Lenses and makeup as ways to make your eyes brighter. How to make your eyes blue

It's hard not to fall in love with a dazzling pair of sparkling childish blue eyes. Unfortunately, if you do not have blue eyes from birth, does not exist natural way change your eye color to the desired blue. However, there are several ways to create the illusion of blue eyes, or if you're willing to take a little risk, there are surgical procedure, which will give your iris the desired shade.


Understanding the nature of eye color

    It is worth understanding that eye color is determined genetically. Like your hair and skin color, the color of your irises is determined by your genes. This means that unless you intend to destroy your genetic code or cellular structure, eye color cannot be changed permanently. Eye color is determined by the amount of melanin in the iris: a small amount of melanin gives it a blue tone, a large amount gives it a brown tone.

    • At birth, all babies have blue eyes because their bodies have not yet produced enough melanin.
    • Sometimes there are genetic mutations that can cause a person to have eyes different color, or even several colors present in each eye.
  1. Keep in mind that changes in eye color may indicate an illness or disease. If you notice that your eyes are changing color on their own - especially if from brown to blue - seek medical attention immediately. medical care. Changes in eye color can be a symptom of many diseases, some of which can harm your eyes and cause blindness. Although changing eye color is an interesting and exciting phenomenon, if it occurs on its own, you should always consult a doctor.

    Accept that you can't change your eye color forever. Although there are several surgical operations, available in some parts of the world, which promise to change eye color - there is no way to truly achieve this permanently. Since eye color is determined by genes, it can only be truly changed through external, superficial means. Surgery makes a difference, but there are no studies to show how long the effects actually last or what the long-term health consequences are.

    • Before taking any 'long-term' measures, you should take your time and think about the pros and cons.
    • Try all temporary alternatives before resorting to something as drastic as surgery.

    Creating the illusion of blue eyes

    1. Use blue contact lenses. The only safe and 100% reliable way is to use blue contact lenses. Contact lenses are thin plastic pieces that you put on your eyes to close your eyes. natural color iris and create the appearance of a different color. The advantage of lenses is that they are cheap and come in a variety of shades of blue. This way, you can easily try out many colors and types of lenses to find the one that's right for you.

      • Please be aware that some lenses and some colors may make your vision blurry and blurry.
      • You will have to learn how to insert contact lenses. Depending on whether they are hard or soft, the complexity of this procedure is determined by the characteristics of the person, and not by the type of lenses.
      • If you wear prescribed glasses or contacts, you can ask your doctor to prescribe similar colored lenses for you.
    2. Changes in makeup. If you wear makeup, you can change the colors to highlight your natural shades the blue of your iris; if you have dark color eyes, you can make them blue. If your eye color has natural blue undertones, try using copper or gold eye shadow. The warm colors of the bronze eyeshadow will bring the blue tones of your iris to the fore. If you have brown eyes, try using a cool blue shade - it will add the color you want around your eyes and make your eyes look blue from a distance.

      • Using an eyeshadow brush, apply shadow all over your eyelid and to the outer corner of your lower lashes.
      • You can use eyeliner for a similar effect.
    3. Make yourself blue eyes using Photoshop. If you want to see what you would look like with blue eyes, or you would be interested in changing your eye color at least in photographs, you can do this using Photoshop. Although technically this will not change the eye color in real life, the program will allow you to flaunt baby blues, by at least, in photographs, besides, this is an opportunity to see whether blue eyes suit you in principle.

      • You can use other photo programs to change eye color.
    4. Change your emotional state. When you are angry, sad or excited, your pupil contracts, 'increasing' the size of the iris. As a result, your eyes become lighter, brighter and more saturated than when you are simply happy. If your eyes have blue undertones, work on your emotions and try to express them naturally and directly. Additionally, when you cry, your eyes turn a little reddish, which contrasts with the blue tint, thus bringing out the blue undertones of your iris.

      • Any changes in hormonal levels or pupil size will slightly affect appearance your eyes.
      • This technique will only make your eyes appear blue if your iris is green or brown and already has some blue in it.

      Physical changes in eye color

      1. Undergo a special laser surgical procedure. Although this method has not been tested medical institutions in Russia, however, there is a surgical procedure that is performed with a laser and permanently changes the color of your eyes to blue. The essence of the method is to use a laser to burn out the melanin in the upper layer of the iris, revealing its blue backing. Since this procedure is a fairly new method, there is not an ounce of information about what its long-term health effects are. Either way, using a laser on your eyes is dangerous under any circumstances—you should avoid it if possible.

        • Since there are no long-term studies, it is impossible to know for sure whether melanin will return.
      2. Place iris implants. This treatment was originally developed for people suffering from serious eye conditions; a small silicone disc is placed over your iris, thereby changing its natural color. Being a kind of “eternal contact lenses”, a colored silicone disc changes the color of your eyes to blue. However, the procedure has a significant disadvantage: it caused blindness in more than one person among those who turned to it for cosmetic reasons. Iris implants are usually only used when the patient is at risk of blindness or severe cataracts—the procedure should not be used simply to change eye color.

        • Iris implants for cosmetic purposes are not available within the Russian Federation.
      3. Try cleansing your intestines. Although this method is not scientifically proven, many people claim that colon cleansing produces relatively long-lasting changes in eye color. This theory is based on the following: by changing the food/drinks you receive in the intestines, you create changes in the hormonal background of your body, which changes the production of melanin in the iris. Together with your doctor, choose a healthy and safe way colon cleansing based on your lifestyle.

        • Never attempt a cleanse without first discussing possible side effects with your doctor.
        • You should not radically change your diet just to get the desired eye color - this can lead to unplanned negative consequences.
      4. Wait. If you have ever looked into the eyes of older people, you have probably noticed that they are most often milky blue. This is because as you age, melanin production decreases—there is less of it than when you are young and in ideal physical condition. As a result, the eye color becomes blue, dark blue. If there's nothing else to do, just wait more mature age, when your eyes take on a blue color that you couldn’t get otherwise.

      • Colored contact lenses come in both natural and ostentatious colors - when purchasing, make sure you get exactly what you want.


      • Never try to physical changes to the eyes or body without first consulting a physician.

How to change eye color without harm to health and is this really possible? The color of our eyes depends on the pigmentation of the iris, which consists of several layers: mesodermal (anterior) and ectodermal (posterior).

Do you think it is possible to change eye color? This article will name and discuss all currently known methods of changing eye color.

It is known that the color of the skin and eyes is influenced by the content of the melanin pigment in the body, and as for the iris of the eyes, the density of its outer layer plays an important role in shaping the intensity of the color of the iris. Researchers from many countries have thought about how to change the laws of nature, but only individual experimenters manage to argue with nature.

Eye color is the most unique thing we have. This is the first thing people notice when they meet and this is what reflects our essence. If you are unhappy with the color of your eyes, then you need to do a little research before you start changing their color. Although there are many ways in which you can temporarily change your eye color, you cannot actually change your eye color.

Eye color is determined genetically. Do you know that every person has a unique eye color? Your eyes, just like your fingerprints, are 100% unique. Eye color is a combination of genes passed down from generation to generation through gene mixing and matching. This process is much more complex than selection for dominance or recessive trait. Your eye color may change over time due to age, but will remain relatively constant based on your genetics.

There are three primary colors: brown, the most common, followed by blue and green, the rarest eye color found in nature.
Over time, under the influence age-related changes, eye color can become lighter, however, this is a rather slow process.

Understand that eye color is caused by the accumulation of melanin. Melanin is the pigment in the iris that actually determines the color of your eyes. If there is no melanin in the iris, your eyes will be transparent. The intense melanin content makes the eyes deep brown or black. The spectrum of melanin presence varies from blue (low amount of melanin), green (medium amount of melanin) to dull brown (highest amount of melanin). The only way to achieve a color change is to decrease or increase the amount of melanin in the iris. This is impossible without physical or genetic intervention.

In the world, approximately 90% of people have dark or brown eyes. The majority of people in China (population 1.35 billion), India (1.24 billion), Africa (approximately 1 billion) have brown eyes. Latin America(more than 572 million people), Southern Europe (164 million). However, only 150 million people (about 2.2%) worldwide have blue eyes. It is believed that blue eye color resulted from a mutation in the HERC2 gene. Because of it, in carriers of this gene, the production of melanin in the iris of the eye is reduced. This mutation originated in the Middle East approximately 6-10 thousand years ago.

The color of the eyes depends on how the melanin pigment is located in the outer and inner layers of the iris.

All children are born with dull blue eyes because there is no melanin in their iris yet. The real color appears by three months, when melanin is produced.

There are two types of disorders in melanin production. The first is albinos, when there is no melanin in the iris and the eye color turns out to be pink-red (all the small venous capillaries are visible). The second is heterochromia, when the eyes are different colors.

Colored lenses of all shades

Anyone can quickly, easily and relatively cheaply change their eye color using colored contact lenses. You can even choose such lenses at an optician, where a specialist, based on the original eye color, will advise the most suitable option. For example, for light eyes Tinted lenses are enough, such tinting will effectively change the iris of the eyes, but if the eyes are dark, then you cannot do without colored lenses. The choice of shades and colors of lenses is now so huge that even the most sophisticated buyer can choose the right lenses for themselves. But when purchasing lenses, you need to take into account the recommendations of ophthalmologists and follow all recommendations regarding the mode of use and timing of lens replacement.

Colored lenses are selected according to the color of your eyes.

If you have light color, then tinted lenses are also suitable, but if your eyes are dark, then you need colored lenses.

What your eye color will be is up to you. Modern market offers a wide selection of lenses.

If you decide to change the color of your iris using lenses, you need to remember:

  • It is recommended to wear lenses no more than 8 hours a day.
  • Lenses have a limited lifespan.
  • Special products are needed to store and care for lenses.
  • Before using lenses, you should follow safety rules: wash your hands, cut or clean your nails.

Before purchasing lenses, it would also be a good idea to consult an ophthalmologist.

Chameleon effect

Depending on the lighting, the intensity of eye color may change; the brightness of the eyes is also affected by mood, outfit, and makeup. This effect is more often observed in women with naturally gray, blue or green eyes. This method is the most studied, harmless, entertaining, and accessible to every woman. You just need to buy a couple of bright scarves, learn how to effectively combine clothes and choose the right shade of eye shadow and other eye makeup.

Selection of makeup and wardrobe. If your eyes are light in color and change depending on your mood and lighting, then this method is right for you. You can shade green eyes with brown mascara. Clothes should be chosen in lilac tones. A significant disadvantage of this method is that when choosing cosmetics and clothes, do not forget that a particular shade can have a different effect on the color of your eyes.

Special eye drops

Usually, for glaucoma, ophthalmologists prescribe drugs containing prostaglandin F2a to patients - this is a natural hormone that quickly reduces intraocular pressure. This drug can be found in pharmacies under the name "travoprost", "unoprostone", "bimatoprost" or "latanoprost". If treatment with this group of drugs is quite long, then gray or blue eyes become darker and may gradually acquire a brown color. But we must remember that the main purpose of such drops is to reduce intraocular pressure in glaucoma. It is strictly prohibited to use a hormonal drug only to change eye color, because it will still not be possible to permanently change the iris, but it is possible to permanently damage your vision. Even those suffering from glaucoma should use the drug only on the recommendation of an ophthalmologist.

The eyes will become darker with prolonged use. eye drops. This means that eye color depends on certain types of hormones.

I would also like to note that the substance bimatoprost is also used in for cosmetic purposes. Apply the drug to eyelashes and eyelids, eyelash growth will noticeably improve.

Implantation of artificial iris

In 2006, Dr. Delari Alberto Kahn received a patent for operations to change eye pigment. The essence of the operation is that an artificial iris implant is implanted into the eye. The color can be changed to blue, green and brown. In the near future, for those who like “hot” things, they will release red, black, and gold ones, and with pictures. By the way, the implant can be easily removed. The reverse process takes 5 minutes.

Stroma laser for eye color correction

Dr. Gregg Homer, founder of Stroma Medical in California (USA), has developed a unique laser technology for lightening and changing eye color. It was called “Lumineyes technology”. With its help you can change your brown eye color to blue. This development is based on the laser removal technique. age spots on the skin.

The essence of the new technology is to change the pigmentation of the iris. During surgery, a laser beam is directed at the iris of a patient with brown or black eyes. This procedure is painless and takes only 20 seconds for each eye. A special laser destroys the brown pigment melanin in the upper layer of the iris, discoloring it. Greg Homer claims that laser destruction of melanin occurs only on the thin surface of the pigmented part of the eye, and the rest of the eye shell is not affected in any way, so such an operation cannot harm the patient’s vision. After the procedure, by the end of the first week the eye color becomes darker, but within 2-4 weeks the eyes gradually turn from brown to blue. However, after this operation, the melanin in the iris of the eye is destroyed, and it will not be possible to return the brown color back. Brown tissue cannot be restored, so you should think carefully before deciding to undergo this operation.

Stroma Medical is currently conducting limited clinical trials and is looking for sponsors for larger tests. Opens branches in other countries.

Eat honey and nuts more often.
Pay more attention to green color in the surrounding world than to other colors.
Keep your gaze on green objects.

If you have grey, blue or green eyes, you can give them the shade you want with the help of your surroundings. For example, if you have grey eyes, then wearing blue or green colors can give them corresponding shades. This is a very convenient way to change eye color, which does not require effort or the use of contact lenses.

The color of the iris can be affected by cosmetics. Decorative cosmetics of various shades will help you change the shades of your eyes. For example, to make the green color brighter, women are advised to use shadows and a gray or gray contour pencil. brown colors. The color will become more intense immediately after applying cosmetics. This method is also an easy alternative to contact lenses.

Eye color can change without your desire as you grow older.

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Whether you are a brown-eyed blonde or a blue-eyed brunette, you probably sometimes wanted to know what you would look like, for example, with green eyes. But not everyone knows that there are many factors, including nutrition and emotions, that can change the iris even without surgery. We will tell you the most interesting things, and also show, using the example of stars, how a radical change in eye color changes your appearance.

website collected for you Interesting Facts about how and why a person’s eye color can change.

1. How mood affects eye color

Vivid emotions are always a shock to the body. With intense joy or intense anger, not only does our heart rate change, our breathing quickens, or, conversely, our breath takes away, but also there is a noticeable accentuation of the color of the iris. It may become more saturated, sometimes darker, sometimes lighter.

Perhaps the most pure color can be observed in people experiencing happy moments.

If the baby was born with blue-gray eyes, then you may well be in for a surprise. The secret of blue eyes, also called "sky effect", lies in the low content of melanin in the iris, so light is scattered, and the low density of stromal fibers it appears even brighter - like blue. And most kids at 3–18 months of life, eye color may darken if there is an accumulation of melanocytes in the iris. In particular, among residents of mountainous regions it often happens that blue transforms into walnut. This largely depends on the color of the parents' eyes. Sometimes the full color appears by 10–12 years.

And here In babies born with brown eyes, everything is stable, this is their bright shade for life. Due to the high melanin content, the outer layer of the iris absorbs and reflects light, resulting in brown. By the way, brown-eyed people have a special bonus - more low percentage eye diseases , but must be worn Sunglasses. And also, according to research, in the Czech Republic, brown-eyed people are usually perceived as more reliable, but light-eyed women less problems with negativity and depression.

By the way, recent studies have shown that eye color is affected by about 16 genes, which makes it much more difficult forecasting.

3. “Live” nutrition and cleansing the body of toxins

IN alternative medicine there is a theory about the relationship between the color of the iris and the condition internal organs. This direction is called iridology, but due to the lack of solid evidence base is still considered pseudoscientific. But Dr. Robert Morse, a detoxification specialist whose patients were about 1/4 million people, who has long been interested in iridology, notes: according to his observations, The upper quadrant of the eye is linked to brain health, and the inner circle - with digestive system. However, he says that an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet can significantly change eye color, and has created a series video about your research.

One girl who has been using his technique for 6 years raw diets, shared photos that show how the color of her eyes has changed. According to the doctor, the abundance of a yellowish tint indicates large quantities toxins. Having adjusted her intestinal function, the girl observed a change in eye color from greenish-brown to a lighter and brighter shade, as well as the impeccable whiteness of the whites. At the same time, the detoxicologist notes that the pigment in each person is unique and requires individual analysis. And about the products he says that spinach helps maintain youthful eyes and gives them brightness, honey can give a lighter shade, seafood makes the color richer, and also affect the shade olive oil, onions, nuts.

4. Makeup and wardrobe can change your eye color.

Women have a magical tool with which they can significantly change the shade of their eyes or make them more saturated. And “magic wands” are makeup in various shades, clothing, hair color and jewelry. For example, girls with brown eyes can significantly “lighten” their iris using outfits in golden, pink and light green colors.

And those with blue or green eyes will effectively enhance the richness of their eye color using jewelry made from turquoise, emeralds and stones of blue shades. Wherein neutral white, gray and black colors will allow you to show your true eye color. By the way, if you wear glasses, ask your specialist to choose them with AR lenses, which will be more comfortable for you and also neutralize glare, which will allow others to see the color of your eyes without distortion.

5. Sunlight and location

Brown eyes- the most common on earth: they can be found 70% of the world's population on all continents - from Australia to Northern and South America. And in some regions, almost all residents - 95% of the Japanese, indigenous people of China, the Middle East, South America, Southern Europe and Oceania. In the USA, almost half of the people are brown-eyed.

There are more people with blue eyes in Northern Europe: in Estonia, Denmark and Finland - 89% of the population, in Germany - 75%, in Great Britain - 50%. Sometimes this shade is found in Syria, among Ashkenazi Jews, Tajiks and among the mountain Pamiris. By the way, in 2008, geneticists at the University of Copenhagen discovered that the blue iris is a mutation in a gene that arose 6–10 thousand years ago. Dr. Eyberg noted that " everyone originally had brown eyes, and the mutation reduced melanin production.” According to scientists, this first happened in the north-west of the Black Sea region.

And here green eye color - only for 2 % inhabitants of the planet. The shade was formed due to the moderate content of melanin and a mixture of yellow-brown pigments. Most often found in residents of Spain, Ireland, Russia, Brazil, Iceland, and Pakistan. A most rare color eye - yellow, it is formed in the presence of lipochrome pigment.

6. Laser “lightening” eye color

Previously, implantation operations were carried out, which involved big risk, sometimes it was about loss of vision, as happened with one

Eyes always speak about a person’s state of mind. They reflect character, feelings, attitude towards others. And if you want to change your eye color a little, there are simple ways. This is not about purchasing lenses that can easily change the shade of your iris. Let's analyze non-standard methods in which available tools are used: Photoshop, clothes, shadows, eye drops, meditation.

Photoshop magic: modeling new eye colors

Popular program Adobe Photoshop Helps change eye color in photos. With simple mouse movements you can correct your body shape, face tone, and hair length. The eyes can acquire an unusual depth, which will have a very impressive effect on general image. Let's look at how to use Photoshop tools to get the desired shade:

  1. Launch Adobe Photoshop. The software version is not important, even using the most old issue program, it is easy to change the shade of the iris.
  2. In the “File – Open” menu we find the desired photo in which you need to change the eye color.
  3. Using the Lasso tool, select the required area of ​​the pupil that we will change. This method is also available when using the Magic Brush feature, but it is not suitable for all photo situations.
  4. When the pupil is already selected, use the right mouse click to select the “Move to new layer” item. This is how we got the area we needed to change.
  5. Similar actions should be performed with the second symmetrical part, which is also visible in the photograph.
  6. Further there are different ways to change the shade:
    • The first is to select the “Brush”, find the desired tone on the palette, set the transparency to 30-50%, size - over the area of ​​the entire layer, and with this tool click on the iris several times (until you get desired result).
    • The second is to apply a transparent layer with the required shade. Use magnifying or minimizing lenses, which will show color inaccuracies.
  7. Last step consists of combining visible layers to create a complete photograph and saving the results.

How to change eye color without lenses at home

Contact colored lenses are in a good way to change the tone of the iris, but they have significant disadvantages: high price, not long service life, special rules care For those who really want to change the shade of their eyes without leaving home, there are other methods that are cheaper and simpler. Sometimes the result can exceed all expectations. Let's consider the most effective ways changes in iris shade.

Visual method for selecting clothes of the desired color

To determine what shade of clothing can affect the eyes, you need to attach several plain scarves of different colors to your neck, while covering your body. First, take a white accessory, then grey, blue, green, red, yellow, purple. Standing in front of a mirror, within a few minutes everyone will be able to choose a color that changes the hue of the iris in one direction or another. Such changes occur because a certain shade is directed from clothing to the face.

Thus, dull gray eyes can turn into pale blue when wearing bright blue, turquoise clothes. If the pupil greenish tint, to enhance the color you need to try on different outfits of light green, grassy and purple. Brown and Brown eyes will acquire a more saturated color if the clothes are made in dark colors (black, dark blue, burgundy). Experiment with clothes and create the perfect look.

Proper use of eye makeup

Women can easily change the shade of their iris using proper makeup. Not here we're talking about about the change brown eyes in pale blue, but making their shade brighter, deeper and stronger is not difficult. To do this, use high-quality paints, pencils and shadows that do not crumble over time and do not lose their color. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to change your eye color using the right makeup:

  • Apply a tone (cream, powder) to the eyelid and under the eye, which will hide imperfections and even out the color.
  • Next, color your eyebrows with a pencil of your usual color, blend, and comb.
  • Apply a light, neutral shade (beige, nude) to the corner of your eye.
  • Next, frame the eye at the top and bottom with a pencil of the appropriate shade (brown and gray for green eyes, black and blue for blue eyes).
  • Add some shadows to upper eyelids and in the corner (of the same color as the eyeliner shade) and blend them.
  • Carefully paint your eyelashes with mascara of the appropriate shade (black, blue for blue-eyed people, brown for green-eyed people).

Self-hypnosis and meditation method

This method is not suitable for everyone, but only for those who believe in it and can often spend time alone with themselves. To change your eye color with the help of self-hypnosis and meditation, you need to find a deserted, quiet place for yourself, sit on a pillow or soft chair and completely relax. All parts of the body should rest, and you need to keep only one thought in your head - eyes of the desired shade. In this case, a person must visually imagine himself with the desired shade. This exercise should be repeated every day for 20-30 minutes.

Using eye drops at home

Some hormonal drops can change eye color. This happens because intraocular pressure decreases, changing the color of the retina and iris. But such hormonal drugs can affect not only the eyes, but also other human organs. Long term use medical product, the iris may darken and not recover after stopping the use of drops.

Is it possible to change eye color permanently?

Over time, eye color automatically changes. Most children are born blue-eyed; this shade changes by the age of one year, but can still mutate over the course of another 3-4 years. At the age of 10-40 years, eye color remains the same if there are no major changes in a person’s life (for example, operations, nervous breakdowns). Closer to 50-60 years and older, the color of the iris becomes lighter.

The development of new technologies makes it possible to change eye color using laser beams. American scientists worked for several decades to create new technology, and they succeeded. A laser beam burns out unnecessary pigment on the iris, which can cause the eye color to turn blue. This operation A considerable number of hours are spent, and the result is not guaranteed.

The disadvantage of changing color using a laser is that the process is irreversible. It is impossible to return the brown, green, brown or gray shade of the iris. Negative side surgery is a possible deterioration of vision, the development of cataracts, cancer or glaucoma. The cost of such a change is from 5 thousand dollars, which makes it not very popular among those who want to correct their appearance. That is, to change the color parameters of your eyes, it is easier to buy several pairs of contact lenses.

At home, but, nevertheless, it is quite possible. There are only three ways to do this, due to the complexity of the task.

Since it depends primarily on the person’s genotype (congenital characteristics), this task must be undertaken with extreme caution, so as not to spoil vision or damage the retina. Second, it's theirs internal structure, which we will influence.

The first way to change eye color at home: lenses

The easiest and safest way is still wearing lenses. You can purchase them either at a pharmacy or by ordering them in specialized stores on the Internet. This option is good because you do not influence the structure itself in any way, and lenses that change eye color only refract their natural color. Plus, you always have a choice of which (standard or non-standard) color to change your natural shade to. And, of course, you can always remove them without any consequences for yourself.

The second way to change eye color at home: drops

Now there are special drops that, while they may not be able to turn green eyes into gray, are quite capable of making the shade brighter or lighter. For example, if your eyes swamp green, then the use of such a product can make them brighter and cleaner, albeit at short term. Thus, your eyes will take on a light emerald shade, which looks so mesmerizing on any skin color. But if this method of changing eye color without lenses does not suit you, there is something else.

Advice: before using the remedy described above, you should definitely consult with specialists to avoid complications with vision. Under no circumstances should you purchase similar drugs in the Internet. Do this exclusively in pharmacies and only on the advice of a doctor.

The third way to change eye color at home: auto-training

It has long been proven that with the power of our consciousness we are able to influence not only the color of our eyes, but also our overall physical state generally. This happens due to the fact that our brain, controlling hormonal background the organism as a whole, is capable of changing certain chemical reactions in the body and, accordingly, in the eyes, which, with a well-constructed technique, will allow you to diametrically change the color of the eyes, even to the opposite or completely unnatural. To do this, it is enough to conduct a daily half-hour meditation (preferably in front of a mirror), visualizing the process of changing the color of the organs of vision to the one that is more interesting to you.

The process includes not just an instant change of colors, but a gradual transition from tone to tone (up to the necessary one). By performing such manipulations with your eyes, you do not risk anything, but, as statistics show, you can acquire such a feature as an involuntary change in eye color depending on your overall emotional state, which looks extremely attractive.