Wrinkled skin on the glans and foreskin. What is penile kraurosis and how does it manifest? The main ways of treating kraurosis

The roughness of the mucous membrane of the glans penis indicates an increased intensity of the process of death and rejection of the upper layer of cells.

This occurs due to the influence of various pathological causes, which include:

After examining the penis and perineal skin, he makes an initial conclusion about the nature of the pathological process.

After which he prescribes an additional study, including various laboratory diagnostic techniques:

  • microscopy of a scraping of the mucous membrane or skin of the area of ​​desquamation;
  • allergy skin tests with the most common allergens.

Treatment for rough skin on the penis

Treatment for such manifestations of various pathological processes may be different, depending on the identified cause.

It may include the use of antiviral, antifungal medications, antihistamines (antiallergic), and multivitamin medications.

If rough skin appears on the penis, contact the author of this article - a dermatovenerologist, urologist in Moscow with 15 years of experience.

Sometimes health can deteriorate for various reasons - poor environment, poor nutrition, crazy pace of life, stress and many other factors that each of us may encounter.

It is especially unpleasant if problems arise related to sexually transmitted diseases, the root of which can also lie in stress, unhealthy food and poor lifestyle.

However, it also happens that such diseases arise as a result of unwanted sexual intercourse.

This article will talk about a common disease of the male reproductive system - peeling, dryness and discomfort in the area.

If you have discomfort in the groin area, this is the first signal of the presence of a certain disease and the first thing you should do is not rely on your own sensations, consult a specialist.

The process of skin peeling itself is not so terrible, but if it happens on the genitals, this is an alarm bell.

The first and most basic reason why dryness and flaking of the genital organ may occur is failure to comply with basic hygiene. In the frantic pace of life, not everyone has time to take a shower regularly, much less take care of the reproductive system, but this is in vain. This procedure significantly reduces the risk of contracting an infection and other ailments.

The second cause of discomfort in the genital area may be an allergic reaction. As a rule, it manifests itself in completely different ways.

The appearance of unpleasant sensations on the genital organ is a reason to consult a doctor

For some, the face swells, for others it manifests itself as a rash on the face or body, itching, and for men, an unpleasant sensation may occur in the penis area. Characteristic features of allergies are redness, rashes and itching.

An equally rare cause of peeling and dryness of the genitals is unprotected and varied sex life.

Dry skin as a symptom of disease

The main diseases that provoke the appearance of dryness, itching, redness and flaking of the skin on the penis:

  1. - the main cause of itching and flaking on the penis in men. Most often, this disease manifests itself in women, but it can also occur in men. Naturally, such a disease appears due to sexual intercourse with a woman who has thrush. The genital organ turns red, itches, swells, and even cracks may appear.
  2. The cause of discomfort in the penis area is one of the most common diseases of venereology. Small pimples in the form of vesicles appear on the penis; inside them there is either clear or bloody liquid. If you experience these symptoms, consult your doctor without delay.
  3. A fairly common cause of dryness, itching and redness in the genital area, which most often occurs in winter. It is expressed by the appearance of pimples and redness. This disease is infectious, therefore, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to avoid illness?

As noted above, if unpleasant symptoms appear, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Many people are skeptical about the methods of traditional medicine, however, using its advice in complex treatment, the recovery process can be accelerated. Itching and flaking, dry skin on the penis is no exception.

You should know that these methods are more a preventative measure than a treatment itself. However, these may help to at least reduce pain and itching:

  • Take a shower as often as possible and do not dry your genitals with a hard towel
  • Avoid tight-fitting clothing in the groin area
  • Avoid sexual intercourse until the inflammation subsides
  • Watch your diet, do not eat fatty foods
  • Avoid and maintain healthy sleep patterns

If you experience discomfort in the penis area, you should consult a doctor in order to quickly find out the cause and prevent a serious illness.

From now on, you should know that in order to avoid such unpleasant sensations, you should monitor the hygiene of the reproductive system every day, avoid unprotected sexual intercourse, do not overwork, and eliminate nervous tension.

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Any disturbances in the body, as a rule, are reflected in the condition of the skin. If an infection enters the body or the functioning of one of the organs is disrupted, the skin begins to react to it. Dry skin of the penis also indicates the presence of pathologies in the body. You need to figure out why the skin in the intimate area of ​​men becomes dry and then peels off.

Causes of dryness and flaking

Manifestations in the form of peeling skin or dry head of the penis bring great discomfort to men. The culprits of this pathology may be sexually transmitted diseases. These include:

  • genital herpes;
  • candidiasis;
  • gonorrhea.

Genital herpes is characterized by the appearance of small blisters that are filled with bloody or clear contents. Their opening is the cause of dryness of the penis. There are cases when condylomas appear in their place. In no case should genital herpes be left untreated, since the pathology can spread to the prostate gland.

As for candidiasis (thrush), it is the most common cause of dry and flaky skin on an intimate organ. There are certain symptoms that indicate this disease:

  • there is redness on the skin of the intimate organ;
  • formation of small cracks;
  • the head of the penis swells;
  • skin peels;
  • A cheesy discharge appears under the foreskin, which is characterized by a strong unpleasant odor.

The main reasons can also include an allergic reaction to intimate hygiene products, contraceptives, and even to the material of underwear. All this can be a consequence of irritation and peeling of the skin in an intimate place in men, but these are not all the reasons; a number of other factors should be highlighted:

  • previous fungal diseases (athlete's foot, ringworm);
  • lack of vitamin A and E;
  • lack of proper intimate hygiene;
  • papilloma virus, which can penetrate the epithelium with weakened immunity.

Diagnosis and treatment

How effective treatment will be depends on the correct diagnosis. The following methods are used to diagnose the disease:

  • microscopic examination of urethral discharge;
  • urine culture to identify the pathogen;
  • PCR analysis.

After identifying the causative agent of the disease, treatment is carried out immediately.

If the disease is caused by fungal infections, treatment is carried out with antifungal agents. In the early stages of the disease, when symptoms manifest themselves in the form of a dry head or the entire body of the penis, swelling and peeling, treatment is carried out using ointments and creams. The most effective antimycotic agents are: Nystatin, Ketoconazole, Fluconazole and others. To eliminate peeling, immunomodulatory and vitamin complexes are also used.

If the disease occurs as a result of genital herpes, antiviral agents are used, for example, Anciclovir.

If there is a deficiency of vitamins, resulting in dryness and flaking of the penis, it is necessary to replenish the reserves of useful substances in the body. This can be done both with the help of medications (multivitamin complexes) and through a balanced diet.

Kraurosis of the penis, or, as it is also called, wrinkling, is a urological disease in men, which most often occurs in older people and very rarely in young people who do not have an active sex life. This disease is not dangerous, but extremely unpleasant. Especially for young men who have a family or want to start one.

Kraurosis of the penis: provoking factors

Very often, the precursor to such kraurosis can be lichen, which occurs after the age of fifty. The second common factor is the presence of any type of lichen on the genitals, the occurrence of which is also typical for fairly young guys.

Ringworm is the primary cause of this disease.

Ringworm on the penis is especially dangerous. It is detected immediately by the naked eye, only a small number of people are ready to immediately seek medical advice due to their shyness. Many people reassure themselves that this is not lichen or kraurosis, but a temporary allergy or irritation that will soon go away on its own.

However, delaying the treatment of lichen and, accordingly, the following kraurosis can lead to serious skin damage. And if you consider that the skin on the penis, especially on its head, is quite delicate and soft, then it is affected very quickly and does not recover immediately. In severe cases, recovery may not occur at all. Avoiding proper treatment for lichen can lead to pain during urination and great discomfort during sex. Your partner can also easily become infected with this.

Additional factors that activate the development of this disease are high blood sugar, genital herpes, as well as sclerotic memory impairment and organ involution in the elderly. From this we can conclude that if kraurosis of the penis appears due to old age, then it looks more like wrinkles.

Also, the development of kraurosis in young people can be provoked by urological interventions by surgeons, poisoning with dangerous chemicals, and the disease can also be a consequence of constant inflammatory processes in the skin of the penis, glans and foreskin.

Main symptoms of penis disease

The course of the disease in the initial stage is characterized by the fact that there are no visible reasons for concern. Slight wrinkling of the skin around the head and on the foreskin surprises few people and makes them worry.

Usually, confusion appears in the second stage of the disease, when wrinkled skin begins to hang down and cover the urethra.

This is followed by the third stage of kraurosis. During this, urination becomes problematic. Sometimes in a man it manifests itself in frequent urges to go to the toilet. Moreover, urine is released in small portions and often, which causes discomfort. Along with this, defects appear on the skin of the penis in the form of redness and tubercles, which even begin to hurt slightly in many cases.

The last stage of kraurosis is the defeat of the penis by cystic accumulations. And if these nodules are not examined and treated in time, it can even lead to a tumor. Moreover, the appearance of cancerous tumors here is also not at all excluded.

The main ways of treating kraurosis

If you consult a doctor on time, treatment will be much faster, easier and painless. First of all, a urologist and a dermatovenerologist give a consultation, after which the patient is necessarily sent to the oncology department for examination and testing.

If everything is in order according to oncology and nodules have not yet begun to appear (the first or second stages of kraurosis), then kraurosis is treated with hormonal drugs. But if the threat of a tumor or cystic neoplasm is confirmed, then irradiation of the patient is prescribed. In especially severe cases, even surgical intervention can be performed.

If doctors have determined for sure that this disease is not dangerous, since it appeared as a result of general aging of the body, only some vitamins and ointments can be prescribed. In this scenario, the use of chemical irradiation or hormones may either not produce results at all, or only worsen the general condition of the man’s already weakened and aging body.