Is it possible to walk a dog without a leash? Is it prohibited to walk dogs in the local area? Are there any penalties for breaking the law? On the territory of the Sverdlovsk region

What documents in 2017 define the rules for keeping pets? Many laws are not enforced Everyday life, but it's worth checking them out.

Dog walking laws Russian Federation blurred. There is no separate Federal law on this, but Article 137 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that property rules apply to animals.

A citizen has no right to cruelly treat animals.

An animal is not property, but the legal regime of property applies to it. Therefore a pet is an object civil rights, on the basis of which various transactions are concluded: gift agreement, purchase and sale contract, etc.

Don't know what to do and how to punish for cruelty to animals? Consult a lawyer regarding this issue. List of specialists who are in your city

How and where to walk your dog legally?

In accordance with the rules for walking dogs in the city of the Russian Federation, you can use a special area for training and training.

Requirements for sites:

  • The size of the walking area is at least 400 square meters;
  • Distance to apartment buildings and public buildings- at least 25 meters;
  • The distance to schools, kindergartens, playgrounds and hospitals is at least 40 meters;
  • Covering areas in the form of lawn or sand should be changed at least once every 12 months.

According to the Law “On the Treatment of Animals”, dog owners must treat them humanely and not leave them long time unattended during the walking period, give water and food on time. If the animal is sick, it is necessary to promptly provide veterinary care or vaccinate. Don't want to keep a cat, dog or other pet? Give it to the owner or give it to special shelter staff. Don't put your animal outside!

Walking dogs in the park: order and rules

The law allows you to walk your dog on a leash and muzzle in any park. But each specific park sets its own order. Follow the internal rules.

Eat general standards walking, which, according to the law, are applied by all subjects of the country. One of these documents was adopted during the Soviet Union. Its full name is the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFRS “On regulating the keeping of dogs and cats in cities and other populated areas RFSRRF" No. 449 dated September 23, 1980.

Please note that despite its age, the law remains in force throughout the Russian Federation. Chapter 3 defines the requirements that must be met by pet owners:

  • The dog is walked on a short leash or wearing a muzzle. As an exception: puppies whose age does not exceed three months;
  • Pets are walked in strictly designated areas. If the area is closed, then the dog can be walked without a leash and muzzle;
  • You can walk the dog around the clock, but at night, usually from 23:00 to 07:00, the owner must ensure silence for those around him;
  • Persons who are in a state of alcohol intoxication, walking the dog is prohibited.

If the walking rules are violated, the persons (owners) may be held administratively liable for violating the order. But if the law in relation to third parties was significantly violated, the situation is considered at the level federal law. In this case, the person may even be held criminally liable.

For example, large breed dogs, due to their parameters, are recognized as a source of danger to society. If such a pet bites a person, then, in accordance with Article 1079 of the Civil Law of the Russian Federation, not only moral compensation for the harm caused is recovered from the owner, but also criminal liability is implied. Bringing a citizen (owner) to criminal liability by law implies causing damage to someone else's property or causing serious harm to health while walking (Articles 118 and 168 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Traveling on public transport with a dog

Based on the law and rules of use vehicle the conditions for transporting animals to ground transport. Generally accepted standards state that small pets and caged birds can be carried free of charge. Large dogs must be “equipped” with a leash and muzzle, including when walking in in public places.

If several people with pets are traveling on the bus, each of them is entitled to two seats. You can transport using public transport (bus, trolleybus) big dog. According to general list rules it must be tied, that is, limited in space. Also, every pet owner should know that in order to be transported on public transport, you must have documents with you.

Documents for transporting animals:

  • Veterinary certificate, which contains information about the vaccines given to the pet;
  • Document on the condition of the pet (dog). It is issued at a veterinary hospital. The official paper contains information that the animal does not have rabies. No less important is the date when the last vaccination was given. The rabies vaccine is recommended at least once a year.

If you have hunting dog or other service breed, it is recommended to carry it on rear seats bus. It is necessary to have a certificate from a veterinarian stating that the animal has been vaccinated against rabies. These are standard rules for transporting animals on buses. If the dog's height is more than 40 centimeters, the fare is paid for two people.

By law, a dog is considered small if its weight is less than 5 kilograms. Such a pet can be walked without a leash, but away from public places. With it you can walk around the city or ride on public transport without a muzzle. But if it bites or disturbs passers-by, the owners are doomed to administrative responsibility. The owners are immediately assigned administrative responsibility.

For example, if a dog ends up on a busy road, it could cause an accident. According to the law, the owner will be at fault and will have to compensate for the damage to the participants in the road accident.

Tip: Regardless of the size of the dog, it should always be on a leash (in the city).

Small dogs enjoy privileges. With them you can enter various establishments, even restaurants. But it must be in a carrying bag, or the owner must hold it in his hands. Dispensing in stores, pharmacies, restaurants and other public places is prohibited.

Out of desperation, many owners put muzzles, collars on their beloved pets and take leashes with them while walking. But getting a citizen of the Russian Federation to clean up after him is problematic. Feces from pets, including vaccinated and healthy ones, are a threat to the health of the surrounding population. Therefore, the law obliges every citizen to remove piles left by a pet.

In fact, if you are walking your dog far from the sidewalk and the pile remains under a bush, it is unlikely that anyone will consider this a violation of the law. But the sidewalk needs to be cleared of excrement. Special stores sell thick bags and scoops that make life easier for animal owners.

Walking dogs in a public place is also regulated by certain rules. Failure to comply with such rules entails the imposition of an administrative fine.

Fines for walking dogs in the wrong place

Many owners are unaware that their usual dog walking areas are prohibited by local regulations. Violation of such rules is subject to administrative liability.

Walking dogs is prohibited on:

  • Beaches;
  • Children's playgrounds;
  • Cemeteries;
  • Places that belong to medical and educational institutions;
  • During public events.

Also, according to the law, it is forbidden to go for a walk with large breed dogs:

  • Children under 14 years of age;
  • Persons under the influence of alcohol;
  • Insanity.

If, in accordance with the law, at least one of the above rules is not observed, the owner will be held administratively liable. Provides the following types fines:

  • Walking your dog without a leash in forested areas, parks and squares. The amount of punishment is from 1000 to 2000 rubles;
  • Walking your pet on site kindergarten or school, as well as the amount of the fine for walking a dog on the playground - from 1000 to 2000 rubles;
  • Travel on public transport without a muzzle and leash - from 500 to 1000 rubles (according to the law);
  • Finding a pet without a leash and muzzle in a store - from 1000 to 2000 rubles;
  • Keeping dogs in dormitories or communal apartments without the consent of people living nearby - up to 2,000 rubles;
  • Inciting people - up to 5,000 rubles (the amount of the fine is prescribed in the law on Administrative Offences);
  • Dog fighting - up to 2500 rubles.

The final determination of the amount of the fine under the law depends on the area and region of residence. It should be noted that in Moscow the fines are much higher compared to other regions.

Remember that paying fines on time will avoid accrual of late fees. If there is no money, then apply urgent loan before payday and pay off the debt. Interest-free loan offers can be found

Download the law on dog walking rules

As mentioned above, there is no single law that would describe the rules for walking dogs. But the government of the Russian Federation takes into account the content of the document, which was adopted back in the Soviet Union. It still has legal force. You can download the document “On regulating the keeping of dogs and cats in cities and other localities of the Russian Federation” at.

Good afternoon, Anastasia!

Can a local police officer conduct an investigation into the fact that owners are walking in a crowd? large dogs without muzzles and leashes near the playground?

Responsibility for this violation is provided for by the St. Petersburg Law “On administrative offenses in St. Petersburg".

Article 51 of the Law

3_1. Protocols about administrative offenses encroaching on public order And public safety, compiled by officials of internal affairs bodies (police) in the event that the transfer of relevant powers is provided for by an agreement between the Government of St. Petersburg and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on the transfer of part of the powers.

In any case, the police must record the fact of violation of the law.

Article 8_1. Violation of rules for keeping dogs
1. Allowing the presence and (or) walking of dogs by citizens (owners or persons walking dogs):
- in public places without a leash, and dogs with a height at the withers of more than forty centimeters, without a leash and (or) without a muzzle;
- on all types of public transport (public transport) of urban and suburban traffic without a special bag (container) or without a leash, and dogs with a height at the withers of more than forty centimeters without a leash and (or) without a muzzle;
- on children's and sports grounds, in areas adjacent to children's and educational institutions, as well as healthcare, recreation and recreation institutions;
- in places of cultural events and sporting events- entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount from one thousands to five thousand rubles
3. Dog walking by citizens (owners or persons walking dogs), under the influence of alcohol, narcotic or toxic intoxication, as well as one person walking more than two dogs at the same time, having a height at the withers of more than forty centimeters, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to five thousand rubles.
5. Baiting(compelling dogs to attack people and animals, as well as the actions specified in paragraphs 1-4 of this article, resulting in harm to health and (or) damage to state property of St. Petersburg or the property of citizens or organizations, if these actions do not constitute crimes entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of four thousand to five thousand rubles.

You can also send a complaint to your St. Petersburg District Administration, since dog walking is their responsibility. I wish you success.

Many people dream of having a dog, but not everyone really realizes what worries fall on the shoulders of its owner, because he becomes responsible not only for the life and health of the pet, but also for its interaction with others. For owners, the latter is especially important, since one of the problems in Russia today is the rules for walking dogs and the obligation for all dog owners to comply with them.

Starting from January 1, 2018, amendments to the Law “On the Responsible Treatment of Animals” have been in effect in the country, which also affected the rules for walking pets.

Firstly, during walking you should ensure the safety of both the pet itself and other animals, people, and their property. Previously (since Soviet times) all dogs were allowed to be in public places only on a leash and muzzle. Now, in the case of crossing the roadway, children's or sports grounds and when staying in common areas for residents of multi-apartment residential buildings, it is enough to use only a leash for the animal. The exceptions are fighting breeds and large pets weighing more than 15 kg. In this case, you should give preference to a short leash, which, if necessary, will allow you to control the pet’s actions. The collar or bridle must have a tag with the owner’s contact information and information about the dog’s registration details.

Secondly, dog breeders will have to Special attention pay attention to the cleanliness of the streets. New amendments to the 2018 dog walking law oblige owners to avoid pollution environment waste products of pets. Otherwise, you should take care of their immediate cleaning using special bags and a scoop, or pay a fine.

But trying to comply with the latter requirement, citizens risk violating sanitary and epidemiological rules, according to which it is prohibited to store animal excrement with household waste. This means that bags of dog waste cannot be thrown into city trash bins. The best option V in this case are dog boxes, but they are just beginning to appear in Russian cities.

Where can you go for a walk?

Free walking (without a leash or muzzle) of dogs is allowed in specially designated areas enclosed by a fence, or in vacant lots, beams and green areas, provided that the safety of the people present there is ensured. But finding equipped sites even in large populated areas can be quite difficult. In some cities, signs are simply installed indicating that walking animals in a given area is allowed, or, conversely, prohibited. In addition, the law strictly prohibits walking pets:

  • on the territory of children's playgrounds;
  • at a distance closer than 30 m from the entrances of apartment buildings.
  • in areas adjacent to educational and medical institutions;
  • in territories related to cultural and sports institutions;
  • in crowded places (except for parks);

Other walking rules

In addition to the listed restrictions, the law establishes a number of requirements for dog walking:

  • Only adult citizens who are sober can walk animals in the city.
  • In Moscow and some other regions of Russia, it is prohibited for children under 12-14 years of age to walk with a dog (depending on the breed).

Important! Walking dogs is allowed at any time of the day or night, but in the period from 23:00 to 7:00 the owner is obliged to take all measures to maintain silence while walking with animals.

  • Do not let your pet off the leash in public places, even if it is wearing a muzzle.
  • Do not visit places with your dog where walking is prohibited by regional legislation. The indicated areas are indicated by appropriate signs.
  • To move in vehicles, use means that restrict the animal’s ability to move (carrying, leash, muzzle, collar, including a strict one).


Administrative responsibility for violating the new rules for walking dogs falls on their owners. Violators face sanctions in the form of fines:

  • ordinary citizens – 3-4 thousand rubles;
  • officials – 30-50 thousand rubles;
  • legal entities – 100-150 thousand rubles.

Moreover, in case of repeated violations recorded during the year, the amount of fines increases significantly:

  • for ordinary citizens – up to 10-20 thousand rubles;
  • for officials – up to 50-100 thousand rubles;
  • For legal entities– up to 700 thousand - 1 million rubles.

In addition to a fine, in some cases the violator faces confiscation of the pet.

Also, in accordance with the new rules, fines are provided:

  • 1000-5000 rub. for walking pet the owner who is intoxicated;
  • 1000-3000 rub. for failure to register the pet in the Animal Register. But it is worth noting that dog owners have 3 years from the date the new law comes into force to register.

As for fines for walking a dog without a muzzle, they are regulated by regional legal acts. So, in Moscow you can walk your pet without a muzzle if you do not plan to visit shops, markets, beaches, playgrounds or travel on public transport. For such cases, you should mandatory put a muzzle on the dog, regardless of its size and breed. Otherwise, you will have to pay a fine of 1000-2000 rubles. (according to Article 5.1, paragraph 3 of the Moscow Code of Administrative Offences).

In dog breeding culture, Russians are still very far from ideal: in public places there are animals without a leash, dogs without a muzzle run around yards, which sometimes leads to sad consequences both for other citizens and for the pets themselves. Therefore, for those owners who truly love their pet and want to avoid unpleasant incidents, it is important to do everything possible so that it does not cause concern to the people around them.

It is difficult to predict a dog's behavior on the street. An animal can react aggressively to any external stimulus, so dog owners should protect others and four-legged friend by using special means. Before you find out which dogs are required to wear a muzzle by law, you need to find out the legal nuances regarding pet walking.

When walking, a muzzle not only ensures the safety of others, but also of the dog himself (the possibility of poisoning after eating food from the ground). In the Russian Federation, at the federal level, these issues are regulated by the legislation of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Federal Law “On the Responsible Treatment of Animals” and amendments to it, in force since January 1, 2018. At the regional level, this activity is controlled by local rules and regulations.

According to these documents, when walking with a pet, owners must follow the basic rules. They are as follows:

  1. If the pet's weight is more than 5 kg, then walking it without a muzzle is prohibited in public places (shops, public transport, public places). Without special devices, the law allows you to walk puppies up to 3 months old and small dogs with a withers height of no more than 25 cm. In Moscow, this rule applies to all pets, be it a dachshund or a shepherd.
  2. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of free, uncontrolled movement of animals in courtyards, entrances, elevators, on roads, sports and playgrounds, near schools, kindergartens, clinics and places Catering, using a leash. This applies to pets of all breeds and body weights.
  3. The law allows you to walk your dog around the clock, but you must ensure silence between 11:00 pm and 7:00 am.
  4. It is considered a violation to walk a pet while intoxicated.
  5. By law, the dog’s collar must contain information about the owner’s address and contact information if the animal gets lost.
  6. The dog can be kept without a muzzle and a leash only in specially designated walking areas or in private territory equipped with good fencing and with a sign warning about the presence of the animal.
  7. Walking potentially dangerous dogs is prohibited by law fighting breeds without leash and muzzle. If ammunition is present, then an animal of a dangerous breed should not be accompanied by a minor, a drunk person or a person without special permission, as well as persons with disabilities. physical capabilities or declared incompetent by a court decision.
  8. The owner is obliged to monitor the cleanliness of the area in which he walks with the dog. If an animal leaves behind waste products, the owner is obliged to remove them with a dustpan and a thick bag.

List of breeds requiring special maintenance

The law prohibits walking pets that require special care without special equipment. Each region has its own list of these breeds. As an example, information on the Moscow region is provided:

  • Akita;
  • American Bulldog;
  • American Pit Bull Terrier;
  • American Staffordshire Terrier;
  • English Mastiff;
  • Dogo Argentino;
  • Dogue de Bordeaux;
  • Bandog;
  • Brazilian Mastiff (Fila Brasileiro);
  • Bull Terrier;
  • Bullmastiff;
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog;
  • Ca-de-bo;
  • Dogo Canario;
  • Cane Corso;
  • Kuvasz;
  • Moscow Watchdog;
  • German dog;
  • Neapolitan Mastiff (Mastino Neapolitano);
  • Portuguese Shepherd;
  • Rottweiler;
  • Central asian shepherd dog;
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier;
  • Tibetan mastiff;
  • Tosa Inu;
  • Chow-chow;
  • Black Terrier;
  • Shar Pei;
  • South Russian Shepherd Dog;
  • Japanese Mastiff.