as possible start going to OUR REGULAR kindergarten accompanied by your mother and what documents need to be completed for this.
Thank you in advance. Oleg.

Hello to the actions or inactions of the employees of Det. garden, you have the right to write a complaint to the prosecutor’s office in accordance with Art. 10 of the Law on the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation or to the court in accordance with the requirements of the CAS of the Russian Federation or to the Department of Education.

The child is 6 years old, a neurologist diagnoses him with autism, Kanner syndrome, and advises him to register for disability. When visiting a psychiatrist on this issue, he (the psychiatrist) wants to refer the child to stay in a mental hospital, but I heard from many people that this is illegal, that the psychiatrist cannot insist that the child stay in a hospital, that he must, without this, give a referral to see doctors , and after their examination, referral to ITU. After searching, I found the following:
Article 33. Refusal medical intervention

A citizen or his legal representative has the right to refuse medical intervention or demand its termination, except for the cases provided for in Article 34 of these Fundamentals.

That is, is it really true that the doctor in my case cannot and should not insist that the child be examined in a mental hospital?

Svetlana, treatment is your right, not your obligation. Only the court can force you. The neurologist can insist on anything, but the decision is still made by you, as the child’s legal representative.

My son is 6.5 years old. Diagnosis of autism and mental retardation in mild degree. I was given disability for 1 year. It's bad, but we're moving forward. They say they may refuse to extend your disability. Is this legal?

Hello. If the child develops and the diagnosis is not confirmed in the future, what will be the most the best option, then they may be denied disability.

This is a question for ITU medical experts. Since last year, there have been very strict requirements for the assignment of disability. But everything is decided only by expert doctors. This is their job.

Hello, Natalia! The disability group is determined as a result medical and social examination depending not only on the diagnosis, but also on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the condition based on the analysis of clinical, functional, social, professional, labor and psychological data based on criteria approved by the Ministry of Health and social development; referral to ITU can be given - medical institution, regional branch of the Pension Fund and social protection body; If these organizations refuse the referral, then they issue a certificate confirming the fact of refusal and ITU Bureau you can apply yourself. With respect and readiness to help, STANISLAV PICHUEV.

Is it possible to remove the disability of a child diagnosed with autism?

Good day! Disability is determined according to medical indications. If there is no basis for establishing disability, it can be removed.

Hello, in any case, you need to undergo a medical and social examination in order to remove your disability. But with such a disease it is unlikely that they will remove it. Thank you for your contact to our website, good luck to you and all the best.

Good afternoon, Yulia. Disability is issued for a period of 1 year, occasionally for 2 years. If you don’t want to renew, you’ll be deregistered.

Of course, you can remove this diagnosis if it was made incorrectly or if a cure occurs; doctors can answer this question for you.

My child completed 1st grade in a special school, he has a disability (autism) and did not understand the curriculum, his behavior in the classroom is excellent, do I have the right to transfer my child to individual education? The psychiatrist said no, only if the child is violent? Thank you!

IN in this case To decide whether to transfer your child to individual education, you will need a PMPK conclusion. Write an application addressed to the director about being sent to the PMPK.

A 2.9 year old child is diagnosed with autism. To register disability, the psychiatrist said that it is necessary to undergo observation for 1 year and stay in a hospital. According to the conclusion of the psychological and pedagogical commission, the child’s stay in kindergarten is half a day (refuses to sleep with hysterics). Those. I can’t go to work, I have no income. How to live in this case? My father's salary is not enough. Is it possible to stay in a hospital and apply for disability earlier?

Good afternoon Maybe. The disability group is determined by the ITU. Citizens and officials guilty of violating the rights and freedoms of people with disabilities bear responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Disputes regarding the determination of disability, implementation individual programs rehabilitation of disabled people, provision of specific social protection measures, as well as disputes concerning other rights and freedoms of disabled people, are considered in court.

Dear Natalya, this issue you need to contact the medical and social expert, as well as the head physician of your clinic. Good luck to you and all the best.

Hello Natalya How can lawyers know this? As the doctors said, do it. Let the child's father do a better job Thank you for visiting our site. Always happy to help! Good luck to you.

Does a diagnosis of autism qualify a child for disability?

The disability group is determined by the ITU. Citizens and officials guilty of violating the rights and freedoms of people with disabilities bear responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Disputes regarding the determination of disability, the implementation of individual rehabilitation programs for people with disabilities, the provision of specific social protection measures, as well as disputes concerning other rights and freedoms of people with disabilities are considered in court.

Yes, it allows you to register for disability. Children are entitled to disability until they are restored. Issued for 1 year, occasionally for 2 years. If you don’t want to renew, you’ll be deregistered! If you want, go through the commission every year. You do not need to show a certificate to register for school. A certificate of disability is not an obstacle to a child’s education, but rather a way to get a special kindergarten and additional opportunities! The child does not need to be admitted to a hospital to receive disability; an outpatient examination is sufficient. According to the law on mental health care, information about disability is CONFIDENTIAL!

Is autism in a child grounds for receiving permanent disability?

Good afternoon. Questions regarding the appointment are resolved by the ITU; please ask this question when passing the ITU. If you do not agree with the decision, you have the right to appeal it.

I have a child with a disability (autism), we are now going to a sanatorium, they don’t give me sick leave, they say it’s not allowed. Is it so?

Good afternoon The Federal Law on Mandatory SOCIAL INSURANCE IN CASE OF TEMPORARY DISABILITY AND IN CONNECTION WITH MATERNITY is enshrined following cases when sick leave is due: Article 5. Cases of provision of benefits for temporary disability 1. Provision of insured persons with benefits for temporary disability is carried out in the following cases: 1) loss of ability to work due to illness or injury, including in connection with an operation for artificial termination of pregnancy or in vitro fertilization (hereinafter referred to as disease or injury); 2) the need to care for a sick family member; 3) quarantine of the insured person, as well as quarantine of a child under 7 years of age attending preschool educational organization, or another family member recognized as legally incompetent in accordance with the established procedure; (as amended by Federal Law No. 185-FZ dated 02.07.2013) 4) implementation of prosthetics for medical reasons in a hospital specialized institution; 5) follow-up treatment in accordance with the established procedure in health resort organizations located on the territory of the Russian Federation, immediately after the provision of medical care in a hospital setting. It all depends on whether you are going to the sanatorium according to own initiative or your child is referred by a doctor as required condition

for his rehabilitation and improvement of his health. If you do it yourself, this is your initiative and sick leave is not required. If the doctor has directed you, request sick leave for care. They may refuse if the child can be in a sanatorium without your help. In any case, if they refuse, let them explain on what grounds, go to the head physician.

My son has autism, they wanted to register a disability, they registered with a psychiatrist, she says that we need to be registered for at least six months and stay in the hospital 2 times, only then she will give me a referral to the ITU, does she have the right to set such conditions for us? After all, according to the law, she must immediately give us a referral, with such a diagnosis, the child has obvious disorders and this is visible to the naked eye, and she admits that he is disabled.

The question is this: my son has been on disability since he was three years old with a diagnosis of classic autism. Now Bogdan (son) goes to the second grade in a regular school and in general, one might think from the outside that he ordinary child, but some problems remain, they need to be dealt with and they make life very difficult. However, in 2016, my son was removed from disability because... It is believed that he was miraculously cured of autism. Help me restore my disability, and can I do it? P.S. This money saved me a lot, I am a mother of three children, my father abandoned his sick child and I have to support my family on benefits alone, but I can’t go to work because... the youngest is 5 months old!

You need to appeal this ITU decision to the regional ITU, if they don’t restore it, then go to court.

You need to go to court and conduct an independent medical investigation. examination.

My son has autism. Disability is established in Ukraine until a child is 18 years old. We are from Lugansk, now we live in the Russian Federation, we are planning to become citizens of the Russian Federation. Tell me, please, will my son have to go to the hospital again to establish his disability, or will it be enough to undergo MSEC? What is the procedure for determining disability in our case?

Hello! You will need to contact the ITU Bureau of Ryazan

I am raising two children, the eldest child with a disability. Severe autism. The youngest is 2 years old and we are going to kindergarten. We have not yet passed the commission and the child has not even entered the nursery yet. kindergarten, and they are already demanding 3000 from me to repair the group. Required by the parent committee. That's what they decided. I will also need to buy a locker and they said that most likely a bed. I don’t have that kind of money, we live on our child’s pension. And I don’t even know for sure whether we will go to kindergarten at all. Since I can’t go through the commission with my child, I have no one to leave my eldest son with. I can't go with him. He is already big (9 years old) and can run away, he is afraid of places where there are a lot of people and I can’t physically drag him to the clinic. Is there any way out in my case?

Write a complaint to the education department.

Hello. In this case, you are not obliged to pay and buy a locker and bed. Write a complaint to the prosecutor's office.

Such fees are illegal and you have the right to refuse.

A disabled child with autism is 8 years old, can disability be extended by temporary registration and at what age is disability granted up to 18 years?

Up to 18 years of age, disability is granted at any age depending on the disease. For more details, see Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 23, 2009 No. 1013n

My child is 5 years old, when receiving a pension for childhood disability (autism), they force the child to sign. How is this possible if the child does not yet know how to read or write?

Hello This is illegal, you as a parent (legal representative) must sign for it.

My child was diagnosed with sensorimotor autism! We sent you to apply for disability, how does this process actually happen and what stages of disability are there for this diagnosis? What benefits, disability pension? And how will this affect my future work, since this is not soon, I’m on maternity leave with my youngest daughter!? Thank you.

Hello. For benefits, contact the protection authorities in your city.

In order to answer your questions, which, in fact, are not legal for the most part, but medical, you need to get a disability. Social protection deals with all further issues.

As a child, I was often taken to doctors, everyone diagnosed childhood autism and offered to register for disability, but my parents were very afraid of this. Closer to 5 years old, I started talking and we no longer turned to psychiatrists. I am not registered with the PND, only with a psychiatrist at the clinic. Now I am 19, my condition has recently worsened and I need help, I cannot cope with normal daily activities. Can I get disability as an autistic adult?

Hello! contact MSEC. to the doctors. This is not a question for lawyers

How to find out via the Internet whether a child (autism syndrome) has a disability.

Hello. ITU assigns disability

I'm divorced. The child is 4.5 years old, diagnosed with autism, and is currently in the process of registering for disability. There is no place correctional kindergarten, so I can’t go to work. We are dependent on my parents. Ex-husband receives an unofficial salary of 60,000 rubles, but officially only 25,000. Therefore, alimony comes in at 5,000. Can I demand that alimony be established in a fixed amount of 1 minimum wage? What evidence can I present in court about his unofficial income? His ex-second wife agrees to be a witness and confirm his income. Thank you in advance.

Certificates stating that the child has autism, but there is no certificate of disability itself; in court cases, is the child disabled, or can one argue that the child is not considered disabled without a certificate of disability?

Hello! Yes, you can challenge it

I have two children with disabilities because they have autism. They turned 14 years old. At Sberbank they told me that from the age of 14 they should receive a disability pension themselves. Children with autism cannot be in places where there are large crowds of people, and certainly do not understand what money is and what documents they need to sign. How to solve this issue? And at what age should a child sign his own name? And how do such children go through the procedure of obtaining a passport?

If you don’t deprive them of their legal capacity, then you will just have to walk with them and control the whole thing. Only the court deprives. But this is done in extreme cases, when a person cannot understand the meaning of his actions and manage them. In your case it's too early.

My 16-year-old son has a certificate of disability (since childhood), diagnosed with autism, i.e. He is registered with a psychiatrist at the PND. Is he required to take a test at the military registration and enlistment office (there is some kind of huge test that takes 2.5 hours)?

No, I don't have to. He should be exempted from conscription only on the basis that the child is disabled; present the MSEC certificate to the conscription commission, that is enough. He may not go there at all, go yourself.

In this section, I will try to answer the most common questions about autism that I have most often encountered on the Internet and heard from friends.

Part one ( general information about autism)

1) What is autism? How common are autistic people? Is there an autism epidemic? What is the cause of autism?

2) Why do autistic people behave strangely so often? How do autistic people perceive social norms?

3) What is the difference between autistic and neurotypical communication styles? Can autistic people speak? How do autistic people communicate? Why do many autistic people dislike making eye contact when speaking?

4) How do autistics experience the world? What is sensory overload? Why do some autistic people dislike noisy and crowded events so much?

5) What is stimming (self-stimulating behavior)? Should he be stopped? Why do autistic people repeat strange, seemingly meaningless movements? What helps autistic people cope? external stimuli?

6) Why do autistic people so often get hung up on the same thing? How do autistic people view their interests?

7) How do autistic people learn? Why are autistic people so inattentive/disorganized/absent-minded?

8) Why do autistic people dislike unexpected changes so much?

9) What are autism spectrum disorders (ASD)? What is Asperger's syndrome? How do high-functioning autistics differ from low-functioning autistics?

1) What is autism?
(prevalence and causes of autism)

Autism - common neurological feature. According to statistics, every hundredth person is autistic. Quantity autistic people in all countries it is approximately the same, but, nevertheless, due to problems with diagnosis in some countries there are very few autistic people who have an official diagnosis. For example, in most countries that used to be part of the USSR, including Russia, many autistic people are misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all.

Autistic people come in all ages, and there are no fewer of them among older people than among children. But due to the fact that over time everything more people learned what autism is and due to improvements in diagnostic methods, the diagnosis of autism is becoming more common among children and young people.

The cause of autism has not yet been fully established. But numerous studies based on observation of twins and families with autistic people show that multiple genes are responsible for the expression of the autistic phenotype in an individual. Simply put, the cause of autism is in genes, in the vast majority of cases, if one of the twins is autistic, the other twin is also autistic, and in families where there is at least one autistic person, there are often, but not always, other autistic or people with autistic traits that are not severe enough to warrant a diagnosis. Very often, parents who have one autistic child have another child who is also autistic, and autistic parents have autistic children.

Autistic people differ from each other no less than non-autistic people differ from each other, but nevertheless, most autistic people have common features, on the basis of which the diagnosis is made.

2) How do autistic people perceive the norms accepted in society?

Autistic people pay less attention to social norms.
Autistic people have a harder time understanding conventional manners and etiquette, and autistic people often forget them.

For example, an autistic person may not immediately say “hello” after you greet him or even forget about greeting.

Autistic people take many expressions literally. This makes it more difficult for them to understand rhetorical questions, exaggerations, and metaphors.

Autistic people often speak more openly and directly than neurotypical (non-autistic) people. For example, if you ask a question and are hoping for a compliment, the autistic person may not understand this and will simply express their opinion. He will not tell another person that he looks good if he thinks otherwise. During conversations, autistic people themselves very rarely use hints.

It is because of this manner of communication that an autistic person may seem rude and unresponsive to you. But there is another reason why autistic people are often considered unresponsive and unsociable. This is because the way autistics and non-autistics communicate is different.

3) How do autistic people communicate?

Autistic people find it more difficult to articulate their thoughts than non-autistic people. For an autistic child may find it difficult to apply language concepts taught by his parents to specific situation. Even autistic adults find it difficult to explain their emotions, moods, internal state and abstract ideas.

Some autistic people begin to speak much later than their peers or do not begin to speak at all. Some autistic people begin speaking at the same age as their non-autistic peers, or even earlier than most.

Autistic people have another problem that prevents them from communicating with people. They have bad memory on faces. In addition, an autistic person understands the emotions of the interlocutor less well. It is more difficult for him to recognize a person’s feelings by his gaze, voice, gestures or facial expression.

You may also find it difficult to understand the feelings of an autistic person. Autistic people rarely make eye contact when speaking. Scientists say, and based on the experience of many autistic adults, that it is more difficult for them to formulate their thoughts and focus on a conversation if they are careful to look at the interlocutor.
Autistic people's faces may appear emotionless even when they are nervous. Their gesticulation may be too active, or they may not gesticulate at all. They often speak too loudly or, on the contrary, too quietly, and they themselves do not notice it.

By the way, many autistic people find it difficult to distinguish someone else’s speech in a noisy room. This happens because they perceive the world, including sounds, differently.

4) How do autistics experience the world?

The autistic world is too bright and noisy. They may have increased sensitivity to the light. Autistic people may perceive loud sounds as quiet, or, conversely, perceive quiet sounds as loud. Many autistic people do not like light touch, especially unexpected touch. Even the contact of the skin with some tissue can seem very painful to them. Autistic people perceive all stimuli in the outside world equally strongly, and may have difficulty separating one stimulus from another.

In order to live normally among all these stimuli, autistic people have a natural defense.

5) What helps autistic people cope with stimuli from the outside world?

No matter how strange it may sound, unusual, repetitive actions help autistic people cope with external stimuli. For example, rocking from side to side, shaking hands, clapping, jumping, walking quickly, repeating the same phrases.

These actions may look strange, but in the vast majority of cases they are completely harmless. They help autistic people not only cope with anxiety and irritants from the outside world, but also give them pleasure.

Scientists call such actions self-stimulating behavior or stimming. Stimming also occurs in neurotypical people - for example, when you twirl something in your hands during a conversation or wrap a strand of hair around your finger. Only in autistic people stimming is more noticeable and occurs more often.

Stimming is a natural behavior for autistic people that they need. It is often through stimming that one can understand the emotions of an autistic person. Many autistic people, especially children, exhibit self-stimulating behavior without even noticing it.

In addition to the fact that autistic people communicate differently, experience the world, and cope with their anxiety differently, they relate differently to the things they are interested in.

6) How do autistic people feel about their interests?

Most autistic people have topics that they are particularly interested in and study in depth. Autistic people actually live what they are interested in. They persistently and passionately study what they like, and this gives them the greatest pleasure. These special interests can be anything from calendars to Egyptian mythology, from nuclear physics to types of fire extinguishers, from plastic bottles to international politics.

By the way, many autistic people perceive new information differently than non-autistic people.

7) How do autistic people learn?

What seems simple to most people may seem very difficult to an autistic person. But what seems simple to an autistic person may seem difficult to you. For example, an autistic person may be an excellent writer, but at the same time it is difficult for him to articulate his thoughts verbally.

In addition, autistic people have a harder time switching their attention from one topic to another. Because of this, autistic people often seem inattentive and distracted. It is most difficult for an autistic person to concentrate on a task in a new environment, because for most autistic people it is very important that everything around him is familiar and predictable.

8) How do autistic people deal with unexpected changes?

Most autistic people don't like unexpected changes. The world even without them seems too chaotic and unpredictable to them.
The slightest violation of the established order, for example, an unexpected rearrangement of things in the room, can frighten an autistic person.

Many autistic people find it important to have a routine in their lives. Some autistic people create a schedule that they try to strictly follow. Any change in the schedule may cause them severe stress. Therefore, it is very important to warn the autistic person about upcoming changes in advance.

It is precisely because most people do not understand that stability and routine are important to autistic people that autistic people become irritable and many conflicts arise that could be avoided. Such conflicts arise especially often in families with autistic children.

This is one reason why it is especially important for parents to know that their child is autistic. And the sooner parents learn about this, the better they will understand the needs of their child.

9) What are autism spectrum disorders (ASD)? How do high-functioning autistics differ from low-functioning autistics? What is Asperger's syndrome?

I) Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) include:
— Classic autism Kanera
— Asperger's syndrome
— Nonspecific pervasive developmental disorder (or atypical autism)
Some experts also include Rett syndrome and childhood disintegration disorder.
ii) The terms “low-functioning” and “high-functioning” autistics are used to clarify the difference between non-verbal autistics (sometimes also autistics who have significant problems that may prevent them from living independently) and autistics without speech problems.
But some people find these terms offensive or meaningless (since the same person in different periods may be a “low-functioning” or a “high-functioning” autistic person in his life). Others insist that these terms are very convenient for describing skills specific person.

III) Asperger's syndrome is part of the autism spectrum. The only significant difference between Asperger's syndrome and autism is that Asperger's syndrome does not have a "clinically significant language delay." That is, given the same behavior, perception and way of thinking, those people who began speaking at the same age as most of their peers would be diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, and those who began speaking later would be diagnosed with autism.

Part two (frequently asked questions)

1) Who can diagnose autism?

2) Can autism be cured?

3) Is it possible to know before the birth of a child that the child will be autistic?

4) Is autism a disability?

5) Is it true that giving up gluten can cure autism?

6) Do autistic people understand that they are different from other people?
Do autistic people have complexes because they are autistic?

7) Can autistic people feel empathy for other people? Do autistic people have empathy?

8) Are all autistics introverts? Are autistic people socially anxious? Is it true that autistic people don't like to communicate?

9) What is neurodiversity? What is the neurodiversity paradigm? What is the neurodiversity movement?

10) Who are self-advocates? What is self-advocacy?

1) Who can diagnose autism?

Autism can be diagnosed by a psychiatrist. But be careful, since in Russia it is very common for a person to be diagnosed with schizophrenia instead of autism; in addition, many psychiatrists cannot diagnose autism if its symptoms are not too pronounced. Therefore, before you contact a specialist, try to find out more about him and read reviews about him on the Internet.

2) Can autism be cured?

No, and this is not necessary. Autism is inseparable from personality, and to “cure” autism would essentially mean replacing one person, with his own way of thinking and his own perception, with another person with a different way of thinking and his own perception. The problems of most autistic people are not that they are autistic, but that they are treated negatively in society, that they are discriminated against, and that they do not receive the support they need.

Still, many parents, professionals and some autistic people say they want a cure for autism. Others consider the very idea of ​​treating autism absurd and pointless.

But, despite all the debate about the advisability of treatment and all Scientific research In this area, there is no cure for autism.

Those who say they can cure autism are most often charlatans and scammers, or simply incompetent specialists.
There are methods that help autistic children be more adjusted and ready for independent life. There are techniques that help autistic people pretend to be “normal” and curb autistic behavior, many autistic people learn this over time and very often it is very draining for them.
But there is no cure for autism.

3) Is it possible to know before the birth of a child that the child will be autistic?

No, there is no prenatal test for autism yet.

4) Is autism a disability?

Yes, a person diagnosed with autism can receive a disability, even in the Russian Federation.

In a broader sense - “can autism be considered a disability”... More likely yes than no, because autistic people have many limitations that neurotypical - non-autistic people - do not have. This is especially true for non-verbal autistic people and those who find it very difficult to independently cope with everyday tasks.
But in many ways, autism is a disability because autistic people are disabled by society. That is, if autistic ways of thinking and autistic behavior were considered the norm, and autistic people with their perceptions, ways of thinking and communication had access to the same opportunities as non-autistic people, then autism in many cases would be considered more of a trait than disability.

5) Is it true that giving up gluten can cure autism?

This is a very common question. But, as I already said, there is no cure for autism. Statistically, autistic people are more likely to have problems with gastrointestinal tract than neurotypicals. Of course, if you're the parent of an autistic child, it's worth checking if your child has a gluten intolerance - as well as checking if they have any other health problems. And, of course, if you exclude foods with gluten from the diet of a child who has gluten intolerance, his health will improve and his behavior will become less “problematic.” But calling a gluten-free diet for autistic people with gluten intolerance a “cure for autism” is as ridiculous as calling treating the flu for an autistic child with the flu a “cure for autism.”

6) Do autistic people understand that they are different from other people?
Do autistic people have complexes because they are autistic?

Most autistic people realize that they are different from most people during childhood. Very often, because of their differences, autistic children are bullied by their peers.
The attitude towards one’s differences can be very different: from treating being different from other people as a given to trying to copy other people; from complete rejection of oneself, treating oneself as a person with whom “something is wrong”, who is “seriously ill”, “not capable of anything”, as a burden and burden, to the perception of other people as illogical, inferior and acting spontaneously.
It depends on the perception of a particular person. Often, attitudes toward oneself and autism change throughout life. For example, a child who grew up believing he was disabled and sick may become a self-advocate who fights for the rights of other autistic people and opposes the perception of autism as a disease.

7) Can autistic people feel empathy for other people? Do autistic people have empathy?

The fact that autistic people do not have empathy and are not capable of compassion is one of the most common and dangerous myths about autism. In particular, based on this myth, some conclude that autistic people are dangerous to society and aggressive.
It is more difficult for autists to understand the emotions of other people, their feelings and moods; they understand less well non-verbal forms of communication - voice intonation, facial expression, body language, facial expressions, etc.
In addition, most autistic people find it difficult to describe their own feelings and emotions in words. The facial expressions and tone of voice of autistic people are often misunderstood, and sometimes interest can even be mistaken for indifference.
Based on this, it is often concluded that autistic people are not capable of empathy, but this is false.
Research conducted in 2009 found that autistic people are not only capable of empathy, but often show more empathy for other people than non-autistic people.

8) Are all autistics introverts? Are autistic people socially anxious? Is it true that autistic people don't like to communicate?

Most often these questions are asked together. The answers are no, no and no. To all these questions. Autistic people have difficulty interacting with neurotypical people, but they can be introverted, extroverted, or somewhere in between, just like anyone else. Some autistics may be introverted when it comes to interacting with neurotypicals, but extroverted when interacting with other autistics. Some autistic people, at different times in their lives, were either closer to introverts or closer to extroverts. Among autists there are both pronounced extroverts and pronounced introverts.

Social phobia is more common in autistic people than in neurotypical people, but this is due to bullying and social pressure. Autism itself has nothing to do with social phobia. And if, for example, an autistic person undergoes psychotherapy to get rid of social phobia, this will not make him non-autistic.

And one more thing - autism has nothing to do with “love” or “not love” to communicate. Autistic people may experience communication differently than non-autistic people. Moreover, introversion and dislike of communication are also different concepts. And all this has nothing to do with social phobia (or any other phobia).

9) What is neurodiversity? What is the neurodiversity paradigm? What is the neurodiversity movement?

Neurodiversity is a word that means that different people The brain and nervous system are structured differently. Neurodiversity is neither good nor bad. This is a fact, much like the variety of ear shapes or skin color.

The neurodiversity paradigm is an idea based on the idea that atypical ways of how the brain works and nervous system, in particular autism, is not a disease, but natural form diversity, like skin color diversity or racial diversity Proponents of the neurodiversity paradigm believe that autism (and some other neurodiversities) are not diseases that need to be cured and eradicated.

The neurodiversity movement is a movement based on the neurodiversity paradigm. Supporters of this movement oppose the pathologization of certain neurodiversities (including autism), and fight for equal rights for neurodivergent and neurotypical people.

10) Who are self-advocates?

Self-advocates are people who defend their rights. In more in the narrow sense(When we're talking about about autism), self-advocates are most often autistic adults and adolescents who defend the rights of autistic people and fight discrimination against autistic people. They are also called autism rights activists. These people may be in " different parts autism spectrum”, meaning they can be both people with Asperger syndrome and what are called low-functioning autistics.


Hello! I ask for help.

The child is in the 6th Children's Psychiatric Hospital for examination for disability. Initially they talked about 1-1.5 months. Now I was informed that the commission may not make a decision on disability if the child is not observed for six months in their branch on Koluzhskaya, something like a sanatorium. The child stayed in the hospital for a week, he shies away from all people in dressing gowns, he hides his head in fear - this is how he behaves when he is hurt. I'm afraid that this so-called treatment will harm him. And even more so for half a year! He doesn’t know how to establish contact with strangers, and he can’t even complain - he doesn’t speak, they can do whatever they want to him, and no one will know about it! And they want to remove him from his family for such a long period of 5 years. How to get disability after staying in hospital for 1-1.5 months? From whom can I ask for information about what medications my child is being given? How will my refusal of certain medications affect my disability decision? What authorities can I use to threaten, and what articles can I use to force the situation? What information should I keep in mind so that I can rely on it in the future? Could a conversation with the heads help at this stage? doctor, in what direction does it make sense to build it? Who is responsible for the commission that will decide how they can be influenced? Where to go, who to talk to, how to attack psychologically? I’ll beat everyone’s brains, just to keep the child away from these six months of stay in the so-called sanatorium, I won’t allow the child to be healed! The attending physician said that the child’s disability is obvious, i.e. It is impossible to call him healthy.

Solovyova Natalya Igorevna



Have you already been diagnosed with autism?

You know, I am guided by this document - Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 N 624n (as amended on July 2, 2014) “On approval of the Procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work.”

- obvious unfavorable clinical and labor forecast, regardless of the duration of temporary disability, but no later than 4 months from its start date;

- favorable clinical and labor forecast no later than 10 months from the date of onset of temporary disability in conditions after injuries and reconstructive operations and no later than 12 months in the case of treatment of tuberculosis, or the citizen is discharged to work.

Those. The time frame for referral to ITU is from 4 to 10 months.

How long ago was your diagnosis established, is there data in your medical record?

In general, if you do not agree with the decision of the medical institution, then you can:

  1. Contact a higher organization - the Ministry of Health of the city or region;
  2. Contact the prosecutor's office.

You can submit an application to the authority via the Internet on the website of these organizations, a response in this case within 30 days.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 20, 2006 N 95 (as amended on September 4, 2012) “On the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled”, paragraph 5:

The conditions for recognizing a citizen as disabled are:

Impaired health with a persistent disorder of body functions caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects;

Limitation of life activity (complete or partial loss by a citizen of the ability or ability to provide self-care, move independently, navigate, communicate, control one’s behavior, study or engage in work);

The need for social protection measures, including rehabilitation.

Appealing ITU decisions:

The bureau that conducted the medical and social examination of the citizen sends it with all available documents to the main bureau within 3 days from the date of receipt of the application.

The Main Bureau, no later than 1 month from the date of receipt of the citizen’s application, conducts a medical and social examination and, based on the results obtained, makes an appropriate decision.

In this case, the application for appeal must be submitted to the same bureau that conducted the examination, and within 3 days it must send the documents to a higher bureau.



It is believed that the presence of any disease does not guarantee disability.

Disability is more likely social factor, entailing a certain attitude of society, a financial component, including guarantees - a pension for both mother and child, benefits for paying for utilities, housing, travel, treatment and recreation, benefits for education, etc.

You are not obliged to issue it to your child.

But, if you decide, then keep in mind the following.

Based on clause 8, part 5, art. 19 everyone has the right to medical care and the right to refuse medical intervention. In addition, a citizen, one of the parents or another legal representative has the right to refuse medical intervention or demand its termination (clause 3, part 2, article 20).

As follows from the Law of the Russian Federation “On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens during its provision,” we have the principle of voluntariness in seeking psychiatric help:

“Psychiatric assistance is provided upon the voluntary application of a person or with his consent. For minors under the age of 15, psychiatric care is provided with the consent of their legal representatives (Article 4).

Hence the conclusion is that a parent (legal representative) has the right to refuse medical intervention and hospitalization in relation to his child.

Thus, a minor under the age of 15 is placed in psychiatric hospital at the request or with the consent of his parents or other legal representative (Article 28 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens during its provision”).

Now about the main thing.

In accordance with clauses 15-17 of the Government of the Russian Federation of 02/20/2006 N 95 (as amended on 09/04/2012) “On the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as a disabled person” (Rules for recognizing a person as a disabled person)

The citizen is sent for a medical and social examination organization providing treatment and preventive care, regardless of its organizational and legal form, body implementing pension provision , or body of social protection of the population.

An organization providing treatment and preventive care refers a citizen to a medical and social examination after carrying out the necessary diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation activities in the presence of data confirming persistent impairment of body functions caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects.

The body providing pensions, as well as the social protection body, has the right to refer for a medical and social examination a citizen who has signs of disability and is in need of social protection, if he has medical documents, confirming dysfunctions of the body due to diseases, consequences of injuries or defects.

If an organization providing medical and preventive care, a body providing pensions, or a social protection body refuses to send a citizen for a medical and social examination, he is issued a certificate on the basis of which the citizen (his legal representative) has the right to apply to the BMSE (Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise) independently (clause 19).

A medical and social examination of a citizen is carried out at the BMSE at the place of residence (at the place of stay).

If there is insufficient data, it may be prescribed additional examination, the need for which you will be required to inform. You, as a legal representative, have the right to give your consent or refuse.

In any case, the survey results can be appealed to the main ITU bureau, the court.

Thus, if you, as the child’s legal representative, do not agree to placement in a hospital, the examination can be carried out on an outpatient basis (examination, study of written examination materials and other means).

For a referral, for example, from a city psychiatrist, before contacting the social security authorities for referral to MSA, you can contact the regional mental asylum see a psychiatrist for consultative and diagnostic help. At your appointment, the psychiatrist should explain that your child will not be able to stay long time without family and in an unfamiliar place.

That this will certainly affect his condition, that you have never been separated from him, etc. In my opinion, such a change in the usual environment as separation from the mother for a long time can negatively affect the psyche of even a healthy child.

Also explain that the specialists observing the child do not see any indications for his inpatient observation, because in their opinion, the indications should be really serious and not simply related to the need to monitor the child to clarify the diagnosis and select drug therapy. Perhaps a psychiatrist there will give a referral.

In any case, only you, as the child’s legal representative, will decide whether to agree to place the child in a hospital or not.

If you are definitely determined to register a disability, bypassing the hospital, and the psychiatrist at their clinic refuses to issue a referral to MSE without hospitalization, then ask the clinic for a certificate of refusal to refer you to MSE and contact the MSE yourself, attaching all the conclusions, recommendations, certificates of specialists who have observed child.

In addition, who, if not you, really knows better where your child will be more comfortable, calmer in terms of internal and external indicators. Fight, you have the right to information and to protect the interests of your child.

And also, be sure to find like-minded people. The diagnosis you mention is not that uncommon these days. Therefore, many parents have probably encountered the issue of registering disability in your region and will share with you about existing options in this system.