Lunar calendar for January 17, 18. Finance and career on Wednesday

Moon period without course from 09:30 to 11:32

enters sign at 11:31

The days of Aquarius awaken interest in everything new, unexpected ideas come to mind. The right moment for meetings and conferences, not the right time to contact authorities and superiors. Various innovations, transformations, and adventurous projects can go well. You might get lucky these days. This favorable period for classes scientific activity, research, speaking to the general public. People exhibit such qualities as a thirst for independence, extravagance, sociability, a penchant for experimentation, and ingenuity.

Health effects:
Take care of your feet. The legs, ankles, veins, and excretory system are active.

Days of light. The active element is air. Part of a plant is a flower. These days, the best qualities of fats appear, which is beneficial for the glands. If you have problems with endocrine system, keep track of what you especially like to eat these days. You may find that you are not quite drawn to foods that are good for you. Therefore, your diet will have to change.

This good time for friendship and flirting.
If you want to be loved, be also a friend to your partner and do not be afraid of originality. The Moon in Aquarius can bring very strange and unusual encounters with original people. Don't be surprised by the rapid change of situations - learn to live ahead of time. Try not to idealize your partner. Your open relationship can be quite extraordinary, and if it doesn’t lead to... civil marriage, then they will surely end in friendship.
Love relationships at such times are greatly influenced by the opinions of friends. If there is a feeling of friendly support and mutual understanding, then the romance can last a long time, without restriction of freedom. This is more of an original or friendly relationship than a passionate relationship. Do not try to tie your partner to you, this desire can ruin everything.

Cosmetic procedures:
This is not the best time to cut your hair, as your hair may begin to fall out. It's good to color your hair. It is not advisable to do cleansing and face masks. It's a good time to take care of your nails.

The symbol is a golden swan.

These lunar day They don’t happen every lunar month and they definitely need to be used. This is a day of summing up, a day of forgiveness and love, a time of great measure and complete harmony. A harmonious day when light, goodness and love triumph again on Earth. On this day, you need to carefully analyze your path and try to wash away all your sins. We need to cleanse ourselves, renew ourselves for a new life - wash away everything old, give up everything unnecessary, superficial, forgive everyone and remain in love and harmony with the world. The day of accepting spiritual initiation and transition to a new circle of development. Thank the passing month for the lessons and discoveries it brought you. And with with a pure heart get ready to enter a new lunar month. It is especially important to summarize before solar eclipse. On this day, you should complete all the things started this month, there is no need to start new ones, it’s even too early to make plans - wait until the first lunar day. Throw away the vanity, everything unnecessary - enjoy life, contemplate, learn beauty, give people joy, pay off debts, while showing mercy. It is necessary to cleanse the house, in particular, by introducing talismans (horseshoe). Food should be light, not meaty, not rough. It is recommended to work with stones.

Divination: For all.

Dreams: Dreams on these lunar days are true and prophetic. From them we can understand what mistakes we made during the month.

Health: Medically, this day is associated with the heart, as well as the pineal gland of the brain. Heart attacks are dangerous on this day. Other diseases that began at this time do not promise a quick recovery, but if you manage to defeat this disease, you will experience an extension of life, and rejuvenation processes may begin.

Conception: A life of relaxation awaits your unborn baby. He may be somewhat limited or seem so, because his wisdom will be such that he will be too lazy to talk about what is known throughout the Universe. Harmony in marriage and finding an ideal, peace of mind and a sense of home are the best things that can await a child conceived on this day. The main thing is mercy and love for everything and everyone. Raise him like this before birth.

Birth: Those born on this lunar day may have either physical disabilities or mental limitations - their health will have to be taken care of for a long time and seriously.

People of this day are beautiful, kind, wise, reveal themselves early, follow their ideal, and are monogamous. Gifted with the highest cosmic love, these people have gone through the entire circle of incarnations. This is one of their latest incarnations on this level- They will most likely never be born again on Earth.

Moon phase: New Moon.

The new moon is a difficult period, which is especially difficult for people with increased emotional and nervous excitability. Often the “victims” of the new moon are women and children - those who most subtly feel any changes around them. Children are capricious more often than usual, ladies are nervous over trifles, the overall atmosphere is tense and restless, and family quarrels are possible. At the same time, there is a general loss of strength; the new moon affects the speed of thinking and speed of reactions, which should especially be taken into account by those who are driving or whose field of activity requires good reactions and the ability to make decisions on the go.

The new moon is not the best time for new beginnings. You should refrain from concluding important deals, making responsible decisions, getting close to new people, long trips... Very often, a streak of bad luck begins with the new moon, so if you are faced with some serious choice, it is better to postpone it for a few days.

But the new moon also has its advantages. At this time, it is best to indulge in meditation and reflection, generate ideas for their subsequent implementation, engage in creative activities... In a word, start living “in unison” with lunar phases, use this time to work with and on yourself.

Symptoms are also less pronounced during the new moon. chronic diseases, which brings temporary relief, but at the same time makes diagnosis difficult in the early stages.

The influence is unfavorable. Biopotential is reduced, so there is a high probability of exacerbation of chronic diseases, overload and risky activities are dangerous. Tendency to self-indulgence wrong actions or illusions can cause losses in business and creativity in the next lunar month.

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation for 01/1/2018 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or log in.

Characteristics of the Moon on January 17, 2018

On the date 17.01.2018 V 12:00 The moon is in phase « New Moon(will come on January 17, 2018 at 05:18)". This 2 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Aquarius ♒. Illumination percentage Moon is 0%. Sunrise Moon at 08:46, and sunset at 17:03.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 29th lunar day from 08:06 01/16/2018 to 05:18 01/17/2018
  • 1 lunar day from 05:18 01/17/2018 to 08:46 01/17/2018
  • 2nd lunar day from 08:46 01/17/2018 until the next day

Moon influence January 17, 2018

Moon in the zodiac sign Aquarius (+)

Moon in a sign Aquarius. It is better not to disturb senior management or government agencies at this time, but to start organizing, holding all kinds of meetings, conferences or participating in them.

This time is ideal for any mental and creative activity. It is useful to engage in self-education and obtaining new knowledge, studying and implementing new technologies. Business with real estate, social and political activities are going well.

2nd lunar day (+)

January 17, 2018 at 12:00 - 2 lunar day. It's a good day to start your cycle. physical exercise, therapeutic fasting or diets. Any undertakings on this day receive additional energy boost.

You should pay attention to such negative qualities as anger and stinginess, since overcoming them will help to realize new beginnings.

New Moon (+)

The moon is in phase New Moon. This short-term period of time is characterized by the influence of a special energy impulse on all living things. It is better to time any undertaking precisely for the new moon.

Started fasting, for example, or a fasting day helps remove toxins from the body and prevents the occurrence of various diseases. The ideal time to get rid of bad habits.

Influence of the day of the week (+)

Day of the week - Wednesday, this day is patronized by Mercury, the messenger of the gods. On Wednesday, luck awaits primarily people with mental work. You can redo a bunch of things you put off for later. The environment is generally good for any type of work. It is especially easy to make calculations, work with a computer, big amount information.

The environment is favorable for concluding contracts, alliances, and for communication between people. It is also good for creating reserves - during this day you can do a lot in order to free up the second half of the week as much as possible.

The waning Moon (aging, flawed) is associated with the element of Fire and symbolizes winter. It's time for withering, oppression, inactivity. The energy given by the Moon for the current month has almost dried up, and the body begins to accumulate strength for the new lunar month. This period is good for rest, sluggish completion of started tasks, introspection, reflection on the spiritual and gaining knowledge. It’s too late to change something or start, but making plans for the next lunar month is not prohibited. Last days lunar calendar the heaviest. Solving even small problems requires complete dedication and drains the last of our strength. Emotional breakdowns are observed, actions become impulsive.

The new moon itself lasts only a few minutes, but its influence is felt for several days before and after this event. Directly on the new moon, a person feels overwhelmed, depressed, and insecure. During the new moon, migraines, drowsiness, and complete apathy are common. It is not recommended to start any new projects or solve important problems during this period. In general, the first phase is a time of activity, setting goals and taking the first confident steps towards your dream. The first phase is associated with the element of Earth and symbolizes spring. It gives emotional balance, fills with strength, and opens up enormous opportunities. The moon helps create the preconditions for all the achievements that are planned for the month that has begun. This period is also favorable for any work on the ground.

The phase of the growing (young) Moon is associated with the element of Water and symbolizes summer, that is, the most productive time. In this week of the lunar calendar, the implementation of plans enters an active stage. You have to work hard and energetically, change your life, and communicate intensively. At the same time, you need to periodically review your goals in order to adjust your future course if necessary. The second phase (waxing Moon) of the lunar calendar causes psychological stress. Too active work requires appropriate rest and recuperation. There is a need for understanding and peace of mind. Indifference is perceived very painfully. The waxing Moon favors the resolution of conflicts. It makes it easier to communicate with difficult people. During this period, compromises are easier, difficult meetings are easier, and negotiations are most effective.

Well, the time has come to start all over again, to take another chance to create your own reality. The new moon is a period of dreams, joy, pleasant moments. This is exactly how it should be - happy, full of plans and hopes, unusual.

The new moon is a time of reset, beginning, it makes our life a clean slate. You just have to start writing on it with the help of magical thoughts and words. Dream, believe, wish and plan. Buy the most charming notebook, go to the most comfortable place for you and start writing everything you would like. Believe in a miracle, and it will definitely happen to you!

Lunar calendar for January 17:

  • New Moon, Moon visibility 0%
  • Until 5:17 Moscow time - 29th lunar day
  • From 5:17 to 8:47 Moscow time - 1 lunar day
  • After 8:47 Moscow time - 2nd lunar day
  • Until 11:32 Moscow time - Moon in Capricorn
  • After 11:32 Moscow time - Moon in Aquarius
  • From 9:30 to 11:32 Moscow time - Moon without course

1st lunar day - New Moon

Symbol of the day: Candle


C 1 lunar day a new one begins lunar period- new lunar month. And it is on this day that we can start everything from scratch. 1 lunar day is intended for planning the entire lunar month. But in order to enter it renewed, you need to continue to cleanse yourself and, if possible, get more rest.

On the 1st lunar day there is still too little energy and strength to be active and start new things, but quite enough to plan and dream. During this period, all our thoughts become letters to the Universe, so it is important to think about what you want and about all the good things and not give in to worries or thoughts about the negative. On the 1st lunar day, our every word and action lays out the direction in which life will move throughout this month. Therefore, you cannot condemn or criticize anyone, much less complain about life. Our thoughts should be pure and kind, and all words and actions should be filled with love.

If there is a need, then you must continue to cleanse the body, soul and space around you. After all, even if we bury something deep inside ourselves, it affects our life, because this is what our inner world. It is important to let go of the past, to live all your negative emotions and leave behind everything unnecessary. On the 1st lunar day we become clean slates, with new goals, desires and dreams.

Job: The day is not suitable for active work, but you can use this clean, bright period to plan the coming month and engage in creativity. On this day a brilliant idea may come, a special inspiration may awaken. There is no point in starting new things, as there is still too little energy. You can draw up business plans. It is important not to overwork, rest more and prefer solitude.

Communication: on the 1st lunar day there is still too little energy, and communication, no matter how good it may be, takes a lot of energy. Therefore, it is recommended to retire and be in peace and quiet. On this day, it is important to get rid of grievances and worries, to leave negative experiences behind. There must be trust and sincerity in communication.

Mood: quiet, calm, but unstable. Sometimes joyful, sometimes sad, sometimes kind, sometimes irritable. The emotional background is unstable, since there is still little energy, so it is recommended to spend more time alone with yourself.

Health: On the New Moon you should cleanse yourself. It is worth giving up alcohol, smoking and heavy food. Diseases come from psychological reasons, so it’s worth understanding the psychosomatics of your diseases. On the 1st lunar day it is useful to cleanse yourself, you can start a diet. The entire body is undergoing changes, including hormonal ones, so intimacy It's better to refuse.

A haircut: unfavorable, along with a haircut, you can cut off your health and years of life.

Dreams: dreams can indicate what awaits us this lunar month. You cannot take dreams literally; it is important to correctly interpret the symbols of your dreams.

2 lunar day

Symbol of the day: Cornucopia


On the 2nd lunar day we begin to receive the energy and support of the Moon. In the first half of the 2nd lunar day, you need to complete planning, and from the second half, begin to act. On the 2nd lunar day, with our actions we lay the foundation for future affairs and show the Universe the seriousness of our intentions. After all, it’s not enough to dream and think, you also need to do. On the 2nd lunar day, the mechanism for realizing our desires and plans is launched.

The 2nd lunar day symbolizes Abundance. It is on this day that we receive an abundance of energy and power from the Moon, which in the future will be transformed into material wealth and benefits. To attract wealth and various benefits to yourself, on the 2nd lunar day you need to show generosity and mercy, engage in charity and selflessly help people.

On the 2nd lunar day we are still energetically weak, so we should not overexert ourselves, the main thing is to take the first decisive steps towards a new successful lunar month. Each of our wishes, written down or made before the middle of the 2nd lunar day, must be supported by action in its second half.

The energy of the Moon has begun to enter people's bodies, and at the beginning of such changes, inexplicable attacks of irritability and anger may occur. This is normal, but to avoid conflicts and quarrels, you need to quickly direct energy to active actions. Today our lives are filled with the riches of the Universe, so it is important to take care of our body, mind and soul, enriching ourselves on all three levels.

Job: The first half of the day is more suitable for leisurely, quiet time, planning and organizing your work. And from the second half of the 2nd lunar day, you need to start taking active action, working in all directions and taking the first steps towards your success. You can make deals, negotiate, establish contacts with people.

If you act according to your plan, you can spin the wheel of fortune and direct your affairs towards success. It’s a good time to do charity work now. You should not engage in court cases and proceedings - they will not be successful.

Communication: on the 2nd lunar day people are very nervous and irritable. It is recommended to limit your social circle to avoid conflicts and quarrels. Now it is important to exercise self-control and discipline so as not to succumb to outbursts of anger and aggression. It is especially favorable to do good deeds. On the 2nd lunar day there is a high probability of meeting your love.

Mood: unstable, irritable, determined, joyful, excited, kind, but at the same time uncontrollable. It is difficult to manage our emotions now, because we are filled with energy and this affects the psyche. You should protect yourself by limiting communication and directing energy to action.

Health: on the 2nd lunar day you can start healthy image life, quit smoking, start recovery and treatment. It is useful to run and play sports. What is started on the 2nd lunar day can easily be turned into a habit. Diseases that have begun now are not terrible and are easily curable. The only thing that cannot be treated now is the teeth. It is better to postpone going to the dentist.

A haircut: unfavorable, can attract quarrels in personal relationships.

Dreams: dreams show ways to fulfill your plans and methods of solving life problems.

Transit Moon in Aquarius

Planets: Uranus, Neptune

Element: Air


The Moon's transit in Aquarius is a time of surprises and surprises, originality and freedom. During this period, no one can sit still, everyone behaves extremely unpredictably and even sometimes crazy. But also during transit in Aquarius, people become sociable, friendly, positive, and cheerful. Nowadays people become more emotional, so some may become more nervous, while others may become more self-confident. During this period, you can search for new original ideas, throwing away old things, creativity.

Work: this time is perfect for work, but not for official meetings and events, but for communication in a more informal setting. This is a time for creativity, extraordinary solutions and new ideas. Also during the transit period in Aquarius, group work and work in partnership will be successful.

Communication: communication will go well. You can find like-minded people and together create something new, original and interesting. During this period, relationships improve. Concerning love relationship, then now it is important to give your partner freedom and respect his wishes. Now nervousness is increasing, there is a possibility of quarrels.

Health: vulnerable nervous system, eyes. The best thing to do is spend time in nature and relax. There is a possibility of electrical failures; caution should be exercised with electrical appliances.

A haircut: very unfavorable time. Hair may begin to fall out.

Dreams: a new idea may come to you in your dreams.

Moon without course

When the Moon is without a course (from 9:30 to 11:32 Moscow time), you should not start new things, plan, or undertake anything important. This period should be devoted to rest, spiritual practices, cleansing, and everyday activities.

It is not worth it during the Moon period without a course:

  • make important decisions
  • do shopping
  • move
  • go on trips
  • buy real estate or a car
  • start new things
  • negotiate about something
  • hurry, fuss