Small uterus reasons. What does the discovery of a small uterus mean: causes, consequences What to do if the uterus is narrow


Often, when diagnosing the causes of infertility, it is discovered that a woman has a small uterus. This factor significantly affects not only the possibility of conception, but also determines the prognosis during pregnancy.

Many women are interested in what a small uterus means. As a rule, this concept means its hypoplasia, infantilism or underdevelopment. A small uterus can mean either a separate pathology or be a manifestation of general infantilism.

The uterus performs an important function as part of the reproductive system: it is intended for implantation and development of the embryo. The uterus is a unique organ - this means that only it is capable of performing the assigned function of reproducing its own kind. To carry out the primary task, the uterus also performs the menstrual function - this means that the layer intended for the development of the fetus is regularly, that is, renewed monthly.

It is obvious that the uterine body is also directly involved in the process of childbirth. Contractions of the myometrium, which means contractions, contribute to the expulsion of the fetus and its subsequent birth.

The uterus is relatively small in size. It is noteworthy that the uterine body has different sizes, which varies depending on the woman’s age and the number of births.

In newborn girls, the uterine body is located in the abdominal cavity and has a size of up to 3 cm. The ratio between the uterus and cervix is ​​3/1. As the girl grows up, the uterine body descends into the pelvis.

It is known that the size of the organ in adult representatives also differs depending on whether the woman gave birth or not. Normally, a woman’s uterus can have both a small and a large volume:

  • 4.5 cm in nulliparous women;
  • 5.5 in nulliparous women with a history of pregnancy;
  • 5.8 in women who have given birth.

The value may vary within a few millimeters.

The uterus grows during pregnancy, and after childbirth it returns almost to its original size, which is called involution. The cervix also undergoes changes. In nulliparous women, the cervix has a conical shape, and in women who have given birth, it is cylindrical.

Degrees and causes of pathology

A small uterus does not always mean that it is underdeveloped. In some cases, the small size is due to the woman’s miniature stature, as well as a hereditary factor. However, even if the uterus is small, its size should correspond to the lower limit of the norm.

How small the underdeveloped uterus is is determined by degrees.

  1. The first degree means that the uterus has the size of the organ as at birth. Such a small uterus is called rudimentary, embryonic. Natural pregnancy is not possible. This means that the woman will have to resort to the services of a surrogate mother.
  2. The second degree means the size of the organ is from 3.5 to 5.5 cm, with the neck taking up most of it. A small uterus at this stage is amenable to hormonal treatment, however, the prognosis for a subsequent pregnancy is not always favorable.
  3. At the third stage a small uterus differs slightly from the norm. The relationship between the body and the neck is not disturbed. This means that the pathology can be eliminated with medication.

The causes of the pathology depend on whether it is congenital or acquired. In general, a small uterine body in most cases is not a congenital anomaly. This means that acquired anomalies are more common.

Among the causes of congenital pathology are:

  • chromosomal disorders and genetic diseases;
  • harmful effects of the environment during pregnancy;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • delayed fetal development;
  • the presence of infections during pregnancy;
  • taking certain medications.

There are many reasons for the small size of the uterine body:

  • dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary system due to injury or due to infectious, toxic damage;
  • the presence of formations in both the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland;
  • severe infectious and other somatic diseases;
  • endocrine and hormonal disorders;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • tumors, cysts in the ovaries;
  • underdevelopment of the ovaries, which means their hypoplasia;
  • little weight;
  • poor nutrition;
  • operations performed on the ovaries;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • physical and mental fatigue;
  • constant colds;
  • unfavorable heredity.

The presence of these factors does not mean the development of pathology. Often, the small volume of an organ is due to a complex of various reasons.

Clinical picture and diagnostic methods

Symptoms depend on the severity of the anomaly. In the first degree, a woman experiences:

  • absence of menstruation;
  • rare menstruation;
  • scanty bleeding during menstruation.

The second and third degrees are different:

  • late menstruation;
  • irregular cycles;
  • scanty or profuse bleeding;
  • pain, nausea, lethargy, fainting during menstruation.

The presence of symptoms is due to low levels of ovarian hormones and an imbalance in the hypothalamic-pituitary system. This means the occurrence of a disorder in the functioning of the entire reproductive system.

You can conclude that a woman has a small uterine volume based on her appearance. Women are distinguished by their short stature, thin figure, and narrow hips. Moreover, secondary sexual characteristics are also poorly developed. There is insufficient volume of the mammary glands, scant hair growth in the armpits and pubis.

The following signs, which are determined during a gynecological examination, may indicate an anomaly:

  • the labia are underdeveloped and do not cover the clitoris;
  • the perineum is retracted;
  • the vagina is characterized by its small volume and anatomical narrowness;
  • the conical neck is long;
  • the small uterine body is characterized by an anterior deflection and is flat and dense.

Girls usually complain about infertility, lack of libido and orgasms.

A small uterine body can provoke the following complications:

  • infertility and miscarriage, which can occur at any time;
  • chronic inflammation due to anatomical abnormalities;
  • weakness of labor and bleeding;
  • toxicosis of the first trimester;
  • early birth;
  • ectopic pregnancy due to tubal obstruction.

An anomaly can be suspected by visual signs and clinical picture. The diagnosis is confirmed by the following diagnostic methods:

  • gynecological ultrasound;
  • analysis of sex hormones;
  • measuring the size of the pelvis;
  • X-ray of the hand and skull;
  • hysterosalpingography;
  • Brain MRI.

Many girls want to know what to do if they have a small uterus. Treatment is prescribed in accordance with the results of the study. Therapy includes:

  • good nutrition;
  • correction of psychological state;
  • hormonal estrogen drugs;
  • vitamins;
  • physiotherapy;
  • Spa treatment;
  • gynecological massage;
  • physical therapy.

If the indicators deviate slightly from the norm, this means that the pathology has a favorable prognosis.

Women usually find out that they have a small uterus either after an examination by a gynecologist in a chair, or after undergoing an ultrasound. Many of them hear the diagnosis at a fairly young age, others - after becoming pregnant. Some women are told that their uterine sizes are simply smaller compared to the norm, and some are given specific real diagnoses: hypoplasia, infantilism, aplasia. Very often, doctors scare young girls that they are unlikely to be able to get pregnant and carry a child in the future due to the fact that they have a small uterus; but also often women with such an anatomical feature easily become pregnant and give birth safely (and more than once) after undergoing hormonal therapy or even without it!

In general, we are leading to the conclusion that when a doctor says “you have a small uterus,” in absolutely every individual case it can mean anything: from a subjective visual assessment of the organ by a specific doctor to a very serious pathological condition in which infertility and miscarriage occur. . Therefore, it is impossible to measure everyone with the same yardstick, and such a diagnosis - a small uterus - does not exist in obstetrics and gynecology.

Small uterus: causes, symptoms

The uterus of the average sexually mature woman usually reaches 7-8 cm in length, 4-5 cm in width and has a myometrial thickness of about 2-3 cm; The length of the neck is on average 2.5 cm. These dimensions are not standard, but normally doctors are guided by these parameters. Due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body, a woman may have a normally functioning organ of a different size. Visually, a doctor can determine that a woman’s uterus is medium, large or small, but this is not about pathology in the structure and functioning of the organ. A small uterus is often found in fragile, petite, thin young ladies, which is explained by their configuration, body type, and physiology (accordingly, in large ladies it is often larger than average).

However, very often this definition means precisely the abnormally small size of the female organ, at which it is not able to perform the functions assigned to it by nature - to participate in the production of offspring. Pathologically, a small uterus is diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • hypoplasia- insufficient development of the female organ in size, accompanied by underdevelopment of other genital organs and hormonal disorders (such a uterus is equated in size to that of a teenager or a child);
  • infantilism (children's uterus)- pathology in which the size of the organ in a woman of childbearing age corresponds to the size of childhood (does not exceed 5.5 cm);
  • aplasia (uterine uterus)- a pathology in which the size of an adult woman’s organ corresponds to its size in a newborn girl (does not exceed 3 cm).

As a rule, a small uterus is diagnosed during an ultrasound examination, the results of which are then interpreted by a gynecologist. The diagnosis is confirmed by the presence in a woman of at least one or more symptoms accompanying underdevelopment of the uterus:

  • absence of menstruation;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • painful menstruation;
  • low sex drive;
  • difficulties conceiving and/or bearing a child.

Doctors believe that disturbances in physiology occur either during the formation and formation of the female organ in utero (at the end of the first - at the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy), or during the girl’s puberty.

In the first case, it may be infectious diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy, hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiencies, or her exposure to other unfavorable factors. Diseases (especially the genitourinary system, infectious viral diseases), insufficient or poor-quality nutrition, lack of vitamins and minerals, physical exhaustion, hard work, and stress can prevent the full growth of the uterus in adolescence.

A small uterus, which is the cause of underdevelopment, and not a physiological feature of the body, is almost always accompanied by other disorders, which individually and in combination with each other, one way or another, affect the conception and bearing of a child. Quite often, pregnancy with a small uterus becomes problematic if at the same time a hormonal imbalance is detected in the woman’s body, underdevelopment or pathologies in the structure of the cervix and fallopian tubes.

How to get pregnant if your uterus is small: pregnancy planning

Typically, women who have such an anatomical feature are worried about whether it is possible to get pregnant in this case, what to do, and what kind of treatment can be carried out.

If a woman is diagnosed with a small uterus and other problems of the reproductive system, then she will most likely have to prepare in a special way for the upcoming pregnancy. However, such preparation often does not provide for anything special.

In rare cases, to increase blood circulation and promote the growth of the uterine epithelium, a woman planning to conceive may be prescribed a special gynecological massage or physiotherapeutic procedures. Much more often, pregnancy planning with a small uterus takes place against the background of hormonal therapy. It usually happens that after a course of oral contraceptives, a woman becomes pregnant in the first or one of the next menstrual cycles after stopping OK. Together with other effects, hormonal drugs also contribute to an increase in the size of the organ. However, hormonal therapy for uterine hypoplasia can be prescribed only after a comprehensive examination of the woman’s health, because for some diseases that cause infertility, taking hormonal drugs is strictly contraindicated!

There are also frequent cases when pregnancy with a small uterus occurs only after vitamin therapy: as soon as the expectant mother takes vitamin and mineral supplements, balances her diet and optimizes her daily routine (lead an active lifestyle, but at the same time ensure adequate sleep and rest), the desired pregnancy occurs without any difficulties.

Small uterus during pregnancy

It should be noted that a small uterus is not such a rare phenomenon. Women often hear similar conclusions addressed to them. True, we are not always talking about pathology and it is not at all necessary that a preliminary medical diagnosis will be reliable. Therefore, you should not be upset when you hear such a verdict. And you always need to confirm the gynecologist’s preliminary conclusion with an ultrasound examination, and also, possibly, visit not one, but several doctors.

Life experience shows that a small uterus and pregnancy are completely compatible concepts in a large number of cases. Moreover, just with the onset of pregnancy, many ladies find out that their uterus is small. Doctors reassure: it’s not scary, as the period increases, the organ will enlarge and grow along with the fetus, which is also facilitated by the hormones intensively produced by the female body during this period. But in order to reduce the risk of miscarriage and premature pregnancy due to insufficient uterine size, you may have to take hormonal medications and exercise increased caution on dangerous days for pregnancy.

In general, a small uterus in itself is neither a contraindication nor an obstacle to pregnancy.

And if, in addition to this feature, no other disorders have been identified in the expectant mother’s body, then we can hardly expect problems caused by this feature. Difficulties with pregnancy will most likely be associated with hormonal deficiency, thin loose myometrium, short uterine cervix and other features. The consequences of such deviations can be premature birth and miscarriages (miscarriage), difficult dilatation of the cervix during childbirth, and weak labor. But modern medical methods of pregnancy make it possible to minimize all risks and safely carry a baby even with a small uterus.

After childbirth, the uterus, enlarged during the period of bearing a child, will again regain its previous parameters. For many women who have given birth to a child or several, it remains small, like a nulliparous girl. Meanwhile, it happens that the pathology after childbirth disappears without a trace, and along with it other disorders: a small uterus, a bend of the uterus or fallopian tubes - everything returns to normal with the birth of the baby.

Be that as it may, you can get pregnant with such a pathology. Real difficulties arise mainly with a very small, completely undeveloped organ. And when aplasia is diagnosed, it becomes completely impossible to become pregnant naturally. But even in such situations, assisted reproductive technologies can help a couple become parents.

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

Is it possible to get pregnant if your uterus is small?

The female reproductive system is particularly vulnerable. And if any disease appears in her, then this poses a serious danger both to the health of the woman herself and to her unborn baby. Therefore, the fair sex needs to take good care of their body, take care of it and periodically check it with a doctor. However, no matter how careful you are about your health, some aspects of it still do not depend on you. Therefore, for many women, such a diagnosis as hypoplasia becomes surprising.

In simple terms - “little uterus”. Unless, of course, the girl herself stands out for her height, then, in general, there is nothing to worry about. But if, on the contrary, you are of average height, and doctors, when they say the word “small,” make a concerned face, then there is something to think about.

Just don’t panic - everything can be treated!

Sometimes, of course, it takes a lot of time, but you need to be treated. Therefore, you should not panic, but simply visit a doctor. For now, let’s take a closer look at this phenomenon.

Causes of hypoplasia:

There are few reasons for a small uterus. Most often, these are traumas suffered during adolescence. Also, we must not forget that during adolescence, a girl’s body is susceptible to various infections and microbes. Due to the fact that the body breaks down, the uterus is susceptible to various infections. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to emphasize that you need to take care of your health from a young age.

The second reason is a lack of vitamins. And most often it occurs due to various diets with which young ladies abuse their bodies. The same can be said about older ladies. The necessary substances simply do not enter the reproductive system, which is why the reproductive organs do not develop properly in it.

In addition, the uterus may slow down in its development due to poor functioning of the ovaries. Hormones cannot be produced in them properly, hence the growth retardation.

It is possible that the cause of impaired uterine maturation is a predisposition to late menstruation, inherited by the girl.

How to determine hypoplasia?

If you diagnose without the help of a doctor, then the only way is to observe the discharge during menstruation. If they are small, and the cycle itself is constantly disrupted, then this can be attributed to a sign of hypoplasia. But the final conclusion will be made by the doctor.

Having carefully examined the shape of the vagina, the condition of the fallopian tubes and the presence of gaps between them, the gynecologist will accurately make a diagnosis. A healthy uterus should not exceed 8.4 centimeters in length and 6.2 centimeters in width. The standard dimensions for the cervix are 2.5 to 3.5 centimeters. If the sizes do not match, then this indicates a violation of the growth of the uterus.

How does hypoplasia affect pregnancy?

In order for a girl to get pregnant, a small uterus cannot become an obstacle. But a disease of nearby tissues is something that may prevent fertilization or gestation. Although many doctors sound the alarm, citing the size of the uterus. Statistics show that most women, having a small uterus, carried and gave birth to healthy babies. There were even cases when a girl found out about the size of her organ only after she gave birth.

The only thing that can prevent you from getting pregnant is the presence of diseases of the organs located nearby. A common cause is, for example, kinking of the uterine tubes.

What treatment is prescribed for hypoplasia?

Hypoplasia is caused by a lack of hormones, hence the only method for treating it is to enrich the organ with hormones. Treatment by introducing hormones can be replaced by the usual intake of vitamins. In addition, the patient is prescribed physiotherapy, which consists of a slight tingling sensation in the lower abdomen.

Hypoplasia can also be treated with massage, stimulating the egg both externally and internally. This gives a rush of blood to the organ, which helps it enlarge.

Two popular methods can be distinguished:

  • The first is laying down the clay. The clay is brought to a soft state (like wasabi) and applied to the lower abdomen. Cover the top with cling film and let it lie there for about two hours.
  • The second effective way is sex. It simultaneously stimulates the uterus, providing a rush of blood to it, and in addition, promotes the production of hormones that the organ needs so much.

To use any of these methods, you must first consult your doctor.

It's no secret that many women fail to conceive a child the first time. There can be many reasons for this. However, expectant mothers are often given the disappointing diagnosis of a “small uterus.” In this article we will look at the features of pregnancy and the chances of having a healthy baby in this situation.

Normally, the uterus of a nulliparous girl should reach 7 cm in length and 40 g in weight. For women who have given birth, there are other normative indicators. The length of the uterus should not be less than 8-9 cm, and the weight of the organ should be in the range from 50 g to 70 g. The normal width is 4-5 cm. The formation and formation of the reproductive system begins during the period of intrauterine development. The uterus of a newborn girl reaches 3-4 cm, and at 7-8 years old its intensive growth begins. It acquires its final dimensions when the girl reaches the age of thirteen.

If the length of the uterus is insufficient, but its width is normal, then there should be no difficulties with the course of pregnancy. Today, experts trace the relationship between the state of the reproductive sphere and the emotional background. If a woman, after learning that her uterus does not meet the required standards, succumbs to stress, then this can provoke dysfunction of the reproductive organs. Emotional stress causes psychosomatic abnormalities, which can lead to such disappointing consequences.

There are 3 stages of this deviation:

  • hypoplasia - the woman’s uterus corresponds to the size of a teenage organ;
  • infantilism - with this pathology, a woman of reproductive age is diagnosed with a child’s uterus, which does not exceed 5.5 cm;
  • aplasia is a deviation in which the size of a woman’s uterus corresponds to the uterus of a newborn girl and reaches only 3 cm.

The first and second stages are treatable, a woman has every chance of becoming pregnant and carrying a baby. Unfortunately, the third stage cannot be corrected, but in this case you should not despair. If ovarian function is preserved, conception is possible through in vitro fertilization.

Signs of a small uterus

  1. One of the main signs indicating insufficient size of the uterus is delayed puberty. Menstruation begins at the age of 15-16 years.
  2. Often, along with this problem, women experience underdevelopment of the labia, vagina, fallopian tubes and ovaries.
  3. Hypoplasia of the uterus can also be determined based on the general physical characteristics of the girl. The presence of this pathology is evidenced by a narrow pelvis, short stature, narrow chest, and small breast size.
  4. As adults, women experience little or no sexual desire.
  5. Symptoms such as irregular cycles, complete absence of menstruation, pain, and problems with conception should alert you.

Reasons for deviation

The causes of deviations in the formation of the uterus are negative factors to which the girl was exposed during prenatal development and puberty.

  1. This reproductive organ is formed at the last stage of the first - at the beginning of the second trimester. If a woman carrying a girl during this period is exposed to infectious diseases, encounters hormonal imbalances, and does not receive sufficient nutrients and vitamins, there is a possibility of developing this pathology.
  2. Hypoplasia may be a consequence of disruption of the activity of the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that ensures the functioning of the endocrine glands. As well as hypofunction of the ovaries, which produce female sex hormones.
  3. Diseases of the genitourinary system, viral infections, deficiency of nutrients and vitamins, heavy physical activity and stressful conditions, and exposure to toxic substances on the body can lead to similar consequences.

All these factors have a direct impact on a woman's reproductive ability when she reaches adulthood.

A small cervix during pregnancy can also hinder successful pregnancy. Normally, this organ has a cylindrical shape. However, if there are deviations, the shape of the neck resembles a cone. With cervical hypoplasia, fertilization occurs unhindered, but complications may arise during pregnancy. The cause of this is isthmic-cervical insufficiency. This means that the muscles in the area where the cervix connects to the uterus are weak. As a result, the reproductive organs are not able to support the fetus, whose weight is constantly increasing. There is a risk of miscarriage between 20 and 30 weeks.

Diagnosis of uterine size

The doctor gets an idea of ​​the size of the uterus based on an ultrasound examination. However, it is worth considering that diagnosis should not be limited only to this method. The small size of this organ does not always indicate the presence of pathology. A small uterus can be observed in women of asthenic physique in the absence of any problems in the reproductive sphere.

In addition to the ultrasound examination, a gynecological examination is performed. If the doctor detects a small height of the uterine fundus, this will confirm the diagnosis. Through a laboratory examination, it is necessary to determine the concentration of hormonal substances that are responsible for the development of the organs of the reproductive system, in particular the uterus. The uterine cavity is also examined.

Treatment of a small uterus

A small uterus during pregnancy can cause the embryo to develop outside the uterine cavity. Therapy is aimed at increasing it to a size that allows for trouble-free bearing of the fetus. To achieve this result, the woman is prescribed medications whose action is aimed at stabilizing the hormonal balance and stimulating organ growth. Vitamin preparations are also used for this purpose. In some cases, the situation can be normalized only with the help of vitamins and there is no need to take hormonal drugs.
In addition to medications, gynecological massage is also prescribed. This method helps improve blood circulation, which stimulates the growth of the uterus. It consists of massaging the external and internal reproductive organs. In addition, doctors recommend physiotherapeutic procedures - paraffin therapy, mud therapy, laser therapy, UHF.

There are also traditional methods of treating this pathology. But before using them, it is imperative to consult a specialist. We should not forget that self-treatment may not only not give the desired result, but also aggravate the problem. One of the options offered by traditional medicine is the use of blue or red clay.

It needs to be crushed, sifted, and then water added. The consistency of the mixture should resemble thick sour cream. The clay prepared in this way is applied in a thick layer to the lower abdomen. Cover the mixture with a warm cloth or film for food purposes and leave for 2 hours. After this time, the clay is washed off. The procedure is repeated daily for 10 days. It must be remembered that treatment with folk remedies must be combined with drug therapy.

Small uterus during pregnancy

There is no clear opinion regarding the influence of this pathology on the onset and course of pregnancy. Some doctors consider underdevelopment of the uterus as a serious obstacle to conception and pregnancy. Other experts do not share this opinion. The uterus has sufficient elasticity, and pregnancy can occur even with some deviations from the norm. If hypoplasia is not accompanied by other pathologies, the woman will be able to bear a healthy child. But with hormonal imbalances or the absence of the ovulation process, certain problems may arise.
The small size of the uterus is not an obstacle to conception. Many women learn about this feature of theirs already during pregnancy. As the fetus grows, the uterus will also grow. To minimize the likelihood of spontaneous abortion, the expectant mother is prescribed hormonal therapy. Also, a woman should exercise caution during the days of pregnancy, which are the most dangerous.

The most dangerous in this regard is the first trimester. During this period, the greatest number of miscarriages occur. At the stage of 2-3 weeks, implantation of the fertilized egg occurs. A number of unfavorable factors can hinder this process. In addition to the insufficient size of the uterus, these include pathologies of the placenta, taking certain medications, viral diseases, and hormonal disorders.
From 4 to 7 weeks, all the baby’s vital systems and organs begin to form. The danger of this period lies in the occurrence of possible pathologies and anomalies. At the stage of 8-12 weeks, intensive formation of the placenta occurs. If detachment occurs, the pregnancy will be terminated.
The second trimester is considered relatively safe. But even at this time, a woman may encounter complications. The dangerous period is from 18 to 22 weeks, when the uterus rapidly increases in size.

In the third trimester, caution should be observed from 28 to 32 weeks. The danger of this time period lies in the possibility of disturbances in the activity of the placenta, which entails premature birth or intrauterine fetal death.

A small uterus should not be considered a contraindication or obstacle to pregnancy. The difficulties that a woman may encounter during pregnancy cause associated abnormalities. This is a lack of hormonal elements and thin myometrium.

There are situations when the size of the uterus is less than the gestational age. There may be several reasons for this. This condition is diagnosed when there is insufficient amount of amniotic fluid, an incorrectly set period, abnormal presentation of the fetus, or the presence of a wide pelvis in the woman.


The small size of the uterus should not be considered as an obstacle to conception and pregnancy. Taking modern medications will normalize the growth of this reproductive organ, and regular examinations will help eliminate the development of complications. A woman should not worry, even if the uterus is less than the gestational age. It is possible that the deadline was determined incorrectly.

Features and sizes of the uterus during pregnancy. Video:

The reproductive function of a woman’s body is influenced by many circumstances, including the size of the uterus.

It is very important that the uterus has a normal shape and normal size, so that there are no problems with the functioning of the reproductive system and the ability to give birth to a child.

Features of the pathology

In medicine, there are certain standards regarding the size of this organ. Small deviations are acceptable, however, if there are strong differences, doctors say that the patient has a small uterus. On average, the size of the uterus should be about 8 cm in length and about 5 cm in width.

Deviations to the smaller side are most often observed in women of fragile physique, and in this case this can be considered the norm.

However, if the size of the uterus is significantly smaller than normal, then regardless of body type, this is a pathology. In this case, the girl does not have the opportunity to bear and give birth to a child.

There are several terms that can be used to describe a small uterus in medical practice.

  1. Hypoplasia.
  2. In this case, the woman’s uterus is more similar in size to the organ of a teenager or child.
  3. Infantilism. With this pathology, the size of the uterus corresponds to the norm characteristic of a child.

With aplasia, the size of the uterus in adult women does not exceed those of newborn girls and is about 3 cm.

Typically, this phenomenon is observed if at a certain stage the organ has stopped developing. The reasons for this may be different, and it is quite difficult to say exactly why this problem arose.

  1. The main causes of uterine underdevelopment:
  2. Problems arising during intrauterine development.

Deviations that appeared during puberty.

  • Difficulties associated with intrauterine development, which could lead to a decrease in the size of the uterus, are as follows:
  • features of the environmental situation;
  • infectious diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • insufficient amount of nutrients;
  • unhealthy lifestyle of the mother, drug or alcohol abuse;

stressful situations, etc.

The reasons that can cause this pathology, characteristic of a girl’s puberty, are:

Usually a small uterus is not the only problem that arises under such circumstances. Excessively small organ sizes are usually accompanied by other difficulties.

In this case, problems with the development or functioning of the ovaries and fallopian tubes or with hormonal levels may be identified. Therefore, conclusions about the diagnosis are made only by assessing all the features together.

Consequences and need for therapy

How bad it is that a woman has such a pathology depends on the clinical picture. If the uterus is somewhat smaller in size than expected, and the remaining organs are in normal condition, there is no reason to worry.

The most serious consequences are the inability to bear a child. This usually applies to cases where the patient’s uterus is almost undeveloped. In this case, it is very difficult to conceive a child, and there is also an increased risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

However, a diagnosis of a “small uterus” does not mean that a woman will not be able to have children. Often pregnancy occurs and ends with a successful birth. During pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, the size of the uterus increases, which allows you to carry a baby.

After childbirth, the uterus may return to its original state or become normal. The ability to bear children is much more influenced by other features of organ development, which cannot always be eliminated by treatment.

If aplasia is present, treatment is rarely effective, so it is not always possible to become pregnant with this diagnosis. But hypoplasia is effectively cured with hormonal therapy. After taking special medications, the organ returns to its normal state.

Having heard that they have a small uterus, patients wonder how it can be enlarged.

The main treatment for this problem is taking hormonal drugs. Hormones entering the body stimulate the growth of the organ, which eliminates the problem.

In addition, physiotherapy is used, which helps improve blood circulation in this area; patients are prescribed vitamin complexes and massage. Traditional treatment is also popular.

However, it is not always necessary to treat this problem. Before making a decision on medical treatment, the doctor must study the picture of the disease. For minor deviations, therapy is not needed, especially if there are no problems with other parts of the reproductive system.

In this case, the problem cannot be considered serious, since the body will cope with it on its own. Only if there are sufficient discrepancies with the norm and if there are difficulties with hormones or other organs, and the patient is unable to give birth to a child, it is worth taking action. But it is important to remember that with significant deviations from the norm, the treatment results will be small.