Mandalas as an art therapeutic method in working with children. Mandala as one of the modern methods of art therapy in working with preschool children

MBDOU "Kindergarten "Flagok" town. Gvardeiskoe"

Simferopol district Republic of Crimea

Presentation developed by:

Teacher - psychologist

MBDOU "Kindergarten "Flagok"

village Gvardeiskoe"

Dobrozhanskaya T.O.

Presentation of the topic on self-education:

“Art therapeutic possibilities of using the mandala method in the psychocorrectional work of a teacher-psychologist.”

One of the pressing problems today is the study of the emotional and personal sphere of children. preschool age. “Childhood is the golden age of the emotional in us,” notes V.V. Zenkovsky. No communication and interaction will be effective if its participants are not able to understand the emotional state of another and manage their own emotions. Emotions play an important role in children’s lives: they help them perceive reality and respond to it. The child expressing his feelings - important indicator understanding of his own inner world, indicating mental state, well-being, development prospects.

IN Lately More and more often we have to deal with children who have disorders emotional sphere. This is expressed in the poverty of emotional manifestations; such children have difficulty identifying and correlating emotional states. In this regard, children often have difficulties in communicating with peers; many of them are hyperactive or, on the contrary, repressed, aggressive, shy, increased anxiety, with low self-esteem, with fears. Such children need constant emotional support from adults, which they need to overcome emotional barriers to communication, and when working with them it is very important to use flexible forms of correctional and developmental work. All this dictates the need to review existing methods and technologies of correctional and developmental work with preschool children.

One of the acceptable forms of working with children is art therapy methods. This influenced the chosen topic of self-education. One of the methods of art therapy is mandala therapy.

Mandala (Sanskrit, “circle”, “disc”) is a sacred symbol used in meditation in Buddhism, a ritual object.

Mandala is a symbolic round image that represents both the world outside of us, which we can see (circle), and the invisible world (center), which is hidden inside us. According to Eastern beliefs, a mandala is a drawing in a circle, which has healing properties and is used as a tool for meditation. A vivid illustration of a religious mandala can be Buddhist images. Mandala as a reflection of the process of development and change in different cultures is: “Mirror Effect”, “World Tree”, “Wheel”, “Sacred Place”.

Ignatova Elena Mikhailovna

Mandalatherapy in working with preschoolers

Each period of ontogenesis a person has its own qualitative characteristics and develops according to its own internal laws.

In older preschool age, the emotional life of a child is extremely rich and varied. Emotions are short-term and superficial, arise easily and quickly replace each other. Poorly developed inhibitory processes and unformed self-control do not allow children to be required to restrain directly arising feelings.

The most important new development during this period is the need for social conformity. A child at this age strives to meet the requirements placed on him, especially in the sphere of social relations.

The development of the emotional sphere of personality in preschool children remains actual problem today, as it is an integral part of the child’s successful adaptation in society. Modern children have become less responsive to the feelings of others. Today, a child’s best friends are a TV and a computer, a smartphone and a tablet, and his favorite activities are watching cartoons and computer games. Being confined to televisions and computers, children began to communicate less with adults and peers; preschoolers are not attentive and insensitive to others, and do not know how to control and show emotions appropriately.

Normally, the need for social conformity is complemented by the need for social knowledge and special skills, i.e., social competence. Children at this age should begin to distinguish between situations in which they can and cannot reveal their feelings; be able to control your mood, and sometimes hide it; find ways to express emotions more subdued. Children often exhibit negative emotional states: whims, hysterics, excessive anxiety, anger and irritation. The nature of children's fears changes significantly. Respect for norms and rules creates a fear of non-conformity.

One of the methods in working with problem children is art therapy, which is based on the mechanism of sublimation. Sublimation is a subconscious mental process that was discovered by S. Freud in 1900. It consists of redirecting mental energy from a traumatic experience to a socially acceptable outlet, most often creativity; more precisely, if a person has accumulated emotional experiences and mental stress, he can express them through creativity and feel relief.

One of the tools of art therapy for improving and healing the psyche, improving the emotional state, relieving tension, expressing feelings, developing creativity, artistic and spiritual self-expression of children and adults is mandalatherapy.

Mandalatherapy is an isotherapy technique that involves creating circular compositions. Translated from Sanskrit the word "mandala" means "magic circle" In the broadest sense of the word, a mandala means a pattern or symmetrical structure located around a center that unites everything (a pattern in a circle).

The psychotherapeutic effect of the mandala was discovered and proven by Carl Gustav Jung. Having analyzed my spontaneously drawn works and the associated changes in well-being, famous psychoanalyst came to the conclusion that Mandala– a projection of a person’s complexes, a tool that helps to find one’s essence, release blocked energy, cleanse oneself of mental debris: feelings of guilt, fear, depression and even physical pain.

When working with preschoolers, you can use various types of mandalatherapy:

Contemplation of mandalas. Only through systematic contemplation of mandalas can we talk about change. Carefully examine the picture, starting from the edges and approaching the center clockwise. Having reached the center, turn your mind's eye to internal sensations. Without taking your eyes off the mandala, continue to observe your inner world, as if plunging deeper into it. Concentration time is determined individually

Coloring ready-made mandalas (from simple patterns to more complex ones). The same mandala can be colored in different ways, many times, and they will look completely different.

Drawing and creating own mandalas from threads, colored sand, decorative small stones, natural materials, etc.

Drawing mandalas promotes the development of figurative memory, holistic perception of the world, and recognition of nuances different sounds, the development of intuition and the emotional and sensory world, i.e., the formation of a creative personality.

Coloring mandalas can also be used to achieve specific diagnostic, correctional and developmental goals:

In order to correct the emotional state, normalize behavior (coloring ready-made mandalas);

In order to diagnose the current mood (coloring a white circle);

In order to study group relationships (creation of individual mandalas in a group followed by the creation of a collective composition);

For the purpose of diagnosing and correcting a specific problem (color a circle symbolizing family, the image of “I”, friendship, love, anger, etc.).

Rules for the work of a teacher-psychologist with children when using mandala coloring books:

Drawing a mandala should bring joy. The main rule: the child must work without coercion.

The child is offered several mandalas to choose from (whatever is closest to his mood).

The child independently chooses materials for work and colors.

During one lesson, the child is offered only one mandala.

During the lesson, practice is to use musical accompaniment, which gives the necessary mood and allows the child to dive deeper into the world of his experiences and new sensations. Character piece of music should correspond to the lesson being conducted - calm and soothing music.

An adult does not interfere with a child’s work without his consent.

A teacher-psychologist monitors the state of tension/relaxation during work.

No evaluative comments are made about the work.

After work, the child is asked to give a name to the mandala that he depicted, a conversation is held about the work, and an analysis of his activities is carried out (correct leading questions are allowed).

Annex 1

Group correctional and developmental lesson for children of senior preschool age using mandalatherapy

Theme: "Magic Circle"

Target: increasing the emotional and personal well-being of children through directed drawing.


Learning new ways to relieve emotional stress due to unpleasant experiences (familiarity with the mandala, ways to work with it)

Forming the skills of muscle relaxation and achieving emotional comfort.

Development of emotional intelligence

Development of creative abilities, thinking, perception, fine motor skills.

Relieving emotional stress

Developing friendly feelings and the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: equipment for multimedia and video, audio player, presentation for display, video recording “The World of Dancing Mandalas”, audio recording of calm music for relaxation, white cardboard circle, 3 hoops, 3 sets of building cubes, colored pencils according to the number of children, a large number of various coloring pages with mandala patterns.

Progress of the lesson:

Children stand in a semicircle opposite the screen.

1 slide (blank)

Greeting “-... (name) I’m glad to see you. “Thank you, I’m glad to see you too.” Walks in a circle.

Educational psychologist. Sit on the chairs

Introductory part (repetition)

Educational psychologist. Let's remember the basic emotions that a person experiences.

2slide– “photo of a person experiencing joy”

Educational psychologist. What emotion is this? (children's answers)

7 slide empty.

Conversation on the topic:

Educational psychologist. We know that all feelings are divided into pleasant and unpleasant. What feelings is pleasant for a person to experience (children’s answers – joy, surprise). What is unpleasant to experience (children’s answers – sadness, anger, fear).

Why are these feelings unpleasant? (children's answers)

How can you get rid of unpleasant feelings? What do I need to do? (children's answers - play, draw, take a walk, watch cartoons, etc.)

Right. Well done!

Main part

Educational psychologist. Today I want to introduce you to a new way of getting rid of unpleasant emotions. This method will help you calm down, not be sad, not angry, not afraid. He gives good mood. Do you want to know about it?

(Show white circle)

What do I have? (children's answers)

What is he like? (children's answers)

Yes, it seems that this is an ordinary white circle: completely simple and unremarkable. But that's not true. This circle is magical! Do you know why? If you apply a beautiful pattern to an ordinary circle (for example, draw it), it will turn into a magical one and will be called “Mandala”.

8 slide– “mandala”

Educational psychologist. Look how beautiful the magic circle is. Pay attention to the pattern: how unusual, repeating, symmetrical it is. Patterns can be varied.

Slide 9- another mandala.

Educational psychologist.- So, a circle with such an unusual pattern is called a mandala. Repeat, Andryusha, what is the name of this circle? (ask other children).

10slide- India

Educational psychologist. Mandalas were invented in India a long time ago, more than 3000 years ago.

11 slide– mandala universe

12 slide– mandala of life

Slide 13– mandala of love

Educational psychologist. Do you know why the mandala is called the “magic circle”? Why is she magical? (children's answers).

Mandalas can be drawn, painted, woven from threads, made with applique, made from mazaik, or from natural materials. And when sad man draws, paints a mandala, or even just looks at it, he calms down and his mood improves. Evil, what will he do? (answers - it will get better), sad -, scared -, bored -….

And now we will play a little. To do this, we will divide into three teams. I put the hoops, and you put the cubes in the hoop, that is, in our magic circle, into a beautiful pattern - a magic mandala.

(Children are working)

Look at your mandalas. What are they? (Children's answers - beautiful, unusual, different).

And now I will show you real mandalas ( show coloring pages). We will color them with colored pencils. We will work to the music, not for long. We will color while the music plays. If someone doesn’t have time to color, don’t be upset, you’ll finish it in free time after class. Fine? Well, great, we agreed.

Choose the mandala you like (distribute coloring books, say the names of mandalas. Children sit at tables, turn on music).

Let's get started.

(While the children are working, turn off the presentation and prepare a video).

The music doesn't play anymore, put down your pencils. If you haven't finished, you can finish the drawing later and you can take it home.

Did you like coloring mandalas? How did you feel when you were working? (children's answers)

You and I painted mandalas, magic circles that help us calm down. Feel better, improve your mood. You can also simply look at mandalas to calm down. Leave your drawings on the tables, go to the mat and sit comfortably cross-legged in front of the screen.

(Turn on the video “The World of Dancing Mandalas”, watch 2 minutes).


Educational psychologist. Did you like the lesson? What did you like most? (children's answers).

Result: we got acquainted with mandalas. What is a mandala? Magic circle. And what magical properties does he have? Helps you calm down, improve your mood, get rid of anger and fear. Well done! I enjoyed working with you today. This concludes our lesson. I wish everyone Have a good day! You can take your drawings and go to the group.

Appendix 2

A joint practical lesson for children 5-6 years old and their parents "Mandalatherapy for children and adults"

1 part

You know what the person is experiencing different emotions. Basic feelings are

1 slide- joy,

2 slide- sadness,

3slide- anger,

4 slide- fear,

5 slide- astonishment.

All of them can be divided into pleasant and unpleasant. What pleasant feelings? Which ones are unpleasant? Why are these feelings unpleasant? What can you do to calm down and get rid of unpleasant experiences? Today I want to introduce you to a new way of getting rid of unpleasant emotions.

6slide– white circle

(Show white circle)

What do I have?

What is he like? (answers: white, flat)

Yes, it seems. What is this ordinary white circle. Completely simple and unremarkable. But that's not true. This circle is magical! Do you know why? If you apply a beautiful pattern to an ordinary circle (for example, draw it), it will turn into a magical one and will be called “Mandala”.

7 Slide mandala

Look how beautiful the magic circle is. Pay attention to the pattern: how unusual, repeating, symmetrical it is.

8-10 slides A mandala is a circle with a center. The patterns are located from the center to the circumference and can be varied.

11 slide- Mandalas were invented in India a long time ago, more than 3000 years ago. Their appearance is shrouded in mystery.

12 Slide- Tibetan mandalas

Buddhist temples, Muslim mosques and Christian cathedrals incorporate mandalas into their architecture.

Slide 13 Tibetan monks spend long hours painstakingly creating a circle of colored grains of sand, delightful colorful patterns and ornaments. Then, what took so long to create is destroyed in an instant.

14-16 slide

There are mandalas natural origin and created by man. Look at the mandala you can see in a flower or a snowflake.


By the way, our Pavlovo Posad shawl can also be a mandala, its pattern has symmetry and a center. Previously, every squiggle, every flower had a meaning. It could be a talisman against everything bad, or a “magnet” for something good.

18 slide

Do you know why the mandala is called the “magic circle”? Why is she magical? (answers).

Because in the process of creating a mandala a person calms down, gains vitality, peace and tranquility settles in his soul.

Creating mandalas - this technique is called Mandalatherapy - this is a method from the field of art therapy. You know that art therapy is a type of psychotherapy and psychological correction based on art and creativity.

What art therapy methods do you know?

Slide 19 isotherapy,

20 slide dance and play therapy,

21 slides phototherapy, music therapy, fairy tale therapy, mandala therapy,

22 slide manicure, soap making, beading, making cards, makeup, hairstyles).

Slide 23 Art therapy is based on the mechanism of sublimation. Sublimation is a subconscious mental process that was discovered by S. Freud in 1900. It consists of redirecting mental energy from a traumatic experience to a socially acceptable outlet, most often creativity; more precisely, if a person has accumulated emotional experiences and mental stress, he can express them through creativity and feel relief.

24 slide One of the tools of art therapy for improving and healing the psyche, improving the emotional state, relieving tension, expressing feelings, developing creativity, artistic and spiritual self-expression of children and adults is mandala therapy.

25 slide Mandalatherapy is an isotherapy technique that involves creating circular compositions. Translated from Sanskrit, the word “mandala” means “magic circle”. In the broadest sense of the word, a mandala means a pattern or symmetrical structure located around a center that unites everything (a pattern in a circle).

The psychotherapeutic effect of the mandala was discovered and proven by Carl Gustav Jung. Having analyzed his spontaneously drawn works and the associated changes in well-being, the famous psychoanalyst came to the conclusion that the Mandala is a projection of human complexes, a tool that helps to find one’s essence, release blocked energy, cleanse oneself of mental garbage: feelings of guilt, fear, depression and even physical pain.

26 slide Of particular importance among the graphic characteristics of the mandala are circles and straight lines. They reflect the connection between the unconscious and consciousness. The circle gives impetus to internal movements human feelings(and deep images) and their fusion, thereby increasing internal integrity. That is why, while drawing mandalas, internal conflicts are resolved and tension is relieved.

Slide 27 Mandalatherapy can be useful for any person, both an adult and a child, who is in a painful or negative emotional state, to obtain a healing effect, and children are more responsive to this method and achieve much faster positive results from interaction with mandalas.

This type of activity has a positive effect on children with hyperactivity, reduces anxiety levels, increases concentration, normalizes behavior, relieves fears, and promotes the development of creative abilities.

Mandalas are possible 28 slide paint, Slide 29 consider, 30 slide create from different materials, 31.32 slide paint.

part 2

Practical part: parents with children color or draw mandalas to beautiful music for relaxation

Slide 33 And now I suggest choosing the mandala that you like best and coloring it.

Part 3 Introduce anti-stress coloring pages.

The use of coloring books for adults is one of the innovations in art therapy and great way relax, increase mental clarity and relieve stress. Coloring books for adults appeared in bookstores in the United States and Europe in 2010-2011. Now popular in our country. They are related to mandala therapy and have the same effect as mandalas. 34-39 slide

(can be purchased or downloaded from the Internet) 40-41 slide

As I already said, mandalas can not only be drawn, created or painted. They can still be considered, which has no less effect. You can look at drawn mandalas and a specially created video.

Play the video “The World of Dancing Mandalas.”

Show circle

What do I have? Magic circle. What is he like? Why is he magical? Because the process of working with it has magical powers.

Give children and parents mandala and anti-stress coloring books.

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Slide captions:

Mandala and mandala therapy. Creating a mandala by date of birth. Prepared by teacher-psychologist MBDOU No. 5, Kirovo-Chepetsk Okisheva Tatyana Vladimirovna

Mandala “A mandala is like a drop of human blood, a living cell, by analyzing which one can say what state of health its creator is in.” J. Kellogg

What is a mandala? Mandala - translated from Sanskrit means “circle”. That is, it is a drawing consisting of circles, or inscribed in a circle. In various other traditions, the same word means - wheel, crown, rotation, whirlpool, round dance, dance, ring, rhythm, ritual, prayer... The literal translation of the Sanskrit word mandala is “that which contains the essence”, a drawing in which there is some important content, message, idea, soul, grain, essence. This concept was introduced into psychotherapy by Carl Gustav Jung. By the way, the word must be pronounced with emphasis on the first letter “A”. Some people put emphasis on the second letter “A” and end up with a swear word.

Exist different shapes mandalas: round, square, labyrinths, polygons. Mandalas can be either two-dimensional - depicted on a plane - made with paints, multi-colored sand, embroidered with threads, or they can be three-dimensional, three-dimensional. An example of a volumetric mandala is the largest Buddhist monument on Earth - Borobudur, on the island of Java in Indonesia, the material for which was stone. Or crop circles, which are found all over the world, can also be called three-dimensional mandalas.

Mandalas can be of natural origin or man-made. In nature you can see a mandala in a ripe fruit, a flower and a snowflake and much more. The Earth, as seen from space, is also a mandala. A compass, a bicycle wheel, a clock, a snowflake, a human eye - all these are also mandalas. They can be drawn on paper and fabric, embroidered or printed, built from sand, clay, concrete, bronze, iron, carved in marble, and these days created using computer programs. A mandala can be made as a tattoo on a person’s body, painted on a car bumper, or left as an element of a family coat of arms.

Buddhist mandalas. Tibetan monks spend long hours painstakingly creating a circle of colored grains of sand, delightful colorful patterns and ornaments. Then, what took so long to create is destroyed in an instant.

Mandalas carry a certain sacred meaning and people endow them with the ability to harmonize, protect and even fulfill desires. Mandalas exist in many cultures and religious cults. There are especially many of them in eastern cultures. But, both in Christianity and in Slavic culture you can find mandalas. Stained glass windows of Gothic Catholic cathedrals - rose windows - are typical mandalas. They have symmetry, colorfulness, symbolism. Here, for example, is a stained glass window at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

Mandalas in ancient cultures symbolized the model of the Universe, with God at the center, or as a microcosm, with man at the center. Perhaps sometimes it was a symbol of a person with a soul at the center. The mandala is similar to a disk, which in Slavic culture symbolized the Sun, thanks to which all living things exist on Earth. The sun is a symbol of time, a symbol of fire, a symbol of the center of all things. Our Pavlovo Posad shawl can also be a mandala, its pattern has symmetry and a center. Previously, every squiggle, every flower had a meaning. It could be a talisman against everything bad, or a “magnet” for something good.

In India, RANGOLI is a traditional home art of creating colored mandalas to protect against misfortune and attract prosperity for those living in the house. This is the art of dry painting, when colored powder is passed between the fingers and the finest patterns are drawn, alternating colors, while maintaining the correct geometric shape. Rangoli is a kind of mandala-amulet that is applied by a woman early in the morning, before entering the house, while the family is sleeping. A woman draws a mandola on the floor in front of the entrance to the house with crayons or paints to protect the house from misfortunes and attract prosperity to the house.

Mandala is found in every culture, among every people. The mandala tells us that we are one, that we are all children of God, that by and large we have more in common than differences.

Mandalotherapy is one of the areas of art therapy (healing through art). This is one of the tools for improving and healing the psyche, a natural and joyful way to improve the emotional state, relieve stress, express feelings, which contributes to the development of creativity, artistic and spiritual self-expression of children and adults. Mandalotherapy has no restrictions on age or health status. It's very simple - pick up crayons or paints and start drawing. Therefore, this technique can be used without restrictions by children and adults.

Mandalotherapy: Contemplation of mandalas. Only through systematic contemplation of mandalas can we talk about change. Systematic means at least every day for 15-20 minutes for 30 days in a row. Coloring ready-made mandalas (from simple patterns to more complex ones). The same mandala can be colored in different ways, many times, and they will look completely different. Drawing and creating your own mandalas from threads, colored sand, decorative small stones, natural materials, etc.

It has long been known that color and shape have a strong impact on the emotional, physical and spiritual state of a person. It has traditionally been used in the healing practices of various cultures and peoples. Therapeutic effect mandalas can be used as a means of self-help for stress, somatic disease, emotional distress, both adults and children. Mandalas perfectly cleanse and heal a person’s soul and mind, they can restore vision, enlighten the mind, give clarity of thoughts and feelings, excite or calm both one person and mass flows of people. There are special mandalas that can influence the human body and organs such as the heart, kidneys, stomach, uterus, ovaries, spleen, joints, liver, bones, metabolism, regulation of mood swings, production of hormones and red blood cells.

Mandalas can influence plants and animals. Flowers can bloom more actively, trees can bear fruit, animals can’t get sick, and harmful insects can leave their place of deployment. With the help of a mandala, you can unite with the soul of any mineral, plant, animal or person. Mandalas help to understand the past and model the future. To bring order and harmony to a person’s present and help to perceive current events more positively, to hear the melody of one’s own soul, to decipher the voice of consciousness and subconscious. Almost all types of mandalas can be used both for yourself personally, for your tasks, goals and desires, and for working with the surrounding space. You can also copy all types of mandalas from an existing sample, paint ready-made templates, or invent and draw mandalas yourself.

Mandalas are not sources of energy, they only conduct it, attract it from a single energy-informational space; their energy instantly spreads over any distance, penetrating all obstacles; human interaction with them occurs continuously, and the intensity of this exchange is constantly increasing; you can use them at any time of the day; you can put them, place them the way you want - the effect will not weaken because of this; You can use up to 3-4 images at the same time; they should not be transferred to another person, they should not be destroyed - it is better to bury them in the ground when they become dilapidated; it is not advisable to wrap them in plastic film, cellophane or anything else: they must interact with the environment; You can work with them every day for 15-30 minutes, taking a break every seventh day. After 5-6 months, classes can be held in 1-2 days; after a year, they can be done even less often and practiced consciously only when an internal need for this arises.

1. Contemplation of mandalas To use the mandala you need to download and print it in real color. Working with a mandala has its own special rhythm; you need to examine it slowly, moving your gaze from the edges to the center clockwise. When you reach the center, stop your gaze, but do not focus it. Listen to your feelings, don’t try to evaluate or analyze them, just focus your attention on them to maximize the effect, and continue to observe your inner world, as if plunging deeper into it. The concentration time is determined individually and depends on the workout (from 5 minutes to an hour or more). You can stop as soon as you feel tired and there are no more changes in your condition. Continue working with the mandala daily until you get results.

2. Coloring ready-made mandalas 1. There are several mandalas to choose from (whatever is closest to your mood). The child is given clear instructions that only one “magic circle” needs to be selected. 2. He independently chooses the materials for work and the color scheme. 3. Only one mandala is offered per lesson. 4. The use of musical accompaniment is practiced. 5. The teacher does not interfere with the child’s work without his consent. 6. Monitors the state of tension/relaxation during work. 7. No evaluative comments are made about the work. 8. After work, it is proposed to give a name to the mandala, a conversation is held about the work, an analysis of its activities (correct leading questions are allowed). It is important to give the opportunity to talk about your feelings and experiences. Drawing a mandala should bring joy. The main rule: the child must work without coercion.

3. Drawing and creating your own mandalas To draw, white circles are distributed and selected necessary materials(paints, pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens). You can use sets of colored sand, colored cereals, pasta, salt, pebbles, crystals. If desired, children decorate the image with rhinestones and beads. After finishing the work, you can invite the children to name their “magic circles” and talk about the work done. Thus, working with mandalas not only has a corrective effect on the child’s personality, but also contributes to the development of speech in preschool children. This type of activity has a positive effect on children with hyperactivity, reduces anxiety levels, increases concentration, promotes the development of creative abilities, develops children's imagination, fine motor skills.

The use of mandalas in psychocorrectional, developmental work with children, adolescents and adults in order to correct the emotional state, normalize behavior (coloring ready-made mandalas coloring pages) in order to diagnose the current mood (coloring a white circle) in order to study group relationships (creating individual mandalas in a group with subsequent creation of a collective composition) for the purpose of diagnosing and correcting a specific problem (color a circle symbolizing school, family, self-image, friendship, love, anger, etc.)

And also: For problems of self-esteem When feeling an internal imbalance Activation of resource states of the individual For fear of losing control over oneself For pessimism and depression For psychocorrection of accumulated irritation and aggression Psychocorrection of emotional hypersensitivity or, on the contrary, alexithymia (difficulty in responding to feelings, emotions). When feeling a dead end in life Psychocorrection of fears and anxieties Overcoming a crisis in development (age-related, personal) Accompanying adaptation Family situations Psychosomatic problems Group cohesion based on spiritual rapprochement, collective creativity Increasing concentration and internal balance (for example, in hyperactive children) Correction of fine motor skills and nervous tension Cultivating patience and accuracy Building self-confidence based on calmness and stimulation of creative potential

Create your own mandala by date of birth

Creating your own mandala by date of birth Probably, many will be interested in calculating and coloring the Mandala of their birthday. When manually calculating a mandala, you put your energy into it. Like a signature, your energy trace remains in it. You interact with colors and numbers for a sufficient amount of time and certain processes are activated. The effect of a mandala depends greatly on the strength of concentration on it. Each number has its own color. Neither number nor color contain emotion, they are what they are and are absolutely pure in nature and represent pure energy. Your birthday mandala is the restoration of Divine order.

Network of Light Mandalas - Restoring the Divine Order “Networks of Light” around the Earth are the plans of the etheric structures around our planet. They exist on levels various measurements and appear in different geometric shapes. We were given, through Ursula Irgang - a scientist and amazing healer from Austria - radiation or resonance patterns to activate the Spiritual code in our DNA and restore the Divine plan on Earth. Networks of Light are the language of Light, so they simultaneously carry and transmit information. They are the bridge between the etheric plane of the Higher Dimensions and the etheric body of the third dimension. They create a stream of spirals carrying a light code, which are fixed (anchored) in human body, which ensures the flow of information into the human consciousness. The basis of the Light Mandala Network is the first nine numbers of Creation, which are the basis for all other numbers. Each number has a corresponding letter and color. Using various methods calculations, which are always based on the Fibonacci series, bring these mandalas into existence. 9 numbers and 9 colors of different frequencies reveal the matrix and are a holistic cosmogram. They contain the biophysical wavelengths of all 10 planets. This can be expressed as follows: Networks of Light Mandalas manifest visually through various thought forms that present themselves as pure energy. Neither number nor color contains emotions, they are what they are and are absolutely pure in nature. The high vibrations respond to the etheric field of the aura and activate the encoded DNA strands. These spirals contain information from the Source Matrix. In cases where there are blocks arising from negative thought forms and emotions that cannot be removed, the Network of Light Mandalas can return them to the level of consciousness and remove them.

In the same way, diseases that have not yet manifested themselves on the physical level can be compensated, but information about them already exists in ethereal body. And it will have positive effect for all systems human body. Therefore, the Mandala Light Network supports the healing process of body, soul and mind. All mandalas of Light integrate the polarities of Yin and Yang and create balance. They remove blocks and negative information stored in subtle bodies. What happens to the energies? When you start looking at mandalas or just being around them, the brain begins to integrate Light. This leads left hemisphere And right hemisphere into balance. This allows you to adequately perceive information. The pure light of the mandalas activates the subtle fields in the higher dimensions and they begin to vibrate. Light-encoded chromosomes become mobile and transmit information to consciousness, provided that you are open to these energies and are in a state of love. These energies restore “order” by removing blockages from the body. The Light Network of mandalas fills the entire system of our body and thereby has a cleansing and harmonizing effect on the body, soul and mind. Ursula's method has been successfully used for several years in hospitals and clinics in Austria and Germany. Her research is sponsored by the famous company Swarovski. Ursula Irgang experimentally obtained mandalas for the healing of many diseases, such as psoriasis, stage II diabetes, urolithiasis, migraine, improvement of work cardiovascular systems body, restoration of vision and much more. For healing, a certain algorithm and computer program are used that calculates the mandalas of Light. Any mandala (not only personal), since it is a portal that broadcasts Light and Love, has a beneficial effect on both the room in which it is located and on the people who are in its healing vibrational field. A mandala is a reminder to a person of his Divinity. Healing with Mandalas of Light

1. Copy the blank mandala template (on a printer).

How is the calculation made? 2. Calculate your date of birth There are 16 cells along the perimeter from top to top, enter the date of birth in full - that’s 8 cells and mirror it in the other 8 cells. For example: the date of birth 12031945 will look like this: 12031945 54913021 - mirror 3. Add the numbers together one by one, each time write the result below between the numbers you added. If you add a two-digit number, bring it to a prime number. 1 2 0 3 1... 3 2 3 4

It looks like this - (count, there should be 16 lines, if you make a mistake, it will be less) 1..2..0..3..1..9..4..5..5..4..9. .1..3..0..2..1 ..3..2..3..4..1..4..9..1..9..4..1..4 ..3..2..3 ....5..5..7..5..5..4..1..1..4..5..5. .7..5..5 ......1..3..3..1..9..5..2..5..9..1..3..3.. 1 ........4..6..4..1..5..7..7..5..1..4..6..4 ....... ...1..1..5..6..3..5..3..6..5..1..1 ............2..6 ..2..9..8..8..9..2..6..2 ..............8..8..2..8.. 7..8..2..8..8 ................7..1..1..6..6..1..1.. 7 ............... ...8..2..7..3..7..2..8 ............ .......1..9..1..1..9..1 ......................1..1 ..2..1..1 ........................2..3..3..2 ..... .. ...................5..6..5 ........................ ....2..2 ...........................4

An example of calculating a mandala for the date of birth 03/12/1945

Coloring the mandala 4. Color each cell in the color corresponding to the number (it is better to use felt-tip pens or gel pens). 0; 1 - red 2 - dark blue 3 - green 4 - yellow 5 - light blue 6 - turquoise (sea wave) 7 - pink 8 - orange 9 - purple

Decoding You can read your personal Mandala and meditate on it 0.1 - red - karmic blocks; Divine Guidance; 2 - dark blue - magic (in in a good way- magic) 3 - green - healing 4 - yellow - intelligence 5 - blue - cosmic knowledge 6 - turquoise - cosmic energy 7 - pink - love 8 - orange - prayer 9 - purple - transformation If central star(Souls) - red or green - are Messengers of God!!!

Mandala action The created mandala can be cut out and pasted onto any background you like. To work with a personal Mandala or any other, it is necessary to express the intention of energetic interaction with the Mandala. For example: “I express a pure conscious focused loving intention of energetic interaction with the Mandala for... (solving a situation, restoring health).” You can turn on calm relaxing music, take a few deep breaths, relax and place yourself in the center of the Mandala. You can do it with intention, visualize yourself in the center, or in any way convenient for you. Try not to think about anything and just look at the Mandala. If you have any question related to healing, you can ask it. If during the work you do not hear an answer, it will come within 24 hours. You can see, hear, read, feel it. The main thing is to be attentive to the signs of the universe.

This individual mandala structures and tunes its owner to resonate with his soul, awakening in him the best spiritual qualities: pride, freedom, wisdom, confidence, love, desire, bliss and wealth. Healing occurs from mental, emotional, physical ailments; Mandala leads to harmonious sound and tuning of organs physical body, spirit, soul; activates the embedded spiritual information in human DNA; Brings various blocks to the surface of consciousness and helps to free ourselves from them, freeing our inner potential; Helps to find the causes of our life difficulties; Helps develop our consciousness, increase energy vibrations and tune in to the Light; Harmonizes and cleanses the space; harmonize brain activity and connections between the left and right hemispheres of the brain; Connects and brings to integrity three levels of consciousness: Superconsciousness (Higher Self), Consciousness and Subconsciousness (Inner Child)

Tatiana Onufrienko
Presentation “Mandala. Mandalotherapy"

Currently, preschool teachers are increasingly encountering children in groups with increased anxiety, fears, and not always adequate behavior, children with adaptation difficulties, hyperactive children, and children from dysfunctional families. Children began to show anger and aggression towards other children more often. All this adversely affects the atmosphere in the children's team. To help children overcome their fears, teach children to control their emotions, their behavior towards others, to help children be self-confident, believe in themselves, in their skills, I use the method of coloring and making mandal! (one of the types of art therapy)

(Slide2) Word « mandala» translated means "circle", this is not just a drawing, it is a model of the Universe of our soul. Carl Gustav Jung was one of the first European scientists to seriously study mandalas. He came to the conclusion that the method mandalas is the path to our center, to the discovery of individuality, that contemplation mandalas, its drawing or other embodiment serves to improve mental life human, its harmonization, health.

Where can I meet you?

(Slide 3) There are different forms: round, square, labyrinths, polygons. They can be either works of art or created in nature. (snowflake, flower, view of planets from space, human eye)

(Slide 4) They can be drawn on paper and fabric, embroidered or printed, built from sand, clay, concrete, bronze, iron, carved in marble, and these days created using computer programs. Mandala can be made as a tattoo on a person’s body, painted on a car bumper, or left as an element of the family coat of arms

(Slide 5) Mandalas carry a certain sacred meaning and people endow them with the ability to harmonize, protect and even fulfill desires.

Mandalas found in many cultures and religious cults. There are especially many of them in eastern cultures.

But, both in Christianity and in Slavic culture one can find mandalas(Pavlopossad shawl, icon of the all-seeing eye).

Stained glass windows of Gothic Catholic cathedrals – rose windows – typical mandalas.

(Slide 6) Ready mandala Buddhists have a certain time for prayer, meditation and contemplation, and then it is destroyed by those who created it.

Buddhists talk about it So: “Be able to create and let go.”

Why are they useful? mandalas for children?

(Slide 7) Mandalotherapy– helps relieve tension, change the emotional state, allows you to express your feelings, and develop self-regulation. Mandalas are something more than just drawings. For children mandala- this is a way of ordering yourself, your inner world.

(Slide 8) Creation mandal brings together, removes tension in relationships, teaches you to treat each other carefully, patiently, and respect each other’s personal boundaries and space. Also, looking at, coloring, imagining, or drawing mandala, we are filled with positivity.

Fine motor skills develop and thinking is stimulated.

It trains perseverance and accuracy, the ability to finish what you start.

Creative potential is revealed.

The emotional state improves and tension is relieved. The child learns how to cope with emotions and difficult feelings (fears, anxiety, sadness, anger, jealousy, loneliness).

(Slide 9) Mandalotherapy includes: coloring mandal– coloring pages and creating your own mandal

(Slide10) Goal of the work: Prevention and correction of the emotional sphere of a preschooler; involve children in active productive and cognitive activities that contribute to the formation mental processes; creating conditions for the emotional well-being of the child

(Slide 12) With preschoolers mandalatherapy Can be done individually or with the whole group. Organizing time (getting ready to work)

(Slide 13) How to use mandalas–coloring and ready-made mandalas

I. Coloring ready-made mandalas - coloring pages

1. Children are asked to choose their own coloring book. mandala from those proposed by the teacher, what is closer to his mood

2. Children independently choose materials for coloring:

Colour pencils;


3. Children choose their own colors, and the teacher implements the principle of non-interference in the children’s work.

4. The teacher does not evaluate the children’s work.

The work process is limited only by the degree of saturation, satiety and satisfaction with work.

In one lesson you can only work with one mandala.

5. Children give a name to their completed work.

6. Children give a description of their work and can talk about their feelings and emotions that arose while doing the work.

Musical accompaniment must be used.

If we don't finish work on mandala in one day, it’s better to leave it and start again the next day. Our mood and well-being change daily and what reveals mandala on monday, will not necessarily be true for Tuesday.

Slide 14 thanks to coloring occurs

Increased concentration and inner balance (for example, in hyperactive children)

Correction of fine motor disorders and nervous tension

Cultivating patience and accuracy

Building self-confidence through calmness and stimulation of creativity

(Slide 15) 2 Drawing and creating your own mandal

For drawing, white circles are distributed, the necessary materials are selected (paints, pencils, crayons, markers) You can use sets of colored sand, colored cereals, pasta, salt, pebbles, crystals.

If desired, children decorate the image with rhinestones and beads. After finishing the work, you can invite the children to name their "magic circles", talk about the work done. Thus, working with mandalas It not only has a corrective effect on the child’s personality, but also promotes the development of speech in preschool children.

(Slide 16) children create a drawing in a circle, and do it directly with their hands and fingers. Sensory-perceptual development; relieving emotional stress; development of creativity.

(Slide 17) When working with sand and salt, tactile sensitivity and imagination develop

While creating mandalas"The Good and the Bad" the child becomes familiar with the language of emotions, learns to use them to understand his own feelings and the emotional state of another

Research and awareness of one’s own internal conflicts, experiences, values. You can suggest depicting anger, rage, joy

(Slide 18) Mandala - magic meadow, on which a family of flowers grows. Find the most important flower in the circle that is not like the others. Color it (stick it) his. Look: his loved ones grow next to this flower, "Mother", "dad", "sister", "Brother" etc. Decorate (stick it) their. Relieving emotional tension, developing a positive attitude towards oneself, actualizing feelings, activating the unconscious, developing creative potential.

(Slide 19) During the classes we practice creating mandalas in pairs and groups. To do this you need to select (or draw) circle template of a certain size, agree on the content, visual media, ways of working together to create a single composition. You can create one mandala from individual pieces-sectors. Development of non-verbal communication skills, group cohesion; development of fantasy and imagination.

(Slide 20) Bulk mandalas are made from all kinds of grains. The more there are, the better, because this gives greater freedom to release internal impulses outward and tell yourself more about yourself. You can also use colored sand, waste material, geometric shapes (from paper, wood, buttons

(Slide 21).Creation of private mandal from natural materials, colored sand, buttons, cereals, mosaics

(Slide 22,23) Create your own mandal made from a variety of materials develops creativity, children's imagination, and fine motor skills. When working with colored sand, a set of several colors, or a sandbox, is used. When working with buttons, children are offered an assortment of different buttons in color and size. Children also post mandalas: from cones, pebbles, shells, leaves, various cereals (millet, beans, peas, semolina, rice, mosaics. After finishing the work, you can invite the children to name their "magic circles", talk about the work done.

Slide 24 As I said mandalatherapy has no age restrictions. The group held a master class jointly between parents and children on creating toys for the Christmas tree from pasta in technology mandal

Thus, working with mandalas It not only has a corrective effect on the child’s personality, but also promotes the development of speech in preschool children. Work with mandala brings joy to children, develops attentiveness, promotes the development of the emotional and sensory world, the development of the child’s imagination, fantasy, helps relieve internal tension. All this helps the child to believe in himself, to liberate himself, to become more confident, joyful, and to reduce childhood anxiety.

I use mandalatherapy in working with the children of my group, the children enjoy coloring the coloring books mandalas, create their own mandalas from cereals, mosaics, sand, buttons, natural materials. Children have become calmer and more confident, attentive and sensitive to each other.

Frolova Tatyana Vladimirovna
Job title: teacher - psychologist
Educational institution: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 6"
Locality: Nazarovo city, Krasnoyarsk region
Name of material: methodological development
Subject:"ART therapy as a means of preserving the psychological health of children."
Publication date: 05.02.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Master class for teachers of preschool educational institution “Art therapy as

a means of preserving the psychological health of children"

Target: improving the professional skills of participating teachers

master class through pedagogical communication with demonstration of the use of art

– therapeutic technologies.


1. Teach teachers to promote self-knowledge of the child, awareness of his

characteristics and preferences;

2. Teach to develop the child’s social and communication skills

behavior, mental and speech activity, fine motor skills;

3. Promote the manifestation of children's creativity with non-traditional


4. Form adequate self-esteem.

Main part:

So what is educational art therapy? Literally translated this is

concept means art therapy.

The goal of art therapy is to harmonize personality development through the development

abilities of self-expression and self-knowledge.

Its essence is that through drawing, games, fairy tales, music, art therapy gives

an outlet for inner discomfort and strong emotions helps to understand

own feelings and experiences. As Edith Kramer (psychologist) said, this

a method associated with the disclosure of human creative potential and cognition

your inner world.

According to Eastern wisdom, “a picture can express what it cannot express.”

a thousand words." According to V.S. Mukhina and other researchers, a drawing for

children is not art, but speech.

Each line and each color has its own character, its own mood. With them

With help, the child conveys everything that is inside him. All this indicates that

pedagogical art therapy is closely related to the development of the emotional sphere

child, and is one of the varieties of its improvement.

By drawing, the child finds himself in a fairy tale filled with joy, mutual understanding,

Now let's talk about types of art therapy:

Isotherapy– one of the areas of art therapy; psychotherapeutic work with

using fine art methods. Isotherapy is based on

psychology of creativity and applies the beneficial effects of drawing in

for psychotherapeutic purposes. The goal of isotherapy is to increase emotional

positive background, create favorable conditions for successful development

Fairy tale therapy- psychological counseling using fairy tales,

method practical psychology. Fairytale therapy uses in a variety of ways

the potential of fairy tales to open up the imagination, allowing metaphorical

express certain life scenarios. Fairy tales for fairytale therapy

correctional and many others. Writing fairy tales by a child and for a child -

the basis of fairy tale therapy. Through a fairy tale you can learn about such experiences of children,

which they themselves are not really aware of, or are embarrassed to discuss them with


Music therapy– one of the areas of art therapy, implements psychotherapy

with the help of music. The use of music can be active and

passive. With active music therapy, the child gets the opportunity

play on musical instruments. With passive - with the help

listening to specially selected music achieves the necessary

psychotherapeutic effect. Music therapy helps overcome internal

conflicts and achieve inner harmony.

Play therapy- a type of psychotherapy that uses therapeutic

the impact of the game to help the child overcome psychological and

social problems that impede personal and emotional development.

Pedagogical art therapy is a magical land. There the child will learn to be

yourself, will begin to understand the feelings of others, and use emotions as

means of communication. Magic, humor and

fair attitude towards good and evil, living in fairy tales, fascinating and

amazing sounds of music, as well as a wealth of images and colors of works

great artists and the kids themselves. It is important to find the soul of every child

special key. Filling inner world baby with vivid impressions,

helping him master a variety of techniques and drawing techniques, I rejoice

each new luck with him. All children love to draw. In their

in small masterpieces they convey their attitude to the world around them and

give the opportunity to splash out your “I”.

Practical part:

1. Exercise “Greeting” (play therapy)

Progress of the exercise: Do you know how foreigners greet? Foreigners

they say hello like this: Europeans shake hands when they meet each other,

Ethiopians touch their cheeks, Africans rub their noses. I suggest you

participants of the master class say hello to the neighbor on the left in European style, with

neighbor on the right like the Ethiopians, Well done!

2. Exercise “Lottery” (game therapy)

Goal: development of thinking, motor skills, imagination.

Instructions: A magic chest appears in front of the participants, in it

Each participant takes out a note with the task, reads it and completes it.

Solve the riddle

Tell a poem

Give a compliment to the neighbor on the right,

Say the tongue twister “Mom washed Mila with soap”

Sing a verse from any song,

Walk through the hall like a model.

3. Mandalas for coloring (isotherapy).

Mandalas are Buddhist symbols, perfect circles that do not require modifications.

They are drawn for different occasions. Only 4 colors are used: red,

yellow, green and blue. You only need to color with colored pencils.

The parts you want are painted in any order or disorder,

painting completely or partially.

4. Fairytale therapy.

a) “Let’s make up a fairy tale.”

A question that you must answer with the fairy tale “Why is the cactus prickly.”

b) Telling a story The Snow Maiden fairy tale must end well.

c) Drawing illustrations for the “Book of Fears.”

5. Music therapy.

Exercise "Drawings on the back."

Everyone stands in a circle, at the back of each other’s head, at a distance of slightly less

outstretched arm. “Now,” says the psychologist, “I’ll tell you a fairy tale that

we will “draw” on each other’s backs. Let’s prepare a “sheet of paper” and “smooth it out”

him (stroke the back of the player in front with their palms). So, he lived

there was a little bear (draw a figure with your finger). He loved to walk in the forest.

One day he went for a walk (they depict walking legs with their fingers).

At first he walked slowly. The path was smooth, and then curved, with sharp

turns (all this is depicted on the back). The bright sun was shining (finger

draw the sun on the partner’s back). The sun's rays gently caressed the back

teddy bear (palms stroke the player’s back). Suddenly clouds appeared (drawing

clouds). It started to rain (they show raindrops falling). Then it started hailing

(players knock on the back with their fists). The rain has calmed down. Big ones appeared

puddles (puddles are drawn). The bear cub's favorite pastime was looking into puddles and

smile at your reflection (draw funny faces with your finger).

6. Reflection “Suitcase, meat grinder, basket.”

Teachers are asked to write a one-word assessment of the master on the speaker -

class and place it on the drawings of a suitcase, basket and meat grinder.

Suitcase– the master class was useful and important to them, they take the material into their own

pedagogical baggage.

Meat grinder– the master class is useful and important, but you need to comprehend it,


Basket– the master class is not interesting for teachers, it does not represent for them

importance and will not be useful in their practice.