Lipoic acid increases or decreases hemoglobin. Indications for use of alpha lipoic - thioctic acid

Characteristics and price of alpha lipoic acid. Indications and contraindications for the use of the product. Reviews, instructions for use, review effective drugs based on this substance.

The content of the article:

Alpha lipoic acid is one of the most important for human body antioxidant substances. It has a complex effect on it, being both an effective preventive and therapeutic agent. It is prescribed to athletes, elderly people, vegetarians and all those who want to look good at any age.

What is alpha lipoic acid?

Alpha lipoic acid is a natural substance that belongs to the group of vitamins and is present in a certain amount in the body of every person. It is usually produced in sufficient quantities naturally, but if there are malfunctions in the functioning of human systems and individual organs, its deficiency may occur, which must be urgently eliminated.

Other names for the substance are thioctacid, thioctic or lipoic acid. In Latin it is written as Alpha Lipoic Acid. This is one of the most important coenzymes of small non-protein molecules that bind free radicals and classified as antioxidants of organic origin. In its unprocessed form, it is a finely ground light yellow powder with a bitter taste and unpleasant odor.

Alpha lipoic acid is highly soluble in alcohol, but poorly soluble in water. Although its sodium salt does not have problems with this, and it is what pharmaceutical companies most often use to produce their products. There are biologically active food supplements and medications containing this component on the market.

Thioctacid may be included in both tablets and capsules, depending on the manufacturer. The original powder can also be produced, where the concentration of the substance is 100%. In the case of medicinal products, this component is most often combined with others - magnesium stearate, cellulose, etc.

The bioavailability of the substance ranges from 30-40% when taking alpha lipoic acid orally in the form of tablets, powder or capsules.

Preparations made with alpha lipoic acid usually have a shelf life of 2 years. Store them in a dry place, protected from sunlight, at a temperature below 25°C.

The price of alpha-lipoic acid for 5 g of powder averages 90 rubles. It can be purchased either by weight or in packaging. Dietary supplements in the form of tablets and capsules cost about 700 rubles. for 100-200 pcs.

The main food sources of thioctacid are meat and offal. She in large quantities found in pork, chicken and beef liver, kidneys, heart, brains. Rice and spinach can also supply it to the body, but in much smaller quantities.

Beneficial properties of alpha lipoic acid

This is an effective anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antioxidant, immunomodulatory agent. It is used both to improve health and improve appearance. Thioctacid fights existing wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new wrinkles.

Below we list the main benefits of taking alpha lipoic acid:

  • Improves the absorption of other substances. This acid increases the bioavailability of vitamin C and alpha-tocopherol, thereby preventing immunity from deteriorating and accelerating skin regeneration.
  • Protects cells from destruction. Their membrane is strengthened, and they become less susceptible to the effects of cytokines that damage red blood cells, platelets, white blood cells and even sperm. This ensures the prevention of impotence, anemia, and ENT diseases.
  • Lowers sugar levels. Due to this, its toxic effect on the body is reduced and associated complications such as retinal detachment, neuropathy, diabetic foot, kidney dysfunction and thyroid gland. Damaged ones are also restored faster skin, and their dryness goes away. Alpha lipoic acid uses sugar as fuel, increasing energy levels. In fact, in its action it resembles insulin, although it cannot replace it completely.
  • Processes carbohydrates. Entering the body in large quantities, they (mostly simple ones) accumulate in tissues and, if in excess, can provoke the appearance of excess weight, even obesity. Thioctacid consumes eaten carbohydrates, converting them into energy.
  • Reduces negative impact environmental factors. This substance protects a person from ultraviolet radiation, alcohol, carcinogens, toxins, and stress. With its help, your mood improves, physical and moral fatigue goes away, and you gain strength to lead an active lifestyle.
  • Promotes weight loss. This product is a powerful fat burner and promotes its breakdown naturally. This occurs due to increased heat production and increased energy costs. This is especially important for athletes, primarily bodybuilders who want to lose weight and build muscle mass.
  • Improves skin condition. The product helps eliminate acne, acne, dermatitis, scars, age spots. As a result of the use of alpha-lipoic acid, tissues are tightened, become smoother, moisturized, and acquire natural color and shine. Pores are also cleansed and opened, blackheads disappear.

Despite all my beneficial features, alpha lipoic acid is primarily recommended for use as a powerful antioxidant agent. It protects cells from free radicals, reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases and oncology, and slows down the aging process of the body.

Indications for taking alpha lipoic acid

Preparations containing this component can be prescribed at any age, depending on the manufacturer. First of all, they are required by vegetarians, since in their case the diet cannot supply thioctacid in the required volume. The main consumers are athletes, as well as people leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

Here are the main indications for taking alpha lipoic acid:

  • Dermatological diseases. Preparations based on this substance are indicated for eczema, psoriasis, allergies, dermatosis, and urticaria.
  • Cosmetic defects . These include enlarged pores, blackheads, bags, bruises and puffiness under the eyes, age spots, and acne. The product can also cope with dull skin, acne scars, and moles.
  • Use junk food . Dietary supplements containing this component will be useful for those who are fond of fried, fatty, and floury foods.
  • They are especially important for people who love fast food, food instant cooking, alcoholic drinks, coffee, chips, crackers, smoked sausages and fish, in a word, everything that suppresses the body's antioxidant defense.

    TOP 5 drugs with alpha lipoic acid

    We have prepared a review of the 5 most popular and effective food additives. Among them there are those that contain thioctacid in 100% concentration, and those supplemented with other components. Both animal and plant components can be used to produce such products. They are usually sold in tablet or capsule form, although the latter is more common.

    Let's describe in more detail some alpha lipoic acid preparations:

    • Alpha lipoic acid (Lipoic Acid) Solgar. This dietary supplement is manufactured in the USA and comes in the form of capsules packaged in glass jars of 30 pieces. In addition to the active substance, they contain additional components - cellulose and magnesium stearate. Designed to improve cellular metabolism, antioxidant protection of the body, lower blood sugar levels and lose weight. Contraindications to taking alpha-lipoic acid are pregnancy, breastfeeding, individual intolerance to the drug and childhood. The daily dose is 1 capsule, which should be drunk before meals. The price of the product is 1200 rubles.
    • Doctor's Best, the best alpha lipoic acid. The product is produced in the USA and is classified as a dietary supplement. It helps the body fight free radicals, improves the absorption of vitamins C and E, and supports normal level blood sugar. One capsule contains 150 mg of the main active ingredient, supplemented with magnesium stearate and cellulose. Its shell is made of gelatin, so this drug Not suitable for vegetarians. The nutritional supplement is sold in a plastic, opaque jar containing 120 capsules. Here's how to take alpha lipoic acid - 1-6 pieces. per day, depending on your health condition, with water, during or before meals. The price of the product is 877 rubles.
    • Healthy Origins, Alpha Lipoic Acid. This is another food supplement from an American manufacturer, the composition of which is based on natural ingredients. It is a capsule containing 300 mg of thioctacid, magnesium stearate and cellulose. The shell is made of gelatin, which is why this option is not suitable for adherents of the vegan diet. The main effect of the drug is to provide an antioxidant effect, prevent premature aging and normalization of absorption ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol. As a dietary supplement, adults are recommended to take one capsule per day, swallowed whole and washed down with water. Optimal time taken - in the morning, before or during meals. One plastic jar contains 150 of them, which is enough for 5 months of treatment. The price of the product is 1500 rubles.
    • Opti-Men. This is a vitamin and mineral complex intended primarily for bodybuilders who want to build muscle mass. It is produced by Optimum Nutrition. The composition is represented by plant components - a mixture of enzymes, fruit and marine concentrates. Alpha-lipoic acid contains 25 mg; in one tablet it is combined with vitamins C, E, A, K, as well as a number of micro- and macroelements (selenium, iodine, zinc, magnesium). One jar sells 150 tablets, making 50 servings. The daily norm is 3 pieces, they should be taken before meals three times a day. It is advisable to add Omega-3 to this dietary supplement. approximate price drug - 1200 rub.
    • Now Foods, Alpha Lipoic Acid. This dietary supplement can be used by vegetarians as it consists exclusively of natural ingredients. The active ingredient here is thioctacid, which contains 250 mg per serving. Other ingredients are rice flour, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate. The basis for the capsule shell was a polysaccharide. There are 120 pieces in one package, which you need to drink 1 piece at a time. per day before meals or during meals. Thus, it will last for 4 months. The product is not suitable for persons under 18 years of age, and in case of pregnancy, you should consult your doctor before starting treatment. The approximate price of the drug is 900 rubles.

    Instructions for use of alpha lipoic acid

    Before starting the course, you must consult a doctor, although drugs containing this substance are available in pharmacies without a prescription. Breastfeeding should be stopped during therapy.

    If a powder is used, its dosage can range from 0.2 to 1%. In difficult situations, when it is necessary to short time improve the patient's condition, it is possible to increase the concentration up to 5%.

    Standard daily norm thioctacid in the form of capsules and tablets as prophylaxis is from 25 to 50 mg.

    For athletes, it can be revised upward - up to 100-200 mg. This is especially true when combining the active substance with L-carnitine and other components, since in this case the volume of this substance decreases.

    On average, according to the instructions for alpha lipoic acid, you need to take 1-2 capsules per day - morning and evening. It is advisable to do this 30 minutes before meals, so the nutrients will be absorbed better and faster. It is not recommended to take the medicine on an empty stomach.

    Contraindications and harm of alpha lipoic acid

    Medicines containing this component should not be prescribed to children under 6 years of age. A contraindication to taking alpha-lipoic acid is hypersensitivity to the active substance, as well as treatment of alcoholic or diabetic polyneuropathy.

    The following side effects may occur when taking medications:

    1. Gastrointestinal disorders. Characteristic features are pain in the epigastric region, severe nausea, up to vomiting, diarrhea and “rumbling” in the stomach, increased thirst.
    2. Allergic reaction. It manifests itself in the form of uncontrollable itching, hyperemia and irritation of the skin. IN severe cases may take place anaphylactic shock, but this occurs very rarely and mainly in case of overdose.
    3. Other complications. These include migraine, hypoglycemia, difficulty breathing, diplopia and convulsions, increased intracranial pressure. In some cases, pinpoint hemorrhages into the skin are possible, leading to the appearance of bruises on the body. Most often about this we're talking about with a tendency to internal bleeding and thrombosis.

    Note! During treatment you need to stop drinking alcoholic beverages. Also, people with high sugar levels need to monitor them every day.

    Real reviews about alpha lipoic acid

    Most reviews about the product are positive character. Among the people who leave them are mainly athletes and those who do not eat meat. Doctors themselves speak quite well about thioctacide-based drugs. Here we have collected several opinions about such dietary supplements.

    Svetlana, 32 years old

    I haven’t eaten meat for 6 years now, and the longer this period, the worse my skin gets. I understand this, but I’m still not going to include animal products. But the doctor said that because of this I had a deficiency of alpha-lipoic acid, and prescribed medications containing it. Now, I’ve been using them for about 3 weeks now, and I can say that the skin has begun to heal faster after damage, and in general, appearance its improved.

    Mikhail, 40 years old

    IN last years I am actively training in gym, focusing on strength exercises. Not long ago I started including L-carnitine and alpha-lipoic acid in my regimen. True, I take it as part of food supplements, which also contain various vitamins. Overall, I’m happy with the result, I’m less tired, I look fresher, my migraine has gone away, and I’ve lost a fair amount of weight.

    Christina, 27 years old

    I use lipoic acid for weight loss, it helps me well, it really dissolves fat. But at the same time, I also train a lot, perhaps the product works this way in conjunction with in an active way life. In any case, I like that it is natural, healthy and non-addictive. The only downside I can mention is the high price.

    What is alpha lipoic acid - watch the video:

    It’s worth buying alpha-lipoic acid if only because it is a vital substance, without which there will simply be nothing to repel the attack of free radicals. Yes, other antioxidants also exist in the body, but the main one is still thioctacid. For this reason, it is recommended to be taken periodically by anyone who wants not to get sick and look good.

    Ecology of health: Any living organism lives as long as its organizational processes balance the processes of destruction

    We live on the verge of systemic death. Life-affirming start to the article, right? And the point is simple: any living organism lives as long as its processes of organization balance the processes of destruction. When the balance is disturbed, slow dying begins.

    In fact, all equilibrium is based on the balance of redox reactions, or redox balance. And here's why this balance is so fragile:

    • oxidative reactions pass easier, because they come with the release of energy,
    • restorative- on the contrary, they require energy expenditure.

    Nothing surprising - breaking does not build.

    Naturopaths say: in order to defeat the disease, you must first increase the energy of the body. Official medicine, on the contrary, first suppresses the body’s defenses with drugs and brings it to the brink of exhaustion, and then begins the rehabilitation process. Allopathy is called, otherwise - symptomatic treatment, when the principles emergency care transferred to therapy.

    It’s easy to improve your car’s energy levels: fill it with the right gasoline and drive. A person also has something like a carburetor, so it seems to be easy to push our recovery reactions. But there is one catch - often the problem lies precisely in the fact that it is necessary to calm down the oxidation processes, which literally break loose.

    And this is really a problem, since we live in an era of “oxidative stress”, which our body was not originally designed for. And so, instead of a normal, quiet burning, a fire begins in each cell, or, as firefighters put it, “uncontrolled burning.” And putting out a fire does not mean dispersing the smoke, but flooding the hearth itself.

    I started such a long introduction only to remind you that most diseases modern classification classified as “free radical”, that is, medicine has recognized that the main role in fanning the fire is played by free radicals - the same ones that remove oxidative reactions from the control of our body. His antioxidant protection It just can’t cope on its own - try to douse the fire with a measly bucket of water!

    Our body produces many types of antioxidant substances, and individual species free radicals, both universal and even simply unique. That is, the quality and range of products are present, but the shaft is lacking. And the whole plan goes to hell from this.

    It's easy to put out a fire before it gains strength, that's why we do emphasis on prevention. If the body lacks antioxidants, give it additional amounts with food! Why are fruits and vegetables so healthy? Because Plants are antioxidant factories, they need them themselves. Without antioxidants, an hour after sunrise, all our vegetation would be ashes - such a huge amount of solar energy is absorbed during photosynthesis.

    And if you and I consumed enough every day plant food, and even fresh, not past industrial processing, and even not grown in agricultural complexes, where plants do not see white light from pesticides and fertilizers, then everything would be “ganz”. Or "all right", if in English. In short, we would live in the village and eat from our own garden. However, civilization has already taken its toll on the villages, and without urban “pick-ups” it’s rare for a farmer to sit down at the table.

    I wanted to write this article about one little-known representative of antioxidant substances, but I changed my mind along the way. I will not write about vitamins C and E, about which enough has already been written, but about those modest creatures, without which vitamins do not work to their full potential, and who, like Matrosov, protect us from radicals and other Bolsheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries. And the first word will be about a little-known, but so important for our bodylipoic acid.

    Alpha Lipoic Acid: A Versatile Antioxidant

    The first word is why "universal". For two reasons.

    Firstly, which is quite unusual, it is soluble in both water and fat. This means that lipoic acid molecules can act not only in body cells, but also penetrate the blood-brain barrier into the brain, which is quite atypical for antioxidant substances. We'll see later why this is so important.

    Secondly, lipoic acid has a unique property - it not only acts as an antioxidant itself, but is also capable of “resurrecting from the dead” other antioxidants that died on the barricades. It revitalizes glutathione, vitamins C and E, and coenzyme Q10. No one else is capable of this nutrient.

    "Lipoic acid, alpha lipoic acid or thioctic acid - whatever it is called, it does not change the fact that until recently no one had ever heard of it. Today, however, progressive health advocates recognize it universal antioxidant and the main remedy for treatment diabetic neuropathy. If the findings of the first studies are correct, lipoic acid will become one of the most precious nutrients for preventing many consequences high content blood sugar, and perhaps even to slow down the aging process itself."

    I took this quote from Robert Atkins's book "Dietary Supplements" because it confused me a little in the context of Atkins' article on lipoic acid. How is it that he writes that lipoic acid has been used in Europe for thirty years, but in America no one has heard of it yet? Truly the pharmaceutical mafia has no boundaries!

    But be that as it may, I’ll tell you what I learned about lipoic acid.

    What can alpha lipoic acid do for you?

    1. Reduce insulin resistance and improve glucose metabolism.

    Every person suffering from overweight or those who prefer a carbohydrate diet are at risk of impaired insulin metabolism. Therefore, lipoic acid is potentially beneficial for most of us.

    As a result of animal experiments, it was found that lipoic acid protects pancreatic cells that produce insulin. The destruction of these cells leads to diabetes I and subsequent dependence on insulin injections. Lipoic acid should help in the most early stage type I diabetes, when not all insulin-producing cells of the pancreas have died.

    2. Help with treatment diabetic neuropathy.

    While the ability of lipoic acid to protect the pancreas has not yet been sufficiently studied, its role in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy has been clinically confirmed, and it is primarily used for this purpose in Europe.

    Excess blood sugar triggers glycolysis, which causes fat molecules to stick together, and this is one of the main types of cell damage that scientists associate with aging. Glycolysis Causes Damage nerve cells, as a result of which diabetic neuropathy develops, and if this process affects optic nerves, then we are dealing with diabetic retinopathy.

    Research has shown that alpha lipoic acid can prevent nerve damage if taken before permanent damage occurs. Apparently, its effect is associated with improved blood flow to nerve cells and cellular metabolism.

    Research conducted at the Mayo Clinic has confirmed significant reduction symptoms of diabetic neuropathy in 71% of patients taking alpha-lipoic acid. And since lipoic acid can also enter brain cells, it can also help with damage to the optic nerves.

    3. Help get rid of excess weight.

    Alpha lipoic acid works as a coenzyme in the reactions that produce energy from carbohydrates, so in addition to lowering glucose levels, it may also speed up the conversion of carbohydrates into energy and therefore reduce fat storage. In addition, it promotes the oxidation of fatty acids, so it can help the body burn fat reserves.

    The fact that lipoic acid is a “friend” in the brain is also of no small importance: due to its affinity for glucose receptors in the hypothalamus, it blocks the enzyme protein kinase, which signals hunger, and therefore suppresses appetite.

    4. Protect your liver.

    Lipoic acid is also a reliable liver protector. In people, regularly drinking wine, it protects the liver from toxic effect alcohol.

    But it's not just drinkers who can benefit from taking lipoic acid. Recently, steatosis - non-alcoholic fatty liver due to excess weight (abdominal obesity) and poor nutrition - has become increasingly common.

    Alpha lipoic acid helps reduce fat deposits in the liver. This reduces the risk of developing fatty liver disease, even if your diet is too high in fat.

    5. Protect blood vessels and heart.

    Although the role of alpha-lipoic acid in preventing cardiovascular disease has not yet been thoroughly studied, scientists suggest that lipoic acid supplementation may be a promising approach to reduce cardiovascular risk.

    In any case, in studies on mice, lipoic acid supplements produced a 55% reduction in atherosclerotic lesions - the formation of fatty layers that cause blockages in the arteries. Lipoic acid also caused a reduction in triglyceride levels, which are a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

    Researchers have found that alpha lipoic acid causes changes in the action of genes that control cholesterol. They increase the production of enzymes that act as free radical scavengers, and this reduces the production of LDL cholesterol. However, it remains to be seen how effectively this mechanism will work in humans.

    6. Improve your brain function.

    Alpha lipoic acid may also prevent oxidative damage to the nerves and brain. It reduces all types of free radical oxidation, whether in arteries or nerve cells. In the brain, lipoic acid may help prevent or correct cellular damage in Alzheimer's disease. Animal studies have already demonstrated that lipoic acid improves memory and cognitive function.

    It was shown that animals that received alpha lipoic acid had a survival rate after stroke that was four times higher than animals that did not receive this supplement. Alpha lipoic acid regenerates glutathione in the brain and thereby provides protection against neurotoxins. It increases blood flow to the brain, improves glucose uptake by brain cells, and increases nerve conduction. Alpha lipoic acid is one of the few nutrients that can increase glutathione levels in brain cells. A decrease in glutathione levels is a harbinger of chronic diseases, including degenerative brain disorders.

    7. Help prevent cancer.

    Lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant that enhances and restores other antioxidants in the body, especially vitamin E. Biochemist Richard Passwater has shown that lipoic acid can even interfere with the activation of a gene that causes cancer cells to grow.

    8. Slow down aging.

    Lipoic acid is produced in our bodies, but natural production of this substance decreases as we age, and decreases even more in many chronic diseases. In addition, do not forget that our body does not fulfill the “plan” for antioxidants.

    What does this lead to? To reduce the level of glutathione - the “amino acid of youth”. That is, to accelerated aging and early death. In addition, as already mentioned, scientists consider cell damage as a result of glycosylation to be one of the main causes of aging, and lipoic acid blocks this process.

    Scientists are of the opinion that additional dose lipoic acid may have the ability to slow, if not reverse, some of the effects of aging. Therefore, if you are interested in means to prolong youth, lipoic acid should attract your attention. IN for preventive purposes Any amount of this antioxidant will benefit, but after age 50 it is better to take higher doses.

    From what has been said about lipoic acid, you can conclude that there is no reliable evidence for its benefits in humans yet. However, such a speculative conclusion can be made in relation to almost any prophylactic agent, the same vitamin C, for example. Simply because it takes a hundred years of research to strictly statistically prove that vitamin C increases life expectancy. That’s why they conduct laboratory studies on mice that live for 2 years.

    However, lipoic acid, as I said, has been used for medicinal purposes for 30 years. Therapeutically it is used in the treatment of:

    This is an excellent example of a natural substance that deserves - but does not receive - status as a preferred treatment for many diseases.

    Of course, therapeutic and prophylactic dosages differ like heaven and earth. For the treatment of diabetes and diabetic neuropathy daily intake can reach 800 mg. Fortunately, lipoic acid has no side effects, except for one thing - diabetics may need to review the insulin dose to reduce it.

    Well, what about prophylactic intake There are different opinions. They call it 100-300 mg, and 50-100, and even 25 milligrams. What to choose as a basis? Well, in my opinion, 25 mg is clearly not enough, at least from the considerations that the body’s daily need for lipoic acid is said to be 1-2 grams (this takes into account its own production in the body and intake from food). So 100 mg seems like a more realistic number. And after 50, you can increase your intake to 300 mg per day.

    Just keep in mind that lipoic acid exists in two forms - oxidized and reduced. The reduced form is 1000 times more active. So, if the composition of the drug indicates the content of alpha-lipoic acid (reduced) - 100 mcg, this corresponds to the effect of 100 milligrams.

    What about food sources? Maybe you can not fool yourself with searching for drugs, but simply click on those products that contain more lipoic acid? Not likely. Unfortunately, regular products contain quite a bit of it.

    Judge for yourself: the richest sources of lipoic acid contain only:

    • kidneys: 32 mg per serving;
    • heart: 19 mg per serving;
    • liver: 14 mg per serving;
    • spinach: 5 mg per serving;
    • rice: 11 mg per serving.

    Theoretically, of course, you can have breakfast with kidneys and rice, lunch with hearts and liver and dinner with a kilogram of spinach, but personally I can’t imagine such a life. Because a person does not live on lipoic acid alone.

    But by taking one tablet of the Mega Protect 4 Life antioxidant complex, you will receive, in addition to 100 mcg of lipoic acid (the same “reduced”), a whole bunch of other antioxidants.

    Lipoic acid is similar in its action to B vitamins, although its identity has not yet been clearly defined, and to clear their conscience, researchers have classified it as a conditional group of quasi-vitamins, or vitamin-like substances. However, it works best in a “family atmosphere” - together with other B vitamins, especially thiamine.

    This is what it is like - lipoic acid, a real workhorse of our body's antioxidant ambulance. published

    The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening. Consult your physician for advice regarding the use of any medications or treatments.

    Only if you know what the benefits and harms of lipoic acid are and take into account the rules for taking it, can you expect to receive benefits from the substance desired results. Many people, having read positive reviews about the product, do not even look at the instructions, choosing dosages on their own and drawing up a dosage plan. Such irresponsibility can cause serious negative consequences. Ideally, starting to take the drug should be agreed with your doctor. Especially if there are any diseases or chronic conditions in the anamnesis.

    Description and characteristics

    Lipoic acid is an antioxidant. She, like all other representatives of this impressive group of chemical compounds, fights free radicals. Only if this fight is effective can one count on maintaining a balance of oxidation and reduction reactions in the body. This factor is one of the important components normal functioning organs and systems.

    Research on lipoic acid is still being conducted, but scientists already know a lot about it. The substance dissolves in fatty and aquatic environment. Thanks to this, it can penetrate barriers that are an insurmountable barrier for other antioxidants. For example, a chemical compound reaches brain cells, stimulating the reactions necessary to cleanse the environment. The product is also capable of restoring vitamins C and E, coenzymes, i.e. other antioxidants.

    Lipoic acid, reacting with enzymes, promotes energy production. It is also synthesized in the human body, but only in small quantities. Its volume can be replenished in different ways - with drugs or food. Most active substance contained in the following products:

    • , all types of liver.
    • , White cabbage.
    • Milk.
    • Brewer's yeast.
    • Carrots, beets, .

    Chemical properties lipoic acid contributes to their high-quality absorption. It is well received by the cells of the brain, liver, and nerves. The drug can be used not only as a prophylactic agent; it is often prescribed as part of complex treatment for a number of complex diseases.

    Indications for use

    The list of indications for taking lipoic acid is constantly expanding as scientists conduct new research. Today the drug is prescribed for the following conditions:

    • Diabetic nephropathy.
    • Damage to nerves and nerve cells.

    Advice: You should not drink lipoic acid if you need to take other medications, even dietary supplements. The features of its interaction with other substances have not yet been fully studied. Such experiments are possible only under medical supervision.

    • Glaucoma.
    • Poisoning with toxins and poisonous mushrooms.
    • Liver cirrhosis and hepatitis.
    • Diabetes.
    • Atherosclerosis.
    • Alcoholism.

    The effectiveness of treatment with lipoic acid has also been established for complications of HIV and radioactive radiation. Scientists believe that the substance slows down the aging process.

    Features of taking lipoic acid

    There are a number of points that many people simply do not pay attention to when starting treatment or preventive therapy. Ignoring them can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of lipoic acid or the development of side effects:

    • Considered safe daily dose in a volume of 300-600 mg of active substance.
    • Violating the rules for taking medication for diabetes can cause a sharp drop in blood glucose levels.
    • Lipoic acid weakens the effect of chemotherapy, so it is better not to combine them.
    • You should take the drug with caution if you have problems with the thyroid gland. The composition may affect hormonal levels.
    • Long-term use of the substance, its use for chronic pathologies, ulcers and gastritis must be agreed with a doctor.

    If there are no obvious indications for using the drug, it is better to simply adjust your diet by adding the above products to your diet. This will be enough to maintain the substance content at a high level.

    Harm of lipoic acid and contraindications for use

    You should not hope that such a useful chemical compound as an antioxidant will not cause an overdose. Excessive use of the drug can provoke heartburn, indigestion and even anaphylactic shock. Intravenous infusion of formulations with lipoic acid is possible only under the supervision of a physician.

    Lipoic acid is contraindicated in a number of conditions:

    • Pregnancy.
    • Lactation.
    • Childhood.
    • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug or intolerance to it.

    Lipoic acid is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but this does not mean that you can prescribe it yourself. Athletes and people suffering from excess weight are increasingly trying to use the properties of the substance for their own purposes. This step is also recommended to be coordinated with specialized doctors.

    The benefits of lipoic acid for athletes

    The antioxidant is able to regulate metabolic processes in the body. Combined with intense training, this can lead to rapid loss of excess fat and muscle growth. muscle mass. The drug is especially actively used in bodybuilding. In the body of a person who exercises daily, oxidative damage occurs, which causes increased formation of free radicals. By taking lipoic acid, an athlete is able to reduce this effect of stress on the body, as a result of which the process of protein destruction slows down.

    An additional advantage of the substance is that it promotes the absorption of glucose muscle fibers. During training, these processes guarantee the maintenance stable level blood sugar. Lipoic acid also releases more energy by burning fat, increasing the effectiveness of exercise.

    Dosage and duration of use medicine better to coordinate with sports doctor. Typically, the daily dose for an adult is 50 mg of the drug up to 3 times a day. During active strength training, this figure can be increased to 600 mg per day with the permission of a doctor.

    Losing weight with lipoic acid

    Today, more and more women and men are using lipoic acid to lose weight. The substance really triggers fat burning processes, which can also be accelerated if therapy is correctly combined with physical activity. The chemical compound, entering the body, accelerates the breakdown of proteins and amino acids, releasing the energy necessary for exercise.

    To achieve maximum effect, lipoic acid should be drunk according to the following rules:

    1. First dose in the morning before breakfast or during meals.
    2. During meals containing a lot of carbohydrates.
    3. Immediately after the training.
    4. In the evening, at dinner. If there is no dinner, the drug is not taken.

    The daily dose should be kept within acceptable limits. To reduce potential risks, it is best to first consult a nutritionist. We must not forget that consuming products with lipoic acid also increases its level in the body, which poses the risk of overdose.

    Some sources use names such as “lipoic acid,” “alpha-lipoic acid,” and “thioctic acid.” Is there a difference between these terms? No. All these names are synonymous with each other and mean the same substance, which contains water- and fat-soluble antioxidant properties.

    Common name for vitamin N:

    • Lipoic acid, alpha lipoic acid, thioctic acid.

    Scientific names of vitamin N:

    • 1,2-dithiolane-3-pentanoic acid;
    • 1,2-dithiolane-3-valeric acid;
    • 6,8-thioctic acid;
    • 5-(1,2-dithiolan-3-yl) valeric acid.

    Lipoic acid content in foods

    Alpha lipoic acid is found in foods of plant and animal origin. Richest in vitamin N the following types products:

    Product µg/g dry weight ng/mg protein
    1. Spinach 3,15 92,51
    2. Large buds cattle 2,64 50,57
    3. Cattle heart 1,51 41,42
    4. Broccoli 0,94 41,01
    5. Tomatoes 0,56 48,61
    6. Green peas 0,39 17,13
    7. Brussels sprouts 0,39 18,39
    8. Cattle spleen 0,36 5,69
    9. Cattle brain 0,27 4,85
    10. Rice bran 0,16 4,44

    Other sources of lipoic acid include carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, kohlrabi, brewer's yeast, cheese, kefir, sour cream, chicken eggs and red meat.

    Vitamin N norm for consumption and maintenance in the body

    As mentioned earlier, vitamin N is found in many foods. And if you extract this nutrient exclusively from food, calculating a specific intake of lipoic acid is extremely difficult. Yes, and there is no need for this. There is no need to be afraid of an overdose. Even if you ate a large serving of spinach and cattle by-products, the resulting dose of lipoic acid would be too small to have any negative impact on your health.

    Moreover, research shows that negative sides lipoic acid has not been detected to date.

    It's a different matter when vitamin N is taken in the form of dietary supplements. IN in this case, the determination of the daily requirement of vitamin N depends on physical activity person, his body's sensitivity to insulin and reduced level blood glucose.

    For adult men and women, the daily requirement for lipoic acid is 50 to 100 mg. During sports competitions or treatment course, the daily norm can reach 800 mg or more.

    In order to correctly calculate the daily requirement of lipoic acid, it is important to determine what goals are being pursued. For supporting general condition health, taking lipoic acid is recommended in minimal doses - 50-100 mg. But if you're trying to gain muscle mass or lose excess weight, the daily need for lipoic acid naturally increases two to three times.

    In children over 6 years of age, the daily requirement of vitamin N ranges from 36 to 75 mg, and in adolescents - from 75 to 100 mg.

    In older people, the body's ability to produce lipoic acid decreases every year. This means that its deficiency must be corrected either with a diet rich in vitamin N or with nutritional supplements.

    To maintain antioxidant properties in the body, 50 to 100 mg of lipoic acid per day is sufficient for adolescents and adult men and women. For older people, a daily intake of 100 to 300 mg is recommended.

    During a course of treatment and sports, the daily requirement of vitamin N exceeds 600 mg or more

    Excess and deficiency of vitamin N in the body

    Is there a deficiency or excess of lipoic acid in the body? Both options are possible. In fact, a body that is able to produce lipoic acid on its own is protected from the problem of vitamin N deficiency. If you eat a balanced diet and regularly include vitamin N in foods, the risk of lipoic acid deficiency will be negligible (despite that you extract a minimum dose from your daily diet, only 30-50 mg of this substance).

    Vitamin N deficiency is possible in case of poor nutrition, exhausting physical activity and autoimmune diseases(HIV infection, AIDS, diabetes mellitus). In such situations, it is recommended to take lipoic acid in large doses (from 600 mg) under the strict supervision of your doctor. Otherwise, a lack of lipoic acid can lead to the following health complications:

    • Damage to blood vessels.
    • Impaired functions of the gallbladder and liver.
    • Loss of muscle mass.
    • Gaining excess body weight.

    An excess of vitamin N in the body is possible only with an overdose, because it is impossible to extract from food more than the daily norm of lipoic acid, which ranges from 3,000 to 10,000 mg. Consumption of vitamin N in large doses is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • Heartburn.
    • Vomit.
    • Skin rashes.
    • Increased acidity of gastric juice.

    Properties and therapeutic effect

    It is not for nothing that alpha-lipoic acid is called the “ideal oxidizing agent”, since it is the only antioxidant in nature with

    water- and fat-soluble properties. This huge benefit allows lipoic acid to fight free radicals in fat and water cells.

    Alpha lipoic acid is made up of equal parts of two molecules known in biochemistry as the R and S isomers. Most of the functions and benefits are derived from the R form. In other words, R-lipoic acid is the most powerful antioxidant compared to the S form, which is more difficult for the body to absorb

    In addition, lipoic acid also regenerates and recycles other antioxidants in the body, such as glutathione, vitamins C and E. This process is called “antioxidant synergy.”

    Antioxidant synergism - active interaction various types antioxidants to neutralize free radicals in the body.

    Why is alpha lipoic acid considered a unique antioxidant? Here are the TOP 10 reasons explaining this statement:

    • Neutralizes free radicals.
    • Protects human genetic material.
    • Helps in gaining muscle mass.
    • Slows down the aging process.
    • Prevents the development of heart diseases.
    • Helps improve skin condition.
    • Helps control blood sugar levels.
    • Improves liver functions.
    • Prevents the formation of cancer.
    • Used in the treatment and prevention of stroke.

    Thioctic acid, like insulin, reduces glycation and improves the movement of sugar in blood cells. All this promotes energy production through muscle mass and lowers glucose levels, which are stored in adipose tissue.

    Health Benefits of Lipoic Acid:

    • Prevents the death of nerve cells in the retina.
    • Protects against the development of cataracts.
    • Promotes improvement visual functions for glaucoma.
    • Increases sensitivity to insulin.
    • Reduces insulin resistance.
    • Reduces pain syndrome for diabetic neuropathy.
    • Eliminates oxidative stress in the body through powerful antioxidant activity.
    • Helps improve lipid profile.
    • Prevents loss bone tissue due to the anti-inflammatory effect.
    • Helps repair brain damage after a stroke.
    • Helps normalize blood pressure.
    • Reduces the frequency of migraine attacks.
    • Prevents obesity.
    • Promotes muscle gain.
    • Neutralizes toxic metals from the body.
    • Improves skin texture

    Thanks to the unique properties of lipoic acid, modern medicine uses this substance for therapeutic purposes.

    Vitamin N is actively used in the treatment of the following diseases and disorders:

    • Stroke. In case of violation cerebral circulation, the supply of oxygen stops, as a result of which the cells die. However, lipoic acid helps restore oxygen by proliferating new tissues and cells.
    • Cataracts are caused by damage to the lens of the eye from free radicals. Alpha lipoic acid produces another antioxidant, glutathione, which neutralizes free radicals and eliminates clouding of the eye lens.
    • Diabetes. Lipoic acid increases the body's ability to use its own insulin to lower blood sugar levels.
    • Infections immune system. Thioctic acid helps strengthen T-helper cells, which are the central “defense” of the immune system.

    Safety of Lipoic Acid

    Is vitamin N safe to use? Numerous studies have shown that daily consumption of lipoic acid at a dose of 50 mg does not have any side effects. Unpleasant symptoms have been observed in people who took 100 to 600 mg of lipoic acid per day for three weeks. High doses exceeding the daily norm - 500 mg can cause skin rashes and lowering blood glucose levels.

    In order for taking vitamin N to be truly safe for health, it is necessary to undergo liver tests before consuming it.

    Lipoic acid in drugs and nutritional supplements

    Today, vitamin N is added to various medications and dietary supplements (biologically active additives). Combining lipoic acid with other substances increases effectiveness in treating certain disorders and diseases.

    Here is a list of some drugs, active food additives, solutions and concentrates for them that contain lipoic acid:

    Additive type
    Nutritional supplements
    • Alphabet (Diabetes, Effect).
    • Alpha lipoic acid (DHC).
    • Alpha lipoic acid (Solgar).
    • Alpha D3-Teva.
    • Alpha Normix.
    • Gastrofilin Plus.
    • Microhydrin.
    • Complivit (Radiance, Diabetes, Trimester 1, 2, 3).
    • Nutricoenzyme Q-10 with alpha lipoic acid.
    • Nature's Bounty Alpha Lipoic Acid.
    • Turboslim Alpha lipoic acid and L-carnitine.
    • Alpha Lipoic Acid (NOW).
    • Alpha Lipoid Acid and L-Carnitine (KWS).
    • Alpha Lipoic Acid (Doctor's Best).
    • Liverite Liver Aid.
    • Mega Protect 4 Life.
    • NSP Antioxidant


    • Alphabet (vitamins).
    • Berlition.
    • Lipamide.
    • Lipoic acid.
    • Complivit (vitamins).
    • Octolipen.
    • Thiogamma.
    • Thioctacid BV.
    • Thioctic acid.
    • Thiolepta.
    • Espa-Lipon


    • Berlition.
    • Lipoic acid.
    • Lipothioxone concentrate.
    • Neurolipon.
    • Octolipen.
    • Thiogamma.
    • Thiolepta.
    • Thiolipon.
    • Espa-Lipon
    • Lipoic acid.
    • Thiogamma.
    • Thioctacid 600T.
    • Thiolepta
    • Neurolipon.
    • Octolipen

    Indications for the use of drugs and dietary supplements

    Today, lipoic acid is available in the form of active dietary supplements and medicinal drugs. This antioxidant can be purchased in tablet, capsule, or powder form. In some cases, the drug is administered intravenously.

    Thioctic acid in powder form is the least durable. Once the powder package is opened, the acid will be exposed to light and atmosphere. With each such manipulation, the beneficial properties of vitamin N will be lost. It is best to take lipoic acid in closed capsules

    • Chronic fatigue syndrome.
    • Multiple sclerosis.
    • Alzheimer's disease.
    • Lyme disease.
    • Botkin's disease.
    • Rheumatoid arthritis.
    • Cerebrovascular accident.
    • Cardiovegetative neuropathy.
    • Liver dysfunction.
    • Glaucoma, cataract.
    • Diabetes.
    • Thyroid gland dysfunction.
    • HIV infection/AIDS.
    • Cirrhosis of the liver.
    • Chronic hepatitis.
    • Overweight.
    • Muscular dystrophy.
    • Poisoning (food, alcohol).
    • Thiamine (vitamin B) deficiency.
    • Skin rashes (acne, blackheads, pimples).
    • Skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, allergic dermatitis).

    The unique properties of alpha lipoic acid can be beneficial for everyone, especially those suffering from diabetes. Cardiovascular and eye diseases also have indications for taking thioctic acid

    Alpha Lipoic Acid Improves Cellular Glucose Uptake, Helps Relieve Symptoms diabetes mellitus, cataracts and damage to blood vessels and nerves

    How to take lipoic acid correctly? To answer this question, it is necessary to determine for what purposes vitamin N will be used: preventive, sports or therapeutic?

    For prevention, it is useful for adult men and women to take lipoic acid in minimum dosage- 50-100 mg per day. This daily requirement must be divided into 2-4 doses, that is, 25 or 50 mg. The duration of taking lipoic acid for prophylactic purposes is a month. Repeating the course, if there is an urgent need for it, is allowed after one to two months. But it is best if the time interval before starting a new preventive course is 6 months.

    For professional athletes, for example, runners and bodybuilders, the use of dietary supplements based on alpha-lipoic acid would also be appropriate.

    Research shows that active vitamin N supplements help improve endurance, gain and restore muscle mass after exhausting physical activity.

    Fitness and aerobic exercise at the amateur level are not significant reason for taking lipoic acid as dietary supplements

    The daily intake of dietary supplements for athletes ranges from 100 to 200 mg. It is recommended to take nutritional supplements for 2 weeks. The dosage can be increased to 600 mg per day during sports competitions.

    For medicinal purposes, the dosage of vitamin N and the duration of the course are prescribed by the doctor. For example, the daily intake of lipoic acid for a patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus is on average 600 mg. Therapy lasts 4 weeks.

    Lipoic acid intake does not have a fixed dosage for each person. The daily norm is calculated individually, based on data such as gender, weight, level of physical activity, presence serious illnesses in humans. However, the safe daily intake for an adult has been determined to be 50 mg and it is not recommended to exceed it.

    Overdose can occur if thioctic acid is consumed from 3,000 to 10,000 mg in one day

    Side effects and contraindications for use

    An overdose of alpha lipoic acid leads to the following side effects:

    • Heart rhythm disturbance.
    • Insomnia.
    • Labored breathing.
    • Irritability.
    • Nausea, vomiting.
    • Blood clotting disorder.
    • Cramps.
    • Confusion.
    • Headache.
    • Skin rashes.

    In case of overdose, the victim needs urgent hospitalization. In order to relieve symptoms, the patient's stomach is washed.

    Pregnancy and breastfeeding

    Can you take alpha lipoic acid during pregnancy? breastfeeding or give it to babies? There is no definite answer to this question. To date, there is no evidence that taking lipoic acid is absolutely safe for a pregnant woman and the fetus she is carrying. Can vitamin N negatively affect the quality or production of breast milk? Nothing is known about this either. Therefore, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding should refrain from taking thioctic acid.

    Question about the use of lipoic acid in infancy and early childhood childhood, as well as the period of pregnancy and lactation have not been fully studied. Therefore, taking vitamin N under the above conditions is not advisable as there is no strong evidence that it will be safe

    If there is an urgent need to take lipoic acid, the daily requirement for breastfeeding mothers and infants is prescribed by the doctor.

    Rules for the use of lipoic acid

    No negative aspects of thioctic acid were found, or, according to at least, have not been fully explored. Therefore, in order to avoid side effects, you should adhere to some rules for the use of lipoic acid:

    • Strictly follow the directions on the package and do not use more of this product than recommended on the label.
    • Medicines and dietary supplements should be stored at room temperature away from moisture and heat.
    • If you miss a dose, do not try to make it up at your next dose.
    • It is best to take alpha lipoic acid in small doses (25-50 mg) on ​​an empty stomach, one to two hours before meals.
    • Intravenous injections are administered at a dosage of 300-600 mg per day.

    What is the half-life of thioctic acid? One study showed that this substance lingers in the blood for about 30 minutes, then dissolves and penetrates the cells. In any case, taking alpha lipoic acid in small doses every 3-6 hours will be much more effective, as opposed to one dose per day

    • Do not combine lipoic acid with herbal supplements containing plants such as psyllium, fenugreek, devil's claw, guar gum, horse chestnut, ginseng, eleutherococcus and garlic.

    The decision to use vitamin N for therapeutic, preventive and sports purposes should not be arbitrary. Before taking medications and dietary supplements based on lipoic acid, consult your doctor.

    The effect of thioctic acid on the central nervous system

    Can taking vitamin N negatively affect your performance? central nervous system(CNS)? No. With moderate dosage, on the contrary, the functions of the brain and nervous system improve. Consumption of lipoic acid does not impair the quality of physical activity, as well as any activity associated with high concentration and quick reaction.

    What special instructions you should consider before starting to use vitamin N are described below.

    • When taking thioctic acid for diabetes, it is important that this supplement does not contribute to destabilizing blood sugar levels.
    • During the treatment course, it is necessary to abstain from alcohol, as its effect on the body reduces the effectiveness of therapy.
    • After intravenous administration lipoic acid may cause unpleasant symptoms such as general weakness and itching. If an injection occurs allergic reaction, repeating it again is not recommended. The injection should be replaced with capsules or tablets.

    Avoid dairy products when consuming lipoic acid. Vitamin N reduces the body's ability to absorb calcium ions. Dairy products can be eaten 5-6 hours after taking thioctic acid

    Interaction of lipoic acid with other drugs

    Even though alpha lipoic acid is a harmless substance, this does not mean that it can be taken along with other medications.

    If you are taking any medications or active nutritional supplements, consult your doctor to determine whether these medications and dietary supplements may interact with lipoic acid.

    The combination of thioctic acid with other drugs will be safe if it does not destabilize the patient’s blood sugar and hormone levels.

    Patients suffering alcohol addiction, diabetes mellitus or oncological diseases Can take lipoic acid with other medications only under the strict supervision of a doctor.

    In what cases can a combination of vitamin N with other medications help? Negative influence to the patient's therapy is described below.

    • Drugs for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Alpha lipoic acid combined with medications taken for diabetes may increase the risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).
    • Drugs used for chemotherapy. Vitamin N may interfere with the effects of medications prescribed to a patient during chemotherapy. Taking any supplements or medications containing lipoic acid should be discussed with your oncologist.
    • It is not recommended to take thyroid hormones with lipoic acid without a doctor's prescription, as this can lead to a decrease in the level of hormones in the blood.

    If you are undergoing chemotherapy, taking thyroid medications, or medications that stimulate insulin secretion, avoid taking lipoic acid until you have discussed this with your doctor.

    List medicinal plants and biological active additives that may interact with alpha lipoic acid:

    • Aspirin (low dose - 81 mg).
    • Biotin.
    • Chromium picolinate.
    • Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone).
    • Fish oil (Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids).
    • Folic acid.
    • Gabapentin.
    • Lisinopril.
    • Losartan.
    • Magnesium oxide.
    • Metformin.
    • Omeprazole.
    • Milk thistle.
    • Turmeric.
    • Cinnamon.
    • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)
    • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
    • Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)
    • Vitamin E.

    Lipoic acid for weight loss

    Is it true that thioctic acid promotes weight loss? Vitamin N can actually be helpful in weight loss when taken in combination with individual diet and exercise. Taking lipoic acid capsules and tablets will not bring the desired weight loss results unless you make adjustments in your daily diet.

    What important role does lipoic acid play in total body weight loss?

    Vitamin N helps convert carbohydrates into energy. This means that alpha lipoic acid prevents carbohydrates from being stored as fat cells.

    The use of thioctic acid for weight loss has been examined in several studies that have shown positive results. For example, one such study took place in 2015. The experiment was conducted by the American magazine Obesity, in which 77 overweight women took part. The study participants were divided into 4 groups. In the first, women took a placebo, in the second, alpha-lipoic acid (300 mg), in the third, eicosapentaenoic acid, and in the fourth, a combination of lipoic acid with fatty acids Omega-3.

    The second group showed the best results in losing body weight - 7 kg during the entire 10-week study.

    All women who took part in such experiments consumed lipoic acid from 1200 to 1800 mg per day. At the same time, consumption daily norm calories were reduced by 600

    Thioctic acid helps store carbohydrates as glycogen in muscle cells. This way, carbohydrates are not converted into fat. This is why today so many athletes use this antioxidant to burn fat cells and gain muscle mass.

    How much vitamin N should you take per day to lose weight? High doses (from 1200 mg), which are often taken by runners and bodybuilders, are prohibited for anyone who wants to lose excess weight.

    A safe norm for weight loss is 100 mg per day. Daily consumption should be divided into 2-4 doses of 25-50 mg. If this dose is small for you, discuss its increase with your dietitian. Take lipoic acid an hour after meals or half an hour after training for 2-4 weeks.

    It is important to take into account one rule. Taking lipoic acid stimulates weight loss only if the basic principles are followed healthy image life: balanced diet, exercise, normal sleep and regular time outdoors.

    Combination of lipoic acid and carnitine

    Taking lipoic acid in combination with carnitine will help improve the quality of your workouts and enhance the fat burning process. The combination of both nutritional supplements helps to gain muscle mass and repair muscles damaged after physical activity.

    Carnitine is an amino acid that is produced naturally in the body and helps burn fat and gain muscle mass. Carnitine, like lipoic acid, eliminates fat reserves, converting them into energy

    If you are trying not only to lose weight, but also to achieve good results to gain muscle mass, you need to take dietary supplements, which necessarily include alpha-lipoic acid and carnitine.

    In order to reset overweight and achieve an athletic physique, the use of thioctic acid and carnitine will be effective only with active sports. It is necessary to train every other day so that the muscles can recover faster.

    Which positive action gives taking these dietary supplements:

    • Energy is produced to build muscle mass.
    • The heart is trained and endurance improves.
    • The protein supply in the body is preserved.
    • Provides protection to muscle glycogen reserves.
    • The concentration of lactic acid in the muscles decreases (no painful sensations and cramps the day after training).
    • The immune system is strengthened.
    • The body is supplied with optimal oxygen consumption during cardio training.

    The course of taking dietary supplements lasts 2-4 weeks. Dosage daily consumption agreed with a doctor or trainer.

    Alpha lipoic acid is a substance that is synthesized in small quantities in the human body. Therefore, in general it is safe even with long-term use. This is confirmed by numerous experiments, which also revealed several side effects of this beneficial compound.

    General safety for the body

    The author of the most extensive studies of the toxicity of lipoic acid on animals is a German professor Dirk Cremer. In two of his experiments, the scientist gave laboratory rats daily from 20 to 180 mg of the substance per kilogram of body weight over a period of 4 weeks to 2 years. As a result, no pathological changes in tissues or organs were recorded. The only side effect identified was a slight decrease in appetite and a concomitant decrease in the weight of some organs in some experimental animals that took the most large doses alpha lipoic acid - 180 mg. However, these changes did not become critical and did not lead to any health problems. Based on the results of the experiments, the scientist determined the maximum dosage at which this side effect is observed at 60 mg per kg of body weight (4200-4800 mg for an adult), which is tens of times higher than the therapeutic recommendations for taking lipoic acid.

    “In experiments on rats, the only side effect identified was a decrease in appetite”

    Another group of German scientists led by Dr. Dan Ziegler conducted a comprehensive analysis of the side effects of thioctic acid (an alternative name for the substance in question) during a study of its effectiveness in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. For the first three weeks, patients were administered the drug intravenously at a dosage of 600 mg/day, then for another 6 months they were offered to take it orally at a dosage of 1800 mg per day (600 mg 3 times a day). Frequency adverse reactions There was no significant difference between the alpha lipoic acid group and the placebo group:

    A few years later, another team of specialists led by Dan Ziegler organized a similar study that lasted for 4 years. In this experiment, the incidence of side effects with alpha lipoic acid compared to placebo was slightly higher, averaging 7%. In their work, the scientists were unable to provide an explanation for this result, which seems quite controversial against the background of other statistics: post-marketing studies of the use of lipoic acid in Germany showed extremely low percentage manifestations of side effects of drugs based on the substance in question. But in general, the results of Ziegler’s second large-scale experiment indicate an insignificant influence of possible side effects on the tolerability of therapy using thioctic acid:

    “Only 3% of patients stop taking alpha lipoic acid due to side effects.”

    Common Side Effects

    A secondary goal of many studies on lipoic acid is to determine its likely side effects. As a result of such studies and analysis of statistical data, it was found that