Immune system disorders. How to restore immunity by making changes to your diet, vitamins and medications

The weakening of the resistance system has a detrimental effect on general health. A person becomes susceptible to colds, infectious diseases, and ARVI. Reduced resistance entails constant fatigue, apathy, overwork. Permanent treatment disrupts vital activity. The question arises of how to restore weakened immunity.

Factors that reduce the body's defenses

From birth, human resistance is capable of resisting a variety of pathogens. The body's resources are incredibly huge, but constant increased activity of immunity leads to a deterioration in reactions and functions.

In immunology, weakening pathways are divided into two categories.

The first is internal disorders:

  • Violation of metabolic processes;
  • Exacerbation of chronic conditions;
  • Emotional instability, stress;
  • Immunodeficiency, HIV;
  • Oncology;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Autoimmune processes, syndromes;
  • Tendency to allergies;
  • Natural age-related changes.

Second - external reasons, features of the body’s condition:

Signs of a weakened immune system

Home clinical picture considered to be highly susceptible to respiratory and viral diseases. Severe, long-term painful conditions occur about five to six times a year. Often appear to varying degrees complications: sinusitis, pneumonia, asthma.

Sleep is disturbed. Constantly haunted by a feeling of weakness and fatigue. Aches and pains are often observed muscle tissue, joints.

Appearance deteriorates. Appetite decreases. The blood count deteriorates.

The person loses weight, becomes irritable and nervous. The child is often capricious for no apparent reason.

How to restore immunity

There are quite a lot of ways to rapid promotion resistance.

Methods have been developed to support the activity of reactions and mechanisms for categories of different ages and gender, depending on the particular state of the body.

The basis of the immune restoration process is proper nutrition, enriched with vitamins, mineral salts useful substances.

Worth your time great attention inclusion of dried fruits in the diet, fresh vegetables, berries, fermented milk products, greens, nuts and grains. Be sure to consume protein foods.

Exclude canned food, fried, rich, salted, smoked foods from the menu.

After antibiotics

The use of serious medications is always a huge burden on the immune system. First of all, work deteriorates beneficial microflora and intestinal mucosa.

After a course of antibiotic therapy, dyspeptic disorders occur: diarrhea, abdominal pain.

To restore balance and prevent dysbiosis, it is recommended to take drugs based on lactobacilli. Particular attention should be paid to the use of natural fermented milk products.

Also, the use of heavy drugs in treatment reduces the absorption of beneficial micro and macroelements. Therefore, after completing a course of antibiotics, it is necessary to use multivitamins.

To prevent intoxication, it is necessary to adhere to the drinking regime.

After surgery

Surgical intervention contributes to exhaustion of the body, blood loss, and stress. Recovery period should be done using:

  • Medical nutrition;
  • Gradual increase in physical and mental stress;
  • Communication with loved ones;
  • The use of drugs to improve hematopoiesis and regeneration processes;
  • Frequent walks in the fresh air with gradually increasing duration.

After chemotherapy

Oncology therapy leads to destruction immune mechanisms. Aggressive droppers are able to weaken resistance on the cellular structure. The level of protection, especially in a child, from simple infections very low.

The use of interferon preparations and low molecular weight DNA-based products will help restore immunity and resume the activity of reactions after illness. Medicines are prescribed by a specialist. Application various techniques to strengthen weak immunity only after the recommendation of the attending physician.

After illness

The body of a child or adult that has been exposed to an infectious agent and has been struggling with the disease for a long time requires special attention. According to Komarovsky, a famous pediatrician, the fundamental therapy for strengthening resistance is the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

How to quickly restore immunity after illness:

  • Spend more time outdoors;
  • Get enough sleep, have a full rest;
  • Do not neglect physical activity;
  • Eat right;
  • Drink more fluids;
  • Harden using temperature contrast.

Adults should stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

After the flu

Any viral infection during activity it is released into the blood high level toxic substances. After recovery, the body needs to be helped to cleanse itself of toxic waste products of influenza, decay products after the destruction of the strain.

In addition to the basic measures taken to restore immunity after illness, it is recommended to visit bath complexes and do exercises in the fresh air to improve heme circulation and activate metabolic processes.

After a purulent sore throat

Infections oral cavity make the mucous membrane weak. Local reactions decreased and a relapse or a new disease may develop at any time.

To restore throat immunity you should:

  • Do not consume foods or sweet drinks that irritate receptors and secretory glands;
  • Rinse your mouth healing decoctions, sea salt solution;
  • Brush your teeth after every meal;
  • Apply breathing exercises;
  • Inhalations;
  • Hardening of the throat.

Folk remedies

How can you restore your immune system at home? medicinal herbs, fruits, honey mixtures.

Are widely used vitamin drinks based on rosehip berries, ginger, chamomile and St. John's wort.

Decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants: eleutherococcus, aloe, radiola, aralia, thyme and mint. Thanks to beneficial properties medicinal plants means help restore immune reactions, strengthen defenses, increase immunity to cellular level.

It is good to eat mixtures based on honey, dried fruits and lemon or garlic after a long illness, when the immune system is depleted. The mass will help prevent vitamin deficiency, improve metabolic processes and blood condition. Taking one spoon a day (a tea spoon for a child, a dessert spoon for a teenager, a table spoon for an adult) will not allow the body to weaken and will prevent the development of colds and flu.


Microelements will help restore good resistance. The general strengthening effect of the complexes will support internal structures weakened by disease, prevent deficiency and vitamin deficiency, and improve the functioning of the main vital processes.


When a diagnosis of immunodeficiency in chronic or low-grade inflammation, severe weakness of resistance is made, drugs are often prescribed:

  • Herbal tinctures, syrups based on medicinal herbs;
  • Bacterial solution granules or tablets produced from enzymes secreted by opportunistic microorganisms;
  • Nucleic acids;
  • Interferons;
  • Immunostimulants.

The doctor will determine what is best to choose to restore resistance based on individual characteristics patient.

It's no secret that when long-term use antibiotics, the body's immunity gradually loses its protective function. But who wants to fight even a simple cough with a bunch of pills? This article will tell you how to restore immunity after antibiotics using folk and medical supplies.

How do these drugs affect human immunity?

Antibiotics are part of the classification of drugs used to combat viral diseases. But very often, when actively fighting pathogenic microorganisms, they also destroy natural immune cells, provoking the development of various digestive diseases. When taking at least 3-4 tablets, a person’s health may sharply worsen. After the course of treatment you can expect following symptoms:

  1. Performance deterioration alimentary canal.
  2. Feeling unwell.
  3. Wrong exchange substances, or it will occur at a slower pace, thereby causing a disease such as obesity.
  4. The appearance of allergies. A very common post-course problem.
  5. Weakening immune system body. In the presence and constant replenishment of the body with strong “wars”, its leukocytes can quickly relax and cannot withstand even the simplest attack of microbes or bacteria.
  6. Lack of appetite. Very often this is accompanied hormonal imbalance.
  7. Appearance acute pain in the abdominal area.

Why are antibiotics so harmful to the human body?

Disruption of the normal functioning of the body after a course of treatment is directly related to the proliferation of yeast fungi, which provoke the release of toxins and blood poisoning with their waste products. So it can easily lead to intolerance certain products due to complete irritation of the intestinal walls. How to restore immunity and prevent this from happening? Can be used for this special means. Doctors recommend not to use large amounts of purchased products, but to use traditional methods.

Restoration of microflora. What needs to be done and in what order?

How to restore immunity? Where do you need to start restoring your intestinal microflora? To do this:

  1. Sign up for a consultation with a specialist. He will explain the problem in more detail and give a list of restorative medications.
  2. Start treatment yourself. Prepare everything for this essential fruits, take vitamins and exercise. Get rid of bad habits.

What should you eat to restore normal bowel function?

To begin with, you should adjust your diet. To do this, you need to make a list of foods that are beneficial for the body at the moment. These could be:

  1. Products with a large number vitamin C. This includes all citrus fruit, currants, rose hips and some herbs.
  2. Products with vitamin A. This type includes pumpkin, carrots, and tomatoes. In addition, they contain a large amount of beta-carotene.
  3. Fermented milk products. Improves digestion, accelerates recovery from dysbiosis.
  4. Products with vitamin B. Saturate the body complex carbohydrates will help bakery products and grain crops.
  5. Onions and garlic strengthen the immune system and promote its development.

How to restore immunity? Will help in this matter fatty acids contained in fish and meat.

Many people think that this list of products must be mixed and cooked. But to saturate the body, do you really need to go far? Add a slice of lemon to your tea, have a salad of apples and carrots for breakfast, and eat a piece of fish for lunch.

Methods of recovery and strengthening

How to restore immunity after illness? After suffering a serious illness and taking a course of antibiotics, the body will need great strength and for a long time for restoration. Most often, the general rehabilitation course is two to three months. The process of returning to normal functioning can speed up:

  1. Correct and good sleep. Before going to bed, you should relax and get a massage. Mobile gadgets one hour before bedtime are strictly prohibited! You need to sleep at least eight hours.
  2. Adjusting your diet. Worth consuming light food in small quantities at certain time intervals. It is also not recommended to eat anything other than water two hours before bedtime.
  3. Try to visit parks, forests and seas more often. You can even take a short vacation to a nearby resort.

How to quickly restore immunity and strengthen it? Good mood combined with physical activity! Visit the water park and get a boost of energy for the whole day or go for a run early in the morning, enjoying every ray of sunshine and birdsong!

Treatment of complications: dysbacteriosis. What is the correct action in this case?

Failure of the digestive and absorption system is very common problem after taking antibiotics for two to three weeks. It is advisable to start the recovery process with health-improving drugs of medical origin aimed at restoring the intestinal microflora. On at the moment There are a huge number of medications to restore immunity: Lactobacterin, general vitamins and others.

The second stage of treatment for dysbiosis

How to restore a child's immunity? The second stage is the intake of fermented milk products and decoctions, herbal infusions. Natural yoghurts, kefir and fermented baked milk significantly speed up metabolism and the healing process. Herbal infusions cleanse the body of waste and toxins. They should be taken regularly, one or two glasses a day.

How to restore immunity after antibiotics? Immunomodulators

After completing a course of antibiotic treatment, the doctor may prescribe the patient restorative drugs of natural origin, called immunomodulators:

  1. Biological regulators of the immune system. Have vegetable origin. An example is aloe extract in capsules.
  2. Immunological stimulants. Prepared on the basis of ginseng juice.
  3. To improve your overall well-being, you should take products with nucleic acids.
  4. Drugs of this type, such as "Imudon", have bacterial origin and contain strong cells grown on the basis of immune.

Traditional medicine methods. What can be used in this case?

How to restore immunity with folk remedies? It is advisable to combine tablets with folk remedies. For example:

  1. Revitalizing teas. It is necessary to brew a strong green tea and mix with the juice of any fruit (of your choice) in the same ratio. Add a little to it mineral water and drink half a cup before meals. To prepare the second solution you will need loose leaf tea and several slices of dried orange. The mixture must be brewed boiled water, add a few drops lemon juice and a decoction of herbs. Leave for five minutes and then strain. Drink one cup of liquid in the morning or evening.
  2. Improvement of health and general well-being. Place several raspberries or currants in a separate container and mix with water. Cook for fifteen minutes, stirring the mixture constantly. Leave for several hours, use five times a day.
  3. Folk remedies will help restore immunity vitamin collection. Pharmaceutical chamomile, fresh strawberries and other herbs (of your choice) must be mixed and crushed if necessary. Brew with boiling water and leave for several hours. Strain and consume a few sips after breakfast and dinner.
  4. Berry juice. Any berries must be mashed well with a fork and poured hot water. Add some spices to the drink and drink daily. You can mix it with tea or replace it with fruit drink.

How to restore immunity for an adult? In order to strengthen the immune system, it is important to listen to the following advice:

  1. Do not abuse traditional medicine, but take it as a basis. Many qualified specialists consider tinctures to be a replacement for a complex of vitamins and advise using them.
  2. Does the doctor tell you to buy a list of “overseas” herbs? Change them to regular ones meadow daisies, cornflowers, currant leaves. They will bring a lot more benefit and save your money.
  3. Drink plenty of water, especially juice drinks. Some of them should be diluted with water or tea.
  4. Do not use salt, replace it with other spices. It may be tasteless and unpleasant at first, but over time you will definitely get used to it, and your body will thank you very much in the form of clean pores and improved digestion!
  5. Find people like you. These could be family members or friends. But if the husband does not want to eat porridge for lunch with walnuts, then you shouldn’t persuade him or force him. Cook for your loved one delicious soup, and eat a few spoons of porridge yourself. You can try to attract a friend under the pretext of a diet.
  6. Don't force people. It’s worth repeating once again that your household doesn’t want to eat carrots or buckwheat for breakfast as much as you do.
  7. Introduce medications gradually. If the doctor has written you a course appointment, then you should not immediately grab the pills. After all, the body has not even had time to recover from antibiotics! First, start treatment with folk remedies. After a few days you can already take cosmetic products.

Hardening and a healthy lifestyle will help

How to restore immunity after antibiotics in a child? After serious illnesses, after a week it is necessary to begin hardening children in order to strengthen their body and increase immunity (or return it to its previous level). After consulting with a specialist, you can start immediately.

The best hardening option would be gradual, with a slight change in temperature. For the first few days, you should limit yourself to dousing with water, morning exercises and run. It is advisable to combine procedures with proper nutrition and repeat them daily. Do massage, rubbing the limbs and gymnastics.

A healthy lifestyle means a stimulated immune system! There is no need to promise that everything will change on Monday. You need to take it and do it, change habits, look for interests and try not to react to external stimuli.

A little conclusion

Now you know how to restore immunity and strengthen it. Start taking action right now, and in a few months you will achieve not only an improved immune system, but also a beautiful body combined with a great mood.

Today, literally everyone asks about how to restore, strengthen or increase immunity, but not everyone knows how the immune system works - even immunologists do not fully understand this. And the immune system provides our body with security, protecting it from everything foreign and “wrong” - these are bacteria, viruses, protozoa, degenerating own cells, and this is where failures often occur - they arise autoimmune diseases. But now we will not talk about them, but still about how you can strengthen the immune system after various “extreme” conditions for the body - serious illnesses, antibiotic treatment, chemotherapy, and even pregnancy and childbirth - modern women after these natural processes For some reason it became very difficult to restore health.

How to restore immunity after childbirth

During pregnancy, a woman’s immune system wisely rearranges itself and does not destroy embryonic cells that are foreign to her - they are such because half of the genes in them are paternal - but, on the contrary, arranges everything so that the embryo is perfectly protected.

The placenta produces special hormones that are responsible for protecting the developing fetus, and at the same time partially suppressing the work of the mother’s specific (acquired) immunity - for example, they do not allow it to reject “foreign” tissues. At the same time, nonspecific immunity - innate - is activated, so that the mother’s body is still protected from infections, but in general, the immunity of a pregnant woman is very different from the immunity of other people, and this happens for 9 months.

During breastfeeding suppression specific immunity also persists, but if the woman is at least conditionally healthy, special problems does not arise. To avoid diseases, at this time it is important to follow the rules of breast care and prevent the development of mastitis.

However, many women complain that after childbirth they are constantly sick, and together with the baby: this is not only very exhausting, but also creates a very unhealthy - in the literal sense - basis for the entire future life of the child. To support immunity, first of all, you should give up stress - for pregnant and lactating women, it is simply unacceptable, since the immune and nervous systems of the body, especially the female one, are closely interconnected. If you cannot cope with anxiety and restlessness yourself, contact a psychologist - a calm and balanced state is already a good defense for the body.

As for drugs to strengthen the immune system, they are prescribed by a doctor, and experts often suggest that women undergo a full examination by an immunologist: this is a blood test to identify disorders in the immune defense, as well as sensitivity to various immunomodulators, of which many have been created today. Traditionally, women are encouraged to take preparations of echinacea and vitamins A and: they need to be taken enough, but not to exceed the dosage - in the case of synthetic vitamins It is generally better not to exceed it. Of course, there is a lot to restore immunity folk remedies– they can be used both in postpartum period, and after illness and treatment with antibiotics.

How to restore immunity after chemotherapy

Restoring immunity after a course of intensive chemotherapy also has its own characteristics..

It is important here, first of all, to return to normal condition the composition of the blood and the liver, which during treatment is severely affected by toxins, and then bring the stomach and intestines back to normal. Next, you can think about improving your well-being and appearance– for example, restore falling hair, healthy skin and nails.

To restore red blood cells, you need to drink infusions and tinctures of adaptogens - Rhodiola rosea (golden root), Manchurian aralia, Eleutherococcus senticosus; decoctions of nettle, yarrow and other vitamin herbs. Must be present in the diet fresh fruit– more often pomegranates and apples, red juices and red grape wine, lean red meat and liver. A lot of iron and vitamin B12, necessary for the restoration of red blood cells, in egg yolks and salmon roe, in green leafy vegetables; useful and buckwheat, just don’t eat it with milk - it slows down the absorption of iron.

A decoction of chicory root, angelica, melilot flowers, as well as Pallas’s milkweed tincture helps restore the level of leukocytes. unique plant Transbaikalia, since ancient times used in folk medicine for blood cancer, tumors, inflammation and severe infections. Plants from the Araliaceae family are also good for restoring white blood cell levels.

To remove toxins from the liver, you need to take milk thistle seed powder, decoctions of immortelle inflorescences, calendula flowers, lupine clover and milkwort herb; At this time, animal fats should be completely eliminated from the diet, replacing them vegetable oils, and spicy seasonings and alcohol in such cases are generally unacceptable. The work of the stomach and pancreas is activated by centaury, calamus, plantain, gentian, trifoliate, wormwood - in general, those herbs that have a lot of bitterness.

Intestinal function is improved with the help of different means, depending on what kind of disorder needs to be eliminated: dill, fennel, anise, cypress spurge, buckthorn, senna, hogweed help with constipation; for diarrhea - thick-leaved bergenia, marsh cinquefoil, clove root, galangal (cinquefoil erect), burnet (hernia, black grass), etc.

About hair: if almost all of it has fallen out or has become very thin, you need to actively stimulate the follicles - hair follicles, rubbing burdock oil and herbal decoctions into the scalp: hop fruits, nettles, burdock roots; You should also wash your hair with decoctions of these herbs.

After a course of chemotherapy, there is often nausea and vomiting, a headache, a rise in temperature - these are symptoms of general intoxication, and it should be washed away: drink more liquid - cranberry and lingonberry juice, a decoction of rose hips and rowan berries, a decoction of chaga - a black birch mushroom. Diuretic herbs - horsetail, wheatgrass, etc. - help relieve intoxication. In addition, you need to cleanse the stomach and intestines of toxins: take polyphepan, activated carbon, flax seed, angelica, marshmallow root and other herbs, the decoctions of which contain a lot of mucus.

In order to restore the body's general defenses, you can use the same adaptogens mentioned above.

How to restore immunity after illness and antibiotics

How to restore immunity after a serious illness or taking antibiotics? In general, these cases can be combined: in almost all serious illnesses antibiotics are prescribed, and the intestinal microflora dies, so you need to eat more foods that help you live and reproduce beneficial bacteria. Such products are called probiotics and prebiotics, and these are not just yogurts and kefir; These include acidophilus milk, sauerkraut, soft cheeses, natural sour marinades - without vinegar, Japanese miso soup - a product made from soybeans, onions, garlic, bananas, artichokes, legumes, cereals, etc. Except pharmaceutical drugs with live lactic acid bacteria, natural homemade yogurt perfectly restores intestinal flora.

Vitamin teas and infusions help strengthen the body after illness.

Cranberries are rich in vitamins: 1 tbsp. Mash the berries with a wooden spoon, add honey, pour hot tea or herbal infusion, stir and drink.

Drink with rose hips and hawthorn (2 parts each), raspberries and green tea(1 part each). 1 tbsp. Brew the mixture with boiling water (2 cups), leave for half an hour and drink with honey.

For dysbiosis, drink kefir with herbs on an empty stomach: put chamomile, St. John's wort, dill, parsley (1 tsp each), chopped garlic (2 cloves) and 1 tsp in a jar. onion gruel, pour boiling water over it, leave for 20 minutes, then mix with ½ liter of kefir or curdled milk and leave for another 20 minutes; filter and drink 1-2 glasses per serving.

All these recipes can also be used to restore immunity after childbirth and chemotherapy.

When protective functions the body is weakened, a common cold can turn into big problem. To prevent this from happening, it is important to replenish lost strength in time. What causes a weakened immune system and how you can strengthen it - talk about this and much more with allergist-immunologist Viktor Gonchar.

Everything from stress

Natalya Kozhina: Viktor Nikolaevich, what affects the decrease in the body’s protective functions?

Victor Gonchar: I would highlight two main factors: which are an integral part modern life, especially in a metropolis, and poor ecology. They come to see me different patients. When they travel abroad or to ecologically clean areas, they begin to feel absolutely healthy, but when they return, all the diseases make themselves felt again.

- What signs indicate weak immunity?

Frequent, chronic lesions infections, recurrent viral diseases, long currents common cold, relapse of herpes, syndrome chronic fatigue etc. Everything that I have listed are indications for contacting an immunologist and thinking about the state of your body.

- What list of tests do you need to take to understand the state of your immunity?

An immunogram is needed: tests reflecting the state of certain parts of the immune system, a blood test and an analysis for hidden infections. It is important not to raise the immune system, which many do, but to restore it, these are different things. Pharmacies are mostly full good drugs, but they have a stimulating effect and are suitable for a healthy person, while a chronic patient needs to be restored.

Any multivitamins, because they are all the same in composition. IN this issue The quality of the drug comes first, because today you can encounter counterfeit products on the market. Therefore, if you healthy person, then you do not need to go to the doctor so that he can prescribe you a specific drug, but if you are sick with something, then you definitely need to consult about which vitamins are best suited. Not only an immunologist, but also any therapist or pediatrician will help you in this matter.

Plus, you don't have to take vitamins all the time. And if you do this, say, in the spring, then you should not consider such a method as immunotherapy, it is supporting the body, general strengthening measures.

On your own

- How can you increase the body’s protective functions yourself?

First, pay attention to nutrition. It should be rational and balanced, contain the optimal amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins.

To increase immunity, you need foods rich in vitamins A, B5, C, D, F, PP, in particular fruits and vegetables (carrots, red peppers, melon, tomatoes, pumpkin), and berries. Secondly, it is important not to expose the body to stress, and here it is worth paying attention to all factors: long sleep, walks in the air, playing sports, hardening, etc. Fresh air has a beneficial effect on the body, reducing the risk of developing infectious diseases. Morning and evening walks are not only enriching the lungs with oxygen, but also physical activity, which stimulates metabolism and helps strengthen the immune system. As an adjuvant therapy for increased activity- use of fortified preparations.

You can use traditional medicine. But it is important to approach this issue wisely, and not just go into the field and mow the grass somewhere near the highway.

- Does hardening have any contraindications?

Hardening is training the whole body and, above all, the thermoregulatory apparatus. Everyone can harden, the most important thing is to do it correctly. There are different techniques hardening: with water (in the form of rubbing, dousing, showering), air and sun.

The main objective of this procedure is to strengthen the body, as a result of which blood circulation improves, the tone of the central nervous system, and most importantly, the immune system is strengthened and the frequency of colds is reduced.

Now is the time of Lent, many people give up meat and dairy products, how can you replenish the strength of your body?

Lent is the strictest of all fasts. Refusing meat and dairy products, fasting practically, which in turn affects general condition body. To replenish your body with vitamins, you need to take multivitamins (complexes), which will balance and replenish the substances your body lacks.

The body's protective functions deteriorate due to various reasons. These can be both external and internal factors. The question naturally arises - how to restore immunity, use pharmacies or? We are considering different options.

Restoring immunity after antibiotics

Antibacterial agents are basic in the treatment of many infectious, inflammatory diseases(in particular obstructive and other pathologies of the respiratory tract). However, they are not a panacea for all ills. Many people take antibiotics on their own, often unnecessarily.

These medications are not so safe for the body. If you can’t do without them, you need to be prepared for not very pleasant side effects, including a decrease in defensive reactions.

In any case, it is necessary to restore immunity after. There are a number of activities for this.

For an adult

Let's start with the fact that when assigning antibacterial drugs An experienced specialist will advise you to take a “cover” - that is, drugs that do not allow you to suppress the immune system. In most cases these are prebiotics or. The components they contain are, in some preparations, live cultures similar to the intestinal microflora, or those that do not allow it to be suppressed.

If a situation arises that requires restoration, you need to follow some rules.

  1. Minimize all depressing sources – bad habits(smoking, ), chronic pathologies, negative impacts external factors(hypothermia, overheating).
  2. Organize the right thing. Introduce as many fermented milk products, meat, fish, and cereals into your diet as possible.
  3. Reduce the load on the liver by eliminating spices, smoked foods, large quantity muffins and sweet desserts. To maintain the functioning of the organ, Essentiale, Heptral, Gepalong and other hepatoprotectors can be recommended.
  4. . In no case should you limit yourself to taking, but administer multicomponent drugs. Unfortunately, during this period a person will not be able to get that dose from food. useful substances, which the body needs for recovery.
  5. After a long course and large doses Additional antibiotics are prescribed to help cleanse the intestines and restore the natural microflora: Smecta, Enterosgel, Laktofiltrum, Linex, Bifiform and others.
  6. After additional diagnostic measures your doctor may prescribe immunomodulators. It is not recommended to use such drugs on your own.

It is possible to completely restore the immunity of an adult only if you follow all these rules and give justified physical activity, lead active image life.

To the child

But parents need to create favorable conditions for this - healthy nutrition, dosed physical activity, hardening (some time after full recovery), compliance with the daily routine, psychological comfort.

Drugs that restore immunity

On pharmacy shelves you can find many dietary supplements of plant and animal origin. However, doctors warn that in order to take them there must be compelling indications, determined diagnostically.


The product is positioned as natural, without contraindications, side effects, non-addictive.

Among positive action manufacturers regulate:

  • mobilization of defense forces to combat airborne infections;
  • elimination of the first signs during the first two days of admission;
  • acceleration of metabolism and detoxification, which promotes rapid recovery;
  • restoration of intestinal microflora, inhibition of putrefactive processes;
  • long-term remission of chronic pathologies;
  • reduction rehabilitation period after illness.


Preparations that restore immunity based on Echinacea purpurea, a unique plant with a rich composition, are safe at any age.

They have antiviral and antimicrobial effects, are not addictive, are well tolerated, and do not cause side effects.

At the cellular level, increasing the number of leukocytes.


- a product containing only natural ingredients plant and animal origin.

Among the visible advantages are:

  • high efficiency;
  • no contraindications or side effects;
  • ease of use;
  • intestinal safety;
  • compatibility with any medications;
  • targeting of action.

Receive from donated blood, contain Alpha, Beta, Gamma globulins, which effectively fight pathogenic agents.

Drugs: Viferon, Laferon, Grippferon and others. The composition may contain several globulins or just one.

Vitamin complexes

Restoring immunity - Alphabet, Duovit, Vitrum forte and others.

But in this case, you need to remember that a lack of such substances in the body is just as dangerous as an excess.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine very often resorts to the use of a variety of potions from leaves and other parts of plants that have the ability to heal the body.

Restoring immunity is simple. But this process is quite lengthy, since the drugs need to be taken in long courses with periodic repetition to consolidate the positive effect.

Ginger, honey, lemon

This has not only a strengthening, but also a protective effect. There are many cooking options.

infusions, pure product.

Alcohol tincture is taken 15 drops in milk in the morning for a month.

For sore throats, even very severe ones, gargling helps a lot. Into a glass warm water add a teaspoon of alcoholic medicine. Repeat the procedure every hour.

The most effective and frequently used is 15% alcohol tincture, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared yourself. Let's consider the second option.

  1. 15 gr. Place bee resin in the freezer for two hours. This trick will help you quickly and easily grind the substance.
  2. Grate the frozen piece on a coarse grater and pour into a glass container (preferably made of dark material).
  3. Pour 85 ml. medical alcohol (70%), shake to ensure complete contact of the components. Place in a cool, dark place for two weeks. Shake the container twice a day.
  4. Through allotted time Strain the resulting liquid and store in the refrigerator in the same dark container.

If you follow all the rules of preparation and preservation, the tincture does not lose useful qualities up to 3 years.

An adaptogen plant that decorates the kitchen window sill in many homes. The leaves of a three-year-old flowerpot are most active. Many potions are made from the pulp.

But the most famous and effective substance is prepared like this:

  • one and a half glasses of natural Cahors;
  • a glass of liquid light honey;
  • half a glass of juice.

Mix in a glass container and leave in the refrigerator for up to a week, shaking the contents every day.

Take a tablespoon twice a day for a month.

“If you want to be healthy, be so.” This does not require large financial expenditures, but only desire and a little time.

Experts call hardening the most in a good way protect yourself from all kinds of diseases. But do it wisely, gradually increasing the load on the body.

  1. You need to start with air baths at a comfortable temperature, gradually reducing the ambient temperature.
  2. Apply rubbing first with a dry towel, then with a moistened one.
  3. Do contrast baths for feet, initially with warm water with a gradual decrease.
  4. Next, shower according to the same pattern.

And as a final chord - pouring cold water outside at any time of the year, even winter swimming is possible (but this is entirely optional).

The main advice is to lead correct image life with all the ensuing consequences.