Menstruation twice a month reasons. What does it mean if your period comes for the second time in a month?

Which occur twice in one cycle, can appear for various reasons and indicate some problems of the reproductive system.

When is the menstrual cycle considered normal?

The duration is special for each woman, since no two organisms are identical. But there are still some norms and frameworks by which the normal state of internal organs and their work is determined.

A normal cycle ranges from 21 to 35 days. If the break between cycles is short, then menstruation may begin at the beginning and end of the month, but this is within normal limits. If the delay is longer than this period, then this indicates either the onset or presence of malignant tumors or diseases.

The appearance of characteristic bleeding ahead of schedule, that is, if menstruation occurs for the second time in a month after the first, this is also a signal from the body about problems. Only a doctor can determine what to do, but there are several reasons for this violation.

Did you know? A healthy uterus at rest usually measures 7-8 centimeters in length and about 5 centimeters in width. And with the onset of pregnancy, amazing changes occur to it: before it begins to reach the navel, and at 36 weeks its edge reaches the chest.

Causes of deviations that are not considered pathology

Of course, such a violation is bound to cause concern or concern. But there are many reasons that affect the body and can lead to a similar condition. It is impossible to exclude the influence of both external factors affecting the body and internal changes, which, however, are not pathological.
Here is a list of possible reasons that affect a woman or girl and can provoke repeated periods:

  • Quite often, teenagers get periods twice a month. The reason is that hormones at this age are very unstable, which causes schedule disruptions.
  • Hormonal imbalance. This type of problem causes instability and chaos in the cycle. Such a disorder may occur due to inflammation of internal organs.
  • Often, due to a miscarriage, the duration of the break can be disrupted and lead to such shifts. It may also be due to hormonal imbalance after the loss of a child.
  • may cause this side effect, especially during the first months of use.
  • It is also not a pathological feature of the body that menstruation 2 times in one calendar month, that is, at the beginning and at the end of the month, can appear for the reason that the girl simply has a short period between cycles. Often appears in those for whom it is 21-26 days.
  • For women preparing for pregnancy, such a failure may indicate its imminent onset.
  • Minor discharge with blood may appear during ovulation or fertilization and implantation of the egg into the walls of the uterus.
  • sometimes it causes not only a disruption in the schedule, but also constant heavy bleeding. In this case, it is very important to contact a gynecologist and use a different method of contraception. The spiral needs to be removed.

Important!Very often, representatives of the fairer sex experience bleeding while on vacation. There is no need to worry about this, as this is due to changes in climate or time zone. This usually only occurs once and does not happen again.

There are many different reasons that cause such a malfunction in the reproductive system. If menstruation occurs twice a month, then this may even be due to strong negative emotions that are reflected in the body. Do not immediately think that this is the influence of the disease.

Pathologies that cause bleeding from the uterus

Sometimes failure of the normal functioning of the genital organs can occur as a result of the influence of more serious disorders, diseases or infections. Here are the main pathological reasons that provoke cycle failure:

Important! Extraordinary bloody discharge-This is not menstruation, but only menstrual-like bleeding. Its cause is most often a hormonal surge caused by stress, emotional turmoil, overwork or even lack of sleep. You should pay attention if they become the norm and appear constantly.

Also, disorders can be caused by other diseases that the body has suffered. For example, bleeding after infections or severe colds is very common.

The meaning of emotional state

A woman’s emotions often become a source of problems - both for those around her and for herself. Bloody or spotting discharge is not always evidence of the onset of menstruation. Such troubles may well be caused by instability of emotions.

Quite a lot of women have concerns about whether it is possible if their periods come 2 times in one month. Such a violation does not make it impossible to have children, but you must inform your doctor about this and undergo examinations, since the presence of other diseases and pathologies may interfere.
Stress of different nature and duration always leaves an imprint on the functioning of not only the nervous system, but also the hormonal one. Large emotional or mental stress can cause disruptions and disruptions to the schedule. Even experiences leave an imprint on the functioning of the body, since health is actually a very fragile system. Active mental stress, poor sleep, non-compliance with the rest regime, worries and uncontrollable emotions can cause the appearance of discharge.

To eliminate this factor, it is best to:

  • do not worry about everything and try to avoid shocks;
  • keep all emotions under control, do not allow personal boundaries to be violated;
  • monitor medications taken and their effects;
  • take tests and undergo check-ups with a doctor;
  • control hormonal levels.

Did you know? The acidity level of the vagina is quite high, around 3 to 4, when the normal neutral pH is 7. This is equal to the acidity in beer or tomatoes. And all because of colonies of bacteria that are actively developing. Lactobacilli, which are part of the main group of the internal ecosystem, create a similar environment from their waste products. At the same time, it is she who protects the body and the uterus from the invasion of other microorganisms that move precisely to the places of colonization of the former.

In what cases should you consult a doctor if your menstrual frequency is irregular?

In fact, violations are caused by a large number of reasons. If a girl’s period begins 10 days after the previous one, this is due to the formation of the hormonal system in the body. This is normal, but still, in order to avoid more serious problems or to eliminate the possibility of developing diseases, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

If the bleeding is one-time, there is no need to worry. If it repeats regularly, occurs not only twice, but more often, more than 3 times, with a pause of several days, then you should definitely consult a doctor and get tested.

If menstruation appears for the second time in a month after, then the reason is a violation of hormone concentrations. You should inform your doctor about this, as such a violation may become permanent.
In case of such discharge of a different nature, which is accompanied by pain and discomfort, it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist, since this can be a symptom of not only serious gynecological diseases, but also abnormalities in the functioning of other internal organs, inflammation of the kidneys or bladder. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

In the case when menstruation begins to come twice a month in women over 40 years old, there is only one reason - the onset of menopause. This is one of the fairly common signs of its approach.

Every girl and woman should remember that even rare but recurring discharge necessarily requires consultation with a doctor. Timely detection and proper treatment of problems will help to cope with diseases faster. And if the reason is that you get nervous too often, there is only one piece of advice - think about yourself and your health.

The way the female body works is that menstruation begins every month. Some women have periods every 21 days, others have longer or shorter cycles. Normally, bleeding should have its own frequency and occur every month. If discharge is not observed on time, then the reason for its absence is considered to be either the onset of pregnancy or the occurrence of a disease and the development of pathology. In any case, you need to undergo an examination and consult a doctor. It is not uncommon for menstruation to occur twice a month. This is a pathology that requires attention. What are the reasons for this? What should I do? Let's talk about this.

The reason is the contraceptive

It should immediately be noted that menstruation 2 times a month is not always considered a pathology. For example, if a woman takes oral contraceptives, then during the first 2-3 months the body gets used to it, and therefore frequent minor discharge is considered normal. It's another matter if there is serious bleeding. In this case, urgent hospitalization is necessary! If a woman has an ectopic device installed, then at first the cycle is not regular. In this case, menstruation 2 times a month will be observed for some time. It should be noted that in such a scenario, it is better to remove the IUD and choose another method of contraception.

Reason is age

The first reason for this phenomenon should be sought in age. If a girl is just starting her period, it is normal for her to have irregular periods during the first year. She is just starting her cycle. Also, women before or during menopause may have periods 2 times a month.

Fertilization has occurred

The second reason is related to the fertilization of the egg. If pregnancy occurs, then menstruation normally stops. Minor spotting indicates implantation of the egg in the uterus. In this case, ectopic pregnancy should also be excluded.

Attention! Disease…

Considering the causes of irregularities in the monthly cycle, it should be noted that this may be associated with diseases of the reproductive organs. Doctors name many women's diseases associated with the cycle. These include fibroids, hyperplasia, polyps, and malignant tumors. The question of whether women over 35 years of age can have periods twice a month is especially concerning. The fact is that it is at this age that it is important to pay special attention to your health. Menopause is still a long way off, but any menstrual irregularities are a warning sign.

Violation of the cycle may be associated with the recovery of the body after surgery or the onset of an inflammatory process. In this case, women experience menstruation 2 times a month for about 2-3 months in a row. Especially if there was an abortion.

What to do?

It is important to immediately get examined if you notice a disruption in your periods. To exclude the development of the disease, you should undergo an ultrasound scan and then consult a gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and conduct a thorough examination, after which he will begin treatment. There is no need to delay going to the antenatal clinic. The sooner the cause is found, the greater the chances of normalizing the functioning of the female body. If irregular periods (2 times a month) are not associated with illness or contraceptives, then you should make an appointment with a psychologist. Often, a disruption in the cycle is associated with stress and emotional state. Even changes in climatic conditions sometimes affect the frequency of menstruation. The main thing is not to self-medicate. It won't lead to anything good.

Many girls and women have experienced menstrual irregularities at least once. Such an event causes panic, but there is no need to worry - first you need to understand the reason.

Factors that cause frequent bleeding are not always associated with serious pathologies. The most common cases most often do not pose a great danger to the woman’s body. This article discusses some of them.


Situations when poor emotional well-being affects the frequency of menstruation are rare. Most often they are not repeated in the next cycle. However, any malfunction or abnormal functioning of the body sends a signal for help.

  • chronic fatigue;
  • poor sleep;
  • fatigue;
  • emotional stress;

All this leads to a hormonal surge, which can result in spotting. Even an acute infection can be a source of stress.
It is necessary to understand that bleeding that goes beyond the cycle is not menstruation. They are called menstrual bleeding.

This means that you need to review your day and reduce the amount of irritants in it to a minimum.

Poor nutrition

If a diet is an organized and thoughtful approach to the daily menu, then fasting is a forced restriction of the body from healthy foods.

  • irregular food intake;
  • fasting;
  • harmful foods (chips, lemonades) in the diet also have a bad effect on the body;

Without fats and carbohydrates in a woman’s body, accelerated endometrial rejection begins, which manifests itself in menstrual bleeding.

In order to return the cycle to normal, you just need to satisfy the body's needs for nutrients and support it with vitamins.

Pills and birth control

Side effects may occur when using oral contraceptives. The body “accepts” new pills, so a little “spotting” is not necessarily a serious problem.
For several months, menstruation can occur twice a month, after which the hormonal levels normalize and the cycle returns to normal.

If the bleeding is excessive, be sure to make an appointment with your doctor. The method of protection will either be replaced with another, or selected to suit the individual characteristics of the body.
The installation of an intrauterine device can also affect the regularity of the cycle.

If the discharge is profuse, the IUD should be removed and replaced with another method of contraception.

Physical activity

In the process of playing sports with weights, intra-abdominal pressure increases. These types of exercises include:

  • barbell training;

This causes tension in the muscles of the perineum, which leads to the release of blood into the abdominal cavity. It creates the feeling of a “second period”. There is a risk of developing dangerous diseases of the reproductive system.

By choosing gentle workouts that do not create an impossible load on the body, you can protect yourself from negative consequences.


Becoming menopause can take several years. During this period, bleeding twice a month or a long absence of bleeding is quite expected.

The body is being rebuilt in a new way gradually:

  1. First, the maturation of the follicle is disrupted. Because of this, menstruation does not occur on time.
  2. Next, the uterine mucosa is affected, which also undergoes changes.

Precautions are very simple: get checked regularly by a doctor, closely monitor any painful or abnormal sensations, and be sure to contact the clinic if you have any bothersome symptoms.

With age, the main function of the ovaries begins to quietly fade away. Hormones are produced in different quantities. This affects both the abundance of menstruation and its frequency. During such a period, one should not be surprised by cycle disruptions.

First menstruation

Young girls, like older women, often menstruate twice a month.

The first two years after the onset of regulation, the cycle is just beginning to establish itself and is quite irregular. This happens differently for every girl. There is no need to worry, the body takes on a completely new role and this process can take a long time.

It is necessary to pay special attention to those cases when severe pain occurs during discharge, menstruation does not stop for more than a week and a half, or does not occur for the third time in a row.


When a fertilized egg is implanted into the uterine lining, small blood vessels can be damaged. Spotting is often confused with menstruation that has come for the second time.

There is another case: the egg did not have time to attach to the mucous layer before the onset of menstruation. Therefore, after 15 days, menstruation may occur again. These signs are not an alarm. This is a normal reaction of the body to the birth of a new life.

If pregnancy is undesirable at this period of life, you need to make an appointment at the clinic or contact your treating gynecologist.

Diseases that cause frequent periods

In addition to the reasons discussed above, there are a number of pathologies. They can also cause menstruation twice a month.

The most common diseases of the reproductive organs will be discussed below.

  1. Poor blood clotting is one of the likely causes of frequent periods. May cause anemia due to large blood loss.
  2. Cervical erosion is the destruction of a certain area of ​​the cervical mucosa. A wound is formed at the site where the disease develops. Due to disruption of the normal structure of the mucous membrane, small bloody discharge may appear, which can easily be confused with scanty periods. Treatment is carried out using ointments and douching. After this, the affected layer of mucous is removed.
  3. Ovarian inflammation is an infectious disease accompanied by inflammatory processes. Sometimes bleeding occurs between periods.
  4. Uterine fibroids are a benign tumor. Although it is not a malignant formation, it can grow to large sizes. At one stage of development, it leads to disturbances in the production of hormones, which causes repeated bleeding. Myoma is a very dangerous disease. It is treated with medication, but in particularly serious cases, surgical intervention may be necessary.
  5. Adenomyosis is an inflammatory process during which the endometrium of the uterus grows. The disease has a negative impact on the endocrine system, which determines the appearance of menstruation two or more times a month. In the early stages of adenomyosis, treatment is carried out with therapy and physical therapy. The last stages require surgery.
  6. Endometriosis occurs in the inner cavity of the uterus. One of the signs is repeated menstruation, heavy discharge, pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. There are two main treatment methods: hormonal and surgical.
  7. Cancerous tumor - the development of a malignant neoplasm is accompanied by bleeding and clear discharge. If you have such characteristic symptoms, you must immediately contact your doctor to get the necessary tests and treatment.
  8. Miscarriage - if the fertilized egg was unable to implant in the uterine lining, the body “gets rid of” it. Menstruation occurs regardless of the cycle.
  9. Ectopic pregnancy - if the fetus develops not in the uterus, but in the fallopian tube, bleeding occurs. It resembles menstruation, but is a very dangerous factor for a woman’s reproductive system. It is imperative to consult a doctor for further surgical intervention.

Normal periods

Menstruation is a natural physiological process for the fair sex. Its duration varies from person to person. Usually it is 21-35 days. Menstruation comes once a month. If the cycle length is 21 days, then “women’s days” occur at the beginning and end of the month.

If the regulation begins for the second time in the cycle, this may indicate negative changes in the body. But panicking is not the right decision. Most often, the causes do not cause much harm to the body and their consequences can be dealt with independently. Consulting a doctor is rarely necessary.

The rules for caring for your body are very simple.

  • Regular shower. Do not use soap on your intimate area. It can disrupt the natural acid-base balance, and this can become a factor for the development of fungal diseases.
  • Linen. Wear clean underwear made from natural materials. It should not be too tight or uncomfortable. Wear thongs only on occasions that require it. They can cause irritation in the perineal area, which will lead to bad consequences.
  • Towel. It should be clean, made from soft materials that do not irritate the skin. Use only your own personal towel.
  • Panty liners. Use them only when there is a special reason to do so, or change them several times a day. A moist environment, which consists of clear secretions, is an excellent incubator for various infections.
  • Douching. They are completely unsuitable for regular hygiene and can cause serious harm. To use douching, you must have a doctor's or gynecologist's prescription.

Women's health is very fragile. Regular periods are a sign that the body is fine in terms of overall health. Take care of your body and it will delight you for many years to come.

Yes, yes, the same contraceptive pill. Or, for example, give an injection on time or change the patch. If this is the case, then there is no need to worry about the discharge: this is the body’s reaction to a sharp change in hormone levels. Read the instructions to find out if you need additional protection... and set reminders on all your devices.

2. You're pregnant

In most cases, this condition means absence of menstruation. But some women still experience discharge in the first trimester. They may be caused, for example, by heavy physical activity or problems with the fetus. So first, do a test, and then - depending on the situation.

3. Polyps and tumors

Hormonal imbalances sometimes lead to the appearance of polyps and fibrous tumors in the uterus. They, in turn, can cause intermenstrual bleeding. It is impossible to determine the reasons for the appearance of blood at home, so consult a doctor and have him conduct a full examination.

4. Vaginal or cervical infection

Infections like bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis are uncomfortable and can also cause discharge. If left untreated, it becomes easier to get something more serious, such as HIV.

5. Problems with the thyroid gland

It is she who controls the production of hormones responsible for ovulation and menstruation. As a rule, other symptoms include increased fatigue, weight fluctuations, rapid pulse, and mood swings. So it wouldn’t be a bad idea to see an endocrinologist.

6. Polycystic disease

Cysts on the ovaries are diagnosed in every 10-20 women worldwide. In addition to "irregular" discharge, it can cause acne, weight gain, hair growth in the wrong places, and fertility problems.

7. Cancer and precancerous cells

The worst reason for discharge is not according to the calendar. Most often this is ovarian cancer, and timely detection will help save life and health. So if you don’t feel very well, and there’s also unscheduled menstruation, it’s better to go to the doctor!

Regular menstruation, which begins in women at the right time, indicates that the body's reproductive system is normal. But it happens that a woman experiences menstruation 2 times a month. This is always a cause for concern, although it is not always a consequence of pathology. For example, if girls have periods 2 times a month, the reason is an unsteady cycle. But if a woman experiences a similar symptom, it is better to visit a gynecologist to determine the problem.

Normal menstrual cycle

A woman’s menstrual cycle depends on the lunar calendar, so natural bleeding should normally occur once every four weeks, but no more. The normal length of the period is from 28 to 32 days. This ensures the proper functioning of the reproductive system and indicates the body’s ability to bear a child.

But there is a situation when menstruation occurs 2 times a month, and the reason is a short cycle, for example, 21 days. This may be an individual feature of a particular organism and will not be a pathology. This can occur in teenage girls who have not yet established stable hormone production.

Regardless of the individual characteristics of each woman, there are generally accepted standards about what menstruation should be like:

  • 2-5 days (but no more than 7);
  • the interval between critical days is approximately 28 days;
  • heavy discharge is typical for the first three days, then it becomes even spotting;
  • menstruation should not be too heavy; normally, a woman should change no more than 4 pads per day;
  • absence of severe pain that forces you to take painkillers;
  • the absence of foreign impurities in the discharge in the form of pus, mucus or large particles.

If your period comes 2 times a month, the reasons may be different. But if a woman observes this for the first time, and the discharge is bright scarlet and different, she should urgently go to the doctor.

Menstruation 2 times a month: main reasons

Let's look at the main reasons why menstruation occurs 2 times a month:

  • Malfunction of the hormonal system. If hormones are produced in the body in insufficient quantities, this contributes to the appearance of menstruation for the second time. Lack of progesterone will lead to premature exfoliation of the endometrium in the uterus. Inflammatory processes and infectious diseases can provoke improper production of the hormone.
  • Hormonal contraception. Taking such drugs by a woman can cause premature bleeding in a woman. The situation can repeat itself over several months, until the hormonal levels in the body stabilize and the menstrual cycle normalizes.
  • Ovulation. The maturation of the egg occurs approximately a couple of weeks after menstruation. If conception occurs, the fertilized cell moves into the uterine cavity and begins to attach to the endometrium. As a result of this process, damage to the capillaries may occur, which will lead to light spotting. This is the so-called .
  • Age. If teenagers menstruate twice a month, the reason is the formation of the menstrual cycle. The reproductive system is under development, so critical days twice a month are not excluded. It will take about two years to install the cycle. If menstruation occurs 2 times a month after 40 years, the reason is the onset of menopause. The aging processes of the body are launched, which has a direct impact on the hormonal levels of the female body. Here there may be such a situation as menstruation once every 2 months, the reason is still in the same upcoming period.
  • Navy. This contraceptive may cause discharge that may be mistaken for menstruation. If a similar situation occurs more than once, and the discharge is heavy, you need to consult a doctor and choose other methods against conception.

Diseases that cause menstruation twice a month

In addition to the above situations, there are various diseases that can cause menstruation 2 times a month

  • Endometrial polyps and endometriosis. Diseases associated with the mucous membrane of the internal cavity of the uterus. Inflammatory processes and neoplasms have a direct impact on the frequency of menstruation, because these are parts of the exfoliating endometrium.
  • Adenomyosis. An inflammatory disease that affects the functioning of the endocrine system. Hence the menstruation twice a month.
  • . A benign tumor that has the ability to grow to very large sizes. The neoplasm leads to disruption of the synthesis of sex hormones, resulting in bleeding in the middle of the cycle. Treatment is medication or surgery.
  • . Attachment of the embryo in the fallopian tube can lead to spotting. This condition is dangerous to a woman’s health and requires immediate attention to the clinic.
  • Termination of pregnancy. If conception occurs, but the fertilized egg does not attach to the uterine cavity, it is rejected from the body. In other words, an early miscarriage. In this case, there is bleeding, which in no way depends on the regularity of the cycle.
  • Uterine cancer. Malignant neoplasms can lead to various symptoms, including menstruation 2 times a month. Bloody discharge in this case may be watery. The diagnosis in this case is determined only by a doctor after an examination.
  • Problems with blood clotting. This is another problem that causes menstruation twice a month.

Influence of other factors

Often, the appearance of spotting in the middle of the cycle is not menstruation, but bleeding that only resembles menstruation.? Read the article about the reasons for delayed menstruation, medications and traditional medicine that can speed up the onset of menstruation, as well as situations when you cannot interfere with the menstrual cycle.

How long after giving birth do menstruation begin? Details at .

What to do?

If a woman notices a disruption in her menstrual cycle, it is better to immediately undergo an examination. To find out the reasons, the doctor will conduct an examination, prescribe an ultrasound and tests.

If your second period in a month is accompanied by cramping pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Timely consultation with a doctor will prevent the development of conditions that are dangerous to a woman’s life and preserve the possibility of a normal pregnancy in the future.

Video about the reasons for frequent menstruation