MFC belongs to which ministry. Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal servicesmfc my documentsconcept

The main idea of ​​the MFC is the implementation of the “one window” principle, when a citizen is freed from the need to obtain certificates from other government agencies, go through authorities or pay intermediaries. The recipient is only required to submit an application and receive the result in fixed time, and all other work, including interdepartmental coordination, should be carried out by MFC employees and the relevant state and municipal authorities.

Created on the territory Russian Federation MFCs allow citizens to receive a variety of services (obtaining a passport, civil registration, tax registration, etc.) in one room and not interact directly with officials. This approach minimizes the moral, material and time costs of service consumers, and therefore the popularity of MFC is constantly growing.

MFCs can be created centrally or decentralized. The centralized model of MFC management provides for the creation of an MFC by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the formation of its separate divisions (branches) in municipalities (city districts, municipal districts). The decentralized model for creating MFCs on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation involves the creation of separate (independent) MFCs by municipalities.

Single brand of MFC

On May 26, 2014, a single brand was presented for the system of multifunctional centers for the provision of government and municipal services in the country. The new name of the MFC brand is “My Documents”. Under this name, new centers and offices of state and municipal services began to open in 2014, and after going through the rebranding stage, existing branches throughout the country will begin to operate.

As of May 2014, about 1,200 MFCs have been created in 83 regions of Russia.

Main functions of the MFC

  • accepting requests from applicants for the provision of state or municipal services;
  • representing the interests of applicants in interaction with government agencies, authorities local government, as well as with organizations involved in the provision of state and municipal services;
  • representing the interests of state bodies and local governments when interacting with applicants;
  • informing applicants about the procedure for providing state and municipal services at the MFC, about the progress of fulfilling requests for the provision of state services, as well as on other issues related to the provision of state and municipal services;
  • interaction with government bodies and local governments on the provision of state and municipal services, as well as with organizations involved in the provision of government services;
  • issuing documents to applicants based on the results of the provision of state and municipal services, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • receiving, processing information from information systems state bodies, local government bodies, as well as issuing documents to applicants on the basis of such information, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

Data leaks

2018: Copies of Russian passports ended up on public computers in the MFC

On November 16, 2018, it became known that copies of passports and other documents of Russians are stored in open access on computers of multifunctional centers for the provision of public services (MFC).


2019: Maxim Akimov: digitalization will kill the MFC

On February 14, 2019, Deputy Prime Minister Maxim Akimov said that digitalization in Russia could lead to the disappearance of multifunctional centers (MFCs), since any documents can be processed remotely. He expressed this opinion during a discussion at the Russian investment forum in Sochi.

When we rejoice at the MFC, it’s the same as we rejoiced at good orphanages, philanthropists appeared, it was really important, but the most important thing is when a child is in the family. It's the same with MFC. But I really hope that the digitalization program will become the killer of the MFC, because a person will have no need to go anywhere at all,” Interfax reports the words of Maxim Akimov.

Deputy Prime Minister Maxim Akimov hopes that the digitalization program “will become a killer” of multifunctional centers

According to his estimates, within more than 90% of the basic services provided to citizens, “a person has nothing to do at all,” since they represent a set of characteristics of a user that he already possesses. A person only needs to answer the question “yes” or “no”, and based on the totality of this data, the service makes a decision, for example, on granting a license, issuing a permit, etc.

When asked by the President and Chairman of the Board of Sberbank German Gref about how many services Russians will receive without communicating with officials in three years, Akimov replied:


Sberbank will begin providing MFC services

According to him, in some regions experiencing a shortage of MFCs, such services will start working this year. “Somewhere in 30% of the federal subjects there is a deficit. We will start with these regions,” said a Sberbank representative. About which subjects? we're talking about, he, however, did not specify.

Sberbank will also have the right to register Russian citizens on the electronic portal of state and municipal services. “Only a quarter of our population has an active record. We will help a person start Personal Area so that he can use electronic services,” explained the vice president of Sberbank.

Payment for government services at the MFC

Currently, such payments are accepted at savings bank branches, ATMs and terminals. “But they are not available everywhere, and sometimes people need to travel several kilometers, or even tens of kilometers, to pay money,” Medvedev noted earlier, at a Government meeting on June 15, 2017.

Moreover, in some areas, especially in small populated areas, there is no economic feasibility for opening new branches or placing ATMs credit organizations, says the explanation to the signed document.

Thus, the draft law prepared by the Ministry of Finance is intended to solve problems associated with the territorial remoteness of credit institutions from the MFC, as well as to improve the administration of budget system revenues.

MFCs will take over the functions of registry offices

Multifunctional centers for the provision of public services (MFC) will be given the right to draw up documents, the prerogative of issuing which previously belonged only to civil registry offices. In particular, MFCs will be able to compile civil registration records and issue birth and death certificates. The text of the Government order to submit to the State Duma a bill prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development, describing the new powers of the MFC, was published on the government website. The document was developed in the context of the existing action plan for the development of the system for providing public services in the MFC on the “one window” principle for 2016–2018.

The document implies that registry offices will also retain their functions. “The powers to make corrections and changes in the records of births and deaths compiled by the MFC, as well as their restoration, are assigned to the civil registry authorities,” it says. explanatory note.

MFCs will insure company property and issue microloans to businesses

On the basis of multifunctional centers for the provision of public services (MFCs), they will begin to fully provide government services necessary to start and maintain entrepreneurial activity. The text of the corresponding resolution, prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development and implying the emergence of an MFC for business, appeared on the Government website.

The explanatory note to the document states that the network of regular MFCs in the country is now fully deployed. It is noted that in a number of Russian regions the practice of organizing the activities of MFCs for business has also already developed.

“In 2016, a pilot project to create such centers was implemented in 39 regions,” says the Government website. - As part of the pilot project, the regions demonstrated possible models MFC organizations for business. In most cases, MFCs for business are created on the basis of existing multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services (93%).”

It is assumed that business centers can be created in regular MFCs by creating additional service windows for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

On the basis of the MFC for business, services are provided such as the development of business plans, commodity and legal expertise, business and risk assessment, legal support, property insurance for individuals and legal entities, accepting applications for participation in competitive selection for the provision of subsidies, for obtaining microloans and a number of others.


In December 2013, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev stated:

“The goal is to provide 90% of citizens with access to services on a one-stop-shop basis by the end of 2015. To do this, we need to increase the number of MFCs by almost 3 times, we need to reach almost the level of 3 thousand such facilities” (according to the Ministry of Economic Development, it is planned to create 2,700 MFCs).

Regions are leaders in creating MFCs

According to data at the beginning of 2014, the leaders in the number of open MFCs are:

  • Moscow – 69 MFC,
  • Rostov region – 67 MFC,
  • Krasnodar region – 49 MFC,
  • St. Petersburg – 34 MFC,
  • Volgograd region – 33 MFCs and
  • Penza region - 31 MFC.

Informatization of the MFC

In February 2014, the Ministry economic development The Russian Federation has approved recommendations for the functioning of information systems and security equipment in multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services (MFC). The department also announced recommendations for the communication channels that the MFC uses for electronic interaction with authorities.

Today we have to understand what MFC is. These services have become widespread in Russia. But not everyone knows which organizations we are talking about. What are multifunctional centers? Are citizens satisfied with their work? What functions does this service perform? All this will be discussed further below. It's actually not that difficult to understand what we're talking about.


What is MFC? This abbreviation has a simple meaning. It reveals the very essence of the organization being studied. Multifunctional center - this is what MFC stands for. But what is this organization?

In Russia, MFCs are represented by services that serve the population. These centers are engaged in the provision of state and municipal services. Something like centers where they work with documents. In fact, it is very difficult to understand at first glance what the MFC is and what it does. There is no description of these services precise definition, which can satisfy every citizen.

Simply put, MFC is something like a “one-stop service”. People who need to receive certain government/municipal services turn to the organization. And in multifunctional centers, the population draws up certain documents.

About operating principles

It is more or less clear what MFC is. What can you say about the operating principles of these services? As already mentioned, the organization is somewhat reminiscent of a “one-stop service”. She provides a variety of services.

A citizen applies to the MFC once with the relevant documents to obtain certain state/municipal opportunities. At this stage, the work of multifunctional centers begins. They are the ones who interact with various government bodies that provide certain services. The applicant is not needed in this case; he does not participate in the process of directly processing documents. At the end, the applicant receives a result - a refusal or the provision of certain opportunities.

What is MFC? Today, this service operates under the “My Documents” brand. This is what multifunctional centers are called in different cities. What else should the population pay attention to?

Purposes of creation

For example, many are interested in why multifunctional centers were invented in the first place. What are the goals of the Russian government, which founded these services?

First of all, you will have to take into account the fact that the load on various municipal and state structures is enormous. Every day the population receives/orders services in certain areas. A multifunctional center is an organization that should reduce the burden on government agencies.

Also, these services were invented for the convenience of the population. Each district of a city, as a rule, has its own MFC. You can easily get municipal or government services there.

Other goals include:

  • transparency of the activities of government bodies for the population;
  • reducing the costs of overcoming administrative barriers;
  • increasing the efficiency of municipal and state bodies;
  • speeding up the paperwork process.

Simply put, the MFC is a profitable and quite successful place that makes life much easier for the population. What specific services can you get here? What should you pay attention to?

List of services

Now it’s clear what the MFC is and what it does. What specific services are provided here? It's difficult to answer. Indeed, today multifunctional centers in different cities provide different services. The list of possibilities is constantly growing.

It is safe to say that the MFC offers:

  • obtain a passport;
  • submit an application for issue/replacement of a foreign passport;
  • formalize the conclusion or divorce of a marriage;
  • receive benefits (for a child, for example);
  • submit an application for apartment redevelopment;
  • stand in line for your child to receive kindergarten;
  • resolve cadastral and tax issues;
  • register;
  • open or close IP.

This is far from full list MFC functions. It is recommended to find out more accurate information in each city directly. As a rule, almost all state and municipal services are offered in multifunctional centers. Everything is processed in one place. Very comfortably!

Operating mode

The MFC has different opening hours. In all cities, branches of multifunctional centers operate in different mode. But most often these services provide assistance to the population 7 days a week. Or with one day off - on Sunday.

In Moscow, as a rule, the opening hours of organizations are the same in all branches. Multifunctional centers are open from 8 am to 8 pm. It is during the specified period of time that you will be able to seek help from one or another MFC.

Addresses in Moscow

What can you say about the addresses of the organization? There are a lot of them. As already mentioned, in Russia there are multifunctional centers in almost every locality. All branches have their own addresses.

If we talk about the capital of Russia, then there are about 127 branches of the MFC. Moscow is a big city. It has multifunctional centers located on almost every corner.

Here are a few addresses where you can find the MFC in Moscow:

  • Sivtsev Vrazhek lane, house 20;
  • Yakimansky Lane, 6;
  • Tsentrosoyuzny lane, house 13;
  • Open highway, 8;
  • 10th Parkovaya Street, building 20;
  • Khavskaya street, 26;
  • Presnenskaya embankment, building 2;
  • Viktorenko street, house 2/1;
  • Sobolevsky proezd, 20;
  • Angarskaya street, house 3, building 1;
  • Marshal Zhukov Avenue, building 35, building 1.

As already mentioned, there are about 127 multifunctional centers in Moscow. Finding them is not as difficult as it seems.

The waiting time for service for citizens is on average about 8-10 minutes. It's very fast. Only occasionally do you have to wait more than 15 minutes for your turn. In Moscow, MFCs cope with their assigned tasks quite quickly. But in other regions you sometimes have to wait in line for several hours.

Nevertheless, the MFC is extremely useful services. They make life much easier for the population. From now on, it is clear what multifunctional centers do, as well as what they basically represent.

The main idea of ​​the MFC is the implementation of the “one window” principle, when a citizen is freed from the need to obtain certificates from other government agencies, go through authorities or pay intermediaries. The recipient is only required to submit an application and receive the result within the prescribed period, and all other work, including interdepartmental coordination, must be carried out by MFC employees and the relevant state and municipal authorities.

MFCs created on the territory of the Russian Federation allow citizens to receive a variety of services (obtaining a passport, civil registration, tax registration, etc.) in one room and not interact directly with officials. This approach minimizes the moral, material and time costs of service consumers, and therefore the popularity of MFC is constantly growing.

MFCs can be created centrally or decentralized. The centralized model of MFC management provides for the creation of an MFC by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the formation of its separate divisions (branches) in municipalities (city districts, municipal districts). The decentralized model for creating MFCs on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation involves the creation of separate (independent) MFCs by municipalities.

Single brand of MFC

On May 26, 2014, a single brand was presented for the system of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services in the country. The new name of the MFC brand is “My Documents”. Under this name, new centers and offices of state and municipal services began to open in 2014, and after going through the rebranding stage, existing branches throughout the country will begin to operate.

As of May 2014, about 1,200 MFCs have been created in 83 regions of Russia.

Main functions of the MFC

  • accepting requests from applicants for the provision of state or municipal services;
  • representing the interests of applicants in interaction with state bodies, local governments, as well as with organizations involved in the provision of state and municipal services;
  • representing the interests of state bodies and local governments when interacting with applicants;
  • informing applicants about the procedure for providing state and municipal services at the MFC, about the progress of fulfilling requests for the provision of state services, as well as on other issues related to the provision of state and municipal services;
  • interaction with government bodies and local governments on the provision of state and municipal services, as well as with organizations involved in the provision of government services;
  • issuing documents to applicants based on the results of the provision of state and municipal services, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • receiving, processing information from information systems of state bodies, local governments, as well as issuing documents to applicants on the basis of such information, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

Data leaks

2018: Copies of Russian passports ended up on public computers in the MFC

On November 16, 2018, it became known that copies of passports and other documents of Russians are stored in the public domain on the computers of multifunctional public service centers (MFCs).


2019: Maxim Akimov: digitalization will kill the MFC

On February 14, 2019, Deputy Prime Minister Maxim Akimov said that digitalization in Russia could lead to the disappearance of multifunctional centers (MFCs), since any documents can be processed remotely. He expressed this opinion during a discussion at the Russian investment forum in Sochi.

When we rejoice at the MFC, it’s the same as we rejoiced at good orphanages, philanthropists appeared, it was really important, but the most important thing is when a child is in the family. It's the same with MFC. But I really hope that the digitalization program will become the killer of the MFC, because a person will have no need to go anywhere at all,” Interfax reports the words of Maxim Akimov.

Deputy Prime Minister Maxim Akimov hopes that the digitalization program “will become a killer” of multifunctional centers

According to his estimates, within more than 90% of the basic services provided to citizens, “a person has nothing to do at all,” since they represent a set of characteristics of a user that he already possesses. A person only needs to answer the question “yes” or “no”, and based on the totality of this data, the service makes a decision, for example, on granting a license, issuing a permit, etc.

When asked by the President and Chairman of the Board of Sberbank German Gref about how many services Russians will receive without communicating with officials in three years, Akimov replied:


Sberbank will begin providing MFC services

According to him, in some regions experiencing a shortage of MFCs, such services will start working this year. “Somewhere in 30% of the federal subjects there is a deficit. We will start with these regions,” said a Sberbank representative. However, he did not specify which entities he was talking about.

Sberbank will also have the right to register Russian citizens on the electronic portal of state and municipal services. “Only a quarter of our population has an active record. We will help a person create a personal account so that he can use electronic services,” explained the vice president of Sberbank.

Payment for government services at the MFC

Currently, such payments are accepted at savings bank branches, ATMs and terminals. “But they are not available everywhere, and sometimes people need to travel several kilometers, or even tens of kilometers, to pay money,” Medvedev noted earlier, at a Government meeting on June 15, 2017.

At the same time, in some areas, especially in sparsely populated areas, there is no economic feasibility for opening new branches or placing ATMs of credit institutions, according to the explanation to the signed document.

Thus, the draft law prepared by the Ministry of Finance is intended to solve problems associated with the territorial remoteness of credit institutions from the MFC, as well as to improve the administration of budget system revenues.

MFCs will take over the functions of registry offices

Multifunctional centers for the provision of public services (MFC) will be given the right to draw up documents, the prerogative of issuing which previously belonged only to civil registry offices. In particular, MFCs will be able to compile civil registration records and issue birth and death certificates. The text of the Government order to submit to the State Duma a bill prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development, describing the new powers of the MFC, was published on the government website. The document was developed in the context of the existing action plan for the development of the system for providing public services in the MFC on the “one window” principle for 2016–2018.

The document implies that registry offices will also retain their functions. “The powers to make corrections and changes in the records of births and deaths compiled by the MFC, as well as their restoration, are assigned to the civil registry authorities,” the explanatory note says.

MFCs will insure company property and issue microloans to businesses

On the basis of multifunctional public service centers (MFCs), non-governmental services necessary for starting and running a business will begin to be fully provided. The text of the corresponding resolution, prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development and implying the emergence of an MFC for business, appeared on the Government website.

The explanatory note to the document states that the network of regular MFCs in the country is now fully deployed. It is noted that in a number of Russian regions the practice of organizing the activities of MFCs for business has also already developed.

“In 2016, a pilot project to create such centers was implemented in 39 regions,” says the Government website. - As part of the pilot project, the regions demonstrated possible models for organizing MFCs for business. In most cases, MFCs for business are created on the basis of existing multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services (93%).”

It is assumed that business centers can be created in regular MFCs by creating additional service windows for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

On the basis of the MFC for business, services are provided such as the development of business plans, commodity and legal expertise, business and risk assessment, legal support, property insurance for individuals and legal entities, accepting applications for participation in competitive selection for subsidies, for obtaining microloans and a number of others.


In December 2013, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev stated:

“The goal is to provide 90% of citizens with access to services on a one-stop-shop basis by the end of 2015. To do this, we need to increase the number of MFCs by almost 3 times, we need to reach almost the level of 3 thousand such facilities” (according to the Ministry of Economic Development, it is planned to create 2,700 MFCs).

Regions are leaders in creating MFCs

According to data at the beginning of 2014, the leaders in the number of open MFCs are:

  • Moscow – 69 MFC,
  • Rostov region – 67 MFC,
  • Krasnodar region – 49 MFC,
  • St. Petersburg – 34 MFC,
  • Volgograd region – 33 MFCs and
  • Penza region - 31 MFC.

Informatization of the MFC

In February 2014, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation approved recommendations for the operation of information systems and security equipment in multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services (MFC). The department also announced recommendations for the communication channels that the MFC uses for electronic interaction with authorities.

Obtaining a certificate or submitting an application, like other services of municipal authorities, has always been a huge problem for any citizen. The bureaucratic system was so unfinished that citizens very often had to collect many certificates, for which it was necessary to bypass many authorities. All this required spending a lot of time, and it was not always possible to get the “coveted piece of paper.”

To eliminate this problem, the government decided to organize multifunctional centers in all major settlements and city districts. Today we will talk about what MFCs are and why they were created.

MFC - what is it?

A multifunctional center or MFC is government agency, in which work is organized according to the “one window” system. The population here provides services from various state and municipal departments. In addition, here you can use the best option interaction between citizens and executive authorities.

Talking about what MFC is, it is impossible not to note that thanks to well-established work and a large number staff, there are no queues, and all processes are absolutely transparent. The multifunctional center can provide assistance to citizens in any, even the most difficult situation. The centralized management model of the MFC can significantly simplify the process of providing services and reduce the time they provide to citizens.

MFC services

The advantage of multifunctional centers is that you can count on providing not just one service, but a whole complex at once, which will simplify the issuance of many documents and certificates that previously could only be obtained from several different authorities. In a single window on this moment you can receive a range of services:

  • obtain or replace a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • obtain a foreign passport;
  • register in the compulsory pension insurance system;
  • apply for ;
  • apply for housing or to change the layout of the apartment;
  • resolve cadastral and tax issues;
  • stand in line to enroll your child in kindergarten and much more.

In order for certain services to be provided to you immediately, you should familiarize yourself with the list in advance necessary documents. You can find out about them on the MFC website. If you do not have access to the Internet, then you can find all the necessary information at any of the departments of the multifunctional center.

The purpose of creating the MFC

Everything is clear about the question of what an MFC is, but now let’s talk about why it was created. After the creation of the center it became possible solution several tasks at once. Thanks to a single window when individuals and legal entities apply for government services, it has become possible to:

  • significantly reduce the time it takes to provide services;
  • simplify the process of their provision;
  • bring the places of service provision as close as possible;
  • increase comfort when receiving them;
  • strengthen the fight against corruption;
  • improve the quality of services provided and the satisfaction of visitors.

The centers cope with their tasks in full, especially in major cities. At the same time, they are also created in the outback, where there is a much greater need for such organizations.

MFC in Moscow

The main feature of the MFC is its proximity to the population. When creating them, the maximum coverage of area residents was taken into account. Thus, in Moscow there are more than 100 points of service for the population, and their number continues to grow. It is quite possible that soon their number will be equal to the number of metro stations.

(MFC) Moscow provide services without being tied to registration, and for the most part they are guided by the extraterritorial principle. In Moscow, most MFCs are located geographically as close as possible to metro stations, which makes it much easier for citizens to find the most convenient one. The Russian Federation has now become much more accessible to residents of all areas of the capital.

For convenience, you can make an appointment with MFC employees via the Internet, on the official website government centers. This further speeds up the receipt of services and simplifies the procedure.

You can compare the government services portal with multifunctional centers, where you can get information about your debts on taxes and fees, as well as much more. useful information. Some certificates can also be obtained online or ordered in paper version. On the portal, by the way, you can make an appointment at the multifunctional center, and in general, the work of these two systems is very similar. Those who actively use the State Services portal know very well what the MFC is.

In most Russian cities, centers have already been opened where you can receive government services. The service is provided in comfortable conditions, with the possibility of pre-registration with a specialist at certain time. Let's understand the concept of MFC - what kind of organization it is, what services it provides and whether it is necessary to pay for the appointment.

Let's start with decoding the MFC - what is it? Behind the abbreviation is an abbreviation for full name: multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services. The created organization is presented under the corporate sign “My Documents”.

The creators of the MFC are not private individuals. The centers were established by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to ensure the provision of federal and municipal services. Their work is based on the principles:

  • active interaction between various government departments to speed up the process;
  • implementation of the “single window” system;
  • requiring the applicant to provide the minimum possible package of documents;
  • ensuring a sufficient level of comfort for visitors with appropriate equipment for reception areas;
  • high level of use of information technology.

The activities of the centers are regulated by federal and regional laws. MFCs are designed to simplify and speed up physical and legal entities process of interaction with authorities. This is achieved by reducing the processing time for applications and reducing the number of required documents. The centers help combat corruption by reducing the number of intermediaries in the implementation of government programs.

Moreover, all services are provided free of charge, you pay only standard fees - if required by law (for example, for issuing documents), there are no extra charges for paperwork services. During one visit, you can apply for several services from different departments, even those that are not related to each other.

MFC functions

We have figured out the decoding of the MFC. What is it essentially, what exactly are the functions that the centers perform? The list of responsibilities is quite wide:

In order to efficiently fulfill their duties, MFCs are endowed with the rights to receive information from federal and municipal authorities and third-party organizations, regardless of their form of ownership. Centers can participate in interdepartmental advisory bodies and in the development of regulations for the provision of services.

In addition to rights, the MFC also has responsibilities. They must control the intended use of budget funds, ensure the protection of confidential information and personal data, regularly train employees, and provide reporting on activities.

What services does the MFC provide?

In each region there is separate division"My Documents". Therefore, the lists of services provided in different cities may differ - they are determined by the departments with which a particular MFC has entered into agreements. Their full list you will find on your local unit's website. By law, the full range of services of federal bodies must be provided.

Most often, “My Documents” interacts with the city administration, department Pension Fund Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Federal Tax Service, bailiff service, social insurance fund, authorities social protection population, property and land relations, education and many others.

The centers help not only individuals, but also legal entities, and individual entrepreneurs. With the help of the MFC you can register an individual entrepreneur, obtain a construction permit and registration land plots, obtain licenses for different kinds activities.

At the centers, citizens are offered:

  1. Privatize real estate, obtain housing and technical registration documents, an urban planning plan for the site, request information from the Capital Repair Fund.
  2. Formalize or dissolve a marriage, register a child, establish guardianship or adopt a child.
  3. Replace the civil passport of the Russian Federation, international passport, apply for registration.
  4. Submit an application and receive a certificate for maternity capital, and also use it to improve living conditions and the child’s education.
  5. Register the sale and purchase of real estate and the ownership of it.
  6. Obtain documents entitling you to benefits. Design child benefit, a subsidy for housing and communal services and parental fees for kindergarten, register to receive sanatorium vouchers.
  7. Request archival documents, get a place in a municipal dormitory or apartment under a social rental agreement.
  8. Create an account on the state portal of State Services, go through identity verification to increase the level of access.

This is only an incomplete list of services that can be arranged in the “My Documents” centers. You can find what other services the MFC provides on the organization’s regional website or check by calling the support service.

Individuals are given the opportunity to draw up a set of documents depending on the issue that arises life situation– change of surname, birth of a child. Specialists will create a package of papers that will be needed to resolve the issue, register them and send them to the relevant departments. As a result you will receive the entire set necessary documents In one place.

Procedure for visiting the MFC

You can visit the MFC without an appointment, on a first-come, first-served basis. Choose a branch that suits you geographically and go to it. You can visit any of them, regardless of the address of permanent or temporary registration (registration). On the website of Moscow centers there is detailed map. By clicking on the arrow marking a specific MFC, a window with information appears - work schedule, address, phone number, estimated waiting time in line. A list of branch services is available.

If you are satisfied with the approximate wait in line (it is calculated based on the average value), go to the organization when it is convenient for you. If you want to reduce your visit time, pre-register at the center via the Internet.

Before your visit, prepare for your visit so that you can complete your paperwork in one go. On the MFC website there is a description of each service - who can apply for it, in what form the result is issued, the amount of the state fee (if any), a list of necessary documents and terms of provision.

Carefully prepare the papers necessary to obtain the service you need. Please note that you must provide original documents, not copies. If for registration you need to copy or scan pages of originals, a center employee will do this on his equipment for free.