Is it possible to give eggs to a dog (raw and boiled). Source of protein and vitamins – can dogs eat eggs? Truth and myths In what form should you give your dog eggs?

Is it possible to give eggs to a dog (raw and boiled)? The fact that the basis of a dog’s diet is protein products, all owners without exception know, although quite often they miss the fact that the animal’s diet should be varied, that is, not only meat should appear in the pet’s bowl. Egg – universal food product, which contains not only proteins and amino acids, but also fats, as well as a whole range of vitamins and minerals. How beneficial is it for dogs, can it be added to their diet and how often? Eggs - nutritional value for dogs and benefits According to scientific research, it turns out that chicken eggs Both cooked and raw are an excellent source of protein for dogs. They are also perfectly absorbed by the body, like meat, and at the same time have a higher biological value than beef and meat. There's a lot in eggs useful substances, which are vital for dogs. Thus, vitamin A makes a dog’s coat more shiny; B vitamins are essential for the growth and development of dogs. It is these vitamins that are involved in the production of red blood cells and are necessary to maintain the smooth functioning of the nervous system. In addition to being beneficial, this product can also cause harm. To begin with, some dogs may experience individual intolerance egg white. Symptoms of a food allergy will be noticeable on the second day, so before you start introducing eggs into your dog’s diet, you should wait a couple of days and make sure that her body reacts normally to the new product. The harm of eggs lies in the fact that they cause increased gas formation in dogs. If the animal lives on the street, special problems it doesn’t deliver, but if it’s in an apartment or house, it can cause some inconvenience to the owners. If you offer your dog eggs more than the recommended dose, it is quite possible that he will begin to gain a lot of weight, since they contain a lot of fat and cholesterol. The latter is dangerous because it clogs blood vessels, causing dangerous diseases of the heart and blood vessels. It is also worth noting the danger of raw eggs, because they can cause the development of salmonellosis, which is fatal. dangerous disease. For this reason, veterinarians ask not to introduce raw eggs into the diet unless the pet owners are completely confident in their quality. This is what veterinarians recommend giving adult dog two eggs per week, preferably half four times a week, and for puppies one per week, divided into the same four meals. Eggs should be added to the rest of the animal’s food, for example, they will go well with both meat and vegetables or grains.

True dog lovers and professionals know that the basis good nutrition is a protein. It is contained in meat, but it is simply impossible to feed your pet meat all the time; it can simply get boring. The diet of pets should be nutritious and varied. And this is where ordinary chicken eggs come to the rescue. Adding them to your dog's diet means supporting him. digestive system and vital important organs fine. However, eggs can be both beneficial and harmful.

Benefits of eggs for dogs

Raw and boiled eggs are a good source of protein for the animal. They are absorbed by the body, but nutritional value are higher than meat. The vitamins contained in eggs improve skin covering and wool, it becomes more shiny. Vitamins B9 and B12 strengthen immune system, so the dog is active and energetic. In addition, magnesium improves cardiovascular system, reduces the risk of heart disease. And calcium does skeletal system stronger.

Harmful properties of eggs

To begin with, eating eggs can cost your dog his wellness if she has food allergy. This happens quite rarely, but before you treat your dog to eggs, check his body’s reaction to this product. Start giving your pet eggs a little at a time. That is, introduce this product into your diet gradually. Feed your dog half of one egg. If in a couple of days she physical state will not change, give it a little more and observe again for a couple of days. The absence of any negative changes in the animal’s health and behavior indicates that it is not allergic to eggs.

The second not very pleasant moment is the increased formation of gas in the animal due to eating eggs. It is up to the animal owner to decide how much inconvenience this circumstance causes.

Much more serious consequences from excessive consumption of eggs due to their high content of fat and cholesterol. And this is fraught with clogging blood vessels and, as a result, heart disease. In this case, you should adhere to the recommended norm.

Despite all of the above, the dog’s body digests egg products well.

What kind of eggs can you give your dog?

Chicken, quail, goose, duck and even ostrich - all types of eggs can be given to dogs.

If you live in the city, then the most affordable ones are chicken and quail. But if you have the opportunity to buy food in villages or farms, then you can add any others. The main thing is to stick to the norm.

As for the question of whether to give raw or boiled eggs, there is no difference. But if we approach this from a safety perspective, some experts insist that raw eggs should not be given under any circumstances due to their contamination with salmonellosis. Especially if the product was purchased in a supermarket. And indeed it is. Salmonellosis is an acute intestinal infection, affecting the gastrointestinal intestinal tract. Often the disease leads to death. Especially if it is an older animal or a puppy. But if the dog is accustomed to raw meat And raw foods, then give a raw egg Can. But with extreme caution, washing them well with soap and water.

How many eggs can you give a dog per day?

The consumption rate of eggs depends on their size. For example, a dog can eat 2 chicken eggs per week. If you focus on the size of a chicken egg, then per week you can have 6-12 quail eggs, 1 duck egg, 2-3 turkey eggs, etc.

Giving eggs to your dog is not only possible, but also necessary. And not only eggs, but also crushed eggshells. A proper combination of your usual diet and a few eggs a week will support good health And physical fitness your dog.

Eggs contain protein, calcium, folic acid, fats, vitamins A and D. They can be given to dogs in any form: boiled, raw or fried. But it is very important to remember that one egg contains 70 kcal. That's why it should be for dogs small breeds divide by several times.

IN eggshells contains calcium, so you can give your dog the whole egg. In addition, you can dry and grind the shells, obtaining natural mineral supplement. Other sources of this mineral that are even better absorbed than egg shells include cheese, yogurt, soy milk and ice cream.

But if the animal is given dry food, then it does not require additional calcium. This is especially true for puppies, as they need a balanced ratio of phosphorus and calcium. Excess calcium can cause problems with your pet's growth and bones. also in egg whites There is an enzyme that affects biotin, which can cause nausea in some animals.

As for fruits, they can also be given to dogs. For example, oranges are a safe product for them, containing vitamin C. But when introducing them into an animal’s diet, you should be careful and not forget about a sense of proportion in order to prevent stomach upset. Apples can be a good snack for pet. They contain pectin, calcium, iron and vitamins C and K.

Pets also require a lot of care and attention. Therefore, if you decide to buy a pet, you need to know a few basic rules for caring for your pet. You can read about veterinarian advice there are also sections about different types animals and care.

Eggs are very nutritious, delicious product. They are suppliers of complete protein. This is simply a storehouse of vitamins A, D, B1, B2, PP. They contain mineral elements: phosphorus, sulfur, iron, copper, potassium and many amino acids. This is why this product is highly valued by people. It is very well absorbed human body, bringing him considerable benefit. From this article you will find out whether and in what quantity you can give eggs to dogs.

What kind of eggs can you give and how often?

Feed pet eggs can be used if it is on natural diet. But, when including this product in the dog’s menu, the owner must know that it is necessary to strictly adhere to the established norm, otherwise, instead of benefit, harm can occur.

Any eggs poultry V limited quantities useful for dogs. The amount of eggs per week should be calculated based on the size and age of the animal:

  1. Duck and goose are the largest, so an adult dog is allowed to eat only one per week. Is it possible to give ostrich? It’s possible, but half or even a quarter will suffice.
  2. The dog's diet may include chicken eggs (2-3 eggs per week).
  3. Quail eggs are the smallest. A pet can eat 4-5 quail eggs per week.
Let's consider whether it is possible to give them to a puppy, as well as how much older and pregnant individuals can eat:
  1. Puppies benefit from eating one chicken egg per week. You can give your baby raw egg yolk during feeding.
  2. It is recommended to pamper older dogs 1-2 times a week.
  3. Pregnant bitches - 2-3 times a week.
  4. For nursing mothers this nutritious product give every other day (for speedy recovery after childbirth and lactation).

What are the benefits and harms of eggs

There are a number of factors that indicate the benefits of eggs for a pet’s body. But there are also some risks. Let's look at what they are unconditional benefit, and which potential harm they carry within themselves.


First of all, you should always remember that you can talk about benefits only if the established norm is observed. Beneficial features testicles are:
  • completely absorbed by the body;
  • have high biological value;
  • have a beneficial effect on the nervous and immune systems;
  • an irreplaceable source of animal protein;
  • thanks to the high content fatty acids, stimulating cell growth, improving the condition of the coat and skin;
  • provide good prevention vitamin deficiency;
  • due to the high content of vitamin D, they prevent the development of rickets;
  • high iron content normalizes hemoglobin levels;
  • contains the amino acid lecithin, which helps cleanse blood vessels;
  • thanks to the amino acid lysozyme, they have an immunostimulating effect.
Eggshells are a source of organic calcium and are a very valuable dietary supplement.

Potential Harm

In some cases, dogs have individual intolerance of this product. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce it into the diet very carefully, starting with small amounts.

Owners need to be careful for a number of reasons:

  1. Possible allergic reaction. The skin is most often the first to react. Characteristic itchy skin, urticaria, allergic dermatitis.
  2. Too much frequent use Eggs may increase the risk of blood clots because they are a source of cholesterol.
  3. A gastrointestinal reaction is possible, which manifests itself as follows: bloating, increased gas formation.
  4. Another risk is the presence of the causative agent of salmonellosis. Those owners who practice feeding raw eggs are especially at risk. Confidence in the quality of the product reduces this risk. Raw eggs must be washed before use. warm water with soap.
Dogs fed dry food should not eat eggs. If you give them to your dog, be aware that it may trigger the development of pancreatitis.

Can raw or boiled eggs be given to dogs?

Can dogs eat raw eggs? The dog can be given both raw and boiled, but it has been proven that boiled is digestible by 91%, and raw by only 50%.

One should never discount some risk that a raw egg may be contaminated with salmonellosis.

Raw yolk is very useful for the animal, since it contains a special substance biotin (or vitamin H), which is involved in fat metabolism. But raw protein contains the so-called avidin, which has the ability to bind with vitamin H. As a result, an inactive biotin-avidin complex is formed, and biotin is no longer able to be absorbed by the body. This can provoke the development of vitamin deficiency. This drawback is eliminated if the eggs are boiled, since avidin is destroyed during heat treatment.

All this data suggests that boiled eggs are healthier for dogs. But it would be wrong to completely deprive the animal of raw food. After all, raw protein contains substances that participate in metabolism and stimulate the growth of body cells. They should also form some part of the dog’s diet. But fried ones should not be given to a dog. They contain a large amount of fats, which, if consumed, will harm the pancreas.

How can you replace eggs if you are intolerant?

If your dog has an egg intolerance or allergy, they can be replaced with products that are in no way inferior to them in terms of nutrients:
  1. Natural cottage cheese. It is a source of calcium. It can be given, but no more than 2 times a week, since they contain casein, which is not beneficial to the dog’s body.
  2. Fresh and cooked vegetables. They are a source of vitamins and fiber, without which good digestion is impossible.
  3. Soybeans and legumes. They are appreciated high content vegetable protein. They must be given boiled. These products are quite difficult to digest, so they are not suitable for every dog.
  4. Fresh fruit. They - best source vitamins You can pamper your pet with them several times a week.
If the dog does not have an individual reaction, you should not deprive him of the opportunity to eat a raw or boiled egg several times a week. It diversifies the diet well and replenishes the body’s need for vitamins and nutrients.

Can dogs have eggs? birds, at what age they will be useful, in what form to feed and how to avoid unpleasant consequences later in our article.

The yolks/whites themselves are very nutritious and rich in various microelements, biotin, and amino acids. Such diversity is collected so that the chick can be born and fully develop. Vitamins B, C, D and E are well represented. Further, they contain a lot of:

  • iron needed for blood
  • phosphorus for the formation of bones, claws and fur,
  • iodine for thyroid function,
  • selenium as a natural antioxidant.

They are also useful by having folic acid and choline.

How to give eggs

The scheme is very simple. Your dog will benefit optimally if he receives one chicken egg 1-2 times a week. Can dogs be given raw eggs? For an adult dog, of course, yes. For example, average German Shepherd this will be the optimal amount. If the weight is greater or less, the owner makes appropriate adjustments. Both white and yolk should be given. A raw egg is extremely contraindicated for puppies; it may be too heavy food for the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas of a small pet.

Boiled or raw, or maybe fried?

Raw eggs are given to adult dogs and older puppies. In small dogs, due to a large amount of protein, flatulence can begin and, as a result, colic. This is very harmful to the puppy. The onset of diarrhea will exhaust the animal. To avoid such dangers, you should resort to boiled eggs. An exception for puppies is cottage cheese mashed with yolk. Can I give it to a puppy? boiled egg? This will be best for the baby. You can start as soon as the dog has switched to solid food. The fact is that the digestibility of a cooked product will be 91%, versus 50% for a raw product per day.

The boiled egg should be cooled and cut into 0.5 cm cubes. Give according to the weight of the pet (1 chicken egg per 30 kg of dog weight). What about adults? Can dogs have boiled eggs? Yes, too, and for the same reasons, i.e. for better assimilation. Dogs readily eat shells and should not be prevented from doing so. To avoid risk, it should be mashed well and given in this form along with the remaining protein. At the same time, the shell is, as it were, crushed, but at the same time it is still one whole. Dry, small shells will harm your pet.

Important! Fried eggs are contraindicated for dogs of all breeds!

Goose eggs

More nutritious compared to chicken and 4 times more. This should be taken into account when feeding. Their shell is very thick and is only suitable for large dogs.


In general, they have the same characteristics as goose ones, only smaller in size.


Very healthy and nutritious, but the size forces you to be careful when preparing them. One egg is too much for one dog, but it is not recommended to store it open; it must be cooked immediately. When boiled, it can be stored for some time in the refrigerator.


This dietary product. They can be safely given along with the shell at the rate of 2 quail for one chicken. They are especially good for dogs during rehabilitation, before sports and other activities, and during breeding.

How to avoid egg hazards

Use only quality products, preferably home production. The product must be fresh. Do not give it often or a lot, in any form (raw or boiled). There is a danger of salmonellosis, but gastric juice dogs have high acidity, and the intestinal tract is short, which in itself increases the body’s natural resistance to the causative agent of this disease.

It is believed that protein avidin negatively affects metabolism by blocking the body's absorption of biotin, but most dogs digest it perfectly without even noticing it. If you eat a large number of eggs, flatulence may develop. Dogs fed dry food may have serious problems from the gastrointestinal tract when eating raw protein or yolk.

Sometimes dogs are allergic to eggs, but everything is strictly individual.


Eggs are very beneficial for dogs, but more cause harm. Puppies are given finely diced boiled egg product 1-2 times a week. The raw ones are given the yolk mixed with cottage cheese. Beware of allergies. Boiled foods are absorbed much more efficiently. Eggs should be given no more than 1-2 times a week.