Traditional methods of blood thinning under pressure. Herbs, folk recipes for blood thinning

Blood is vital biological fluid. The health of each of us depends on its composition, thickness, and viscosity. Nowadays, you can often hear about increased viscosity and thickness of blood. Usually, this is determined during the examination of blood donated for analysis. It means the blood is too thick increased rate, which is called D-dimer.

Why does blood viscosity increase, why is this phenomenon dangerous, why is blood thinning so important for life and what needs to be done for this? Let's look into this and together find answers to the questions posed:

Why does blood viscosity increase?

Blood can become thick for several reasons. For example, this pathology can provoke liver diseases that cause increased plasma viscosity. In case of a change in the quality of blood cells - red blood cells, platelets, the so-called gluing occurs cell membranes. Dehydration can also increase its thickness.

When the blood has increased viscosity, it moves through the vessels with difficulty, thereby affecting the heart muscle. high blood pressure, the possibility of blood clots in their cavity increases. This provokes the development of life-threatening cardiovascular diseases, including heart attack, stroke, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins.

Signs of increased viscosity

First of all, the pathology is characterized by increased fatigue and drowsiness. Memory noticeably deteriorates, headache. Often accompanied by the syndrome chronic fatigue.

What to do to thin the blood?

If this pathology is detected, the doctor will definitely prescribe medications. They are selected individually, depending on the reason that caused the excessive thickness. However, after consulting with your doctor, you can use very effective folk remedies, to thin the blood. I want to bring some of them to your attention.

Blood thinning with folk remedies

Traditional medicine plays an important role in people's lives. When treating various ailments, she uses only natural, natural remedies, which, when used adequately, do not harm humans. The same natural remedies used to thin the blood.

For example, to eliminate increased viscosity, you need to increase your daily water intake. It is recommended to drink pure water at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight. note that we're talking about o simple clean water. If you drink juices, tea, soups, etc. during the day. - they are not included in this number.

Medicinal herbs for blood thinning

Used to thin the blood various plants, including birch leaves, willow bark, garlic, onion, chestnut fruits, chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, sage, string.

To eliminate increased blood clotting, which is dangerous due to the formation of blood clots, use onions, garlic, cherries, lemons - these products help resolve clots. They should be included in the diet for varicose veins and for patients who have had a heart attack or stroke. But they should not consume basil, cilantro, and nettle, since these plants further increase blood clotting, which can be dangerous not only for health, but also for life.

Traditional recipes:

To reduce the thickness of blood and thin it, prepare the following remedy: grind 250 g using a blender fresh garlic, place in a clean container (jar), add 300 g of natural bee honey, stir, close the lid. Place it in your kitchen cabinet and let it sit for at least 3 weeks. The finished product should be taken 1 tbsp. l. in 30-40 minutes. before you eat.

Buy 100 g of ground nutmeg or grind the nuts yourself, put in a clean jar, pour half a liter of high-quality vodka. Now leave the tincture for 3 weeks, shake every day. When the tincture is ready, take half an hour before meals, dissolving 30 drops of the product in a quarter glass boiled water. When all the tincture is finished, take a ten-day break, after which repeat the treatment as necessary.

A good remedy is wormwood. To make the blood less thick, chew dried wormwood flowers (0.5 tsp) every day, in the evenings, for a month, with 200 ml. fresh kefir.

You can use popular recipe blood thinning with ginger and cinnamon. To do this, chop a piece of fresh ginger root (about 4-5 cm), add 1 tsp. good green tea, a little (pinch) of ground cinnamon. Pour the mixture with 500 ml of boiling water, wrap it up, wait until it becomes warm. Now strain, stir in a little honey, lemon juice (to taste), drink a little all day.

An excellent folk remedy is chestnut tincture. To prepare it, you will need 50 g of fruit peel, which needs to be filled with half a liter of high-quality vodka or diluted alcohol. Cover the prepared product tightly with a lid and leave for 2 weeks. Then strain, dissolve 30 drops of tincture in a quarter glass a little sweet water. Take the medicine before meals for 3 weeks.

Before using folk remedies, be sure to consult your doctor, as they may have contraindications. For example, chestnut tincture cannot be taken for certain diseases, for example, constipation, gastritis.

It is generally accepted that a person’s health directly depends on the quality of blood flow in the body. Blood performs important function. Oxygen, nutrients, hormones and various enzymes flow through it. If the blood flow becomes thick, this leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes. Such actions have a negative impact on the body.

A person increasingly experiences headaches, severe fatigue and even irritability. But the blood condition can be improved. To do this you will need to sit on special diet and drink more fluids. Along with this, you will need to take some medications. But not everyone relies on traditional medicine. Many still prefer to use traditional methods. Healing herbs will be effective. Plants that thin the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels also have cleansing properties.

What medicinal plants improve blood flow?

Since a long time medicinal plants used to increase blood fluidity. The most popular include:

White willow bark. To prepare the composition, you will need to prepare some products, namely, take willow bark - a large spoon and a glass of water. First of all, add water to the finely chopped bark and boil the product for 10 minutes. Then remove the drink and leave to cool for half an hour. Next, the infusion should be strained using gauze. The composition must be consumed three times a day, 2 large spoons before meals, for 1.5 weeks.

Sweet clover yellow. Take sweet clover grass, about a large spoon and half a liter of water. Healing tea Based on this plant, it is prepared quickly and easily. It is enough to pour boiling water over the chopped herb and leave in a thermos for about 2 hours. After which the product must be filtered using gauze. Take the prepared composition three times a day, 110 ml for a whole month.

Dioscorea roots. To prepare a homemade drink you will need 60 grams of roots and half a liter of alcohol. Fill the finely chopped roots with alcohol and leave to infuse for 14 days. It is advisable to cook in a glass container. Throughout the two weeks, you need to shake the jar regularly. At the end of the time, the healing tea should be strained. The miracle drink is ready. All ingredients in this recipe are quite affordable. It is recommended to take the product three times a day after meals, about 20 drops diluted in water. The course of treatment lasts 3 weeks.

Meadowsweet officinalis. IN Lately Blood thinning herbs are very popular. There is one more effective recipe preparing a healing drink. For these purposes we need meadowsweet. Take 2 large spoons of the pureed plant and a liter of water. But you don't need to boil anything. You simply fill the crushed flowers with plain water. In the morning, the finished tea should be strained. Take a whole glass three times a day between meals for 3 weeks. This drink can reduce blood viscosity in blood vessels.

Horse chestnut.
Blood cleansing is extremely necessary for our body. After all, condensed blood flow interferes internal organs and systems to function properly. And medicinal plants help normalize the process. Herbs that thin the blood are by far the best at doing their job. People have long experienced the effectiveness of many herbs, but most of all they praise horse chestnut. For cooking you will need 60 grams of the main component and half a liter of alcohol. Combine the products and leave in a jar for about 14 days. After which the product will need to be filtered using gauze. Take the prepared tea three times a day, about 30 drops, diluted in water after meals for a month.

Forest hazel. Many medicinal herbs They thin the blood, but everyone chooses the product to their own taste. The capillaries are strengthened with the help of hazel. For the preparation of products that seek to strengthen blood vessels. Used for cooking simple products. Take 2 large spoons of the main component and half a liter of water. Pour boiling water over the crushed leaves. The product should stand until completely cooled. Take healing tea three times a day, half a glass, for two months. This procedure normalizes blood pressure and prevents the development of blood clots.

Lungwort officinalis. No less popular means considered a lungwort. Preparing a purified drink is not difficult. For cooking you will need a large spoon of chopped plant and a glass of water. The product provides a thickening effect. Pour boiling water over the grass and cover with a lid. After two hours, strain the mixture. Take the healing drink three times a day, half a glass after meals for 3 weeks.

Ginger root. Experts advise taking ginger drink. It has a blood viscosity-lowering effect. For preparation you will need the root of the plant. You will need to chop it and add cinnamon on the tip of a knife, a small spoon of green tea. Combine all components and pour boiling water. You will need about two glasses of water. After 2 hours, the composition will need to be filtered. To add flavor, you can add a little honey and half a small spoon lemon juice. Divide the finished product into three doses and use throughout the day.

If you have reduced or increased blood flow in the body, then use any of the above herbs and normalize the process.

Medicinal plants are even used to thin the blood for varicose veins. But many traditional methods have contraindications, so before you start using the product, consult your doctor.

What other plants are used to thin the blood?

There is a huge amount medicinal herbs that help the body function properly.

What are the benefits of nettle for the body?

It has long been proven that nettle thins the blood. This plant has a large number of healing properties. It is used as a tonic, laxative, diuretic and expectorant. Nettle is actively used in folk medicine for treatment various diseases. This plant is considered universal remedy, since it applies:

  • for hemorrhoids;
  • with renal failure;
  • for swelling;
  • for constipation;
  • for heart disease;
  • for tuberculosis and asthma;
  • for allergic reactions.

Nettle can be used even when open wounds and bleeding. Many women prefer to use nettle to strengthen their hair and activate its growth. Oddly enough, nettle contains more ascorbic acid and carotene than in berries. Nettle contains vitamins K, E and B. The composition contains a large number of microelements. This plant brings the entire body back to normal.

Vitamin K perfectly stops blood and increases its clotting. The drug also actively fights inflammation and internal bleeding. And nettle leaves contain chlorophyll. It is what gives the body tone and improves metabolism. Thanks to chlorophyll, the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems is normalized.

And the most important thing that interests us is the effect of nettle on the blood. The plant is able to cleanse blood vessels of various impurities. As a result, blood counts improve. Nettle increases platelet count and hemoglobin. The plant improves the functioning of the heart and liver.

You can easily prepare nettle infusion at home. It is advisable to cook in a glass container. You should put a small spoonful of dry nettle there. Pour a glass of boiling water over it. After half an hour, the infusion will need to be filtered through gauze. You need to take 3 large spoons half an hour before meals, twice a day for 30 days. For better effect You can add a little yellow clover.

You can improve the composition of your blood flow yourself. This recipe will help restore function of cardio-vascular system and liver. You need 5 large spoons of dry nettle to pour half a liter of boiling water. Heat the mixture over low heat for about 10 minutes. It should sit for 30 minutes. Take half a glass of the healing drink 3-4 times a day before meals.

Before starting nettle treatment, you should consult a specialist. After all, all the herbs, despite the whole range positive properties, have their own contraindications. When cooking, try to follow the dosage strictly according to the recipe to avoid side effects.

A golden mean is desirable in everything, and any deviations from the norm are fraught with bad consequences. This also applies to the thickness of the blood. If it is insufficient, some health problems may arise, and if, on the contrary, others may arise.

Why is thick blood dangerous?

Some people experience this. On the one hand, this has a plus: a person with thick liquid flowing through his veins is unlikely to risk dying from blood loss. His wounds heal very quickly and often on their own. But, alas, there are many more disadvantages.

Viscous, rapidly clotting blood is prone to the formation of blood clots that clog blood vessels. And this is a direct road to a heart attack or stroke. In addition, the slow flow of blood through the veins causes oxygen starvation of tissues and deficiency nutrients in the body, which negatively affects its functioning. Immunity decreases, a person feels lethargic and tired, loses interest in life, and constant headaches, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis are just the beginning.

Troubles can be avoided if you know how to thin thick blood. This article is to help all those suffering from high blood viscosity.

Blood thinners

Having set the goal of reducing, first of all you need to conduct an audit in your refrigerator and carefully think through your diet. After all, why poison yourself with chemicals if you can just eat right?! Sea fish and other seafood, seaweed, flaxseed and olive oil, White mushrooms, Apple vinegar, coffee, cocoa, red wine, dark chocolate, oatmeal, nuts, spices, garlic and onions - these products must be on the menu, because they thin out thick blood. Dishes prepared using them become medicine in themselves, and thus a person combines business with pleasure - eats deliciously and solves a health problem. Everything listed is in stores all year round and is accessible to everyone.

As for seasonal products, the easiest way to answer the question is how to thin thick blood in the summer or fall. After all, this is the period when in abundance fresh tomatoes, Bell pepper, pumpkin, cucumbers, green beans, eggplants, melon, cherries, strawberries, celery, zucchini, beets, apples and other gifts of nature that perfectly remove viscosity.

But you shouldn’t be discouraged in winter either. In addition to the “demi-season” products already listed above, the buyer has at his disposal lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits and other citrus fruits that cope well with the task.

What to refuse

For those who are wondering how thick blood is thinned not out of idle interest, it is very important not to aggravate the situation. That is, at a minimum, limit the consumption of ingredients that perform opposite functions.

Blood viscosity is increased by foods rich in vitamin K. These are bananas, cabbage, kiwi, avocado, green vegetables (such as lettuce or spinach), some grains (buckwheat, lentils, etc.), rowan, pomegranates and grapes, as well as juices from them.

It is noteworthy that foods traditionally considered unhealthy (fatty meat, smoked meats, canned food, sausages, cream, etc.) also serve as a blood thickener. It is advisable to be careful with her. You can eat meat, but not fatty meat, and limit it to several servings per week. But you need to drink more - at least two liters of water, green tea or natural juice no sugar per day.

Those whose blood is too thick should also avoid herbs such as nettle, plantain, horsetail, tansy, valerian, St. John's wort, shepherd's purse, yarrow, etc.

Traditional medicine: herbs that thin thick blood

Traditional medicine knows the answer to almost any question regarding the treatment of diseases. And in many cases it serves as an excellent alternative to traditional medicine, which often not only heals, but also cripples.

How to thin thick blood with folk remedies using herbs was known to our great-grandmothers, who did not know what doctors and hospitals were. They had to seek salvation in the means at hand, because many people had died from a “stroke” before, as well as from problems with blood vessels, and IVs, heart surgery and other therapy appeared relatively recently.

So, which herb is best for thinning thick blood? Good saviors include wormwood, red clover, hawthorn, galega, meadowsweet, chicory, red clover, sweet clover, ginkgo biloba, acacia, mulberry and the predecessor of aspirin - willow bark.

The most a powerful tool In terms of liquefaction, horse chestnut is considered, on which many recipes are based.

The most effective recipes

But it’s not enough to know which foods and herbs are beneficial for people with too thick blood. You also need to be able to use them correctly. The following recipes will tell you how to thin thick blood using traditional methods:

  1. Chop fifty grams of horse chestnut peel and pour half a liter of vodka. Hide in a dark place for two weeks. After this, strain and drink a teaspoon two or three times a day half an hour before meals, diluting with a quarter glass of warm water.
  2. Peel and chop two or three medium-sized garlic heads. Place in a glass jar and fill with vodka to the brim. Keep in a dark place for 14 days. Be sure to shake once every three days. After 2 weeks, strain and mix the infusion with the same amount of honey and lemon juice. Mix well. Take once a day, a tablespoon at night.
  3. Grind the ginger root and mix with a pinch of cinnamon and a teaspoon of green tea. Pour 400 grams of boiling water. Let it brew a little, strain, add the juice of half a lemon and a little honey (for taste). Drink several times throughout the day.
  4. Pour one tablespoon of dry sweet clover with 200 grams of boiling water. Leave for three hours. Drink 60-70 grams every day. The course of treatment is a month.
  5. Grind and mix in equal proportions herbs wormwood, meadowsweet and sweet clover. In the evening, pour a tablespoon of this mixture into a glass of boiling water. In the morning, strain and drink in three servings - before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The course of treatment is a month.

Blood thinning during pregnancy

Quite often, women who have not previously experienced such problems, while in interesting position, suddenly they find out what they have thick blood. How to thin during pregnancy? What is possible and what is not? And what are the dangers of such a situation?

Blood clotting in expectant mothers may increase due to various reasons, including metabolic disorders, taking iron-containing drugs, limiting fluid intake (to avoid edema), etc. If deviations from the norm are significant, the problem cannot be ignored. Too thick blood is fraught with varicose veins, blood clots, oxygen starvation, heart attacks, strokes and miscarriages.

Since during pregnancy, taking medical supplies limited, women are left with only traditional methods, which can also be used only after consultation with a doctor. It is best to do without medications at all and thin the blood by eating necessary products. Their list is given above.

And only in the very as a last resort The doctor can prescribe for a pregnant woman such drugs as Phlebodia, Cardiomagnyl, and the like.

What does traditional medicine say?

What does he say? official medicine other patients? If the blood is thick, how to thin it? For a long time Aspirin was considered a universal remedy. It is still recommended to be taken even for preventive purposes by people at risk. A quarter of a tablet per day. But we must remember that aspirin is insidious. It thins the blood, while having a mass side effects. Therefore, doctors recommend replacing it with more gentle options. These are, for example, Aspecard, Warfarin, Phenilin and others.


As noted above, everything should be in moderation. And treatment as well. People who have thick blood now know how to thin it. But God forbid that you don’t have to urgently look for “thickeners”! After all, you can liquefy it so much that it opens up a life-threatening internal bleeding... Therefore, the main precaution is not to overdo it! And be sure to consult a doctor.

The patient is often interested in which herbs thin the blood from blood clots when insoluble fibrin threads change its composition. It loses its fluidity, thickens, acquires a cheesy consistency, and coagulability increases.

Plants that reduce the thickness and viscosity of blood are used to treat:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • infections;
  • injuries;
  • bleeding.

The patient takes medications based on herbal raw materials under the supervision of a doctor.

The simplest and accessible remedy- garlic. It is used to prevent thrombosis.

Plants thin the blood:

  • yellow clover grass;
  • dried red clover flowers;
  • crushed inflorescences of mountain arnica;
  • herbs of fragrant rue and knotweed.

Raw materials prepared from yellow clover have an anticoagulant effect and contain the substance dicoumarin. The plant is included in preparations for the treatment of thrombophlebitis.

Dried flowers red clover contain blood purifying ingredients, salicylic acid, minerals. A decoction of a medicinal plant improves the condition of veins with varicose veins.

Dry herbs of yarrow and knotweed, horse chestnut and chamomile flowers are used to improve blood circulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The patient is recommended to take peppermint (leaves) in the form of an infusion, white periwinkle herb, and mountain arnica flowers.

Patients appreciate the juice squeezed from horse chestnut flowers. The drink is taken for 10-12 weeks for thrombophlebitis. The grass agrimony has healing effect, used in the treatment of varicose veins.

Medicines based on medicinal herbs

Traditional drugs are used to reduce blood viscosity during myocardial infarction and thromboembolism pulmonary artery, varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis. The medicine Escusan thins the blood in case of venous insufficiency. The drug is available in drops and contains horse chestnut extract.

Escin enhances the activity of anticoagulants and drugs with antiaggregation effects and prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

The medicine Aescin increases the tone of the walls blood vessels, and affects the stages of blood clotting. The drug contains saponins - natural glycosides obtained from horse chestnut fruits. Medicines created on a plant basis have a beneficial effect on the patient’s body:

  • Ginkor Fort;
  • Escuvit;
  • Fitol-4.

The patient uses Venosa gel-balm to thin the blood when vascular insufficiency and thrombophlebitis. The drug contains extracts of medicinal plants. It improves blood composition, strengthens the walls of veins and capillaries, and prevents the formation of blood clots. The drug Escuvit is an analogue of the drug Escusan. It must be included in the treatment regimen after consulting a doctor.

Contraindications for use

Healing herbs are not always used to treat patients with thick blood.

Use before surgical intervention, with reduced blood clotting, kidney disease and autoimmune diseases. Large doses herbal infusion or decoction cause bleeding and liver dysfunction.

Plants intended to thin the blood should not be used if the patient develops nosebleeds or exacerbations of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Herbal decoctions not used for individual intolerance. The patient should be aware of the inadmissibility of using medication to lower blood pressure or anticonvulsant with a decoction or infusion of a blood thinning plant.

You cannot combine the use of strong alcoholic beverages with traditional methods of treating thrombophlebitis. Alcohol distorts the effect healing infusions and decoctions are harmful to the patient’s health. Uncontrolled use of medicinal herbs to thin the blood causes nausea, irritation of the gastric mucosa and other negative consequences.

Herbs for thrombosis therapy

Traditional medicine has a wealth of experience in the treatment of blood vessels. For thrombophlebitis, medicinal herbs are used to improve blood flow in the large vessels and capillaries.

Heat the vodka to a boil, pour in the chestnut fruits in a ratio of 10:1. The composition is infused for 12 days and taken 3 times a day before meals.

Marjoram herb is used to reduce spasticity arterial vessels and improving blood composition. 4 tsp. the raw materials are crushed and poured with a glass of boiling water, left until the mixture reaches room temperature. Take 50 ml 4 times a day before meals.

To obtain an antithrombosis effect, 10 g of crushed dried meadowsweet flowers (meadowsweet) are poured with 2 cups of boiling water. The composition is infused in a water bath for half an hour, filtered and taken 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day after meals. Herbal remedy thins the blood, reduces arterial pressure, resolves blood clots. Valuable substance meadowsweet salicylic acid quickly eliminates inflammation.

It is useful to drink meadowsweet tea in the morning if there are problems with blood clotting or a tendency to form blood clots after a heart attack or ischemic stroke.

Healing water infusions

White willow bark, red clover flowers, Caucasian dioscorea grass, motherwort, lungwort, strawberry leaves, and common buckwheat flowers are used to reduce blood viscosity.

The medicine is prepared from coltsfoot leaves, St. John's wort herb, and rose hips. Take 6 tbsp. l. mixture, add 3 tbsp. l. motherwort grass and strawberry leaves. 1 tbsp. l. the collection is steamed with 250 ml of boiling water and taken 75 ml half an hour before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 1 month.

In summer the patient uses for treatment carrot tops. The raw materials are poured with boiling water and drunk as tea 30 minutes before meals. To prevent the formation of blood clots in diseased veins, a collection is used, which includes medicinal plants:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • goat willow bark;
  • peppermint leaves;
  • red clover flowers.

Course application plant collection quickly restores health and prevents the formation of blood clots in varicose veins. Herbs have a complex effect on the patient's body.

The patient uses a collection that includes:

  • sweet clover and meadowsweet grass,
  • oat straw,
  • dandelion root.

8 g healing collection Brew 350 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Drink 25 ml of the drink 30 minutes after meals 3 times a day.

Herbs during pregnancy

Too thick blood leads to health problems for the expectant mother. Aloe juice, dandelion root, and Kalanchoe pinnate leaves reduce the likelihood of blood clots. We should not forget that some plants can cause an allergic reaction.

Elder flowers in the amount of 3 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. Take 30 minutes before breakfast. To thin the blood of a pregnant woman, it is recommended to drink tea with lemon balm, cherry, currant or raspberry leaves.

Peppermint soothes nervous system, prevents platelet aggregation and blood clotting. Thanks to inulin, chicory herb does not have a negative effect on the body of a pregnant woman. Healing tea from crushed peppermint leaves and angustifolia fireweed herb brings great benefit health of the expectant mother. 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of the mixture into 1 liter of hot boiled water and leave for 5 minutes. Healing drink drink 0.5 glasses 3 times a day before meals.

Blood thinners must be taken under the supervision of a physician.

In contact with

There are many red cells and plasma in the blood. It is their ratio that affects the density of this substance. If there are more red blood cells than normal or they stick together, the blood becomes thick. In some cases, the blood plasma becomes very thick, which can provoke blood clots.

Remember that thick blood is not a disease, but a symptom. However, if you do not pay attention to this condition, diseases may subsequently arise that occur due to the thickness of the blood.

It becomes much thicker if, for some reason, plasma begins to be produced less than usual. This can happen when you are dehydrated. It is not necessary that it occurs during the development of some disease, but doctors note that it can be provoked by:

  • heat;
  • violation of the drinking regime;
  • overheating, especially outdoors;
  • burns and viral infections.

However, there are also diseases in which the blood becomes thicker. First of all, these include:

Quite often, the cause of thick blood is not an insufficient amount of plasma, but an excess of leukocytes and red blood cells. The reasons why there are so many red blood cells that the blood thickens are the following:

  • heart failure, especially chronic;
  • diseases in which the body lacks oxygen, blocking and disrupting respiratory activity: diphtheria, whooping cough, pulmonary failure;
  • erythremia;
  • long stay in mountainous area or underwater;
  • tumors of various origins brain, kidneys;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • myeloid leukemia.

If the number of leukocytes in the blood is increased, there may be several reasons for this. First of all, if there are really a lot of them, then there is inflammation or some kind of infection in the body. Very often there are a lot of leukocytes if:

  • have an allergic reaction;
  • stress;
  • for infectious diseases;
  • leukocytosis;
  • Vaquez-Osler disease.

The viscosity of blood, which is very thick, contributes not only to thrombus formation, but also increased fatigue, can provoke various varicose veins, as well as heart attacks and strokes. The heart works under increased stress, so if you have thick blood, you need to use herbs that thin the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. IN medical practice It is common to use various drugs that make the blood more fluid. These are drugs such as aspirin, aspirin cardio, thrombo ACC, cardiomagnyl and many others. However, some older people should not take them due to various contraindications. Therefore, experts advise sticking to herbs, regular use which promotes more fluid blood.

What herbs thin the blood

They are mentioned quite a lot in folk medicine. Plants and herbs that thin the blood can be bought at any pharmacy, and they are inexpensive. Almost all of them can be brewed like tea and drunk in small sips. But you can also alternate taking medications such as aspirin cardio with others. For example, nettle, willow bark and other herbs. Nettle thins the blood very well. Here's what you should take if you want your blood to be thinner.

The following medicinal herbs are used in medicine to lower blood pressure and make the blood thin:

  • white willow bark;
  • thyme;
  • mint;
  • thyme;
  • yellow clover;
  • horse chestnut;
  • licorice;
  • peony root;
  • rose hip;
  • lungwort;
  • acacia;
  • hawthorn;
  • cherry, raspberry and currant leaves.

Recipes for preparing and consuming such herbs may vary. Here are some teas and foods that thin the blood.

  • cranberries, lingonberries, cherries, raspberries;
  • apples;
  • tangerines and oranges;
  • lemons, especially in combination with mint and lemon balm. This herb makes the blood more fluid;
  • onion and garlic;
  • nuts, any kind. They contain arginine, which prevents the formation of blood clots.

However, not only these products help blood flow through the body faster. The following dietary changes will help you significantly improve your blood circulation:

  • you need to drink as much water as possible during the day;
  • juices instead of strong coffee, soups instead of solid foods, especially meat, also help the blood become less thick;
  • By regularly consuming foods such as lemons, oranges and tangerines, you can make your blood more fluid;
  • by eating foods such as green tea, coffee, including green coffee, speeds up the blood, and it also becomes thinner.

Products such as meat, potatoes, cereals large quantities, as well as bread products and sweets, on the contrary, contribute to blood thickness. If you want it to become more liquid, try to limit or completely eliminate such foods.

Useful herbs

Not everyone knows which herbs are useful in preventing blood clots. Doctors advise the following compositions, which can be taken as just tea, including for thinning the blood with varicose veins.

Willow bark is considered a good remedy. To brew tea with it, just pour boiling water over a spoonful of the raw material and let it brew. This tea must first be strained, then poured warm water and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. The decoction can be mixed with green or mint tea and drunk with honey. Full course- 10 days. It is also recommended to take willow bark against the formation of blood clots as a preventive measure.

Horse chestnut helps with thrombophlebitis. To do this, you need to collect the horse chestnut peels and pour them alcohol tincture. Then infuse for 2 weeks and then take a few drops for 3 weeks with water.

At weak vessels And high blood pressure You can also use a decoction of chestnut flowers. To do this, wash the flowers, boil under water for 10 minutes, strain and drink. They provide excellent strengthening of blood vessels and also contribute to a tonic effect.

Here are some medicinal plants that can strengthen blood vessels.

Red clover. Together with mint and lemon balm, you can use it as a tea that reduces blood pressure. To do this, pour boiling water over a spoonful of dried flowers and leave for 2 hours. Then they filter and start drinking. This decoction can reduce blood pressure. Similar property Peeled beet fruit also has this effect. To do this, the vegetable is boiled, then cut and the juice is squeezed out of it. After this, cool and take half a glass on an empty stomach. You can also cook beet kvass. It perfectly lowers blood pressure, and it can also be used for cleaning blood vessels at home. The recipe for its preparation is quite simple: 2 beets need to be boiled, peeled and skinned. Then squeeze out the juice and place in a dark place. Then the bread is mixed with a small amount of sugar and poured with water for a day to get regular kvass. You can add a little raisins to taste. Then you need to squeeze the cake, mix the kvass with beet juice and drink.

It has been noted that people who regularly drink this tasty and healthy drink suffer from high blood pressure much less often than everyone else.

Another drink that does not thicken the blood and is quite easy to prepare is green tea with lemon, orange and lemon balm. To do this, you first need to brew regular green tea, then separately make a decoction of mint mixed with lemon balm. You can even make a tea collection with the addition of leaves black currant and raspberries. The condensed drink, if it turns out thicker than you planned, needs to be diluted with water. Drink like tea during the day. This composition will increase blood thinning, showing reduced cholesterol and blood pressure levels. If you have an increased blood density, then regular consumption of any mint drink (only natural) will reduce this indicator to normal.

Here are a few more delicious recipes, which make the blood thinner, reducing the risk of blood clots.

Tea with lemon balm, raspberry leaves and berries.

The classic recipe for this drink is simple: you need to mix 2 tablespoons of lemon balm or candy mint with the same amount of raspberry or black currant leaves and brew it like tea. Then add a teaspoon of thawed or fresh raspberries and honey to it. Stir and drink. Raspberry has amazing properties: It’s not for nothing that it is recommended against colds, since it acts on the blood like natural aspirin. It cleanses the blood, lowers blood pressure, reduces the risk of heart disease, and the drink with it turns out to be surprisingly tasty and healthy.

To others, no less healthy drink is green tea with linden flowers, black currant leaves and berries. If they are not there, it is allowed use of jam and preserves. You must first brew linden with blackcurrant leaves, then green tea. Mix everything and drink together with the berries, you can add a little liquid honey to taste. This drink turns out to be very tasty and surprisingly nutritious. When cool, it is soft and significantly reduces blood pressure if it is high.

A very good drink that thins the blood is strong mint tea with orange. To do this, equal amounts of several types of mint and lemon balm are brewed like tea, infused for an hour, then drunk with orange or lemon juice. If desired, you can add sugar or honey to the drink. Regular use This drink will protect against thrombus formation and heart attacks.