Cancer man in love and his behavior in relationships! How a Cancer man in love behaves.

Cancer man... “there is no sign worse than Cancer,” astrologers say, meaning his desire to constantly be in his “shell” and lead a secretive lifestyle. He does not like fun companies and noisy parties. It is impossible to reveal a Cancer man on the first date. And you will not fully recognize him until he is at home, in his fortress. This is where the main metamorphoses take place - silent and slightly gloomy, at home he turns into a caring and affectionate man. Like a real cook, he always has a refrigerator full of food. As well as clean floors and organized closets. Have you developed an inferiority complex yet? If you find yourself visiting him, he will do everything to make you feel cozy and comfortable. Home for a Cancer man is the most important thing. This is his “shell” that protects him from all the adversities of the outside world.

The Cancer man is a true gentleman

The Cancer man has excellent taste and good manners. He is a true gentleman, always polite, friendly and with a wonderful sense of humor. Cancer is the most mysterious of all the signs of the Zodiac, and where there is mystery, there is interest from the opposite sex.
Women love such men; they make them feel desirable, handsome, and witty. And largely thanks to the natural tendency of Cancer men to generously give compliments. These men know the right approach to a woman! And at the same time, they are sensitive and understanding, always ready to listen and help.

Disadvantages of Cancers

The disadvantage of such men is that they like to hush up all problems. If something bothers him, he will remain silent like a partisan and wait for you to understand the reason for his dissatisfaction. If you start making a scandal, blaming him, or God forbid insulting him, he may completely go into his “crayfish shell”, and it will be extremely difficult for you to lure him out of there. Well, maybe a delicious dinner. But it’s better not to give free rein to your emotions - in anger you will say all sorts of things, then you will forget, but the Cancer man will remember it for a very long time. And be offended. He is not one of those men who desperately needs emotions - it doesn’t matter - positive or negative.

What is happiness for a Cancer man?

His happiness is peace, tranquility and comfort. He loves looking through old photographs, remembering childhood friends, sighing sadly for the old days, carefully straightening the blanket on his lap so as not to disturb his beloved cat. Yes, the Cancer man is sentimental and dreamy.
Sometimes it seems that he lives in his own fantasy world. But only at home can he allow himself to be like this. He will never show his true self with strangers.

How to win a Cancer man?

To attract and win a Cancer man, you need to be able to take care of yourself. Keep in mind that these men notice everything, from a knocked heel on a shoe to overgrown roots on their hair. Therefore, no sloppy or peeling nail polish - this will scare off this connoisseur of feminine freshness and grooming.

Cancers in love

The Cancer man is an incorrigible romantic. During the candy-bouquet period, he will literally shower you with flowers and gifts, and will take you to cafes and cinemas. What can I say, even in family life he will not let everyday life eat up your couple. Even though he is all such a thrifty and homely person, there is never a dull moment with him.
His intellectual abilities lead to success in politics, business, literature. And hard work and efficiency lead to a successful career and financial stability. People like him are valued and encouraged in every possible way at work. Therefore, Cancer men never have problems with money. He will be able to earn money and provide for himself (and you) at any time. life situation. - this is not about him! If he has already taken up the matter, then he will not just let it go from his claws, he will definitely see it through to the end.

Cancer man - compatibility

Aries Woman

The union is difficult, filled with quarrels and conflicts. Aries is one of the most active signs of the zodiac, leaders. Cancers, on the contrary, are balanced, family-oriented and calm. For a union to be successful, it is desirable that both halves equally share household responsibilities, have a common dream, and go towards the same goal in life.

Taurus Woman

A quiet, calm and conflict-free union that can exist long years. Cancer becomes the head of the family, the breadwinner, the Taurus woman helps him in everything, provides home comfort, manages everyday life and takes care of the children. There is usually no special passion in such relationships, but there is understanding and patience.

Gemini Woman

In this union, physical intimacy is at the forefront - in bed they are ideal lovers, ready to constantly charm each other in a new way. For routine life, these people are too different, with different life goals. They have a completely different understanding of family. For Cancer, family is the most valuable and important thing; Gemini, on the contrary, value personal freedom and do not like to lead everyday life. Such partners make wonderful friends and lovers, but a bad family.

Cancer Woman

A very rare union, since it is difficult for two Cancers to live under the same roof. A man understands a woman in everything, but she does not arouse his interest, does not intrigue him. Great passion Things rarely flare up between such partners; more often, just friendship appears. If love arises between partners, then this is the most ideal relationship.

Leo Woman

A very common union. Cancer strives to conquer the proud Lioness. He likes her energy and inner strength. The Lioness will always be the leader in such relationships. Cancer will carry out her orders, but if she disobeys, quarrels and resentments are inevitable. Cancer is also frightened by the waste of money by the chosen one, her craving for beautiful and expensive things. Such partners are ideal lovers. Cancer is slow. Very often, after living with cancer for some time, the Lioness begins to look for a more generous and active partner.

Virgo Woman

Also a fairly common union. Cancers and Virgos have similar views on life, money, family and everyday life. Both signs love to save money and do not waste it. For both Virgo and Cancer, the main priority in life is family and home comfort. Together they arrange their life perfectly. Virgo often educates Cancer, teaching him how to live, but such reproaches rarely lead to scandals. Sexually partners are rarely compatible, but otherwise they go well together. A reliable and promising marriage.

Libra Woman

A very real union. These zodiac signs make very good friends. They can spend hours discussing some idea, plans for the future, although the passivity of both signs does not allow them to quickly implement these plans. If such a couple survives the period of getting used to each other, then it is quite possible that family happiness will await them.

Scorpio Woman

A complex union. The Scorpio woman inspires the Cancer man, but on the contrary, he irritates her with his slowness. Ideal sexual partners. If Cancer can tolerate the pickiness of his chosen one, the couple is promised a long future together.

Sagittarius Woman

A difficult alliance. Cancers and Sagittarius are very different in their worldview. At first, Cancer arouses increased interest in Sagittarius and will try to win him over. Over time, interest fades away, and most often their relationship breaks down due to ordinary everyday problems.

Capricorn Woman

People under such signs are absolute opposites. This is an extremely rare union. The Capricorn woman is constantly trying to suppress Cancer, to “tame him.” Such a woman will never understand the subtle soul of a Cancer man. At the beginning of family life, partners still somehow try to get along. But over the years they only quarrel and insult each other. These are people of different levels. Even sexually they are opposites. Such a union is unlikely to be happy.

Aquarius Woman

We can say that this is an ideal union for Cancer. Such relationships often last for many years. Leadership in the family will fall on the shoulders of Aquarius; she will captivate Cancer with her activity.

The only thing that can destroy this union is deception, betrayal or constant whining on the part of Cancer. In such families, a lot of attention is paid to children.

Very gentle and sensitive natures. They can easily understand what others think, so they are always aware of the sincerity of loved ones. They are ready to give themselves loving people, but will never respect those who pushed them away or deliberately offended them. They are capable of bringing the whole world to their family, but will never forgive betrayal.

Cancer man in love

The Cancer man is an ideal husband and father. He values ​​his family and always devotes a lot of time to his family. Everything he does in life, he does for his wife and children. He does not know how to live for himself, devoting all his attention to other people. But at the same time he is jealous, demanding and persistent.

Men born under this sign are never in a hurry to get married. They understand that there should be a nearby ideal woman. At the same time, they are not looking for a standard of beauty, but something necessary for themselves. They carefully study the character, habits, and behavioral characteristics in order to understand whether they are ready to walk side by side all their lives. They take marriage seriously, expecting it to last until the end of their lives.

Find the right woman Cancers rarely succeed in their youth. Therefore, they sometimes begin to change companions. This search is a search, although many consider it frivolity. By the age of 30, all Cancers settle down and find a comfortable life with one single lady.

There are also cases of strong attachment to the mother, then the relationship does not work out due to the jealousy of the older woman towards the younger one.

Cancer man in love very demanding, he is ready to give the whole world, but at the same time he expects loyalty and support. He will not tolerate insults, condemnation of his behavior, betrayal or other liberties. He's still on initial stage relationship will test the girl for the possibility of betrayal. And if there are doubts, he will simply step aside. Even strong feelings will not help if he doubts a woman. Cancer can only spend the rest of his life with a person he trusts 100%.

What kind of women do Cancer men love?

For a representative of the water element, the girl’s character is important. He needs a good housewife, a mother. He is looking for someone who will make the house cozy and happy. He carefully creates his nest - a place for rest and relaxation. And he can only have a calm, kind and clean nature.

Cancer does not tolerate sarcastic women. He appreciates a sense of humor only when it does not concern individuals. All kinds of gags and jokes addressed to him will immediately deprive the woman of attention.

He is jealous and does not like situations where this feeling manifests itself. There is no need to tease him; he will simply consider the jealousy that is trying to arouse him to be unworthy of attention.

Cancer woman in love

Cancer women very gentle and touching creatures. They always believe in true love, and at any age they are waiting for their prince. They cannot come to terms with calculations in relationships; profit does not come first for them. Surprisingly, the absence of feelings can cause them to not be in a union, even if everything else suits them.

Cancer girls seem withdrawn. They can communicate, smile at others, but at the same time they do not let anyone get close. They are not prone to casual romances or one-day love affairs. They open their hearts only to special people who have proven their sincerity. To be close, you need to not just show interest, you need to win her heart, convince her with actions and words that these are real experiences, and not fleeting interest.

Love in the life of a Cancer woman is very important, because she knows how to truly give herself to her, she breathes her partner, admires him. Such women personify the ideal of a loving wife and an ideal mother. They will easily give their life to a man if he demands it. They can, families and even from children in favor of a loved one. But making sacrifices, they will always expect retaliation. They will devote themselves to their family without regrets, and will believe that this is the most the right decision. They will give comfort, warmth, and a huge amount of attention to those around them.

For some, such care is very valuable, but sometimes it can be intrusive. Cancer devotes too much time to loved ones, but at the same time forgets about himself. She will always feed you, always shelter you, and help you in any matter. And it's important to show her what it is necessary actions, evaluate them positively, and then she . If you take it for granted or get irritated by being too protective, she will be offended. And although she won’t say anything out loud, it will be very difficult to worry that she is not understood, that her manifestations of love are not needed.

What kind of men do Cancer women love?

Kindness is the main quality that a Cancer woman needs. She will not be able to get along with an aggressive person, with someone who is too jealous or with someone who is not ready to listen to her. Such a lady requires a lot of attention to herself; she constantly needs to know that she is loved and understood. Therefore, only a patient man can endure this for many years.

She doesn’t care about income, status or fame; she values ​​caring for family values. She will definitely pay attention to the relationship between the man and his parents, and if everything is complicated there, he will cease to be interesting to her. It is important for her to maintain love and peace in the family, and if a person is not capable of this, she will not convince him, but will simply choose another.

How to win the heart of Cancer

How a Cancer man loves? Selfless and romantic. He puts his chosen one first, and her interests become a priority. Cancer Woman He also believes that family is the most important thing. And such partners are ideal for those who dream of realizing themselves in society. Then Cancer, regardless of gender, takes care of the house, raises children, solves current problems, and the representative of the other sign leads active life, achieves results in work and business. Such unions are durable, practical and convenient.

Why does Cancer love home? Because for him it is like a shell in which he can hide from the outside world. This zodiac sign is very afraid of pain, and constantly needs shelter. To conquer such a person, you need to provide him with a place where it is safe and comfortable. It is worth letting him know that he is loved, appreciated, that he is protected, and Cancer will begin to open up and show feelings.

True Cancer man in love does not tolerate criticism. He is sure that if a friend doesn’t like something, then this is no longer a real feeling. He himself is capable of accepting a woman with all her shortcomings, and he expects this from her too. To win his heart, you need to learn to express your requests very good-naturedly. Then Cancer will melt, as he will conclude that he will not be hurt, and this is the most important thing for him.

To conquer a Cancer woman, no need to rush her. She moves into the relationship slowly, weighing every step. She is easily frightened by persistence or demandingness. She is searching romantic relationships with a lot of courtship. She understands that she will then serve her chosen one for many years, so she evaluates the applicants for a long time in order to choose a worthy one.

Cancers know how to love, they are faithful, devoted and very patient partners. But their feelings must be protected without causing pain. Any harsh word can upset them for several days. Such people need to be protected, and then they will do everything for their loved ones.

A Cancer man in love is a kind, sensual, gentle and passionate partner. He has a huge imagination and will begin to win his beloved in original ways, he knows how to force. On the other hand, he is curious and frivolous, which does not always have a positive effect on relationships.

General characteristics of the sign

Cancer has excellent intelligence and excellent memory. He is prone to self-examination, looks for flaws in himself and always finds them. It seems that he wants to go forward and achieve success, but he will always find a reason to stop halfway or not take on a new business at all.

Quite often among them there are true patriots who are not only loyal to their country, but also to their place of birth. He does not like to change his place of residence; for him there is nothing nicer than his own home.

He cannot make quick decisions; he always needs to be given time to think. You need to weigh everything, compare the pros and cons.

Love horoscope

A Cancer man in love is the most sensitive, gentle and vulnerable of all signs. Love can bring him great joy and at the same time torment and suffering. Among them, quite often the feeling of attachment to the mother is very high.

In his youth, he dreams of love and is quite romantic, his imagination draws beautiful pictures, he loves to dream and imagine his ideal! If the first chosen one lives up to expectations and reciprocates, then the Cancer man in love will remain the same romantic for the rest of his life.

But this romantic has another side to love - he is a terrible owner, a woman can simply disappoint him, not only with betrayal, even with a sidelong glance at another man. He will not make a scandal or throw tantrums, but will simply leave and, most likely, warm up under his mother’s wing. Therefore, a woman whose companion was born under the sign of Cancer simply cannot provoke him to jealousy.

The Cancer man is usually calm and simple in love and relationships. He is faithful to his companion, such men make simply excellent husbands and fathers, for them they have great value Family is the meaning of life. They rush home from work, they adore their wife and children. Real

In search of his ideal, he can go through a bunch of women, often looking for someone similar to his mother. For marriage, they need a serious and intellectual companion; it is possible that she is somewhat older than him. Such a man can be called henpecked; he completely devotes himself to her interests, lives for her sake. If Cancer loves, then he is simply ideal, but if the feeling is unrequited, life becomes painfully difficult and even thoughts of suicide appear, in this case a rather disappointing horoscope.

With other signs. This is the only sign that will find an approach to a representative of any zodiac. The happiest union is with Scorpio, Virgo, Pisces and Capricorn.

Sexual horoscope for Cancer man

The Cancer man, in search of his ideal, goes through a considerable number of women; if something suits him, he breaks off the relationship without hesitation. Young girls often lose their heads over his gallantry and let him into their bed, but young girls and those without life experience are of little interest to him, so having received what he has, he disappears in an unknown direction, but he does not practice such an attitude with serious and experienced women.

He is erotic and handsome, has high sexuality, but often cares only about his own pleasure and forgets about his partner. Only if the matter does not concern his beloved woman, here he goes out of his way to please her. Some Cancer men are prone to signs of sadism in sex and can be rude and harsh, which can surprise a woman, because outwardly he is always calm.

Each person is unique in terms of character, however, having information about your man's Zodiac Sign, you can better understand the characteristics of his personality. This way you will have a better chance of liking him and understanding how to build your relationship.

If your man is Cancer, it is important to note right away that this Mark The zodiac is characterized by immense love for family. Of course, this does not mean that people of other Signs cannot value family life, parents or their children. No, it’s just that almost all men born under the sign of Cancer are family people. They are predisposed to this lifestyle and truly love it.

For a woman, family always comes first, but that’s not all. A man of this Zodiac Sign is not tough enough for all ladies. Let's take a closer look at the possible character traits and secrets of a Cancer man to help you win his heart.

5 Cancer secrets you should know

Secret one: A man born under the constellation Cancer loves to be more than just a father or husband. Very often his dream is complete and comprehensive management of the family. If you are a woman who wants to take full part in raising children and managing the family budget on an equal basis with her chosen one, then most likely you risk being disappointed. Cancers expect obedience from their loved ones.

Secret number two: If your man is Cancer, then there will be no shortage of affection and love. Yes, many Cancers take on the responsibility of complete management, but maybe this is for the better? They are always busy, but family is the center of the universe for them, so they give all their warmth to their family. They are like a warm blanket that covers you in the evenings and always gives you a feeling of calm. You want to entrust yourself and all family affairs to such people.

Third secret is about following the rules. Yes, Cancers are gentle and pleasant, but if in childhood their mother did not show them what real romance is, then they themselves are unlikely to learn it. Don’t try to change these people, because you won’t succeed anyway. It is better not to argue with them and do not force your opinion on them on any issue.

Mystery Four: They are calm and often not impulsive, so for many of you, a strong crush or complete indifference on the part of a Cancer man will look the same. The secret is that they respect straightforwardness; ask them about your feelings and they will happily tell you the truth. Try to be open and honest with them.

The last secret Cancer men are his memory. Revenge is alien to this Zodiac Sign, but they always remember grievances. They may forget their name best friend or how to put the kettle on, but never offend. Based on the previous secret, we can conclude - sincerely ask for forgiveness and do not expect that your offense or mistake will be forgotten. Everything can be corrected only through repentance.

So, main secret happy love with a Cancer man - be honest with him and with yourself. In any case, this man high probability can become your guide to the world of warm love and family comfort. Therefore, if you realize that you are ready for this, then go towards happiness and don't forget to press the buttons and

08.12.2015 00:50

It can be difficult to achieve harmony in family life with any Zodiac Sign. But if your man...

Love is something that can both give happiness and take it away. So that your...

Representatives of the Cancer sign are quite secretive people. It is very difficult to understand that they are in love. Cancers love when the initiative comes from their partner, and are capable of expressing feelings only in response to something.

Cancer man - what kind of girls does he like?

To please a Cancer man, you need to remember everything feminine products seduction - shooting eyes, licking lips, touching hair. They love it. Representatives of this sign will not immediately insist on close communication, but they look at all this with pleasure. And little by little they fall in love. Very often, it is precisely because of their secrecy that Cancers suffer from unrequited love. Therefore, a woman’s task is to attract the attention of Cancer with the help of seductive techniques, and then find a reason for a closer acquaintance.

Cancers are very proud and do not tolerate failure. That is why they are in no hurry to voice their feelings. Even in happy marriage Don’t expect a violent display of emotions from Cancer

Cancers love to be valued and respected as men. Therefore, having taken the initiative for closer communication, the girl should fade into the background. If the Cancers understand that the acquaintance has taken place, the chosen one is interested, they will begin to act - to conquer and charm. And they will be very grateful if a woman allows them to show their best qualities: asks them to help with car repairs, to accompany them home late in the evening, etc. In the process of communication, they try to start a conversation in which they will make it clear that they are very interested in the girl.

Cancers value spiritual communication very much. It interests them even more than physical intimacy. If a girl was able to make friends with Cancer, he is already almost in love with her. All she can do is provoke him into more frank communication. The more often he pours out his soul, the more he will fall in love. Therefore, Cancers greatly value representatives of earth signs - Capricorns, Taurus, Virgos. They are able to feel subtly and will definitely provide Cancer with the necessary spiritual support. In addition, earth signs are sufficiently thorough and self-confident so as not to be afraid to take the initiative in communication. They are ready to seduce and conquer, without fear that a man will reject them. Moreover, they are often quite persistent, which shy water signs like.