Myositis - symptoms and treatment of diseases of the muscles of the back, neck and others. What is inflammation of the arm muscle: treatment and etiology of the disease Purulent myositis

Everyone has experienced muscle pain at least once. Most often, the cause of such pain is myositis, an inflammatory pathological process that affects muscle tissue.

Without timely treatment, myositis can have serious consequences. Therefore, it is so important to know the symptoms and principles of treatment of myositis depending on its location.

Myositis combines diseases characterized by damage to the skeletal muscles as a result of exposure to inflammatory, traumatic, toxic and other unfavorable factors.

The disease is distinguished by pathological inflammatory processes that occur in the muscle and connective tissue of the musculoskeletal system.

The most common type of myositis is cervical, accounting for more than half of all cases of the disease.

The disease appears by various reasons. In this case, myositis can be either an independent disease or a symptom of a concomitant disease.

The main causes of myositis:

Quite often the development of myositis is associated with defense mechanisms human body, which are activated under stress and provoke muscle tension.

Classification and symptoms

The main symptom of myositis is a feeling of intense muscle pain, the localization of which is determined by the affected area. The pain is felt more strongly when you press on the injury site.

With the help of palpation, you can find a dense, tense muscle. Often the site of occurrence of pathological inflammatory processes in the muscles or connective tissues can be identified by clearly visible redness.

Symptoms of myositis:

  • muscle swelling;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nodal seals;
  • increased mechanical excitability of muscles;
  • feeling limited movement joints;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • hemorrhages under the skin and hematomas;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • partial or complete atrophy of skeletal muscle.

As the disease progresses and symptoms become more pronounced, a person may lose the ability to independently care for themselves.

Types of myositis

The disease has two stages of development. Depending on the stage of development of the disease, there are two types:

  • acute myositis characterized by sudden muscle damage and pain symptoms;
  • chronic myositis occurs if long time there is no adequate treatment for the disease, pain and other symptoms are less pronounced and appear throughout life without cause.

The types of myositis can be classified according to the causes of their occurrence:

Depending on the location of the disease, there are:

Cervical myositis

The disease is characterized by pain in the muscles of the cervical region with transition to the shoulder and scapular areas, sometimes affecting the occipital region.

The pain is aching and dull in nature and can radiate to the forehead, ears or temple. Often the pain is felt along the entire length of the arm to the fingers, causing them to become numb.

Most often, the mobility of the vertebrae of the neck is not affected, but there are exceptions when limited movement is observed due to intense pain.

If you start the process of treating cervical myositis, inflammatory processes sometimes affect the larynx and pharynx, so the process of eating becomes difficult.

In addition, it can affect the adjacent muscles of the diaphragm, and then a common disease can become fatal. In such cases, vital atrophy may occur. important organs, therefore emergency medical care is required.


When treating myositis, depending on the location of the disease, you need to consult a doctor.

If muscle pain occurs in the neck, limbs or back, upon initial treatment the patient will be referred to a therapist. After determining the etiology of the disease and its localization, the therapist gives a recommendation to contact a specialized specialist.

For autoimmune myositis, you need to consult a rheumatologist, for neuromyositis and dermatomyositis - a neurologist, and myositis that occurs during infectious diseases will be treated by a therapist.

Treatment of myositis, like other diseases, involves mandatory diagnostics with an accurate diagnosis.

Diagnosis of inflammation muscle tissue includes:

  • examination and interview of the sick person;
  • purpose of research: laboratory (urine, blood tests, rheumatic test), instrumental (magnetic resonance and computed tomography), muscle tissue biopsy.

Interview and examination of the patient

The survey consists of collecting information about the onset of the disease, data about the events that preceded it, symptoms, the presence of hereditary pathologies and other diseases. The survey is conducted by a doctor based on the patient’s words.

The examination is carried out visually by the doctor: the skin over the muscle tissue is carefully examined, redness or blanching of the skin in the damaged area is noted.

Severe muscle tension (hypertonicity) indicates that the disease is in the acute phase. With cervical myositis, muscle hypertonicity makes it difficult to eat and even move. Chronic form myositis is characterized possible atrophy muscle tissue. The skin over the muscle turns pale. Thus, polymyositis can be determined by early stage, which will also help install accurate diagnosis.


The purpose of a rheumatoid test is aimed at identifying diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, polyfibromyositis, polymyositis, lupus erythematosus and others. This study excludes an autoimmune etiology of the disease. In addition, with the help of a rheumatic test, the causes of the disease and its intensity are determined.

A biopsy and subsequent examination of muscle tissue for morphology is carried out to determine the changes that have occurred in the muscle, nearby tissues and vessels.

With this diagnostic method, a part of the muscle tissue (biomaterial) is selected and subsequently studied.

Neck myositis: treatment

Cervical myositis most often occurs due to infection or hypothermia.

Muscle pain with neck myositis appears in cervical spine spine, when turning the head or pressing on these areas.

For cervical myositis, doctors prescribe:

Myositis: treatment at home

Before consulting a doctor, you can try to improve your health with myositis at home.

This can be done with dry heat. For this sore spot wrapped in a scarf, or dog belt and are worn periodically.

Red pepper for pain

Reduce painful sensations Red hot pepper will help. It is infused with alcohol (ammonia). One or two pods hot pepper put in 300 ml of alcohol. The product is infused for several days. Then the product is used by rubbing the sore spot.


  1. Ingredients: chamomile flowers (4 tbsp.), butter or margarine (1 tbsp. spoon). Chamomiles are used instead of flowers bay leaf. Grind the chamomile, then add the oil and mix. Lubricate the affected area of ​​the body with the prepared raw material about 5 times a day. The lubricated muscle should be covered with a warm cloth or blanket;
  2. You need to take 100-150 g horsetail, grind it thoroughly. Then the horsetail is mixed with 300 g of oil (vegetable). The finished mass is left in a cool place for a day. Every other day, the infused ointment is rubbed into the affected muscles. After spreading, apply a compress and fix for 30 minutes;

Decoctions and compresses

Treatment regimen

When diagnosed with myositis, there is no need to overload the diseased muscle tissue. Quite often, bed rest is recommended for myositis while the disease is in the acute phase. In order to reduce stress on the affected muscles, correct posture is necessary.

You need to carefully monitor your diet and follow therapeutic diet. Eating helps reduce inflammation and stop it. fatty acids. Fatty foods help prevent inflammation in muscles polyunsaturated acids, which are found in fish (salmon, chum salmon, salmon, pink salmon, herring, halibut, tuna).

It is beneficial to eat foods with easily digestible proteins, such as soy, chicken and almonds.

The menu of a patient with myositis must include fermented milk and products containing calcium: currants, parsley, gooseberries. Cereals and legumes are sources of magnesium.

It is very important to comply with certain drinking regime: You should drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day: weak green hour, fruit drinks, compotes and water. Rosehip decoction perfectly relieves swelling of muscle tissue.

To full recovery It is necessary to limit the consumption of salt, fats and alcohol.

Preventive measures

To prevent the occurrence of myositis you need:

Remember, you cannot delay visiting a doctor and treating myositis. Since the consequences of this disease can be very severe, treatment should be started as soon as possible - immediately after the symptoms of the disease appear. Without waiting for the disease to become chronic.

Myositis is a disease of skeletal muscles in which an inflammatory process occurs in the muscles. Myositis that occurs in individual muscles is called local; if several muscle groups are affected, then we're talking about about polymyositis. The disease can be acute, and in the absence of proper and timely treatment, become chronic.

Distinguish the following types myositis:

  • cervical myositis;
  • myositis of the shoulder muscles;
  • lumbar myositis;
  • myositis of the arms or legs;
  • myositis of the masticatory muscles.

Symptoms of myositis

The most common is myositis of the neck muscles.

The main symptoms that are characteristic of any type of disease are aching, dull pain in the muscles, sharply increasing with movement, and muscle weakness. Patients often experience redness of the skin and swelling over the affected area, as well as limited mobility of the vertebrae. With purulent myositis, nodules and cords may appear in the muscle tissue.

Cervical myositis is the most common form of this disease. Researchers believe that 60–70% of residents of megacities suffer from it. Myositis of the cervical muscles is most often provoked by drafts and hypothermia. Patients complain of aching dull ache in the cervical region, sometimes the pain can spread to the back of the head, shoulder and interscapular area. Due to severe pain, neck mobility is limited, but in mild cases this symptom may be absent.

Lumbar myositis is a common cause of lower back pain, which is often mistaken for symptoms of radiculitis. Lower back pain with this disease is less intense and aching. By palpation, you can determine the tightness and soreness of the muscles.

Myositis of the muscles of the limbs is manifested by characteristic pain, very often aggravated by movement; sometimes patients are forced to hold the limb in a certain position so as not to cause pain to themselves by movement.

Symptoms of purulent myositis arise due to the development of abscesses and phlegmon in the muscles. Patients complain of local sharp pain, aggravated by movement or palpation of the muscles. Muscle strength is reduced. Signs of general intoxication of the body (fever, chills, weakness) are often observed.

Treatment of myositis

Treatment of the disease must begin with eliminating the factor that caused it. Patients need rest (especially those whose disease is associated with professional activity), restriction of activity up to bed rest and following a diet that excludes the consumption of alcohol, salty, spicy, fatty and fried foods.

To relieve pain and reduce inflammation in muscle tissue, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ketorol, Diclofenac, Nimesulide) are used.

When applied topically, warming ointments and gels (Apizartron, Finalgon) help reduce pain and relieve muscle spasms by massaging the affected area and improving blood flow in it. Good effect local dry heat is applied (the affected area can be covered with a woolen scarf or a warm salt heating pad applied).

Patients are prescribed therapeutic massage affected area. Thanks to high efficiency With this method of treatment, patients note an improvement in their well-being after the first sessions. Acupuncture, electrical muscle stimulation, and physiotherapy are also very effective methods used in the treatment of myositis. After pain relief, patients are prescribed physical therapy.

Prevention of myositis

To prevent the development of myositis, you should avoid hypothermia and drafts, and also not overexert your muscles.

In order to protect yourself from a disease such as myositis, it is necessary to avoid hypothermia, drafts, injuries and muscle strain. In addition, it should be treated promptly and correctly. colds, under no circumstances should you carry the disease on your feet.

Myositis is a disease that occurs for a number of reasons and leads to the occurrence in muscle tissue inflammatory process. Depending on what causes the disease, it is classified into various types. One group pathological conditions conditionally harmless and treatable, while the other, causing serious disorders in the body, can lead to death. In the article we will consider the main issues relating to this pathology. Here the reader will learn in what cases myositis occurs, what prognosis for treatment for myositis ossificans exists today, and how to protect yourself from this disease.

What is it?

Myositis includes a whole range of diseases, which are based on the inflammatory process that occurs in the muscles. The key symptom indicating the possible occurrence of a disease in the body is pain in the muscle, which intensifies with movement or palpation.

Pathology occurs against the background of an infection or hypothermia, and can also develop as a result of injuries, bruises, etc.

The causes of the disease are conventionally classified into two groups:

  • endogenous - which arise within the body;
  • exogenous - causes from outside.

Endogenous ones include:

Exogenous causes include injuries, hypothermia, and periodic muscle tension caused by any activity. Myositis is considered to occur in musicians and athletes.


  • traumatic myositis ossificans;
  • progressive myositis ossificans;
  • neuromyositis.

Traumatic myositis ossificans (symptoms of the disease will be discussed below) is inflammatory disease, which appears in the background severe injury or repeated repeated microtraumas. The pathology is localized in the articular ligaments and subsequently leads to ossification in the problem area. Can be successfully treated surgically.

Progressive myositis ossificans (we will describe the symptoms of the disease below) is genetic disease caused by a mutation in a specific gene leading to severe disorders in the body and ultimately to the death of a person. Considered very rare (no more than 200 cases known to the world) medical practice).

Neurotrophic myositis occurs against the background of large injuries nerve trunks or spinal cord. Most often, pathology develops in the knee or hip joint.


As noted earlier, it affects intramuscular nerve fibers. This happens as follows. The inflammatory process leads to the destruction of muscle cells, resulting in the release of various kinds substances that have a toxic effect on nerve fibers. The nerve sheath is gradually destroyed, which leads to damage to the axial nerve cylinder.

Signs of neuromyositis are:

  • decreased or increased sensitivity in the area where the pathology is localized;
  • pain;
  • muscle weakness;
  • joint pain.

Shell destruction nerve fibers causes changes in skin sensitivity. This may manifest as numbness or tingling, which is accompanied by progressive pain. At first, the pain is moderate, but it intensifies even with minor exertion. Pain is caused by breathing, turning or tilting the body, and moving the limbs. Later it makes itself felt even at rest. Often with pathology, a symptom of tension occurs, when palpation of muscles in a tense state becomes very sensitive.

Progressive form of the disease

The second type of polymyositis caused by genetic disorders is progressive myositis ossificans. The symptoms of the pathology are almost impossible to eliminate, because it is considered incurable. With progressive myositis ossificans, ossification of muscles, tendons and ligaments occurs. The disease occurs almost spontaneously and over time covers large group muscles. A fatal outcome is inevitable, since ossification of the pectoral and swallowing muscles deprives a person of the ability to eat and breathe. Progressive myositis ossificans has another name - fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP).

The pathology is based on the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the muscles, which ultimately leads to their ossification. The back muscles (latus, trapezius) are most affected initial changes with myositis ossificans. What are the consequences of this disease? Serious disturbances in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, stiffness of movement, inability to eat and breathe normally - all this significantly reduces the patient’s quality of life. As a rule, the process begins in children at the age of ten and progresses over the years, but most patients die before reaching the ten-year mark.

Only in 2006, thanks to research conducted by a group of scientists from Pennsylvania State University, a gene was identified whose mutation leads to severe pathology. Today, experts are developing blockers of mutations in the gene.

Symptoms of FOP

As mentioned above, FOP begins in childhood. The possible development of the disease in a baby may be indicated by several signs, most of which occur with myositis ossificans. What symptoms of the disease are the most obvious?

With a 95% probability, pathology can be diagnosed in a child if one or more phalanges thumb legs are curved inward. In some cases, the finger is missing a joint. Most often, boys suffer from progressive myositis. A symptom of the disease in early infancy is painful palpation of the muscles, while they are quite dense and tense.

Another sign of pathology is swelling of the soft tissues of the head, which could occur with minor bruises or scratches, or insect bites. However, in the presence of FOP, swelling does not respond to drug therapy and does not go away within a month. Lumps up to ten centimeters in size may also appear under the skin in the back, forearm or neck.

At first, FOP affects the muscles of the neck, back, and head, and later descends into the abdominal and femoral muscles. However, the disease never affects the muscle tissue of the heart, diaphragm, tongue, or periocular muscles.

The disease is often confused with oncology and attempts are made to remove the hardening that has arisen, which does not lead to recovery, but provokes rapid growth of “unnecessary” bones.


Unfortunately, today progressive myositis ossificans is practically impossible to eliminate, and the therapy used is ineffective. There are no proven methods for preventing FOP. With the discovery of the mutating gene, it became possible only to study the processes of the disease. Treatment methods are developed in laboratory conditions and are not used in medical practice. In addition, potential experimental therapies must undergo rigorous evaluation regarding dosage and duration of treatment.

Specialists who deal specifically with myositis ossificans work in the USA, at the Mackay Laboratory at the Federal University of Pennsylvania. Leads scientific work Doctor of Medicine Frederick Kaplan.

On initial stages Disease therapy includes anti-inflammatory drugs, ascorbic acid, vitamins A and B, biostimulants. IN severe cases pathologies are applied steroid hormones, although their effectiveness has not been proven either.

Physiotherapy - ultrasound, electrophoresis - leads to some improvements. These procedures provide a resolving and analgesic effect. You should keep your intake of foods containing calcium to a minimum and avoid any intramuscular injections. Surgery and removal bone formations pointless.

Traumatic myositis ossificans

Localized traumatic myositis ossificans is a disease that results in the formation of bone formations as a result of acute injuries- dislocations, fractures, sprains, or due to repeated minor trauma, for example, in athletes or musicians.

The pathology is based on hemorrhage into muscle tissue. Most often, ossifications form in the gluteal, thigh and shoulder muscles. Some time after the injury, the first symptoms of pathology appear. A compaction forms in the muscle, which grows quickly and is painful on palpation. After several weeks, the compaction transforms into an ossification of an indeterminate shape, which limits the mobility of the nearby joint. Then the pain gradually disappears. The disease affects young people, mostly men with developed muscles.

Only after an x-ray is a diagnosis of “traumatic myositis ossificans” made. A photo of the x-ray is shown above. The result of the x-ray indicates that in the affected area there is a kind of light “cloud” that does not have clear boundaries. The ossifications that appear during pathology initially do not have a specific shape, but later acquire structure and clear contours.

Traumatic myositis ossificans: treatment

How to eliminate the disease? Traumatic myositis ossificans has a favorable prognosis for treatment. Immediately after injury, application of plaster cast for up to two weeks. After detecting the first signs of the disease and establishing a diagnosis, it is necessary to use light heat, radon baths, x-ray therapy, electrophoresis, light therapeutic exercises. At the same time it cannot be used in medicinal purposes massage, paraffin, electric field.

After an x-ray has revealed the presence of a cloud shadow, it is still possible to prevent the development of the disease and reverse the process. Under the influence of hormones, the formation is reabsorbed. Steroid injections are given locally. Hydrocortisone is often used in treatment together with a Novocaine solution.

Several months after the injury, when ossification has already formed, apply conservative treatment doesn't make sense. Six months later they resort to surgical intervention- the ossiophyte along with the capsule is removed.

There are some conditions, the fulfillment of which will lead to a positive outcome of therapy and the absence of relapses - the operation must be atraumatic, it is necessary to use an electric knife, carefully suturing the wound cavity, postoperative period carry out prescribed preventive measures.

Diagnosis of myositis ossificans

Detection of the disease begins with studying the clinical picture. A conversation with the patient allows you to find out the presence of ailments in the patient’s life that could become a trigger for the development of myositis. Often the pathology occurs due to cystitis, osteomyelitis, erysipelas skin. Viruses, bacteria and fungal infections also provoke the development of myositis. The disease also develops after injuries, muscle cramps, hypothermia. Long-term stress on certain muscle groups also leads to pathology.

As noted earlier, pain occurs with myositis ossificans. Patients often complain of aching pain and muscle weakness. Palpation of the affected areas of the body helps determine the presence/absence of heaviness and nodules in the muscles.

The disease can develop under the influence toxic substances, for example, with alcoholism and use narcotic drugs. Taking certain medications can also cause muscle damage.

Survey process

In addition to taking an anamnesis and examination, an x-ray is performed to confirm the diagnosis, which reveals ossification. Sometimes a CT scan may be performed and radioisotope research affected muscles.

The presence of myositis in the body is indicated by characteristic changes in general analysis blood. Another method laboratory research is to conduct rheumatic tests - tests that help determine the nature of the disease and exclude autoimmune diseases, as well as identify the intensity of the inflammatory process.

Indicators of rheumatic tests indicate various states body. For example, C-reactive protein- this is a marker acute phase inflammatory process. Antistreptolysin-O is a substance that is produced in the body when its presence indicates rheumatism or rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatic factor is antibodies that are produced in the body during autoimmune pathologies.

The morphological study in the diagnosis of myositis is a biopsy - taking biomaterial for analysis and carefully studying it. The main task is to determine structural changes in muscles and connective tissue.


Prevention of myositis ossificans includes several principles, the main of which is compliance with the right image life - activity without excessive physical exertion, balanced diet And timely treatment any diseases.

Good nutrition helps to avoid inflammatory processes in the muscles - polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in fish are beneficial; products with high content salicylates (vegetables); easily digestible proteins (almonds, chicken); foods containing large amounts of calcium; cereals.

It is very important that you should drink about two liters of water per day. You should not neglect fruit drinks and compotes; it is also useful green tea. To eliminate swelling, it is recommended to take rosehip decoction. To prevent myositis, it is useful to spend time on fresh air. Many patients are often concerned about this question: is it possible to do exercises with myositis ossificans? It is possible, but the loads should be light and measured. In addition to gymnastics, hardening, swimming, and cycling are recommended for this disease.

Prevention of myositis also includes constant movement, it is important to avoid physical inactivity and, of course, the best prevention pathology will be the absence of any injuries.

This article will answer the most common questions about myositis. We will look at the symptoms of the most common myositis lesions of the muscles of the back, neck and limbs. This article will also talk about drug treatment and treatment folk ways muscle myositis.

  • First of all, it is worth deciding what muscle myositis is and what are the reasons for its development.
  • Myositis is characterized by muscle pain and may have various etiologies origin (chemical, traumatic or inflammatory). The literal translation from Latin sounds like muscle inflammation
  • Muscle inflammation is a fairly common pathology, which is accompanied by the formation of dense nodes in the inflamed area of ​​the muscle.
  • Most often this disease affects the skeletal muscles of the back, shoulder girdle and neck, as well as the muscles of the limbs and chest. Of all the options listed, myositis of the neck muscles is the most common.

We list the most common causes of this disease:

  • Hypothermia after warm procedures
  • Increased physical activity
  • Traumatic lesions and bruises
  • Muscle infection
  • Intoxication and chemical damage to muscles
  • Sometimes stressful situations with overexcitation of the nervous system

Once we have found out the reasons, it is worth finding out what the general symptoms of this lesion are in any location.

We will consider general symptoms, and a little later we will try to analyze these symptoms separately for each localization of the inflammatory process.


Swelling at the site of the inflamed muscle

Not always, but hyperemia may be present skin above the site of inflammation

Pain in a limited area, which intensifies when palpating the site of inflammation or moving the body in this area; movement in a nearby joint may be limited

The pain may intensify at night in calm state, and not just at the moment of movement. This can also happen when weather conditions change to damp and rainy weather.

Muscular weakness of the whole body increases, the patient finds it difficult to perform the most basic movements and keep himself in good shape

The muscle is compacted to the touch and has a nodular formation at the site of inflammation

Possible presence of fever and headache

Now let's look in more detail at those inflammations, the localization of which occurs most often.

This type of inflammation is diagnosed quite often. The provocative factor is characteristic inflammation muscle tissue, the following symptoms occur:

In case of inflammation of the chest muscles, in addition to the symptoms listed above, the patient’s condition may be aggravated by the following conditions:

  • Swelling and pain often cause stiffness of movement and the inability to breathe deeply, this causes partial tissue hypoxia, and possible dizziness
  • General weakness and weakness
  • Complications in the form purulent process leads to an increase in temperature and symptoms of a general illness

Well, everyone has probably experienced this form of muscle inflammation. A common cause of this form of inflammation is exposure to low temperatures, especially in the autumn-spring season.

Symptoms of cervical myositis are typical:

Pain in the area of ​​inflammation, which radiates to the back of the head and shoulder

The pain can even spread to the lower back


It's hard to lift your head from the pillow in the morning

In order to make an accurate diagnosis and not confuse cervical myositis with similar diseases, doctors recommend taking x-rays of the affected muscle area.

Myositis of the leg, symptoms

  • Myositis of the lower leg is a common pathology of professional athletes, since this category of people most often injures their muscles during play or training. Also common cause V in this case is an overload of muscles in the process of active physical activity
  • Muscle strain can also cause the development of an inflammatory process in it. For those involved in professional sports, this problem is not unknown, and can cause the end of their career. For these reasons, the issue of therapy for this pathology becomes most relevant and raises questions. We will try to answer them
  • Before you become familiar with the methods of treating this inflammation, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis, and for this you need to know how to accurately diagnose

  • To make a diagnosis, a decisive role is played by collecting an anamnesis of the disease and the presence of the main symptoms of myositis, which are voiced by the patient
  • In this case, the doctor must conduct a full examination of the patient and palpate the inflamed area. To clarify the diagnosis of myositis, an x-ray of the area of ​​inflammation is performed and general clinical tests are prescribed, which indirectly indicate the presence of inflammation.
  • However, electromyography provides the greatest information. This is a kind of ECG, only for skeletal muscles

As with any disease, the treatment of myositis directly depends on the reason why it occurred. First of all, treatment is aimed at eliminating symptoms and relieving inflammation. Therapy should be started as early as possible and under the supervision of the attending physician, in order to avoid complications.

The following is used for treatment general tactics:
The inflamed area is provided with rest and warmth; for this, they usually wrap it in a warm scarf or handkerchief.

It is advisable to provide sedentary lifestyle life during illness and semi-bed rest

The inflamed muscle is rubbed with warming ointment up to 3 times a day, this alleviates the symptoms and relieves pain, you can also rub it with pepper tincture, which also has an irritating and warming effect. Ointments: Indomecin, Capsicam and Diclofenac. Such ointments have an anti-inflammatory effect

Tablet forms of anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are taken orally: Ibufen, Ortofen, Reopirin

Traditional medicine does not abandon methods traditional treatment, however it must accompany the main therapeutic measures

Traditional medicine has a lot of recipes for treating this disease, but they are not always effective. We will list the most popular of them.

1. Recipe: Leaf white cabbage generously lather with soap and sprinkle baking soda, then applied to the inflamed area, wrapped with a warm cloth (scarf). It is stated that this procedure relieves pain

2. Recipe: homemade ointment for myositis, which is described as having an analgesic effect. It is prepared as follows - fresh lard or butter and dried field tail powder is mixed in a ratio of 4:1. This ointment is rubbed into the sore muscle.

3. Recipe: mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 glass of warm clean water. You need to drink this mixture 2-3 glasses a day, and rub the inflammation with apple cider vinegar

Remember that the methods traditional therapy must be combined with traditional treatment.

Massage for myositis

Since it is quite difficult to describe this topic, we suggest you watch the video:

Having looked at some reviews on this topic, it can be noted that the recipes traditional medicine There are quite a lot of treatments for myositis and they are quite effective. However for speedy recovery and more quick removal symptoms of this disease require medication. A number of NSAID drugs show the greatest effectiveness.

Video: How to properly massage your neck at home?

The term "myositis" combines pathological processes associated with inflammatory lesion muscles. In this case, we are talking specifically about skeletal muscles, and not about smooth muscles internal organs. Myositis differs in etiology, course characteristics and degree of prevalence. Inflammation can affect one muscle or several at once muscle groups. In the second case, the disease is called polymyositis. If the skin is involved in the inflammatory process, dermatomyositis develops, and when it spreads pathological process on the joints we are talking about myositis with arthritis.

Acute myositis develops suddenly almost immediately after exposure etiological factor. His clinical manifestations may be provoked physical activity, injury, hypothermia and other factors.

If treatment of acute myositis was untimely or inadequate, then the course of the disease becomes chronic, when periods of exacerbation are followed by periods of remission. Exacerbations of chronic myositis can occur regularly with changes in weather, prolonged exercise, hypothermia, etc. Symptoms are usually not as severe as in the acute form of the disease, but this course of the disease is debilitating. During remission, the patient feels relatively healthy.

Why is it developing?

The causes of myositis can be very diverse. Most often, the first symptoms of myositis appear after a viral or bacterial infection, for example, after the flu, or tonsillitis. In this case, myositis is considered as a complication of an infectious disease.

With autoimmune myositis, the inflammatory process occurs and is maintained due to the production of antibodies against one’s own muscle tissue. Often this form of the disease becomes protracted and becomes chronic.

Myositis can develop against the background endocrine diseases and metabolic diseases such as sugar,.

Often the cause of myositis is infection on the legs: acute respiratory viral infections or tonsillitis.

In athletes, the cause of myositis, as a rule, is physical overstrain of certain muscle groups, their regular injury, general or local hypothermia. Myositis, which develops in people of certain professions, has very similar causes. Occupational myositis occurs in people whose work involves performing stereotypical, monotonous, repetitive movements, that is, in the case when some muscle groups or individual muscles are subjected to prolonged stress (milkmaids, drivers, tractor drivers, typists, rollers, pianists, violinists and etc.).

Muscle inflammation can be caused by hypothermia, blunt trauma, or injury from a sharp object. If there is a deep wound with a piercing or cutting object followed by infection, there is a high probability of developing purulent myositis. Often purulent myositis appears at injection sites performed in violation of antiseptic rules.

Types of disease

Depending on the number of muscles involved in the inflammatory process, they are divided into:

  1. Local myositis - affects one muscle group.
  2. Polymyositis - inflammation affects several muscle groups.

Depending on the location there are:

  • myositis of the cervical muscles;
  • myositis of the muscles of the shoulder girdle;
  • myositis of the upper or lower limbs;
  • lumbar myositis;
  • myositis of the masticatory muscles.

How does it manifest?

Common symptoms of myositis are:

  • Aching pain in the affected area (lower back, neck, calf or other muscles). The pain intensifies when feeling the muscles, during movement or under the influence of cold, is present even at rest and does not go away after rest.
  • Swelling may be visible in the area of ​​inflamed muscles, and with purulent myositis - compaction muscle fibers in the form of cords and nodules.
  • Muscle weakness and limited movement.
  • Swelling, hyperemia and local increase in temperature over the site of inflammation.
  • Development muscle atrophy(in rare cases).

Cervical myositis is the most common form of the disease. According to statistics, it is diagnosed in 60-70% of the population of large cities. Typically develops after hypothermia in the office, home or public transport. The main complaint of patients is a dull aching pain in the cervical area. It can cover the back of the head, shoulder girdle, and interscapular area. With pronounced pain syndrome neck mobility may be limited. In mild forms, symptoms are blurred or absent altogether.

Lumbar myositis is accompanied by pain in the lumbar area. They are often mistaken for symptoms of sciatica. In contrast to this pathology, with myositis the pain is not so intense, and moreover, it is aching in nature. Palpation reveals pain and tightness of the muscles.

Myositis of the muscles of the upper and lower extremities is characterized by the presence of pain that increases with movement. Sometimes, in order to avoid pain, patients are forced to hold their arm or leg in a certain position.

Myositis masticatory muscles accompanied by severe pain, muscle tension, and convulsive clenching of the jaws. Sometimes the pain is so intense that a person cannot talk or chew food. Often the cause of myositis of the masticatory muscles is infection with Trichinella or cysticerci.

Purulent myositis leads to the appearance of local sharp pain, the intensity of which increases with palpation of muscles or during movement. Depending on the location of the abscess or phlegmon, pain can radiate to the back of the head, forehead, ears, and shoulders. Muscle weakness is recorded, and symptoms of general intoxication of the body often occur: chills, increased body temperature, weakness. Seals in the form of catches and cords may appear in the muscles.


The disease is diagnosed based on the patient’s complaints and the presence of the above objective signs. Indirect signs inflammation is considered corresponding changes in blood and urine tests.

To clarify the diagnosis, electromyography (EMG) is performed. That's enough informative method, allowing you to assess the condition of skeletal muscles.

How to treat myositis?

The patient must be provided with rest, especially in cases where myositis is associated with professional activities or sports activities. To relieve inflamed muscles, special corsets and bandages can be used; for example, for neck myositis, wearing a Shants collar is prescribed.

In addition to limiting activity, it is necessary to comply special diet, excluding the consumption of salty, spicy, fatty, fried foods, and alcoholic beverages.

  • Drug treatment includes the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Diclofenac, Ortofen, Nimesulide, Indomethacin, Voltaren, Ketorol. They eliminate pain, fever, and significantly improve the patient’s well-being.
  • Warming gels and ointments can be used locally: Finalgon, Viprosal, Apizartron. They help alleviate pain, eliminate muscle spasms, improve blood circulation, due to a light massage when rubbing the products and blood flow as a result of the warming effect.
  • The use of dry heat gives good results. You can apply a warm salt heating pad to the affected area or wrap it in a woolen scarf.
  • Physiotherapy (electrophoresis, UHF, phonophoresis, diadynamic currents), electrical muscle stimulation, and acupuncture are widely used in the treatment of myositis. Physiotherapeutic procedures are not carried out in the acute phase.
  • Patients are prescribed therapeutic massage. That's enough effective method, helping to improve blood circulation and eliminate areas of stagnation. A significant improvement in well-being is achieved after the first sessions.

For speedy recovery after the inflammatory process and accompanying pain subsides, it is prescribed physical therapy. It is aimed at restoring lost range of motion. Loads must be dosed. It is advisable to perform exercise therapy under the supervision of a specialist.

Prevention of myositis

To prevent muscle inflammation, it is necessary to treat it promptly and fully. infectious diseases, avoid common and local hypothermia, prevent sports injuries, injuries at home and at work. Subject to availability professional factor, an optimal work and rest regime should be observed to allow the muscles to recover after prolonged work.

Which doctor treats myositis?

If myositis develops after past influenza, ARVI or sore throat, then a therapist will treat it. In addition to the therapist, the following may take part in the treatment of myositis and its consequences: a neurologist, a physical therapist, chiropractor, orthopedic doctor. For purulent myositis, treatment should begin and be carried out by the surgeon until the source of suppuration is completely eliminated.

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