Find out the Tinkoff Platinum card limit. find out the limit on a Sberbank bank card via SMS

Tinkoff Bank does not have branches and serves clients exclusively remotely. On the one hand, this allows you not to waste time visiting the bank, but on the other hand, it is quite difficult to clarify some questions or solve problems. The main line of business of TKS is the issuance of credit cards. The card can be ordered on the website by filling out a form. The finished plastic is delivered by courier to the specified address at the appointed time. Most often, questions arise about the credit limit of the Tinkoff card.

It is installed individually depending on his creditworthiness, credit history and other data. You can find out about its size at the time of signing individual conditions or via SMS. The bank never sets a large amount for new clients. The initial limit may be quite small. Gradually, as you use the limit, it can increase. Seeing that the client regularly uses the funds provided and regularly returns them, the bank begins to increase the limit to the maximum.

Tinkoff card credit limit.

This is the amount of money that is provided to the owner of the credit card for permanent use. Tinkoff's credit card approval rate is quite high, and the bank is ready to provide a limit even to those clients whose credit history is not entirely positive. If the credit history is negative and there are open debts, then such a client will definitely be denied a card. New clients do not have to count on a large limit.

The maximum credit line amount on the card reaches 300 rubles, but it is provided only to existing and regular customers. Initially, upon receipt of the card, the bank sets a symbolic amount of 5-20 tr. Tinkoff does not advertise the fundamental conditions for cards, but sets them individually for each client. Here we are talking about the size of the limit and the interest rate. The bank highlights this approach as its advantages, but for clients they can be quite unpleasant - the rate may be overpriced, and the limit may be minimal. You will need to pay to activate the card, and it is unclear when the next limit increase will occur.

The bank sets a low initial limit to minimize the risk of large losses. Each new client is a “dark horse” and it is unknown how he will behave. If he turns out to be a fraudster or is unable to repay the debt, then a loss of 6-10 tr. will be insignificant and will quickly pay for itself.

How to find out the credit limit of a Tinkoff card?

After the decision to issue has been approved, it is worth clarifying what limit was calculated. This can be done by calling the bank's hotline or via SMS, which will be received after activation. The first option will be more convenient, since before activation you can find out what limit the bank is ready to provide. After activation, you will have to pay a service fee, even if you do not plan to use the card.

If it turns out that the limit is set small, then you should not immediately despair. You can actively use it for several months and return the spent amounts on time. Seeing that the borrower is reliable, but the allocated amount is not enough, the bank, by its own agreement, will increase the limit. You can learn about the increase in the amount from SMS or card statement.

The maximum loan amount is 300 tr. and only clients with “experience” and a good reputation can receive it. Experts do not recommend thoughtlessly striving to increase the limit. You can try your hand at a small amount. If it becomes more difficult to return, it is worth stopping and not increasing the limit anymore, so that there is no temptation to spend everything again. Otherwise, profitable purchases will turn out to be unprofitable and costly in terms of getting your money back.

What card limit will you be approved for?

Average income, month

Expenses, months

Min. payment

up to 950,000 rubles

How to increase the credit limit of a Tinkoff card?

The initiative can come from both the borrower and the bank. The cardholder can apply to review the credit line through the contact center or in his personal account. The bank analyzes the transactions, the extent of use of the provided limit, the timeliness of the return and makes a decision to revise the limit upward or refuse the application.

If the owner of a credit card uses only part of the loan, then the bank may consider that he does not need more money. If the limit is spent to the maximum, then in the case of Tinkoff Bank, the chances of increasing the credit line increase significantly.

An excellent prospect for increasing the limit is opening a deposit in a bank. The contribution significantly increases the likelihood of increasing the established limit. This serves as a guarantee of the financial stability and reliability of the borrower.

Alternatively, you can send salary documents to the bank by mail (2NDFL certificate or in free form). If the borrower has a good income, then his chances of increasing the limit increase.

Is it possible to reduce the credit limit?

This procedure is also allowed. For example, if the client has a limit of 200 thousand rubles, but he does not need that much, then he can express his disagreement and ask to reduce the credit line. This is again done through the contact center or a letter is sent to the Moscow office. The reason for reducing the limit must also be justified. You can, for example, state that your solvency does not allow you to pay more, or you plan to use the card for small purchases, etc. After considering the application, the bank makes a decision.

Tinkoff can also refuse to reduce the limit. In this case, you will have to either agree with the individual conditions provided or refuse the card.

Today, many people have several credit cards issued by different banks. And if they are all used quite actively, it is easy to get confused in their characteristics, for example, to forget what the maximum amount is available on a particular card. Confusion is also caused by the fact that some banks periodically review the credit limits of their clients, but do not always notify the owners of payment instruments about the results of this review. Therefore, regular monitoring of this indicator will not hurt. Let's look at how to find out the limit on a Sberbank credit card.

Why are there limit restrictions?

When issuing any loan, the bank first of all evaluates the solvency of the client who submitted the application. Based on the data obtained, the loan amount is determined that the borrower is most likely to be able to repay within the required period.

Exactly the same procedure occurs when determining the credit limit on a plastic card. The bank must be sure that it will receive its money back without delay. In addition, the amount of the minimum monthly payment depends on the volume of the limit, which, according to the law, should not exceed a certain percentage of the borrower’s monthly income.

Thus, credit card limits are a limitation that is beneficial for both the borrower and the bank. The first gets the opportunity to use the amount that he is able to return, and the second gets a guarantee that the funds given to him will not be lost and will not have to be reclaimed through the court.

Maximum credit limit on a card in Sberbank

At the time of writing (July 2018), Sberbank provides its clients with credit cards with the following maximum limit options:

  • 300,000 rubles;
  • 600,000 rubles;
  • 3 million rubles.

The maximum for each card is determined depending on the characteristics of its tariff plan. However, only holders of premium category cards can receive a credit card for three million and only under a special offer from Sber. For other clients, even if they have a premium credit card, the maximum threshold of available borrowed funds is 600 thousand rubles.

Important! For some cards, an increased limit of 600,000 may also be available only through a special offer from the bank. We recommend that you check information about specific products directly on the Sber website or in its customer support service.

Limits on transactions carried out in Sberbank Online

Sometimes, by the phrase “Credit card limit,” users mean the restrictions that apply when working with credit cards through the Sberbank web account. This has nothing to do with the credit limit.

As for the restrictions of the Sberbank Online system, they generally apply to all operations carried out through it. Sber does not set separate limits for credit cards. During the day you can spend through the bank’s web account:

  • no more than 1 million rubles for transfers to other Sberbank clients;
  • no more than 10,000 to pay for the services of mobile operators;
  • no more than 30,000 rubles to accounts of clients of other banks.

However, restrictions on transfers are unlikely to be useful to credit card holders. These means of payment are not intended to perform these operations, but can only be used to pay for purchases and services.

Important! During the day, no more than 100 payment transactions can be carried out through the web account. The volume of each must be at least 25 rubles.

How to find out the existing limit

Sber provides its credit card holders with several ways to control their credit limit. We list the most popular of them.

By phone

You can find out the limit of a Sberbank credit card through the customer support service by calling 900 or 8-800-555-55-50 . To obtain information, you will need to tell the operator:

  • your passport details;
  • credit card details;
  • code word from the contract.

Another way to control limits using your phone is to use the Mobile Bank service. True, with its help you can find out not the total limit of the card, but only the balance available to you on it. To do this, you need to send a command like this to the service number "Balance<окончание_номера_кредитки>» . The answer will come in the form of SMS.


Limit information can be obtained at any Sber ATM. After inserting the card into the receiver and going through authorization, select balance request in the menu. The available balance, the total card limit, and the amount of debt will be displayed on the screen (or on the receipt, depending on your choice).

Important! You can obtain this data through an ATM of any banking organization. But only in Sberbank devices you do not have to pay a commission for their provision.

Using a terminal

Terminals of banking organizations differ from ATMs in the absence of a device for accepting plastic cards. However, with their help you can get basic information about your credit card. To do this, you need to dial the card service agreement number on the device keyboard. Basic information about it will appear on the screen, including the size of the established limit.

Important! To obtain data, you do not need a card number, but rather a credit agreement number.

To Sberbank Online

The web banking system displays all products available to the client, including credit cards. The balance of the current credit card will be displayed immediately next to its number in the list on the main page of the personal account. To get information about the limit, click on the card number. You will be taken to a page with detailed information about her account, where, among other things, the maximum amount of borrowed funds available to you will also be indicated.

A credit card allows the holder to use borrowed funds to purchase goods and withdraw cash at any time. Funds are managed within the limits set on the card. In this article, we will look at how to increase the limit on a credit card and what affects its size.

What is a credit limit on a card?

The main feature of a credit card is the ability to use borrowed funds under an open line of credit. The bank sets a limit on the amount within which the cardholder is entitled to use borrowed funds. This restriction is called the credit limit, which expresses the bank’s loyalty to the client. So, the higher the limit, the financially stable the borrower is in the opinion of the bank’s credit inspectors.

The credit limit is set in a fixed amount, but in fact can be additionally limited by the amount of the minimum payment. For example, with a credit limit of 100 thousand rubles. and a minimum payment of 2000 rubles, the restriction on the disposal of funds will be set in the current reporting period within the limits of 98 thousand rubles.

The credit limit for a specific card is determined after assessing the following information about the client:

  • the state of your credit history (depending on the presence of arrears on current obligations and the total amount of debt on existing loans);
  • providing information about income (according to 2-NDFL certificate or bank form);
  • using the card (active use and timely return of funds increases the chances of receiving a higher limit);
  • placing a deposit in a given bank, as well as using other financial products.

After assessing the client’s solvency based on the application form, a credit limit is set individually. It cannot exceed the maximum loan amount within the general terms and conditions approved by the issuing bank for credit cards. The maximum limit on credit cards depends on the following factors:

  • issuing bank;
  • class and type of card (the limit for a gold card will be higher than for a classic card);
  • credit program within which the card was opened (for example, salary project, instant issue, etc.).

If you are applying for a credit card for the first time, do not have a positive credit history and do not provide information about income, you should not immediately count on a high limit on your credit card. In such cases, a minimum level of available funds is established, which, as a rule, does not exceed 20 thousand rubles.

How to find out the credit limit on a card

The limit set at the time of issuing a credit card can subsequently be either increased or decreased (in practice this is less common) unilaterally at the initiative of the issuing bank. You can find out the limit on your current card in several ways:

  • at your bank branch;
  • by calling the call center, the number of which can be found on the Internet or on the back of the card;
  • in online banking;
  • at an ATM.

When contacting the bank in person or by telephone, you must provide personal information, usually your full name and date of birth, and also indicate the last 4 digits of your card number.

To check the credit limit in an online bank, you need to open a tab with detailed information on the card

Methods and conditions for increasing the limit on a credit card

Different banks set different limits. Most popular banks use a unique calculation method for their clients. Almost all banks, including Tinkoff, decide on the issue of calculating the credit limit on an individual basis. Therefore, you can find out the exact amount that the bank is ready to offer only after receiving the card.

Most often, Tinkoff Bank sets a minimum limit on new cards, which is 5-10 thousand rubles. If the bank has any fundamental terms of the loan agreement, it does not advertise them. Both the loan amount and the interest rate are always set for each client personally.

But the bank’s maximum limit is always the same. With a regular card this is 300 thousand rubles, but people with a good history can get a loan of 2 million. Only experienced clients who have already earned a good reputation in their bank can count on the maximum. Thus, the limit of an approved card at Tinkoff Bank can be increased several times. From time to time, a user may create a request to increase the credited amount, and the bank decides whether to approve or deny the request.

When a person creates an application for a credit limit, he should find out the amount before it is calculated. The fact is that the owner of an approved card can receive a small amount (the same 5 thousand), which he does not need at all. Therefore, you can refuse to receive such a limit before it is credited to the card.

Finding out your credit limit is very easy. There are 2 ways to do this:

  • call the bank’s toll-free number and contact the operator;
  • wait for the SMS message that the bank will send after activating the card.

The first method is more convenient because it allows you to refuse money in time if it does not suit the client. The second way is simply the ability to find out the exact size of your limit. In this case, it is no longer possible to refuse it.

How to increase the limit on a Tinkoff credit card?

Tinkoff considers each application to increase the credit limit on an individual basis. But there are several general rules that are the same for any client:

  • the first application for an increase can only be submitted 4 months after card activation;
  • the client must have a positive credit history for the entire period of service;
  • When using the card, you need to withdraw all the money.

When withdrawing credit money from a Tinkoff Bank card, the client must return it back on time. There is an interest-free period of 55 days. It is advisable to return the withdrawn money during this period, and if it has already ended, pay the full interest rate. Its size is 6%, sometimes 8%. In this case, there is a very good chance that the application for promotion will be approved.

It is also very important to withdraw all credit money from the card. If the client withdraws only part of the existing limit, the bank may decide that this amount is enough for him. But if the client begins to cash out all available money, the chance of an increase greatly increases. In the case of Tinkoff Bank, this is really important.

A good prospect for increasing your credit limit is opening a deposit in a bank. Even a small deposit greatly increases the client’s chances of both an impressive increase in the loan amount and receiving an additional loan. Finally, providing complete information about your salary will be of some benefit. If the bank cannot find out the client’s exact salary, it is unlikely to risk increasing his credit limit.

Is it worth going for the maximum limit?

Tinkoff Platinum is the bank's main card, which is usually issued to all new clients. It is quite easy to obtain, so using a platinum card in itself does not provide any benefits to the client. An increase is a good thing, but it often comes with a rise in interest rates.

Even if the client is solvent and repays the debt on time, perhaps he should not strive for the maximum limit. As already mentioned at the beginning, the bank does not disclose its terms of the loan agreement. Therefore, along with an increase in the limit, the interest rate may also increase. In the end, the Tinkoff Platinum card may simply cease to be profitable due to high interest rates.

But if you are confident that you will always have time to pay off the debt within the interest-free period (55 days), then the maximum limit will not be a problem for you. In general, the answer to this question is purely individual.

Today, the maximum limit on the Tinkoff credit card for regular customers is set at 700,000 rubles. But in most cases, the bank sets a much lower limit when registering for the first time. Therefore, questions often arise about how to find out the limit of your card and whether there are any ways to increase it.

Credit limit at Tinkoff Bank

There are several types of credit cards at Tinkoff: for shopping, travel, and gaming. Some of them were created especially for shopping in online stores (Aliexpress, Lamoda, eBay, etc.). Tinkoff Platinum is considered the best credit card available. It is perfect for everyday purchases and can be processed in the shortest possible time. The maximum loan amount is 300 thousand rubles, and the rate is from 12.9%. The bank charges only 590 rubles per year for service. Like all others, this credit card has its own bonus program, thanks to which you can purchase goods in partner stores with large discounts. You can find out about the conditions for using other cards on the official website of Tinkoff Bank -

The limit for new clients is usually set to a minimum amount, which can subsequently be increased with active use of the loan and regular timely payments. Regular customers can immediately count on better conditions, since they have already earned the trust of the bank.

How to find out the credit limit on a Tinkoff Bank card?

You can find out the limit in several ways:

  1. Upon approval, the manager will provide information about the available limit.
  2. Call the hotline (you can find out detailed information before activating the card).
  3. Look at the SMS that arrives at the specified number immediately after activation.
  4. Use your personal account on the website or mobile application.

The most profitable option is to call the hotline or ask the manager, since for this you do not need to activate the card and pay a commission if you suddenly change your mind about using a loan with such a limit. If you have activated the card, then you will have to use it and pay the debt, regardless of how it is used.

How to increase your credit limit?

The maximum loan size of 700,000 rubles can only be obtained by clients who have been working with the bank for a long time and have a good credit history. Beginners who contact Tinkoff Bank for the first time are advised to start with small amounts. If the client spends money wisely and has the opportunity to repay the debt monthly, then there is a chance that the bank itself will offer to increase the limit.

According to the rules of Tinkoff Bank (which are listed on the official website), the card limit does not increase at the client's request. That is, the loan does not increase at the request of the recipient, it increases only at the initiative of the creditors. Information that the lender is ready for increase credit limit will come in the form of an SMS alert or as a card statement. You can get him to want to increase the amount by adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Transfers will be made from the card every month. This could be payment for purchases, services, utilities, etc.
  • Make the most of all the money on your credit card. The more you use them, the better.
  • Pay off your debt on time. It is important that the borrower does not have delays or delays in paying the debt. The sooner a client makes a payment, the better he will look in the eyes of creditors.
  • It is advisable to make expensive purchases 1-2 times over several months, equal to the amount of the limit or even more than it (if the purchase is more expensive than the loan, then you first need to top up your account).

All delays of the borrower are recorded in his credit history. The more there are, the worse a person’s reputation. Payments must be timely; it is even better when the debt is paid in advance.

If a person complied with all the rules of use, repaid the debt on time, and actively paid with the card, then there is every chance of getting a higher limit. If the bank does not respond to your activity in any way, then you can contact the support service and clarify your payment history. The operator will help you understand all the nuances and give advice on how to quickly increase your credit.

What to do if the bank does not want to increase the credit limit?

If the bank does not react in any way to your activity in using a credit card, it means it’s simply not your turn yet. Don't despair and continue to regularly purchase items using your card so that the lender sees your interest in their services.

The bank's decision may be influenced by the same main points:

  1. Frequency of plastic use.
  2. The number of transactions performed within one month.
  3. Whether the client exceeds the allotted period for free debt repayment.
  4. Presence of overdue and arrears on the loan.

In addition, if the lender refuses to increase the loan, then you can always get a new credit card for another family member. For example, make a second card for your wife, husband or adult child. The advantage of this operation is that relatives are automatically trusted clients, especially if the former’s debt is systematically paid. One of the disadvantages of this method is that you will have to pay for issuing the card and its maintenance. If you increase your credit limit, no additional payments are expected.