Medical massage: what does it mean? Profession massage therapist Historical information about massage.

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Massage techniques differ in intensity, the use of additional accessories and oils, area and method of exposure. Some techniques go back decades, others - several thousand years, some work only with physical body, the second - pay more attention to the energetic shells of a person. One thing remains the same: all techniques have their own indications and contraindications, which you need to familiarize yourself with before starting the course.

More than 5 thousand years ago the first massage technique appeared. The definition of this word (from the French masser) is rubbing, kneading. The first sessions were carried out in ancient China and were part of medicine. At the heart of everything modern techniques lies the Amma method: impact on biological points on the human body.

The Chinese method was improved by the Japanese: the tsubo technique became the predecessor of the shiatsu practice known today. Manual therapy is aimed not only at treating diseases, but also at strengthening the immune system and improving the emotional state.

The history of massage in India goes back about 4000 years. The book of Ayurveda describes a combination of water procedures with rubbing techniques. Hindus believed that the procedures helped cleanse the body, relieve fatigue and maintain wellness. IN ancient Egypt and Persia had its own history: massage was used as remedy together with aromatic incense, herbs, resin and oil.

In Europe, the origin of the system began around 500 years ago. BC, and the first techniques were brought from the East. The ancient Greeks were adherents healthy image life: they paid a lot of attention to hygiene, exercise, and nutrition. Before sports competitions, athletes received a massage to increase endurance, and afterward to relieve fatigue. In public baths, the art of massage was available to ordinary people: there it was made by specially trained young men and women.

The history of the development of massage is described by Herodikos and Hippocrates. Philosophers talked about healing properties procedures. Hippocrates experimentally established the effectiveness of upward movements of the hands along the human body. With the collapse of the Roman Empire in Europe, there was a pause in the development of massage: people had no idea why massage was needed.

The emergence of modern techniques

It was only during the Renaissance that scientists and researchers returned interest in manual manipulation of the body. The first information about the use of therapeutic massage dates back to the 16th century. The doctor Ambroise Paré began using them at the royal court. He introduced characteristics for development: soft, medium and energetic. The further history of massage is described in the works of the Swedish physiologist Henrik Ling. He became the founder of his own treatment system, known as the “Swedish movement cure.” The doctor introduced terms that are still used today:

  • Stroking;
  • Trituration;
  • Vibrations;
  • Patting;
  • Rolling.

The author of the restoration technique was the Dutch physician Georg Metzger. His work is based on an understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the body. The developments of the Dutchman and the Swede gained great popularity among doctors, and the basics of massage began to be included in medical teaching aids.

In England, massage began to be used for problems with joint mobility and for the treatment of rheumatism. At the end of the 19th century. The Society of Qualified Masseuses was founded in the country, whose task was to train women massage techniques. The popularization of the method played a positive role on the standards of massage and its quality. During the First World War, the Society's membership increased dramatically, with procedures becoming a mandatory part of soldiers' recovery from wounds. And in 1964, the Society was given official status, and even today, to work in hospitals, massage therapists must have a confirmed certificate. In 1966, the first courses for cosmetologists using massage techniques were organized in London.

Development of massage in Russia

In the 19th century A book by M.Ya. was published in Russia. Mudrova about the benefits of water hygiene for preserving the health of military personnel, which became the basis of the Russian school of therapy. In the book, the author pointed out the benefits of movements and recommended rubbing and stroking. Bekhterev and Botkin were interested in this topic. They spent clinical researches on substantiation of theory physiological effects massage per person and improved some massage techniques. At the end of the 19th century, several centers for teaching therapeutic massage and gymnastics opened in Russia. And at the beginning of the 20th century. Therapeutic massage sessions became a common part of medical practice.

Since the end of the last century, the popularity of massage has grown rapidly. The methods have developed and improved, and today massage treatments are not only medicinal in nature. Sessions are attended at for cosmetic purposes, for relaxation, strengthening the immune system and relieving symptoms of depression.

They began to use it at home, using such teaching aids as:

  • "Massage from A to Z" by Grace Deborah;
  • “Health massage at home” by L. Golubeva;
  • "Bring Yourself Back to Life" by Miranda Esmont, etc.

There are more than 1000 different books and manuals on massage techniques on the market, which provide basic techniques for getting rid of various diseases, cosmetic and preventive techniques, types and mechanisms of influence on the body.

Why do you need a massage?

Massage therapy - effective method treatment of diseases based on physical and reflex effects on the body. It is used for cosmetic, restorative and relaxation purposes.

All modern massage systems are divided into two categories: eastern and western.

The European system involves the use of basic techniques: stroking, rubbing, vibrating pats and squeezing. The techniques differ in the area of ​​study, duration and degree of impact on the body. Some of them use additional accessories, others use only hands for detailing. In European or classical practices, the focus is on physical aspects: health, skin condition and muscle tissue, the presence of diseases, restrictions, indications and contraindications. The intensity and duration of the course is always calculated based on the patient's condition.

Eastern massage systems are based on achieving a balance between the energy plane and the physical shell of a person. They use a lot targeted techniques aimed at releasing energy flows, opening and balancing the chakras. Often sessions begin with meditation and are accompanied by special music, the use of incense and essential oils to liberate the body and spirit. Oriental massage sessions do not always involve direct contact between the master and the client: the treatment can be carried out using special bowls or stones.

Practices are divided into several groups according to their goals. Sessions can be:

  • For children;
  • Cosmetic;
  • Sports;
  • Medicinal;
  • Wellness;
  • Hygienic;
  • Relaxing.

Massage methods are divided into:

  • Practices for the whole body;
  • Zonal;
  • Specialized;
  • Combined.

Massage technique includes a set of techniques that are performed according to established rules. Methods include Thai, cupping, acupressure, etc. According to the method of influence, they distinguish between couples, mutual, professional massage and self-massage.

Massage techniques


All types that relate to therapeutic massage are used only as prescribed by doctors. Massage can be either an independent therapy or part of a complex. Massage is carried out in courses, which usually include from 10 to 20 sessions. The frequency of the procedure is determined by the attending physician. When assigning, take into account:

  • Stage and severity of the disease;
  • Condition and age of the patient.

The course can last from several days to several months.


The main massage method in Russia is classical or Swedish. Massage is prescribed as wellness procedure and prevention of many diseases. Sessions lead to increased muscle tone, improved movement of blood and lymph through the vessels, and activation of metabolic processes. When massaging the body, the master must follow the zonal sequence:

  • The session always begins with working out the back, back surface hips and legs;
  • Then massage chest, arms, stomach and legs.

At the beginning and end of the procedure, gentle stroking is performed. The intensity of the basic techniques is selected individually, the main thing is the absence of pain during the workout.


This type of massage was developed for athletes, but it began to be used for hypothermia and as a prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Massage is divided into three types. The objectives of the preliminary massage are to warm up and prepare muscle tissue, ligaments and joints for the upcoming loads. It is carried out before exercise. Training - during competitions or training. It helps reduce muscle fatigue, maintain the desired physical level and increase the elasticity of ligaments. Recovery sessions are carried out after classes. Their goal is to stimulate metabolic processes, relieving swelling and muscle fatigue, pain.


Children's massage is divided into preventive, restorative and therapeutic. Preventive and restorative treatment begins from the age of two months. The purpose of the practice is to help the emotional and physical development child. Massage helps strengthen the muscle corset, soothes, relieves muscle hypertonicity, and strengthens the bond between parents and baby. Treatment is carried out when:

  • Disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Diseases of the respiratory and digestive organs;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Overweight.

There is also a children's massage against diseases of the nervous system. The duration and frequency of sessions is determined by the attending physician.


This type is used as effective remedy prevention of many diseases, incl. and infertility, to restore performance and as rehabilitation assistance during recovery from injuries. Hygiene techniques are often prescribed along with water treatments, physical therapy and physiotherapy.

Types are divided into restorative ones, which are carried out both at home and in the clinic. Typically, recovery sessions are prescribed after strokes, pinched nerves, or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Use massotherapy against skin diseases, osteochondrosis, dislocations, arthrosis and arthritis.


These massage systems are constantly being developed and supplemented with new types, techniques, and methods. Cosmetic procedures are equally in demand among both women and men, and are divided into anti-cellulite, anti-aging, and supportive. Rejuvenating and supporting sessions can be carried out both locally and for the whole body. Their role is to slow down the aging process, improve the color and structure of the skin, form new contours, eliminate wrinkles and swelling.

Massage against cellulite deposits includes many techniques: oriental, Japanese, Scandinavian, acupressure, cupping, roller, honey, etc. Some of the techniques are carried out with the obligatory use of additional accessories, others involve only manual influence. During sessions, the massage specialist must use a special anti-cellulite cream, gel, oil or lotion. It increases the effectiveness of the procedure, nourishes the skin and helps the hands glide better over the body.

Features of massage - deeper impact on subcutaneous tissue, which is sometimes accompanied by pain.

The result of the sessions is a reduction in body volume, improved blood circulation and lymph flow, a reduction in cellulite deposits, and improved skin condition.


A relaxing massage is aimed at reducing the effects of stress, reducing pain and relieving emotional stress. TO relaxation techniques include: oriental and Thai, stone, chocolate, etc. A relaxing massage of individual parts of the body or a general massage can be performed.

On physical level During sessions, muscle blocks are removed, released blood vessels, stabilization blood pressure, reducing swelling and getting rid of muscle fatigue. Improves procedures and skin condition.

Regardless of the type and technique, all massage procedures have as their goal:

  • Treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, nervous system, musculoskeletal system;
  • Improving the functioning of internal organs;
  • Improving the movement of blood and lymph;
  • Improving the condition of the venous system;
  • Weight loss;
  • Improved skin condition;
  • Increased overall tone;
  • Stimulating the immune system;
  • Stimulating the nervous system.

Massage also helps to cope with emotional problems. If there were signs of fatigue, sadness, apathy, tearfulness or emotional exhaustion before the massage, then after the massage there will be no trace of them. During sessions, hormones of happiness and joy are produced, which improve mood.

The effect of massage on the body

The anatomical and physiological basis of massage explains complex impact sessions on the body. Even a massage of individual parts of the body will affect all the main systems and organs of a person and will have a beneficial effect on general condition and immunity.

The effect on the body is at three levels: nervous, mechanical and humoral. During sessions, active mechanical irritation of nerve endings occurs, which are rich in the skin, muscle tissue, and vascular walls. Impulses received from nerve endings enter the central nervous system and reach the human cerebral cortex. In response to irritation, complex reactions begin that lead to functional changes. The mechanism of formation of reactions is described in the book “All about massage” by V.I. Vasichkin.

The result of the mechanical influence depends on the processes prevailing in the central nervous system, the nature of the techniques, the oils used and the duration of treatment. The anatomical and physiological basis of massage explains the humoral factor as its formation and entry into the blood large quantity tissue hormones. They participate in vascular reactions, during the transmission of nerve impulses, in metabolic processes, etc. Medical researchers have proven that during sessions the formation of histamine-like active substances. They spread along with the blood throughout the body and improve performance internal systems and organs.

Impact on the lymphatic and circulatory system

The massage procedure accelerates the movement of blood and lymph, as well as intercellular fluid. Processes occur not only in the massaged area of ​​the body, but also in all arteries and veins. The body massage procedure also plays an important role in the functioning of capillaries: they open, which helps accelerate redox processes. Tissues receive more oxygen and nutrients, and improved venous circulation facilitates the work of the heart. Some types of training can provoke an increase or decrease in blood pressure and a change in chemical composition blood.

Effect on the nervous system

All existing massage systems affect the central and peripheral nervous system. The cerebral cortex receives many impulses from tactile and temperature stimulation skin. Positive effect depends on the nature and type of techniques, as well as on muscle sensitivity and susceptibility.

Regular treatments increase axonal production, slow scar formation and reduce painful sensations, improves the conductivity of nerve impulses and the excitability of nerve endings.

Effect on functional status

Correct and effective massage- This quick way improve functional state of the whole body. The impact is divided into:

  • Trophic;
  • Tonic;
  • Energy-tropic,
  • Calming;
  • Normalizing.

The calming effect consists of inhibition of the central nervous system. The effect is achieved by deep and rhythmic stroking and rubbing. The tonic effect is manifested in the stimulation of the central nervous system. It is explained by an increase in the number of impulses coming from nerve endings and an increase in the activity of the reticular formation of the brain. Toning massage is used to eliminate the effects of physical inactivity and injuries. For achievement desired effect energetic and deep kneading of muscle tissue, patting, shaking and rolling are used.

The energy-tropic effect is aimed at improving the functioning of the neuromuscular system. It is expressed in:

  • Activation of bioenergetic processes;
  • Improving metabolic processes;
  • Increased histamine production;
  • A local increase in body temperature, which leads to an acceleration of fermentation processes.

Trophic effects are associated with improved blood circulation. This property is used in treatments against muscle weakness, fatigue, loss of sensitivity and after injuries.

Interesting information about massage

There are many interesting facts about massage. The first of them is that gentle stroking can lower blood pressure, calm the nervous system and relieve stress. The sports technique helps remove lactic acid from muscle tissue, which completely eliminates pain after training and competitions.

Eat Interesting Facts about massage for children: regular sessions allow the baby to develop properly, soothe, improve digestion and promote sleep soundly. The first sessions can be performed as early as 2 months of life. The effectiveness of a restorative, anti-cellulite or therapeutic session can be judged by increased sweating, thirst and urge to urinate. And as a result of the restoration processes in the skin after the session, a small rash may occur. This applies to cosmetic and anti-aging procedures.

Among all the practices, there are such as: against hair loss, to improve vision or to facilitate conception. Unusual types include massage with cacti or snakes, knives, snails or fire. In total, massage systems number more than 150 different types, techniques and techniques.

When mechanically applied during a massage, impulses are transmitted through nerve channels to the brain at a speed of 120 m/s. A massage session lasting an hour has the same restorative and relaxing effect on the body as an 8-9 hour sleep.

The most early form medical care- also massage. A description of the seances was found on the walls of Akmantor's tomb, and dates back to 2330 BC. And the most diverse massage system is Scandinavian. It has over 250 techniques.

The massage industry is developing rapidly: every day new methods and techniques, techniques, cosmetical tools to improve skin. Massage news is published on Internet portals, in magazines, books, educational and information manuals. Despite popular belief, sessions are not only cosmetic in nature and are popular not only among women. Sports techniques are preferred by men - they are distinguished by stronger and deeper development, form a beautiful muscular silhouette, and increase endurance. Sessions are also performed for recovery after long-term illnesses, surgeries, and injuries.

The beneficial effects of massage are explained by humoral, mechanical and nervous factors. They are also responsible for the complexity of the method: even when working on individual different parts of the body, the functioning of all body systems improves.

Another important advantage of the practice is accessibility. You can learn everything about massage, basic techniques and types, and learn how to do it at home in specialized courses and online trainings. Proper self-massage In terms of effectiveness and benefits for the body, it is not inferior to salon procedures.

Basics of self-massage techniques

Massage- a method of prevention and treatment, which is a set of methods of dosed mechanical impact on various areas of the human body, performed by the hands of a massage therapist or special devices.

When engaging in physical exercises, sports, or the occurrence of a particular disease, it is not always possible to use the services of a qualified massage therapist. Therefore, a massage performed independently can be of great help.

Self-massage - massage performed with your own hands, on your body. The mechanism of action on the body, all types and forms, as well as massage and self-massage techniques are similar. The only difference is that the possibilities of self-massage are limited to the areas of the body accessible to it.

Different kinds massage (cosmetic, sports, therapeutic, hygienic) is an effective means of restoration and improvement of performance. Massage techniques, acting on those embedded in the skin, muscles and ligaments nerve endings, influence the central nervous system, and through it - the functional state of all organs and systems; improves blood circulation, increases muscle performance. They are better supplied with oxygen and nutrients, are quickly released from decay products; the strength of muscle tendons and joint mobility improves; the flow of lymph and blood accelerates. That is why after a massage a person feels more energetic and regains strength faster.

Forms massage and self-massage: general, when the whole body is massaged, and private (local), in which a separate part of the body is massaged (arms, legs, back, etc.).

Basic Techniques massage and self-massage: stroking, rubbing, kneading, squeezing, percussion techniques (effleurage, chopping, patting), vibration (shaking). To perform self-massage, you can limit yourself to stroking, rubbing, kneading, and squeezing.

Massage techniques are performed in a certain sequence. Massage and self-massage begins with stroking, then rubbing and squeezing are done, after which they perform shock techniques and vibration, then proceed to kneading. Between techniques and at the end of the massage, stroking is done.

Stroking. This is the most commonly used massage appointment. All types and forms of manual massage begin with stroking techniques and always end with them. Stroking can be superficial and deep. Superficial stroking has a calming effect on the nervous system, promotes muscle relaxation, improves the tone of skin vessels, stimulates metabolic processes in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, increases elastic properties skin. Deep stroking stimulates lymph flow and venous blood, actively affects blood circulation in the massaged area, promotes faster removal of metabolic products from tissues, and elimination of stagnation.

Types of stroking: planar, grasping; continuous, intermittent. During planar stroking, the palmar (Fig. 1.4.1, 1.4.2) or dorsal (Fig. 1.4.3, 1.4.4) surface of the hand, the base of the palm (Fig. 1.4.5.) slide over the skin, tightly adhering to it. The touch should be gentle, soft. Stroking is performed with one or two hands. These types of stroking are mainly used on large areas of the body (thigh, lower leg, back, chest).

If you ask someone what a massage therapist does, they will most likely answer that he does massage, that is, he carries out some procedures to restore and strengthen the body. However, there are some in his work important details. For example, a massage therapist works only with the skin and soft tissues, but realigning the vertebrae and joints is not his job, but that of a specialized doctor - for example, chiropractor(not to be confused with representative alternative medicine- osteopath).

In addition, the profession of a massage therapist is quite heterogeneous, because... includes areas of therapeutic, cosmetic and sports massage.

Places of work

The position of massage therapist is provided in a variety of organizations.

  • In hospitals, clinics and rehabilitation centers. There, as a rule, therapeutic massage is in demand.
  • In massage or spa salons. There is often a need for a massage therapist and cosmetologist in one person.
  • In fitness centers and organizations related to professional sports.
  • IN medical centers or privately (with or without home visits).

Types of massage therapists

Children's massage therapist

This direction involves working with children, starting from infancy. Its peculiarity is that it is aimed not so much at correcting physiological deficiencies, but at preventing them so that the child grows up healthy.

Sports massage therapist

One of the main goals of sports massage is to increase physical capabilities and human performance, subject to health safety. Sports massage therapists work in fitness rooms or with professional athletes.

Massage therapist-cosmetologist

Today, there is simply no such thing as a massage therapist-cosmetologist in medicine, but similar positions are available in many institutions. This activity is aimed primarily at improving appearance person - his face and body and provides a combination of medical massage methods and cosmetic procedures, which allows a person to look more attractive.

History of the profession

Impact on human body People began using their hands in the healing aspect a very long time ago - the Assyrians, Egyptians, Persians and Greeks did this. Now we can distinguish two main directions of massage - Asian (Japanese, Thai and Korean massage) and European (for example, Swedish and Finnish schools).

Massage began to be taught centrally in the medical and gymnastic schools of Ancient China in the 6th century. BC, and in Russia - at the end of the 19th century.

Responsibilities of a massage therapist

Depending on the type of institution and position, the responsibilities of a massage therapist may vary, so here are the main ones:

  • massage, hardware cosmetology, body wraps;
  • carrying out SPA procedures, thalassotherapy;
  • application of corrective programs;
  • consulting clients;
  • ensuring order in the massage room.

Requirements for a massage therapist

Typically, employers have the following requirements for a massage therapist:

  • secondary specialized medical education;
  • knowledge of the basics of anatomy, physiology (sometimes dietetics);
  • knowledge of massage and hardware techniques;
  • experience;
  • availability of a valid certificate.

Massage therapist resume sample

How to become a massage therapist

You can become a massage therapist by simply completing the appropriate courses. However, such preparation is only suitable for cosmetic massage. To practice sports massage, a physical education education is required, and for therapeutic massage, a medical education is required. An analogue of education can be any long-term courses and internship (usually at least 1 year).

Massage therapist salary

The salary of a massage therapist varies from 15,000 to 150,000 rubles per month and depends on the region, the employing company and some other conditions. However, the main factor may be the qualifications and fame of the specialist, because There is always a queue of clients waiting for professionals.