Musical slogans. Slogan for advertising: the best and worst examples

A slogan is a memorable phrase containing the message of a brand or company that needs to be conveyed to the target audience. The consumer may not remember the name of the product or manufacturer, but a creative slogan is unlikely to go unnoticed.

The purpose of a slogan is to awaken a person’s interest in a company or product. It influences brand image and consumer perception. A successful slogan helps establish a connection between the company and the audience.

Types of slogans

  1. Image slogan- its main goal is to distinguish a manufacturer or product from competitors, to create a certain image. It reflects the brand philosophy, goals and mission of the company.
  2. Product slogan- created to attract the attention of consumers and purchase the product. It focuses on the advantages of a product or service, the benefits that a person will receive after purchasing it.

Determine the goals and objectives of the slogan

What do you want to convey to the consumer with the help of a slogan? What is its main idea? Remember that a successful slogan must have one information message, for example, the quality of the product, the company’s focus on the manufacturer, etc.

Take consumer interests as a basis

Any slogan, both image and product, must reflect the interests of the people to whom it will be shown. You should not use banal phrases such as “We are leaders”, “We can be trusted”. If such loud statements are not supported by arguments and logical explanation, they will remain empty words. Your task is to reflect the interests and preferences of consumers, and not eloquent promises.

Consider the type and structure of the slogan

As a rule, image slogans have business rhetoric; they are more strict than product slogans, where rhyme, the use of slang, and addressing “you” are allowed.

Research competitors' slogans

This is necessary in order to know the big picture, set priorities correctly, understand what is needed in order to surpass competitors, and make your own slogan even more original, brighter, and more informative. Monitoring the slogans of other manufacturers will allow you to avoid repetitions and other people's ideas.

Criteria that an effective slogan must meet

Brevity is the soul of wit

Abstruse words, complex sentences or bureaucracy are unlikely to bring the desired effect; on the contrary, they can scare away the consumer. In the memory of a modern person, overloaded with information, only the most laconic and succinct phrases can be deposited.

Rhythm and rhyme

Before making your final statement, read the tagline again and make sure it is easy to read and pronounce. Many companies use rhyme for good reason - slogans and poems are always well received by the audience.

Association with a product or company

It is not recommended to openly force a person to buy a product, use the company’s services, etc. But a delicate reminder of yourself is just what the audience needs. Many consumers, lost in the numerous names that come their way, will be delighted if the name of the company, product or brand is included in the slogan.

Only positive emotions

Use techniques such as appeal, appeal, question - anything that can cause a certain reaction in the consumer.

One hundred percent uniqueness

A slogan represents your company, brand or product, so the ideas should be yours, plagiarism can never overshadow the original idea.

Techniques for creating a successful slogan

Appeal or question. By asking questions and addressing each consumer, you create the illusion of live communication, an open dialogue. This technique is often used by well-known brands and brands:

  • “You know you can” MTS
  • “You deserve it!” L`Oreal
  • “Aren’t you in white yet?” Tide

Humor. Appropriate jokes were always received with a bang by the audience. The main thing is not to overdo it, not to use black humor. This technique is also quite common in marketing. A few successful examples:

  • "Think Fresh" Sprite
  • “Your legs will move like a Swiss watch” Compression garments
  • “So soft that you can trust it with the most precious things” Zewa toilet paper

Artistic techniques. Hyperbole, opposition, comparison, the use of neologisms - this is what always works and brings results. Examples of effective slogans:

  • “Your dreams are our inspiration”Oriflame
  • “There are things that cannot be bought. For everything else there is MasterCard» MasterCard
  • "The impossible is possible" Adidas

Shocking. Such slogans evoke the most vivid emotions and, accordingly, are remembered better than others. Expressive slogans that brands used in their practice:

  • “Don’t slow down, snickers!” Snickers
  • "What else?" Nespresso
  • “Shhh! You know what?" Schweppes

Effective slogan helps to create an image of a company or product, to become special, unlike competitors, to gain the trust of consumers, encouraging them to take a targeted action. The best slogan forms certain images in a person, changes his values, and influences his worldview.

Company specialists KOLORO know the secrets of creating a successful slogan. Contact us and we will answer all your questions regarding creating a slogan.

For example: “Don’t let yourself dry out!”, or “Sometimes it’s better to chew than to talk.” It happens that a slogan floats on its own when no one remembers the subject of advertising. Do not confuse a headline with an advertising slogan; these text units have different tasks. The headline is designed to interest the consumer and encourage him to read the text. The function of a slogan is to convey the main idea of ​​an advertising campaign and maintain its integrity.

There are different requirements for the slogan and title: The slogan cannot be changed during the advertising campaign; it is a motto that must be heard from the beginning to the end of the campaign. The title is a variable element and can be changed. Thus, advertisements placed on a billboard and in a magazine may well have different headings. A slogan is the slogan of an advertising campaign; it must be easy to remember. This requirement has nothing to do with the title.

The main features of an effective slogan:

  • brevity and memorability;
  • originality;
  • compliance with brand positioning;
  • The slogan must contain the brand name.

Light, brief, elegant and aphoristic slogans are well remembered. The slogan should not be long - no more than ten words, preferably up to six. Don't use hard to pronounce words. Avoid hackneyed phrases and platitudes, then you can interest the audience and make the desired impression. Ideally, you will be able to see the unusual in the ordinary and you will create a masterpiece.

Unfortunately, slogans are often repeated almost verbatim. Certain words are used so often that they have already become hackneyed and set the teeth on edge. Experts have compiled a whole list of similar elements that are not recommended for use:

Nouns to avoid: choice, decision, idea, bliss, quality, harmony, dream, color, taste, aroma, sensation, look, pleasure, secret.

Adjectives: real, correct, exclusive, genuine, prestigious, faithful, true, valid, unique, unique, original, inimitable, special, tried, perfect, worthy, impeccable. It may seem that the ban on these words makes it impossible to compose an advertising slogan.

Believe me, the Russian language is much richer and more flexible than the lexical structures that are usually used in advertising. An unconditional taboo should be a combination of stamped nouns with the same adjectives. If you still cannot do without tired words, they must be justified by a very original “makeweight”.

How successful slogans are constructed

The slogan can draw the attention of potential consumers to:

  • Features of operation - “You press the button, we do the rest ourselves” (Kodak advertising).
  • Benefit for the buyer - “Let go of your anxiety!” (“Afobazole”, a sedative).
  • Targeting consumers from a specific group: “The new generation chooses Pepsi” “Gillette. There is no better thing for a man."
  • High professionalism and quality: “Indesit. It will last a long time."

The main motive may be the company’s philosophy: “It’s good where we are” (Samsung). In corporate slogans it is appropriate to focus on the authority of the company: “HP-Laser Jet – 20 years of confident victories.” One of the current solutions is the illusion of proximity to the consumer, contact with him. “We care about you and your health” (Johnson & Johnson), “Wella. You are awesome". In this case, the slogan can be constructed as a statement on behalf of the consumer: “Tefal. You always think about us", "McDonald's. Here is what I like". The slogan can also convey features of emotional positioning: “The joy of movement” (BMW slogan).

So, the slogan should be memorable, original, concise, relevant to the brand positioning and creative advertising strategy. In addition, it is important to remember that the tone of the slogan should not be condescending, dismissive, or arrogant. The slogan should not be unethical and vulgar, or contain negations. Positivity has a better effect. It is desirable that the slogan have a benevolent emotional connotation. These are the general rules for creating a good slogan. The more such recommendations are taken into account, the more effectively it will work.

Slogan categories

Depending on their purpose, slogans are divided into:

  • Advertising – for goods.
  • Company mottos.
  • Supporting the company's image.
  • Missions.

Brief instructions for creating an effective slogan

Highlight and display the company's main advantage. You are, of course, familiar with the slogan “M&M’s melts in your mouth, not in your hands.” The main advantage of colored sweets is that the glaze covering the chocolate does not melt when heated in your hands and does not stain them.

Note that products belonging to the same group are often presented with similar slogans. So, all expensive cars:

  • Symbolizes your superiority.
  • Indicate the desire for ideal.
  • They encourage you to manage your dreams.
  • They promise pleasure without delay.

Study your competitors' slogans and try not to copy them. Analyze the phonosemantics of your slogan. Simply put, listen to how it sounds. Sounds can be round and soft, strict and hard. Its perception will depend on which of them predominate in your motto.

Rhyme the slogan, or even better, give it rhythm. It’s very good if you manage to compose a slogan song. This type of advertising is memorable. Remember Always Coca-Cola? Report the company’s commitment and its steady development. Declare your commitment to your customers. Be honest. Self-praise with endless “number one” and “we are the best” does not deceive or attract anyone.

You can create your own slogan, or perhaps your company’s motto will appear as a result of the joint creativity of creative employees. If you are not confident in your abilities, contact professional copywriters, whose services are not that expensive: 10 slogan options usually cost $100 to $300.

Hello, Pavel Yamb is here!

The company's slogan is something that will be replicated and sounded repeatedly in advertising, people are most likely to remember it, and the way it sounds determines what subconscious impression it will create in them. Successful advertising slogans to attract attention can significantly increase the number of sales. Unsuccessful ones will cause confusion at best. At worst, they will become a serious failure.

No one is immune from this, but it would be better not to make the same mistakes as the creators of these unsuccessful phrases for various reasons.

Although, if these blunders made you laugh, then they were definitely not created in vain.

What it is?

A slogan, or motto of a company, firm or group of products, is intended to convey to the consumer the main idea embedded in the advertising campaign. Although many writers believe that a slogan and a headline are the same thing, they are mistaken. The title is designed to attract attention and intrigue to encourage you to read the entire text. A slogan is needed to convey the necessary information in one phrase and be remembered. The task title should not become ingrained in the client’s memory.

A good catchy slogan:

  • short;
  • easy;
  • original;
  • aphoristic;
  • elegant;
  • memorable;
  • meets a unified advertising strategy;
  • includes the brand name.

What requirements must it meet?

  1. To make it easy to remember, its length should not exceed ten words. Ideally - up to six. The words should be simple and understandable.
  2. It is desirable that it be original, only then will it attract the attention of customers and highlight the product it advertises.
  3. It should remind you of the advertised product, and not pose a riddle.

Words that have been overused have become undesirable, especially when combined with each other. I think you will recognize them all.

Nouns: quality, secret, idea, choice, decision, harmony, bliss, feeling, dream, pleasure, color, taste, aroma, look.

Adjectives: true, true, authentic, unique, exclusive, original, inimitable, special, impeccable, real, tried, perfect, worthy, prestigious.

What should it reflect?

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As part of the linguistic means of attracting attention, a slogan may include the following details:

The emotional coloring of the slogan should not be negative. Condescension, neglect, arrogance - this is what will kill him. The slogan should also not contain negation, be unethical, rude or vulgar. The most suitable thing is when he is positive and friendly, conducive to trust.

What to use to create

A slogan can take several forms:

  1. narrative: “AZZARO perfume for men - For men who love women who love men.”
  2. interrogative: “Could this be love?”, Mini cars.
  3. exclamatory: “She can now sleep alone!”, Car alarm “FBR”.
  4. incentive: “FANTA” - Join in!
  5. recommending: “Your pussy would buy Whiskas.”
  6. intriguing: “The greatest discovery since the first kiss,” L’Oreal.

For it, you can use the following phrase-forming language tools:

  • idiom;
  • paraphrase;
  • hyperbola;
  • metaphor;
  • oxymoron.

In this case, it is advisable to use the company name in the slogan.

Now you know what it takes to create a beautiful slogan. However, if you lack creative ideas, then you can use an online slogan generator and get some useful ideas from it:

Slogans, mottos, slogans: Advertising

I always stand in a good place.
NEWS OUTDOOR, outdoor advertising operator. Motto on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011

I work without breaks for lunch and sleep.
NEWS OUTDOOR, outdoor advertising operator. Slogan for the Russian Federation, 2010

I will put all my wide-format soul into the matter.
NEWS OUTDOOR, outdoor advertising operator. Slogan on 6x3 billboards, 2010

I work in harsh winter conditions.
NEWS OUTDOOR, outdoor advertising operator. Slogan on lightboxes with scrolling surfaces, 2010

We talk about FUN in 25 different ways, both outdoor and indoor.
NEWS OUTDOOR, outdoor advertising operator, 2007

Attention to people - attention to people.
NEWS OUTDOOR, outdoor advertising operator. Image slogan, 2007

Can you imagine? We implement.
You imagine. We make it happen.
JAMUTE, audio production. Slogan in Brazil, 2011

The sooner your ad is here, the better.
The sooner you advertise here, the better.
INTERBEST OUTDOOR, outdoor advertising operator. Slogan in New Zealand, 2010
The fat guy got rid of some of his clothes every week. Just as he was about to pull off his underpants, a life-saving advertisement appeared: “Oof! Thank you, Radio 2

Ideas light up the stars.
Ideas for star performance.
ADV, international advertising holding. Corporate slogan, 2009

Making fantasies sweeter.
Making imaginery sweeter.
CANDYLAB, advertising agency. Promoslogan, 2009
Candy - candy, English.

In our agency, 21 healthy hearts work for 72 million livers, 144 million kidneys, 72 million lungs, 16 million prostates, 28 million pairs of breasts, 72 million hearts.
In our agency, 21 healthy hearts work for 72 million livers, 144 million kidneys, 72 million lungs, 16 million prostate glands, 28 million pair of breasts, 72 million hearts.
TAZEFIKIR, advertising agency in Turkey in the field of medicine. Promoslogan, 2009

We're looking for an aspiring media planner to work with numbers.
We need junior media-planner to work with numbers.
BBDO Central Asia, advertising agency. HR service slogan, 2009
The trick is that all the letters in the English phrase are replaced by Arabic numerals, rotated by 90, 180, 270 degrees or around their axis

Good innovation.
Good innovation.
DENTSU, advertising corporation. Image slogan

Media planning fanatics.
Fanatics of media planning.
MEDIAPOOL, media agency in Vilnius. Image slogan
Spots reminiscent of the logos of Apple, McDonalds, Nike... and Mikhail Gorbachev with a clean bald head

What if digital capture no longer meets your needs?
As if digital capture didn't have enough challenges already.
KODAK Vision3 250D Color Negative Film, professional film. Southeast Asia, 2009

How do you talk about the DAGO studio - “she” or “it”? DAGO is us, in the third person it turns out to be “they”. We produce commercials.
DAGO, production. Headline and slogan of advertising in Russia, 2008

Big dialogue in a small format.
KOMMERSANT, daily newspaper. Slogan for a service for placing lowercase and small-format advertisements (Classifieds), 2008

We have nine such heads.
ADW GROUP, advertising agency, Rostov-on-Don. Image slogan, 2008
Depicted in a sectional view of the “head of an advertiser.” My head is full of vivid images

Adequate, but creative. Creative, but adequate.
ADEKVAT, advertising agency, Moscow. Image slogan, 2008

Stop sucking your paw! Paw.
FRESH BLOOD, competition for young creators; slogan calling for participation, 2008

Letterpress printing. Very.
Printing house in Moscow. Advertising slogan in Runet, 2009

Royal seal.
ALMAZ-PRESS, printing, 2008
In the photo - the original seal of Catherine II

Beyond the horizons.
Beyond horizons.
GOLDEN DRUM, advertising festival in Portorož, motto of the 14th festival, 2007

For an apple!
RED APPLE, Moscow International Advertising Festival, festival motto 2007

For those who are not shy about saving on outdoor advertising.
ATOR, outdoor service, 2007

High quality stamp!
Depicts a gold bar with embossing of the highest standard

Warm up your brains!
Drawing of a brain in swimming trunks

The naked truth: wonderful climate, super locations, modern equipment, open budget, professional team, low prices, perfect casting, attractive nightlife.
TANDEM, production, Romania, approx. 2005
Naked girl jumping against the backdrop of the Ceausescu Palace. The inscriptions seem to cover the intimate parts of the model and are located on the poster with meaning, for example, “Low prices” - at the bottom

Every big city in the world has a couple of secret places. Olga. Big new little thing.
OLGA, production, Argentina, ca. 2005

Where do great ideas become great videos? Bring yours.
PELICAFILMS, production, Argentina, ca. 2005

We write texts for the winners.
COPYWRITER, creative agency. Image slogan in Runet

A seal meant for the great.

Advertisements are the engine of trade. (original title)
The advertisement is engine of the trade. (latest version)
CENTRAL OFFICE OF ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE TRADING HOUSE “L. and E. METZEL & Co., a prototype of a modern full-service advertising agency. Advertising slogan, first in St. Petersburg, then in Moscow, 1878. Russian advertising dates back to the opening of the Metzel Office