Whey - harm and benefit, recipes, how to use. What are the practical benefits of whey for the body? Homemade whey recipe

Perhaps you've already heard of it, maybe not yet. Younger age groups are likely to be unfamiliar with this product unless they are fitness enthusiasts or proponents. healthy image life. At the same time, it is a healthy liquid, which is produced as a by-product in the production of cheese or cottage cheese and is used in folk medicine. It's about about whey. Let's get to know it better - learn about the benefits and harms, consider the dosage. Believe me, she is worth your attention!

Where does it come from?

This is a yellow, sometimes yellow-green liquid formed after milk curdles. This is, in fact, a by-product, a waste product with amazing medicinal properties. When milk curdles, it separates the solids (curds) from the liquid (whey).

Valuable waste

The benefits of whey for the human body are determined by its content.

The nutritional value product:

  • about 93% water;
  • 5% lactose (milk sugar);
  • 0.85% whey protein (65% β-lactoglobulin, 25% α-lactalbumin and 8% albumin);
  • 0.36% fat;
  • 0.53% of minerals and vitamins (vitamins – B3, B5, B6, B9, C, E, H, minerals include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc).

How to make healthy liquid at home?

The recipe for making whey at home is quite simple. You will need spoiled milk. Pour it into a saucepan and heat it slowly (several tens of minutes) without stirring. As soon as the white pieces, connected into a breast, begin to float in the center of the pan, and the yellow liquid - whey - has separated, strain it into another bowl. Leave the rest - cottage cheese - to drip (about an hour).

If you don’t want to prepare a healthy liquid at home, you can buy it in the store (products with vanilla, apricot flavors are now available...).

For pregnant and lactating women

The healing liquid is recommended for pregnant women - it provides the body essential calcium, outputs excess water. The natural product will also be beneficial during breastfeeding - as a result of the body receiving lactose, the quality of milk improves and the lactation period is extended. The recommended dosage at this time is up to 2 glasses per day. Large quantity can cause harm by causing unpredictable reactions in the baby.


Traditional medicine uses whey in many areas, the product has a general positive influence on the body. Its main benefit is to cleanse the body of waste toxic substances, supporting kidney activity, improving metabolism. Other positive effects include lowering cholesterol, improving digestion, and reducing the risk of cancer. Consuming a natural product increases the level of serotonin in the brain, which makes a person less susceptible to stress, depression, and anxiety. The next fact why serum is useful for the body is the treatment of many skin diseases.

A clear summary of the positive effects of the serum:

  1. Removing toxic substances from the body.
  2. Kidney function support.
  3. Acceleration of metabolism.
  4. Reducing cholesterol.
  5. Treatment of inflammation of the stomach, intestines, ulcers.
  6. Providing important minerals, making the serum suitable for male athletes and physical active people.
  7. Due to its low calorie content, the product is suitable as a component of weight loss diets.
  8. Due to its anti-inflammatory effect, the healing liquid is suitable for caring for sensitive skin, acne treatment.
  9. Treatment of various dermatoses.
  10. Using serum while bathing has a positive effect on the skin, smoothing it and restoring elasticity.
  11. pH regulation.
  12. Internal use and external use are recommended for eczema and psoriasis - for best result main therapy.


Possible positive and negative effects of domestic consumption and external use Whey from cow's milk is still a subject of research.

The recommended dose for adults is 20-60 g of whey protein per day, but not more than 1.2 g per kg of body weight. Those. no more than 3 glasses per day. Higher doses do not lead to an increase healing properties, on the contrary, overburdens the liver and kidneys.

The best option is whey powder

Those who do not like the liquid taste of a healthy product can try whey powder, the composition of which is almost the same as liquid whey. When choosing, pay attention to carbohydrates - lactose. If you plan to use it for weight loss, know that the more lactose, the less protein. Choose a product that contains at least 65% protein. A protein-free powder makes weight loss more difficult.

Basic composition, according to GOST:

  • lactose – 70%;
  • protein (albumin and globulin) – 12%;
  • fat – 1.5%;
  • water – 5%.

For weight loss and diabetes management

Whey, thanks to the protein it contains, saturates and suppresses hunger for a long time - the feeling of hunger is “delayed” for up to 2 hours. These are greater abilities than other proteins. Calcium and lactose also have a beneficial effect on satiety. Therefore, if you are trying to lose weight, a product with minimal fat content will help you a good helper.

The results of some studies indicate a positive effect of healthy fluids in type 2 diabetes (due to supporting insulin secretion and reducing glycemia). The ability to prevent certain types of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, rehydration for diarrheal disorders is also important.

Balance of intestinal microflora

Lactose has a beneficial effect on digestion. It acts as a prebiotic, which is a prerequisite for the growth of probiotic bacteria. They have crucial during the digestion process. If the bacteria are in balance, there is no excessive growth of “hostile” bacteria and viruses, which often cause a number of diseases.

Thanks to healthy intestinal microflora, the human immune system works well.

Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

Anti-inflammatory effect of dairy product – important factor combating gastrointestinal diseases, in particular pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers. To eliminate the manifestations of diseases, it is recommended to drink up to 3 glasses of healing liquid per day.

Prevention of heart and vascular diseases, blood pressure reduction

Whey substances reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by regulating blood pressure (especially hypertension) and lowering blood cholesterol.

Stress Relief

During times of stress, tryptophan, present in whey proteins (mainly lactalbumin), helps during the process of hydroxylation and decarboxylation, turning into serotonin, the hormone of good mood.

For the health of older people and against joint diseases

Older people often suffer from protein deficiency (called sarcopenia), so they should increase their protein intake. Scientists have proven that whey protein has a greater effect than the corresponding amount of amino acids.

It contains everything essential amino acids In particular, the complex of amino acids BCAA (leucine, isoleucine, valine) is worth attention; they are important, in particular, for joint health.
Treatment of joints and prevention of the development of joint diseases is carried out by internal consumption of a healthy dairy product - up to 3 glasses per day.

Fight against cancer

Studies have shown that substances found in healthy dairy products stunt growth cancer cells, and during chemotherapy they protect healthy cells from damage.

Asthma, bronchitis

Whey with honey for asthma and bronchitis is prepared and taken according to the above recipe.

Some sources recommend adding elecampane to the mixture. But the use of any herbs for asthma may not only not help, but also aggravate the condition and provoke a severe attack!

Body cleansing

In order to cleanse the body and, in particular, the liver, you can use the method of Academician B.V. Bolotova. It consists of using whey from milk with celandine.

Medicine recipe:

  • mix 3 liters of whey, 1 tbsp. sour cream, 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. Place the crushed celandine in a gauze bag and lower it to the bottom of the jar using a sinker;
  • leave to infuse, removing any emerging mold daily;
  • After about 5 days, sediment will appear at the bottom - in this case, strain the liquid into another jar, add the lack of whey to the top, and leave to infuse for 2 weeks.

To use, pour out 1 liter of liquid, which in the main jar is topped up with fresh whey. Store the poured medicine in the refrigerator, and after finishing, perform the pouring procedure again. The main jar can be refilled 4 times.

Start taking with 2-3 tablespoons, gradually increasing the amount consumed to ½ cup.

With garlic - against colds and flu

Colds, acute respiratory viral infections, and influenza are diseases where treatment with whey and garlic can be effectively used. Stir 2-3 crushed cloves of garlic into a glass of whey. Drink 2 times a day: 1st time in the morning, 2nd time in the evening. Course – 1-2 weeks.

In cosmetology

Serum has also found its application in cosmetology - it is used as a cosmetic raw material added to creams, lotions, face masks, shampoos, shower gels, soaps, etc.

For cellulite, both internal and external use of whey is recommended. Although it is considered a good remedy for acne, no significant beneficial effects have been found in studies; on the contrary, allergic reactions to whey protein may occur.

Application for face and body

What are the benefits of facial serum? First of all, the chemical composition and lactic acid, which acts as a mild peeling.

Nutrition mask

Dissolve 2 tbsp. whey powder in water until a suspension forms. Apply to cleansed face for 15 minutes, rinse. Nourishing mask for the face is optimal for oily types. For dry skin, it is recommended to add 2 tbsp. sour cream.

Anti-age mask

The anti-wrinkle mask is prepared in a similar way, but liquid honey is used instead of water.

Baths for body beauty

The benefits of whey for the skin of the body can be obtained by adding it to the bath. Add a few tbsp. powder (about 200-300 g) in a bath, which take about 20 minutes. The bath soothes your skin, regulates pH, promotes natural recovery, leaves it beautiful and soft.


To prepare tonic, dissolve 1 tbsp. dry serum in 250 ml of warm water (or use a fresh product), soak a cotton pad in the liquid, wipe the skin, including sensitive areas - the product is also useful for the skin around the eyes. Then wash your face (you should wash your face cold water).

Washing Cleansing peeling

Mix 5 tbsp. powder with a little water. Use the mixture as a scrub, massaging the skin for 1-2 minutes.

Beautiful hands

Baths will be useful for the beauty of your hand skin - soak your hands in warm serum for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Application for hair

Whey can be used to prepare effective masks for hair. Recipes for some of them are presented below.

With white clay

Mix whey, white clay(1:1), 2-3 tsp. olive oil. Apply to hair for 20-25 minutes. The mask is good for the scalp and hair. Use it before washing your hair with shampoo.

With oat flakes

The following hair product is beneficial for the growth and strengthening of follicles. Mix whey and cereals until the consistency of liquid mush. Apply to hair and scalp for 30 minutes, covering with plastic or a shower cap. Then wash your hair as usual.


1 tbsp. crushed burdock root (you can buy it at the pharmacy), pour ½ liter of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes. Refrigerate. Mix with whey (1:1). Wash your hair with the resulting liquid. Rinse with warm water and lemon juice (1 tsp per ½ liter of water). It is recommended to use this shampoo 2 times a week instead of the usual one. It will provide hair silkiness and elasticity.

In sports

Whey protein isolate from cow's milk can be used as an additional (not the main) source of protein in strength sports, especially in bodybuilding. It has a high content of amino acids necessary for the body to form muscle mass. You should consume a maximum of 1.2 g of isolate per 1 kg of body weight per day; higher intakes are ineffective, and overdosing also burdens the liver and kidneys.


Whey is not suitable for infants, young children and people with kidney disease due to its high mineral content. Contraindications include lactose intolerance. The product cannot be used by people allergic to milk protein (with the exception of those allergic only to casein).

It has always been and is in great demand among the population. We give greater preference to some dairy products, while others are relegated to the background (sometimes quite undeservedly). Whey falls into the second category.

It should be noted that, despite the fact that whey is a “residual” product, it is a storehouse of many useful elements, minerals and has a lot of healing effects on the human body, which are very difficult to overestimate. Why is whey so useful?

Beneficial and medicinal properties of whey

The benefits of whey for the human body

  • The product has general strengthening properties, improves immunity, helps resist various colds and viruses.
  • Promotes better functioning of the digestive tract. With the help of whey, you can heal the gastric mucosa and normalize the intestinal microflora (for this purpose, you need to use the product for at least several weeks). Indicated for colitis and gastritis, as well as for constipation.
  • Also helps restore water-salt balance in the body. Helps remove excess fluid, which in turn eliminates swelling. The body is cleansed of various toxins and waste (one glass of whey will be enough, but this must be done exclusively on an empty stomach).
  • Contributes to more easy disposal from excess weight.
  • In addition to those described above useful actions, this product can be successfully used in for cosmetic purposes , for example, milk whey has good whitening properties and is ideal for oily and normal facial skin. To achieve an even better result, you can add a few drops to it.

Treatment of various diseases with whey

  • It is advised to include whey in your diet for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, as well as hypertensive patients. The product will cleanse the body of bad cholesterol, as a result of which the formation of cholesterol plaques, which clog the blood vessels.
  • Whey may even help overcome depression! It turns out that it contains ingredients that negatively affect the production of stress hormones, but serotonin (the hormone of happiness), on the contrary, is produced more actively.
  • Helps treat sunburn - for this in warm water pour a couple of liters of serum and take a bath for 20 minutes.
  • Using whey for hair: it can restore damaged hair structure; for this purpose, it is recommended to wash it with a mixture of serum and make appropriate masks.

Chemical composition of whey

Whey has a very diverse and valuable composition.

In addition, this product contains a high content choline, biotin and nicotinic acid. It also contains lactose(it is called the most optimal carbohydrate). Lactose is perfectly absorbed by the body (of course, if a person is not intolerant) and plays an important role in fat formation.

How much protein, fat and carbohydrates are in whey?

100 grams of whey contain 0.8 grams, 0.2 grams fat, 3.5 grams, its energy value(calorie content) equals 18.1 kilocalories.

Use of the product in cooking

Whey can be used both independently and as an ingredient for various dishes. For example, based on of this product getting ready first meal. Whey makes excellent okroshka, which will be appropriate as a coolant in the summer heat. Whey is also one of the components yeast dough, it is thanks to her that it turns out so tender and lush. You can cook cookies with it, as well as any other type of baked goods.

In addition to being used in dishes, the product is equally successfully used in the manufacturing process. drinks(usually these are cocktails).

The following products go well with serum:

  • (any types of fresh or frozen, for example:,).
  • (, watercress and many others).
  • ( , dill).

Also, whey cocktails can be varied with lemon juice, honey, sugar and even salt.

The effectiveness of whey for weight loss

You can successfully use whey to normalize weight, because it helps to significantly reduce appetite, plus, thanks to the richest set of useful elements, you can reduce harmful effects strict diet on the body.

This dairy product is widely used in. The point of the diet is that you need to replace one of your meals with one or two glasses of whey. The ideal option is when dinner is replaced. The whey will fill the volume of the stomach and significantly reduce the feeling of hunger.

It is imperative to take into account that not all people can use serum for weight loss! Do not use the product if lactose intolerance, otherwise, instead of losing weight, you may get diarrhea.

How to choose and store the product correctly

Whey has a very short term implementation. Therefore, you can purchase it only in places where there are all conditions for proper storage. Such places could be supermarkets, grocery stores or specialized retail outlets. Please note the presence of a certification mark at the point of sale; this is also one of the guarantors of high quality products.

Please note when purchasing Special attention on the product label, read the composition indicated on it. The presence of unfamiliar components, as well as a wide variety of chemical additives, should alert you.

On quality product The following must be indicated: the name and address of the manufacturer, production date, sales term, as well as regulatory and technical documents according to which the product was manufactured.

After purchasing, whey should be kept in the refrigerator, no more than two days(it is recommended to store it in a glass container, this will help better preserve all its beneficial properties).

Consumption standards and contraindications

Contraindications to the use of whey include: personal intolerance(although it occurs in isolated cases). Also, people whose bodies are lactose intolerant should not drink the whey to prevent allergic reactions.

Plus, when improper storage conditions the product develops various pathogenic bacteria, therefore it is recommended to refrain from popular folk recipes with whey, which is kept warm for several days, otherwise you can get an intestinal infection.

How to drink whey correctly?

Naturally, You should not exceed the recommended daily intake consumption (which is equal to three glasses of whey per day). This can cause stomach upsets, just like when you exceed the limit of other dairy products.

In this text you did not find any important fact about the benefits or harms of whey, its areas of application? You have a great opportunity to do this in the comments that are located after the article.

Dairy products. They have always been quite popular. We love some of them more, while others consider them to be secondary products. This probably includes whey.

But this opinion is absolutely wrong. A product such as whey cannot be ignored or neglected. Anyone who knows about the qualities of this, one might say, elixir of health, about its benefits and beneficial effects, is happy to use it in his menu.

Of course, whey is, to some extent, a “residual” product. After all, we get it as a result of processing milk into cheese or. But this does not in any way affect its usefulness and healing effect on the body.

Whey is ready-made and can be bought in a store or market where dairy products are sold. But you can do it yourself. This does not reduce the beneficial qualities of the product. But confidence in freshness, on the contrary, increases and, one might say, is beyond doubt.

Preparing whey

There are several ways to make whey at home. This process is not labor-intensive or complicated. To begin with, you will need. Both homemade and store-bought will do.

The first method involves natural fermentation of milk. Therefore, it must stand for a day or two in a warm place to make yogurt. Pour the finished product into a saucepan.

Heat thoroughly and bring to a boil. But make sure that the curdled milk does not boil. When curd clots appear on the surface, turn off the heat and wait until the mixture cools. While everything is cooling, prepare a colander. We put gauze in it. By pouring the heated yogurt into a colander, we immediately get two dairy products - cottage cheese and whey.

The second method of preparing whey will require a little less time, but different ingredients. The initial product, as in the first method, is milk. We just won’t wait for it to turn into curdled milk. Immediately pour it into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add lemon juice and strain the mixture through cheesecloth or a sieve. For a liter of milk you will need the juice of one lemon.

Composition of whey

Whey is so saturated and rich in nutrients that it is used as the main component in cooking baby food. It turns out that in terms of chemical composition, it is as close as possible to the composition of mother's milk.

It harmoniously combines all the components necessary for the body. If we consider the quantitative composition, then there are more than 200 of them.

Minerals are widely represented. For example, by drinking a liter of whey per day, we replenish our body with calcium by almost 100%. It contains a little less potassium - a liter contains half the daily requirement.

This product is also rich in mineral salts of magnesium and phosphorus.

The protein component of whey is an important and valuable component. The amino acids included in its composition are very beneficial for the body. They take part in hematopoiesis, as well as in protein metabolism.

Vitamins that milk is rich in also remain in the whey. Almost the entire range of B vitamins is preserved. There are also useful vitamins A, C, E.

Whey also contains a substance called lactose. It can be called the optimal carbohydrate. It is perfectly absorbed by the body, and takes the least part in fat formation.

Beneficial properties of whey

  1. By drinking just one glass of fresh whey, you can... Then no cold can overcome you. will remain a thing of the past, and with them the viral ones.
  2. Job digestive system, thanks to this product, is also restored. The gastric mucosa is healed, and the intestinal microflora will return to normal if you use the whey for just a couple of weeks. This product cures gastritis and colitis. It is also useful for those suffering from constipation.
  3. Whey can restore the water-salt balance. Thanks to the components contained in it, excess fluid is removed, which helps the swelling disappear. The body is cleansed of waste and toxins. To do this, it is enough to drink a glass of whey, fulfilling one condition - drink it on an empty stomach.
  4. It is recommended to include this in your diet healing drink“heart patients” and “hypertensive patients”. The substances that whey is rich in will cleanse the body of bad cholesterol, which means that dangerous “plaques” will not form in the blood vessels, clogging them.
  5. This product is indicated for depression. It turns out that the components contained in the serum negatively affect the production of so-called stress hormones. On the contrary, it promotes the production of the joy hormone serotonin.
  6. You can successfully use whey to normalize weight. After all, it can reduce appetite. And the richest set useful substances will help you stick to a weight-loss diet without harm to your body.
  7. The serum has an excellent whitening effect, especially when you have oily skin or normal. If you add a few more drops of lemon juice and wipe your skin with this mixture every day, the effect will increase.
  8. Milk serum will also help sunburned skin. To do this, you need to add a couple of liters of serum to a warm bath and lie there for about twenty minutes.
  9. You can also restore your hair with this healing remedy if you wash it with a mixture of whey and a decoction of burdock roots once a week.

Healthy recipes using whey

Whey can act not only as an independent product, but also be used to prepare various dishes.

Vegetables and fruits go well with it. It is very easy to prepare, for example, a cocktail from whey and strawberries. All you need for it is a glass of chilled whey, to which you need to add one hundred grams of strawberry puree, a tablespoon of lemon juice and honey. A pinch of cinnamon completes the preparation.

Cocktails with whey can be prepared by adding any berries, and, in addition to fresh ones, you can also use frozen ones. If you are allergic to honey, then replace it with sugar or do without sweeteners altogether. These healthy drinks are best prepared by mixing the ingredients in a blender or mixer.

Another healing drink can be prepared using whey (250 ml) as the main component, adding cucumbers (250 g) and watercress (50 g). A teaspoon of lemon juice, a pinch of cinnamon and salt will complement the flavor range. A blender or mixer will also help in preparing the drink.

Whey is also used for preparing first courses. It makes, for example, a wonderful okroshka, which will especially please you on a hot summer day.

They also make it based on whey yeast dough. Thanks to her, it turns out especially lush and tender. You can also make delicious cookies. Yes, actually, any other baked goods.

Experience life-giving power whey on yourself, introducing this extraordinary product into your diet. After all, it can rightfully be called the elixir of youth, beauty and health. And which of us would refuse such privileges?

Hello, My reader. I'm glad to meet you. The topic of our conversation today: Whey benefits and harms, weight loss, how to drink it correctly.

Everyone knows that whey is a secondary product of processing in the production of cottage cheese. everyone knows, but the fact that serum has a number of useful properties Not everyone knows. Whey benefits and harms.

What are the benefits of whey?

  1. Normalizes work internal organs: liver and kidneys, has a diuretic effect.
  2. Improves intestinal motility, especially useful during diets. Contains whey proteins, so it satisfies hunger well. Regular use whey proteins allow you to speed up the process of fat breakdown.
  3. Removes excess fluid from the body, thereby promoting the removal of waste, toxins and other harmful substances. The serum has this property due to the presence minerals: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus.
  4. Has a beneficial effect on nervous system, reduces irritability due to the presence of whey proteins and B vitamins. Whey protein - lactoalbumin - affects the functioning of the adrenal glands, reduces the causeless production of the stress hormone - cortisol and increases the production of the joy hormone - serotonin. And this has been proven.
  5. Reduces inflammatory processes.

Nutrients in whey. Whey benefits and harms

Amino acids, contained in serum, normalize the production of cholesterol and special blood proteins that participate in the body's lipid metabolism and increase cell sensitivity to insulin. This helps reduce the amount of sugar in the blood.

Serum contains lactose, which is food for beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Lactose reduces the processes of fermentation and gas formation, normalizes metabolism.

Kholin. What does the body need?

Accelerates fat burning,

Participates in the removal of toxins,

Promotes the absorption of vitamins in the intestines,

Stimulates intestinal motility

Warns premature aging body.

How to use?

You should drink the whey one glass 3 times a day before meals. Then intestinal microflora will definitely be renewed, which will lead to normalization of digestion. And good digestion is the key to health!!!

Serum for weight loss.

Indispensable in the diet of those losing weight. Nutritionists advise to arrange fasting days on serum.

Option 1: Drink whey and lemon tea all day.

Option 2: In the morning, drink 1 glass of whey with lemon juice, then 10 minutes later have breakfast. Don't skip lunch. But replace dinner with 2 glasses of whey. The second diet option allows you to lose 3-4 kg of excess weight in a month. And there is no need to exhaust the body by starving.