Lifting a fashion model. Temporal lifting

Age-related changes in facial skin, which worry many women, are primarily manifested by the formation of deep wrinkles on the forehead and drooping eyebrows. The most effective method used to correct this condition is considered to be surgical rejuvenation of the upper third of the face - frontotemporal lifting. This operation is one of the most frequently performed in plastic surgery, since not only older women, but also young girls with anatomical features of the face, such as low eyebrows and heavy eyelids, request a forehead lift. The first description of a forehead lift was mentioned in the literature back in 1919, which suggests that women have resorted to any means to maintain a youthful face and body since ancient times. Today, the technique of endoscopic frontotemporal lifting is widely used.

What age-related skin changes force you to resort to a forehead lift?

Age-related changes that necessarily occur in the human body are also reflected in the condition of the facial skin. A forehead lift becomes necessary due to the following changes in the upper third of the face:

  • under the influence of gravity, the lateral tails of the eyebrows, the lateral canthus, and the fasciocutaneous structures of the temporal region gradually shift downward;
  • the distance between the free edge of the upper eyelid and the eyebrows is shortened;
  • due to mm. corrugator, procerus and depressor supercilii form glabella wrinkles;
  • true dermochalasis of the upper eyelids develops.

Main goals when performing frontotemporal lifting

Frontotemporal lifting is carried out using several methods and pursues clear goals, which are determined by the plastic surgeon based on an objective analysis of the proportions and structural features of the patient’s face, and with the obligatory consideration of her personal wishes. The main desired effects that forehead lift surgery is trying to achieve are:

  • restoration of eyebrow position and elimination of upper pseudodermachalasis;
  • decreased activity of the facial muscles of the glabella;
  • correction of the position of the outer corners of the eyes;
  • if the fold of the upper eyelid is insufficiently expressed, its formation;
  • elimination of areas of excess tissue of the frontal and temporal lobes, as well as excess skin of the upper eyelids.

Open technique of frontotemporal lifting: advantages and disadvantages

All methods of performing frontotemporal lifting can be divided into three groups: open, closed and combined. An open or coronal lift is performed by making a large incision in the skin of the forehead and is recommended for patients over 40 years of age who need to remove areas of excess skin. The main advantages of the open frontotemporal lifting technique include good visualization of the operated anatomical structures, the ability to increase the height of the forehead or reduce the hairline, if necessary, and the absence of the need to use special expensive equipment. At the same time, the traumatic nature of the operation, the formation of a long postoperative scar, possible sensitivity disorders of the scalp and the need for long-term postoperative rehabilitation are significant disadvantages of the open frontotemporal lifting technique.

Endoscopic frontotemporal lifting: pros and cons of the technique

Today, endoscopic surgery for forehead lifting is widely used - endoscopic frontotemporal lifting. The operation is performed through several small incisions and is recommended for young patients who do not need to remove excess skin. Minimal trauma of the operation, preservation of sensitivity of the scalp, rapid recovery, and unnoticeable small scars are the undoubted advantages of this method of frontotemporal lifting. The only disadvantage of the operation is the high cost, which is directly related to the need to use expensive endoscopic equipment.

Methods and stages of performing closed frontotemporal lifting

Endoscopic frontotemporal lifting is carried out in several stages. The operation begins with marking - determining the number and location of incision sites. At the second stage, a local anesthetic is administered and the incisions are made.

Next, an optical cavity is formed, and the depth of tissue dissection can be different: subcutaneous, subgaleal, subperiosteal or combined dissection. At the fourth stage of the operation, the flap is mobilized by destroying the ligaments along the edges of the orbits, as well as mobilizing the external adhesions of the eyelids. After this, manipulations are carried out directly on the glabella muscles in order to eliminate formed wrinkles - this is the most important stage of the operation. At the last stages of the operation, the frontotemporal flap is moved and fixed in the frontal and temporal regions, as well as the closure of the skin edges of the wounds, often performed using a surgical stapler.

How to avoid possible complications after a forehead lift

Complications after properly performed frontotemporal lifting occur extremely rarely and depend on the choice of surgical method and the anatomical features of the patient’s skin structure. Complications of a forehead lift include conditions such as impaired skin sensitivity of the frontal region and scalp, damage to the branches of the facial nerve, the formation of pathological scars, as well as persistent alopecia in the scar area, asymmetry in the position of the eyebrows and outer corners of the eyes. After performing closed endoscopic frontotemporal lifting, much fewer complications are observed, which is associated with minimal trauma of the procedure. However, whatever the chosen forehead lift technique, the competence and high qualifications of the plastic surgeon, as well as careful and conscientious implementation of all his recommendations, will help to avoid possible postoperative complications and achieve the maximum effect from frontotemporal lifting.

Women who are already between 30 and 40 years old begin to notice how time leaves changes on their faces. They make few people happy and reveal the real age of the female representative. But all this is not a problem, since a temporal lift will help correct this.

What is a temporal lift?

This is a simple plastic surgery that helps remove fine wrinkles in the corners of the eyes (“crow’s feet”) and helps eliminate other minor defects.

What is a temporal lift?

Despite the fact that the operation has become widespread, not everyone knows what it is and what part of the body is being transformed.

Temporal lift (temporal lift) is a lateral diagonal face lift. Sometimes this type of lifting is used as an endoscopic lifting, which allows you to smooth out wrinkles between the eyebrows. This helps make the face less gloomy and more open.

Thanks to temporal lifting, you can achieve the following goals:

  • Raising the fold above the eyelid.
  • Raising the tail of the eyebrows (helps to achieve the effect of “brows flying”).
  • Creating the effect of oriental eyes (the eye shape will be slightly narrowed).
  • Lift the skin of the cheeks where it is sagging.
  • Correction of the cheekbone line.
  • Smoothing nasolabial folds.
  • Smoothing out crow's feet.

Interesting: if the wrinkles are shallow, this procedure will help get rid of them completely!

There are practically no complications after the operation, but if they do occur, they are very rare. The effect will become full within a few weeks. But the disadvantage, and quite a significant one, is the high cost of the procedure. According to the average bill, the price of a temporal lift can vary from 50 to 80 thousand rubles.

How is temproplasty performed?

A temple lift is not just a complex operation. It was practiced not only for rejuvenation, but also for changing appearance/image. Considering the last reason for plastic surgery, it received the unspoken name “endoscopic lifting of fashion models.”

Thanks to the procedure, the upper part of the face is improved, and for this reason, models often resort to temporoplasty in order to work in their field for as long as possible. Preparing for the upcoming plastic surgery and the lifting process itself takes a lot of effort and time.

Preparation for lifting

Like any other medical procedure, temporal lobe lifting also requires preparation.

Important: First, you must attend a consultation with an experienced specialist who will tell you more about the procedure, indications and prohibitions, and also discuss with you all the nuances.

The main indication for a temple lift is the client’s desire to change his appearance.

But there are many contraindications:

If you have been examined and no contraindications have been identified, then the surgeon should give recommendations for the preparatory period before the operation.

What should be done?

  • A few weeks before the operation, you should stop taking medications that thin your blood, and also stop taking hormonal medications for a while.
  • Two days before the lifting, do not drink alcohol.
  • Two days before surgery, do not go to the bathhouse or sauna.
  • Do not eat at least 7 hours before the lifting, and do not drink water two hours before the operation.

Stages of the procedure

Experienced specialists perform this minor plastic surgery within 40-60 minutes. Since the operation does not involve anything serious, it can be performed under either local or general anesthesia (at the client’s request).

The operation is carried out in several steps:

After this operation, the patient will need to remain in the hospital for several hours to recover from the anesthesia, after which you can go home. A follow-up visit is carried out after 10 days so that the doctor removes the stitches and can evaluate the result.

Important: There are rare cases when the patient will need to stay in the clinic for observation and recovery after surgery, if the doctor sees that this is necessary.

Rehabilitation period

Every operation, no matter what its complexity, requires rehabilitation and recovery. Temporal lift has its own recommendations that should be followed after the operation.

Even if the hematomas and swelling go away quickly enough, you should not neglect the doctor’s advice and consolidate the final result by following the doctor’s recommendations.

You will be able to return to your normal lifestyle within a couple of weeks, but sometimes this may take three weeks.

Temporal lift - all the pros and cons

Almost all experts unanimously agreed that the temporal lift is not as scary as they say, and it is a useful and practically non-traumatic procedure.

The main advantage is that the operation is allowed for girls over the age of 20. It is also captivating that the procedure is carried out quickly and the recovery period is very short. It is very rare to find a plastic surgery that will rejuvenate your face in just two weeks.

Among the negative aspects, suppuration of the sutures can be noted, but this happens rarely, for two reasons: if you did not follow the doctor’s instructions or the specialist has a low level of qualifications.

Attention: No matter how tempting the prices are, make sure that your plastic surgeon has extensive experience and a high level of qualifications.

Photos of temporal lift before and after the procedure

On websites of medical reference books and institutions, you can see photos of temporal lift plastic surgery, as well as read reviews and see photos before and after a particular procedure.

A facelift is one of the most common surgeries, so patients often look for realistic photos and reviews. You can see the photo in our article.

Possible complications

Like any operation, even this one can have complications. It is sometimes difficult to predict negative results. Even if the operation was performed carefully and almost perfectly, you still cannot avoid bruising and swelling.

But this is short-lived, and therefore almost harmless. If you follow all the recommendations, you will be able to get rid of bruises within a few days.

Extremely rarely observed blood poisoning, but often this happens only in little-known clinics that hardly care about their patients.

Sometimes one small touch can radically change a person's appearance. One action brings about significant changes. This directly applies to such a common procedure as temporoplasty. The operation refers to a series of simple plastic procedures aimed at eliminating aesthetic problems of the face.

What is temporoplasty


Temporale means temple. Therefore, temporoplasty is a temporal lift, with the help of which a tightening is carried out. The ultimate goal of the procedure is rejuvenation.

The technique is quite simple and is trusted, since the result is a lasting visual effect. Temporoplasty is an endoscopic operation (performed using an endoscope) in the upper third of the face.

Its use is appropriate between the ages of 35 and 45 years.


Various techniques are used to perform temproplasty: classical surgery, endoscopic or combined.

  • Classic method rarely used because it is the most traumatic.
  • More often they resort to endoscopic method, which is aimed at cutting the subcutaneous muscles. This method appeared in the late 90s of the 20th century. This operation is performed using an endoscope. The operation prevents bleeding, which clearly speaks of its advantages. To carry out the endoscopic method, small incisions are made in the scalp. Often the operation is combined with other methods. In this case, the operation begins with a forehead and eyebrow lift. Temporoplasty is sometimes combined with.


The main indication for temproplasty is the first signs of aging: around the eyes. When these signs are eliminated using temporoplasty, the effect of rejuvenation of the entire face is simultaneously achieved, since temporoplasty entails that the skin is tightened along its entire contour.


Patients are selected carefully, since there are a number of general and specific contraindications. The operation is not performed on older people, since significant excess skin and developed subcutaneous fat are a significant obstacle. The operation is performed only if the skin has not lost its elasticity and ability to contract.

In addition to these contraindications, there are also general ones that make the operation impossible:

  • Viral infection (including, )
  • Acute inflammation
  • Exacerbations of a chronic disease,
  • Cardiovascular diseases (including and),
  • Blood clotting disorder.

When a woman is preparing for surgery, the menstrual cycle is strictly taken into account, since it is unacceptable to carry out the operation on the eve of or during the cycle itself.

Comparison with similar techniques

An analogue of the procedure can be called, which is inferior to temporoplasty in terms of the duration of the effect. The same can be said about application.

Temporoplasty performed using the endoscopic method has many advantages compared to standard techniques:

  • Low traumatic
  • Less severe pain syndrome,
  • No discomfort in the cheeks, neck and back of the head,
  • Smaller incisions involve less cutting of nerve trunks, veins, arteries and lymph nodes.

Endoscopic control prevents possible complications, the occurrence of necrotic changes in skin flaps.

Carrying out

Temporoplasty, despite its low morbidity, is a full-fledged operation and requires careful preparation. A consultation with a plastic surgeon is the first step in this preparation.

An important point is the identification of contraindications, in the presence of which the operation is not performed. After consultation, if the decision is positive, the patient is prescribed an examination.

Necessary tests and measures

  • , AIDS and ,
  • Blood test for clotting (), group and Rh factor,
  • Fluorography,

Consultation with a therapist is mandatory. A reaction to anesthesia is detected. 2 weeks before the operation, stop taking hormonal medications and products containing acetylsalicylic acid. Recommended because it impairs blood microcirculation, which increases the risk of skin necrosis and excessive scarring.

3 days before surgery, it is recommended to wash your hair daily using antiseptic shampoos to prevent possible infection later. 1 - 2 days before surgery and for 2 days after it, antibacterial therapy is administered (a broad-spectrum antibiotic is administered). Immediately before the operation, the hair is cut (in a strip of 1 - 1.5 cm) in the scalp, the remaining strands are tied with elastic bands into separate bundles. The surgical area is covered with sterile material.


The operation is performed strictly under general anesthesia.

  • Preliminary markings of the main landmarks are made,
  • Two small incisions are made in the scalp above the ear (just above the hairline),
  • The endoscope is inserted and the optical area is formed,
  • The tissue is peeled off using a thin cannula,
  • Excess soft tissue is excised,
  • The skin is tightened and fixed in a new position, fixation is carried out using endotins, staples, screws, etc.,
  • In case of increased bleeding, a drainage system is installed,
  • Stitches are placed
  • Apply a pressure bandage for 24 hours,
  • Apply a compression bandage after 24 hours.

The operation is carried out extremely carefully, since the thinnest vessels pass through this area. With the help of an endoscope, it is possible to control the slightest bleeding, which allows you to stop or prevent it. The average duration of the operation is 1 - 1.5 hours. The patient can leave the hospital within a few hours.

Possibility of combination with other types of plastics

Temporoplasty is rarely performed independently; more often it is combined with other methods. It is more advisable to perform it first on the forehead. Temporoplasty is ideally combined with and.


The rehabilitation period, if there are no complications, goes smoothly. Its duration depends on the individual characteristics of the person. For one, the rehabilitation period is 1 month, for the other - two. Everything is individual. If the operation is performed correctly, patients do not experience severe pain, paresthesia, (sensitivity disorder) nerve damage, etc. On days 3–4, the sutures in the area of ​​the auricle are removed, and on days 8–10 the remaining sutures are removed. It is recommended to wear a compression bandage all the time.

After 10 days, the usual way of life is acceptable, with a few exceptions. During the month you cannot visit:

  • Bath,
  • Solarium,
  • Pool and etc.

For the first 10 days after surgery, you must be under constant medical supervision to exclude the possibility of and, which are a complication.

Possibility of complications

  • Swelling and small hematomas immediately after surgery are a natural phenomenon. After a week they disappear unnoticed. Complete disappearance occurs only after 3 weeks. In cases where these phenomena progress, we can talk about complications. An increase, etc., indicates infection. In this case, treatment is necessary.
  • Another complication is the formation of rough. To prevent them, you need to be regularly monitored by a specialist.
  • One form of complication is hair loss in the operated area. The phenomenon is observed in cases where the sutures are applied very roughly, which depends on the qualifications of the surgeon.


Temporal facelift and endoscopic eyebrow lifting: what is it, before and after photos, reviews

The secret of preserving female beauty and youth torments many women. With age, the skin loses moisture, due to which it becomes less elastic, the complexion changes (now it is no longer so fresh), etc. The process of aging and withering of the skin is irreversible, but it can be delayed for some time with the help of procedures aimed at. The skin around the eyes is very thin, so it is in this area that fine lines and wrinkles begin to appear first. Wrinkles around the eyes can appear as early as age 25.

Procedures aimed at skin rejuvenation can be carried out in specialized beauty salons, as well as at home. For those who want to solve the problem radically, there is a face lift, but a circular lift in the first stages does not make sense; you can try an operation that corrects a certain part of the face, for example, a temporal lift or an eyebrow lift with threads. Before you decide to take this step, look at the reviews. In this article we will consider the issue regarding temporal lift.

Temporal facelift and indications for it

Like any other operation, external intervention in the human body, a temporal lift is performed when certain changes occur on the face. Temporal lift is an upper lift. The following are indications for a temple lift:

  1. Small wrinkles in the eye area;
  2. Drooping of the eyebrows and tips of the eyes. To correct the shape of the eyebrows, eyebrows are made;
  3. Wrinkles near the outer edge of the eye (“crow’s feet”);
  4. Sagging of the upper eyelid;
  5. Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead.

There are several ways to carry out this type of operation. Let's consider the endoscopic method. Endoscopic eyebrow lifting, endoscopic temporal lifting or, in general, endoscopic lifting of the upper third of the face are currently the most popular and have practically replaced the coronary method of surgery. Endoscopic temporal lift is much less traumatic than the coronary method.

Preparing for surgery

Before you undergo surgery, you need to prepare for it:

  • At your first appointment with a cosmetologist, you will be able to get a consultation, discuss what result you would like to get by performing a temporal lift, etc.;
  • Be sure to tell us about your allergic reactions and the characteristics of your body, because... some drugs used may be incompatible with your body;
  • If after the consultation you still haven’t abandoned the idea of ​​a temporal lift, you will need to undergo a series of tests, the results of which will make it clear whether you can undergo such an operation or whether it is contraindicated for you;
  • In order to normalize blood circulation in the body, it is recommended to refrain from consuming alcohol and tobacco products before the operation;
  • For those who use blood thinning medications, it is also necessary to stop taking them for a while;
  • You should not eat for several hours before the operation.

Contraindications to the procedure

For non-surgical facial rejuvenation, Nano Botox microemulsion. Thanks to the peptides and complex of rare amino acids included in the composition, complete rejuvenation of all layers of the skin occurs. Chicory root extract stimulates local microcirculation, thereby improving the delivery of nutrients and activating the skin detoxification process.

  1. People suffering from diabetes;
  2. Oncological disease;
  3. Poor blood clotting;
  4. Infectious diseases.

Performing a temporal lift

Temporal lift (thread eyebrow lifting) is considered a simple operation, so it is performed under local anesthesia using sedatives. As a rule, fine wrinkles around the eyes begin to appear at the age of 20, so this type of surgery is very popular and its age group is quite young.

The essence of the method is a horizontal dissection of the skin in the temple area in the hair. The doctor tightens the skin and stitches. The operation itself is not long (lasts no more than 60 minutes).

The advantage of this operation is that the marks after it are almost invisible and the natural contours of the face and muscle mobility are preserved.

Rehabilitation after temporal lift

The recovery process after surgery is similar to the period after any surgical intervention. It is necessary to refuse any physical activity, baths, solarium. The rehabilitation period is no more than two weeks. After about a week, you should see your doctor for a final conclusion and to determine the effectiveness of the operation, as well as to remove the sutures if they were not made with self-dissolving threads.

During the rehabilitation period, you will need to wear a special support bandage on your head so that your skin gets used to its new position.

Many women believe that wearing a support bandage after a temporal lift is unacceptable for them, as they see and imagine themselves to be extremely ugly and uncomfortable in it. The brace is in no way similar to an elastic bandage, it has a fairly ergonomic appearance and can be associated with a sports brace that athletes wear while jogging. Today, fixing bandages are made in different colors, which will not make it difficult to choose the color that will suit you.

In general, as mentioned earlier, a temporal lift is a fairly simple and short-term operation, and the rehabilitation process is also quite simple and, as a rule, without complications.

Possible complications after surgery

Any intervention in the human body can provoke the development of various complications, the severity of which cannot be predicted in advance:

  • In the case of a temporal lift, a side effect may appear in the form of swelling and bruising. These phenomena are not serious and are considered minor and short-term side effects. If you fully comply with the surgeon’s instructions, then all complications can be avoided, and if they do appear, they will disappear within a few days;
  • Also, one of the side effects during operations is suppuration of the incisions or infection;
  • Basically, the side effect is a consequence of incomplete compliance with the doctor’s instructions, which immediately appears on the face.


Every girl wants to remain attractive at any age. Dull complexion, fine wrinkles, dry skin - all these are the first signs of age-related changes; the body tells you that it needs help in maintaining female beauty. The first wrinkles around the eyes begin to appear at the age of 20. To solve the problem radically, you can try temporal lifting (endoscopic lifting of the upper third of the face or endoscopic temporal lifting), which in a short time will return your face to its former freshness and openness to your eyes. The procedure is not long and does not require any special restrictions during the rehabilitation period, which itself, by the way, takes no more than two weeks (endoscopic temporal lift requires no more than one week for rehabilitation).

Frontal-temporal lifting is a forehead and eyebrow lift surgery, the purpose of which is to correct imperfections in the upper third of the face, regardless of whether they are hereditary or caused by aging.

The upper face lift surgery is performed through several small incisions (about 1 cm) located in the scalp, so no scars are visible after the temporal lift surgery.

As a result of a forehead lift, the patient gets rid of a tired or severe appearance and appears refreshed and rested, with a more open look.

Photos before and after temporal lift

On the picture: Temporal lift. The patient is 45 years old. The result is a week after the procedure. It is already clear that the drooping ends of the eyebrows and the skin of the upper eyelid have risen and the expression of the eyes has ceased to be sad.

Who is suitable for a forehead and brow lift?

Frontotemporal lift surgery will help if you have:

  • drooping tissue in the forehead area,
  • horizontal wrinkles on the forehead
  • drooping eyebrows with the formation of excess skin in the upper eyelids.

Endoscopic forehead and eyebrow lift

Endoscopic frontotemporal lifting allows you to perform minimal intervention, without resorting to a complete “opening”, but only what is necessary to install a mini-camera, which allows you to monitor on the monitor screen the progress of actions performed using special tools.

As a result, the plastic surgeon can minimize surgical trauma and reduce scarring. In aesthetic surgery, this technique is effective when it comes to problems of the forehead and temples.

The principle of endoscopic forehead and eyebrow lifting is to detach the entire area, weakening the muscles responsible for the formation of wrinkles. At the end of the operation, the surgeon repositions the tissues and secures them in proper position using deep clamps.

Endoscopic lifting can be done separately combined, if necessary, with additional aesthetic procedures on the face, such as blepharoplasty (aesthetic eyelid surgery), canthopexy (lifting the corners of the eyes), cervicofacial lifting, laser resurfacing, peeling, injections, etc. ..

This operation can be performed on both men and women starting from the age of 40. In some cases, it is carried out at an earlier age, when the deficiencies are pronounced (hereditary factor) and are not associated with age-related changes. For example, initially low eyebrows or some prematurely developed wrinkles due to muscle hyperactivity.

Frontal-temporal lifting surgery. Video

On video:fragment of a frontotemporal lift operation.
I focus on the stage of skin incision. The fact is that this is a very important moment of the operation, since it is necessary to make the incision in such a way as not to damage the hair follicles. Therefore, the cut in this case is not a perfectly straight line. If the incision is made as accurately as possible, then the scar is then practically invisible.

Type of anesthesia and hospitalization for temporal lobe lift

Depending on the case, two types of anesthesia can be used:

  • Local anesthesia with sedation.
  • General classical anesthesia, during which the patient is completely immersed in sleep.

The operation can be performed “outpatient”, in which case the patient can leave the clinic on the day of the operation after several hours of postoperative observation.

However, in some cases, a short hospital stay is preferable. The patient arrives in the morning (or sometimes the day before, in the afternoon), and the patient is allowed to be discharged on the next postoperative day.

Progress of the frontal-temporal lifting operation

Each surgeon uses his own method of work, which he adapts to each individual case in order to achieve the best results. However, I will explain the general basic principles.

Skin incisions measuring 5-10 mm (their number is from 3 to 5 pieces) will be located in the hairline, a few centimeters from the edge of the hair growth of the forehead. One of the incisions will allow the passage of an endoscope connected to a mini video camera, while the others will open the way for various instruments specially adapted to endoscopic surgery.

The location of these incisions corresponds, of course, to the location of future scars after a temporal lift, which will be practically invisible, due to the fact that they are small in size and will be hidden in the hair.

  • The entire forehead and temples are subject to exfoliation down to the brow ridges and the root of the nose. Sometimes, this peeling can be carried out to the level of the cheekbones and upper cheeks.
  • The muscles are weakened in order to get rid of the wrinkles that they cause: the frontal muscle for horizontal wrinkles, the interglabellar muscles for interglabellar wrinkles. In addition, depending on the specifics of each specific case, other operations of a special nature may be performed.
  • The detached tissue will be subjected to a tensioning procedure to smooth out crow's feet, lift the brows and remove loss of forehead tone. It will be maintained in proper position using deep fixation techniques, the type of which will depend on the surgeon's preferred technique.
  • Small incisions are most often closed using staples, which can be easily removed.

Operation duration from 45 to 90 minutes depending on the volume of intervention.

Rehabilitation after a forehead lift

After frontotemporal lifting, there is usually no pain, but sometimes there is some discomfort associated with a feeling of tension in the forehead, temples and eyelids.

Traces of the intervention progressively disappear, allowing the patient to return to normal socio-professional life after some time (5 - 20 days, taking into account postoperative signs).

In the first days, complete rest is necessary and you should refrain from excessive exertion. The consequences of the operation are mainly expressed in the appearance of edema (swelling) and ecchymosis (bruising), the significance and duration of which varies greatly depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.

The bandage is removed between the 1st and 3rd days. The staples are removed between the 5th and 15th day.

During the first weeks, there may be some loss of sensation in the forehead, and in some cases itching in the scalp. These sensations will gradually disappear.

Before and after forehead lift and temple lift

It takes 3 to 6 months to evaluate the final result after a forehead lift. During this time, all swelling should completely resolve, and the skin tissue should regain its flexibility.

Frontotemporal lifting, depending on the goal, will allow you to achieve:

  • upper face rejuvenation effect
  • reducing age-related forehead sagging
  • raising eyebrows
  • restoring the elasticity of the upper eyelids, smoothing out crow's feet
  • a pronounced reduction in frontal and glabellar wrinkles.

Results may vary from case to case, but are generally long-lasting.

Temporal lift - before and after photos