Menu for patients with psoriasis. Sample menu for one day

Many people suffer from such severe pathology as psoriasis. The disease is accompanied by periods of exacerbation and remission. To alleviate the symptoms of an autoimmune disease and delay the time of relapse, doctors recommend following a special diet. By adjusting the diet, the human body will receive the required amount of vitamins and minerals.

Psoriasis refers to chronic, often recurrent diseases. The cause of the disease is considered to be a dysfunction of the immune system. The body produces autoimmune antibodies that attack and damage its own healthy tissue. As a result, red spots of various sizes appear on the body, quickly becoming covered with silvery-white scales. They tend to merge with each other and form large areas of inflammation on the skin. The rashes itch and peel, causing discomfort to the patient. The rash often covers the surface of the body, elbow and knee joints, nails and scalp.

In addition to drug therapy, for psoriasis it is recommended to adhere to acid-base diet. The positive effect will be felt within a week of dietary treatment.

The daily diet for psoriasis should consist of alkali- and acid-forming foods - 70% and 30%, respectively.

The diet mainly includes vegetables and fruits. Foods containing fats, starch and oils should be consumed in smaller quantities. These include meat, grains, and fish.

The main principle of the diet for psoriasis is fractional meals. It is necessary to eat often, but in small portions. Snacks are taken with a three-hour break, 5-6 times a day. This will help you avoid overeating and keep your weight under control.

Also indicated during diet drinking plenty of fluids. Psoriasis is characterized by severe dryness of the skin, so daily consumption is about 2 liters. water will restore skin hydrobalance. As a result, the load on the body will decrease and the symptoms of the disease will subside.

The diet is not acceptable heat treatment of products in the form of frying. Preference should be given to boiling, stewing, baking or steaming. With psoriasis, it is important to reduce the load on the liver and pancreas.

Quitting alcohol will also help improve the well-being of a patient with psoriasis. Alcoholic drinks poison the body and lead to exacerbation of the disease.

Strict adherence to all the principles of the diet will help cope with exacerbation of the disease and prolong periods of remission.

List of permitted products

Maintaining the acid-base balance is a necessary measure to improve the well-being of patients with psoriasis. The diet should be rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Allowed products for psoriasis:

  • Vegetables. The diet includes carrots, celery, yams, white cabbage, broccoli, cucumbers, zucchini, onions, garlic, parsley, etc. in larger quantities. In smaller quantities - beans, peas, beans, lentils, Brussels sprouts, corn, rhubarb and mushrooms ;
  • Fruits and berries. All fruits and berries can be consumed without the risk of psoriasis complications. However, when dieting, it is worth reducing the consumption of cranberries, plums, currants, prunes and blueberries;
  • Nuts. You can eat almonds, young walnuts and coconuts;
  • Cereals. It is allowed to make porridge from millet, barley, and less often from brown rice;
  • Dairy products. When on a diet, patients with psoriasis can eat low-fat sour-milk products - milk, cottage cheese, dairy cheeses, kefir, yogurt;
  • Meat and fish. It is allowed to include lamb, chicken, turkey, rabbit, and eggs in the diet. From fish - sturgeon, halibut, sardines, mackerel, etc.;
  • Beverages. For psoriasis, it is necessary to consume compotes, plain water, freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, herbal and green teas without sugar;
  • Sweet. The diet includes honey in limited quantities, raisins, dried apricots, biscuits, savory buns, and dates.

Eating foods rich in fiber normalizes the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. A diet for psoriasis will help avoid constipation and metabolic disorders. Oily fish from the salmon family will also have a good effect on the body's condition, since it is a storehouse of Omega-3 fatty acids. As a result, the skin regenerates faster, dryness and excessive peeling of the skin are eliminated.

It is worth noting that the diet should consist of hypoallergenic foods. If an excessive allergic reaction is observed, the diet must be adjusted. Treating psoriasis takes a long time and requires patience.

List of prohibited products

Any diet requires the presence of both permitted and prohibited foods. For patients with psoriasis, the list of prohibitions is extensive. To cope with an exacerbation of an autoimmune disease faster, you must strictly follow the recommendations of a nutritionist.

  • , eggplants, potatoes, red peppers;
  • Strawberries, wild strawberries, citrus fruits;
  • Products made from white flour, white rice, all baked goods made with yeast;
  • Old, ;
  • Full-fat milk, cream, yellow cheese, ice cream, butter;
  • Fatty meat (duck, pork), sausages, smoked meats, raw fish in the form of sushi, caviar, shellfish and crustaceans, salted fish (anchovies, salmon, herring);
  • Coffee, black tea, tomato juice, sweet soda, alcohol;
  • Jam, sweets, chocolate, cakes and other sweets;
  • Canned meat and fish, herbs and spices (cloves, black pepper, nutmeg, etc.), fatty sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup);
  • Fast food.

Diet for psoriasis prohibits everything salty. It is recommended to exclude salty foods from the diet and reduce the amount of salt intake. Otherwise, swelling, arterial hypertension, and electrolyte balance are disturbed. In this case, psoriasis worsens and treatment of the disease is delayed.

Hot sauces and seasonings, due to the presence of essential oils, lead to allergies. If you do not follow the diet, an itchy rash will appear on the skin. By following a special diet, the patient will not put additional stress on the internal organs.

Excessive use sweetor baked goods leads to metabolic disorders in the body. An increase in insulin in the blood can lead to an allergic reaction. As a result, psoriasis appears on the skin again.

It is noted that drinkers suffer from skin diseases more often than others. This is due to leaching alcohol from the body of vitamins and minerals.

The diet also prohibits everything smoked, pickled, fatty and fried. Products with artificial colors and additives are also prohibited.

Vitamins and minerals

For psoriasis, the diet should be enriched with vitamins, macro- and microelements. A balanced diet will help speed up the patient’s recovery and prolong periods of remission. To normalize the vitamin and mineral balance, the use of foods or vitamin complexes is indicated. The latter include such pharmaceutical preparations as “Aevit”, “Complivit”, “Ascorutin”, etc. They contain a daily dose of useful elements necessary for the functioning of the body.

When dieting for psoriasis, it is recommended to consume foods rich in vitamin A. It actively participates in the body's metabolic processes and improves immunity. Retinol improves skin condition, eliminating dryness and flaking of the skin. The diet for psoriasis usually includes carrots, pumpkin, parsley, green onions, celery, dried apricots, apricots, peaches, etc.

B vitamins also necessary for patients with psoriasis. A diet high in riboflavin, pyridoxine, etc. will prevent itching and red spots on the skin. You can add buckwheat porridge, asparagus, and spinach to your diet.

Ascorbic acid or vitamin C participates in the processes of carbohydrate and protein metabolism and enhances the body's protective functions. The vitamin is not synthesized independently and must be supplied to the body through food. The diet for psoriasis can be varied with dishes containing green onions, white cabbage, zucchini, beets, rose hips, apples, etc.

Vitamin E enters the body only through food. Tocopherol is involved in tissue respiration, protects the skin from harmful external influences and reduces the risk of rashes. For psoriasis, you need to use vegetable oils - sunflower, soybean, olive. The diet involves eating seeds.

It is also important to include foods rich in vitamin D. It suppresses the occurrence of inflammation on the skin, increases its elasticity and improves overall condition. When dieting for psoriasis, it is allowed to eat milk, fish oil, mushrooms, etc.

Among the minerals necessary for the body in case of autoimmune disease are: calcium and zinc. Calcium normalizes the permeability of cell membranes and slows down the development of skin inflammation. Patients with psoriasis should eat cottage cheese, fermented milk products, oatmeal, raisins, cabbage, and spinach. Zinc is part of enzymes that promote the absorption of proteins. This in turn leads to accelerated skin regeneration. The diet includes wheat and barley porridge, beets, peaches, spinach and green onions.

Diet according to Fire and Pegano

The most effective known diets were compiled by John Pegano and Svetlana Ogneva. The general principles of dietary nutrition among the authors coincide, and the differences concern only some points. Both authors agree that with psoriasis, the acid-base balance in the body should be maintained. The consumption of 70% alkali-forming and 30% acid-forming foods is indicated. However, the problem lies in the classification of the same products by authors into different categories.

Principles of the psoriasis diet according to Pegano:

  • Cleanse the body regularly. For the first 3 days, a mono-diet is observed, consisting only of apples and citrus fruits. For the next 5 days, consumption of other fruits from the “white” list is indicated. Additionally, enterosorbents are required;
  • Exercise. A diet for psoriasis will not be effective without moderate physical activity. It is especially important to do exercises for the spine;
  • Carry out water and cosmetic procedures. Patients can visit the bathhouse, take herbal or aromatic baths, apply cleansing masks to the skin;
  • Avoid stressful situations. Patients with psoriasis should monitor their psycho-emotional state.

The Pegano diet defines incompatible foods that should be absent from the daily diet. For example, consuming citrus fruits simultaneously with grains or dairy products is prohibited. Fruits such as apples and bananas should be eaten separately from other foods.

Principles of the diet for psoriasis according to Ognevaya:

  • It is recommended to eat often and in small portions;
  • It is necessary to keep the immune system in constant tone;
  • Limit the time of sunbathing;
  • Complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages;
  • Do a fasting day once a week.

Fasting days are designed to cleanse the body of toxins and waste. You are only allowed to drink water. If you feel very hungry, you can eat a fruit, vegetable or dairy product.

Diet for the week

A diet for psoriasis, despite many prohibited foods, can be tasty. As noted earlier, food should be steamed, boiled, baked or stewed. An approximate weekly diet can be seen below. Portions should weigh 200 grams.

Days of the week/meal times Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Monday Wheat porridge, apple, rosehip tea 100 gr. figs Vegetable soup with zucchini, white beans, spinach, beet salad and steamed halibut Banana, apricot compote Boiled chicken fillet with pineapple, cucumber salad with herbs and natural yogurt
Tuesday Pumpkin-rice porridge, freshly squeezed apple juice Hard boiled egg Beet soup, steamed chicken cutlets, fresh carrot juice Steamed cheesecakes Boiled cauliflower, stewed lamb
Wednesday Macaroni and cheese, green tea without sugar Biscuits, dried apricots Baked rabbit with a garnish of fresh vegetable salad, cranberry juice Oven baked apple Vegetable stew with mushrooms, low-fat cottage cheese with raisins, herbal tea
Thursday Curd casserole with dried fruits, linden tea Pear Milk noodle soup, steamed turkey meatballs, orange juice 100 gr. dates Steamed fish cutlets, buckwheat garnish, low-fat kefir
Friday Millet porridge, boiled egg, carrot juice Natural yogurt Chicken broth with meatballs, beet salad with low-fat sour cream, green tea Boiled egg Oven-baked rabbit, vegetable salad of cabbage, onions, cucumbers, herbs, rosehip infusion
Saturday Oatmeal, dried fruit compote Baked apple Cauliflower soup with meat broth, boiled potatoes with a little olive oil, kefir Oatmeal jelly with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. jam Boiled silver carp, buckwheat porridge, rosehip decoction
Sunday Cereals with skim milk, bread with cheese, orange juice Galette cookies Baked salmon fillet and vegetable soup, green tea Natural yogurt Rice porridge with boiled chicken fillet, vegetable salad (celery with green beans)

Following a diet for psoriasis on an ongoing basis will allow you to forget about red spots on the body and itching for a long time.


Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease accompanied by the appearance of red, itchy spots on the body. It is not possible to cure the disease completely, but there is a possibility to improve the patient’s well-being. Constant adherence to a special diet will allow you to achieve stable remission of the disease.

Benefits of the psoriasis diet:

  • improvement of skin condition;
  • maintaining weight within the required limits;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and other internal organs;
  • increasing immunity;
  • maintaining vitamin and mineral balance in the body.

The Pegano and Ognevaya diets are the most effective in combating the symptoms of psoriasis. Both authors point out the need to maintain an alkaline environment in the body with little oxidation. To achieve a positive effect, it is recommended to consume 70% alkali-forming and 30% acid-forming foods. Preparing a similar diet for every day will help cope with exacerbation of psoriasis.

The diet should be balanced and contain plenty of vitamins and minerals. This will reduce the load on internal organs, normalize the functioning of various body systems and eliminate skin inflammation. Psoriasis must be treated comprehensively, combining a strict diet with medication and physical therapy.

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Among diseases of unknown nature, psoriasis occupies a separate place, because it causes a lot of discomfort to a person, especially when it appears on the head. In addition to itching and scaly dandruff, hair begins to fall out. How is scalp psoriasis treated? The first thing that will help you is diet.

How to treat psoriasis

Treatment of psoriasis is complex and long-term, because it is impossible to completely get rid of the disease: with the help of therapy, patients are relieved of symptoms and periods of exacerbation. It turns out that remission with such a disease is considered a healthy state. Complex treatment may include the following procedures:

  1. Local therapy of psoriasis using ointments.
  2. Techniques using UV radiation.
  3. Systemic therapy for psoriasis: taking medications by injection or orally.
  4. Compliance with the diet necessary to prevent any form of psoriasis.

What should you eat for psoriasis?

A diet for psoriasis of the scalp is necessary because this disease is accompanied by metabolic disorders. By limiting spices, animal fats, and salty foods, a person unloads the liver and gastrointestinal tract. The diet for psoriasis is enriched with protein products and vitamins, such as:

  1. Vitamin E. Promotes skin renewal, which is necessary for psoriasis, is included in sunflower seeds and vegetable oil.
  2. Vitamin C. Strengthens the immune system and is found in large quantities in fruits and vegetables.
  3. Vitamin B. Restores metabolism disturbed by psoriasis; it can be found in buckwheat, bran and wholemeal bread.

2 diets for psoriasis of the scalp, developed by nutritionists Pegano and Ognevaya, are recommended for nutrition. Experts adhere to the theory that to avoid exacerbations of the disease in the body it is necessary to maintain the acid-base balance. Diets differ only in proportion to the 2 food groups on which they are based.

Pegano Diet

A doctor named John Pegano has developed his own diet, which ensures the normal functioning of the body with psoriasis. It is based on dividing products into 2 groups, one of which creates an alkaline environment, and the other - an acidic one. The Pegano diet for psoriasis requires compliance with the following rules: food should be boiled or steamed, take 3 tbsp daily. l. lecithin in granules, drink only alkaline mineral water.

Product group

Foods allowed on the diet

Prohibited Products

Cereals and flour

Durum pasta

Wild rice

Baking with yeast

White rice

White bread

Sausages and sausages


Boiled – up to 3 times a week

Milk products

Cheese without salt

Low-fat milk

Ice cream

Decoctions of chamomile, sage, mullein


Tomato juice

Any vegetable



Berries and fruits







Green beans



Fried fish


Diet Fire

The Fire diet involves a mandatory fasting day once a week, which is aimed at cleansing the body, which is useful for psoriasis. The basis of the diet at this time is kefir, cottage cheese, apples or vegetables. Otherwise, this diet for psoriasis is also based on maintaining the acid-base balance through the consumption of permitted foods and the complete exclusion of prohibited ones, which is clearly presented in the table.

Product group



Cereals and flour

Durum pasta

Brown rice

White bread

Lean lamb – up to 2 times a week


Milk products

Anything with a high percentage of fat content

Ice cream




Berries and fruits



Banana, melon, fresh apples separately from all products




Vegetables intermittently

Green beans





Fried fish


Sample menu for the week

Day of the week diet




Afternoon snack


Oatmeal on the water

Dried fruits

Chamomile infusion

Baked apple

Cabbage soup with sour cream

Meatballs with pasta

Carrot casserole

Marmalade with tea

Cabbage and apple salad


Vegetable stew

Boiled egg

Millet with pumpkin

Beet and apple salad

Borscht with low-fat broth

Steamed cutlet

Curd cheesecake

Steamed flounder

Herb tea

Cottage cheese casserole

Melon slice

Carrot salad

Boiled chicken with stewed cabbage

Most reactions on a person’s skin depend in one way or another on his diet and the state of his gastrointestinal tract. With a skin disease such as psoriasis, it is very important to follow the rules of food combinations in order to achieve recovery and alleviate unpleasant symptoms. Diet is a mandatory part of the treatment method for this disease. What you can’t eat with psoriasis, and what foods will help cleanse the body and skin, should be known to everyone who has encountered the disease.

What is psoriasis

A skin disease called psoriasis is a scaly lichen of a chronic nature. When the disease occurs, the skin is affected by red, dry spots, which are distinguished by a large area. The affected areas are also called papules. They are areas of the skin in a state of chronic inflammation. The disease is considered chronic, not amenable to definitive healing, and often recurs. Diet for patients with psoriasis plays a significant role in the treatment and prevention of relapses.

Nutrition for psoriasis

There is a basic principle according to which a diet for psoriasis should be built. This is maintaining the acid-base balance in the body. The effect is achieved by eliminating from the diet what you should not eat if you have psoriasis. Avoiding harmful foods in your diet is not the main goal of the diet. The patient's menu should consist of ¾ of foods that have an alkaline reaction in the body, and only ¼ of acid-forming foods. So how can you determine what you should not eat if you have psoriasis?

Basic principles of nutrition for patients with psoriasis

Before planning your diet, you should consult your doctor. The general principles of the diet are the same for all types of psoriasis. The diet of patients with chronic dermatosis is similar, therefore the diet for psoriasis of the scalp, as well as for its pustular or non-pustular forms, is subject to the following general principles.

  1. The vast majority of food in the diet is vegetables, fruits, and grains. Especially healthy are white cabbage, beets, carrots, asparagus, broccoli, lettuce, spinach, cucumber, green beans, and pumpkin, rich in fiber. Among fruits, it is better to give preference to apples, peaches, and citrus fruits. Berries, both fresh and dried, are useful - grapes, apricots, cherries. Please note that fresh berries, fruits, and sour juices are best consumed separately from other meals.
  2. You can eat cereals such as buckwheat, peas, oatmeal, beans - this is the main source of silicon, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, promoting rapid healing.
  3. You need to drink at least 6 cups of clean water a day.
  4. You should eat fish at least 4 times a week. You can't fry it.
  5. Eat boiled chicken eggs, poultry meat, liver – 2-4 times a week.
  6. Include vegetable oil (rapeseed, soybean, sunflower, cottonseed, almond, olive) in your diet. It is permissible to consume no more than 3 teaspoons per day.
  7. Dairy products as a source of protein and fat should be included in the diet. It is allowed to eat low-fat foods: yogurt, milk, kefir, cottage cheese. Butter is allowed.
  8. In addition to following the above points, you should try to set aside 1 day a week for fasting. If you fast correctly, the body will be cleansed of toxins, which will lead to better absorption of vitamins and other nutrients.

The recovery process for psoriasis is long and requires a lot of effort. The key to a quick recovery is not only a proper diet. Useful for medicinal purposes:

  • consume additional lecithin (can be in granules, 1 tablespoon three times a day);
  • drink warm water with freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • replace seasonings and spices with natural herbs - parsley, dill, green onions, basil, arugula - fresh herbs are rich in vitamins and mineral salts;
  • enrich the diet with foods that contain vitamin C in large quantities (citrus fruits, black currants, fresh peppers, cauliflower, sorrel, rose hips).

What not to do with psoriasis

The most popular diet for people who have skin diseases was developed by Dr. Pegano. The nutritional rules selected by the doctor contain a number of recommended dishes that can be consumed and prohibited foods for psoriasis, which can cause an exacerbation. Based on this list, everyone can develop an individual diet taking into account the characteristics of the body.

A group of forbidden foods remains common to all patients. What should you not eat if you have psoriasis? The prohibition applies to the following:

  • seasonings and spices, food additives, preservatives, food acids - clog the intestines and can cause an acute individual reaction;
  • fried, fatty and spicy foods – makes digestion difficult;
  • alcohol – causes exacerbations;
  • fatty dairy products – regular consumption leads to weight gain and problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • saturated fats, refined carbohydrates, sugars - negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and heart, and lipid metabolism may be disrupted.

Based on these recommendations, everyone can plan a safe daily diet for themselves. Taking general advice from Dr. Pegano as a basis, it is possible to avoid exacerbation of unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching and inflammation. If you treat your diet with an understanding of how this or that dish can affect your health, then it is possible to maintain an acceptable state of health without medication and forced fasting.


If you have psoriasis, you should not eat foods that are classified as allergenic. The leaders among such products are peanuts and many nuts. Such fruits contain a large number of aromatic substances, the effect of which can affect the condition of the skin. Both processed and raw nuts should be avoided to prevent possible skin reactions. In particular, potential allergens should be avoided when breaking a fast.


The prospect of giving up coffee may seem like an impossible task to many people, if only because hypotensive people use this drink to increase blood pressure. Coffee is useful not only for low blood pressure, but also for anyone who needs caffeine to stimulate the nervous system. Unfortunately, people with exacerbation or severe psoriasis will need to avoid this wonderful drink. In the absence of a pronounced reaction on the skin, it is possible to limit the consumption of this drink to 1 cup per day. Only natural ground coffee without sugar is allowed.


Health is in balance and simplicity. This statement is suitable to describe a diet that will help a person with psoriasis feel good. The simplicity of the diet is expressed in the absence of spices, preservatives and seasonings. Food additives by their nature are potent ingredients that may contain various allergens. In addition to a possible allergic reaction, spices can disrupt the gastrointestinal tract, which can immediately affect the condition of the skin. It is better to eat the most natural dishes that you have prepared yourself.

Video: menu for psoriasis

Any chronic condition requires a comprehensive approach, and dermatological disorders are no exception. The correct lifestyle and diet for psoriasis play a significant role in the effectiveness of treatment of the pathological process.

There is no reliable scientific evidence that diet can reduce the frequency of exacerbations or the severity of the disease. However, many patients, when switching to proper nutrition, achieved positive results in their general health, thereby achieving an improvement in the course of the pathological process.

What are some healthy foods for psoriasis?

When it comes to treating a condition naturally, a proper daily diet is the best solution. The more healing, anti-inflammatory substances among the food consumed, the more noticeable this will affect the condition of the skin. Food for psoriasis should include components such as:

  • Probiotic Products. Consuming probiotics can support digestion, reduce inflammation, and normalize immunity. Despite some negative effects of dairy products, kefir or yogurt can be beneficial.
  • Cellulose . By increasing your intake of high-fiber foods, you can maintain a healthy digestive system, which helps prevent constipation, cleanse your colon, and support natural detoxification processes. Fruits, vegetables, beans and seeds are rich in fiber.
  • High antioxidant content. Similar to the fiber-rich line of foods, high levels of antioxidants are found in vegetables, fruits, beans and nuts. Also included are Goji berries, wild blueberries, cilantro and beans. Consuming antioxidants is especially important because sick people are at greater risk of cancer and heart disease.
  • High zinc content. Zinc is critical to maintaining healthy skin. Some evidence suggests that this element may help reduce joint pain and swelling in psoriatic arthritis. Beef, lamb, pumpkin seeds, kefir and chickpeas are excellent sources of zinc.
  • Foods high in vitamin A. We are talking primarily about orange, yellow and green leafy vegetables. By adding them to your diet on a daily basis, you can increase the amount of vitamin A, which is important for healing your skin. Good sources include carrots, mangoes, cabbage, collard greens and watermelon.
  • Fish like . The list includes salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines - they are not only rich in vitamin D, but also contain “healthy” omega-3 fatty acids, which can improve health. Vitamin D has been clinically proven to improve disease progression. Research has shown that eating less protein-rich foods, primarily meat and dairy, may help ease flare-ups. This means that protein should mainly be consumed from fish.
  • Herbs and spices. There are a number of supplements that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Turmeric is considered the most “healthy” spice. A 2012 scientific study noted turmeric's ability to alter the expression of the cytokine TNF, which plays an important role in the onset and spread of psoriatic plaques. This is likely why patients find the spice useful in minimizing the disease process and relieving psoriatic arthritis. Consumption of this food component is allowed in the range of 1.5 to 3 grams per day.

What not to eat if you have psoriasis

What foods should you avoid if you have psoriasis?

Statistical data indicate the following as food triggers for disease outbreaks:

  • Fatty food . Psoriasis is an inflammatory disease. At the same time, some foods contain high amounts of saturated fatty acids and trans fats, as well as carbohydrates, which can contribute to inflammation. Another reason to avoid such foods is that they are often high in calories with little nutritional value, which inevitably leads to excess weight. Obesity can not only provoke an exacerbation of the condition, but also significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular pathology.
  • Red meat containing arachidonic acid. This type of polyunsaturated fatty acid can worsen disease symptoms because it can be easily converted into inflammatory compounds through biochemical transformations. You should also include processed meats such as sausage and bacon on your list of restrictions.
  • Alcohol . The link between alcohol and psoriasis is unclear, but experts note the importance of drinking in moderation: for men, this means no more than two drinks a day, and for women, no more than one. Research shows that people who abuse alcohol have little response to treatment. At the same time, with the exclusion of any alcoholic beverages, persistent positive dynamics in the condition of the skin were noticed. A severe course of the process, coupled with taking methotrexate, prednisolone or acitretin, implies the complete exclusion of alcohol!
  • Dairy and eggs. As with red meat, milk contains a high amount of the pro-inflammatory substance arachidonic acid. Egg yolks have a very high concentration of fatty acids, and therefore should be limited in the diet or completely eliminated. Cow's milk contains the protein casein, which is associated with inflammation.
  • Nightshade vegetables. This category includes peppers, potatoes, eggplants and tomatoes. Vegetables contain solanine, a chemical that is similar in structure to a steroid and has the properties of a toxic glycoside. Many patients, having excluded potatoes and tomatoes from their diet, note a significant improvement in their condition.
  • Citrus fruit. By themselves, oranges, lemons and grapefruits do not have a negative effect on skin disorders. These fruits are highly allergenic in predisposed individuals, and allergies are the most powerful trigger of psoriasis. For preventive purposes, it is advisable not only to limit the consumption of citrus fruits, but also natural juices based on them.
  • Gluten or "gluten". This plant protein is found in many grains such as rye, wheat and barley. In clinical practice, a gluten-free diet has the ability to reduce negative symptoms, but scientific research is still ongoing.
  • Seasonings and spices. Not all of them have a tendency to enhance the inflammatory response in the body. It is important to avoid only the following additives: cinnamon, curry, vinegar, mayonnaise, paprika, Tabasco sauce, Worcestershire sauce and ketchup.

There's no definitive list, because food sensitivities can vary widely, says Jerry Bagel, MD, a dermatologist and director of the New Jersey Treatment Center who knows all about psoriasis nutrition. - If the patient discovers everyday foods that aggravate the symptoms of psoriasis, they must be immediately removed from the diet.

Table of products for patients with psoriasis

Food Can It is forbidden
Meat and poultry Low-fat types, with the skin removed from the chicken. Suitable dishes include lamb, beef, veal, chicken and rabbit. Food should be steamed or boiled. Fatty meats, as well as duck and goose. Canned food and smoked meats.
Bakery products Wheat bread made from premium flour; dry cookies, inconvenient pies. Fresh bread and pastry or puff pastry products. Rye bread.
Cereals and pasta. Rice, oatmeal, buckwheat and semolina cereals, vermicelli. Millet, corn grits, barley.
Fish Low-fat types, boiled or steamed. Fatty and salted fish, canned food
Vegetables Carrots, beets, cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini, dill Mushrooms, pickled and pickled vegetables, onions, sorrel, pickles
Sweets Sugar in limited quantities, honey, marshmallows, marshmallows, milk jelly. All berries and fruits, pureed or baked Dried fruits, chocolate, ice cream.
Dairy products. Kefir, sour cream with restrictions, yogurt; cheesecakes, soufflés and puddings based on cottage cheese. High acidity dairy products. Spicy and salty cheeses
Fats Unsalted butter, refined vegetable oil All other types.
Sauces and spices. Parsley, dill, turmeric, vanillin. Vinegar-based sauces, mayonnaise and ketchup are limited. Horseradish, mustard, pepper.
Beverages. Weak tea (mostly green), cocoa, limited coffee. Natural vegetable and fruit juices. Rosehip decoction. Dried fruit compote, berry juice. Black coffee, kvass, carbonated sweet drinks.
Snacks. Salads from boiled vegetables and fish. Boiled liver and tongue, pate, jellied fish. Not very spicy and lightly salted ham and cheese. All spicy and salty snacks, canned food, smoked foods.

The diet for psoriasis and nutrition should be based on approved foods. Prohibited drugs, if they do not cause an exacerbation, can significantly worsen the clinical course of the condition.

Menu for psoriasis

What should be the diet for psoriasis? The basis of proper nutrition for any chronic condition is several small meals at intervals of 3-4 hours. Most often, the daily diet includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, with two snacks in between.

We must not forget about sufficient fluid intake. It is important to drink plain water throughout the day; the amount depends on the weight, but on average it is about 1.5 - 2 liters.

A balanced diet for psoriasis is important. The menu could be as follows:

  • First meal. Oatmeal with water or low-fat milk, seasoned with a teaspoon of honey. Green tea. Multivitamins.
  • Second meal. Drinking yogurt enriched with bifidobacteria.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup without meat, steamed or boiled chicken breast, whole grain bread. Compote or fruit drink made from berries.
  • Snack. Salad with healthy vegetables from the list.
  • Dinner. Baked salmon with stewed vegetables and garlic. Kefir.

Also known for its popularity healing method according to Pegano. Its essence lies in the exclusion of medications, with the correct organization of lifestyle and adherence to a certain diet aimed at maintaining the balance of the acid-base system of the body.

The principle of the treatment technique involves a ban on mixing food components, which in combination, as experts believe, have a negative effect on humans. An example of such negative combinations could be:

  • Do not mix watermelon, apple, banana and melon with any other products; you need to eat them separately.
  • Citrus fruits can be limited, but if desired, their consumption should not be associated with dairy products.
  • Bakery products and pastries are not accepted with fruit.

The Pegano diet is designed for a week. Allowed products during this period are consumed boiled or stewed, steaming is also allowed. The menu for psoriasis includes:

  1. Fish: about 200 grams four times a week.
  2. Eggs: 1-2 boiled eggs once a week.
  3. Vegetable oils, a teaspoon 3 times a day. Olive and flaxseed oil will do.

Nutrition for psoriasis, a severe skin disease that is associated with disturbances in metabolic processes in the body, must be correct so that the disease does not worsen. It is worth considering diet options for psoriasis, a table of foods that are allowed and prohibited for this disease.

What diet should I use?

It is believed that, first of all, nutrition for psoriasis should be an alkaline diet; for this disease, there should be a minimum of acid-forming foods in the diet. There are several different nutrition plans for skin pathologies, all of them are based on this rule. Also, with psoriasis, it is advisable to avoid allergens and foods that can irritate the digestive tract, as this can lead to a worsening of the condition.

It is worth giving examples of the most common diets for psoriasis, which are used by specialists in the treatment of this skin pathology:

  1. The John Pegano diet, in which the diet mainly consists of fruits and vegetables, alkaline foods. Also, according to Pegano, if you have psoriasis, you need to drink enough fluids. With this nutrition plan, various seafood and other foods that can irritate the digestive tract are excluded from the diet.
  2. The Fire diet for psoriasis, the menu for which is compiled a little differently than according to Pegano. According to Ognevaya, you need to eat primarily foods high in calcium, fatty acids, zinc, and fiber, while it is important not to overeat and not stay in excess. The Fire diet generally imposes fewer restrictions.

A gluten-free diet for psoriasis is not usually that common. It may be required if this skin pathology is accompanied by other endocrine disorders, for example, diabetes and other serious diseases in which gluten in the diet is undesirable.

You should not switch to a buckwheat diet or any other diet with extremely strict dietary restrictions. Serious restrictions can also lead to undesirable consequences, since despite the disease, the diet must be balanced, otherwise the condition may only worsen.

  1. A strict diet is usually required during the severe stage of the disease, when it is necessary to stop the spread and growth of plaques.
  2. The diet for the prevention of exacerbations of pathology is usually less strict, but in any case it must be followed. If, immediately after the disease has entered the stationary stage, you begin to eat immoderately again, severe psoriasis may immediately return.
  3. The diet for psoriasis in children is usually the same, but its compliance should be especially strictly monitored. In children, proper nutrition is especially important, since in childhood the pathology can progress more actively without suitable therapy.

Your doctor will help you decide what diet to follow when treating psoriasis. To select the right diet, it is also important to undergo the necessary tests, find out if there is vitamin deficiency, and whether there are enough minerals and other useful substances for the normal functioning of the body. In accordance with the results of the examinations, the diet plan can be adjusted.

Pegano diet in detail

It is worth considering the Pegano diet in more detail, since it is most often used to treat psoriasis at home and in hospitals; on its basis, other types of nutrition are usually selected for skin diseases. It is worth providing a table of products to make it easier to understand which products are prohibited and which are allowed.

What can you eat if you have psoriasis? Prohibited Products
Meat. Meat products are usually allowed: rabbit, turkey, and beef. Soups made with various meat broths, especially strong ones. Pork and fatty meats are prohibited, and various offal products should be avoided.
Sea fish, salmon is allowed, seaweed is also allowed. Fish-based soups, river fish, and any seafood other than seaweed and fish are prohibited.
Various vegetables in almost any form. Preference should be given to green vegetables; it is better to leave boiling, steaming and baking as the main method of preparing dishes. However, it is worth remembering that potatoes should be eaten in small quantities. Various sour vegetables, for example, products such as sorrel, tomatoes, eggplants, and sweet peppers are not allowed. Also, you should not eat mushrooms, especially soups based on them.
Various cereals. Rice, buckwheat and other types of cereals are useful. Pastries, sweets, chocolate, cakes and other products with cream are prohibited. Chips and other similar products are also not allowed.
Low fat dairy products. Low-fat milk, kefir, cottage cheese are allowed, and you can eat feta cheese. Fatty varieties of cottage cheese, cheese. Various types of cheese with additives are also not allowed. You should avoid all fatty dairy products.
Various teas without additives that can provoke allergic reactions. Some vegetable juices, fruit drinks, and compotes based on dried fruits are also allowed. Rosehip decoction and various coffee drinks, especially strong ones, are not allowed. Fruit juices, especially those with additives, should be avoided.
Sweet fruits, these include bananas, sour apples, pears, peaches, apricots, and other similar products. Sour fruits, various citrus fruits. Nuts and dried fruits should be eaten with caution.

However, it is worth remembering that with pustular psoriasis and other varieties of this disease, you always need to know the norm. It is advisable to always adjust nutrition with your doctor depending on the stage of development of the pathology and the severity of its course. If the number of plaques and their size increase, the diet should become stricter. If the condition improves significantly, the list of permitted products may increase.

A diet for psoriasis for a week for a hospital is usually selected by the attending physician. In a hospital setting, certain restrictions are always imposed on nutrition; it may be stricter than usual.

Diet for psoriasis according to Pegano: menu for the week

It is worth considering a sample meal plan for psoriasis for a week, this will make it easier to create your own diet. You should eat in small portions, but often enough; this rule is usually followed with any therapeutic diet.

  1. Breakfast. Low-fat cottage cheese, add a small amount of jam from sweet apples, plums, peach, low-fat sour cream. Cottage cheese can be replaced with buckwheat porridge, rice, or milk. You should drink tea or weak coffee with milk.
  2. Lunch. For second breakfast, eat grain toast with cream cheese or snack on any suitable fruit.
  3. Dinner. For lunch, vegetable soup is recommended, for example, vegetarian cabbage soup, or any other vegetarian soup. You can also eat baked turkey, rabbit, sea fish with a side dish based on cereals and potatoes. You should drink compote or tea.
  4. Afternoon snack. For an afternoon snack, eat cheesecakes made from low-fat cottage cheese, grain toast, a snack with fruit or a glass of low-fat kefir.
  5. Dinner. Dinner should be fairly light, just eat baked vegetables with chicken or turkey; various casseroles can be helpful. It is also advisable to use tofu instead of meat; this product can perfectly replace it.

This is a sample meal plan on the basis of which you can create your weekly menu. If you are allergic to a food even though it is allowed, you should also avoid it. You should adjust your nutrition plan together with your doctor.