Mammologist Sunday. Where can you see a mammologist: which specialist is better to choose

Consultation with a mammologist may be required by a woman of any age, health status and lifestyle, because he treats diseases of the mammary glands, and the list of them is quite extensive.

Most often, people turn to this specialist when unpleasant or disturbing symptoms already appear, but not everyone knows that they also need to visit him regularly, at least once a year, for the purpose of prevention.

When to consult a mammologist

It is worth noting that, due to the peculiarities of physiology, women most often turn to a mammologist, but in some cases men also need his help. Hormonal disorders can cause gynecomastia - female-type breast enlargement.

In addition, breast cancer in men, although it occurs approximately 100-130 times less frequently than in women, is also quite possible. And the main difficulty in diagnosing it is precisely the conviction of men that it is impossible for them to develop diseases of the mammary glands.

There are a number of characteristic symptoms that accompany the appearance of certain breast diseases in women. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the following signs:

  • Changes in breast sensitivity and tenderness . Unpleasant sensations may not be specific to a specific area or localized, occur with pressure, or be constant.
  • Nipple discharge. If a woman is not breastfeeding or pregnant, then nipple discharge is a sign of pathology.
  • Appearance of compaction . If you find even a small lump in the tissues of the gland, painful or not, you should not hesitate to consult a mammologist.
  • Breast changes. In a woman who has gone through puberty, breasts should not enlarge, except during pregnancy and lactation. The case of unilateral enlargement of the mammary gland should be even more alarming.
  • Changing the nipple. If the nipple on one or both glands is deformed, retracted, bent, tilted to one side, or changes color or size, then this is abnormal.
  • Changes in skin areas . You should also be alerted by the appearance of an area on the skin of the chest that differs from the general background. Wrinkled, lumpy, abnormally flat or smooth skin may be a sign of the disease.
  • Enlarged and painful lymph nodes. Often, the lymph nodes located nearby are the first to react to diseases of the mammary glands, primarily the axillary ones.

It is worth noting that both women and men should monitor the appearance of such signs, since they are also not immune to certain diseases of the mammary glands.

Preventive visit to a mammologist

In addition to the listed cases, you should also consult a mammologist for preventive purposes in the following cases:

  • After injuries to the mammary glands, bruises.
  • In preparation for pregnancy.
  • As prescribed by the observing gynecologist during pregnancy.
  • After the end of the lactation period.
  • At least once a year, even in the absence of indications.

Timely treatment and preventive control can significantly reduce the risk of severe consequences of breast diseases.

If you need a consultation with a mammologist

If you want to find a clinic where he works and make an appointment with him with a minimum of difficulties and get a mammogram as quickly as possible, you may find the “Your Doctor” website useful.

Through our service, visitors can find out where Moscow clinics are located, what specialists they employ, and what services I provide. And after making your final choice, directly on the website you will be able to make an appointment with a mammologist at the selected clinic.

If you need a good mammologist in Moscow, do not rely on chance when choosing. Of course, you can ask your acquaintances, colleagues, friends at the fitness club, or ask on an online forum. But such advice is sometimes emotional and subjective. So listen, but also use factual material.

Refer to a specialized website - take advantage of the offer of our resource. Here is an opportunity to clarify the doctor’s specialization, find out what professional experience he has, get acquainted with his achievements, and read the opinions of patients who have already been seen or undergone treatment. The desire of patients to entrust serious problems depends not only on the professional competence of the mammologist, but also on his human qualities, contact, and attentiveness. Only after this can you make a decision and make an appointment.

Women's fears

Most women who, by chance or during self-examination, notice changes in the appearance of the mammary glands or feel pain, are first of all suspected of cancer.

These fears are quite understandable. The number of people with this pathology continues to grow steadily every year. Breast cancer ranks third in the list of causes of female mortality.

It should be noted that most cysts, tumors, and lumps of breast tissue - almost 80% - are benign, that is, they do not pose a threat. A visit to a mammologist will help you make sure that this is really the case. But even if the tumor turns out to be dangerous, with early diagnosis and adequate treatment the patient will be completely cured in 9 out of 10 cases.

Who is a mammologist

Mammologists are professional doctors who are involved in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of pathological conditions and breast tumors. Specialists in this profile work in outpatient clinics and also provide inpatient treatment with the help of medications. If necessary, many of them can perform surgical operations. The listed types of treatment can be shared or performed by one physician. Therefore, when looking for a good mammologist in Moscow, take this into account, paying attention to the specialization and practical capabilities of the candidates.

Note that in the Russian Federation, as in other CIS countries, mammology is not a separate specialty. Despite the fact that there are many mammology departments in the city of Moscow (and other regions), this is a subspecialization for related areas of medical workers. Among mammologists, the largest number are oncologists, since they are the ones who treat patients with malignant tumors and other similar diagnoses. A slightly smaller number of specialists in breast diseases are surgeons, plastic surgeons, gynecologists, and obstetricians.

  • A mammologist in Moscow treats:
  • Diseases accompanied by tumors of the mammary glands (fibroadenoma, lipoma, sarcoma, oncological pathologies, etc.).
  • Pathologies of the mammary glands caused by hormonal imbalance (diffuse fibrocystic and nodular mastopathy).
  • Diseases of an inflammatory, purulent nature (mastitis).

Congenital malformations of the mammary glands.

Experts recommend that 15-16 year old girls come to see a mammologist for the first time. This will allow us to identify pathological processes at the beginning of their development and take timely measures. Moreover, it is early diagnosis that ensures the use of conservative, least traumatic methods and complete cure. Or you can rejoice in the absence of breast diseases. You can and should make an appointment for the first time and then undergo an examination by a mammologist, feeling completely healthy. If at least one unusual symptom is noticed (pain in the gland tissue, fluid discharge from the nipples), immediate consultation with a specialized specialist is needed.

After turning 30, women who do not have complaints about the condition of the mammary glands, as well as breast pathologies among relatives, are recommended to visit a mammologist at least once every two years. If there are aggravating hereditary factors or symptoms, visits should be more frequent, at least 2 times a year. At this age, self-examination of the mammary glands after the end of menstruation (on the 5-7th day of the cycle) should become regular. But such monthly feeling of the breast does not guarantee timely detection of hidden tumors, so a visit to a mammologist is mandatory.

After 45, a professional preventive examination of the mammary glands should be carried out every year.

Please note that the examination results will be most revealing and reliable if you schedule a visit to the mammologist on certain days. Go to the doctor in the period after the end of discharge before ovulation, this is the 5-6th day of the menstrual cycle.

Reasons for an unscheduled visit

Some conditions of the mammary glands are a serious reason to urgently find out their true cause. These symptoms include:

  • Redness (hyperemia) of the mammary glands or areas thereof.
  • Breast reduction or enlargement.
  • The appearance of compactions in the tissues of the mammary glands.
  • Secretion from the nipples, regardless of color. Particular caution should be exercised if these secretions contain streaks of blood.
  • The appearance of pain in or near the armpits.
  • Pain in the mammary glands or in one of them.
  • Changing the shape of the nipples to more convex or, conversely, retracted.
  • Changes in the condition of the skin around the nipples (swelling or retraction).
  • Asymmetry of the right and left mammary glands.

But even in the absence of such signs, if you have a history of certain factors predisposing to the development of dysfunction or structure of the mammary glands, you should visit a mammologist more often.

  • Among such circumstances are the following:
  • Gynecological diseases that currently exist or have previously occurred.

  • Difficult birth.
  • The presence of even minor discomfort in the breast area (chest pain, feeling of fullness, hardening, discharge from the nipples, swelling of the glands, etc.).
  • Breast problems during pregnancy and/or lactation.
  • Old or recent injuries to the mammary glands or one of them.
  • Functional pathologies of the liver.
  • Prolonged stay in a state of nervous system tension, repeated or single traumatic stressful situations, feelings of anxiety.

Hereditary predisposition - if close relatives on the female side had breast cancer or other pathologies.

Such problems are the subject of specialist competence. A mammologist in Moscow will see the patient on an outpatient basis and provide professional assistance.

How does an appointment with a mammologist work?

  • At an appointment with a mammologist, the patient outlines all existing complaints about the health of the mammary glands. A good specialist will definitely ask a number of questions that will help find out the reason for your visit and the appearance of changes in the breast. Then a visual inspection of the glands and palpation (palpation) is carried out. If the doctor finds grounds for a more detailed diagnosis, he will recommend several or one of the following types of examinations:
  • Mammography (X-ray examination of the mammary glands using a special machine - a mammograph).
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the breast.
  • If necessary, an aspiration biopsy is prescribed - analysis of breast tissue, which is taken using a thin needle, while simultaneously monitoring the process using an ultrasound machine. The material is then sent to the laboratory for cytological examination.
  • Scintigraphy is a procedure that uses the injection of a small amount of radioactive substance followed by analysis of tumor formations on a gamma tomograph.

  • Ductography is a method of x-ray examination of the condition of the ducts of the mammary glands.
  • MRI or CT scan of the chest.

After receiving and evaluating the research results, the oncologist mammologist in Moscow will offer adequate treatment tactics for the disease and prescribe a number of procedures that will help overcome the disease. The best option is for the same doctor to treat the patient and observe her until complete recovery.

Help in choosing a doctor: how to make an appointment

Often on the Internet, women ask: “Recommend a good mammologist and advise on the price per appointment.” Our website contains a large amount of information useful to you. These are profiles of experienced doctors who successfully help women with breast problems. You will find information about specialists' education and work experience. But the most important thing is to get acquainted with the opinions of real patients about mammologist doctors. This is the only way patients can help each other by exchanging experiences and leaving honest feedback. The average cost of a consultation with a mammologist in Moscow is 1,850 rubles.

✓ The cost of an appointment with a mammologist starts from 700 rubles, ✓ current prices, ✓ discounts on appointments, ☎ addresses and contacts, ✓ patient reviews, ✓ When making an online appointment, the cost of an appointment is lower, up to 50%!

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Of all malignant tumors, breast cancer is the most common in women. More than 50,000 new cases of cancer are registered in Russia every year. And in order to save such a patient’s life, doctors have to perform a mastectomy - removal of the mammary gland and nearby lymph nodes. After removal, treatment begins: hormone therapy or chemotherapy. And then you need to re-learn to live with your cosmetic defect, not to become depressed, not to give up on yourself, not to close yourself within four walls and not to start hating yourself and the whole world. But all this can be completely avoided if you regularly visit a mammologist. Moscow now has everything necessary to help a patient with a tumor at an early stage.

Who is a mammologist?

This is a specialist who deals with problems of the female breast. Mammology is a relatively new area of ​​medicine, which in Russia has not yet been included in the list of specialties for municipal healthcare institutions. That is, there is a huge problem, but there are no doctors in district clinics. And if a woman wants to make an appointment with a mammologist, then at the reception desk she will most likely be offered a voucher to see a gynecologist. But since this is not his specialization, if a pathology is suspected, he will send his patient further, for example, if a tumor is detected, he will give a referral to an oncologist.

This is the main reason for such a catastrophic situation with breast cancer in Russia. But 20-30 minutes spent visiting a doctor preserves health and saves lives. You just need to contact a good mammologist in Moscow right away, and not travel to offices. There is such a doctor in almost every paid clinic in the capital.

What is he doing

A mammologist in Moscow deals with the prevention of breast diseases, diagnosis and treatment of various pathologies. This can be not only cancer, but also mastopathy or a cyst, fibroadenoma (benign tumor), lactostasis or mastitis in a nursing woman.

A mammologist in Moscow not only examines and treats, but also tells women how to maintain breast elasticity or tighten breasts that sag after weight loss with the help of exercises and massage, how to choose a bra, what to watch out for and how to avoid diseases, for example, with hormonal changes .

Why contact this specialist?

A mammologist in Moscow recommends that mothers bring their girls to their first appointment at the onset of puberty, when the breasts are just starting to grow. A teenage “hormonal storm” often becomes the cause of fibroadenomas at this age - the disease is diagnosed in every 10th person.

Girls should visit a mammologist at least once every 2-3 years (if nothing bothers you, if there are complaints - immediately as soon as you see any changes: discharge from the nipple, hard “balls”, pain in the lymph nodes under the arms or on the neck etc.). And for women over 40, visiting a mammologist once a year and undergoing a mammogram should become as good a habit as visiting a hairdresser.

Appointment with a mammologist

Every woman needs her own good mammologist in Moscow who will observe her. Remember that a preventive examination can save your life. Don’t be afraid to go to a mammologist for an appointment - cancer doesn’t develop in 2-3 months! It is easy to detect even at stage zero, when the tumor is still only in the area where it originated (for example, inside the duct). In 85-90% of cases, stage 1 breast cancer is completely curable, preserving the mammary gland and without consequences.

Make an appointment with a doctor!