Beginning of depression symptoms. Difficulty in making any independent decisions


Depression is one of the most significant health problems of the 21st century. Depression is now main reason disabilities around the world. According to experts in the field mental health, more than a quarter of working-age citizens suffer from depression.

We all feel sad, moody or depressed sometimes, but there are people who experience these feelings intensely throughout long periods time (weeks, months or even years), sometimes for no apparent reason. Depression is not easy Bad mood is a serious illness that affects your physical and mental health. When something unpleasant or upsetting happens, such as the end of a relationship or the loss of a job, it is normal that discomfort and depression arise and continue for some time, but these feelings disappear over time, and you continue to live. But if it's depression, the feelings don't go away even when the situation gets better.

The essence of depression is not what kind of depression you have, but that it is a disease! About depression, a depressed person, etc. A lot of material has been written, but we still do not fully understand that there is no state “after depression”, it does not go away in one go, like ARVI, for example, and it is impossible to determine the time of depression. Depression is a thing that you can’t touch, but it ruins your life very seriously. Absolutely all people experience depression. different periods life and even children “suffer” from depression.

The World Health Organization has published statistics on depression research. Depression is now in first place in the world among the causes of absence from work, in second place among all diseases leading to disability. There is a possibility that by 2020, that is, in a year and a half, depression will paralyze the economic life of most countries. Depression will overtake cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Also, WHO talks about 350 million people who currently have depression. The highest prevalence of depression according to statistics is in the Baltic countries, Korea and Japan. Residents of megacities get sick more often. The number of suicides is also much higher in megacities. In our country doctors general practice They know almost nothing about depression and this diagnosis will be made in the latter case. Whereas in the USA, every family doctor or therapist is very knowledgeable about everything related to depression and is ready to offer treatment.

In our country, depression should be addressed to a psychiatrist or psychologist. What is the difference? If the cause of depression is external, for example, a conflict at work, then a psychologist will be able to help and a psychiatrist will not be needed. If reactive depression is caused by loss loved one, then a psychiatrist is needed because only he can prescribe medications. If depression is caused mental illness, then nothing will work without a psychiatrist. Don't be afraid of psychiatrists! This is an ordinary doctor who is often the only one who can help you.

The definition of depression is given in ICD - 10. Mood disorders [affective disorders] (F30-F39).

This block includes disorders in which the main disorder is a change in emotions and mood towards depression (with or without anxiety) or towards elation. Changes in mood are usually accompanied by changes in overall activity level. Most other symptoms are secondary or easily explained by changes in mood and activity. Such disorders most often tend to recur, and the onset of an individual episode can often be associated with stressful events and situations.

Sadness and melancholy as a reaction to an event is not depression at all. How to suspect depression?

These are the ones symptoms, which are the most common and have been observed for a long time.

  • Appetite disorders;
  • Weight fluctuations with large amplitude;
  • Lack of motivation in principle;
  • Apathy;
  • Reluctance to communicate with people and leave the house;
  • Putting off things, even those that you previously liked;
  • Feelings of helplessness and confusion;
  • Thoughts about death as salvation;
  • Suicide attempts.
Not all of these symptoms may be present, but if a person has had some of them for three months or even a month, then most likely this is depression.

Stages of depression

The first stage is the rejection stage. The person rejects all symptoms and shifts the blame to fatigue, bad feeling and even for bad weather. The second stage, when the body begins to work in autonomous mode, the work of the whole organism changes. Everyone wakes up chronic diseases. The third stage (corrosive) is the most dangerous. The body still works offline. Mental problems begin. Aggression is added to detachment from the world. There is a danger of causing harm not only to yourself, but also to others. It is believed that the third stage, without appropriate treatment, can lead to schizophrenia or manic-depressive psychosis. At this stage, the person is registered in a psychiatric clinic.

Types of depression

Major depression (clinical)

Major depression is sometimes called clinical depression, unipolar depression, or simply "depression." This is severe depression. Symptoms occur most days and last for at least two weeks.

Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia)

Persistent depressive disorder is a long-term, but less heavy type depression. It's softer, but chronic depression and she doesn't let you live normal life. Symptoms of dysthymia are similar to those of major depression, but are less severe and are not sufficient to diagnose major depressive disorder.

Endogenous and exogenous (reactive) depression

Endogenous depression occurs without the presence of stress or trauma. In other words, she has no visible external cause. Exogenous depression occurs after a stressful or traumatic event. This type of depression is more often called "reactive" depression.

Psychogenic depression

Depressive disorder caused by acute injury.

Neurotic (“nervous”) depression

This is depression in an emotionally unstable person.


One of the main changes is that the person begins to move more slowly and completely loses pleasure from everything or almost everything.

Psychotic (clinical) depression

Sometimes people with a depressive disorder may lose touch with reality and experience psychosis. This condition may include hallucinations.

Perinatal (antenatal, postpartum) postnatal, hormonal) depression

In the first days after birth, many women experience so-called "infantile melancholy", which is general illness associated with hormonal changes, and affects up to 80 percent of women.

Somatogenic depression

This depression is triggered by the presence of a disease (brain tumor, increased thyroid gland, fibroids, etc.), is secondary in nature and goes away after recovery from the underlying disease.

Bipolar depression

Bipolar disorder was commonly called "manic depression" because the person experiences periods of depression and periods of mania, with periods of normal mood in between.

Cyclothymic disorder

Cyclothymic disorder is often described as a milder form bipolar disorder.


This is a decline intellectual activity(problems with concentration, spatial orientation, and memory).

Seasonal affective disorder

This type of depression usually begins in early winter and rises in the spring and can be treated light therapy or artificial lighting.

Masked (somatized) depression

Masked depression has been a proposed form of atypical depression in which somatic symptoms or behavioral disorders dominate the clinical picture and mask the underlying affective disorder.

Atypical depression: the wrong type of depression

Unlike major depression, common feature atypical depression is a feeling of heaviness in the arms and legs - like a form of paralysis. However, it is believed that sleepiness and overeating are two of the most important symptoms for the diagnosis of atypical depression.

Alcohol depression

There is a link: self-harm and suicide are much more common in people with drinking problems.

Panic depression

Depression is sometimes accompanied panic attacks.

Suicidal depression

Suicidal depression is a terrible, deep, prolonged depression that if not treated on time. Leads to the death of a person.

Situational depression

Also called dysregulation disorder, situational depression is caused by a stressful or life-changing event such as job loss, death of a loved one, injury, etc...

Depression without depression

Symptoms are only physical, without loss of interest in life. Heart-like pain headache and in other parts of the body.

Home depression

Such people are active at work, but do nothing at home. If it’s not just laziness, but a depressing state, then it could be depression.

Hidden depression

A person with hidden depression is a person who struggles with his inner demons and tries not to show them to anyone. Sometimes they may show their pain and give a small hint that they need help.

Childhood depression

In children under 18 years of age they manifest themselves as lack of interests, sadness, bad behavior and academic performance, etc...

Treatment of depression

It is very important to find the “right” specialist. It is important to determine whether your depressive symptoms are due to a medical condition. Finding the treatment and support that works best for you may require trial and error to try several treatment options. For example, if you decide to go to psychotherapy, it may take several attempts to find a therapist with whom you actually find mutual language. The same goes for antidepressants. Don't rely on medications alone. Although the drug can relieve symptoms of severe depression, it will not solve all problems.

The more you improve your social connections, the more protected you are from depression. Lifestyle changes are simple but effective tools for treating depression. Even if you need other treatment, lifestyle changes will help relieve depression faster and prevent it from returning. Psychological treatment depression is dealt with by a psychologist who works with depression. Psychological therapy can help you identify and change destructive thoughts and behaviors. Main medicine for depression are antidepressants. There is a lot of misinformation about antidepressants, however, this method can significantly help in the treatment of moderate to severe depression and some anxiety disorders.

How to cope with depression on your own?

Treatment for major depressive disorder typically requires professional intervention, but there are ways you can control your condition.
  • Good, long sleep;
  • Eat enough and healthy food;
  • Continue to act and look for solutions;
  • Take care of your hygiene;
  • Avoid psychoactive substances;
  • Find out what makes you happy;
  • Be kind to yourself;
  • Try new things;
  • Try to help;
  • Set realistic goals;
  • Keep a mood diary;
  • Try self-help;
  • Keep in touch with friends and family;
  • Join a support group for people who are depressed;
  • Learn as much as you can;
  • Practice coping skills;
  • Seek out reputable, trusted doctors and therapists;
  • Explore alternative medicine.

Depression in women

Here's what contributes to female depression:


Hormonal changes during puberty may increase the risk of depression in girls;

Premenstrual problems

A small number of women have severe symptoms that disrupt their learning, work, relationships or other areas of their lives. At this point, PMS can progress into premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), a type of depression that usually requires treatment.


Hormonal changes occur during pregnancy and this can affect your mood.

Postpartum depression

New mothers can feel sad, angry and irritable. These feelings, sometimes called the baby blues or baby melancholy, are normal and usually subside within a week or two.

Premenopause and menopause

The risk of depression may increase during the transition to menopause, a stage called perimenopause, when hormone levels can fluctuate erratically.

Life circumstances and culture

Life circumstances and cultural stressors may also play a role.

  • Unequal status;
  • Work overload;
  • Sexual or physical abuse.
Postpartum depression

Postpartum depression affects up to 15 percent of mothers after birth and up to 9 percent of women during pregnancy, most often it is depression during maternity leave. Depression can occur at any time during pregnancy or up to a year after the baby is born. This can also happen after a miscarriage, and depression almost always occurs after an abortion.

Depression in men

There are several reasons why symptoms male depression usually not recognized. For example, men tend to deny that they have problems because they have to “be strong.” And culture assumes that expressing emotions is largely a feminine trait. As a result, depressed men are more likely to talk about physical symptoms their depression, such as feeling tired, rather than symptoms related to emotions. Some of common factors Risks for men may include:

  • Physical injuries;
  • Relationships, difficulties and conflict in relationships;
  • Major changes in life, for example, becoming a dad;
  • Problems at work;
  • Unemployment, especially if it lasts for a long time;
  • Overweight;
  • Retirement;
  • Financial difficulties;
  • No close friends, no one to talk to;
  • Divorce;
  • Drugs and alcohol.

Depression in children and adolescents

Less than three decades ago, depression was seen as a predominant disorder in adults: children were considered too immature to develop depressive disorders, and adolescent low mood was seen as part of “normal” adolescent mood swings. Depression in children and teen depression is very real.

What teenagers and their parents need to know about depression. If one or more of these signs of depression persist, you should seek help:

  • Frequent sadness, tearfulness and actual crying;
  • Decreased interest in favorite activities;
  • Hopelessness;
  • Persistent boredom; little energy;
  • Social isolation from friends and family;
  • Low self-esteem and guilt;
  • Extreme sensitivity to failure;
  • Increased irritability, anger, or hostility;
  • Difficulty with relationships;
  • Frequent complaints about physical illness, such as headaches and stomach pain;
  • Absenteeism from school or poor academic performance;
  • Poor concentration;
  • Major changes in eating and/or sleeping;
  • Talking about running away or actually trying to run away from home;
  • Talking about suicide or behavior associated with self-harm (self-harm).

Depression and age

Young people between the ages of 19 and 29 sometimes become depressed due to major life changes, lack of support in a new environment, lack of coping skills, relationship problems, poverty, trauma, problems at work, etc. Adults between the ages of 30 and 60 tend to have a lot in common that can trigger depression: caring for children as well as older parents; financial stress, isolation, work and relationship problems, illness and multiple responsibilities. Yet no relief in sight. The age of 40 is considered a midlife crisis and this is also a period of depression. There is a reassessment of values ​​and the whole life and not everyone likes the results. After 50 years, many begin to feel regret about missed opportunities and dreams that were not destined to come true. Symptoms in older adults include trouble sleeping, fatigue, sadness and anxiety, trouble concentrating or making decisions, and mood changes that do not subside (for example, grief over the loss of a loved one should subside over time).

Causes of depression

As diverse as depression itself is, so are the huge number of reasons that cause it or contribute to its development. Depression usually results from a combination of recent negative events and other antecedent factors, often much earlier, rather than from just one negative event. Research shows that long-term difficulties, such as long-term unemployment and subsequent depression, living in an abusive, toxic relationship, long-term isolation or loneliness, and long-term stress, are more likely to cause depression than recent arguments. They then say about the person that he “fell into depression.” Before depression, as a rule, a person simply remains in a gloomy mood for a long time and does not notice when he can no longer get out.

Consequences of depression

The problem with depression is that when depressive feelings develop into a chronic, life-disrupting disorder that interferes with daily functioning, the clinical diagnosis of major depressive disorder occurs ( short name– depression).

If you have depression and it is not treated, the consequences of depression will not only come at a very high personal cost and dramatically affect your health, but will also affect your quality of life. The effects of depression may include: that your depression may cause anxiety to your family and friends, affect your ability to reproduce, and often make it difficult for you to do your job. Depression also increases the risk of suicide, but treatment also dramatically reduces this risk.

Depression of loved ones

Here are some tips on how to help with depression and how to help a person get out of depression.
  • Don't ask your loved one to "not pay attention." Depression is real illness;
  • Listen. Right now, what your loved one with depression may need is to be listened to;
  • Encourage your loved one to be more active;
  • Don't push too hard. Be reliable, but not too pushy;
  • Encourage your loved one to adhere to treatment;
  • Create a stable environment. Reducing stress at home can help a person with depression;
  • Emphasize that your loved one will definitely feel better. Encourage him, but subtly and unpersistently;
  • Educate yourself, your family and friends about mental health issues and depression in particular;
  • Make sure you notice and praise any significant improvement. Be real;
  • Leave time for yourself and your own needs;
  • Consider couples or family therapy (if it's your spouse);
  • Consider joining support groups, both for the depressed person and for you as his or her family member.

Depression is one of the most common psychiatric diagnoses, according to foreign scientists. Every tenth person in the world has suffered or is suffering from one type or another.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease is complicated by the fact that today there are about 20 types of depression, each of which has its own course and distinctive features.

So, what are the types of depression?

Today it is customary to highlight following forms depression:
1. By the nature of the flow:

  • clinical depression;
  • manic-depressive (bipolar);
  • endogenous;
  • camouflaged;
  • anxious;
  • psychotic;
  • neurotic;
  • atypical.

2. According to the severity of the condition:

  • dysthymia;
  • severe depression with psychotic manifestations.

3. By age groups:

  • children's;
  • teenage;

4. According to clinical signs:

  • dysthymic;
  • hysterical;
  • adynamic;
  • hypochondriacal.

5. Based on other characteristics:

  • postpartum;
  • somatic or larvated.

The most common types of depression

Clinical depression

– “classic” form of depression. This diagnosis is made in cases where the symptoms of the disease are present, but there is no need or opportunity to study the history in more detail or clinical picture disease and accurately diagnose the type of disease.

With clinical depression, the symptoms of the disease develop gradually; at the height of the illness, the patient is depressed all the time, his mood is low throughout the day, there is no interest in anything, his physical activity. A person’s behavior and way of thinking changes, the patient experiences anxiety, fear, suffers from feelings of guilt, his own powerlessness, insignificance, thoughts of suicide or even suicide attempts may arise.

This diagnosis is made in the presence of a triad of symptoms: decreased mood, apathy and motor retardation, in the absence of psychotic or neurosis-like symptoms. Symptoms of the disease must be observed in the patient throughout the day for at least 14 days in a row. Clinical depression is most often caused by difficult experiences or chronic stress.

Chronic depression

The initial symptoms of depression are not pronounced. At first they look like temporary increased irritability, but gradually such conditions occur more and more often. And now problems with sleep begin, and the depressed state practically does not go away. IN modern society depressive state far from uncommon. This type of disorder affects every tenth person over 40 years of age, and this percentage is constantly growing.

At the same time, the disease becomes “younger” from year to year. Often, even children with serious depressive disorders are scheduled to see a psychologist. The disease brings suffering not only to the sick person, but also to everyone around him. During an exacerbation, the patient’s character often becomes unbearable. Some try to alleviate their condition with alcohol or drugs and this only makes the situation worse. At the same time, the people around him, and the person himself, often simply have no idea that he is sick and needs help.

Depressed state syndrome

Symptoms of depression vary from person to person. It depends on the individual characteristics psyche. However, the first signs of depression can be identified:

  • decreased mood;
  • feeling depressed and depressed;
  • severe irritability, anger;
  • feeling of abandonment and uselessness;
  • apathy, loss of interest in life;
  • fast fatiguability.

If at least three of the listed symptoms are observed, then we can talk about the presence of depression. Before determining depression, observations are carried out for two weeks. Only then can a diagnosis be made. Over time, the disease progresses, and subsequent stages of depression are characterized by new manifestations: communication decreases, the desire to communicate disappears. A change in appetite appears, both in one direction and in the other. There may be complete indifference to food and, conversely, sudden attacks hunger. This leads to weight changes.

At severe depression arise intrusive thoughts about suicide, one's own uselessness and uselessness. Objective self-esteem and self-confidence decline. There is constant self-torture, reliving the past, while the future is seen only in a gloomy light. On the background constant decline strength and fatigue, psychomotor retardation appears, which can be replaced by sudden short-term excitement. All this negatively affects performance, which only makes the situation worse. Besides, constant depression most often leads to sexual disorders in humans.

In medicine it is customary to distinguish the following types depression:

  • dysthymia;
  • dysphoria;
  • hypothymia;
  • hypokinesia.

Dysthymia is characterized by an unreasonable depressed state and decreased interest in what is happening. The general tone decreases and desires become dulled. With dysphoria, attacks of unreasonable aggression, irritation and anger often occur. Increases sensitivity to external stimuli.

A person suffering from hypothymia seems to withdraw into himself, becoming withdrawn and uncommunicative. There is a feeling of deep sadness and melancholy, a premonition of impending misfortune. There may be a feeling of heaviness or tightness in some organs. With hypokinesia, the syndrome of slow movements is pronounced, the general tone drops significantly and the physical condition worsens. There may be weakness and complete absence desire to do something.

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Where does sadness come from?

The causes of depression can be objective, for example, some kind of personal tragedy (loss of a loved one, divorce, financial collapse, etc.). But sometimes the disease seems to come for no apparent reason. However, nothing happens for nothing, and the disease can be a consequence of certain factors.

The causes of depression are divided into several main types:

  1. Biological.
  2. Genetic.
  3. Psychogenic.
  4. Social.

Biological (organic) depression occurs in half of the cases. Most often they are caused by insufficient blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. As a rule, in this case the patient is constantly in a depressed-anxious state and constantly complains about his illness. Such depressions even received a separate name - “complaining” or “whining” depression.

The cause of poor blood supply can be a chronic disease or stroke. After a stroke, during the recovery period, a depressed state in the patient is far from uncommon. Traumatic brain injuries can manifest themselves even a year after the event and cause the development of long-term depression.

The depressed state can be inherited. If at least one of the parents suffers from such a disorder, then with age there is a high probability of the child developing this disease. The disease can also come to adolescence, and the reason for this is often increased vulnerability of the psyche. In addition, there are frequent cases of depression in women in postpartum period and during menopause.

Among the causes of depression, alcohol and drug addiction can be highlighted. Systematic poisoning of brain cells with toxic substances leads to malfunction of the entire organ and the occurrence of depression. Sometimes a person tries to “treat” already frayed nerves with alcohol or drugs. In this case it is created vicious circle, because the use of “cheerful assistants” only aggravates the course of the disease.

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Psychogenic conditions

Most often found, which is divided into two types:

  • reactive;
  • neurasthenic.

happens due to objective facts that actually happened to a person and resulted in severe psychological trauma. Events can be different - from really serious losses to trifles, which a person, however, may be too sensitive to. Moreover, illness can be a consequence of even a joyful event. This is the so-called achieved goal syndrome, when a person strives for something for a long time, and now - it has come true! But then comes a spiritual emptiness that needs to be filled with something. If this does not happen, a feeling of loss of meaning in life arises and signs of mild depression, which quickly grows into a serious problem.

The neurasthenic manifestation of depression occurs due to chronic stress. Most often, people who suffer from this form of disorder are very active people who overload themselves with their activities. In this case, there is no tragic event in the patient's life. The disease originates in psychological fatigue, which is sometimes accompanied by a chain of minor failures and disappointments.

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How to get rid of the disease

Treatment for depression is successful in most cases, provided that adequate treatment is used. How to cure depression? Like most others, this disease is much more treatable complex treatment. Moreover, the disease not only affects internal state, but also leads to difficulties in social adaptation. Therefore, getting out of depression should be under the supervision of a psychologist. What is necessary for quality treatment?

  1. Psychotherapy.
  2. Medicines.
  3. Physiotherapy.

A psychotherapist has a wide range of techniques and knowledge on how to get rid of depression. Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy has an excellent effect in combating depression, which helps the patient tune in to a more optimistic vision of the world and cope with internal problems. Used in combination with psychodynamic and existential psychotherapy. They are complemented by various trance techniques and hypnosis.

Medication treatments for depression:

  • antidepressants;
  • neuroleptics;
  • mood stabilizers;
  • neurometabolic drugs;
  • vitamins;
  • amino acids.

Medications must be selected by the attending physician on a strictly individual basis.

You cannot treat yourself because effective treatment only possible if it is prescribed in accordance with the diagnosis. Without being a specialist, it is almost impossible to diagnose yourself and choose treatment methods for depression. Moreover, many such drugs are sold only by prescription. Even medicinal herbs It is advisable to use only after consultation with a doctor, who will give recommendations on how to get out of depression.

Physiotherapy includes treatments such as light therapy and color therapy. You can do light therapy on your own. To do this, you need to purchase a special device, often called a “light box”. The essence of the treatment is that you need to look at the light emitted by the device. How to deal with depression, the duration of sessions and their frequency, are detailed in the instructions for use of the device. This type of treatment can be prescribed by a doctor and carried out on an outpatient basis.

Treatment for depression may include music therapy, mesodiencephalic modulation (exposure to weak electric shock on the brain) healing sleep etc. Physiotherapy by itself cannot give strong therapeutic effect, but can be an excellent addition to the main treatment, leading to speedy relief from depression and full recovery.

Mental disorders, characterized primarily by decreased mood, motor retardation, and disturbances in thinking, are serious and dangerous disease which is called depression. Many people believe that depression is not a disease and, moreover, does not pose any particular danger, which they are deeply mistaken about. Depression is a rather dangerous type of disease, caused by a person’s passivity and depression.

This disease is characterized by signs of low self-esteem, indifference to one’s life, and loss of taste for it. Very often, a person with symptoms of depression finds salvation in alcohol or, worse, psychotropic substances. These substances, of course, help get rid of the signs and symptoms of the disease, but this does not resolve the issue of the cause of depression. Moreover, the use harmful substances worsens the situation and leads to complete loss person.

Let’s take a closer look at what depression is and what main types of this disease exist.


Depression is a human mental disorder that is most common in women and less common in men. The age of people who fall under the influence of the disease ranges from 18 to 55 years, but the occurrence of the disease at an earlier and earlier age cannot be ruled out. late ages, but only in rare cases.

Depending on the reasons that provoke the appearance of depression in a person, this disease is divided into types. These types are called:

  1. Chronic depression or dysthymia occurs over a long period of time (up to 2-3 years).
  2. Acute or clinical depression- the most complex form of the disease, which is characterized by pronounced symptoms. Clinical depression is characterized by a short duration of course, but has complex nature. Every adult is familiar with the symptoms acute form of this disease.
  3. Reactive depression characterized by spontaneity of occurrence against the background of the appearance of serious stressful situations.
  4. Neurotic depression arises through emotional disorders, in which the dominant link is occupied by neuroses.
  5. - actually this type of malaise, through which a person is deprived of drinking alcoholic beverages. This may occur due to coding or identification of another disease in which a person is prohibited from drinking alcohol.
  6. Prolonged depression characterized by a long-term accumulation of negative factors, which are ultimately localized into malaise.
  7. Masked depression is caused by pain symptoms that indicate somatic forms of disease.
  8. - occurs, accordingly, after the birth of a child.
  9. Bipolar or manic depression- characterized by predominance in the human psyche emotional lability(unstable mood).

Each of the above types has its own reasons why one or another form of illness actually occurs. Let's look at what these reasons are in more detail.

Causes of mental disorders

The occurrence of a mental disorder in both women and men is determined primarily by negative changes in their lives. This is the main factor or sign that plays a major role in the initiation of the disease. But in addition to negative changes, there are a number of other reasons that influence the appearance of depressive disorder. If you know these reasons, then in some situations it is possible to independently avoid the occurrence of a psychological illness.

The main reasons include the following factors:

  1. Conflict situations that arise between relatives, friends and loved ones. As a consequence of such conflicts, this unpleasant situation is deposited in the human brain. Constant worries and thoughts about only one thing lead to depression.
  2. The loss of a loved one or friend also leads to the fact that a person cannot withstand psychological trauma and withdraws into himself. Most people experience reactive depression, which, through certain time disappears. But for some people, especially women, the loss leads to complete psychological disorder, that is, neurotic depression. If you don't accept therapeutic measures, then this can lead to mental insanity.
  3. Violence. For women, the sign of sexual violence is no less significant than the loss of a loved one. Apart from sexual, abuse can also be emotional or physical. Two last type violence in most cases is not capable of leaving psychological trauma for life.
  4. Genetic predisposition. Cases of depression in ancestors can cause depression in descendants.
  5. Problems. The presence of problems directly affects the occurrence of depressive symptoms. Moreover, problems can be both personal and business in nature. A problem of a social nature cannot be ruled out.
  6. Disease. Having learned about a fatal disease, a corresponding reaction occurs in the form of a decadent mood.
  7. Alcohol addiction. Man suffering from bad habits, also has the characteristic property of manifesting depression. Such people have two types of disease: chronic and alcoholic. The first occurs against the background of some event, leading to the fact that a person finds painkillers in alcohol or narcotic substances. And the second type arises due to the prohibition of use alcoholic drinks, which actually leads a person to confusion. Alcoholic depression was previously found exclusively among representatives male side, but in present time This type of disease is often diagnosed in women.
  8. Medicines. Reception medical supplies causes in some cases the appearance of depressive disorders. These disorders occur under the influence of medications taken, which have side effect per person.

Thus, depression can occur not only in women. This disease is widespread among people of all genders, ages and nationalities. Mental disorders are diagnosed among ordinary middle class people, as well as among the rich and even famous. This is explained by modern values have a direct negative impact on a person and his condition. Each person has his own specific goal, but when he realizes that he is unable to achieve it, then a feeling of despair, isolation and uncertainty sets in. This is where the first sign of depression arises, which, if you do not try to cure it, can lead to much more serious diseases, such as the development cancerous tumors cerebral cortex, etc.

Only in some cases, depression can occur in the absence of problems, but there are reasons for this, because, most likely, it is caused by a person’s genetic subconscious.


People often ask the following question: “What is depression, and how to deal with it?” It is already known that depression is a complex and serious disease that manifests itself due to the predominance of psychological trauma. When considering how to combat the disease, it is necessary to first pay attention to the symptoms of depression, since it is the first sign of the disease that makes it clear about the localization of a particular type of ailment in a person.

Symptoms of depression are quite varied and manifest themselves differently in everyone, depending on the type of predominant ailment. The main signs of the symptoms of the disease are:

  • anxious feelings;
  • feelings of guilt or despair;
  • decreased self-esteem;
  • self-isolation.

Symptoms in women appear more clearly than in men, which is due to physiological characteristics brain. A man can be depressed for many years and hide it. In women, the picture of symptoms is visible quite clearly, so if the first signs of localization of the disease are detected, then it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately.

For your information! Depression is a serious illness that requires medical intervention. It is possible to treat the disorder on your own, but in most cases this treatment for depression is null and void.

Symptoms of the disease also appear as constant fatigue, lack of interest in life. The patient is no longer interested in what previously brought him joy and pleasure. Symptoms of the disease even affect sexual life, contributing to the development of impotence in men and infertility in women.

The disease is also observed by a change in a person’s behavior: he becomes inattentive, loses the ability to take purposeful actions, and cannot concentrate his attention. Often the sick person begins to avoid his family and friends, he becomes lonely and withdrawn. People often find salvation from such symptoms in alcohol-containing drinks or psychotropic, and even worse, narcotic substances.

A depressed person's thoughts become negative, negative, and self-directed. It is common for a person to fixate on the denial of himself; he considers himself unnecessary, worthless, and a burden to his family and friends. He is characterized by difficulty in making any decisions.

Symptoms of the disease affect not only emotional sphere, they also manifest themselves in the form of sleep disturbances, insomnia appears. During the day, the patient can sleep through the night, but the dreams are short and filled with frequent awakenings and phobias. On the nutrition side, the picture can develop according to two scenarios:

  1. The patient may lose his appetite completely, and the body begins to quickly become exhausted, which leads to weight loss.
  2. Appetite may increase, and at the same time the patient begins to overeat, eat at night and actively gain weight.

As the disease progresses, physical pain in the area of ​​the heart, abdomen, sternum. Depression often leads to constipation. Against the background of a decrease in energy reserves, the body quickly becomes overtired during both physical and mental stress. The first sign that is characteristic of the emergence of psychological and emotional malaise is a problem sex life, which the sexual partner will understand on the very first day.

Symptoms by type

Depending on the type of predominance of the disease, the characteristic symptoms of manifestation vary. It is important to know the symptoms in order to notice them in time and seek help. If the picture of symptoms is unclear, then in this case you cannot postpone medical diagnostics detection of the disease.

Symptoms for each type of disease manifest themselves as:

Clinical depression characterized by a feeling of oppression and uselessness. The patient has delusional thoughts about feelings of guilt and the meaninglessness of existence. In this case, the patient experiences sleep and appetite disturbances and appears painful sensations in the stomach. Often this type causes migraines and skin diseases. Constant irritability leads to disorders of the genital organs.

Reactive depression It is characterized by both short-term symptoms, which typically last no more than a month, and prolonged ones - up to two years.

Characteristic symptoms are the emergence of feelings of deep despair, thoughts of suicide, the emergence of fears and phobias. Headaches and fatigue occur, appetite is disrupted and night sleep. All these signs indicate the predominance of a mental disorder - reactive depression. Sometimes reactive depression leads to suicide attempts, especially common among women. If the first signs of such tendencies are noticed, then it is necessary to constantly monitor the patient.

Neurotic depression has the following symptoms: a feeling of lethargy, fatigue, weakness, which are accompanied by prevailing headaches. Neurotic depression often leads to the appearance of nervous diseases. Symptoms of this type are not persistent and lead to successful recovery if appropriate measures are taken. The patient is characterized by exciting experiences with which he leads constant struggle, tries to influence the psycho-emotional situation while maintaining self-awareness. Neurotic depression also, together with neurosis, leads to mental attacks and hysteria.

Caused by the manifestation of disturbances in the functioning of the digestive and nervous systems, as well as liver functioning. The first signs of an alcoholic type of disease are characterized by the appearance of vomiting.

Alcoholic depression is expressed in a deterioration in well-being, the occurrence of lethargy and the appearance of thoughts of suicide. This type of disease is most common among older men, so suicide attempts occur specifically with alcoholic depression. The main symptoms include:

  • slowness when moving;
  • general lethargy;
  • facial expressions correspond to a sad mood;
  • insomnia;
  • feeling of constant anxiety.

Alcohol-related depression can occur a week after an unwanted cessation of alcohol and last up to 2 years.

Lingering look characterized by the following symptoms:

  • apathy;
  • increased anxiety and despair;
  • distrust of others;
  • low self-esteem;
  • tearfulness;
  • isolation and craving for solitude.

Masked depression manifests itself as the following picture of symptoms:

  • headaches and migraines;
  • skin itching;
  • sexual disorders;
  • pain when inhaling;
  • the appearance of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Masked depression is also called hidden depression, which indicates the difficulty of diagnosis. Most characteristic feature this type of illness is the lack of improvement even with medical intervention. Against this background, in order to try to get rid of the malaise, the patient finds other alternative ways to get rid of the symptoms. Masked depression often leads to a shortened life, so even during treatment, patient supervision is required.

Manic depression manifests itself in the form of the following signs of illness:

  • irritability to objects, society and any activities;
  • feelings of helplessness and guilt;
  • inhibition: physical, mental and speech;
  • melancholy, anxiety, sadness;
  • lack of appetite and sleep.

In addition to emotional disorders, manic depression causes disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, arrhythmia, tachycardia, and bradycardia appear. Constipation occurs, the patient gradually goes into a frozen state, manifested in the form of refusal to eat and lack of response to people around him.

Chronic depression is determined by a change in a person’s behavior: he loses the ability to take purposeful actions, concentration of attention is impaired. He withdraws into himself, does not want to have long emotional conversations, loneliness becomes his usual habitat. The patient finds friends such as alcohol and drugs. Constant thoughts only about bad things, low self-esteem, complete apathy towards the world around you. During alcohol intoxication frequent suicidal relapses occur.

All of the above symptoms indicate the predominance of mental disorders in a person. The sooner the first signs of the disease are detected, the correspondingly greater the chances of complete relief from the disease. Treatment for depression begins with an accurate diagnosis.


“I was “attacked” by depression, what should I do?” is a question that is widespread among young people. Yes, most people themselves can already identify the presence of depression and are trying to find ways to get rid of it. But is being overwhelmed really depression? In order to find out whether a person really suffers from depression, it is necessary to undergo a diagnostic course.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out an experienced doctor, who, at the first complaints, begins with simple questions about the patient's mood and thoughts. Next, they move on to tests, based on which the doctor knows the picture of the disease. If, nevertheless, the doctor detects a suspicion of depression, then a series of procedures are carried out to examine the patient, which make it possible to exclude other similar diseases.

So, diagnostics includes:

  1. Examination physical condition: weight, height, blood pressure and pulse.
  2. Lab tests: It is necessary to donate blood for analysis to identify abnormalities.
  3. Psychological research: a visit to a psychotherapist who conducts a conversation about symptoms and finding out the cause of the disease. Also, based on this, the doctor determines the presence of thoughts of suicidal tendencies, which is important in diagnosing depression.

Once the appropriate diagnosis has been made, it is necessary to immediately move on to treatment for depression.


Treatment of depression begins, first of all, with a correct diagnosis and determination of the form of exacerbation in which the disease is located. If depression is treated correctly and in a timely manner, the result can be a complete recovery. Most people do not want to visit a doctor, since determining the diagnosis is fraught negative consequences for the patient: introduction of social restrictions, registration, driving ban Vehicle and traveling abroad. In most cases, the patient believes that everything will pass after a certain time, but, unfortunately, this will only worsen the situation. Thus, if a mental disorder is not treated, the patient will end up with either a suicidal relapse due to an emotional breakdown, or the appearance of a fatal disease.

The disease tends to localize due to stressful situations, which leads to somatic ailments of the following systems:

  • cardiovascular;
  • endocrine;
  • gastrointestinal.

Depression in such situations tends to become more complicated, but if it is treated in a timely manner, you can achieve complete relief from the ailment.

If a person has mental disorders, then you need to understand that it is not worth treating this disease on your own, since it will have practically no effect. Treatment of depression consists of the following complex techniques:

  • Biological therapy, which is divided into drug and non-drug treatment for depression.
  • Psychological therapy.

Treatment of depression through biological therapy using medication involves the use of special medications. These drugs include tricyclic antidepressants:

  • Melipramine;
  • Amitriptyline;
  • Paroxetine;
  • Tianeptine.

Treatment of the disease with these antidepressants is not only effective, but also safe. For each patient, a specific dose is prescribed individually. It is worth noting that the effectiveness of these drugs lies in the duration, so positive influence There is no need to count in the first weeks. In addition, antidepressants do not cause dependence or addiction, so their use is prescribed in the first place.

Depression is treated through the use of benzodiazepine tranquilizers, which have positive effect in the first month of admission. But unlike tricyclics, benzodiazepines are addictive, so their use is strictly controlled. Benzodiazepine drugs include:

  • Phenazepam;
  • Tazepam;
  • Elenium;
  • Corvalol;
  • Valocordin.

Treatment with psychological therapy

Treatment of depression according to the method of using psychotherapy consists of three types:

  • cognitive;
  • psychodynamic;
  • behavioral therapy.

The main purpose of therapy is to identify the conflict and resolve it constructively.

Treatment of depression with cognitive therapy is the most effective, since it is based not only on identifying conflict, but also on changing the way of thinking to a more acceptable one, that is, optimistic.

Behavioral therapy treats depression by eliminating behavioral symptoms. These symptoms include: refusal of entertainment and pleasure, leading a monotonous lifestyle, etc.

At the same time, treatment for depression should rely not only on the attending physician, but also on the people around the patient. It is important that all the patient’s actions are perceived without aggression; it is necessary to constantly support him, speak only on optimistic topics and set the patient up for positive points. In the end, you need to distract him from your thoughts, give him a smile and joy, and the more often you observe these manifestations on his face, the faster he will recover from depression.