Slanders about food. Strong love spell on food and drink

Conspiracy magic helps a person gain freedom, get rid of bad habits, or take revenge on a sworn enemy. A conspiracy for food and its preparation uses both dark and light forces. The magical message is predetermined by the thoughts and desires of a person.

The white food conspiracy is a unique opportunity to improve the quality of your own life without further consequences with minimal impact. What food ritual works flawlessly?

Conspiracies and consequences of damage

Conspiracies work according to one principle - they attract the necessary conditions so that a person gets what he wants. If a person wanted money or success in work, he needed a white and absolutely safe ritual. Conspiracies that use black magic purposefully destroy the life of another person. Whatever the choice of the conspirator, universal food conspiracies will help in the implementation of plans.

Charmed food is used to cast a love spell on a man who does not have reciprocal feelings. A husband leaving his wife as a result of a love spell has its consequences. The destroyed will of someone else's husband will not bring happiness to anyone, neither the homewrecker nor the ex-wife. The results of a love spell are always difficult to predict in advance. For the husband, wife and mistress, the ritual of eating is equally dangerous. What to do if a quick ritual affects the health and well-being of the customer?

Any magic can be destroyed with the help of strong rituals and reverse spells. It will be possible to escape from a love spell or damage, free the husband from the spell of his mistress, or return control over her life to the victim. To remove the impact, you need to find out the name of the enemy, the person who decided to take radical measures. The fruits of an incorrect love spell on someone else’s husband will be reaped by the man’s children, his beloved woman, and the head of the destroyed family himself.

In most cases, damage to children is caused through food. Linings are not such a reliable way to glue. Negative food can be brought about without much effort and does not require the presence of a magician. In order for the food to be tasty, the enemies are clever, looking for options on how to hide the enchanted food. Why are food conspiracies needed?

How does a food spell work?

Before making a conspiracy, you need to understand its nature. Thoughtless use of magic is fraught with serious consequences. First preparations for the ritual - preparation will require a lot of strength and patience. Without studying the ritual, it is easy to make a fatal mistake and pay for it with your own health. The duration of the food plot depends on the complexity of the ritual and the constant energy supply. A man will leave the family - magic will help with this, but keeping him near you is not so easy.

The principle of operation of spell magic is the simplest - with the help of a spell, food or water is charged with the desired message, which the victim will subsequently consume. Such damage or love spell works flawlessly, especially if you use powerful long-term rituals. The man who is the object of love will become a weak-willed doll in the hands of his mistress, and the enemy will lose everything that he has accumulated through his own labor. Magic provides all the necessary opportunities, but does not guarantee happiness.

There are food conspiracies:

  • love spell on food;
  • rite of subjugation or strong dependence;
  • ritual for alcohol or food;
  • love plot through food and blood;
  • food love spell for strong attachment;
  • spoilage of food.

They use food spells to attract love or strengthen an existing connection. If a man does not reciprocate, a simple ritual with food will quickly bind him, make him obedient and pliable. Such a man will lose interest in other people or activities. Before the ritual, the conspirator must speak

“My love will remain with me, someone else’s affection will be touched forever.”

A simple slander should be fed several times a year.

Food is diluted with various magical additives. These are special attributes that need to be prepared at home. All preparatory work is carried out in secret without witnesses or assistants. If the secret ritual is revealed ahead of time, it will not work. There is no point in resorting to such slander unless absolutely necessary.

Slander on food and water

Any strong ritual is performed on special days. Love spell magic is allotted a day that coincides with the waxing moon, but it will be possible to untie someone else’s man only under the waning celestial body. A strong ritual is strong because one’s own hopes and feelings are invested in it. In order for a guy to love or strive for marriage, several rituals are used that are performed sequentially. Any word spoken during the ritual changes a person’s fate.

Slanders about food are a strong message that will be difficult to undo. A loved one, deprived of the right to choose, will not bring the desired happiness. Before performing a secret magical action, you should think again about the cost of the love spell. At the end of the conspiracy, you must read “Our Father.” Give thanks for the protection of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. After a love spell, it is better to visit church and once again think about the evil you have done. Love is a voluntary feeling that does not tolerate coercion. Implementing the wrong program will ruin the victim's future successes.

The choice of ritual depends on how strongly it should act. You can summon a loved one or make his life unbearable without a conspirator. When interfering with God's plan, you need to be extremely careful. At the end of each conspiracy one should say

And before the ceremony say

“The servant of God does not lose his mind, does not waste his strength, does not torment his soul with questions.”

At the end, you need to thank the Holy Trinity - Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

Types of food spells

There are several types of slander that, through food, change a person, make him pliable, or push him to unexpected actions. The method of causing damage depends on the attributes and words of the spell. The most effective love spells that will help you attract your loved one or take him away from another woman:

  1. Conspiracy for Men's Day. It’s not worth talking about food on any day. To do this, you need to select the appropriate day. The waning moon will tell you the right moment when the plot will work flawlessly. It is better to cast the spell on prepared foods that the victim will definitely eat.
  2. Conspiracy for drinks and alcohol. This ritual is carried out in advance, using water, alcohol or spirits instead of food. Alcohol addiction works flawlessly and leaves the victim no chance to escape.
  3. Sugar slander. The ritual is performed three times over three days. For the ritual, you should take a little sugar and chant it. The words of the spell are pronounced quietly without unnecessary fuss and shouting: “Bake, dry on my sugar. Body, heart, head. Just as a fly sticks to sweet syrup, so you are a slave (name of the victim), turn to me in love, slave (your name). Keep your advice, in my absence, grieve, value me as they value their most beloved and dearest. Let it be so!".
  4. Ritual for submission. A secret magical action is carried out during the waxing moon, when the celestial body strengthens the necessary connection. After the ritual, the house should be completely cleaned.
  5. Love spell. For such a ritual, you will need to cook your beloved meat with blood - steak. You need to drip a little blood onto the finished meat dish through a puncture in your ring finger. One drop of blood is left on the surface of the meat, and another on your own underwear. After the ceremony, underwear is worn at night for exactly a week and is not washed. A love spell of this kind will cause animal passion and incredible attraction in the beloved.

The blood plot is the most effective and simple, it makes a strong connection and does not allow a man or woman to look at other people. Like an obsession, such a slander changes the victim’s thinking, literally turning his life upside down. You should not use strong rituals on temporary partners, because over time the sympathy will pass, but the result of love spells will remain.

You need to pour a little salt into your left palm and say the spell three times:

“Droplet sisters, red maidens, always say to each other, help me, the servant of God (your name), to be with the servant of God (his name).

After this, the charmed salt is added to the spouse’s food. There is no need to pour out all the salt. It is best to add the charmed seasonings to fish or meat dishes. This kind of slander begins to work after two weeks. The husband's love will gradually return, and harmony will reign in the family.

How can you be sure that you have cast a love spell that will definitely work? Your observations will show this. They will also help you give a correct assessment of your work, and a forecast of how a guy’s real love spell can affect a specific object in the future. Today I, a magician, want to devote a conversation to magical love spells with food. Such drying and effective rituals for a guy’s love are technically simple, and therefore they are often performed at home.

Simple love spells for a guy's love through food - the meaning of magical rituals

The tradition of reading a guy’s love spells on food is very old; many magical rituals are not love spells, they are sugars and food fixes that work one-time. The purpose of such witchcraft rituals and love spells is to achieve the desired behavior from a man. And the magician, as a rule, gets his way.

There is a whole series of white love spells for a husband on food, which is charmed and subsequently fed to the spouse. These are, as a rule, light magical rituals for harmonizing existing relationships. They are performed with an appeal to the White natural Forces; many safe love spells for a guy of this category work on the personal strength of the performer.

Using the same principle, the magician casts an exact love spell on a guy at home with an appeal to the Dark Ones. But no matter who helps the magician, the meaning of the victim’s witchcraft drink is unchanged, and it is that the liquid with which witchcraft manipulations were performed (the carrier of the love spell program) enters the body of the beloved man. It’s the same with food – there’s no difference.

As for the consequences of a love spell on food, they do not differ from those unpleasant results that can be obtained from witchcraft rituals of love magic of other categories. Kickbacks, reversals and side effects are those “charms” that, one way or another, any novice magician encounters. Things are unpleasant, and often dangerous, but this is a kind of natural selection mechanism that works clearly in witchcraft. Those who are not capable of real witchcraft are quickly eliminated. Those who have magical abilities remain, and in the process of practice they gain experience, and, accordingly, knowledge, and develop connections with the Dark Forces.

Love spells for food are suitable for regular use.

Most of those who have independently cast love spells on food give positive feedback about the effectiveness of such witchcraft rituals. We can say that both practicing magicians and people close to witchcraft give good ratings to these simple love spell rituals for a guy’s love.

If you and your beloved husband live together, performing such magical rituals is not difficult. Such seemingly insignificant influences keep your spouse close sometimes better than hard black love spells. They have no side effects or negativity. Therefore, do not underestimate love whispers. Let's see how you can make an accurate love spell yourself through a charmed food or drink.

Homemade love spell for your beloved guy for food

A very good love spell for food or drink. The result comes quickly, and the exact love spell on a guy using food at home works great. I recommend sticking to men's days. The number of repetitions when reading the words of a conspiracy to love a guy depends on your feelings. You can read it 3, 7, 9, 12 times. It’s best to talk about food before serving.

“An evil melancholy lies in the field, heavy as a stone board. I would be able to overcome her, lift her up, and send melancholy to my servant (name). Oh, he would grieve, oh, he would yearn, be sad, be tempted, would not have seen enough, would not say goodbye. I, (name) would become for him the red sun, water in the heat, a wall in the wind, mother’s milk, father’s strong shoulder. A broom in a bathhouse, fire in a snowstorm, an icon in a holy church, may the slave (name) always be mine. From now on and forever, there will be no such person to take my word from him, to drive my image away from him. Thoughts were conceived and controlled, neither the devil nor the priest corrected my slander. Oh, you, melancholy, mighty sadness, call (name), drive, lead to me, (name). Amen".

The power of magical lures lies in the belief that this is a love spell for a guy that will definitely work. And it will definitely not give negativity either towards the object or towards the performer.

Love spell on food and blood

In its effect, this love spell on a guy for food is similar to black sexual attachments. Causes in any man who has been influenced in this way a strong love craving, bodily attraction, desire and desire for frequent sexual intercourse. This strong love spell for men on food is done as follows.

You need to cook the meat. Pork is best suited for this purpose. Using a new needle, pierce the ring finger on your left hand, place 1 drop of blood on the meat, and apply another 1 drop to your underwear from the wrong side. This piece of underwear must be worn and slept in for 7 nights. Applying blood to meat and linen, read the plot for the love of your husband three times:

“Droplet sisters, red maidens, talk to each other, help me (name) to be with my beloved (name). The key to this matter is now and forever. Amen".

Treat your husband to the charmed food. This exact love spell through food at home will work in 7 days. You will not be deprived of the affection of your man.

How to make your own love spell - a love spell for bread

In the practices of Russian witchcraft there are a number of love spells, including independent ones, where one of the components of the effects is bread. Bread has powerful creative natural energy, which a practicing magician can use in his work.

I, a magician, want to offer you 2 options: how to cast a love spell on a man using food, in particular, with the help of enchanted bread. Such additions are made only during the waxing moon. The power of bread drying will increase if you bake the bread for witchcraft yourself.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Easy love spell with a hot loaf

This is an old, working white love spell for a husband on a loaf of bread; You can also read something else about food. Very good prevention of adultery. The words of the love spell are read on hot bread, and then offered to the man. He should be the first to taste your magic bread.

They read the following text of a love plot for their beloved husband.

“I, named (name), will go out early in the morning into an open field, a wide expanse. I’ll stop there and shout loudly, calling on the seventy-seven whirlwinds that curl and walk across the expanses. I will command them that the brothers' windy whirlwinds should go in all directions and cover the expanses from the earth to the heavens. I will ask them to take away the sadness and melancholy from all the lonely and weak, from orphans and unfortunate mothers. Take the melancholy and throw it into the heart of my beloved, (name) betrothed. Let melancholy take root in his heart, let it grow there. Let (name) miss and yearn for me, his wife (name). He won’t be able to cope with the melancholy, he won’t be able to overcome the sadness. He will not know peace either in the sun, or in the moon, or in dim fogs, or in white snow, or in boiling showers. He can’t indulge in loving thoughts about me, he can’t indulge in the bodily languor that wants pleasure with me. Friends won't cheer you up, girlfriends won't console you. I am the only one dear to him, his wife, I am a red peahen to him, the joy of his soul. My lips are like honey, my hands are like a spring. My witcher’s word is strong, stronger than damask steel. My talk forever, now and forever. Amen".

Love spell for black bread

For the magical ritual of a love spell on a guy, the following components are needed:

  • rye flour bread
  • red wax candle

Do this during the waxing moon, Friday evening. It is advisable to bake the bread yourself. In a modern city, not everyone can follow this recommendation, and therefore this homemade independent love spell on bread Can be made with a regular loaf from the store.

Light a candle. Sprinkle a slice of rye bread generously with salt, take it in your right hand, and hold a burning candle in your left hand. Stand on the threshold, facing the inside of the house, and read the words of a guy’s love spell on food:

“I conjure with the living flame of a candle, I command the flesh of the earth, let the slave (name) turn to me with his soul and body, let him dry with all his heart, black liver, red blood, wild curls, clear eyes, sugar lips. So that I (name) would be sweet and desirable to him - day and night, early in the morning, and late in the evening during the month. Let him dry up about me, like bread dries up, let him remember about me day and night, early in the morning, and late in the evening during the month. Amen".

The candle should be extinguished with your fingers, and the bread and salt should be eaten. Then take the loaf from which you cut a piece and crumble it for the birds. Look at the birds eating bread crumbs and silently (you can whisper) read the words of the love spell:

“As birds flock to feed me, so with love longing, languor, desire for lustful pleasures I bind (name) to myself. I put food for the bird of heaven, with love (name) I return the food for myself.”

Love spell - easy love spell on poppy seeds

On the waxing moon, on Wednesday or Friday, speak poppy seeds. That same evening, prepare homemade cakes, sprinkling them with spices and magic poppy seeds. Treat your beloved guy. If it is not possible to feed a man, sprinkle the charmed poppy into the lining of his house, into his clothing pockets, into his shoes, etc.

Read the magic love spell for poppy seeds three times:

“Just as the poppy is varnished and desired, so I (name) will be desired to my beloved (name). My darling will look for me everywhere, love me, caress me, have mercy, and please me on the feather bed. Exactly".

How to remove a love spell on food - free your beloved husband from the conspiracy

To remove a strong love spell on food from a man, you need to do the following. Take food, pronounce the witchcraft words of a spell over it, freeing the bewitched guy from complementary foods, and distribute to those asking at the church or in the cemetery. Or you can just treat someone. This conspiracy is white, and therefore this transfer ritual is suitable for two-handed people, or those who practice white magic. Warlocks have their own methods of cleansing.

Here are the words of the conspiracy to remove a love spell cast on food.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I speak nine times. Some memories are from bitter tears, the second are from unnecessary dreams, the third are to breathe easily, the fourth are to brush away a bitter thought.

The fifth mention is from ardent desire, the sixth is from heartfelt yearning. The seventh commemoration is for separation, the eighth commemoration is for God's forgiveness. The ninth commemoration is for love liberation. Whoever gets involved in my business, the Angel of the Lord will remember him, take him by the hand, lead him to the holy icon, put him on his knees, and force him to pray for the health of the servant of God (the name of the one being cleansed). As I said, so that everything will come true. The servant of God (name) is given a holy cross, and his enemies are given a nail. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Home love spell on bay leaf with cemetery elements

I'm a magician, I note that all are love love spells for a guy with food, seasonings and spices are magical complementary foods. A real love spell for a guy’s love is not cast through food, it contains elements of cemetery witchcraft, and is full of necroenergetics.

To effectively cast a love spell on a man you will need:

  • cotton threads
  • shirt of the one you dare to bewitch
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 3 candles

On the full moon, according to all the rules, buy cotton threads to match the man’s thing that you have chosen to perform the ritual. In addition, you need to buy needles and bay leaves. On the same day, take the threads, 1 needle and 1 laurel leaf to the performer’s personal grave, and bury them at the feet of the deceased for 9 days. Follow the rules of cemetery work.

On day 9, take everything you own from the grave. The ritual of casting a home love spell on a married guy using a bay leaf should be done at sunset. Light the candles. Place soap on your right hand. It is with this soap that you will then wash your husband’s shirt. Place the bay leaf on your left palm, cover it with your right palm and read the words of the spell 3 times:

“As young women look in the mirror, but they can’t see enough of their beauty, so my husband (name) would look at me (name), but he wouldn’t see enough. As quickly as the soap washes away, my husband (name) will love me (name). As the shirt on the body is white, so would my husband be bright. Amen".

Grind the bay leaf, lightly cut the seam of the shirt, pour the powder into the hole in the seam, and then sew it up. This is an independent love spell that will definitely work, since it is performed through the grave reserve, full of the heavy dark energy of the dead, which envelops the living slowly, gradually, and holds on tightly.

The pad will work properly. Possible side effects include melancholy, deep sadness and dissatisfaction. The ritual does not give ardent passion, like demonic dryness, but the husband will forget to think about betrayal.

There are many proven conspiracies that attract well-being and prosperity. Food spells are among the most effective and have been used for many centuries. Their action was tested by our ancestors, and there is no doubt about their power.

Food spells help to attract prosperity, luck, success and love. The cherished words contain an energy impulse that we put into the prepared dish. Thus, it acquires a special power, which is transmitted to everyone who tastes it.

Food spell for family well-being

To prepare a dish that will attract prosperity into your family life, you will need millet. Prepare the porridge in the usual way, reading the plot over the pan:

“I put yellow millet in a saucepan, cook porridge, and feed the whole family. The grains are uncountable, the wealth is immeasurable. As the porridge is eaten, so will the good come. I will pick up everything to the last grain; I will not give my blessings to anyone.”

“I will feed all the birds and give them a gift. They will spread the news of my generosity around the world and bring prosperity to the house.”

Plot for good luck

Early in the morning, at sunrise, knead the dough (the choice of dish is yours: it can be pancakes, pies, homemade cookies, cake). When adding salt to the dough, read the words of the conspiracy:

“Early in the morning I mix dough for the family. Warmed by the sun, soaked in my love. Kneaded with hardworking hands, baked for luck.”

When you bake the chosen dish from the dough, read the “Our Father” prayer and be sure to make the sign of the cross three times. The prepared food must be divided among all family members and must be eaten before sunset.

Spell on poppy seeds

Buy a bag of poppy seeds and pray with it near the icon of the Mother of God. You can do this in the temple or at home. The prayer can be said in your own words, asking the Mother of God for protection and prosperity for the family, good luck and prosperity. Use the ground grains for baking and decorating your prepared dishes. When you sprinkle poppy seeds, say:

“How many poppy seeds remain on what I have cooked with love, so much luck and prosperity will be in the house.”

Remember that when preparing food, several conditions are important: a good mood, love and sincere care for those for whom the dish is intended. Never start cooking in a bad mood, so that your negative energy is not transmitted to the rest of the family members and brings troubles and failures into the house. We wish you prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

06.06.2017 04:10

We all dream of happiness, not knowing that achieving it is not that easy...

Spices can give a dish a delicious taste. The use of certain seasonings can change a person's character and energy...

Everyone knows the proverb that the way to a man’s heart is directly through his stomach. The catchphrase turned out to be true. Naturally, not every young man will sell his soul for delicious food, but this process can be facilitated by a food plot. For many centuries, representatives of the fairer sex have turned to magic in order to get a beloved but not loving man as their wife.

A white food spell is one of the powerful methods of influencing magic on a man or woman. This is a fairly quick way to attract your chosen one or chosen one. Both a woman and a man can use this ritual, the result does not change. It’s not for nothing that they say that the best chefs on a global scale are representatives of the stronger sex. And on a subconscious level, it will be more pleasant for any girl to choose an economic husband. You can carry out a food spell on your own, without the help of magicians.

Basic rules when performing a love spell on food

We should always remember that our thoughts are material. Food is something that allows you to absorb not only thoughts, but even the energetic message of the chef who prepared it. Each of us has noticed that the same food, cooked in different moods, can differ in different tastes. A bad word can have a negative impact on food. Even the most expensive and delicious product can be poisoned by your negative thoughts. There must be a special approach to food destined for magical effects. It is important to consider some nuances:

  • a man or woman who is going to perform a ritual on food must first set himself in the necessary mood;
  • the person carrying out the conspiracies must set a clear goal for himself, which should be achieved until the end of preparing a particular dish;
  • when organizing a love spell on food, you need to put all your love and tenderness into it - this is the only way the consequences of the love spell will be positive;
  • conspiracies of this type should be carried out on the waxing moon: your husband’s feelings for you will only grow every year, along with the moon.

Types of food conspiracies and their likely negative results

Today, there are a huge number of varieties of love spells, with the help of which you can get the attention of your future husband or wife in a short time. Any strong ritual of this category can bring quite negative consequences to a person. Any white ritual does not carry with it any danger and all sorts of side effects.

Still, there are conspiracies, during cooking, to which the girl’s blood is added. Typically this is menstrual blood. These conspiracies belong to black magic, and it is not advisable to carry them out independently, without the help of a specialist in this field, otherwise the negative consequences of an incorrectly performed love spell will not be long in coming. Only a literate person who has been practicing in this matter for several years should practice black magic.

The fact is that a strong black ritual can kill the will of the future husband or wife. In this case, the man submits to that magician and begins to fulfill all his instructions, and it is difficult not to notice. This way you can get a husband without your own opinion. He will do whatever you want, and sooner or later he will get tired of it. That is why, no matter how much you need to get married, never use black magic items. Naturally, the results of such a love spell will be colossal, but you cannot put your man at risk.

The best food rituals you can do yourself

First of all, you must remember that conspiracies should be carried out away from children. It is also very important that the man himself never finds out about this. The most common ritual can be performed on any dish. Food must be made with love. At the same time, you need to make sure that it is tasty and one of the most favorite dishes for the person on whom the conspiracy is being made.

It is important to do the ritual on the waxing moon and repeat the words of the conspiracy several times:

“As Eve follows Adam, so you, my (my) dear (sweetheart), follow God’s servant (name). May we live together forever, share bread and salt, and cannot imagine life without each other. Follow me always. Amen".

The results of the love spell will not keep you waiting. A man will begin to take initiative within a day or two.

How to put a guy on food. Waxing moon spell to put a guy on food

Love spell on food. How to marry your loved one.

Secrets of the witch. Real love spell. Love spell for food.

The next option is suitable for attracting the attention of a departed husband who did not want to return to the family. Even a wife who has quarreled with her husband can take advantage of this option. This strong, but at the same time white conspiracy will help get rid of all problems in the family. This powerful ritual does not affect unmarried men. You need to prepare any dish that your husband loved or loves and while cooking, say the text of the plot several times:

“Bless, Lord God, our union with the servant of God (name of spouse). Let us raise a son together, raise a daughter, and live without quarrels. Where I am, there goes the servant of God (name). Amen".

If you have performed such a ritual, then you cannot be unfaithful to your spouse. If you do not follow this rule and change, then your husband will do the same. The love spell begins to work from the moment the man completely eats the dish. If even the slightest part of the food remains on the plate, there will be no effect and the procedure should be repeated again.

Another version of the conspiracy carried out on food

Many mothers spend their rituals on food to get their son married. The main product in this case is salt. This is a unique component of each dish, which carries a lot of energy. This is a wonderful analogue of black magic. Salt is charmed using a special spell:

“Just as a dish without salt is lean, so your life without salt will be lean. Lord God, make sure that the servant of God (son’s name) finds his happiness in the near future, and lives with him in both joy and sorrow. Let it be so. Amen".

It is very important that it is the son who salts the dish with this salt. Many mothers deliberately do not salt food so that the man can do it himself. The results of the conspiracy will come gradually, so the mother must be patient for a certain time. Still, before you start performing magical rituals, think about whether you need it or not to use magic to attract the desired result.

One-sided love, devoid of reciprocity, dries up the soul and breaks fate. But people do not agree to give up the object of passion. More often women, less often men, cast a love spell on food. This is a magical remedy that affects the feelings of the subject of lust, changing reality for both the customer (performer) and the victim. However, you should understand how a strong love spell works, when it is permissible to use it, and in what cases you should restrain yourself and stick to weak magic. Let's look at everything in order.

What is a love spell on food for a loved one?

Magic allows you to take over the psyche of another person for a while or forever. If the sorcerer's goal is to inspire love, then a love spell is used. This is the name of a special ritual that creates a special world for the victim. Rituals are black and white, contact and distance, they use the forces of nature, the afterlife, things, trees, stones, images and much more. A love spell for food in villages was called feeding or drying out. It differs from other rituals in that it is performed using food or drink. Schematically it looks like this:

  • The sorcerer charges the medium with his intention.
  • The food is given to the victim.
  • When the food enters the body, the program begins to work, enveloping the person with the energy of the sorcerer.
  • The customer waits for the first result and begins to influence the victim using non-magical methods (court).

Getting ready for the ritual

We will discuss how to cast a love spell on food yourself. By the way, if you’re interested, in villages such rituals were considered the norm. Every girl and young woman knew how and what to do. Whispering a few words over bread or drink was a common occurrence for a woman. She and her children depended on the breadwinner, so his interest in the family was supported in all sorts of ways, including light magic. After all, if a man was lured by some visiting beauty, the woman had a hard time. They turned to healers and witches only when a strong love spell was needed.

But that's not what this is about. To carry out the ritual, you need to prepare everything you need in advance (as indicated in the description). There's no point in interrupting the magic. In addition, it is recommended to increase your energy level. This post is quite suitable for this. Reasonable restrictions on food and entertainment lead to the accumulation of forces that will increase the effectiveness of the love spell. The time of divination also matters.

Rules for performing love spells

In order not to make mistakes, you need to know some subtleties. So, a love spell on food, like any other, should be carried out on the waxing moon. This period is favorable. The full moon is also suitable for the ritual. But caution should be exercised at this time, especially for male wizards. The full moon greatly affects the emotional sphere of a person. Negative consequences from rituals affecting the psyche are possible. Women's days for love spells are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. As a rule, on Sunday it is customary to avoid magic. Sorceresses are allowed to use alcohol in rituals. Experts recommend investing the magic program in those foods that the victim likes. A food that a person enjoys increases the likelihood of a positive outcome. for a love spell - Monday, Thursday and Tuesday.

Light impact

There are rituals whose purpose is to arouse the victim’s interest in the customer. It is recommended to carry them out first. Perhaps black witchcraft will not be required. Consider, for example, a love spell on drinking. You don't need anything special to carry it out. Prepare for the moment of any feast. This means charging with additional energy. Wait until it is appropriate to offer the victim a drink. When pouring it into a glass or mug, cast a spell on the liquid and pass it into the person’s hands. Don't let the magic potion get into the hands of someone else. This is the only drawback of this love spell. It is not personal, therefore, it will affect anyone who drinks the charmed liquid. The words of the spell are as follows: “Water - into the blood, into the soul - love. Amen!" The ritual does not lead to negative consequences; it begins to work as soon as the person drinks the magic potion. The effect of the ritual is limited and completely disappears in about a week to ten days.

Powerful Ritual

Let's consider another kind of feeding that will instill in the victim a passion for the customer. Dough is traditionally used for it. Start, for example, a pie or just bake homemade bread. And as you begin to knead the dough, think about your loved one and read the words of the conspiracy. Naturally, you will have to work with your hands; it is undesirable to use modern mechanisms in magic. The words of the conspiracy are as follows: “As flour and water are kneaded and gathered into a lump, so the love between the Lord of slaves (names) flares up. The pie (bread) melts in your mouth and fills your heart with passion and longing. Sweet food, be mine forever! Amen!" You should treat your loved one to your cooking as early as possible. Just take it out of the oven - bring it to the victim.

How to speak sweetness (male ritual)

Not every knight in love is ready to stand at the table and prepare the dish himself. Don’t bother, you can start talking about the finished product. Buy a sweet that your sweetheart will definitely eat. Love spells on food are a simple matter, just choose the day according to the above recommendations. In the evening, take a photo of your loved one, place a treat on it, light two wax candles and place it on the sides. Create a mental form of your mutual happiness (that is, imagine it). Guide her towards a treat and accompany her with the words of the conspiracy. This is done like this:

  1. Imagine that there is a ball hanging in front of your forehead.
  2. Fill it with pictures of desired events, scenes of mutual happiness.
  3. Concentrate on the pleasure and good emotions the victim receives from communicating with you.
  4. Point the filled ball into the treat.

The words of the conspiracy are as follows: “A sweet share for God’s servant (name), this is my will. I fill her with food, I instill love in her soul. How sweet food is, so be with us always. The love of fate will fall, no one will ever break it. Amen!" In the morning, give your beloved a magical gift.

Love spell on a man forever on food

Black rituals, unfortunately, are in particular demand among home sorceresses. But they are the most dangerous. We'll sort it out first, forever, and then we'll talk about the risks. For the ritual, use any dish or drink. Alcohol is best. It itself clouds the consciousness, therefore, reduces the victim’s resistance. But alcohol also has its disadvantages. It is quickly absorbed into the blood and leaves the body at the same speed. A strong man will release magical energy with alcohol. That’s why experts recommend using a spell on food served with alcohol. You should prepare it yourself. As soon as you start cooking, light six dishes, preferably meat, season well with pepper and salt. At the same time, read these words: “Behind the black mountain there is a wall of darkness. Melancholy sits underneath her, looking sadly into the distance. Chained to the mountain with black shackles. I will satisfy melancholy, I will show her freedom. I’ll send them to my dear friend and force them to be friends. Go, melancholy, to the threshold, I’ll show you the way. Let the dear one suffer, know neither light nor darkness. As soon as he sees me, his grief will leave him. And far away the soul will be drunk, the body will be in captivity, and the soul will be in a dark place. Amen!"

When can you use the black ritual?

This type of exposure is not recommended for young people. If you really need it, then entrust it to a professional. The sorceress will make protection to reduce the risks of negative consequences. Home wizards, as a rule, do not know how to protect themselves and the victim. Ladies who already have children can try to cast a spell on their own. Before and after the ceremony, you cannot visit the temple. Avoid contact with religious symbols for at least a month. Experts strongly recommend not to practice black rituals (those that are forever). Firstly, they change the fate of the victim, tying him to the share of the customer. It will be extremely difficult to change this circumstance and return everything to its place. Secondly, a man loses a number of his advantages, becomes dependent, and therefore less successful.

Consequences of an illegal love spell

The ritual leads either to success, which every sorceress desires, or to grief. The negative consequences are that troubles begin to happen in life, to put it mildly. They come in different forms and, as a rule, affect the most important areas of life. Let us list some of the troubles that it is advisable for those who practice black rituals to prepare for:

  • loss of health for both;
  • childlessness;
  • a lack of money;
  • quarrels and scandals, despite affection;
  • development of bad tendencies in the victim (alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.).

How to protect yourself

To prevent a love spell on food from causing harm, a payoff is used. This is a common addition to any black ritual. We charmed you, did what was necessary to achieve the magical goal, please pay. The ransom is carried out in different ways, but it is important to give away something valuable and important. For example, shy girls are advised to buy sweets and treat everyone. At the same time, you are not giving away candy, but your fear of communication. Such a ransom will be accepted, and no troubles will follow. Brave witches need a different ritual. Take a sufficient (not small in your situation) amount and take it to the intersection. Drop it there, saying “Paid,” and go home. Sometimes giving up a habit or a favorite thing is used as a payoff. The main thing is that what you give as payment is valuable to you.

The best, strongest love spell

No matter what sorcerers and witches say, the sincerity of feelings towards a loved one cannot be compared with magic. There is so much magic in them that a person will not be able to resist. Only one condition: no selfishness! This is the most real, invincible magic, the consequences of which are always positive and lead to mutual happiness. Good luck and love!