Is it possible to give a dog cat food: advice from a veterinarian. Can dogs eat cat food?

Cats and dogs are the most common pets, and they often live in the same apartment. Peacefully (or not entirely peacefully) sharing the territory of the apartment, pets often begin to share the contents of their bowls. Over time, the owners notice that the cat happily eats from the dog bowl and feels great. Is it safe to feed my cat dog food?

Cats are carnivorous predators, everyone knows this. Dogs are also predators - this is a well-known fact. Therefore, cats and dogs can be fed the same food. This is the conclusion often reached by careless owners who want to justify their desire to feed their cat dog food.

Why you shouldn't feed your cat dog food

A dog, unlike a cat, is not an obligate predator; it is rather an omnivore. Digests successfully in the stomach plant food and food of animal origin, while meowing pets digest vegetables and fruits by only 10-15 percent. In addition to this fact, there are other differences in the digestive system of animals.

One of the main disadvantages of dog food is the lack of taurine in it. This amino acid is not produced by the body at all, but a cat cannot live without it. If there is a lack of taurine in food, the vision, urinary and nervous systems are primarily affected.

A cat's body requires 15% more protein than a dog. The mass fraction of protein in the food is too small to fully satisfy the needs of a meowing pet, especially a young and growing one.

Dog food, like cat food, contains vitamins A, B, C, E. But in dog food, the emphasis is on vitamins A, while purrs need increased dose vitamin E. In addition, excess vitamin A can lead to improper skeletal formation in kittens during the period of active growth.

The energy value of dog food is too low. The intensity of biochemical processes in the body of cats is higher, so they eat little and often, unlike dogs, who usually eat twice a day.

Why owners choose dog food to feed cats

First, dog food of an identical brand is often significantly cheaper than cat food. But don’t deceive yourself - if you save on food, you’ll soon have to spend money on veterinary services.

Secondly, dog food is often purchased in large packs, and it is always at hand. But also cat food, if desired, you can order it in a large package, which will last for a long time.

Thirdly, if a purr is faced with a choice of whose bowl to eat from, then most often it chooses the dog's. But this does not mean that it is healthier or tastier; often the purr simply shows curiosity, and sometimes greed.

How to stop a cat from eating dog food

If your cat has tried dog food but refuses her own, then you need to decide this problem. It is necessary to isolate the dog's bowl from the cat's.

The best way out in this situation is to remove the leftover food from the bowl out of the cat’s reach after feeding the dog. A meowing pet may refuse its food for several days, but if you persist, the animal will never die of hunger if at least some food is available.

You can change the brand of cat food to make your pet more interested in the food. It's worth trying to sprinkle new food into the dog bowl.

Dog food can seriously harm a cat only with long-term, constant feeding. If your pet managed to steal a piece of treat from someone else’s bowl, do not be upset - a small amount of dog food will not cause harm to health.

Many people live with cats and dogs all their lives, and do not think at all that they are feeding them incorrectly. We, too, were mistaken about this for a long time. For the first time, we began to think that we were feeding our cats incorrectly only when they began to get sick, and the symptoms were all very similar. That's when we began to become interested in the nutrition of cats and dogs. The big discovery for us was that the diet of cats is completely different from the diet of dogs. But all our lives we have had both. And the question of whether it is possible to feed a cat dog food did not arise for us. Although, looking at the prices industrial feed, some doubt still crept in. It’s somehow strange that dog food is much cheaper than cat food.

How is a cat different from a dog and why do they eat differently?

We obtained all information on the nutrition of our pets from foreign literature, because they contain all the information based on many years of scientific observations. It turned out that everything about dog nutrition has been well studied and industrial food is quite suitable for them if it is produced by trusted companies and all storage standards are met.

But there are still disputes with industrial cat nutrition even abroad.

Cats and dogs are completely different animals and their nutritional needs are also different. Dogs are omnivores and can obtain nutrients from both plants and animals.

Unlike dogs, cats are pure carnivores, which means they should only eat animal-based proteins. Plant proteins The cat can't digest it. More plant proteins are added to dog foods, which is why they are cheaper.

Animal-based proteins, such as meat and meat by-products, are known to be composed of 23 types of amino acids. Without 11 of them, a cat simply cannot live, because its body cannot synthesize them.

One of these essential amino acids is taurine, which dogs can synthesize themselves. Therefore, taurine is not added to dog food. A cat without this amino acid can go blind and develop heart failure.

Also from animal fats, cats receive arachidonic and linoleic acid, which they need to maintain fur and kidneys. Dogs only need linoleic acid and therefore arachidic acid is not added to dog food.

Dogs need much less folic acid, B vitamins, including niacin and thiamine. There are also much less of them in dog food than a cat needs.

What can lead to dog food when feeding it to a cat?

If a cat eats dog food for a long time, this can lead to diseases such as heart problems, deafness, blindness, seizures, hair loss, infertility and even lethargy. IN best case scenario The cat will have constant diarrhea.

Can dogs eat cat food?

Difference between cat and dog food

Despite the similarity of smells, shape of granules, and consistency of canned food, dog and cat food are completely different products. The composition of the feed is selected taking into account physiological characteristics and nutritional needs of animals:

  • cat food contains 2 times more protein, dog food contains fiber;
  • feed contains different amounts of glucose;
  • cat food contains taurine (an amino acid that accelerates the elimination of toxins), and it also contains a higher mass fraction of fat;
  • The acidity of cat food is higher than that of dog food;
  • The energy value of dog food is slightly less than that for cats.

These are the fundamental differences between foods. You should always remember this. The dog's feeding regimen consists of two main meals. The dose of food depends on the weight of the animal. Cats need to be fed more often, but in small portions. In this case, the animals receive an adequate amount of nutrients.

Can dogs eat cat food?

If your dog becomes addicted to eating cat food, you should wean it off immediately. Constantly eating cat treats can lead to serious illnesses metabolism.

Taurine is synthesized in sufficient quantities in the body of dogs. Additional reception of this amino acid in food leads to metabolic disorders.

At increased concentration protein in dogs can cause allergies, stomach and intestinal diseases.

Cat food for dogs can cause the following problems:

  • gaining excess weight;
  • digestive problems: diarrhea, vomiting, constipation;
  • diseases internal organs: fatty liver, gastritis, stomach ulcer;
  • growth retardation;
  • hair loss;
  • diabetes;
  • urolithiasis.

All these complex disorders will lead to a decrease in the quality of life of the animal. In many ways, changes and their reversibility depend on individual characteristics your pet's body.

Can dogs eat cat food occasionally? A one-time dose will not cause great harm the animal's body, as opposed to constant feeding.

The right diet has great importance for the development and functioning of the animal. If you have any questions, consult your veterinarian.

All ours four-legged friends, be it cats, dogs, hamsters, rats - belong to the class of mammals. Diet and eating habits are determined by many factors, such as species, habitat, seasonal conditions, and even hierarchical position.

The entire diet was formed over tens of thousands of years, which ultimately allowed the individual to survive and pass on its genetic material to future generations.

But nature sometimes dictates its own rules - changing the conditions around us, which forces us to consume unusual food in order to survive. In this article we will take a detailed look at what a dog can and cannot eat, what the consequences and complications may be.

In the diet

Let's start with the fact that dogs are herd animals, and cats are solitary individuals. The process of evolution has formed certain rules:

  • Cats are exclusively carnivores, consuming meat or fish.
  • Dogs sometimes even eat vegetables(potatoes or cucumbers are often included in a dog's diet), but this does not mean that they are omnivores. There are a number of products that are strictly prohibited.
  • Cats eat much less often, up to once a day. IN wildlife lions and tigers only eat as much as they need emergency, and in order to save energy they rest all their free time.
  • Dogs were on the move all the time. For example, wolf packs migrated from place to place, in search of shelter or places rich in prey. Accordingly, more energy was spent.
  • Cats have a longer torso in relation to the body, and therefore more elongated intestine , thanks to which they can digest large amounts of food at one time.
  • Dogs have average intestinal length, since after eating they did not have the opportunity to rest for the rest of the time.
  • In dog packs it can be traced clear hierarchy: the leader and retinue get the bulk of the food, gamma and omega individuals eat last.
  • Cats, share food almost equally. The male forages for food, which the cubs and female share equally.

In the digestive system

Dogs are adapted to digest raw meat, bones, cartilage, offal, and some inorganic elements, while cats consume low-fat meat, separating it from bones and other parts of the victim’s body.

Feed manufacturers take into account what makes it different digestive system – in cats it has acidic environment, and in dogs it is alkaline. Cat food can cause heartburn and indigestion in some cases.

REFERENCE! Also, cats can absorb salty food and fish. This fact is determined by the habitat. Cats, unlike dogs, did not pose a great danger to humans, so they could live in cities where they began to be fed fish. In the wild, cats, of course, do not fish, and do not even know how to swim.

Age factor

Depending on the age, the animal’s body requires different amounts nutrients.

  • After birth, puppies eat only mother's milk so that the microflora of the stomach and intestines can form without problems. Milk is easily digested and contains all the necessary elements.
  • When the baby teeth formed- We need to provide him with solid food. Puppy food contains: increased amount minerals and bone meal, which will provide proper development jaw apparatus and dental health. At the same time, the amount of protein and fat should not be too large so as not to overload the digestive system.
  • For adults the amount of minerals is reduced to average levels to prevent the development of tartar and stone deposits inside the body. The amount of protein is increased to supply the body with resources for active image life and rapid regeneration.
  • For pregnant and lactating dogs the food contains an increased amount of vitamins to supply the baby necessary elements. Slightly increased amount of fat as energy expenditure increases during pregnancy.
  • For aged dogs the feed is balanced in such a way that all components are supplied in equal proportions.

Economy or premium?

These two types of food are radically different:

  • Economy class food is food for every day. They have cheap price, due to the low quality of the components of the composition. Instead of a cereal or corn base, there may be soy, starch, and offal plant origin. The meat part takes up no more than 20%.
  • Premium food – treats, which are used to reward animals for completed tasks during training, or simply make pets happy from time to time. The price of such feeds is quite high, the feed components are high-quality and expensive, the share of meat components is 70-80%.

Composition of dry and wet

As mentioned above, cats consume fish, so fish, salts and salted meat are added to dry cat food. The amount of protein in them is quite high, and practically no fat. Canned food contains a small amount of vegetables, as well as a thick broth.

Dry dog ​​food contains poultry, rabbit and beef. Protein and fat are in approximately equal proportions. Canned food is made from animal meat, sometimes crackers or pieces of meat jelly are added.

Is it possible for dogs?

Everything is individual and situational. Cat food contains a lot of protein, which can slow down your dog's digestion process. But if your pet is active, then his body needs just this amount of protein. Another question is whether the dog’s body can digest fish and salty foods?

REFERENCE! We often hear that if a dog eats something, then its body needs it. Let's remember that dogs eat out of garbage cans out of curiosity. Like all animals, they explore the world around them and try something new. This factor is inherent in all living beings; it can solve the problem of lack of food in difficult times.

In other words, if a dog, during a period of hunger, tried food from the trash and came to the conclusion that it helped her survive, this information will be passed on to future generations, continuing the lineage and increasing the chances of interspecific competition.

If your pet I ate cat food once, this may cause slight changes in digestion, but serious problems will not lead.

In cases systematic use, gastrointestinal tract sooner or later it will adapt to digesting these products.

But this doesn't always happen, monitor your pet's feces and condition If you notice that his behavior and well-being have changed for the worse, you need to stop feeding him cat food and take him to a veterinary clinic.

If there is no other

If you are standing in front of a shelf where only cat food remains, then choose based on the following factors:

  1. No cheap components(soybeans, flour, vegetable by-products).
  2. Look at the price. It is better to take a small package of premium quality so as not to risk your pet’s health.
  3. They also produce meat food and various assorted food for cats. Choose food without fish and salts.
  4. pay attention to amount of protein, it should not exceed 15-20 grams per 100 grams of dry product.
  5. If it contains taurine, such food can be given, but in smaller quantities, since taurine is produced by the dog’s body and has a feedback mechanism with histamine. The more taurine, the less histamine. This means that in case of allergies, external signs(scabies, rash, hair loss) will not appear, and the internal ones will proceed in full. This is dangerous because it can lead a latent disease to an advanced stage, which will be more difficult to cure.

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Conclusion and conclusions

We all love to experiment, try something new and unusual for ourselves. So that experiments do not turn into a negative experience and do not leave bad memories, make changes slowly, observe your pet’s reaction, its mood, activity, and health indicators.

Perhaps your animal has a special combination of breed and body structure that requires exotic and unusual food products.

In contact with

Many cat owners are interested in the question of whether dog food is suitable for their pet. Dry food is becoming increasingly popular among pet owners, as it is very convenient to use. They do not spoil for a long time, they do not need to be cooked. If the product is manufactured according to all requirements, it will be balanced. This means that the cat will receive the complex of nutrients that it needs. Not so long ago, there were even foods developed specifically for sick cats or those prone to allergies. But is dog food suitable for these animals, or is it still not worth giving?

Relevance of the issue

On the one hand, the question of whether it is possible to feed a cat ready-made dog food may cause confusion. Why not just feed them food meant for them? But this question still comes up. There are several reasons for this.

  1. Dog food is often cheaper when comparing prices from one specific manufacturer.
  2. Due to the fact that dog food is not sold out as actively as cat food, stores are organizing regular promotions. This makes dog food even cheaper. This is a big temptation for cat owners. They stock up on such food for a long period.
  3. If both a dog and a cat live in the house, and the owner buys dry food for both, you can often notice that the cat steals food from the dog.

As a result, the owner comes to the conclusion that there will be nothing wrong if the cat eats dog food. Moreover, the cat eats it with such pleasure. Some of them even refuse their food, demanding dog treats. Why is this happening?

This may occur due to a lack of vitamins and other substances in the body due to poor nutrition. The animal will rush at any Tasty food. Maybe he attracts her this way because of the more appetizing smell. There may be several reasons, and they need to be identified.

General rules

U ready-made feed has its pros and cons. But since modern people Often there is simply no time to prepare food for animals, so they still buy ready-made food. But, if there is such an opportunity, then the animal can be fed with food prepared independently.

Industrial feed has its own classification. By class, it can be economy (that is, cheap), premium (food for every day). There is also holistic and super-premium food. The types can be divided into wet, dry and semi-moist.

Super premium food has it all necessary substances. You can alternate feeding different types stern. It is advisable that they be from the same company.

If you buy economy and premium, it is important to remember that they may contain preservatives, and they will contain fewer important substances and vitamins. But premium is suitable for daily use if the animal is healthy.

You should be careful with economy food, because this is the riskiest option. Manufacturers advertise it and install it low price. But such food can harm your pet's health. Many people buy it out of ignorance, and some simply because they don’t have money for quality food. In this case, it is better to choose natural food.

Today there are many varieties of food on the shelves of pet stores. You can choose the right one even for a very capricious pet. They love it very much wet food. Choosing the dry option can be a little trickier since it doesn't smell as good.

There are several reasons why a buyer chooses dry food. It is cheaper than wet and semi-moist. In addition, it will definitely not spoil if the pet does not finish the portion. In this case, you can even install an automatic feeder.

The disadvantage of the dry type is that with constant use, the animal’s teeth deteriorate. When a cat is young, this is not noticeable, but as they get older, their condition becomes much worse. Veterinarians also say that eating only dry food can lead to obesity and intestinal disorders. In addition, it often happens that the animal gets used to dry food. He becomes addicted. The cat will starve, waiting for its favorite food.

  1. Try to buy food famous brand which has a good reputation.
  2. Pay attention to special lines that are designed for sick, pregnant cats, or those suffering from allergies.
  3. The packaging should contain information that everyone can understand. Study the composition and place of production.
  4. The package of food must also have a barcode, information about the manufacturer and supplier, and a logo.
  5. Find the lot number and expiration date on the package.
  6. Choose food that is intended for animals with the appropriate parameters. Remember that there are many species now. Food should be selected according to age and weight. There are also special foods for different breeds.
  7. To prevent the cat from gaining excess weight, calculate calorie content. Per 1 kg of animal weight no more than 90 kcal.
  8. Don't give your cat dog food. If you see information that it is universal, it is better to refuse such a product.
  9. Take a closer look at what kind of food your pet likes.
  10. You should not mix food produced by different companies.
  11. Do not add groundbait to high-grade food.

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this. The cat eats this food and does not have any problems. side effects or illnesses. But this is only at the beginning. If this diet continues long time, then the consequences will still occur. Few people will be able to understand that the reason for the changes is precisely this type of nutrition.

We list the main dangerous consequences:

  1. Over time, the cat will lose its muscle mass. She will begin to gain weight and become obese. This is due to the fact that cats need proteins in large quantities because they are predators. And dogs are more omnivorous. Investigator, and the composition of the feed for them is developed differently. Dog food is high in carbohydrates, as dogs expend more energy during walks and exercise.
  2. Feeding your cat dog food will lead to heart problems and poor vision. Cat food contains taurine, which is not found in dog food. This amino acid is important because it affects metabolism.
  3. The cat's digestion will be impaired, since dog food contains more components of plant origin.
  4. The coat will deteriorate as there will be a lack of fat.
  5. Anemia and weakness. This is due to the fact that the cat’s body does not produce enough amino acids. That's why eggs are added to cat food.
  6. Another important point– this is a lack of B vitamins. Much less of it is added to dog food than to cat food. And if the cat lacks them, this can lead to serious disorders in the pet’s body.

As a result, we can say that feeding your cat dog food in order to save money is highly not recommended. These types of animals have completely different needs and characteristics. If you can’t afford quality food, it’s better to cook your own food. It won't cost more, and once it becomes a habit, it won't take much time.