Love wishes for good night to your beloved in prose. Sweet dreams to the girl in prose

Good night you my favorite girl! May you only have kind, gentle and fabulous dreams that will give you great mood in the morning and you will be ready for great achievements. I am very sorry that I cannot at this moment lie next to you and, hugging you, acknowledge the feelings that overwhelm me so much. Let the moon gently tell you how much I love you, how important you are to me and how much I want to be with you and that you are my most beloved person, my meaning of life and my victory, and let the stars affectionately shower your face with the kisses that I send you my tenderness. Lie down in a warm bed, hug your pillow and wrap yourself in a blanket, think about me, because not a day comes to me without thinking about you.

My incredibly beautiful and sweet angel, I want to wish you good night! May you have only the most luxurious, rosy dreams, in which you will feel like a princess, and I will become your prince, who are madly in love with each other and plan to get married and give birth to a beautiful princess who will be loved by the entire royal court. You are the best thing I have in this life and you know this better than anyone else, I will try to do everything for you so that you are always happy and our love never fades. Let the moon shine through your window this night and let the stars shine, because you love to admire so much unique beauty nature and seeing a shooting star make wishes, secretly wishing for their speedy realization. Good night my little girl, sweet dreams.

Night fell on the ground, shrouding everything around in darkness. The lights in the windows of the houses have long gone out and in a few hours people will begin to get up and get ready for work, to perform their daily labor impulse. I so dream of getting into your dreams, into your most tender dreams, and I hope this night in your sleep you will have a dream where you and I are walking along the seashore together, enjoying a beautiful sunset and making plans for the future, which will certainly come true and will delight us with you. I wish you the kindest, gentlest and sweetest dreams. I wish you to finally get enough sleep and wake up in the morning with vigor and go to work in a great mood. I look forward to our meeting with you tomorrow. I love you, caramel dreams for you my dear!

Your beautiful eyes with long, fluffy and black eyelashes and your amazing body need rest - close your beautiful eyes and devote yourself to a wonderful sleep, sitting comfortably on your favorite pillow and plunging your thoughts into the land of beautiful dreams, where everything turns out exactly as your heart wants. If you dream horrible dream. remember that I am always there and no terrible events will happen to you, even under the most terrible circumstances, because I will always try to protect you from negative situations and make your life look like a real fairy tale. I want you to dream about me in a dream and we hold hands, practically without talking, feel each other’s thoughts and soul.

Good night and beautiful dreams, may your dreams be filled with the bright colors of my love and care for you, because there is nothing more precious than you in this world, I only breathe with you and think about you every moment, because I am in love with you like crazy. May the bright moon, which is incredibly beautiful, and the cute stars, which are present in huge numbers in the sky, inspire you with good thoughts and help you fall asleep sooner and wake up in a great mood. Let every star give your face a beautiful kiss, which I would give you if I had the opportunity to fall asleep next to you every day, the most magnificent girl in the world, who makes me happier every day.

Good night, my dear and most luxurious bride! I am very glad that fate gave me such a wonderful person, for whom I am ready to do absolutely anything, even crazy things. What a pity that now I can’t lie next to you, hold you close or hug you and bury my nose in your hair and tell you how the feelings overwhelming me towards you make every day happier. Very soon, we will be able to fall asleep with you in the same bed, pull the blanket over each other in bed, and in the morning, kissing, get out of bed and get ready for work, because soon you will become my most beloved wife. I love you very much and I’m looking forward to the morning coming and I can see my beloved queen.

My dear girl, good night, may you dream of everything that you secretly dream and dream about, because very soon I will try to make all your most secret dreams come true. I wish you the brightest, kindest and most colorful dreams that will give you in the morning great mood. Let yours sweet Dreams nothing will disturb you and in the morning you will wake up cheerful and well-rested. I’m already starting to look forward to tomorrow, so I can hug you again and tell you about my feelings, because they overwhelm me and I can’t remain silent about them, I want to shout to the whole planet that I’m happy that you’ve become mine. Sleep sweetly in your beautiful bed. Good dreams to you, my princess.

This difficult and stressful day has finally come to an end, it’s time to get rid of the tension that has been present throughout the day and devote yourself to relaxation. My beloved girl, go to bed quickly, cover yourself with a warm and soft blanket, imagine a beautiful picture associated with our relationship and get ready for bed. Let the affectionate, gentle and warm wings of Morpheus embrace you and carry you to the land of love and bliss. May you have only the most colorful and incredibly beautiful dreams, in which you will feel like an incredibly happy girl in the world, although I still hope that you are happy with me, because I really love you as I have never loved anyone.

It’s not for nothing that they say that night is the most mysterious time, because it is at night that a person becomes more honest, being left alone with himself. Night is a time of secrets and thoughts about the innermost, and it is when we go to bed that we dream about the most intimate and think about the most the right person, without which it is very difficult for us to live even one day. The person I constantly think about is you, because for me you are the best and I love you very much. I hope this is mutual and now you were thinking about me even before receiving the message. I want to wish you good night and pleasant dreams. Sleep sweetly in your crib and remember that I love you madly, you are everything to me, you are my meaning of life!

The bright and beautiful sun has long gone behind the clouds and is sleeping blissfully, but only you, my joy, are still awake. Leave all your unresolved matters and problems until the morning, especially those that you cannot solve, because in the morning you will definitely find a solution to all your problems with a “fresh” mind, and if you don’t find it, then I can do it for you and solve them, because it’s night - this is the time for dreams, not work. Go to bed and get ready for bed, because in your sleep you will be able to rest and restore all your strength and nerves spent over the past day. Good night, my little piece of sugar, may you have the most pleasant dreams, may you have a colorful and incredibly beautiful dream that will give you the kindest and best mood in the morning and set you up for great achievements.

Night is a time when everything seems completely different. The world becomes more unimaginable, and you begin to look at all actions differently, through rose-colored glasses. Also after a hard day. It is at night that you can finally relax and have a good rest, close your eyes and disconnect from reality for a while, leaving for the land of dreams and dreams. I want to give you pleasant and fabulous dreams. Let your body, soul and mind rest at night from the hustle and bustle of the day and when you wake up at night you will feel new strength. Let the clear month and the beautiful milky way create a romantic atmosphere in your cozy room. Sleep sweetly my dearest beautiful girl, I love you madly and want to be with you in any circumstances and even in the most difficult life circumstances.

The long-awaited night has arrived. I am very sorry that now I am thousands of kilometers away from you, my dear, but know that I love you very much and am waiting for the day when we will finally be together. My every day begins and ends with thoughts of you. I want to wish you a magical night and peaceful dreams. May you dream of a river where you and I climb into a boat and enjoy the view clean water and the surrounding beauty of the trees. This night I wish you to see all your deepest fantasies come true. Very soon I will be next to you and, hugging you, I will whisper my feelings in your ear. In the meantime, go to sleep, my baby, and think about me.

Night fell to the ground, covering everyone with its magical veil. Looking around his possessions, he decides for whom and how it will pass. But we have an agreement that she will be especially kind and gentle to you! He will give you his most wonderful and vivid dreams! And I will stealthily look out the window as you, my most beloved, smile at these dreams.

Another wonderful day is over, and you, my dear, are probably tired. Lie down in a warm bed, close your eyes and think about pleasant things. Think about those whom you love very much and who cannot live without you. Think about me. And fall asleep... Tender thoughts will take you to the kingdom of sleep. And there we will meet again. I’ll take your hand and we’ll fly to places we’ve dreamed of visiting more than once. Sleep, my happiness.

The sun has set, a tiring day is ending, and you are probably now relaxing in a bubble bath before dozing off in bed. Close your eyes, imagining that I am nearby and feel your presence... Baby, on this autumn evening, I wish you to rest sweetly in your crib, may your sleep be inviting and light, like a warm breeze and the azure sea and pleasant, like our memories about summer!

With the arrival of the enchantress night, a time of sweet peace and mysterious peace begins. I wish you, my love, bright dreams, pleasant oblivion, rest from righteous labors, immersion in a magical fairy tale of boundless imagination. May a good angel cherish your happy dreams, may your dreams be filled with joy, and may your most beautiful dreams come true.

My beloved, look out the window, you see, the stars are already shining brightly there and giving you a signal that it’s time to get ready for bed. And be sure that at night you will have fabulous dreams and take your fatigue with you, because I made an agreement with the Almighty. Sleep longer in the morning, because tomorrow is a day off and you don’t need to rush anywhere. Good night, my girl!

There came an alluring silence. And it’s high time for you, my beloved, to surrender to the world of sleep. To finally take a break from this hectic day. I hope that this night the wizard will give you the most interesting dreams, and put a guardian angel under your protection, because today I won’t be able to guard your tender sleep. Sweet dreams, my restless beloved man.

My beloved, you fall asleep sweetly, imagining that you are on a fabulous journey. The night has come, and with it in your dreams, it is possible to make all your dreams come true. Relax after a busy day, allow yourself to plunge into a sweet dream, gain strength, relax not only with your body but also with your mind. May you dream of the ocean, where you and I are lying on the beach watching the sunset.

Once again the night queen hid our city under the cover of the night. And her children - stars - began to appear in the sky. This is already a signal that you, my beloved, also a couple, lie down under the blanket and enter the world of entertaining dreams, so that your tender body can rest from have a hard day and filled with new strength. May your sleep be sound and carefree today. Sweet dreams, my princess!

Sweet dreams to you, my dear... Let the worries of the day recede, and this night will become an unusual magical journey into the world of amazing dreams. Rest so that in the morning you will be filled with the joy of life and re-experience all its charm.

Sleep well my sweet darling. I wish you tender and chocolate dreams. I hug and kiss you deeply on the lips! I will come to you in a dream, we will rise into the sky and walk along milky way. I will kiss you tenderly and with the onset of dawn I will disappear into silence. Now close your beautiful eyes and sleep, my dear, so that the dream I have imagined will come to you as quickly as possible.

Good and gentle, good night to you, my love! Let the moon gently whisper to you my words about how much I adore, love and appreciate you, and let the stars shower your face with the tender kisses that I send you! And then the night will pass fabulously, bringing you and me a new day and our love as a gift!

I dream of getting into your dreams, into your sweetest dreams, I hope that this very night my wish will come true, and we will fly with you, my love, to the wondrous land of dreams, where happiness will circle us all night long. But, for this, you must fall asleep as soon as possible, so go to bed and good night.

Your beautiful eyes need rest - cover them with your wonderful eyelashes, and, anointing yourself on a soft pillow, let your thoughts plunge into the world of wonderful night adventures. While your beautiful body is resting, your dreams will take you wherever you want, just don’t resist them. Goodnight, my Love.

My beloved, good night to you! Let your dreams be filled with the bright colors of our tenderness and my care that the moon will bring to you. Let every star kiss your face, just as I would do if I were next to you! And let the air be saturated with the incredible love of my soul, so that your heart is filled with it even at night!

Beloved, let this night inspire you, like an Angel, with goodness and my love, so that all horizons open up to you in your dreams! Meanwhile, my tenderness and care will saturate your breath, the stars will shower you with happiness, and the moon will bestow the light of miracles and inspiration. Good night honey, see you tomorrow!

Darling, good night and good night to you! Let this night gently hug you by the shoulders and warm you with incredible kindness! Let the stars shower your eyelashes with the silver of tenderness, so that in the early morning the sun will blow away this silver with a light breath of wind. And may you dream of my great love, so that your dreams fill you with strength and give you a smile to meet the coming day!

Sleep, my love. I will carefully guard your sleep so that no one in the whole world can disturb it. May your dreams always be colorful, warm and tender, and may your beautiful smile bloom from them. I will never be jealous of your dreams - I know that you can only smile so tenderly at me!

The moon looks into your window, my love, and quietly envies your beauty, and the stars in the night sky try unsuccessfully with their radiance to eclipse the radiance and light of your beautiful eyes, because you are my brightest star. May the night give you amazing, beautiful dreams, and may my love protect you from the machinations of the moon and the treachery of the stars.

The chess pieces of the stars are already placed on the night board, the magical game has begun. Today, sleep plays against dreams, and fairy-tale moments of our lives are intertwined in this game. I wish you, my love, to see all these moments in your dreams, and may your dream win in the game and become a reality.

May the sky, decorated with a scattering of stars, give you, my beloved, amazing, colorful, magical dreams. Let these dreams tell you about my love, about our future, let them give you new dreams and plans, towards which we will go together hand in hand, eye to eye, with one breath between us.

Let pleasant dreams fly to you, my sweet candy, sit on your eyelashes and vying with each other to whisper to you about unprecedented islands and oceans. I wish you magical travels! At the end of pleasant wanderings, I will meet you and try to make what I saw in my dreams come true in reality!

I wish you the softest, warmest and most peaceful night! The sweetest and beautiful dreams. May tomorrow be one of the best and brightest days of your life!

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The sun has been sleeping sweetly for a long time, and you, my sun, for some reason are not sleeping yet. Put off everything until tomorrow and go to bed. It’s so nice to find yourself in your own bed, just close your eyes and not be dependent on time. Just put off all the problems, bustle and affairs until tomorrow, switch your brain to a well-deserved and long-awaited rest. And the night will bring you the key to solving all your problems. Good night. Good night! May your dreams be the sweetest. May tomorrow morning bring good luck and happiness, and may all disappointments, grievances and anxieties remain in the past.

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Night silently falls on the ground... The lights went out and bright stars lit up in the sky. I want to wish you good night! Close your eyes - it's time to watch your sweetest dreams so that you can greet the morning with a smile. Relax and continue your exciting journey through life with renewed vigor. Sleep sweetly in your bed. Let your dreams be colorful, and let the silence pacify and lull you to sleep. Cast aside worries and worries, go into the strong arms of Morpheus - the god of sleep... He will fill you with the energy so necessary to meet a new day. Good Night to you! Go to sleep, good night! Even if you don’t want to sleep, close your eyes... People really need rest, after difficult everyday life, after vivid impressions and exciting events, every cell of the body wants to relax, and for this you just need to close your eyes and go to the amazing kingdom of dreams! Sweet dreams! The city is covered by a mysterious dark night - the mistress of dreams. Leave all the problems and sorrows in the passing day, throw away disturbing thoughts and plunge into the abyss of rosy dreams. May you sleep sweetly, sweetly... Good night! Now all the bustle of the day is coming to an end, and night is gradually coming, everyone is getting ready for bed. May you have a special dream today that will change your life in the future and give you the sign that you so needed. I wish you a good night's sleep and with new strength, with joy in your soul, start a new day. Close your eyes and dream, just dream, transport yourself to the reality where you want to be. Sweet dreams. Good night! May the moon smile through your window, may your dreams be the kindest, and may tomorrow bring only happiness!

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Good night and pleasant dreams ideas! Sleep soundly until dawn and let nothing disturb your peace or interrupt your magical, colorful dreams. And in the morning you will wake up rested and inspired. For now, go to sleep...

Spending amazing days with you, I want to extend them into mind-blowing nights and dream about good morning! Good night!

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Let the night take you into its world, let the twilight gently wrap you up, rock you to sleep, lull you to sleep, without causing fear. Let the soul enthusiastically travel through its dreams, and let every cell enjoy relaxation and bliss, imbued with heroic strength.

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Then the night thickens and a mysterious guest enters the houses. Let her be immensely kind to you, arrange a place to relax, cover your bliss with a blanket, and place angels who will quietly sing about endless happiness and love in your magical dreams.

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Calling you Magic world dreams where nymphs circle in a beautiful dance, and the White Rabbit talks with the Cheshire Cat. Let your pillow be soft, your blanket cozy, and the night give you serenity and strength for new fantastic achievements.

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Good night, my dear. Let you dream about our still miniature but friendly family.

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So the remains of the day burned out, and a gray evening descended on the earth. Let the old day take away with it all disturbing thoughts and experiences. And you, wrapped in a blanket, close your eyes and surrender peaceful sleep. May you certainly dream of happiness. Good night.

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Let the bright moon not interfere with your sweet sleep, I wish you tender and colorful dreams!

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May your dreams be sweet and fragrant, like flower nectar. Let them be bright and colorful, like a rainbow after a warm summer rain. Good night!

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Let the darkness of the night from the hardships of the day be a gentle blanket of sleep, body and soul plunge into bliss. I wish you a serene holiday in the kingdom of Morpheus, the world of fantasies and dreams, to gain vitality and get a charge of inspiration for tomorrow.

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So the long day, full of events and vivid impressions, has ended. Cover your tired eyes and you will be carried away night sleep, fabulous and unique. Let him be kind and colorful, and in the morning you will wake up in great mood. In the meantime - good night! I wish you that this day ends on a warm and cozy evening. So that the night is beautiful, filled with kindness, and all the anxieties of the past day remain in the past. Have a good night's sleep!

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Good night! May she bring you only the most beautiful and vivid dreams. May it give you strength and energy for a wonderful day tomorrow.

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It’s not for nothing that they say that the night is so mysterious and brings romance to the world. After all, during the day we have no time to dream or think about pleasant things. We have a lot to do during the day. But at night, when you’re just lying in bed and thinking about something so special to you... So, let every night bring you one step closer to achieving your dreams. Each star sends you a charge of vigor for the next day, and the moon fills your soul and heart with the most beautiful feeling - love. Calm and have a nice night. At night, the edge of the world opens up to us from a completely different side. The world becomes so romantic and mysterious. And finally, after a difficult working day, you can lie down in your favorite bed and just relax, close your eyes and leave this world before the sun rises. I wish you a good and pleasant night. Let your body, soul and mind rest from the hustle and bustle of the day and fall asleep. Let millions of bright stars wink at you and bring you a small piece of happiness each.

Confessions to a girl Good morning beloved Good night darling Good night to my wife I miss my beloved Apologies to my beloved Love girlfriend

Let the blanket be light, let the bed be soft, let the sheet be soft! I wish you, my beloved girl, to sleep so sweetly all night until the morning. Good night!

Even such irrepressible optimists, such energetic fidgets like you, my beloved, must rest. So lie down in your bed, close your eyes and start counting the white lambs in the green meadow. Pleasant dreams!

The evening quietly extinguishes its romantic lights, the night straightens its dark silks, the angel of pleasant dreams is knocking on your window. And I mentally hug you and gently whisper in your ear: “Good night, my love!”

Let a good magical dream land like a gentle cloud on the edge of your pillow. Close your eyes and relax without worrying about anything. Leave the solution to any problems to me, very soon they will all evaporate like a wet mark on a tiled floor.

My dear, how beautiful you are when you fall asleep and the airy fairy of the night lands on your eyelashes. Take with you into your dreams a piece of a bright morning, a warm day and the chill of a sunset, my smile and great love for you!

Fall asleep, my dear, to the twinkling of distant stars and the mysterious whisper of the wind. Let the breeze tell you one of its wonderful magical stories, and let the little stars invite you for a walk along the Milky Way!

Let tonight be the most affectionate, gentle, serene and soft, with colorful and pleasant dreams - just like in childhood! Peaceful sleep, my precious beauty!

The night changes the world, thickens the colors, making familiar places unusual, but it is unable to change anything in my feelings, therefore, falling asleep, I, as before, strive for you, my love, and today I will dream again.

May the night, my dear, wrap its quiet starry carpet around your thoughts, the worries of a hectic day, may it bring sweet dreams, colorful pictures, lightness and peace to you. Have sweet dreams and a pleasant awakening.

Beloved, I want you, falling asleep, to remember once again that I love you, let the soft light of the moon and the quiet song of the stars that patronize lovers remind you of this. Good night.

Your beauty is brighter than the stars that have now appeared in the sky, your character is softer than the clouds floating slowly in its height, your smile is more beautiful than the moonlight! May you have only beautiful dreams!

Good night, my beloved girl. Let it be gentle white linen, soft moonlight outside the window will give you a sea of ​​pleasant sensations and romantic dreams.

My beloved, get comfortable and let your dreams be like ice cream: sweet, tender and colorful. Don’t worry, you won’t be disturbed by the peas under the feather bed, because I know even without checking that you are my real princess!

Darling, I wish you a night in which you, as the ruler of the Moon, will draw happiness for yourself with stars, which will shine for you not only in your dreams! And my love for you will frame this happiness for eternity!

I wish that this night the stars shower sparkles on your bed, my love, warming you with the warmth of my love! And let the solutions to all difficulties come in your dreams, so that in the morning your heart will be open to my kisses!

Alina Ogonyok

Sweet, gentle, glorious, I wish you sweet dreams and good night. Let sleep become a happy time for you to rest and recuperate.

My beloved, good night. I wish you to have good and rosy dreams that will take you to the land of sweet dreams and dreams. I wish you to wake up in a great mood and with great inspiration, with a sense of self-confidence and brave optimism. I hug you and kiss you tenderly.

Darling, I wish you good night and the most wonderful, kindest, most vivid dreams. I wish you a great night's sleep, a break from everyday routine and life's problems, a flight across the land of your dreams and hopes, and wake up with incredible desire and desire to realize your ideas and plans.

My beloved, good night to you and the most pleasant dreams. I wish you to dream about the beautiful and wonderful island of our love, Cote d'Azur our happiness, our kind and bright dream.

Good night, my beloved and beloved. I wish that you dream of an extraordinary miracle, that your dream will take you to the country good fairy tale so that the bright light of the moon and the twinkling of magical stars fill you with new strength and inspiration, so that the night passes calmly and beautifully, so that the morning begins with a smile and luck.

Good night, my sweet, beloved, most beloved. I wish that the night covers you with a gentle blanket woven from the stars of hope, that the moon illuminates your soul with inspiration and a new dream. Good luck to you and good sleep, wonderful mood and absolute cheerfulness from the very morning.

My sweet candy, I wish you good night, may you have the most wonderful and interesting dreams. May your peaceful night's rest give you a lot of strength and new ideas for the coming day, may inspiration and a great mood come to you with the onset of dawn.

Beloved, my most wonderful and irresistible, my clear star, my ray of sunshine, I wish you good night and the kindest, most rosy, most wonderful dreams. Let night rest will envelop you in the embrace of a wonderful night, may sweet dreams give you inspiration, may the incredible and happy story of your new adventures begin in the very morning.

My sun goes to bed, closes his eyes and gets ready to have wonderful dreams. Good night, sweetie. May this night give you a magical world of fantasy and dreams, may a new page in the book of happiness and our great love open with a new day.

Sweet Dreams My Love! May you sleep sweetly, as if on fluffy clouds, and may you have the sweetest dreams. I will protect your peace and sleep so that the morning is the best. Close your eyes quickly and fall asleep!