Ointment for cats against ear mites. Ear mites in dogs: treatment, medications, drops to remove the mite

Ear scabies (scientific name: otodectosis) is a disease caused by infection with a microscopic sarcoptic mite. This arachnid lives under the skin or on its surface, feeding on lymph, blood and particles of the epidermis. The disease affects cats and dogs; it is not transmitted to humans. What is the most effective ear mite treatment for furry households? How to determine that a cat has become infected with otodectosis? Let's figure it out.

Ear mite remedies will help restore your pet's joy of life

Symptoms of ear mites

The use of medications is possible only after consultation with a veterinarian. To make a diagnosis, he will take a scraping (smear) from the affected area of ​​the ear. Based on the results of the study, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.

Remember that if used incorrectly medicines the disease can progress to a chronic stage.

Symptoms of otodectosis:

· severe itching;

· bad smell from animal ears;

Frequent shaking of the head;

· formation of suppuration, bald patches at the site of scratching;

· appearance dark brown discharge in the ears.

In addition, the cat exhibits anxiety, lethargy, and lack of appetite. Animals become infected from stray cats, dogs, and other sick pets. There have been cases when a furry household member became infected through domestic means. That is, through the outerwear and shoes of the owners.

An effective ear mite treatment for cats

In the treatment of otodectosis they use:

· drugs containing fipronil (Frontline, Bars) or selamectin (Stronghold);

· ear drops(“Amitrazine”, “Acaromectin”);

home remedies (garlic ointment, strong green tea, water solution lavender and almond oil).

Medicines based on fipronil act quickly, but they are less effective than drugs containing selamectin. It is important to know that before using them it is recommended to “deworm” the animal.

Drops from otodectosis fight the mite population, while eliminating inflammation and fungal infection. They contain dimexide, amitrazine, ivermectin and other active substances.

Folk remedies for treatment ear scabies are rarely used, as they can provoke a deterioration in the condition of the sick animal. Their use is possible only after agreement with the attending physician.

Treatment of painful areas begins with cleansing. The cat is wrapped in a towel and a special

  • Volume increase earwax- ears are dirty.
  • Tick ​​waste – brown coating with a noticeable unnatural odor. In a progressive form, the ears are literally filled with wet mush from brown secrets mites, sulfur, clotted blood, skin scales. The photo shows an advanced stage of an ear mite.

Before choosing a medicine for ear mites in cats, make sure you have a diagnosis. Many skin diseases, as well as allergies cause itching in the ear area, and brown discharge may have several root causes.

Note! If a cat scratches its ears vigorously, the scratches bleed, but the animal does not stop, and inner surface the sinks are clean - you are dealing with . The disease is also caused by a tick, but is subcutaneous and affects the outer part of the ear.

Read also: Ringer-Locke solution for cats: purpose and contraindications

How to identify ear mites

  • You will need a flat black surface. Exactly black! Ear mite has a white color, but is literally microscopic in size, so the surface should be as contrasting as possible.
  • Using cotton swab, take a swab from the animal's ear. Try to grab as much of the mixture as possible, but take the smear in one motion.
  • Holding the stick over the black surface, gently tap on its base - you need to “shake out” the mites from the general mass of secretions.
  • Place the stick in the bag, shine a bright light on the surface and look carefully. If you have vision problems, use a magnifying glass.
  • Your task is to detect white dots, which, after lying down for a while, will begin to move. Found it? – you have confirmed the diagnosis, the cat has ear mites.

Treatment for ear mites in cats

Even with difficult advanced cases, treatment of skin diseases is carried out at home, ear mites are no exception. Sexually mature individuals lay 5 eggs per day, and their full cycle development takes 21 days. Get ready and be patient; in the most “rosy” prospects, we can talk about complete relief from ear mites no earlier than in a month.

To remove ear mites as much as possible short term, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • Hygiene – isolate a sick pet from other animals and people. Wash your hands hot water after contact, use gloves, a medical cape or gown.
  • Treatment at home involves the use of specialized medications, following the instructions or prescriptions of the doctor.
  • Regardless of treatment tactics, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the ears of plaque every day. A cotton swab is soaked in hydrogen peroxide or a special disinfectant lotion.
  • Keeping an eye on the animal or using a collar to prevent the cat from scratching its ears will reduce the risk of wound infections.
  • Use in parallel with the main treatment antihistamines, they will ease the itching.
  • A tick attack is an indicator of decreased immunity or metabolic disorders. To restore strength, the animal needs rest, care and proper nutrition.

Important! Continue the course of medication as directed and hygiene procedures, even if the cat shows no signs of illness. Young mites and eggs do not cause this severe itching like adults.

Read also: Tetravit for cats: review of the drug

Selecting a drug for ear mites

On early stage All you need is narrow-spectrum ear drops, cotton swabs and patience. If pus is found in the ear, the animal experiences pain when palpating the lower part of the ear, the pulp has a wet consistency, you will need:

  • Remedy for ear mites in cats wide range action, it is optimal to use drops that eliminate fungi and bacteria - Oricin or analogues.
  • If you choose narrow spectrum drops, you will need additional antifungal drug– Otanazole or analogue. Veterinarians often recommend using an antifungal ointment - it stays on the surface of the ear longer, for example, Oridermil.
  • Lotion or spray for cleaning and disinfection - used warm. Apply the product to inner part ears, massage, let the animal shake its head and start cleaning.
  • Immunostimulants - subcutaneous injections, drugs such as Gamavit, Tetravit.

Important! To treat and prevent ear mites in cats, you should not use medications containing alcohol! You also risk the life of your pet if you use “dog” drugs.

The instructions for the drug clearly state how to treat the animal - doses and timing. Do not exceed the recommendations, do not instill double volume of the drug if you missed procedures, do not shorten the treatment period.

Step-by-step instructions for treating ear mites:

  1. Thoroughly clean the outer part of the ears from any crusts, discharge or scabs that have formed. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the morning and evening.
  2. Treatment is carried out with 3% hydrogen peroxide, special lotions, wet sanitary napkins for cleaning the ears or acaricidal preparations intended for instillation into the ears.
  3. The drug should be instilled into both ears, even if the other is not infected. Fold the ear in half and use massaging movements to help the drug penetrate deeper.
  4. If necessary, treat with an antibacterial (antifungal) drug.

You can support a weakened animal’s body with vitamins such as Gamavit, Multivit, etc.

You can purchase a complex drug against mites and fungi.

Drops against ear mites

It is difficult to understand which drops help best against ear mites. Before purchasing, you must carefully study the instructions and strictly adhere to all indicated dosages so as not to cause drug intoxication. Any anti-tick product is toxic, so when treating pregnant females and small kittens, the instructions must give permission for this. The word “acaricidal” on the drops means “anti-mite”.

Effective ear drops against ticks:

Ear drops with a complex effect:

  1. Otovedin.
  2. Surolan.
  3. Otoferonol Gold.

Contraindications: hole in eardrum, individual intolerance one of the components.

Tick ​​drops:

All of the above drops have almost the same method of application; we will consider it below.

How to use ear drops for cats against otodectosis

The method of using the drops is as follows. Using cotton swabs soaked in the preparation, thoroughly clean the cat's ears from accumulated crusts and discharge. Then drop the amount of product indicated in the instructions into each ear. Carefully fold the animal's ear in half and distribute the medicine evenly with massaging movements. On average, the course of treatment lasts from 5 to 7 days. The procedure for processing and administering drops is carried out 2 times a day, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions.

The drops contain poison, which heals in the indicated doses, and an overdose can cause poisoning pet.

How can you tell if your cat has ear mites? When a tick settles in a cat’s ears, it begins its life activity by gnawing through the passages. The cat's ears are very itchy at this time. She begins to itch and shake her head, trying to get rid of the annoying condition. Looking into a cat's ears, you can see a black coating, redness, sulfur plugs, pus and acrid odor. If you squeeze the base of the ear, you can hear a peculiar sound emanating from the exudate. If you don't stop in time inflammatory process, then it will go into the middle ear and rupture the eardrum.

A cat's hearing must be acute. To help your pet keep its ears clean, you need to periodically carry out hygiene procedures. To do this, you need to purchase lotion and wet wipes for your cat's ears. It is enough to check the animal’s ears once a month and carry out preventative treatment. You can also lubricate them with Vaseline oil.

Many cat owners cannot understand how their pet got ear mites. The cat may not leave the apartment, but the owners themselves can become the source of ear mites by bringing them in from the street. Flies and fleas are no exception either. They can also infect your pet.

And take care of the animal. The treatment process should be given great attention, as they are susceptible to many diseases, including ear mites. Every owner should know how to promptly diagnose and eliminate the disease at home using folk remedies.

How do ear mites appear in cats?

Ear mites in a cat

Important to remember! Ear mites can appear in domestic cats that are kept away from contact with other animals and do not go outside.

Symptoms of ear mites

With ear mites, the ears quickly become dirty

In order to effectively and quickly get rid of the problem, you need to know the main symptoms. This will allow you to diagnose your cat's health at home.

Manifestations of ear mites in cats:

  • severe itching, forcing an animal;
  • appear on the head combs;
  • redness skin (especially pronounced in the folds near the ears);
  • cat often shakes his head ;
  • ears get dirty quickly (the amount of sulfur increases);
  • a characteristic smell appears (as a result of the formation of waste products of ticks).

If the disease is progressing or neglected form, then they can be observed purulent discharge, presence of blood or skin flakes. Before starting treatment at home with folk remedies, you should undergo a diagnosis at a veterinary clinic.

Diagnosing ear mites at home

It is necessary to take a swab from the animal's ear

You can recognize a tick at home; for this you will need a flat black surface. The ear mite is white and small in size, so you will need to use a cotton swab.

  1. It is necessary to take a swab from the animal's ear.
  2. Then, holding the stick over the black surface, you should gently tap on its base to shake out the mites from the wax.
  3. Then the cotton swab should be placed in a bag and the black surface should be viewed under a bright light source.

Isolating a cat in the bathroom where his litter box is installed

On average, it takes 30 days.

In order to do this you will need:

  • isolate your pet from contact with other animals and children;
  • wash your hands after contact with animals;
  • use gloves when treating cat ears;
  • use special drugs, including folk remedies.

Treatment at home involves the use of specialized medications, but you must remember that they must be used strictly according to the instructions or recommendation of a doctor.

The treatment process involves the daily process of clearing wax from the cat's ears. For this purpose, it is best to soak cotton wool in hydrogen peroxide. – a mandatory element of treatment. It allows for good treatment of areas affected by ticks and will not allow the cat to scratch its ears, which will speed up the recovery process.

To relieve itching, use antihistamines. After the main symptoms have passed, taking the drugs should continue for about another week.

Choice of treatments

The most effective, therefore widespread among cat lovers and frequently used method of treatment is local.

Pus in the ear

If the disease has reached the stage of pus appearing in the cat’s ear, then the tick repellent should be broad spectrum . It is best to use drops that eliminate fungi and bacteria. You can also use drugs with a narrow spectrum of action, but additionally use an antifungal drug, for example ointment, since it for a long time remains on the skin.

If lotions and sprays are used for disinfection during, then it is best to warm the compositions slightly to room temperature before the procedure. After applying the product chosen for treatment to the inside of the ear, this area should be lightly massaged. Then you need the cat to shake its head, after which you can clean the ears from wax.


An effective way of treatment is to use. Important condition: Do not use preparations containing alcohol for this purpose.

The products must be intended specifically for the treatment of cats, and compliance with the instructions is also important. prerequisite successful treatment.

Exceeding the terms and dosages must be agreed upon with a veterinarian; this cannot be done independently. In the event that after completing a course of taking the drug, plaque appears in the ears Brown, That further treatment should be carried out antifungal agents. Drops should be excluded from therapy.

Folk remedies

Green tea and boiling water

In the event that the use of specialized medical drugs is not possible, then for the treatment of ticks in cats you can use folk remedies. They are effective in the early stages of the disease, when there is no secondary signs– coagulated blood and severe scratching. The process of cleaning the ears remains one of the mandatory elements of treatment. The main remedy in the fight against ticks is green tea tincture.


  • boiling water - 230 ml ;
  • green tea - 2 tsp.(it is better to use large leaf).

After the tea has cooled, it should be instilled into the cat’s ears every day, 2-3 drops in each ear - a course of 1-1.5 months. It is important to remember that tea is , so after the first use you should look at the cat’s behavior.

Simultaneously with this drug should be used lavender oil mixture, tea tree and mint , additionally diluted in water - this will enhance the healing effect.

Garlic and oil ointment

Garlic oil is great way fight against ear mites

Another folk remedy- ointment made from garlic and oil. To prepare it you will need:

  • oil - 2 tbsp ;
  • garlic - half a clove .

The resulting mixture should be lubricated on the ears once a day. Garlic is an excellent antiseptic, but it can cause allergies and the formation of congestion, so you need to monitor the animal’s condition.

Video about washing a cat's ears from ticks


Thus, you can rid your cat of ticks in the ear using both medication and folk remedies. For effective treatment At home, it is best to use veterinarian-approved products.

On this page you can learn how to permanently get rid of bedbugs in an apartment using folk remedies.

The drugs have a beneficial effect:

Important! If otitis develops against the background of ear scabies, treatment with hydrogen peroxide will be required for 14 days (morning and evening). Sofradex and Jenodex drops will help. At severe inflammation you will need the antibiotic Cefuroxime if medium degree lesions, it is enough to use Cefazolin.

At the second stage of therapy, the doctor will prescribe a suspension of the following drugs: Creolin, DE cream and Dioxidine. Place about 1 ml of the mixture in sore ear, massage for 5 minutes, carefully clean with a cotton swab.

Folk remedies

In the early stages of ear scabies, home remedies can be used. Veterinarians do not recommend treating problem areas of a cat’s ears for a long time if there is no noticeable result.

Popular home remedies:

  • almond oil for ear massage;
  • strong green tea for treating irritated areas.

Prevention measures

It is very difficult to completely prevent ear mite infection, even in domestic cats whose owners do not allow them into the yard. Preventive measures are necessary to minimize the risk of otodectosis and nodtoedrosis.