Is it possible to cure knee joints with burdock? Use as compresses

Almost all joint diseases cause pain. It’s hard to do anything with this symptom: neither sleep, nor work, nor think, much less move. Therefore, many of those suffering from such diseases resort to home remedies that quickly relieve pain and replace expensive analgesics.

One of these plants is burdock. Everyone probably knows what he looks like. The plant can be found in the garden, near roads, in vacant lots.

The advantage of traditional medicine is not only its low cost, but also the minimal likelihood of any adverse or allergic reactions.

Joint problems are often treated with home remedies.

So burdock is applicable for:

  • gout;
  • arthritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • salt deposits;
  • contracture

Medicinal properties of burdock

Traditional medicine is rich in recipes in which the basis is either the rhizome, or leaves, or fruits of burdock. The plant has diaphoretic and diuretic properties, also has a high anti-inflammatory effect, and has a beneficial effect on the body's metabolic processes. Thanks to these features, the plant improves the functioning of all body systems. The plant contains proteins, vitamins, saponins, acids, anthocyanins, essential oils, and resinous substances.

Burdock leaf is often used to treat joints and restore damaged tissues. The plant copes well with regulation water-salt metabolism in cells, thereby preventing the deposition of salts. Acts as a powerful analgesic and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Improves the condition of cartilage and joint fibers.

When treating arthritis or other common joint diseases, drugs are used that have harmful influence to the liver or kidneys. By using burdock such harm can be avoided.

Finding a plant is not difficult. IN summer time in every ditch, near rivers and swamps, among various bushes you can see burdock.

Recipes for use

Treatment of joints with burdock has many recipes that are aimed at improving the patient’s condition, relieving pain and getting rid of the problem.

A compress will help relieve pain quickly. For it, we wash the burdock leaves, dry them (you can wet them with napkins to save time), then chop them finely and put them in a glass jar. The product must stand in the sun; under the influence of the rays it turns into a paste with unpleasant smell. The appearance of mold means the product is ready. Now it can be used as a compress on the sore joint.

For rheumatism and arthritis, it is useful to apply the leaves of the plant with the smooth side to the joint. Before applying the leaves, remember to let the juice come out. You can even moisten it with cologne. To keep the leaves in place, wrap sore spot cling film over the leaves, then wrap in a warm scarf or scarf. For these joint diseases, other procedures, for example, lotions, are also suitable. To do this, steam burdock leaves with boiling water or in the microwave.

For arthrosis of the knee joint, you need to wash 5 leaves of the plant. Fold them side by side (smooth side up) and place them on your knee. You can lubricate the leaves before applying vegetable oil. To fix, use cling film and a warm scarf.

Also, for arthrosis, you can use the root of the plant. An infusion can be made from this part of the plant. To do this, the root must first be washed, dried, peeled and chopped. The crushed root in the amount of one tablespoon must be poured with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew. This infusion must be taken on a tablespoon 5 times a day.

Arthrosis is often treated with burdock powder. The root of the plant is used to make the powder. You can grind the root into powder using a coffee grinder. The powder must be dried so that it is exposed to direct sunlight for 30 minutes. After this, the powder must be stored in a dark place in a glass container. You need to take 70 ml three times a day warm water and one third teaspoon of powder.

A tincture of crushed burdock roots will also help with joint pain. Dilute the powder with honey in a 1:1 ratio, pour it all over with a glass of vodka and leave to infuse for a week. After this period, you need to take the tincture 3 times a day, a tablespoon.

Decoction. Grind the root, pour half a liter of powder into a tablespoon hot water. Cook the mixture over medium heat for 30 minutes, then leave to infuse for an hour. Take this decoction half a glass no more than 5 times a day.

Some tips to use when preparing burdock tinctures, decoctions or compresses to treat joints:

  • The leaves must be washed thoroughly (you can even use soap), dry and wipe. This is done so that moisture does not interfere with the plant’s production. useful substances, which cannot be absorbed through the pores of the skin.
  • The reverse side of the sheet can be greased with vegetable oil. It dissolves the medicinal extract and improves its production.
  • The compress should not be wrapped in polyethylene. This material produces fumes that are harmful when using this plant.
  • Treatment should be carried out with fresh leaves and young ones, which contain large quantity useful elements.

Information about home recipes must be taken sensibly, that is, you need to understand that you cannot simply cure joints with burdock. But definitely take it off most inflammatory processes and pain as a symptom, decoctions, etc. home therapy helps.

Treatment containing a complex whose components do not contradict each other is the key to a quick recovery or support of a person’s tone and normal functioning. By normal we mean movement without constant pain, sleep without "whining" joints.

plant and different means of it have a great advantage - the absence side effects and contraindications. Burdock should not be used only by those who have different types allergic reactions associated with this plant.

Against all odds positive aspects medicine from this gift nature, self-medication with it is highly not recommended. It is unlikely that you may know that you are allergic to a given natural product.

Moreover, without a proper examination by a doctor who will prescribe medications and procedures to restore joint tissue, prevent its complete destruction and removal acute pain, you will not be able to know how your illness progresses.

Each body is individual, so it is not known whether treatment with one or another home recipe will improve your condition. Therefore, a consultation with your attending physician will not only be a plus, but also a mandatory element of therapy.

Decoctions, infusions and compresses from burdock will help reduce swelling of the tissues surrounding the joint and relieve pain. Various folk remedies from this plant eliminate the inflammatory process. By using them, you will increase protective forces weakened body and significantly increase resistance to the disease. The main thing is to know how to properly use burdock to treat joints.

Burdock root for treating joints

To treat joints of the legs and arms with burdock, it is best to use a decoction of the root. Copes particularly well this remedy With . To prepare the decoction you need:

  1. Grind the peeled root (on a fine grater).
  2. Pour 10 g of raw material into 200 ml of water.
  3. Cool and strain the mixture.

Such decoction take 20 ml 4 times a day.

To treat arthrosis of the knee joint, you can make a powder from burdock. For this:

  1. The root of the plant needs to be cleaned.
  2. Grind in a coffee grinder.
  3. Dry in direct sunlight (leave for about 30-120 minutes). Store this product in tightly closed containers in a dark place.

For arthrosis, you need to take 5 g of this powder 3 times a day. To do this, fill it with 70 g ml of water. To treat joints, burdock powder can also be consumed with honey (in a 1 to 1 ratio).

Burdock root can be used to make very useful medicinal ointment. It is made according to this recipe:

  1. Squeeze the juice from the plant's rhizomes.
  2. Mix it with any vegetable oil (in a ratio of 2 to 1).
  3. Place the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for 2 days.

The resulting burdock ointment can be used to treat knee and shoulder joint. But so that it does not lose its healing properties, it is better to prepare a small amount at a time (for 3-4 uses). Store the ointment in the refrigerator.

Burdock leaves for treating joints

Not only the root, but also the leaves of burdock have a healing effect on various joints. It is best to make compresses from them. But in order for such treatment of joints with burdock to give positive effect, you need to prepare the leaves correctly:

  1. They do this in the spring. Collect young leaves.
  2. Wash them well to remove all dirt and dust, and then pat them dry with a paper towel.
  3. After this, you need to cut the leaves into thin long strips, reminiscent of noodles, and put them in a clean glass jar, closing it with a plastic lid.
  4. The container must be placed in the sun.

After some time, the contents will turn into a green, pasty mixture with an unpleasant odor and mold. The formation of such an unpleasant odor indicates that medicine ready.

When a strong joint appears, you need to wrap a paste of leaves in gauze and apply such a compress to the joint. It should be removed only after the gauze bandage has completely dried.

There are other methods of treating joints with burdock leaves. So, you can prepare a medicinal decoction from them. It will become especially useful if you add some burdock flowers to it. To do it:

  1. Mix 500 ml of water with 40 g of leaves (fresh) and 10 g of flowers.
  2. Cook the mixture for about 5 minutes.

You can make lotions with the resulting decoction. For deforming arthrosis and gout, it can be added to the bath.

Therapeutic wrapping with burdock

Another popular one folk method treatment of knee (and any other) joints with burdock - therapeutic wrapping. To do it, you need:

  1. Add 50 g of plant root (crushed) to 10 liters of water.
  2. Stir thoroughly and cool the mixture.
  3. After this, a white sheet is dipped into this water, lightly wrung out and wrapped around the patient.

You can use several sheets, since it is very important that the patient also has fabric with medicinal mixture and the legs did not touch each other. You can remove everything after 1-1.5 hours. Wrapping can be done once a day.

The burdock plant is a recognized leader in the treatment of joints. As an excellent regulator of water-salt metabolism, burdock removes salt deposits from joints. When consuming burdock decoction, the amount of urine increases and uric acid is excreted.

The analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect that burdock has affects sore joints when:

  • rheumatism,
  • arthritis,
  • gout,
  • arthrosis,
  • radiculitis, etc.

Why should you break the burdocks that grow everywhere yourself, wash them properly and dry them? The leaves are finely chopped and compacted tightly into a jar, which is placed in a sunny place. A slurry with an unpleasant odor “brews” inside the jar. But this is not enough - you have to wait until the mold matures. This mixture is already applied in the form of compresses to sore joints, which calm down the first time.

For rheumatism and arthritis, it is good to cover the entire sore joint with the smooth side with burdock leaves. You can do this with steamed root and keep it until it cools completely. To achieve greater effect, it is good to combine such compresses and lotions with ingestion of the tincture. Herbalists insist on combining burdock roots with elecampane root. You need to take it in a one to one ratio.

During periods of exacerbation of joint pain, treatment with burdock leaves and root is recommended; throughout the entire period, with breaks, it is necessary to take herbal infusions. And twice a week, when joint pain is not painful, it is best to take a steam bath with a broom. All this can be combined with drug treatment, if prescribed by a doctor.

A few secrets of use

Eat important points regarding how to apply sheets to sore joints. They must be washed thoroughly with soap and running water and dry very well. The fact is that water prevents the penetration of medicine from the leaves. back side The leaf is smeared with any oil, which penetrates into the plant to the stomata and, dissolving the medicine, serves as a conductor to the diseased joint. Wax paper is placed on top (it is better to avoid polyethylene, as it promotes the formation of sweat, which is unwanted moisture).

There will be no immediate effect, like from an injection of novocaine. This procedure is carried out for a month or two, slowly removing the inflammation process. The fresher and greener the leaf, the more effective the application. Of course, you can also apply a leaf eaten by caterpillars, but much less useful active substances will be drawn out from there.

Along with other diuretic herbs, it is good to drink a decoction of burdock, half a glass three times a day. To do this, pour 1 tbsp. two glasses of boiling water and infuse in a thermos. All diuretic herbs wash potassium out of the body, so it’s best to eat cucumbers or drink cucumber juice to compensate. After drinking herbs for a month, you should definitely take a break for two months, and it would be good to check the acidity of your urine.

Recover completely from joint pain It won’t work, but keeping yourself in working condition using the power of burdock is quite possible. Keeping a patient on his feet and not allowing him to become disabled is a serious request on the part of such a seemingly simple plant. Moreover, burdock has no major contraindications. The only thing is that it is better for pregnant and lactating women to refrain from taking it orally. After all, people say: “The grass is burdock, but it makes your stomach swell.”

The variety of medicinal properties of burdock

Why a simple-minded, simple-minded person is called a burdock is not clear. Burdock is not at all simple, it is considered quite ancient medicinal plant and is widely used in folk medicine. In addition to the experience of generations, numerous studies have been carried out, during which the diuretic, diaphoretic, choleretic, and analgesic properties of burdock were revealed. Burdock can significantly improve the condition of the skin, get rid of itching and allergic manifestations. Burdock has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect.

This plant is also used to prevent the formation of kidney stones and joint deposition of salts. Most often, the roots of burdock are used, since it contains insulin polysaccharide, protein, resins, essential oil, mineral salts, fat-like substances, vitamin C. They produce from the leaves Burr oil. To preserve all these properties, the collection is carried out in the first year of life in the fall. If we're talking about about a biennial plant, it can be collected at any warm time of the year.

Fresh burdock root is very juicy and can be eaten after boiling or roasting. It was also used to make surrogate coffee and bake bread. Since burdock grows everywhere, it has been well studied by both doctors and pharmacists. Biorich burdock root active ingredients, is widely used in cosmetology. In combination with oils, it is used for baldness, stimulates and strengthens the growth of hair follicles.

The bitterness of burdock stimulates appetite, and mucous substances coat the stomach, positively affecting the mucous membrane. Effective for various digestive disorders, normalizes stool. Burdock has cleansing properties regarding skin. Eliminates acne, pustules, furunculosis and allergic reactions.

Useful articles:

Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint with burdock

Burdock or burdock from the Asteraceae family has long established itself in folk medicine as a powerful remedy for a variety of ailments. Its healing properties have extended to many spectrums of different diseases.

Roadside burdock is a powerful additional preventive treatment for the treatment of various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Medicines made on its basis have proven themselves in the treatment of diseases such as arthrosis of the elbows and ankle joints, coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis.

  • Application medicinal burdock
  • Treatment of joint arthrosis with burdock using traditional methods
  • Not only the tops, but also the roots...
  • Contraindications

Of course, burdock has healing properties, but it is far from magical and it is worth understanding that its use in the form self-treatment will not give the expected result. Only complex therapy in combination with exercise therapy, physiotherapy, medications and other types of treatment will help eliminate problems of the musculoskeletal system.

Not only in folk medicine is burdock recognized as an effective medicinal plant; during various studies, the power of burdock’s properties was recognized by scientists who actively use its properties in pharmacology.

Burdock is popular due to its analgesic, diuretic, diaphoretic and choleretic properties. It has an antiallergic effect, relieves itching on the skin, and also affects its improvement. Actively used in dermatology.

Burdock is good natural antiseptic, has an antimicrobial effect. Has moderate laxative properties.

Burdock oil, obtained from the seeds of the plant, is successfully used for hair care.

The composition of burdock includes:

  • proteins;
  • essential oils;
  • palmitic acid;
  • tannins;
  • stearic acid;

The use of medicinal burdock

Burdock can also be found in nature throughout Europe and Asia. North America. It grows on roadsides, near the banks of reservoirs, even in garbage dumps.

Burdock was brought to our region by Russian soldiers during the war in 1812.

If the plant is an annual, then use it in medicinal purposes follows in the fall. The biennial plant can be used at any warm time of the year.

Oils, tinctures, powders and extracts are made from burdock. Use seeds, leaves and roots.

Preparations based on burdock have an analgesic effect.

Treatment of joint arthrosis with burdock using traditional methods

In folk medicine, the properties of burdock have long been used for medicinal purposes. Burdock has especially proven itself in the treatment of arthrosis in the knee joint. Its properties are used not only as a prevention of knee problems, but also in many other diseases of the joints of the musculoskeletal system.

Joint diseases affect different age groups. Burdock helps remove uric acid from the body, which is retained in excess in human joints, promotes accelerated tissue regeneration in the joints, and also speeds up the metabolic process.

One of common problems V musculoskeletal system is arthrosis of the knee joint, and the most common method of treating the disease from arthrosis is applying burdock leaves to the sore knee and warming it overnight with a woolen scarf.

Compresses fixed with polyethylene are most effective. For achievement best result The leaves of the plant can be slightly crushed to release the juice, and the sore knee can be rubbed with alcohol or vodka first to increase blood circulation.

Method of application: take five or six burdock leaves folded in a stack, apply vegetable oil or cinquefoil oil to the fleecy side of the plant, fix the damaged joint and insulate it.

There is a second similar method of combating arthrosis in the knee joint, but it is more painstaking and complicated in its application. The basis of the method is the alternation of additional components used in conjunction with burdock.

  • Day one - lubricate burdock leaves with simple cologne, fix the knee and insulate it;
  • Day two - first put it on the sheet natural honey, and then lubricate with cologne and also fix and insulate the knee joint;
  • Day three – Vishnevsky’s ointment acts as a lubricant and the consistency of pressed garlic is added to the plant, after which we apply the mixture to the knee;

On the fifth day, the circle of procedures is closed, and knee joint therapy begins to repeat the program of the first day.

The full course of knee treatment takes from one and a half to two months. It is best to apply compresses at night and keep the bandage on throughout the night.

Not only the tops, but also the roots...

The root of this plant is also a powerful tool for the treatment of knee arthrosis and other joint diseases. As a rule, tinctures and powders are made from the roots, which are excellent in relieving inflammation in the knee cartilage.

A tincture for treating joints is quite simple to make. The burdock root is ground, where one tablespoon of ground root is poured in a proportion of 200 grams. boiling water

This mixture enriches the body with various minerals and beneficial substances, helping to remove various toxins from the body, while simultaneously removing uric acid from joints and promoting faster recovery.

Apply this mixture one tablespoon five times a day for a month.

Burdock decoction - take one tablespoon of crushed roots for half a liter of water, cook the mixture for half an hour and let the decoction brew for another hour after cooking. You should drink half a glass of liquid five times a day.

In conjunction with the tincture, you can also use burdock root powder. The root should be ground in a coffee grinder, after which the resulting powder should be placed in direct sunlight for thirty minutes. Ready mixture should be stored in glass containers in a dark place. Apply this mass in the amount of 1/3 teaspoon with 1/3 glass of water, three times a day.

With this treatment, arthrosis will gradually recede; the main thing is to observe the proportions and systematic application.


Treatment with burdock has virtually no contraindications. The only drawback may be personal intolerance to the substances contained in this plant. Therefore, before use, especially orally, you should consult your doctor.

Burdock is unique plant With healing properties, which helps to get rid of not only arthrosis and other diseases musculoskeletal system, but from many different pathologies of the body.

Burdock has shown high effectiveness in such pathologies as:

Burdock-based ointment is successfully used for baldness.

It should be understood that arthrosis of the knee joint is serious illness musculoskeletal system. You should never self-medicate and first of all you need to know accurate diagnosis. Therefore, before any use of such therapy, be sure to consult your doctor.

Large burdock, also known as burdock, has many healing properties. The roots, leaves and seeds of this plant contain a huge amount of useful substances.

From various parts plants prepare tinctures, poultices, decoctions, powders, compresses. The latter can be successfully used for:

  • Arthrosis and arthritis.
  • Gout.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Radiculitis.
  • Osteochondrosis.

It is worth noting that compresses made from burdock leaves are effective in complex therapy to maintain joints in working order and relieve pain syndrome. But at the same time, it is necessary to understand that the full treatment of the disease includes not only folk remedies, but also medications.

How is it useful?

The healing properties of burdock are widely known to science. The plant contains a lot of inulin (up to 45% of dry weight) - a plant analogue of insulin (a hormone that regulates blood sugar). Among other things, inulin stimulates recovery bone tissue due to calcium binding, suppresses inflammatory processes, removes ions heavy metals from the body. For these reasons, burdock compresses have positive influence for arthrosis and arthritis.

But the plant is rich in more than just inulin. It contains in slightly smaller quantities:

  • Saponin.
  • Bitterness.
  • Phytoestrogens.
  • Essential oils.
  • Anthocyanins.
  • Vitamins.
  • Carotenes.
  • Tannins and resins.

Phytoestrogens and tannins promote the production of collagen by cells, a protein necessary for the proper functioning of joints. In addition, burdock leaves help eliminate extra salts, which will alleviate the patient’s condition with osteochondrosis.

Treatment with burdock compresses is also prescribed for gout - a complex of substances contained in the plant stimulates the excretion of uric acid.

The effectiveness of compresses made from burdock leaves has been proven for a long time. After all, it boasts diaphoretic, diuretic, and analgesic properties.

Popular recipes

To many of their patients, doctors, in addition to classical treatment folk remedies are prescribed. Moreover, it is quite often recommended to use burdock.

There are several recipes for preparing a composition for compresses:

  1. According to one of them, the leaves should be placed in a glass jar with a lid and placed in a sunny place. After about a week, a mush of half-rotted vegetation forms in the jar. This is what some people recommend using for effective treatment diseases such as arthritis, gout, radiculitis. This recipe is good because such “preserved leaves” can be used in winter or late autumn– during a period when it is impossible to obtain fresh plants.
  2. Another recipe involves using whole material. Carefully dried foliage is folded with the velvety side up, covered with newspaper and placed under a hot press. The last one can be a saucepan with hot water or a heating pad. The heated leaves are applied to the knee joint and covered with wax paper or a warm cloth. It is not recommended to use polyethylene - this material causes sweating, and excess moisture impairs absorption healing substances.
  3. Compresses made from fresh crushed burdock leaves soaked in cologne are quite effective. The paste is applied to the sore spot, covered with heat-insulating material and left overnight. To improve the effect, you can add crushed garlic or honey to the gruel.

You should not look for recipes for compresses on your own - it is better to consult a doctor about which one you should choose. The specialist will also tell you how to do it correctly.

A burdock compress will have maximum effect when correct use. But with the same degree of probability it can harm the body if you do not follow the recipe.

Here are a few tips that will greatly increase the effectiveness of this procedure.

  1. To prepare everything for the compress, you need to take 6-7 medium-sized leaves. It’s definitely worth checking to make sure they are free of plaque and signs of being eaten by insects. Such damage does not cause negative influence on medicinal properties plants, however, less useful substances are released from such leaves.
  2. Washing burdock leaves must be done with soap - it removes the outer layer of wax from the surface. Normally, wax prevents the evaporation of water and the release of healing substances, but when using compresses we do not need this. Without an outer layer, the leaf will easily give away all its useful properties.
  3. Use of young and fresh plant material. They are the ones that have the greatest healing properties. The older the leaves, the more essential oils and tannins evaporated from it.
  4. When applying a compress, lubricate inner side sheet sunflower oil. The oil penetrates the stomata, thereby facilitating the release of biologically active substances.
  5. Regularity of use. No compress will help cure arthritis or arthrosis in a week. Compresses from burdock leaves should be applied daily for a month, preferably at night. It is at night that recovery processes occur most intensively.
  6. Heating sheet plates before use. Warm plants release their healing properties much faster.
  7. The joints must be covered with the smooth side of the sheet. The velvety side contains many trichomes - villi, which reduce the evaporation of moisture and, accordingly, slow down the release of substances. On the smooth side, there are practically no trichomes.

By following these nuances, you can achieve good results in the treatment of the disease.

Rules of application

Effective treatment of arthrosis of the joints, gout and radiculitis largely depends on the duration and regularity of the use of compresses. A compress of whole fresh leaves is best left overnight. If you use gruel for treatment, the exposure time can be reduced to several hours.

To achieve maximum effect, the leaf compress should be applied daily for 3-4 weeks. Then you can take a short break and then continue therapy.

In combination with medications, daily compresses can lead to complete recovery. If you are unable to apply a compress daily, you can reduce the frequency to twice a week.

On days when joint pain becomes less severe, it is recommended to take a steam bath, unless contraindicated by a doctor.

Burdock is a popular natural remedy in the field of traditional medicine. To treat joints, homemade formulations made from burdock root are used. The leaves are also actively used as part of complex therapy as an anesthetic for rheumatism, radiculitis, arthrosis, and inflammatory processes in the joints.

What are the benefits of a weed? How does burdock work for joint diseases? Find out more useful information, take note of inexpensive recipes, effective formulations with burdock root and leaves for joints. With minimal treatment costs, the benefits from using folk remedies will be maximum.

Composition of a natural product

All parts of the weed plant have a rich chemical composition. Healing properties served as the reason for the second name of burdock - “Russian ginseng”.

The roots, flowers, and leaves of burdock contain a unique set of useful substances:

  • vitamin C;
  • essential oils;
  • arctiin glycoside;
  • tannins;
  • palmitic and stearic acids;
  • sitosterol;
  • linoleic and oleic fatty acids;
  • resins;
  • polysaccharide inulin;
  • bitterness;
  • protein substances.

How to develop an arm and how long to wear a cast without displacement? Read useful information.

Effective methods of treating dorsopathy lumbar region spine are described on the page.

Useful action

Homemade compositions with burdock leaves and root actively affect the condition of diseased joints:

  • reduce tissue swelling;
  • reduce pain during degenerative-dystrophic and destructive changes;
  • stop the development of the inflammatory process.


Five reasons for using burdock roots and leaves in folk medicine:

  • availability ( weed grows in many regions, dry raw materials and burdock extract in pharmaceutical packaging are inexpensive);
  • a wide selection of recipes: ointments, tinctures, burdock oil, compresses, use of fresh leaves;
  • benefits of roots and leaves for many inflammatory diseases joints and spine;
  • active effect on salt deposits, removal of toxic substances. Positive effects on weakened cartilage, tense muscles, activation of metabolism, reduction of pain after using homemade compositions with burdock;
  • do not provoke allergic reactions and have virtually no contraindications.

Note! Many herbalists consider burdock to be one of the most useful natural products for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, pathologies that develop against the background of destructive and degenerative changes in the joints. Orthopedic traumatologists, rheumatologists and arthrologists are also positive about the inclusion of burdock formulations in complex therapy.

Indications for use

Natural raw materials with a rich composition are used for the following diseases and negative conditions of the musculoskeletal system:

Burdock for the treatment of joints: a selection of recipes

Traditional healers and herbalists offer available funds with leaves, oil and burdock root. For the preparation of ointments, decoctions for baths and compresses, compositions for medicinal wraps, fresh and dry raw materials are suitable. Before use, it is important to thoroughly rinse the above-ground and underground parts of the plant.

Proven recipes:

  • burdock decoction for external use. A liter of hot water requires 50 g of chopped leaves. Boil the green mass for 5 minutes, let it brew, filter. Store the product in a cool place, use the healing liquid daily for compresses for gout, arthritis and rheumatism. The effect of the natural remedy is enhanced by the addition of aloe juice or thin honey (it is enough to add 1 tsp per glass of burdock decoction). useful product). Duration treatment course- three weeks;
  • decoction for oral administration. Boil a glass of water, add a teaspoon of chopped burdock root, and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain the cooled broth, take a tablespoon three times a day, a quarter of an hour before meals. After a course of procedures (duration 20 days) it will decrease, the body will be cleansed of toxins, and the condition will improve. cartilage tissue. Greatest effect noticeable when combining burdock decoction for external and internal use. The main thing is to observe the duration of therapy, take breaks between courses;
  • burdock root ointment. You will need fresh raw materials or ready-made juice in pharmaceutical packaging. Grind the dug up burdock root in a blender, squeeze out the juice, and pour into a porcelain or glass container. Pour in vegetable oil (1 part), burdock juice should be 2 times more. After mixing thoroughly, apply homemade ointment to sore joints daily. For a noticeable effect, rub the product twice a day;
  • burdock root powder. Natural remedy heals the body, treats affected joints from the inside, normalizes metabolism. Dry the washed roots, grind them in a coffee grinder, leave the natural powder in the sun for half an hour, pour it into a container (glass or plastic). Every day, regardless of meals, take 1/3 teaspoon of powder. Be sure to drink a third glass of water. Course of treatment – ​​3 months;
  • compress for joints. Fresh leaves wash, moisten with cologne (Vishnevsky ointment, honey, aloe juice), apply to the sore spot, fix. Keep for 4–5 hours. The compress is effective for arthrosis and inflammatory processes;
  • tincture for cleansing the body, removing salts. In a glass container, combine 500 ml of linden honey and juice ( pharmaceutical extract) burdock. To the mixture natural ingredients add 100 ml of alcohol, stir, put in the refrigerator. Take a teaspoon of the remedy once a day shortly before meals. The course of treatment is a month, then a break for 3 weeks. You can take 4 courses per year.

When your joints constantly hurt, then any means are used to get rid of this disease. A good remedy the fight against arthritis and arthrosis is the treatment of joints with burdock - the same weed that grows on our summer cottages, along roads, in garbage dumps. The spreading, dark green leaves of this plant are difficult to miss. But not many people know the healing properties of burdock for joints. We'll tell you how to use the roots, stems, seeds and leaves of burdock for joint pain.

There are two types of medicinal burdock - large (burdock) and cobwebby. These plants have different leaves, pubescence, and basket sizes, but parts of both one and another type of this weed can be used for medicinal purposes.

Burdock contains a huge amount of useful substances. So, the roots of this plant are rich in:

  • inulin up to 45%;
  • essential oils;
  • proteins 12%;
  • tannins, fat-like substances, bitterness;
  • stearic, palmitic and other organic acids;
  • hormonal, minerals, vitamins;
  • alkaloids with antitumor activity, etc.

In addition, before the plant begins to flower, the roots can be used as food raw, baked, boiled, dried or fried. If burdock roots are dried and ground, they can be used as a coffee drink, like chicory.

The leaves of this weed also contain many elements with beneficial properties:

  • mucus, tannins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • hyperoside, carotene (about 18 mg), rutin;
  • essential oils.

Therefore, it is not by chance that burdock is used to treat joints. Its composition, rich in unique substances, has an effect on the body healing effect, having many therapeutic properties:

  • diuretic and diaphoretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • wound healing;
  • immunostimulating property.

In Tibetan and folk medicine, all parts of burdock are used, but scientific medicine uses only the roots of this plant, and exclusively the first and second cycles of growth.

Benefits of using burdock to treat joints

Burdock is used for various joint pains for several reasons:

  • a wide variety of recipes - there are many tinctures, compresses, ointments. It is possible to use burdock oil, as well as fresh leaves;
  • availability - in its raw form this weed grows in most regions; in dry form or in the form of burdock extract it can be purchased inexpensively at the pharmacy;
  • Many people use burdock roots and leaves to cure inflammatory processes in the joints and spinal column;
  • displays toxic substances from the body;
  • various parts of this weed can be used to treat weak cartilage, remove muscle tension, speed up metabolism, reduce pain;
  • actively acts on salt deposits;
  • is a hypoallergenic product with minimal list contraindications. Thus, it is not recommended for lactating and pregnant women to take recipes containing burdock orally.

Various burdock recipes are used for the following joint diseases:

  • arthritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • arthrosis;
  • bruises;
  • radiculitis;
  • bursitis;
  • old fractures;
  • gout.

Remedies with burdock can significantly reduce swelling of the tissues that surround the joint and resolve hematomas and bruises faster. At regular use Burdock recipes improve immunity.

Recipes with burdock for joint pain

Burdock is used to treat joints due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. However, with burdock therapy you need to be patient. Burdock does not have an immediate effect like a tablet. The healing effect is felt some time after the end of at least one course of treatment.

To quickly achieve the desired effect, products with burdock must be combined with a complex of other therapeutic measures- charging, receiving medications, physiotherapy, etc. In addition, before starting burdock therapy, you need to consult your doctor.

Introducing 9 simple but effective recipes with burdock for the treatment of joints:

  1. Ambulance. It is worth paying attention to which side to apply the leaves to the sore joints. If you bruise your knee joint in the warm season, you need to pick a burdock leaf, apply the back side to the knee, wrap it with cloth and leave the bandage overnight. If there are abrasions, the sheet needs to be crushed a little and then applied to the scratch so that the abrasion heals faster.
  2. Quick compress. Burdock leaves must be thoroughly washed, finely chopped and placed tightly in a glass jar, placing the vessel in a sunny place. In the sun, the plant will wilt and turn into a bad-smelling mush. After mold appears, burdock can be applied to the joints as a compress.
  3. For arthritis and rheumatism. Apply well-washed burdock leaves to the sore joints at night with the smooth side. For greater effectiveness, the leaves should first be mashed before the juice appears and moistened with cologne. Cover the top of the sheet with cling film and secure it with a warm scarf or scarf. For the indicated ailments, lotions made from steamed burdock root are also effective (you can either pour boiling water over it for a few minutes or put it in the microwave).
  4. Tincture for arthrosis. To cure this joint disease, you need to wash, dry and peel the outer skin of the roots of the plant, then grate them on a fine grater. Pour 2 tsp into a glass of boiling water. chopped burdock roots and let it brew. Take tincture 1 tbsp. 5−7 times a day.
  5. A decoction for the treatment of arthrosis. Wash, dry, peel and chop the burdock roots. 1 tbsp. burdock powder needs to be poured into 500 ml of boiling water. Place the mixture on the fire and simmer for 30-40 minutes over low heat. Remove from heat and let cool. Take 100 ml several times a day.
  6. Burdock powder for arthrosis. The peeled and washed roots need to be dried and the powder finely ground in a coffee grinder. The finished powder must be thoroughly dried in the sun again for 30-40 minutes. After drying, the product should be poured into a glass container and placed in a dark place. In case of exacerbation of arthrosis, take 1/3 tsp. powder, diluting it with 1/3 cup warm boiled water, after meals 3 times a day. You can also dilute the powder with honey in a 1:1 ratio and take 1 tbsp. l 3 times a day.
  7. For arthrosis of the knee joint. Several burdock leaves need to be thoroughly washed and dried. Then stack the leaves with the matte side down and apply them to the sore knee joint. It is also recommended to pre-lubricate the bottom sheet with vegetable oil or cinquefoil oil. Having applied the greenery to the knee, you need to wrap it in cling film or cellophane and secure the bandage with a cloth.
  8. Burdock tincture for joint pain. It is necessary to mix honey and burdock root powder in a 1:1 ratio. A tablespoon of the mixture should be poured with 200 ml of vodka and left for 7-10 days. Take 1 tbsp of tincture. 3 times a day.
  9. A lotion for back pain. The burdock leaf needs to be crushed a little until the juice appears, then moistened with vodka and applied to the sore spot. Cover the top of the compress with polyethylene and wrap it with a warm cloth, leaving it overnight. You will immediately feel relief, but the procedure must be repeated for 14-20 days.

Treatment of joints with burdock according to the proposed recipes is not the only panacea for joint pain; as part of complex therapy, burdock remedies are more effective.