Is rabbit meat better than pork? Rabbit meat - harm and benefits of meat, how to prepare dietary dishes

Since ancient times, meat has been an integral part of the diet of almost all human cultures. Due to the content of protein and essential proteins, which cannot be obtained from other types of food, meat is extremely useful for athletes and people experiencing physical activity.

Meat helps to recover after heavy exercise. You can debate for a long time which meat is the healthiest, since its different types have different advantages and disadvantages. Let's compare them by nutritional value:

Types of meat, calorie table:

Proteins per 100 g

Fats per 100 g

Carbohydrates per 100 g

Kcal per 100 g




The table shows that dietary meats are: veal, horse meat, turkey, chicken and rabbit meat. But those on a diet should refrain from eating pork, ducks, geese and fatty lamb. For athletes, it is also preferable to choose lean types of meat.

The benefits of the finished meat product depend not only on the choice of meat, but also on the method of its preparation. It is not recommended to fry meat, process it into minced meat, or eat it with difficult-to-digest foods. You should not consume and equate semi-finished products, sausages and smoked meats with meat; due to the additives and stabilizers they contain, they are extremely harmful.

The best meat is steamed or stewed, with a vegetable side dish and a minimum amount of salt. To find out which meat is the healthiest, let's look at each type in more detail.


What meat is the most dietary? The answer is clear – rabbit meat. The ratio of proteins, fats and calories in it is close to ideal, and therefore this meat is included in many diets. An interesting fact is that rabbit meat normalizes lipid metabolism, which means – .

If you are susceptible allergic reactions, then rabbit meat is the most the best choice for your nutrition, it is hypoallergenic. The most important thing is to choose a fresh carcass. Its color should be uniform, pale pink, without bruises or bruises, it should not smell of anything and be dry.


Turkey meat is also included in the list of dietary meats due to its low fat content. There is even more phosphorus in this bird than in fish, which is considered the record holder for the content of this substance. One serving of turkey will provide the body with half the daily value of vitamins and the daily value of vitamin P.

If you're losing weight, choose the light part of the turkey, which has the least fat. You should not eat its skin. A big plus of turkey is the presence of selenium, a powerful antioxidant.


What is chicken meat famous for? Easy to digest low percentage fat and good taste. Chicken contains iron and phosphorus, as well as vitamins, and. In addition, it is very easy to prepare, goes well with many foods and is available in any store.

Tip: To reduce the amount of fat, remove the skin from the chicken before cooking. You should not eat chicken organs because they have almost no benefits.


The most dietary meat in our table. Losing weight with veal is quite easy, because its calorie content is several times lower than that of other types of meat on our list. But why can't we call veal the most... healthy meat? It has a number of disadvantages.

Firstly, its muscles are not sufficiently formed, and immature fibers are harmful to health. Secondly, calf meat, like any red meat, increases the risk of developing malignant tumors in those who have a predisposition to cancer.

Veal can be included in the diet for variety, but should not be eaten more than once a week.


Beef is one of the most popular types of meat all over the world. They make him valuable unique composition and properties. It is believed that consuming meat too often is unsafe, but this is certainly not the case with beef. It helps normalize stomach acidity and is easily and quickly absorbed by the body.

There is much more zinc in beef than in other types of meat, and high content minerals improves blood formation. The only downside is the fact that cooking beef is a rather labor-intensive and time-consuming process.


This meat, unfortunately, is not popular in our country, but athletes should definitely pay attention to it. It contains a huge amount of complete protein and very little fat. Several types of amino acids, potassium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium, as well as B vitamins, make horse meat a valuable product for providing the body with useful substances.

In addition, it does not contain cholesterol, which makes it valuable for people who care about the condition of blood vessels. The only negative is the specific taste, which is not quite familiar to most people. Choose the youngest meat - it has less fat.


Lamb contains a large amount useful substances and microelements. Specifically: iron, B vitamins, . This is a record holder for iron content among meat, so lamb is recommended for anemia.

Lamb fat is a healing and easily digestible product. Since ancient times used by the peoples of the Caucasus in medicinal purposes. A modern science confirms it healing properties, so lecithin contained in lamb meat has a beneficial effect on metabolism in the body and normalizes cholesterol levels.

It is worth considering that excessive use lamb can lead to the development of obesity and sclerosis. And not recommended for elderly people or people with arthritis. The high concentration of lipids in lamb creates a risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system.


Pork contains almost all B vitamins, iron, and zinc. Despite the rather persistent myth, it is quite easily absorbed by the body. Pork is recommended for breastfeeding women to stimulate production. breast milk. High calorie content allows you to quickly restore energy reserves.

Style Summary

Depending on what goals you set for your diet, you should choose the meat for yourself. After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each type, we can conclude which one will help you gain muscle, which one will help you lose weight, and which one will help you restore your health. StyleFitness definitely recommends that its readers include meat in their diet.

Rabbit meat (rabbit meat) is one of the most useful species meat. Despite this, it does not often appear on the tables of residents of our country. Rabbit meat has high biological value and weight beneficial properties, it is used in therapeutic nutrition and are recommended to include in their diet for people of all ages.

Description of rabbit meat:
Rabbit is classified as white meat. It is considered more useful than veal, pork, etc., and is absorbed by the body by more than 90%. Rabbit meat is pinkish in color, soft, dense, not fatty, consists of thin muscle fibers that practically do not mix with internal fat. The meat of rabbits aged 4-5 months is considered the most useful for humans. Not only rabbit meat, but also fat has beneficial properties. Rabbit fat is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases, in cosmetology as a hypoallergenic basis for cosmetics, as well as in the pharmaceutical industry.

Rabbit meat composition:
Rabbit meat contains complete, easily digestible protein, fats, minerals and. Rabbit protein contains everything essential amino acids, and fats are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Rabbit meat contains PP, group B (B6, B12), macro- and microelements, such as phosphorus, and other minerals.

Calorie content of rabbit meat:
The calorie content of rabbit meat is about 180 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Useful properties of rabbit meat:

  • Rabbit meat has a positive effect on work gastro- intestinal tract, it is recommended to include it in the diet when peptic ulcer, gastritis, diseases of the intestines, pancreas, liver, kidneys and biliary tract.
  • It is useful for people prone to allergies; it contains much fewer allergens than other types of meat.
  • The meat of young rabbits does not accumulate salt heavy metals and strontium-90, which is formed as a result of the breakdown of herbicides and pesticides ingested through feed. That is why experts recommend consuming rabbit meat for people living in areas with high background radiation or undergoing chemotherapy.
  • Regular consumption of rabbit meat has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Experts recommend including rabbit meat in the diet of children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly, as well as people after serious illnesses and those who are subject to severe physical exertion.
  • Rabbit meat - great product for people with overweight bodies. Low calorie content, rich vitamin and mineral composition, easy digestibility of protein, as well as a large number of recipes for delicious low-calorie rabbit meat dishes will help those losing weight wellness and mood.

Contraindications for rabbit meat:
Rabbit meat is contraindicated for people suffering from diseases that prohibit the consumption of meat. In addition, you should not get carried away with rabbit meat if you have gout and arthritis, since it, although in smaller quantities, still contains purine bases, which in the human body are converted into uric acid, which can damage tendons and joints.

You can read about the beneficial properties of other products in the “” section.

Video about the benefits of rabbit meat:

Rabbit meat is very popular among devotees proper nutrition who prefer light food. Rabbit meat is a healthy dietary product; it is soft meat with a delicate taste.

The benefits of rabbit meat

Rabbit meat has many beneficial properties and contains a number of vitamins and minerals. This product is low-calorie, as it has a low sodium salt content, and is prescribed for dietary purposes.

  • Eating rabbit meat restores metabolism.
  • Including meat in the diet helps prevent arteriosclerosis, since it is low in cholesterol and high in lecithin.
  • Rabbit meat is recommended for gastrointestinal diseases; it contains much less fat and much more protein than lamb, pork or veal. Its protein is absorbed almost completely.
  • Eating rabbit meat can reduce the received dose of radiation, for example, in the treatment of oncology.
  • Rabbit meat can help normalize glucose levels in diabetics.

Rabbit meat is recommended for people with extreme professions, for example, divers, athletes, pilots, residents and people from areas contaminated with radiation. Also, such meat is useful for small children, adolescents, nursing mothers, pregnant women, and the elderly, because it saturates their body with easily digestible protein.

Rabbit internal fat is used in the treatment of wounds. This meat also has anti-allergic properties, so its fat is used in the production of cosmetics.

The rabbit's chemical composition meat, the content of proteins and fats increases, the amount of water in it decreases, as a result, its energy value increases. The meat of a young rabbit that has not reached three months of age, until the amount of fat in it has increased, will be more useful.

This meat contains very few allergens, so it is recommended for allergy sufferers and infants. Rabbit liver is also useful for serious illnesses children and adults.

Rabbit meat saturates brain cells with oxygen. Rabbit meat has a beneficial effect on the skin, strengthens the teeth and skeleton.

Harm and contraindications of rabbit meat

Rabbit meat not only has extraordinary health benefits, but also some harm. It contains purine bases. These are purine derivatives: caffeine, adenine, guanine and theobromine. Separately, they do not cause any harm, but at high levels they turn into uric acid. As it accumulates, it can lead to gout, arthritis and childhood diathesis. The content of such substances can be significantly reduced by boiling the meat several times in different waters.

When processing meat, some amino acids are converted into hydrocyanic acids by the body. This creates conditions for the occurrence of certain diseases, for example, psoriatic arthritis, psoriasis and gastrointestinal diseases. Some people are allergic to rabbit meat, but this is very rare.


Rabbit meat contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. 100 g contains daily norm vitamin B12 for an adult. You can also find vitamins A, C, E in it.

Rabbit meat is also rich in mineral composition. Meat is rich in potassium, which is necessary for proper operation myocardium, it contains calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and chlorine. 50 g of meat contains daily dose cobalt When eating rabbit meat, a large amount of zinc, iron, chromium, copper and other elements enters the body.

100 g of product contains:

  • ash – 1.2 g;
  • proteins – 22.2 g;
  • water – 66.7 g;
  • fats – 11 g;
  • calorie content – ​​183 kcal.
Vitamins mg (µg) / 100 g Minerals mg (µg) / 100 g
Vitamin B4 (choline) 115.6 mg Cobalt 16.2 mcg
Vitamin PP (Niacin Equivalent) 11.6 mg Molybdenum 4.5 mcg
Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) 0.5 mg Fluorine 73 mcg
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 0.8 mg Chromium 8.5 mcg
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 4.3 mcg Manganese 0.013 mg
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) 7.7 mcg Copper 130 mcg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.5 mg Iodine 5 mcg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.18 mg Zinc 2.31 mg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.12 mg Iron 3.3 mg
Vitamin A (retinol equivalent) 10 mcg Sulfur 225 mg
Vitamin A 0.01 mg Element Chlorine 79.5 mg
Vitamin B3 (PP) 6.2 mg Phosphorus 190 mg
Potassium 335 mg
Sodium 57 mg
Magnesium 25 mg
Calcium 20 mg

Use in cooking

Rabbit meat can be fried, stewed, baked, boiled. Various pates are also made on its basis. You can cook minced meat and make delicious cutlets and meatballs.

Rabbit meat is included various firsts and second courses. Rabbit meat goes well with vegetables. This product can also be served with and to enhance the taste. For a rabbit, the ideal seasonings would be ginger and juniper. When cooking, you can add a little or to the meat for piquancy.

You can add it to the finished dish.

There are several secrets that will help you cook tasty and soft meat:

  • Before cooking rabbit meat, you should leave the meat to soak for 4-7 hours. In this case, it is necessary to change the water from time to time. You can also use milk for soaking.
  • It is better to fry the back part of the rabbit, and it is recommended to boil or stew the front part.
  • When feeling unpleasant odor you can add a little wine or wine to the soaking water apple cider vinegar: 1 teaspoon per liter of water.
  • You should not cook the whole rabbit meat, since each part of the carcass requires a certain time.
  • When baking, the temperature should be no more than 160 degrees. The meat should cook for about 30 minutes, depending on the size.

How to select and store

The dishes turn out delicious if fresh rabbit meat is chosen.

You can buy it at the market or in a store. High-quality meat must meet the following criteria:

  • The color of the rabbit meat should be white, with a pink tint.
  • The meat should be dense and have an elastic structure.
  • A fresh product should have virtually no odor; it may have a subtle odor, which is present in any fresh meat. A strong smell of hay indicates that the meat is old and should not be purchased.

It's worth looking at the paws; there should be fur on them. Some sellers may sell a cat carcass under the guise of rabbit meat.

When purchasing frozen meat, you need to inspect the packaging; it is better to give preference to vacuum packaging. Rabbit meat should be free of bruises and retain its natural light pink color.

This product should be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. When stored in the freezer, the shelf life is greatly increased.

The benefits of rabbit meat are much greater than the harm. If you do not overuse rabbit meat, you can minimize it harmful effects. Then this product will be useful to anyone.

Useful properties of rabbit meat:

# Meat is easily differentiated from the fat layer, which makes it easy to remove it to obtain dietary product. If the animal is well fed, then fat deposits appear in the muscle part, which gives the meat special tenderness. Fat on internal organs rabbit is biologically rich active substances with anti-allergenic properties. It can be used in for cosmetic purposes and to heal superficial wounds.

# The calorie content of rabbit meat is another advantage. Energy value it is small, it is one and a half times less calorie than lamb. Its use is indicated when the choice is rabbit meat at the age of three months. As the rabbit grows, it accumulates fat and its dietary value decreases.

# Rabbit meat is good for people with various diseases deviations in health, so for allergy sufferers, rabbit meat is one of the main elements of the diet.

# Rabbit meat helps diabetics stay on track stable level glucose in the blood.

# In the menu of people with oncological diseases the rabbit also turns on due to its ability to reduce the effects of radiation, taking on some of the radiation;

# Thanks to its balanced composition and subtle muscle fibers Rabbit meat is perfectly digestible (up to 90% of nutrients), which is useful for pregnant women, children and the elderly, as well as athletes and workers in hazardous industries. But with age, this property worsens, and the proportion of fat in meat increases.

# Rabbit meat is useful for normalizing the functioning of the entire intestinal tract and stomach. In some cases, rabbit remains the only type of meat that can be consumed by people with certain disorders of gastric secretion.

Interested? Read about how to cook a rabbit, follow the link.

# The saturation of rabbit meat with vitamins is another advantage. It contains almost all vitamins from group B, which help proper and good nutrition head and spinal cord. Meat also contains vitamin C.

Present and mineral components, and microelements, the need for which is high: phosphorus (the main material for bone growth and maintaining their hardness), potassium, iron, magnesium and other active substances.

# In addition, rabbit contains almost no cholesterol and is rich in lecithin, which suppresses cholesterol synthesis, providing protection against the formation cholesterol plaques at regular use;

# An important property of rabbit meat: it has a beneficial effect on quality work eyeball and reduces pressure inside the eye. Eating rabbit meat can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing glaucoma;

# Rabbit meat is one of the few types of meat that is recommended for children under one year of age due to its good digestibility.

When can rabbit meat be harmful?

Although positive traits meat has been well studied and proven, but there are some of its features that can be harmful to the human body. Thus, there are diseases that do not involve the consumption of any types of meat, including dietary rabbit meat.

# Rabbit meat should not be included in the diet of people who have symptoms of uricemia, which is expressed in the fact that a large volume enters the blood uric acid. This acid is not excreted from the body, settling in the tendons and joints. As a result, over time, arthrosis, gout and neuro-arthritic diathesis develop, affecting infants.

Even rabbit meat can provoke an exacerbation of these diseases due to a large percentage purine bases contained in it. But there is a way out - if you eat a small amount of rabbit meat, boiled several times (each time the water is completely changed), then such food will not cause harm to the body.

# Due to the fact that the amino acids of rabbit meat, when digested, oxidize the internal environment of the body, people with psoriasis should eat rabbit meat with caution. Increased acidity may be the start of an exacerbation.

At the same time, rabbit meat differs from all meat in that it is almost not subject to putrefactive processes while in the intestines minimal amount time and am absorbed almost completely.

In the absence of serious contraindications, it becomes one of the most valuable and delicious dishes any table.

Meat occupies one of the leading places in the Russian diet. Contained in meat products Amino acids are needed by the body for the synthesis of protein as the structural material of skin and muscles. And rabbit meat is one of the most preferred options.

Due to its low calorie content (175-180 kcal per 100 g), rabbit meat is considered a dietary species. 85% of it consists of muscle tissue, which is significantly higher than that of pork or beef. Rabbit meat contains no more than 10% fat, and over 20% protein.

The benefits of rabbit meat are due not only to its low fat content and high protein content. The product is rich in vitamins C and representatives of group B (especially B3 and B12). It also contains a lot of iron, manganese, fluorine, phosphorus and potassium.

The absence of cholesterol in rabbit meat allows it to be eaten by people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

We consider useful properties

Let's evaluate the potential health benefits of rabbit meat:

  1. Helps brain cells absorb oxygen, resulting in increases brain activity.
  2. The rich chemical composition of the product contributes to strengthening bones and improving skin condition.
  3. To recuperate after long illness the doctor may recommend introducing rabbit into the patient’s diet.
  4. This is the only type of meat allowed for nutrition of patients with various pathologies of the digestive system.
  5. Normalizes blood sugar levels, therefore suitable for diabetics.
  6. The absence of purine compounds makes rabbit meat the only available meat for gout patients.
  7. Low calorie attracts the attention of those who strive to look good and take care of their figure.
  8. Due to the good digestibility of protein, it is recommended to include rabbit in food more often athletes and people employed in heavy and hazardous industries.
  9. The product contains sodium salts, so it 90% absorbed by the human body, while young beef is only 60%.
  10. Positively affects the metabolism of fats and proteins, therefore it is recommended for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

What are the benefits of rabbit fat?

Rabbit fat, like badger fat, is taken orally in folk medicine and used for rubbing. chest– for bronchitis, severe cough and other ENT diseases.

Rabbit fat is rich in chemical compounds that have proven their useful action in cosmetology. Masks, creams and other care products are produced on its basis. At home, this product in combination with honey (2:1) is used to care for the skin of the hands and feet.

Role in baby nutrition

Mothers often begin to give rabbit meat to their babies in the first year of life as a meat feeding. The product is hypoallergenic, easily digestible, and does not contain antibiotics, growth hormones or other substances that negatively affect the growing body. Rabbit meat is also suitable for children prone to allergies. The product is offered to children in the form meat puree or weak broth with added vegetables.

Age norms

Daily consumption rate:

  • for women – 150 g;
  • for men – 180 g;
  • for children, depending on age – from 50 to 100 g;
  • for elderly people – up to 100 g.

Rabbit dishes can be prepared for breakfast or lunch, but it is better to avoid them in the evening. Activity decreases as the sun sets digestive system, so using even this dietary meat may cause harm to health.

How to cook

How to cook depends entirely on your preferences. Experienced chefs are sure that it is almost impossible to spoil it. The rabbit is used for roasts, soups, salads, and the whole carcass is baked.

The slightly sweet taste of meat goes well with carrots, dried fruits and honey. The listed ingredients are usually used for baking or stewing.

Some people refuse rabbit meat, citing the specific smell. To get rid of it, a whole carcass or small pieces of meat are marinated in water with the addition of regular or wine vinegar, whey, soy sauce, dry or semi-dry wine, olive oil with spices.

Black pepper, garlic and Bay leaf. In addition, the following go well with rabbit meat: cloves, thyme, celery, cinnamon and juniper.

As a side dish, in addition to assorted vegetables, you can serve potatoes, buckwheat or rice.

How to choose

  • Fresh meat always has a dense and elastic structure of light pink color.
  • When making a purchase at the market, pay attention to the rabbit's paws - sellers deliberately preserve the fur on them.
  • A young rabbit has virtually no odor. If you can clearly smell the hay, you are looking at the carcass of an old animal that will take a long time to cook, and the meat may still be too tough.

Rabbit meat available all year round, however, nutritionists advise using it in the winter months, when our body especially needs nourishing animal food.

Contraindications and harm

Any product, including rabbit meat, has its contraindications.

May provoke an exacerbation of psoriasis, since when frequent use increases the acidity of gastric juice.

Better than other types of meat

Rabbit meat has a beneficial effect on digestive system a person without overloading it, unlike pork, beef or lamb, which burdens the stomach.

The product is also free of potential allergens, so it is suitable even for those for whom other types of meat are contraindicated.