The baby snores in his sleep reasons. Why is childhood snoring dangerous and how to treat it?

We all, in one way or another, encounter snoring during sleep: some have loved ones who snore, while others travel in a train compartment and unwittingly become a hostage of circumstances when their neighbor, and thus his neighbor, sleeps, making characteristic sounds. makes it impossible restful sleep other people.

The topic of snoring is not new, and many people know that it is dangerous due to its consequences, and also that a snoring person needs to change his body position for the safety of sleep and life. And, most importantly, snoring is only a consequence that hides the real reason changes in health status.

At the same time, when it comes to this phenomenon, for some reason a snoring adult comes to mind, but not a child. While snoring in children, unfortunately, is also quite common.

What is snoring?

Before we move on to studying the causes of children's snoring, let's try to understand how air is inhaled and what these wheezing sounds are.

The mechanism of inhalation is not as simple as it seems: air is captured through the nose or mouth, then it passes into the pharynx, then into the larynx, passes through the trachea, bronchi and alveoli, and only at this stage gas exchange occurs. Snoring occurs when the walls of the pharynx touch (impact), the lumen of the pharynx becomes narrower, and vibration occurs.

The generalized concept of “snoring” can be represented as a rather specific process that accompanies a person’s breathing during sleep. In this case, a pronounced, distinct low-frequency, rattling sound appears.

What forms of it exist?

There are two types/forms of snoring during sleep: uncomplicated and complicated. In the first case, air enters the respiratory tract with each breath, in the second, breathing stops lasting for 10 seconds - this condition is the disease “obstructive sleep apnea syndrome” (OSA).

Both forms are, to a certain extent, dangerous for humans, and therefore the process cannot be left to chance; it is necessary to look for and eliminate the cause of snoring, or, if this is not possible, minimize its effect on the body.

Causes of snoring in childhood

Why does a child snore in his sleep? There are quite a large number of reasons and almost all of them are associated with deviations in health status. Please note that in all cases described below, you should seek help from a doctor.

You should not try to treat your baby yourself or wait for wheezing sounds to go away on their own, since delay in treatment can lead to a deterioration in his health.

Snoring in newborns

The only reason for snoring in a child that is considered normal is infancy up to 1 month. This problem occurs due to the narrowness of the nasal passages characteristic of newborns, so it is temporary and does not require treatment.

To make it easier for a small child to breathe, parents simply need to clean his nose more often with cotton swabs. However, if snoring during sleep continues beyond the first month of the baby’s life, you need to contact a specialist.

Foreign body in the respiratory tract

Common cause of snoring in childhood, oddly enough, there may be a foreign object making breathing difficult (a foreign object entering directly into the respiratory tract).

A characteristic sign of a hit foreign body: the baby snores, but he does not have snot or runny nose. In this case, snoring will be a one-time occurrence and will disappear the moment the object that has entered the respiratory tract is removed.

Cold or allergies

Colds also cause snoring in children. It provokes swelling of the nasopharynx, narrowing of the nasal passages and the lumen of the pharynx, which leads to the convergence of its walls to an “unsafe” distance.

Also, the fact that a child snores in his sleep may be a consequence of the development of allergies, allergic or chronic runny nose. Physiological manifestations at the same time, they are similar to the manifestations of a cold.


Enlargement of the palatine tonsils (tonsillitis), as well as the appearance of adenoids (enlarged nasopharyngeal tonsil) also often lead to snoring during sleep in children.

In their normal state, the pharyngeal tonsils serve to protect child's body from infections. Their increase indicates a malfunction, means that they cannot cope and do not fulfill their protective function, and accumulate infection.

All this, in addition to snoring, can also cause a decrease in immunity in a child.

Excess weight

Excess weight contributes to the deposition of fatty tissue, including in the neck and throat, which narrows its lumen and increases the likelihood of snoring. Parents who feed their children should remember this harmful products(chips, crackers, etc.) and do not recognize the need for physical activity.

Developmental anomalies

IN in rare cases The cause of snoring is deformation of the bones of the facial skull (features of the anatomical structure of the skull) or other developmental anomalies.

How can snoring be dangerous if left untreated?

Imagine that at night, instead of sleeping and resting, the child spends all his strength maintaining breathing. And in the morning we get sleepy little man.

  • weakness,
  • decreased concentration,
  • whims and disobedience,
  • lack of interest in the outside world,
  • V advanced cases- learning delays and slow development of the child,
  • in some cases, hearing may even decrease,
  • experience involuntary urination during night sleep.

At acute forms disease that caused snoring, breathing may not only be difficult, but it may also stop/delay. Just a few fractions of seconds, and the child’s brain has already received less oxygen - there is hypoxia and a threat to life.

Self-medication or doctor's help?

What to do if children snore? If your child suddenly snores, you should remember that snoring sounds themselves cannot be cured - the cause of their occurrence must be eliminated!

Therefore, if your baby is not a newborn, you should consult a doctor immediately! Even in cases where the baby has clear airways and does not even have a runny nose or snot. Only a specialist will be able to identify the cause of the disease and prescribe correct and effective treatment.

Prevention of snoring in children

You, in turn, can support your baby by taking steps to improve his sleep conditions.

What needs to be done?

  1. Ventilate the room before going to bed.
  2. Do wet cleaning.
  3. Ensure proper humidity levels in the children's room.
  4. Use a comfortable, ergonomic pillow for your child to sleep on.

Remember, one of important points In the prevention of snoring in children, parents are observant, as well as timely detection and treatment of colds and other diseases.

Be healthy, and let snoring become familiar to you only from this article!

Video: why can a child snore in his sleep?

Today, not many families are faced with the fact that their child snores in his sleep. According to statistics, approximately 5% of children suffer from this. But despite the apparent harmlessness of the symptom, if a child snores at night and there is no snot, then a serious illness is likely present.

Do not confuse snoring with snoring. The first case does not indicate a serious pathology. Therefore, be guided by these differences:

  • If a child sniffles in his sleep, a soft sound is produced, caused by a decrease in the diameter of the upper part of the pathways that deliver air to the alveoli of the lungs.
  • If a child snores in his sleep, the manifestation is characterized by a distinctive rattling, usually low-frequency sound with vibrations.

Snoring mechanism

The mechanism for the formation of snoring lies in defects in the anatomical structure of the tract respiratory system, due to which the movement of air occurs with difficulty. Air, entering a channel reduced in diameter, has high blood pressure on its walls.

Snoring occurs when air passes through narrowed airways

This leads to vibration inside and a rattling “rumble” outside. At the same time, the reasons why a child snores are different.

Causes of snoring

The causes of snoring during sleep in children and adults differ significantly. There are several options why a baby exhibits this sign.

IN next video Dr. Komarovsky will tell you why a child can snore in his sleep.


Snoring occurs when the volume of the pharyngeal tonsils increases in volume, which, because of this, ceases to perform a protective function and obscures the nasal passages, making breathing difficult. Children's airways are narrow, so during sleep there is a need to breathe through the mouth, and the child snores in his sleep.

Adenoids can cause short-term interruptions in breathing

Adenoids sometimes cause short-term interruptions in breathing, which leads to hypoxia (low oxygen content in the brain).

The presence of dangerous regular otitis, tracheitis and bronchitis (read in this article about). Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the signs of these diseases in time and treat them.


If we consider the microclimate as a provocateur of snoring, then the allergic factor plays the main role. Dust in children's rooms is the most important allergen, since children's bodies are extremely sensitive. Excess dust stimulates increased secretion of mucus by the cells of the mucous membrane of the upper part respiratory tract.

It is necessary to regularly humidify the air (necessarily during the period of central heating). Dry warm air leads to drying of the mucous membrane, which is why growths can form in the nasopharynx, causing obstruction of the upper respiratory tract.

ENT diseases

Congenital anatomical anomalies in the structure of the laryngopharynx may explain the fact that a child snores in an early age:

  • An elongated tongue in the throat or a process of the soft palate partially closes the lumen of the pharynx, air cannot fully pass further.
  • Weakness of the muscles of the soft palate, abnormal big tongue, elongated sky.
  • Deviation of the nasal septum - the plate that divides the organ cavity into two parts. The curvature complicates the passage of air, provokes the transition of rhinitis to chronic course. This aggravates the disruption in the process of nasal breathing.

Breathing disorders

Obstructive apnea syndrome is a cessation of the breathing process, during which air is swallowed in jerks and snoring. At the same time, the baby sleeps anxiously, tosses and turns in bed, and during the day feels weak, drowsy and unwell.

The syndrome is a risk factor for cardiac vascular diseases, therefore requires treatment and observation by a doctor.


Excess weight is another cause of snoring in children. The symptom occurs due to the formation of fat deposits on the face and neck. Experts believe that every 10% excess body weight doubles the risk of snoring. This increases the risk of developing the syndrome sleep apnea.

If there is a tendency to be overweight (read this article about), then parents need to take control of their child’s nutrition and lifestyle. Properly selected menu and regular physical activity will fix the problem.


Malocclusion is not only aesthetic problem, but another reason for a child snoring in his sleep

Malocclusion often leads to the fact that a child snores in his sleep as early as 2-3 years old. If lower jaw is shifted back, then during sleep the uvula of the palate is practically in contact with the root of the tongue, blocking the way for air.

As the diameter of the lumen decreases, the air flow accelerates, causing the tongue to vibrate, which leads to characteristic sounds.

“Bird face” is a type of facial structure that is characterized by the fact that the nose protrudes forward, the cheekbones practically do not protrude, the teeth are arranged together, Bottom part jaws are poorly developed. Children with this type of face often suffer from snoring.

With an incorrect bite, the load on individual teeth increases, the enamel thins out faster, and sensitivity increases. In some situations, the face loses symmetry, increasing the likelihood of injury to the temporomandibular joint.

There may be physical disruption of the gums, failure chewing process, breathing, speech apparatus, swallowing, facial expressions. Against the background of these pathologies, a malfunction occurs in the respiratory and digestive organs, nasopharynx, and hearing aid.

If you have malocclusion, you should contact a specialist immediately. Orthodontic treatment is carried out for children of any age group.


Snoring may indicate the development of epilepsy, which requires timely treatment

Epilepsy sometimes occurs without significant symptoms for a long time. Snoring may be the result of seizures caused by the disease.

In children in age group 2-14 years Rolandic epilepsy is sometimes observed. Most often it appears at night.

During a seizure, convulsions are concentrated on the face, including the muscles of the pharynx and tongue. With this disease, the sound of snoring differs from the usual. But this pathology is not considered as a factor in the fact that a baby snores in his sleep.

The duration of the seizures is about 3 minutes. As a rule, Rolandic epilepsy goes away with age, but the baby must be under the supervision of a doctor. causes retardation in mental and morphological-functional development and requires timely diagnosis and effective treatment.

Negative consequences of snoring

The danger of snoring is that the brain is not properly supplied with blood during sleep. The consequences of this are as follows:

  • developmental delay;
  • acute muscle wasting syndrome, accompanied by a significant decrease or complete limitation of the activity of the motor system;
  • feeling unwell, drowsiness during the day;
  • hearing loss;
  • periodic short-term cessation of breathing during sleep.

Children are at high risk of developing sudden cardiac arrest, the risk of developing chronic heart failure increases.

If snoring is observed against the background of drowsiness, lethargy, or loss of appetite, this is a signal about the development of a disease in the body. Therefore, you should not ignore the reasons why your child snores when he sleeps - you must urgently take him to the pediatrician. The doctor will examine you and prescribe diagnostic measures, based on the results of which he will prescribe a course of treatment. The treatment regimen is individual for each etiological factor.


An orthopedic pillow will be a good preventative against snoring, as it will keep the head and neck in a comfortable position.

If, during the search for factors that indicate that a child snores in his sleep, no serious pathology was found, then his breathing at night can be improved using the following recommendations:
Every day, ventilate the room shortly before bedtime. To humidify the room, you can use a special humidifier or place a container of water under a hot radiator.
Wash soft toys and bedding regularly.
Monitor your baby's position during sleep. He should sleep on his side: sleeping on his back causes his head to fall back, which causes snoring and interrupted breathing (click here to find out if a newborn can sleep on his stomach).
Buy for a child optimal size and quality orthopedic pillow u. Preference should be given to orthopedic pillows that hold the head and neck in the most comfortable and natural position.

The listed methods only stop the problem and can be carried out independently. First of all, it is necessary to find out why the child snores in his sleep.


Treatment of snoring in a child during sleep should be carried out strictly as prescribed by a specialist. You should not try to rid your baby of snoring with your own hands using traditional medicine or special medicines. Components of anti-snoring medications can cause an allergic reaction, which will greatly aggravate the condition.

Finally, watch a video about the causes of children's snoring.

A common cause of snoring during sleep in children is nasal congestion caused by a severe runny nose, sinusitis, and inflammation of the frontal sinuses. For these reasons, as statistics show, snoring is more common in children aged 3 to 7 years.

But if a child snores in his sleep, but there is no snot, then the reason should not be sought in nasal congestion. To establish the cause of disturbances in nighttime rest, the baby should be shown to an otolaryngologist, dentist, orthodontist, neurologist (which doctor to contact for snoring, who treats snoring).


Snoring occurs when something obstructs the free circulation of air in the respiratory tract. mechanical barrier. Such an obstacle in children can be an enlarged uvula, tonsils, adenoids, or sagging soft palate.

Snoring can occur in a child during sleep due to dental malocclusion or epileptic seizures. The disorder can be complicated by sleep apnea—breathing stops for more than 10 seconds.

In children, the percentage of sleep apnea does not exceed 1-2% of all cases of snoring, but this phenomenon cannot be ignored. Deterioration of night rest negatively affects the activity of children, leads to physical and intellectual developmental disorders, and lags behind their peers.

Diseases of the ENT organs

After suffering from a sore throat, swelling of the throat persists for some time. A slight enlargement of the tonsils, as a residual phenomenon after an illness, causes a narrowing of the passage for air flow, causing snoring.

An enlarged pharyngeal tonsil is a common cause of snoring in children. The adenoids are checked first. A sign of adenoids is a child’s constantly slightly open mouth, nasal congestion in the absence of a runny nose.


Excess weight may be a cause of snoring in children. Distributed in the tissues of the pharynx, fat narrows the lumen of the airways, which leads to vibration of the walls and uvula.

Excess weight serves as a heavy burden for the baby’s heart, blood vessels, and respiratory system, causing endocrine disorders. In this case, in order to restore restful sleep, it is enough not to overfeed the children and interest them in active games and sports.

Features of the bite

A fairly common reason explaining why a child snores in his sleep, although he does not have snot, may be a dental malocclusion. If the lower jaw is slightly shifted back, then during sleep, when horizontal position body, the uvula almost touches the root of the tongue, blocking the path for air.

As the lumen narrows, the air flow speed increases, causing the tongue to vibrate, which causes characteristic sounds.

The cause of snoring can be a “bird face” - a facial structure in which the nose protrudes forward, the cheekbones are smoothed, the teeth are crowded together, and the lower jaw is not sufficiently developed.


The cause of children's snoring in their sleep may be epileptic seizure. In young children, the disease can go undetected for quite a long time.

Rolandic epilepsy, which occurs in children 2-14 years old, is difficult to diagnose and manifests itself mainly at night. Convulsive activity spreads during a seizure to one side of the face, including the muscles of the tongue and pharynx.

Snoring in this disease serves as an accompanying symptom and is somewhat different in sound. The sounds that the patient makes during a seizure are more reminiscent of the “gurgling” effects that occur when gargling.

The seizures are very short, lasting no more than 3 minutes, and more often - several tens of seconds. The seizure occurs at night, which prevents parents from seeing him. And, although this change is benign, usually disappearing with age, Rolandic epilepsy requires attention and medical supervision.


Snoring in children is not always caused by illness and requires treatment. Sometimes it is enough to change the conditions to ensure full night rest. You need to pay attention to the air in the room and bedding.

If the above measures do not help, you should definitely visit an otolaryngologist. This doctor, if he does not identify the causes of snoring in the child according to his profile, will refer him to another specialist.

In case of snoring due to malocclusion, the baby will be referred to an orthodontist. Signs that you may need help from a pediatric orthodontist include:

  • slightly open mouth in sleep, during silence;
  • wide spaces between teeth;
  • overhang of the upper jaw.

The orthodontist will prescribe treatment with braces and plates, which will help correct the bite.

If heavy snoring in a child caused by adenoids, may require surgical intervention. After treatment of the adenoids, the obstacle to air circulation will disappear, and free breathing will be restored during night rest.

Sometimes there are relapses of adenoid hypertrophy after surgery, and the recurrence of snoring. This can happen if the adenoids were not completely removed during surgery.

Snoring is caused by a complex of reasons. Sometimes to get rid of it you have to visit several specialists, but leave the sleep disorder without medical control it is forbidden. Restless sleep may indicate serious health problems.

If snoring is uncomplicated, you can do exercises for snoring (Strelnikova gymnastics, exercises for the tongue)

A child snores in his sleep: reasons

We are all accustomed to the fact that snoring is typical of older people, or as a last resort, mature. Therefore, when at night snoring comes from the children's room where your baby sleeps, you are perplexed. What could be the reason for the fact that a child snores in his sleep, how dangerous it is and whether it is possible to help the baby get rid of this phenomenon - these are the main questions of parents who are faced with child snoring. Some begin to treat the child with traditional medicine, others believe that snoring is caused by time will pass, others panic and go to the pediatrician for examination.

How to distinguish snoring from snoring

Before you sound the alarm and run to the doctor, you need to understand why your child snores, which means you need to be able to distinguish snoring from snoring. Watch your child while he sleeps, there is nothing complicated about it, and there will be no additional costs. But you will be able to understand what is causing his night snoring, in any case, determine whether the phenomenon is caused by illness or some other external factors, any parent can.

So, here are a few signs that indicate that your child is not in serious danger:

  1. Insufficient air humidification in the house. It is especially worth paying attention to this point during the heating period. During this period, the air in the apartment is very dry, the mucous membrane of the child’s nose also dries out, making it difficult for him to breathe. And it’s very difficult for adults to stay in a dry room. Also, dry indoor air contributes to the formation of crusts in the nose, which also affects the deterioration of breathing. In this case, it is necessary to humidify the air with any available methods. This can be done using a purchased air humidifier (read how to choose one for a child’s room here), or, if you don’t have one, use the old proven method: put it on the battery wet towel or a wet sheet folded in several layers and change them as they dry.
  2. Anatomical changes in the child's nasal passages. If the child was diagnosed with anatomical changes in the nasal passages at birth, then he will have to get used to night snoring quite early. When your baby tries to inhale more air through his too-narrow nasal passages, his nose begins to whine, similar to snoring or snoring. This snoring appears due to the anatomical features of the baby. It is worth paying attention, if snoring does not interfere with the baby when feeding, most likely the cause of snoring is the anatomy of the structure of the baby’s nasal passages.

Dangerous causes of children's snoring

It is clear that if no anatomical features were found in the child, and the room in which the baby sleeps has a fairly humid and comfortable climate, and the baby continues to snore at night, then the reasons for this phenomenon are associated with some kind of disease. You should not try to diagnose yourself; it is better to seek help from specialists. There are the following dangerous reasons child snoring:

  1. Nasal congestion. Babies with nasal congestion experience difficulty breathing, which causes severe snoring during sleep. This reason can cause a number of respiratory tract infections, allergic reactions, rhinitis, sinusitis, etc. If you do not treat congestion, your baby’s runny nose can quickly develop into chronic form and cause further development of sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, allergic reactions, etc. What to do? It is possible to get rid of this disease by identifying the cause of nasal congestion. This requires an examination of the upper respiratory tract in an ENT office. As a rule, to restore breathing and relieve a child from snoring due to congestion, sanitization and restoration of the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses helps. More accurate and qualified recommendations for the treatment of nasal congestion in a child will be given by an otolaryngologist (in common parlance - an ENT doctor).
  2. Adenoids. This is one of the main reasons for children's snoring. Children with inflamed adenoids suffer from viruses that enter the body. The adenoids cease to have a protective function, and the child is in constant state diseases. Constant inflammatory processes that form in the upper respiratory tract interfere with healthy sleep. In addition, a child with inflamed adenoids constantly has a “wet” nose. What to do? Adenoids are removed by surgical treatment or medication, depending on the degree of growth. Transparent slime is the baby's constant companion. Doctors recommend treating the baby, but surgical treatment the child is not offered. Indications for the operation are severe interference with the baby’s sleep and the inability of the adenoids to grow by the age of 7-8 years.
  3. Breathing disorder: apnea. Unfortunately, babies born ahead of schedule. Also at risk are sedentary children and those who frequently suffer from upper respiratory tract infections. At different types apnea, there are different options for getting rid of this disease.
    • An obstructive type of apnea in which the airways narrow or become completely blocked. The child's attempts to breathe air remain in vain. In this case, treatment is usually prescribed with CPAP therapy. Baby sleeps in special mask, the air from which enters his nose. All this time, the child's airways are open.
    • Central apnea. It is the most difficult to notice in order to have time to help the child. The baby suddenly stops breathing. This occurs when the brain stops sending signals to the breathing muscles. Here the problem is caused by disorders in the central nervous system. The child ceases to be bothered by apnea as soon as the central nervous system finishes forming.
    • Mixed apnea. The name speaks for itself. Combines the two groups described above. What to do? You can reduce the likelihood of apnea in several ways: first, the correct position of the child while sleeping (on his side, or on his stomach). A well-ventilated room where the child sleeps. And also, in the first case of respiratory arrest, be sure to inform your doctor about it.
  4. Diseases of the ENT organs. Basically, snoring appears after an illness of the ENT organs, because... Swelling in the throat persists for some time, the tonsils are enlarged, as a result of which the channels for air passage narrow, thereby causing bouts of snoring. Also, diseases of the ENT organs can be caused by adenoids. They call inflammatory diseases ear ( otitis media), pharynx (tonsillitis), nose (rhinitis). What to do? To get rid of this type of snoring caused by diseases of the ENT organs, it is necessary to rinse the nose and tonsils, use antimicrobial drugs and anti-inflammatory drugs. And also follow preventive measures: moist air, walks. As a last resort, resort to surgical intervention. Operations are carried out instantly, using a special tube with a camera. After surgical intervention improvements are visible immediately.
  5. Obesity in a child leads to an increased heavy load on the child's entire body. The heart, blood vessels, and also the respiratory system are working at the limit of their capabilities. Accumulated fat can narrow the airways, which leads to snoring. What to do? To get rid of snoring, which is caused by obesity, it is necessary to keep the child active in active sports, playing outside, long and frequent walks, and also following a diet.

    Sometimes obesity in children can be associated with the development of diabetes. This serious disease internal organs can become not only the cause of snoring, but also the development of more serious pathologies and even be fatal. Therefore, parents need to monitor the baby’s body weight, do not overfeed him by force, do not give him a lot of sweets, fatty, smoked foods, in short, nothing that would be difficult for the child’s pancreas to cope with.

  6. Malocclusion is a very common cause of children's snoring. This is due to the fact that when the uvula is in a horizontal position, it blocks the path of air, coming into contact with the root of the tongue, and sounds characteristic of snoring occur. The airway lumen narrows and the tongue vibrates.
    What to do? It can take a long time to get rid of this cause of snoring. Exist different ways bite correction. There are effective correction methods designed for children from 3 years old, others for older children from 12 years old. Bite correction is carried out only professional doctors, analogues and replacement methods in folk medicine does not exist. It is better to try to prevent it and draw the attention of the dentist or orthodontist to the following signs, if the child has any, that contribute to a change in the bite:
    • The child's mouth is constantly open.
    • Speech problems.
    • The child involuntarily pushes the lower jaw forward when concentrated or during play.
    • Wide spaces between teeth.
    • Overhang of the upper jaw.
  7. Epilepsy. There is a type of epilepsy called Rolandic epilepsy. It is diagnosed in children from 2 years of age and may go unnoticed for a long time due to the fact that it manifests itself mainly only in sleep. The spasms occur only on one side of the face, affecting the tongue and pharynx, and salivation increases. When saliva enters the upper respiratory tract, it disrupts its patency, which is the cause of snoring. Snoring in epilepsy is an accompanying symptom. It sounds a little different. The sounds are similar to those that occur when gargling. The convulsions do not last long, up to 3 minutes. Due to the fact that this happens at night, it is most often difficult for parents to see. Rolandic epilepsy requires medical supervision, although it goes away with age. What to do? A child with epilepsy should be seen by a neurologist. 24-hour electroencephalographic monitoring will measure activity in the brain. If a characteristic EEG picture of epilepsy is detected, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

In any case, whatever the cause of snoring, the child needs to be able to breathe easier. And it will help ease your breathing following methods.

  • First of all, if you are still struggling with dry air in your room, invest in an air ionizer or humidifier.
  • Special aromatic patches will help, which will reduce the occurrence of unfavorable snoring.
  • Of the medications, it is worth highlighting antihistamines, which relieve swelling of the mucous membrane.
  • Antibacterial agents.
  • Vasoconstrictor drugs.
  • Rinsing a child's nose saline solution.
  • Orthopedic pillow for children.
  • Place the baby on his side or stomach.

However, if the cause of your child's snoring is associated with any disease, do not delay visiting the doctor. Only an experienced, qualified specialist will help you quickly diagnose the cause of snoring and prescribe appropriate treatment for your baby.

Prevention of night snoring in children

As doctors say, it is easier to prevent a problem than to treat it later. The following can be identified as preventive measures:

  • Hardening and walking in fresh, clean air, strengthening the immune system (taking vitamins);
  • Hand hygiene;
  • Proper clothing to prevent overheating or freezing;
  • Proper nutrition;
  • Physical activity or massage;
  • In infants: feeding without the addition of artificial formulas;
  • Orthopedic mattress;
  • Wet, cool air.

If you comply with all these requirements, then your child will remain healthy and will not be afraid of snoring.

Instead of a conclusion

Snoring not only makes breathing difficult, but also affects general state body throughout next day. After such a dream, a child is exhausted, develops more slowly, is weakened, is capricious, loses interest in the world around him, and finds it more difficult to concentrate. Therefore, identifying, treating and preventing snoring is very important steps for the full functioning of the child.

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Snoring at night can occur not only in adults and the elderly, but also in small children. Every mother should be wary when she hears that her child is snoring in his sleep. Before visiting a doctor, you should monitor your child: his well-being during the day and his breathing during sleep. If the situation repeats itself systematically, then only a specialist to whom you describe your observations will be able to identify the reasons. The sooner the causes of snoring are eliminated, the faster your child will get rid of restless sleep.

Night snoring in a child

Statistics show that only 5% of children snore during sleep. This is caused by enlarged lymph tissues located in the area where the air flow exits the nasal passages, preventing air from entering. In this case, the child, due to the lack of free nasal breathing, is forced to open his mouth. But even in this case, vibrating, soft fabrics gulps cause a snoring sound. When a child snores in his sleep, he may hold his breath, and this is dangerous for his health. Lack of oxygen in the brain causes hypoxia, and the child’s physical and mental development is inhibited. There may be several causes of snoring due to enlarged lymphatic tissue; let’s look at them in more detail.

Causes of snoring during sleep in a child

He considers the main one to be adenoiditis, or more precisely, an increase in adenoid tissue located in the nasopharynx. Snoring can be called a consequence of this disease, but the reason for the occurrence of adenoid growth lies in the frequent attack of viral infections on the child’s body. Without having time to recover from the previous illness, the body becomes ill with a new viral infection. This condition leads to chronic diseases in the nasopharynx.

For those parents whose child snores in their sleep, Komarovsky advises that the first step is to create comfortable conditions in the room where the child sleeps. Because the doctor considers one of the causes of snoring to be an abundant accumulation of dry mucus in the nasopharynx, which, in turn, causes dry and excessively warm air in the children's room. For a restful and sound sleep, a child needs cool air (no more than 18 degrees Celsius) with a humidity of at least 50%. Also, Dr. Komarovsky does not exclude allergic reactions that cause swelling of the nasopharynx. Therefore, the room should be free of dust and mold.

It happens that a child snores in his sleep because he is overweight due to overfeeding.

Snoring can also be caused by anatomical features of your child’s body: for example, a congenital deviated septum, a small lower jaw, a soft receding palate or narrow nasal passages. These causes are removed through surgery.

What symptoms accompany children's snoring?

Child snoring is not difficult to recognize; the main thing is to listen at night to how your baby breathes. When a child snores during sleep, he or she exhibits symptoms such as an open mouth, tilted head, snoring, sleep deprivation, paleness, irregular breathing, and restless sleep.

Sleep is deep and fast phase, which should alternately replace each other. Because of snoring, this does not happen, the child does not get enough sleep, and this has a very bad effect on health.

Negative consequences of night snoring in children

If your child snores in his sleep, Komarovsky names several signs of the presence of adenoids, such as shortness of breath during sleep, respiratory arrest, inflammatory processes in the ears and sinusitis, and altered facial shape. A snoring child should be monitored not only at night, but also during the day.

Children who snore in their sleep behave aggressively and irritably during the day. They are sleepy, inattentive in their studies, apathetic and depressed. This condition, which lasts for months, negatively affects the development of the child, as the proper production of hormones is disrupted.

Fatigue and decreased activity due to poor sleep causes the glands that help process food to slow down, causing excess weight to accumulate in the body.

Snoring that accompanies colds should go away after treatment. If a child snores heavily during sleep without visible reasons, then such snoring eventually affects the vital important organs. In this case, parents need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

How to make it easier for your child to breathe while sleeping

A child snores in his sleep, what should parents do, how to help the child?

If a child's snoring is caused by colds accompanied by nasal congestion, there are several ways to make breathing easier during sleep.

  • It is necessary to rinse the child's nose with a saline solution, which you can buy at the pharmacy or make yourself. To do this you need to take table salt and dilute one teaspoon in a glass warm water. Then drop a few drops of the solution into each nostril.
  • After rinsing, use drops that constrict blood vessels and anti-inflammatory medications.
  • You can change the pillow to a more comfortable or orthopedic product. Do not give your child a high pillow intended for adults.
  • Try moving the baby from his back to his side.
  • Be sure to ventilate the room and place an air freshener in the room.

Preventing children's snoring

In order to avoid snoring in the future, it is necessary to follow preventive measures. The most important thing is to strengthen the immune system. To do this, you need to give your child vitamins. A very good preventive procedure is hardening. Walk with your child outside every day and in any weather. Teach your child to wash their hands both before eating and after walking. It is important to dress your child correctly so that he does not overheat, but also does not freeze. In the cold season, boots should be warm and not wet, and a hat must be worn on the head. It is also useful to pour your feet before going to bed alternately with cool and warm water, lowering the water temperature by one degree every day. To strengthen immune system physical activity is important and proper nutrition. By following simple methods, you will avoid frequent colds, and, accordingly, the child’s night snoring.

A child snores in his sleep at night and there is no snot: Komarovsky and how to treat it

Quite often it happens that a child snores in his sleep, but there is no snot. This condition may indicate the development of a fairly serious pathology. That is why, if snoring occurs for a long period, you need to seek help from a doctor who will correctly determine the cause and prescribe rational treatment.

Causes of pathology

Snoring in a child can occur for a variety of reasons. Most often, the pathological condition develops against the background of:

  1. Chronic tonsillitis. During the course of this disease, an increase in adenoids is observed, which is explained by the growth lymphoid tissue. During sleep, the baby experiences relaxation of the pharyngeal muscles, narrowing of the lumen and the appearance of snoring. Enlarged adenoids are diagnosed against the background of previous colds.
  2. Overweight. With this pathology, the pharyngeal lumen also narrows, which is explained by the growth of adipose tissue.
  3. Sore throats. During the course of the disease, the inflamed walls narrow, which leads to snoring.
  4. Special structure of the skull. Snoring develops in children with a small jaw that retracts deep into the face. This pathological condition can be genetic or acquired. In the second case, pathology appears if the child breathes through his mouth after birth. Untimely treatment of the pathology leads to narrowing of the pharyngeal airways. The disease becomes chronic, and the contours of the face change.
  5. Allergic reaction. When an allergy occurs, swelling of the nasopharynx is observed. The child can only breathe through the mouth.

If a child does not breathe well through his nose at night, this may indicate the presence of a variety of serious diseases. That is why it is recommended to show the baby to the doctor.

Features of treatment

Before treating a child's snoring, it is necessary to determine its cause.

For this purpose, a small patient is examined by a doctor, as well as the use of instrumental and laboratory methods diagnostics

If a child snores at night, but does not have colds, this may indicate overweight. The doctor makes this diagnosis when examining the baby.

When this disease appears, a large number of fat cells appear in the nasopharynx and therefore it becomes difficult for him to breathe at night. IN in this case There is no need to undertake any special medical procedures.

The baby is provided with healthy and proper nutrition, which will lead to stabilization of his weight. Parents are advised to monitor their baby's weight.

If the structure of the skull is incorrect, then cure this pathology drug therapy it won't work.

In this case, treatment is carried out using surgical intervention, which corrects nasal septum. If the cause of snoring is an allergic reaction, then mandatory It is necessary to exclude the baby from contact with the allergen. Treatment pathological condition carried out using antihistamines.

In order to improve the baby’s condition and speed up the treatment process, parents need to follow a few simple rules.

  1. The baby's bedroom is wet cleaned twice a week.
  2. General cleaning of the room should be carried out at least once a month.
  3. Every evening before going to bed, it is recommended to ventilate the room.
  4. If you use an air humidifier, this will have a positive effect on the condition of the little patient. You can find out about optimal humidity here.

Quite often, a child snores in his sleep if his body position is incorrect. To avoid pathology, it is necessary to choose the right bed for children. They will feel most comfortable sleeping on an orthopedic mattress. The pillow should have medium hardness. In this case, it is necessary that its height range from 3 to 6 centimeters. Correct selection mattress and pillow will eliminate the possibility of snoring during sleep.

The child must be taught to sleep on his side. It is impossible for small children to remain in this position all night, since controlling the body in sleep is a rather difficult process.

That is why, when the child falls asleep, it is necessary to place a soft pillow under the baby’s back. With its help, the baby's body will be fixed in a dream.

The child must be dressed correctly from birth. Since the child’s thermoregulation has not yet been established, he needs to be hardened. Taking a contrast shower or walking barefoot is quite effective in this aspect.

Treatment for snoring in children directly depends on the causes of its occurrence. It can be done using medications or surgery. During the treatment of a child, regardless of the reasons for snoring, it is recommended to strictly adhere to certain rules.

Dr. Komarovsky gives tips on how to get rid of children's snoring. If your baby makes grunting sounds at night, this indicates an accumulation of large quantity mucus in the nasopharynx.

The doctor says that if a child is 2.5 years old and snores, it can be concluded that he has large adenoids. In this case, you need to consult an otolaryngologist.

Elimination of this cause of the disease is carried out using surgical intervention. The cause of chronic adenoids in most children is infection with a variety of viral infections. When the adenoids become inflamed, their performance decreases. This is why viral infections often occur in children.

Important! In acute permanent painful conditions, chronic inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx are observed. Against this background, snoring appears in children. In this case, Evgeniy Olegovich recommends reconsidering the baby’s lifestyle and introducing positive changes into her.

Most experts say that this condition is stridor. For the treatment of pathology, it is recommended to use sedatives and calcined preparations.

Calcium is a fairly important component, especially during the formation of the skeleton. Stridor is a special condition in a child that causes breathing noises.

Komarovsky claims that when the cartilaginous tissues of the larynx are soft or when the nasal passages are narrow, children often snore. During phonedoscopy, in this case, the appearance of constant foreign noise is observed.

The doctor says that this condition is congenital stridor. If during the examination the child was diagnosed with stridor, then it is not a diagnosis. This is an abnormal structure of the larynx, which after a certain time can go away on its own.

The specialist believes that if any clots of mucus appear during the period of stridor, the condition will worsen. That is why it is strictly forbidden to ignore colds, hypothermia of the baby, respiratory diseases. To remove crusts in the nasal cavity, it is recommended to use saline solution. With its use, the nasal cavity is washed three times a day.

Snoring in children is a rather unpleasant condition that often leads to insomnia.

That is why if it is observed for a long period, it must be treated. In this case, you should not engage in self-medication, since it may not only not bring the desired results, but also harm the child’s health.

A child snores in his sleep: causes, mechanism of development and differences from snoring

Parents notice almost immediately if a child snores in his sleep, but if he snores weakly pronounced symptom are in no hurry to seek help from a pediatrician. This negatively affects the baby’s health, since snoring can be caused by a progressive disease of the ENT organs or respiratory system.

Snoring and snoring - what's the difference? Sniffling is a soft sound caused by narrowing of the upper airways. One of the most common causes of sniffling in childhood is insufficient air humidification in the room where the child sleeps, especially during the heating season.

The mucous membrane dries out and crusts begin to form, making it difficult to nasal breathing. Snoring develops as a result of microvibrations of the soft tissues of the nasopharynx and oropharynx, narrowing of the lumen of the lower respiratory tract, as well as pathological formations on the wall of the larynx. Snoring occurs during deep breathing at night, and in uncomplicated cases it becomes the first sign of an incipient cold.

Causes of snoring that are not dangerous and can be easily eliminated include colds caused by an acute respiratory viral infection and allergic diseases nasopharynx. Snot that accumulates on the nasal mucosa due to the small diameter of the nasal passages interferes with normal breathing during sleep.

A child snores in his sleep as a newborn and in infancy due to the constant position on his back; in addition to snoring, snot provokes coughing during the night. This is due to the flow of mucus into the larynx, bronchi and trachea, which can provoke the transition of the disease to the phase of bacterial infection.

Causes of snoring in infants and older children, in addition to colds and allergies, include:

  • deviated nasal septum;
  • nasal tract polyps;
  • sagging of the soft tissues of the palate;
  • hyperplasia of adenoids, tonsils, uvula;
  • foreign objects of the nasal concha;
  • cysts, tumors of the oropharynx;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • edema vocal cords(laryngitis).

Unlike an adult, in young children, respiratory failure negatively affects the state of the nervous system due to a decrease in oxygen saturation of brain tissue. This leads to irritation, weakness, and decreased memory function during the day.

If the mother does not take the measures necessary to eliminate snoring, a prolonged state of lack of sleep and oxygen starvation leads to a decrease in immunity and increases the risk of developing an infection, including pneumonia, in the child. Complicated conditions, such as bronchial asthma, require constant monitoring by the attending physician.

How to treat:

  • drops are used medicinally to moisturize the mucous membrane, eliminate cold symptoms, and treat allergies;
  • folk remedies in childhood, cabbage decoction is allowed to be used, plant extracts to remove mucus.

Treatment of a runny nose, according to the recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky, is aimed at moisturizing the mucous membrane, rinsing with saline or aqueous solutions several times a day. Humidification helps restore the patency of small airways, improves nasal breathing and has a positive effect on the child's health.

If a child snores, the reasons are extremely varied; unlike adults, in childhood this unpleasant symptom is easier to treat.

The most common causes of snoring in children:

  • nasal congestion due to a cold;
  • adenoids, hyperplasia or inflammation of lymphoid tissue;
  • sleep apnea in newborns due to immaturity of the respiratory center;
  • allergy;
  • anatomical features of the structure of the nasopharynx.

A cold disrupts the normal act of breathing due to swelling of the soft tissues of the nasopharynx and oropharynx, the production of clear or cloudy exudate, as a result of which the child snores.

The reason is a cold, and snoring is especially intense in the first days of the disease, at its peak. infectious process may turn into dry or moist cough.

Enlargement and inflammation of the adenoids narrows the lumen of the respiratory tract, turbulent air flows provoke vibrations of the hyperplastic lobes of lymphoid tissue. Chronic inflammation tonsils is a risk factor for the collapse of the soft tissues of the oropharynx when the child is in a supine position during sleep. Sleep apnea in newborns, this is a dangerous condition leading to the development of sudden death syndrome in some cases. It develops against the background of immaturity of the respiratory center of the brain, and is more common in premature infants.

Allergy is a chronic eosinophilic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, developing in response to the entry of an allergen into the child’s body. Characteristic is the seasonality of the development of symptoms, as they increase, snoring of varying intensity appears.

Features of the anatomical structure of the nasopharynx include curvature of the nasal septum, abnormally narrowed nasal passages and conchae. Besides, in clinical practice the possibility of hyperplasia of the soft tissues of the oropharynx has been proven, causing syndrome chronic snoring.

A child snores in his sleep after a runny nose: how to make breathing easier during sleep during a cold, prevention

Snoring associated with colds and nasal congestion leads to the fact that the child snores in his sleep after a runny nose. The early start of specific therapy aimed at eliminating congestion and restoring the situation will help correct the situation. deep breathing during sleep.

During the first phase of acute viral inflammation, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician to prescribe targeted therapy, consisting of drops, solutions for rinsing the oropharynx, antiviral drugs.

How to make it easier for a child to breathe during sleep? Pediatricians and otolaryngologists recommend using humidifiers and air ionizers at night. Addition essential oils mint, eucalyptus and anise have a beneficial effect on the respiratory centers, promote deep sleep And good rest.

Local drops are used:

  • vasoconstrictors to eliminate edema, reduce the synthesis of serous exudate;
  • moisturizing to restore the protective properties of the mucous membrane;
  • antihistamines for quick removal symptoms of inflammation;
  • antibacterial for suppuration of the serous contents of the nasal passages.

Solutions of Miramistin or Chlorhexidine are used locally to treat the nasal mucosa, preventing the spread and reproduction of viral flora. This leads to normal air passage, eliminating the symptoms of snoring.

The use of aromatic patches to normalize breathing eliminates nasal congestion and restores airway patency. The patches are attached to children's pajamas, mattress or pillow. Clinical trials have proven complete safety this method in children over 2 summer age. Prevention is necessary if a child snores in his sleep after a runny nose, and consists of generally strengthening the child’s health and increasing the body’s immune defenses.

Hardening, long frequent walks on fresh air have a beneficial effect on the child’s body’s resistance to colds viral diseases. Allergic diseases can be prevented by timely specific treatment, taking antihistamines a few days before the onset of a runny nose or at its first signs.

Prevention bronchial asthma consists of completely eliminating potential allergens from the child’s environment, ensuring frequent wet cleaning, and normalizing the level of eosinophils in the blood. Neonatal apnea requires preventive measures aimed at maintaining breastfeeding without artificial formula, night or nap next to mom. A comfortable orthopedic mattress, proper dressing of the child without the risk of overheating during the night, and cool, moist air reduce the risk of nighttime respiratory arrest.

An unpleasant event in the life of every mother is the moment when she realizes that her child snores at night. Snoring in itself is already an unpleasant phenomenon, but in a child it is also a sign that indicates poor health. Statistics on child snoring vary. Some researchers claim that only 5% of children from birth to 7 years of age are susceptible to snoring, others expand the scope to 14%.

Be that as it may, the cause of impaired night breathing at a young age must be clarified with the help of doctors.

Doctors identify 5 reasons that answer parents’ questions about why a child snores in his sleep.

Chronic tonsillitis With tonsillitis, the adenoids become enlarged. It occurs due to lymphoid tissue, which, as it grows, creates an obstacle to the air flow. When a person sleeps, the muscles of the pharynx naturally

relax and create a narrowing of the lumen - snoring occurs.

The cause of snoring is the same as with tonsillitis - narrowing of the pharyngeal passage. In this case, it occurs due to adipose tissue, which is deposited in accessible places in the child’s body, including the pharynx.

Structure of the skull

The structure of the skull, in which the baby has developed a small jaw retracted deep into the face, is accompanied by the development of snoring. This structure of the face and head is genetic or acquired over time. It becomes acquired if the baby begins to breathe through the mouth from birth.

Snoring indicates impaired nasal breathing, measures to correct which were not taken on time or did not produce results.

Subsequently, in children with this feature, a narrowing of the pharyngeal airways occurs, which becomes chronic. At the same time, the contours of the face change for the worse: the nose is bent, the cheekbones are elongated.

Colds or sore throat

When a person has a cold, their nose is stuffy, breathing through the nasopharynx is impossible due to the narrowing of the inflamed walls. This kind of snoring is not dangerous and occurs occasionally. If the baby does not have a stuffy nose and no snot, then... Provided that the doctor immediately began to treat the disease, no further breathing complications are expected.


The principle of action of an allergen on a child and an adult is the same. The nasopharynx swells, snot appears, and the nose becomes stuffy. Breathing is possible only through the mouth. If during an allergic attack the baby begins to make whistling sounds during sleep, then the first thing to do is give him an antihistamine.

Is snoring dangerous?

Snoring provokes a cessation of breathing, which lasts 1–3 minutes. At this moment, the baby’s body experiences oxygen starvation, which leads to sharp decline heart rate. The baby wakes up and takes a sharp breath - at this moment a snoring sound is heard. In one sleep session of a child aged 1 month, there may be up to 400 pauses in breathing and the same number of awakenings: this leads to the fact that the little person’s brain is constantly awake.

Snoring, not caused by colds and constantly repeated, leads to a decrease in immunity and an increase in the number of painful conditions. The child’s performance decreases, he gets tired and does not perceive information as he should. At the same time, he is constantly in no mood and loses interest in his favorite activities.

When a child snores in his sleep, he does not produce growth hormone– this leads to a delay in growth development.

How to treat snoring after a runny nose

As mentioned above, snoring occurs during or after illness or acute respiratory viral infection. To determine the cause, parents need to take a close look at their snoring baby. If he sleeps with his mouth slightly open, sniffles, and at the same time he begins to make whistling sounds, then the reason lies in enlarged adenoids.

In this case, you need to contact an otolaryngologist. If the disease is not advanced, the doctor will prescribe local treatment with the use of medications. Otherwise, surgery is indicated. The second is typical for highly overgrown tissue, which narrows and deforms the nasopharynx canal.

It is impossible to diagnose independently in young children. A 1-month-old baby or a one-year-old baby does not yet speak, so parents are unable to notice the symptoms of tonsillitis - a sore mouth or dry mouth. If the child does not have a runny nose or a stuffy nose, but snoring continues to bother you, you should contact a pediatrician.

Treatment of this disease lasts more than one year: during this time, the fight against pathogenic microflora in the nasopharynx is carried out.

The therapy is complex and consists of rinsing the nasopharynx with antibiotics and using drugs aimed at increasing immunity. Treatment of tonsillitis occurs at least twice a year. When doctors do not achieve results in treatment, the inflamed tonsils are surgically removed.

If a child has had an acute respiratory viral infection or a cold, and after that you can visually distinguish the remains of snot in his nose, then he snores with his mouth open or makes wheezing sounds. In this case, it is recommended to rinse the nose with warm water or instill baby drops. If a runny nose persists for a short time after an illness, then there is no point in seeing a doctor.

How to examine a child's nasopharynx

Before contacting a doctor, parents should independently examine the child’s nasopharynx. If the child is one year old or younger, then it is worthwhile to conduct an examination using the mirrors, since it is impossible to see the inflammation through the nose.

To do this, the baby is fixed, small mirrors are brought close to the mouth. This must be done carefully so as not to injure the baby.

If a child breathes poorly and heavily during sleep, and there are no mirrors for examination, then home diagnostics can be done in another way. For this purpose, the baby is woken up and baby nasal products are instilled with vasoconstrictor effect. If there is no snoring with this testing method, then the cause of this illness is a cold. If noise from the nose or mouth persists, we can safely say that the cause of snoring is enlarged adenoids. do not respond to medications.

Treatment of snoring not associated with a cold

If a child snores at night and is healthy, then the reason lies in the baby’s excess weight. Fat cells cover the cavity of the nasopharynx and even in childhood do not allow the baby to live in peace. In this case, there is no need to perform complex manipulations: the right decision would be to consult a pediatrician and nutritionist. After this, the child is given proper and healthy food and eats according to the menu recommended by nutritionists. At the same time, parents control the child’s diet until he reaches a conscious age and try to prevent obesity.

If the structure of the skull is abnormal, treatment does not help. Surgery is indicated to correct the nasal septum. If the parents are not in the mood for an immediate operation, then it is worth observing the situation for a month or two and trying to treat it with medication. The success of such an event is not guaranteed.

If the causes of snoring cannot be determined: the child does not have a stuffy nose, there are no signs of curvature of cartilage and other manifestations, then there is no need to treat it yourself. The probable reasons for this lie in the space surrounding the baby.

Standard rules that will help prevent children from snoring are suggested below:

  • Parents are required to do wet cleaning in the room where the child sleeps 1-2 times a week and once a month for general cleaning. Before going to bed, ventilate the room. Purchasing a humidifier will be an added bonus;
  • To prevent a bend in the neck, purchase a pillow 3-6 cm high, of medium hardness - this will help the baby not to snore;
  • To prevent a runny nose, wash your nose with a weak saline solution once a month.

Snoring is not normal for a child. If there is no cold, and the child begins to snore, then you should contact a pediatric otolaryngologist to identify the cause of the sounds made and prescribe treatment.

We associate snoring mainly with adults and elderly people, while infants, as a rule, only snore touchingly. But what if a very small baby starts making unpleasant rumbling sounds? Does snoring in a child’s sleep indicate the presence of any pathologies or is it a temporary inconvenience due to a cold?

Snoring in a child occurs when the walls of the throat are narrowed for some reason. When air passes, relaxed soft tissues come into contact, begin to vibrate, and therefore a characteristic sound appears.

  • The reasons for this narrowing may vary.
  • An object got stuck in the child’s nasal passage, causing swelling of the mucous membrane, which prevents air from passing freely.
  • Fat is localized not only in the upper layers of the dermis, but also lines the internal soft tissues. In overweight children, the pharynx narrows its lumen.
  • Swelling of the nasal mucosa and a runny nose can cause a characteristic sound during nasal breathing in a lying child. This condition occurs due to both colds and allergic rhinitis.
  • Newborn babies still have narrow nasal passages, which are often clogged with drying functional mucus. The sound of snoring is definitely heard in the nose area. If normal breathing is difficult, the baby opens his mouth slightly.
  • Features of the anatomy of the nasopharynx, palate and skull in children, in which the lumen of the pharynx is congenital or acquired narrow. Enlarged adenoids in children are the most common reasons

constant snoring.

Adenoids is the name for an enlarged nasopharyngeal tonsil due to decreased immunity or inflammation. This organ performs a protective function, delaying the penetration of pathogenic microbes and bacteria into the baby’s body. When the amygdala fails to fulfill its purpose, it increases in size and makes breathing difficult.

At the second stage, the child begins to snore heavily, and there are episodes of respiratory arrest during sleep. Due to congestion in the nasal passages, the baby begins to breathe through the mouth, and this leads to drying out of the mucous membranes and the free penetration of viruses and microbes into the small body. The child begins to get sick more often, and the runny nose becomes chronic.

Do I need treatment?

If the baby is uncomfortable due to snoring, he has noticeable difficulty breathing with episodes of stopping, you need to immediately show him to a specialist. This condition is very dangerous, because at such moments the baby experiences oxygen starvation. In addition, by unconsciously trying with all his might to breathe deeply in order to saturate the lungs with air through the narrow opening of the larynx, the child gets worse sleep and becomes moody and lethargic. Lack of sufficient oxygen supply to cells and constant fatigue will lead to the baby’s development slowing down.

Constant inflammation of the tonsils in children can be transmitted to other ENT organs and cause chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, regular otitis media and even significant hearing loss. It has also been noted that children with adenoids are more likely to suffer from enuresis.

Treatment methods

In order to eliminate snoring in a child, you need to identify the causes of pharyngeal swelling.

It is better to be on the safe side and carry out a diagnosis by a specialist, since the appearance of such uncharacteristic sounds for children during sleep may well signal serious inflammatory processes that will lead to a series of other diseases.

  • Need to implement daily care behind the newborn's nose, removing dried mucus from it using cotton wool pads.
  • To avoid drying out the mucous membrane, you need to use a special device or place wet material on the battery.
  • If your child suddenly starts snoring, check for foreign objects in his nasal passages.
  • Overweight children whose snoring is caused by excess weight are advised to follow a diet and exercise more active image life. It is important to teach a little person to eat properly and bring his volume back to normal, since obesity will subsequently lead to many pathologies and diseases.
  • If your baby is sick and the appearance of unpleasant sounds when breathing during sleep is caused by swelling of the nasal mucosa, contact your pediatrician, he will advise you on a safe and age-appropriate vasoconstrictor. You can use such products only at night and not for more than three days, as they are highly addictive. Try to relieve swelling in gentler and safer ways, for example, rinse the child's nose with salt water or use industrial seawater sprays.
  • Often the cause of snoring in children is the wrong choice of pillow. Too tall specimens raise the child’s head too high, thereby blocking the already narrow opening of the child’s larynx. As a result, when breathing, its walls touch and vibrate. Changing the pillow to a less voluminous one will immediately manifest itself in the form of a cessation of snoring.

Treatment of tonsils

If you suspect the appearance of adenoids or chronic tonsillitis and sinusitis, you need to contact a specialist. The doctor will determine the diagnosis and prescribe the optimal therapy. Chronic tonsillitis may cause inflammatory process, deviated nasal septum and prolonged allergies. In all three cases, the treatment will be different, so it is very important to identify the true cause of the disease.

Treatment of tonsils will first be carried out using a conservative method, with the help of medications that fight infection and increase the body's resistance and resilience. The nasopharynx is washed and disinfected special compounds, which relieve excessive swelling of the mucous membrane of this organ and increase its lumen.

The ENT specialist will definitely prescribe you a course of physical therapy designed to alleviate your child’s condition and speed up the recovery process. These could be sessions ultraviolet irradiation, laser therapy, electrophoresis and UHF. They will help relieve swelling of the mucous membranes using a nebulizer. If you have this device in your physiotherapy room or at home, you can spray mineral water, diphenhydramine solutions and potassium chloride. Such procedures will reduce swelling of the nasopharynx and ease the course of the disease.

If medications and additional measures help to curb the growth, then by the school period the child will “outgrow” this disease and over time this organ will atrophy.

If conservative treatment does not help, and the adenoids cause great discomfort to the baby, causing attacks of apnea at night, hearing loss, speech problems and persistent otitis media, the ENT specialist will decide on surgical intervention.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia, but is tolerated quite easily by children - literally within a day, patients are discharged from the hospital.

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