Ointment “Horse power. Balm-gel “Horsepower” for joints

Horse gel - excellent remedy, which helps a person cope with pain in the back, knees, and neck. It is enough to squeeze a small pea of ​​this drug into the palm of your hand and begin to massage the parts of the body in which discomfort is felt. Why does the product have such a name - " horse gel"? Everyone knows that only natural medicines, which do not cause side effects or allergic reactions. Horse gel also belongs to such drugs, but this product has no connection with beautiful animals. Today we will find out in what cases the drug should be used, how it affects different parts of the body, and, of course, we will find out what patients and doctors think about it.

Indications for use

Horse joint gel can be used:

  • For arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis.
  • To combat venous mesh on the legs, “stars”.
  • For recovery after sprains, surgeries, injuries.
  • To relieve muscle tension after training.
  • As a means for therapeutic massage.

Effect of the gel on various parts of the body


Horse gel should not be used in the following cases:

  • If the skin at the site of application is damaged.
  • It should not be used on mucous membranes.
  • If you are allergic to the components of the gel.
  • If a person has malignant tumors.


Gel " Horsepower» contains the following main components:

  • Lavender oil: improves body tone.
  • Peppermint essential oil: has a mild analgesic effect.
  • Vitamin E. Thanks to it, a person’s blood circulation improves and endurance increases. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that improves cell respiration and also stops the aging process.

Auxiliary components of the product are:

  • Glycerol.
  • Soybean oil.
  • Demineralized water.
  • Carbopol.
  • Propylparaben.
  • Methylparaben.
  • Triethanolamine.

The product is available in 500 ml bottles.

How to use?

Gel “Horsepower” for joints should be applied to painful areas of the body with massaging movements 1 or 2 times a day, depending on the severity of the pain syndrome. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to apply polyethylene over the product, and then wrap the limb in a scarf to ensure peace.

Do not apply gel to open wounds or other skin lesions. If the product gets into your eyes, they should be rinsed with running water.


Horse gel, the price of which varies significantly depending on the place of purchase, can be bought from 400 to 700 rubles per bottle. The easiest way to purchase this product is through the Internet, since it is difficult to find in pharmacies.

Country of manufacture of the drug: Russia.

Advantages of the product

Horse gel for veins and joints has the following undeniable advantages:

Appreciative responses from people

Horse gel reviews are mostly positive. People are satisfied with the effectiveness of this product. Many people are happy that the swelling goes away quite quickly, their legs feel light, and they stop getting tired. Women who managed to get rid of “stars” on their skin with the help of this drug are especially happy. lower limbs. Small veins, which, one might say, disfigured the girls’ legs, simply disappear thanks to the horse gel.

People note that the product is very convenient to use. It has a good dispenser, thanks to which you can squeeze out required amount gel, without overdoing it. People also note that the product lasts a long time and is quite economical.

Close relatives of pensioners are especially pleased with the effect of this gel. They believe that every medicine cabinet of older people should contain this product. After all, the older a person gets, the more problems It occurs with his joints. And horse gel can solve all problems and make life easier for older people.

Negative user feedback

Unfortunately, you can also find negative reviews people about this product. Some people write that the gel did not bring them relief, did not get rid of the venous network, did not help cope with arthritis, arthrosis. Unfortunately, such cases do happen. This is due to the fact that people simply purchase counterfeit drugs. After all, there are a huge number of swindlers who want to sell the product for the sake of profit. In order not to fall for the tricks of scammers, you must purchase any drug, including “horse” gel for joints, only in trusted places, on the official websites of the manufacturer. This way a person will protect himself from buying a fake product. And when the user receives the product in his hands, he must look at the production date and expiration dates.

Experts' opinion

Doctors generally speak positively about this remedy. On the other hand, they criticize patients for being careless about their health. Knowing that horse gel is sold without a prescription, people buy it without consulting a doctor. However, experts warn that the drug is not a self-sufficient drug for the treatment of severe and chronic ailments of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, the gel can only be used as an addition to other medications prescribed by the doctor.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for joints

If for some reason you have not decided to purchase horse gel or cannot yet find it on sale, you can temporarily replace it with medications. Doctors recommend the following drugs for affected joints: Diclofenac, Ketorolac, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen.

Now you know what horse gel is, what it consists of, and how to use it correctly. We found out how patients and doctors respond to this product. We also understood why there are negative responses from people about this gel. After all, there is unscrupulous sellers who offer a fake product, and men and women believe and buy it. And in the end, the effect of the gel is zero. To prevent this from happening, you should purchase the product in trusted places, where there is a license for sale.

Anyone can experience joint diseases, regardless of age. To get rid of discomfort, patients agree to try any means on themselves. Many have already appreciated positive traits balm-gel Horsepower for the treatment of pathologies of the joints and musculoskeletal system.

The drug Horsepower is an excellent addition to the main treatment of many diseases musculoskeletal system. This product contains complex therapy with chondroprotectors brings the desired effect, having a beneficial effect on the joints.

This is what the original packaging of Horsepower for the treatment of joints looks like

Despite the fact that modern pharmaceuticals and medicine are rapidly developing their technologies, most people prefer Horsepower to many new-fangled ointments and creams.

History of creation

This drug was developed back in 1927 in Germany by the famous doctor Walter Fershter, who spent his entire life studying herbs and their healing properties. For many years he wanted to find unique remedy against diseases of the musculoskeletal system, mixing plants and oils.

Now the gel is produced under the brand name “Horse Power” by Horse Force. However, on the official website there is no information about the origin of the brand or the composition of the gel.

Forms of release and composition of Horsepower

Horsepower is available in bottles with a 500 ml dispenser. There are only 2 forms of the drug: gel, gel-balm (it is the most popular).

Such pharmaceutical product, as an ointment for the treatment of joints under the brand “Horse Power” does not exist!

This is what the Horsepower gel looks like with horse chestnut and leeches

The basis of the drug is natural plant components:

  1. Peppermint oil. Possesses antibacterial effect, being an antiseptic, relieves local skin irritation.
  2. Extract horse chestnut. Eliminates swelling and symptoms varicose veins veins, normalizes the functioning of the circulatory system.
  3. Lavender oil. Antiseptic. It has a general tonic, analgesic and softening effect.
  4. Tocopherol (vitamin E). Antioxidant. Promotes wound healing, nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
  5. Menthol. Disinfects the surface of tissues, relieves irritation and swelling, fights inflammatory processes, tones and soothes pain.

The additional ingredients are:

  • soybean oil;
  • glycerol;
  • demineralized water;
  • carbopol;
  • methylparaben;
  • triethanolamine.

Effect of the drug

This gel can have the following effects when applied:

  • helps to increase the range of movements;
  • improves metabolic processes in the human body;
  • increases blood circulation;
  • relieves muscle and nervous tension;
  • increases tone;
  • softens the skin;
  • eliminates pain syndrome;
  • helps tissue restoration after injury;
  • relieves swelling;
  • fights inflammation;
  • has a preventive effect under heavy loads on the joints.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of balm-gel are:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • gout;
  • radiculitis;
  • neuralgia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • myositis;
  • muscle spasms;
  • pain syndrome during increased physical activity;
  • injuries.

However, it should be remembered that the drug does not have a therapeutic effect on the very cause of the disease. Horsepower takes off unpleasant symptoms

, alleviating the patient's condition.

Restrictions on use

Before you start using Horsepower, you must consult your doctor and study the instructions for use included with the product. At the beginning of treatment, it is recommended to conduct a small allergy test. For this The bodies in the affected area are lightly covered with a thin layer of gel. If after 12 hours no side effects have occurred at the site of contact of the skin and the drug, then, without obvious contraindications, you can safely use Horsepower in complex treatment joint diseases.

Before using the drug, make sure that you are not allergic to its components

Contraindications for use include:

  • hypersensitivity of the body to any of the ingredients of the drug;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • damage skin in places of application;
  • the presence of neoplasms of a different nature.

Avoid contact medicine on open wounds and mucous membranes, especially in the eyes and mouth.

It is prohibited to use Horsepower for acute erysipelas, infectious and inflammatory diseases skin.

Methods of using balm to treat joints

There are several ways to use the drug to achieve quick results:

  1. Standard application regimen: twice a day by rubbing until completely absorbed. This will help get rid of crunching, pain and swelling.
  2. Massage using Horsepower will eliminate stiffness in movements.
  3. The affected area is thickly lubricated with balm, covered with cling film and wrapped in a scarf or scarf. This procedure is carried out before bedtime, sore spot should be kept warm all night.
  4. Sore joints are smeared with a thin layer of gel and left until completely dry. This relieves heaviness, removes swelling of tissues, and relaxes muscles.

Sometimes it is permissible to use the balm for a month or more, since a long period use is not addictive.

Doctors' attitude towards Horsepower

No theory of conservative doctors can withstand the compelling arguments in favor of the Horsepower balm. But doctors do not advise using the product uncontrolled, without conducting preliminary research and diagnosing diseases. This is indicated in the instructions for the balm.

According to experts who perform massage with this gel, it is applied perfectly and does not irritate the skin of patients or the hands of the massage therapists themselves.

Malakhov about the drug - video

Patient reviews

Our whole family has been using this pain-relieving gel for six months, and it still doesn’t run out. The bottle is big. You can buy it at a pharmacy or order it online. The composition of this balm-gel is good, based on herbs and essential oils. It smells nice, absorbs quickly and does not leave greasy marks on clothes. When my husband re-exercises at the gym, he smears himself with Horsepower gel and everything goes away quickly. But mostly my dad uses the Horsepower balm-gel. He has sore joints and cannot do without painkillers creams and gels. And this balm-gel helps him perfectly.



My mother fell... in addition to the bruise, there was inflammation inside and my mother almost couldn’t walk... and when there was nothing left to buy at the pharmacy, and my leg didn’t stop hurting (and I was already 2 months into treatment), I still- I finally decided and went for this Balm-gel Horse Force Horsepower. And you know, I regretted that I didn’t buy it right away!..I myself was so interested in how this balm-gel works that, just for fun, I smeared it on my lower back. And... the sensations were like this: at first, the place that I smeared seemed to freeze (as I understand it, there was an analgesic effect), then this place began to warm up and although I didn’t feel any pain, it was still visible, that the effect is obvious.



My friends persuaded me to take up fitness, and I’ve been going to the gym for a couple of months now. The exercises bring pleasure, but sometimes the muscles are twisted by pain, although I seem to be doing them without fanaticism. My trainer recommended me the “Horsepower” balm-gel. I took the advice and did not regret it. I spread the gel on the muscles and joints during a light massage and the pain subsides. This gel has an interesting effect. It simultaneously cools and burns oily skin, dries quickly and does not cause any trouble.

Gels intended for the treatment of injured horses. Gels have an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effect, enhance regeneration processes in affected tissues.

The buffer between the movable cartilage plates is the joint fluid. Its lack leads to abrasion of cartilage and strong joint pain. An important component of joint lubricating fluid is glucosamine, a compound of amino acids and sugars. Alezan gels contain glucosamine hydrochloride, which helps restore damaged cartilage tissue.

Gels also contain, which stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissues and stimulates metabolic processes. Highly purified water with silver ions, mumiyo and sea ​​buckthorn oil.

The gels contain extracts from the collection medicinal plants: chamomile, celandine, calendula, wormwood, caraway, pine buds, fennel, yarrow, mint, St. John's wort, etc.

Different types gels can have a warming, cooling and warming-cooling effect. Healing ointment "Alezan" containing ASD fraction, serves for treatment infected wounds and fungal diseases.

The product is applied to the affected area and rubbed in with light massaging movements. After applying the gel with a warming effect, the area can be covered with a warm cape or bandaged.

Gels "Zoovip"

The gels of this line are intended for the spine, wound healing and muscle relaxation, prevention stagnation and increasing the elasticity of blood vessels in horses. Gels are suitable for both treatment and prevention of joint and muscle diseases.

The product contains purified water, glycerin, propolis, essential oils and other components, depending on the purpose. In addition, some gels contain preservatives and food colorings that are approved for use in the Russian Federation. The manufacturer indicates that all gels are hypoallergenic. They should be applied in the same way as Alezan ointments.

Are the products suitable for people?

All components of the Alezan and Zoovip gels are quite suitable for combating human ailments. However, since it is intended for horses, the concentration potent drugs may be too high for . Before use, you should apply a small amount of gel on the inner crook of your arm for at least 12 hours to check if you are allergic to this product. In addition, you must carefully study the instructions for the drug and first consult with your doctor.

Joint diseases - common medical problem. IN at a young age people are more often concerned about arthritis, ligament or muscle sprains, and post-traumatic pain. Older people mainly suffer from degenerative processes - destruction of joints.

Traditional medicine uses non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for these purposes. They can be produced in the form of tablets or topical preparations (for external use).

Topical medications are better tolerated and have fewer symptoms. side effects. But if you abuse ointments, creams and gels for joints based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, there is a fairly high probability of getting undesirable effect- from allergies to ulcers. Is there an alternative to these medications?

Alternative Treatment

Any process – inflammatory or dystrophic – is manifested by pain. It is the pain syndrome that forces a person to see a doctor or seek help in pharmacies on their own. But pain is a subjective feeling. It is not necessary to use analgesics to stop feeling it. Sometimes it is enough to use distractions.

The action of many is based on this distracting property. medicinal ointments and balms. They affect the pain syndrome indirectly, while causing the same result as when using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Their main advantage is the absence of pronounced side effects.

These products contain herbal medicines and vitamins, essential oils and their derivatives. This composition has a complex effect and affects several links pathological process in the musculoskeletal system. In addition, balms and gels for joints can be used for various diseases and even healthy people– for example, when performing a massage.

IN Lately products that are similar in composition to drugs used in veterinary medicine have become popular. These include:

  1. Horse balm.
  2. Horse ointment.
  3. Horse balm.

Under this name they are released different shapes– balm and gel for joints.

Horsepower includes:

  • essential oils of mint and lavender;
  • vitamin E

For arthritis and osteoarthritis, the Horsepower gel-balm also eliminates pain, but it is effective on early stages. In case of severe inflammation or advanced destruction of the joint, Horsepower gel can only be used as an auxiliary treatment option.

Vitamin E has a positive effect on appearance skin, accelerates recovery processes. External use of vitamin E in gels, creams and ointments is an excellent prevention premature aging skin. Due to the structure of the gel-balm, the skin is moisturized, which also improves its condition.

Gel and balm Horsepower is widely used as a massage product.

Side effects include allergic reactions - local and general, due to the content of essential oils. According to the instructions, application to mucous membranes is not allowed. There are no restrictions on the duration of use.

Products of the “Horsepower” trademark are certified. The products are produced in the Russian Federation.

Horse balm

This product is produced in Germany. Its recipe is complex and includes essential oils and herbal extracts:

  • menthol;
  • camphor;
  • mountain arnica;
  • medicinal rosemary;
  • Siberian fir;
  • field mint;
  • horse chestnut

Horse chestnut extract containing escin eliminates swelling and inflammation and relieves pain. It is used for diseases not only of joints, but also of veins. Thanks to high content horse chestnut extract in its composition, the balm is called Horse.

Used for arthrosis and arthritis, muscle spasms, physical fatigue, leg cramps, feeling of heaviness in the legs and swelling.

Fir oil relieves the feeling of discomfort and fatigue in the legs, relieves inflammation in the affected area, and eliminates soreness. With course use, the strength of the affected muscles is restored. In its action it is an antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent and has deodorizing properties. Improves skin condition by moisturizing and increasing elasticity.

The instructions indicate that Horse Balm can be used up to three times a day. It is advisable not to just apply it, but to rub it in with smooth movements. Not for use in children under twelve years of age.

Possible side effects are allergic reactions. Horse balm is certified.

Horse ointment is usually called Zoovip gel or cream. Zoovip cream is a product that was originally intended for animals. It is sold in veterinary pharmacies. But since its composition does not contain substances hazardous to humans, Zoovip cream is successfully used to treat joints in people.

According to the instructions, its main components are represented by herbal extracts:

  • arnica;
  • sweet clover;
  • wormwood;
  • hops;
  • comfrey;
  • Kalanchoe.

The composition also includes extracts of chestnut seeds and pine buds, its essential oil and resin.

Zoovip cream has a general moderate anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect on the affected joints. Unlike ointments, the cream has a more delicate texture, is easy to apply and is perfectly absorbed.

It is better to use no more than twice a day, preferably combined with traditional treatment. Side effects include local allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes and redness.

Like cream, Zoovip gels are widely used by people. They have multidirectional effects:

  1. warming;
  2. warming-cooling;
  3. relaxing.

They have a pronounced effect on back and leg pain, sprains, and physical muscle strain.

Zoovip warming-cooling and relaxing gels contain mint and lavender extracts, red pepper, camphor, eucalyptus and clove essential oils, and menthol.

Red pepper has a warming effect on the skin, relaxes spasmed muscles, and soothes the resulting pain. Menthol and eucalyptus, due to their cooling effect, distract from pain, relieves inflammation. Essential oils of clove and lavender have a beneficial effect on the skin, increase its tone, and prevent aging.

Warming ointment, due to the content of red pepper and propolis extracts, increases blood flow to the affected area, creates a feeling of warmth and relaxes muscles. Due to this effect, it is widely used for radiculitis and muscle spasms.

Can be used as a massage product. Apply a small amount to the affected area using gentle stroking movements.

Side effects may occur allergic reactions or as skin irritation. Not for use in children.

Horse ointment

Horse ointments include Alezan cream and ointment. They have the same composition, but differ in texture. The ointment is greasy and is absorbed more slowly than the cream.

The main difference from other ointments is the content of glucosamine. It is assumed that even with local application it prevents further destruction of cartilage and restores its function. Due to glucosamine, Alezan is a chondroprotector. It is difficult to say how pronounced its chondroprotective effect is, since Alezan is veterinary drug and was developed for horses. In humans, it is usually used in combination with traditional chondroprotectors.

In addition to glucosamine, Alezan contains extracts of thirteen plant components. Its actions are analgesic, antiseptic and analgesic. Used for degenerative processes of the musculoskeletal system and its injuries, in sports. Reduces swelling of the legs.

It is important to remember that concentration active substances in Alezan is designed for large animals, and overdose should not be allowed.

Cream and ointment can be used once or twice a day. Apply the product with a sponge or swab to the affected area.

Horse balm

Horse balm refers to animals only by its name. It is intended for use in humans. Its texture is a gel that is easily absorbed without greasy shine And unpleasant odor. Cools the skin.

From medicinal herbs It contains mint, menthol and hemp, eucalyptus, ivy, lemon balm, sage, chamomile, calendula and nettle. Main active substance is horse chestnut extract. Horse balm also contains camphor and castor oil.

Like most similar gels and ointments, the mechanism of analgesic action is distracting due to cooling of the skin. Additionally, it has an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect due to its rich herbal composition.

Horse balm is used for joint and muscle pain, sprains and bruises, and the formation of hematomas. Can be used for massage.

When applied only to intact skin, it may cause slight redness of the skin, which disappears on its own. TO side effects include general and local allergic reactions.

Gels and ointments based on medicinal herbs and essential oils are not prescribed as the main remedy for the treatment of joints. They must be part of complex therapy.

Their analgesic effect is used to eliminate symptoms, but does not affect the cause and mechanism of development of arthrosis and arthritis.

Before starting treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor.

My history

Horse gel balm for joints helps me very well. People simply call it horse ointment. A friend of mine encouraged me to try using this gel. He said that if he raises horses to their feet, then he can even heal a person.

My wife and I decided to try to coat me with it properly; anyway, there was nothing to lose. My wife suffered from pain in the joints of her knees and it was simply unbearable to live, and I, too, had pain in my lower back and shoulder. We agreed that Vladimir would bring us gel for horses on the day off. He took it from a veterinary pharmacy.

We've been waiting for this day like a miracle

The photo shows our nameless jar with a greenish gel.

And then Saturday came. We received the treasured jar with a camphor-smelling gel-like mass of emerald green color. The smell from it was very pungent, but not unpleasant. It’s just that the nose clearly felt the vigor of the composition. Apparently horses have thick skin and therefore need more effective drugs for treatment.

On the picture: The gel or ointment sold in veterinarians is a drawn silver horse.

Horse ointment - application

We decided to apply the gel before bed so that it lasts all night healing process. At nine o'clock in the evening, the wife prepared all the ingredients. Namely, the gel itself, plastic bag and a wool scarf. Then she applied a portion of horse gel to the sore joints and carefully rubbed it over the knee.

From above, I inserted a bag with the bottom cut off into the leg and wrapped the joint in a woolen cloth. The joint should be warm for the effect of the gel to be more complete. So she slept with the bandage until the morning. (Please note that you need to check your individual tolerance to the gel first!)

Someone may need it completely thin layer daubers. Well, for those who have rough skin, men, you can lubricate it stronger.

The next morning it was already easier

Such effective drug. In total, she was treated for a week every evening and as a result the pain completely disappeared. The product is very good. The joints are simply transformed. In addition, you can always take an additional course of prevention. I don’t presume to say that I have gotten rid of joint pain forever. However, the wife runs again and the pain does not bother her at all.

For me, of course, everything is more complicated and here I need A complex approach. Therefore, the site has other recommendations, in particular on nutrition and lifestyle.

So don't shy away from this proven remedy.

If the gel puts horses on their feet, it can even lift a person. Gel can be treated not only knee joints, but also the spine. It also has a good effect on the joints of the arms and hands. Try it and you won’t regret it!

Why in the veterinarian

Because it’s easier to get a license to sell veterinary drugs, and you don’t have to pay bribes. That’s why sometimes they sell decent products among pet supplies.

The main purpose is for exacerbations, when the joints ache, when there is swelling, swelling, etc. in this case the problem is resolved. Chronic and salt deposits, of course, will not cure, this must be understood.

I found out that now such a gel is now being sold in pharmacies

Someone realized. Since it helps people, it would be nice to make some money from it. I don’t know how effective these store-bought gels in jars are. In my opinion, it is better to take a special horse gel from veterinary hospitals. It works exactly.

So in the comments people write that it helps. And, judging by the reviews, it’s inexpensive. So give it a try if you suffer from joint problems. It could probably work.

Here are some common gels from pharmacies:

Balm gel “Horse Power” from Horse Force - costs approximately from 10 to 15 dollars . According to reviews, it seems to be the most “working”, I don’t know about the price, check in your pharmacies. The composition is adapted to our human standards. This means you can apply it without fear of burning your skin and getting an additional burn. I checked that the gel balm works well, but now I still use veterinary ointments.

This horse ointment contains only natural ingredients. This, of course, is very valuable, as it minimizes any side effects. By the way, having studied the instructions for use, I did not find any contraindications, which means that it is suitable for everyone, in any case, before use you need to smear a test area on the skin and monitor the reaction. If nothing spills out or stings, then you can treat the joints.

The cooling version of the ointment includes mint and lavender extracts, and in a warming ointment chestnut and pepper extracts. This is good, since you can work comprehensively, combining ointments as needed. If relapse and sharp pain- cool, if it aches and ache, then warm it up.

Many are watching positive effect in about 6 days after the start of the course. I felt relief after 3 days. Overall, the drug is good and deserves attention.

Alezan joint cream- appeared one of the first after people became interested in horse ointments. Since it is still on sale, it means the manufacturer is doing something worthwhile... I also tested it on myself, last summer it was he who alleviated my condition when I turned up left leg at the construction site of a utility block. The product acts more gently compared to the gel from the veterinarian. Probably ideal for women.

Ointment “Horse Dose”- has nothing to do with the famous ointment, but is named so precisely because there is a similarity to the ear. Particularly popular among weightlifters, in fact, it is promoted among them, relying on the fact that everyone knows about a certain “horse” ointment that helps joints. In camphor ointment, in principle, it is a good warming ointment, but nothing more. Promotes recovery from sprains, but does not heal joints. If you are interested in how much it costs, then focus on 5 dollars .

Horse ointment using Swiss technology. It works well, although the product is expensive and not affordable for many people, certainly pensioners. In terms of effect, the reviews are good, the drug is European and of high quality. It contains chestnuts, but you can pick them anyway, plus make an infusion with regular veterinary ointment. What I mean is that there is always an alternative - simple ointment from the vet...

Here is another sample of varieties of ointments based on the same classic veterinary ointment. This balm is from Germany, the price is, accordingly, German. Of course, the quality is excellent, the efficiency is decent. If funds allow, look for it and use it!

Here is another version of a similar German ointment

Judging by the reviews, the drug works very, very effectively. I just don't think it makes sense to overpay. If you are traveling to Europe from Belarus, then maybe you will find cheaper options in Poland.

Interesting video about the mechanism of joint pain


To summarize briefly, I will say that where there is demand, there will be supply. There are a lot of companies producing horse ointments, gels and balms, there are leaders, there are experimental batches, but they all have one thing in common - they are based on ointment for horses from veterinary centers .

Look for this unnamed ointment, it is emerald green and smells like camphor. And try. Well, if you have money, then buy pharmacy, branded ones...

I am always glad to hear your feedback about ointments and gels! Write who tried what. Let's create a truthful popular rating!