Myoma is a malignant or benign tumor. Malignant uterine fibroids

Myoma is a benign tumor that develops from connective or muscle tissue. The causes of uterine fibroids are not fully understood, but it is already known that its appearance is associated with increased production of estrogen hormones.

Another confirmation of the dependence of the appearance of this neoplasm on hormonal levels is that it is practically not detected in teenage girls and in older women who have already entered menopause (if a woman had fibroids, then when the hormonal function fades, its regression is observed) .

Many of our readers TREATMENT OF UTERINE FIBROIDS actively use a new method based on natural ingredients, which was discovered by Natalya Shukshina. It contains only natural ingredients, herbs and extracts - no hormones or chemicals. To get rid of uterine fibroids you need to eat every morning on an empty stomach...

The following factors predispose to the appearance of this benign tumor:

  • infertility;
  • obesity;
  • miscarriages;
  • diabetes;
  • numerous abortions;
  • hereditary predisposition.

This problem is very common. According to statistics, uterine fibroids are detected in every fifth woman who has reached 30 years of age. The chances of a neoplasm appearing are especially high during pregnancy, as well as due to inflammatory processes in the genital organs of various natures.

For the treatment of UTERINE FIBROID, Natalya Shukshina recommends a new method based on NATURAL components - Father George’s Monastic Collection. It contains 8 useful medicinal plants that are extremely effective in the treatment of UTERINE FIBROID. Only natural ingredients are used, no chemicals or hormones!

Symptoms and signs

Uterine fibroids are an asymptomatic disease. You can live with this tumor for years without feeling any discomfort, but the following signs may indicate its presence in the body:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain in the lower back;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • heavy periods.

Growing tumor nodes interfere with the fixation of fertilized eggs in the uterine cavity, which causes miscarriages or infertility.


Fibroids can be found in the uterine cavity or on its wall. Very often, several tumor nodes are detected at once.

According to the classical classification, uterine fibroids can be:

  • subserous;
  • submucosal;
  • intramural;
  • interstitial.

A subserous tumor grows towards the abdominal cavity (as in the photo). This tumor usually does not interfere with conception and bearing a child. It can be attached to the uterus with a thin stalk or have a wide base.

Submucous (submucosal) fibroids originate under the mucous membrane of the uterus and grow into its cavity (as in the photo). Detection of such a neoplasm during pregnancy entails abortion, since the fetus will not be able to bear the child. It grows very quickly and can cause uterine inversion (complete or partial).

An intramural (intermuscular) tumor grows in the muscle layer of the uterine wall. An interstitial (interligamentous) tumor grows between the ligaments.

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According to the clinical classification, benign neoplasms of the uterus are divided into:

  • large tumor;
  • small tumor;
  • multiple;
  • complex;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • multiple fibroids of the uterine body;
  • tumor on the leg;
  • submucosal tumor.


The presence of a benign tumor in the uterus can lead to the following complications:

  • anemia (occurs due to heavy monthly bleeding);
  • constipation and problems with urination (occur when an overgrown tumor puts pressure on neighboring organs);
  • problems with conception and pregnancy;
  • death of the tumor, its rupture or inflammation (this can happen when the leg that connects it to the uterus is twisted).

Uterine fibroids are especially dangerous during pregnancy. The presence of a submucosal tumor carries the highest risk of miscarriage. With subserous fibroids, the chances of bearing a child are much greater.

Doctors may insist on an abortion if the tumor is very large, if it is growing very quickly, or in the case of cervical fibroids.

Methods of diagnosis and treatment

A gynecologist can detect a tumor during a routine examination (by touch); echo signs of fibroids can also be detected accidentally during an ultrasound of internal organs for other diseases.

Treatment of a benign neoplasm in the uterus largely depends on the woman’s age, her state of health, the presence of complications and plans (about having children). In cases where the tumor does not grow and the woman does not plan to have any more children, treatment is carried out using hormonal drugs (Zoladex, Danazol, Norkolut, Orgametril).

They can significantly reduce the size of the tumor (cause it to regress), but after stopping taking the pills, its growth may resume.

Review from our reader Svetlana Afanasyeva

I recently read an article that talks about Father George’s Monastic Collection for the treatment and prevention of fibroids. With the help of this collection you can FOREVER get rid of fibroids and problems like women at home.

I’m not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered a bag. I noticed changes literally after a week: the constant pain in the lower abdomen that had tormented me before receded, and after 3 weeks disappeared completely. Uterine bleeding has stopped. Try it too, and if anyone is interested, below is the link to the article.

If a woman plans to have a child in the future, the tumor must be removed surgically. The most gentle operation is myomectomy. It allows you to remove nodes without damaging the uterus itself. A myomectomy is performed through punctures in the abdominal wall. This does not in any way affect the ability to get pregnant in the future.

In the case of large nodes or multinodular tumors, the uterus is removed (in some cases even with appendages). This operation is called a hysterectomy. In this case, pregnancy becomes impossible.

Indications for surgical intervention include:

  • large blood losses during menstruation;
  • large size fibroids (equal in size to a 14-15 week fetus or more);
  • rapid increase in its size;
  • death of the tumor.

The operation is performed urgently in the following cases:

  • severe uterine bleeding;
  • acute stomach;
  • submucosal tumor;
  • twisting of the tumor stalk.

Access during surgery can be done laparoscopically, through the vagina or through an incision in the lower abdomen.

The cost of removing uterine fibroids depends on the complexity of the case and on the pricing policy of the private clinic in which the operation will be performed. On average, laparoscopic tumor removal will cost 50-70 thousand rubles. Other operations are more complex, so their cost is higher.

An alternative to surgical treatment is uterine artery embolization. With this method of treatment, the doctor injects a special substance into the blood vessels that feed the tumor, which clogs them.

This operation is performed through a puncture of the femoral artery and takes about 20 minutes. As a result, the arteries that feed the tumor die, and the nodes disappear after a while.

Embolization of the uterine arteries in the treatment of uterine fibroids is a new method, but already quite popular due to its minor intervention in the body. The cost of this procedure is determined individually and can reach 200 thousand rubles. and more.

  • monitor hormonal levels and follow all doctor’s recommendations to normalize them;
  • take oral contraceptives to prevent multiple abortions;
  • promptly treat gynecological diseases.

Are you still sure that it is impossible to GET RID OF UTERINE FIBROIDS forever WITHOUT SURGERY?

Have you ever tried to get rid of UTERINE FIBROID? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory was not on your side. And of course you know firsthand what it is:

  • constant pain in the side, heaviness in the stomach...
  • heavy menstrual flow, uterine bleeding...
  • anemia...
  • loss of strength, depression, apathy...
  • change in body weight...
  • constipation and urinary problems...

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can UTERINE FIBROID be tolerated? How much money and time have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? After all, sooner or later it will grow to a size where only SURGERY can help! Why push yourself to the extreme! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive technique from Elena Malysheva, in which she revealed the secret of RIDING uterine fibroids.

A benign neoplasm that occurs in women of childbearing age is. Having heard such a diagnosis, many fall into despair, immediately starting to look for unconventional methods of treatment and take risky measures. This should not be done; you should repeat the examination after menstruation, wait until the diagnosis is confirmed, and then, together with your doctor, look for ways to solve the problem.

The gynecologist will tell you what the symptoms and signs of uterine fibroids are and choose an effective treatment method. The peculiarity of the tumor is that its growth depends on the level of female sex hormones. The pathology is the most common in gynecology; effective methods of therapy and rehabilitation have been developed.

Myoma concept

In women, due to hormonal imbalance, uterine fibroids develop - a benign tumor formed from uncontrollably growing muscle tissue that transforms into nodes. Localization of nodes is individual.

Hormonal imbalances often lead to the development of pathology. The cause of the disease may lie in various factors. This is determined individually by the gynecologist. Depending on where the nodes are located, the types of pathology differ:

  • subserous;
  • intramuscular;
  • submucosa;
  • cervical;
  • on a leg;
  • fibroids in the interligamentous space.

Knowing the diagnosis, you should undergo treatment; regular examinations by a specialist are recommended for patients. The consequences of the disease lead to infertility, anemia, and other disorders of the reproductive system. In rare cases, a benign formation degenerates into a malignant one.

How to recognize fibroids

The danger of the pathology lies in its asymptomatic course in the first two stages. Myoma can be detected during microscopic examination; it is not visually visualized. A woman who neglects regular gynecological examinations may find out about the problem 5-8 years after it appeared. At the third stage, the gynecologist sees the formation during the examination.

Ultrasound provides a detailed description of the detected node. Gynecologists have identified echographic signs of fibroids:

  • the presence of formations of medium, low echogenicity in the myometrium;
  • observed changes in the contours of the uterine cavity, endometrium, characteristic of interstitial, sumbucous nodes;
  • the lumen of the rectum, bladder, formed as a result of dense formations;
  • the level of echogenicity depends on the amount of connective tissue in the nodes. The more it is, the higher the echogenicity of the node;
  • if there are calcium deposits in the nodes, small hyperechoic inclusions will be visible, with acoustic shadows behind them.

An ultrasound examination using a Doppler sensor allows you to make an accurate diagnosis and obtain complete information about the condition of the organs of the reproductive system.


A woman cannot determine at home that she is developing fibroids. The pathology cannot be visualized or determined by touch.

In this case, unpleasant symptoms will appear, which the fair sex confuses with other gynecological ailments. In this case, it is important to consult a doctor and not self-medicate, aggravating the situation.

  1. The first signs of pathology have been identified:
  2. Reduced hemoglobin level.
  3. Frequent urge to urinate.
  4. Headaches resembling migraine attacks.
  5. Irregular bowel movements, periodic constipation.
  6. Appearing tides.
  7. Feeling of heaviness, pain localized in the lower abdomen.
  8. Heavy menstrual flow, accompanied by severe pain.
  9. Bloody discharge in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

Not a single woman will understand that such symptoms indicate a developing disease, so the ailments that appear are attributed to fatigue and external factors. It is necessary to consult a doctor, undergo an examination, take tests, finding out the true cause of the condition.

General manifestations

In the first stages of development, symptoms of uterine fibroids do not appear. When a tumor dependent on the female hormone estrogen grows, its size increases, the woman faces multiple problems, and the condition of the whole body worsens.

Characteristic signs of pathology:

  • the menstrual cycle is disrupted. There is an increase in the duration of the cycle, menstruation becomes heavy and painful. Bloody discharge appears in the middle of the cycle due to the fact that the neoplasm develops, leading to bleeding of the walls of the uterus;
  • secondary signs of pathology - pain in the lower abdomen, in the sacral area. First, the pain increases during menstruation, when the tumor develops, the woman suffers from cramping attacks;
  • a neoplasm growing in the area of ​​the bladder and rectum leads to problems with their functioning. In the early stages, a woman faces frequent urination or problems with bowel movements. In the future, the situation worsens. In this case, an examination by a urologist or gastroenterologist is required;
  • heavy menstrual flow lead to the development of anemia, headache attacks become more frequent, the skin becomes pale, dizziness occurs, and frequent weakness occurs;
  • with a myomatous tumor developing in the submucosa, it may occur obstruction of the fallopian tubes. As a result, sperm do not gain access to the egg and the woman faces infertility;
  • tumor growth causes a decrease in the tone of the heart muscle, and pain occurs in the heart. In advanced forms of the disease, an increase in venous pressure is possible. The woman should be examined by a cardiologist;
  • active growth of education becomes the reason belly growth, but the weight remains virtually unchanged.

A woman should know the main signs of the disease, if at the same time she observes an elevated body temperature, weakening of the body, we can talk about intoxication due to necrotic processes occurring in the tissues of the formation.

Symptoms and signs by form

Myoma can be recognized by the characteristic signs for each form of pathology.

  1. Under the membrane separating the uterus from the peritoneal cavity, a subserous tumor develops on the outside of the organ. A woman faces problems with defecation and urination. There is constant discomfort in the lower abdomen. Hemorrhoids may appear, accompanied by cramping pain.
  2. Intramuscular fibroids develop in the thickness of the uterine wall. Menstruation becomes painful and profuse. Constipation occurs and there is a risk of bleeding. Women of childbearing age are more likely to experience this form of the disease.
  3. A submucosal tumor emerges into the lumen of the uterus, affecting the internal part of the organ. It causes infertility, heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding, and pain in the lumbar region.
  4. In rare cases, a cervical mass develops on the cervix. The tumor leads to infertility, does not affect the course of menstruation, but increases pain during this period.
  5. The formation can develop in the interligamentous space, leading to problems with defecation and frequent urination. The pathology has no other symptoms.

A separate subspecies is pedunculated fibroids; formations can develop on wide, narrow bases in the cavity of the organ, and beyond.

As soon as alarming symptoms appear, you should undergo an examination prescribed by your doctor. Self-medication and ignoring the situation will aggravate the condition, as a result of which you will need to spend more time on treatment and rehabilitation.

Symptoms during pregnancy

It is necessary to identify fibroids at an early stage, reducing the risk of spontaneous abortion and premature birth.

Pathology is a consequence of hormonal imbalance in the expectant mother. Having discovered a problem, the doctor will monitor it and monitor the growth of the tumor.

A formation located far from the placenta does not have a negative effect on the gestation of the fetus.

An increase in tumor size can provoke:

  • inflammatory process;
  • increased uterine tone;
  • miscarriage;
  • premature birth;
  • placental abruption;
  • oxygen starvation of the fetus.

Signs of menopause

If uterine fibroids are detected, the symptoms of which did not appear before the onset of menopause, then there is a chance that it will gradually resolve without additional medical intervention. The emerging range of unpleasant symptoms characteristic of the disease will gradually disappear. Education dependent on hormones will resolve, because it will not receive estrogen, the main sex hormone in women, necessary for the growth.

A woman who is aware of the pathology should monitor her condition and undergo regular gynecological examinations. A disease left to its own devices can turn into a malignant formation.

If menopause passed without problems, then the fibroid will most likely disappear without a trace without additional intervention.

Uterine fibroids and pregnancy

A tumor diagnosed in a woman carrying a child may not harm the fetus or cause premature birth or early miscarriage. The condition of the expectant mother is monitored by a gynecologist, as is the size of the formation.

Being far from the placenta, the pathology does not pose a threat. In another case, the situation is resolved individually. The doctor does everything to preserve the reproductive function of the woman and the fetus.

Diagnostic methods

The first diagnostic method is an examination by a gynecologist. A specialist can determine the presence of a tumor by seeing that the uterus is enlarged, the walls are thickened or deformed. The diagnosis requires confirmation, for this purpose the following is prescribed:

What treatments can be used

Therapy is selected individually in each case, depending on the size of the formation and location.

In this case, it is prohibited to use folk remedies. It is necessary to supplement conservative treatment with proper nutrition and light exercise (if allowed).

A hormone-dependent tumor can develop in a woman’s body for many years and not cause problems or become an obstacle to a happy life and motherhood. It is impossible to recognize the formation on your own, so you should remember the importance of preventive examinations and careful attention to your health.

According to the classification, uterine fibroids are classified as benign neoplasms of the female reproductive system and have nothing to do with malignant processes. Therefore, to the question “is uterine fibroids cancer or not,” provided that there are no signs of malignancy and the diagnosis is not in doubt at the moment, you can give a clear answer “no.”

Services table

Service name Price
Promotion! Initial consultation with a fertility specialist and ultrasound 0 rub.
Repeated consultation with a fertility specialist 1,900 rub.
Initial consultation with a reproductologist, Ph.D. Osina E.A. 10,000 rub.
Hysteroscopy RUB 22,550
Ultrasound gynecological expert RUB 3,080
Therapeutic and diagnostic laparoscopy (difficulty category 1) 65,500 rub.
Therapeutic and diagnostic laparoscopy (difficulty category 2) RUB 82,200
Program "Women's Health after 40" RUB 31,770

The progression of this nosological form is a completely different question, because many people say that uterine fibroids can develop into cancer.

Can uterine fibroids develop into cancer?

Uterine fibroids are a fairly common disease of the female reproductive system, the quantitative indicator of which is growing every day. The prevalence of this nosological form even covers a young age, which previously was rather an exception to the rule. Having heard for the first time about such a pathological condition, women are initially in a state of some kind of shock, since not all patients know the difference between a benign and a malignant process. Having learned about its benign characteristics, some patients “breathe out” and begin to treat this issue less responsibly. However, other women begin to ask doctors very correct questions: “Does uterine fibroids develop into cancer?”, “Can uterine fibroids turn into cancer?”

In order to understand this issue, you need to understand how to distinguish fibroids from uterine cancer.

In the diagnosis of the type of newly detected pelvic organ formation, there are indirect signs of a benign or malignant process, as well as reliable ones.

The doctor who examines this patient, with bimanual palpation, can determine the nodular formation with his hands; in some cases, based on the characteristics of its surface, oncological pathology can be suspected: this is the unevenness of the surface of the node, needle-like protrusions, heterogeneity of the consistency of the formation. However, if such signs are not observed, this does not relieve oncological suspicion.

When conducting an ultrasound examination, the doctor can also presumably tell from the ultrasound data whether there are signs of malignancy: heterogeneity of the contours and structure of the formation, the presence of cavities in it, signs of necrosis or metastasis, effusion into the abdominal cavity.

When performing magnetic resonance imaging or MRI, the nuances of this neoplasm are also clearly visible.

When performing laparoscopy or laparotomy, visual signs of an oncological process can be identified. But it is worth saying that none of the above methods gives an exact answer to the question of benign or malignant uterine fibroids, and the symptoms also will not give a reliable answer.

The only way that will give an accurate answer to the questions posed is only a histological examination of the material obtained during diagnostic or therapeutic surgery.

Do uterine fibroids turn into cancer?

Unfortunately it is so. Any neoplasm, like any at some point, but healthy tissue can subsequently become a substrate for cancer. No doctor or scientist will give a woman a guarantee that myomatous lesions of the uterus will not transform into a malignant process. Since there are quite a lot of theories about the origin of oncological pathology, no one can accurately deny the possibility of malignancy. That is, uterine fibroids, of course, can acquire the properties of a malignant process.

The only way to somehow reduce the possibility of degeneration of an existing but benign neoplasm is to create risk groups for morbidity, as well as to implement preventive measures and measures to prevent such a formidable complication.

Uterine fibroids: degeneration into cancer and how to avoid it?

  • It is necessary to change your lifestyle: you need to completely give up smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, and adjust your work and rest schedule. Remove foods high in carcinogens from the diet, increase the proportion of vegetables and fruits high in antioxidants;

A recommended measure is also to reduce body weight if it is overweight. This requires the above menu correction, as well as fairly moderate physical activity.
With increased physical activity and the presence of a myomatous node on the leg, its torsion and disruption of the node’s nutrition, and subsequently its necrosis, can occur. blood flow in the pelvic organs also increases, which also negatively affects the development of fibroids in the direction of its rapid increase.

A very important point, and at the same time, a big mistake of women, is self-medication of this pathology in the form of the use of physiotherapy. Any thermal effect on the uterus can improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, thereby causing rapid progression of the pathological process. This may be a trigger for the tumor to degenerate into a malignant form.

Termination of pregnancy when it occurs in the form of abortions also provokes tumor degeneration. Abortion is a powerful hormonal stress for the body, as well as the method of its implementation, for example, curettage of the uterine cavity can be a provoking factor for such malignancy of myomatous formation.

No one can say for sure whether uterine fibroids will degenerate into cancer or not, so when such a diagnosis is made, you should immediately seek medical help in order to begin conservative or surgical treatment, depending on the clinical situation, the size of the tumor, and the woman’s age. After all, doctors all over the world have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to introduce preventive medicine to the masses in order to prevent diseases, rather than engage in lengthy and expensive treatment.

Having heard an unpleasant diagnosis - a mesenchymal neoplasm of the reproductive organ, many women do not see the difference and begin to worry whether uterine fibroids can develop into a malignant tumor. Let's figure out in what cases the risks of cancer increase and how to deal with the pathology.

Uterine fibroids - malignant or not

Uterine fibroids are estrogen-dependent benign tumors, but are unpredictable in nature. It develops differentially and can quickly increase, decrease, or even disappear regardless of treatment. In rare cases, it can degenerate into an oncological disease - a fast-growing sarcoma, accompanied by heavy uterine bleeding.

The opinions of experts regarding the degeneration of uterine fibroids into cancer are ambiguous. Some insist that this is still a tumor and favorable factors can give impetus to the transition to oncology. Others defend the benign nature of the formation, and consider fears about whether uterine fibroids can develop into cancer to be unfounded.

We can definitely say that myosarcoma, formed from smooth muscle cells of the myometrium, belongs to oncological diseases.

It is believed that the neoplasm develops independently, sometimes simultaneously with fibroids.

The development of cancer in the body occurs under the influence of a number of factors: excess weight, frequent stress, excessive physical activity, injuries, unhealthy lifestyle, unbalanced diet, heating the area of ​​tumor formation.

Active enlargement of a myomatous node is not a reason to believe that the tumor is developing into a malignant one. Most often this occurs due to swelling or against the background of degenerative processes.

Any changes in a woman’s condition are a signal to go to the doctor. Negative signs include: acyclic bleeding, uncharacteristic vaginal discharge, pain, unreasonable abdominal growth, menstrual irregularities, deterioration in general health, problems with urination and defecation. Many diseases exhibit similar symptoms, so don’t panic and think about the worst.

What types of nodes can progress to tumor

Malignant formations are distinguished by a common feature - rapid cell division and proliferation of pathogenic tissues (proliferation). According to morphological characteristics, myomatous nodes are divided into:

  • simple - benign with a low rate of cell division;
  • proliferating – fast-growing fibroids with benign morphogenetic criteria and the level of pathological mitoses not exceeding 25%;
  • presarcoma - the last step on the path to degeneration into a cancerous tumor, characterized by a large number of foci of development of myogenic cells with obvious signs of atypia.

According to statistics, the full transition of fibroids from benign to malignant occurs in less than 1% of all registered cases.

It is impossible to distinguish oncology by sight with a 100% guarantee. This requires laboratory testing of the tumor. The rate of cell division, the number of myomatous nodes, structural features, and signs of atypia are taken into account. Histological classification identifies the following types of uterine fibroids:

  • miotically active – characterized by a complete absence of cell atypia and their rapid growth;
  • cellular – develops slowly, there are no atypical signs, smooth muscle tissue predominates in the structure;
  • epithelioid - consists of epithelial tissue, forms several subtypes;
  • bizarre - grows slowly, does not show atypia, is characterized by degeneration of tumor tissue, occurs during pregnancy and taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • vascular – stitched with a large number of large blood vessels, difficult to diagnose;
  • apoplectic (hemorrhagic) - appears in pregnant women, women who are addicted to hormonal contraception or after childbirth, accompanied by swelling and hemorrhages;
  • leiomyolipoma - distinguished by a large percentage of mature fatty structures, observed before and during menopause;
  • polysadoid - extremely rare, characterized by an uncharacteristic arrangement of muscle fibers;
  • leiomyoma with infiltration of lymphocytes - often raises suspicions of oncology due to its slight difference with lymphoma, causing inflammatory processes in the female body;
  • myxoid - exhibits infiltrative growth; between its smooth muscle tissue there is a lot of amorphous substance resembling mucus. There are no obvious signs of cellular atypia, but at the same time, the chances of a positive outcome of the disease are insignificant.

There are also rare myomatous formations, classified as a separate group, which are characterized by certain growth patterns. Diffuse leiomyomatosis affects young women under 35 years of age. In this case, there is a significant increase in the size of the uterus due to the diffuse proliferation of tumor tissues.

In medical practice, there have been cases where nodes developed in large numbers on the surface of the peritoneum. This pathology is called disseminated peritoneal leiomyomatosis, refers to benign neoplasms, stimulates metastatic carcinoma.

Treatment of malignancy

The benign nature of the tumor should not provoke a woman to neglect her own health. At the initial stage, symptoms of the disease rarely appear, but an overgrown node causes many problems. Patients with uterine fibroids should undergo regular gynecological examinations and pelvic ultrasound.

In order not to worry about whether the tumor will turn malignant or not, after diagnosis, you need to immediately begin treatment.

Modern medicine offers two ways to get rid of uterine fibroids: conservative and surgical. In the first case, medications are prescribed to eliminate the main symptoms and stop the growth of the tumor. The second method is more radical and involves instrumental treatment methods: FUS ablation, UAE, myomectomy, hysterectomy, etc.

When a malignant neoplasm is diagnosed, immediate removal of the tumor is necessary. If the disease is advanced, removal of the uterus and sometimes the ovaries will be required. After the operation, the woman is prescribed a course of chemotherapy.


The most common myth about fibroids is that they are cancer or can develop into it. Among other women's misconceptions regarding neoplasms, the following erroneous opinions are found: with fibroids it is impossible to conceive, the only method of treatment is surgery, the pathology will go away on its own, it is necessary to remove even the smallest tumor, preventive measures will not protect against uterine fibroids.

Sometimes, histologically benign neoplasms “masquerade” as cancerous tumors. Therefore, it is very important that the doctor correctly interprets the results of laboratory tests and prescribes reasonable therapy.

Tumor diseases of the female genital area: fibroids, mastopathy, genital endometriosis - belong to hyperestrogenic conditions. All this is correct, if you do not go into the reasons why the hormonal balance . Age-related hormonal imbalances are one thing, but young women are another matter. But in any case, an imbalance of sex hormones does not occur on its own: there will definitely be problems with other hormones, since these are all different manifestations of a malfunction of the endocrine system.

The uterus is a hormone-dependent organ, so its function is determined by the condition endocrine system in general, and not just the reproductive glands. The liver, thyroid gland and other endocrine glands also participate in the metabolism of female sex hormones (estrogens and progestogens). This thesis is confirmed by the fact that most patients diagnosed with uterine fibroids also exhibit dysfunction of the thyroid gland, mammary glands and adrenal glands.

Changes in estrogen metabolism are also caused by damage or dysfunction of the liver, deficiency of vitamins VI and B6, low protein content in food and blood, dysbacteriosis, and the use of medications that affect enzyme systems associated with estrogen metabolism. With uterine fibroids, liver function is clearly impaired, since it is the liver that inactivates estrogens.

All hyperestrogenic diseases are characterized by increased estrogen levels and progesterone deficiency. This is explained by the state of the receptors of the female genitalia - increased activity of receptors for estrogen and, conversely, reduced activity of receptors for progesterone (progestogen). The hormone itself cannot enter the cell; it must connect with a receptor - a peptide marker located on the cell membrane and sensitive to this hormone. The activity of these receptors is different for each person, since they are often clogged with under-oxidized foods, metabolites from poor nutrition and other reasons.

Myoma grows as long as the ovaries produce estrogens. Therefore, uterine fibroids rarely occur before puberty and after menopause. When the ovaries are removed, as well as in postmenopause, when their activity subsides, the growth of fibroids stops and its reverse development is observed.

The main thyroid hormone, thyroxine, as well as estrogen and progesterone, are interrelated. Estrogen, if its amount is excessive, prevents the thyroid hormone from entering the cells. Even if the thyroid gland secretes a sufficient amount of the hormone, it is not active when estrogen dominates. And hypofunction of the thyroid gland is combined with progesterone deficiency. Thyroxine, androgens and adrenocorticosteroids also influence the rate of metabolic conversion of estrogens in the liver.

Hyperestrogenic conditions contain another danger associated with calcium metabolism. In women, calcium absorption is very dependent on the production of sex hormones: at a younger age, calcium is absorbed in the intestines without problems, but an imbalance of estrogen-progesterone in the direction of decreased progesterone production initiates the development of osteoporosis. Increasing the dose of calcium intake to 1.2-1.5 g per day only slows down the process of demineralization of bone tissue, but it is incredibly difficult to restore already lost bone mass.

Therefore, in the presence of uterine fibroids, surgery will never completely restore health - the hormonal imbalance will remain. The problem can be solved only by restoring hormonal balance. Likewise, surgery will not solve the problem of infection if it was the cause of the disease.