Dandelion root tincture in vodka application. Restrictions on use

In the article we talk about dandelion tincture with vodka and the use of the drink. You will learn about the properties medicine, which treats coughs, colds, back and joint pain, and liver disease.

The benefits and harms of dandelion in vodka

Dandelion tincture with vodka - a healthy drinkDandelion is a medicinal plant that is used in folk medicine and pharmacology. IN medicinal purposes use alcohol tincture, decoctions, infusions, ointments and plant juice. In this article we will talk about vodka tincture.

What are the benefits of dandelion tincture with vodka? Alcohol extracts maximum useful substances from raw materials. Dandelion tincture with vodka has a general strengthening, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Dandelion liqueur with vodka has medicinal properties. Thanks to high content inulin and useful microelements, the drink is useful in winter for recovery vitality and strengthening the immune system.


  • increases vitality and immunity;
  • promotes the elimination of toxins;
  • improves metabolism, cleanses the blood;
  • reduces painful manifestations of joint pain;
  • treats skin diseases;
  • makes pigmentation and freckles less noticeable;
  • improves complexion and appearance skin.

If you do not exceed the dosage, take into account all contraindications and take dandelion tincture correctly, there will be no harm to the body.

What does dandelion tincture with vodka cure?

The tincture has a sedative effect and has a hypnotic effect due to its high concentration of magnesium. The tincture is prescribed to patients with heart pathologies and nervous system.

Why does dandelion tincture with vodka help? It is used in the form of compresses and rubbing for:

  • cough, illness respiratory tract;
  • arthritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • skin diseases (gout, eczema, itching, rashes).

Rubbing dandelions with vodka is an effective remedy for treating colds in adults and children.

The root system of the plant contains about 50% organic matter- inulin. Therefore, a tincture of dandelion root with vodka is used in folk medicine to treat diabetes mellitus.

Dandelion tincture reduces the severity of pigmentation and rejuvenates the skin. Regularly rubbing the skin with tincture helps eliminate acne, acne, rosacea. The product accelerates tissue regeneration and reduces post-acne.

What does dandelion tincture with vodka cure? Bites of mosquitoes, midges and other insects, redness and itching, all this can be easily eliminated with the help of a medicinal product.

Recipe for dandelion tincture with vodka

The tincture is used in home cosmetology and folk medicine. To prepare an infusion of dandelions, use vodka, moonshine, and food grade alcohol.

There are three main methods of preparing the medicine. Let's look at how to prepare dandelion tincture with vodka from dry roots.


  1. Dry dandelion roots - 50 g.
  2. Vodka - 0.5 l.

How to cook: Place the crushed dry roots in an airtight container and fill with vodka. Place the vessel in a dark place for two weeks, shake periodically. Strain. Store in the refrigerator.

We should not forget that the tincture should be used taking into account the dosage, and not how alcoholic drink. Abuse will harm the liver and destroy all the beneficial properties of the plant.

Let's consider the second method of making dandelion with vodka, a recipe using flowers.


  1. Dandelion flowers - 400 g.
  2. Vodka (alcohol) - 0.5 l.

How to cook: Rinse the flowers under running water and place in a dry container, the volume should take up ¾ of the container. Pour vodka, close the lid and place in a dark place for 21 days. After the specified time has passed, squeeze out the flowers and strain the remaining liquid.

Another way to cook alcohol tincture from dandelion juice.


  1. Dandelion - 400 g.
  2. Vodka (alcohol) - 400 ml.

How to cook: Collect young plants with roots, wash, cut. Squeeze out the juice. Mix vodka and juice, pour the product into a glass container. Store in the refrigerator. Shake before use.

If the tincture is made with edible alcohol, before use it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2 so as not to burn the skin or mucous membrane of the throat.

How to take dandelion tincture with vodka

How to take dandelion juice with vodka depends on the composition and purpose of use.

If the tincture is from the roots, use it three times a day before meals, 30 drops. Medicinal composition made from fresh dandelion flowers is suitable for rubbing; tincture from the plant juice is taken orally or used externally.

Dandelion tincture with vodka should be used before full recovery or disappearance of symptoms of the disease. The main condition: observe the dosage and frequency of use of the drug.

For coughs (for colds)

What does dandelion with vodka help with? The drug is effective in treating viral diseases, severe hypothermia. A tincture of dandelions with vodka is used for coughs, because... thins and removes mucus.

How to use: Take 40-50 ml orally no more than twice a day.

Result: Reduced intensity and frequency of cough.

To improve the taste, you can add honey or lemon juice to the tincture.

For pigment spots

Helps get rid of pigmentation natural lotion from dandelion. IN for cosmetic purposes The tincture can be used from both flowers and roots.

A tincture of dandelions with vodka for age spots should be diluted with water before use so as not to burn the skin.

How to use: Soak a cotton swab in alcohol tincture. Wipe your skin twice a day.

Result: With constant use of the tincture, the appearance of pigmentation will decrease and become less noticeable.

A convenient option for applying the tincture is cosmetic ice, just pour the prepared product into molds and freeze, and in the morning wipe the skin with the cube.

For back pain

A tincture of dandelion inflorescences is used to strengthen cartilage, prevent its destruction, and relieve back pain. Medicines containing alcohol are also used for preventive purposes.

How to use: To relieve back pain, use the tincture externally. Treat the painful area, cover the affected area with a blanket or wrap it with a scarf. Carry out the procedure several times a day.

Result: Decrease pain in back.

A tincture of dandelion flowers with vodka for back pain is also used for rubbing painful areas or in the form of compresses. It has a warming effect, thanks to alcohol, and therapeutic effect, thanks to the beneficial properties of the plant.

For liver diseases

Dandelion tincture with vodka has been used for liver diseases.

How to use: Mix the prepared alcohol tincture with glycerin in a 2:1 ratio. Take 2 tbsp daily. medicine.

Result: Tones and cleanses the blood, treats hepatitis C.

An alcoholic tincture of dandelion with glycerin is used not only for the treatment of liver pathologies, but also to reduce cholesterol levels, treat skin diseases, and stomach disorders.

For joint pain

Tincture of dandelion flowers with vodka for joint pain is an effective remedy for people suffering from diseases musculoskeletal system, it is used to treat deteriorating cartilage structures.

An infusion of dandelion with vodka for joints helps with gout, arthritis, arthrosis, and osteochondrosis. Inulin strengthens bone and cartilage tissue, and alcohol promotes good access of the substance under the skin.

How to use: Take tincture and dandelion flowers three times a day before meals, 30-40 drops, after diluting it with water.

Result: Relieving joint pain.

The product should be used before bed and early in the morning, immediately after waking up.

For pain in the joints, you can make baths from the tincture.

How to use: Add 30 drops of alcohol tincture to the water. Dip the painful part of the body into the resulting mixture. The duration of the procedure is 15−20 minutes.

Result: Reduce joint pain.

Dandelion tincture with vodka for joint pain is a pain reliever; it relieves inflammation.

Regular rubbing with the drug promotes the regeneration of joint lesions and cell rejuvenation.

How to use: Moisten gauze or a clean cloth with the tincture, apply it to the inflamed joint, secure with a bandage or wrap it with a scarf.

Result: Relieving swelling and pain in the joints.

The flowers from which the tincture was prepared are suitable as a medicinal compress. They need to be squeezed out, wrapped in cloth and fixed on the painful area for 20-30 minutes.

You cannot leave a compress of dandelions in vodka all night; the prolonged action of the milky juice dries and burns the skin.

Other uses

A tincture of dandelions with vodka is used for weight loss, because... has a diuretic effect. The effectiveness of the product is due to the fact that urine contains about 4% fat; the more often it is excreted, the more fat comes out.

How to use: Take tincture 20 ml 2-3 times a day before meals.

Result: Removing excess fluid from the body, relieving swelling.

The tincture will not cause any harm, the main thing is that all contraindications to the use of the product are taken into account.

For more information about dandelion tincture, watch the video:

Contraindications for using dandelion in vodka

It is important to know the medicinal properties and contraindications of dandelion flowers in vodka, follow the dosage and duration of treatment, this is the only way to improve the body and make the most of the beneficial properties of the plant.


  • childhood;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • gastritis or stomach ulcer;
  • obstruction biliary tract, cholelithiasis;
  • individual intolerance.

An overdose of the drug may cause headache, diarrhea, vomiting.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should limit your use of the product or eliminate its use altogether.

What to remember

  1. Dandelion tincture is effective in treating digestive and metabolic disorders, colds and skin diseases.
  2. Use tincture of dandelion flowers with vodka for joint pain in the form of rubbing, baths, compresses.
  3. The alcohol tincture has unique composition, therefore it is used as a tonic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory agent. During therapy, a lasting positive effect is observed.

People have been familiar with dandelion since childhood. The inflorescences are used to make head wreaths, herbariums, and even jam. Many housewives are interested in the benefits and harms of dandelion due to its high popularity. The plant has some qualities that will help to fully heal the body. So, let's talk about everything in order.

Composition of dandelion

The inflorescences contain a lot of vitamin A; the amount of retinol exceeds even its accumulation in carrots. This element is necessary for people with low vision.

Dandelion also boasts ascorbic acid, tocopherol, thiamine, vitamin K, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid, pantothenic acid and others important vitamins B-groups.

The roots of the plant are rich in natural saccharides and starch. Dandelion contains protein, essential oils, dietary fiber, and tannins.

The composition contains acids of organic origin, such as oleic, linoleic, lemon balm, cerotinic, linolenic, palmitic and others.

The inflorescences are considered record holders for the accumulation of antioxidant compounds that are removed from the cavity internal organs toxic substances and wastes. At the same time, the inflorescences have their own calorie content, which does not exceed 44 Kcal. per serving weighing 100 g.

  1. Due to the high chemical list, roots and inflorescences are used to improve the health of specific organs and systems of the body. Healers folk healing The plant is mainly used to treat ailments associated with the gastrointestinal tract. Dandelion also effectively copes with hepatitis, sleep disorders, and low appetite.
  2. You can use medicinal dandelion to enhance the flow of bile. For this purpose, the product is prepared according to the following recipe: chop 2 roots with a knife, add 950-1000 ml. boiling water and cover with a lid. Leave for 40 minutes, then take 10 ml. three times a day before the main meal.
  3. Dandelion can be used to treat ailments that are somehow related to the kidneys. The composition is often used to remove excess cholesterol. For this purpose, take 90 ml. juice from the roots of the plant, dilute 10 ml. alcohol, add 20 ml. clean water and 13 ml. liquid glycerin. Combine and strain all ingredients. Use 30 ml. every day, dividing the total volume into several stages.
  4. Using the preparation technology described above, a complex disease such as hepatitis B is treated. In addition, the drug cleanses the bloodstream, eliminates gout and indigestion, and is used to treat dermatological problems.
  5. If you are hypothermic, an infusion of dandelions will help cope with the condition. Squeeze the juice from the plant, combine with alcohol in equal proportions and leave in a cool place for about 3 weeks. After this, filter, squeeze, consume 40 ml. twice a day. The infusion will be very useful in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.
  6. To improve appetite and stimulate production gastric juice prepare the product according to the following recipe. Grind the root pulp, add 250 ml. boiling water and leave overnight to infuse. Divide the resulting filtered liquid into 3 doses, consume 1 serving before meals 3 times a day.
  7. Dandelion treats vitamin deficiency and anemia (iron deficiency). In this case, you should take an infusion from the plant. Grind 20 gr. roots, add 230 ml. hot clean water. Wrap the jar in a sweatshirt or towel and leave for a couple of hours. Filter the product and drink 60 ml. a third of an hour before the meal. Similarly, you can take 20 ml of dandelion leaf juice. four times a day.
  8. If you have a metabolic disorder or blood diseases, use medicinal dandelion in this way: grind 20 grams. root into powder, combine with 225 ml. boiling water, keep under a sweatshirt for several hours. After this, filter and take 55 ml. four times a day half an hour before eating.
  9. When the goal is to cope with constipation, take half a teaspoon of leaf powder three times a day. If you are bitten by an insect, rub green leaves into the porridge and apply to the damaged area of ​​skin, change the lotion every 2 hours. The juice of the plant can remove warts and other growths.

benefits and harms of chamomile tincture

Benefits of dandelion jam

  1. Dandelion-based jam is also called honey due to its special consistency. Even people with allergies to bee products are allowed to eat this treat. Except taste qualities the delicacy is endowed with healing properties. It is taken for seasonal vitamin deficiency, colds and flu. The composition quickly improves immunity.
  2. Dandelion jam effectively copes with bronchial cough. A treat removes mucus from the respiratory tract, relieves sore throat and sore throat. Due to the accumulation ascorbic acid in large quantities, the treat increases protective functions and helps to cope with the disease many times faster.
  3. Jam based on dandelion inflorescences will become an indispensable assistant with vitamin deficiency. Among other things, the treat removes sand and small stones from the kidney cavity, and also facilitates urination during the course of the disease.

Benefits of dandelion leaves

  1. Avitaminosis. To replenish the body's need for microelements, it is recommended to prepare a tincture. To do this, combine alcohol and juice from dandelion leaves in equal quantities in a common container. Place the composition in a dark place, wait about 20 days. Drink 30 ml. tinctures twice a day. The product helps with seasonal vitamin deficiency and chronic fatigue.
  2. Anemia. When taken regularly, the plant extract actively participates in hematopoiesis, while simultaneously improving the quality of lymph. Take 15 g. leaves of the product, place in a 300 ml glass. Pour boiling water into the container. Wait for natural cooling, then strain the mixture. Divide the portion in half, drink in the morning and before bed. The product perfectly improves the overall tone of the body.
  3. Freckles and dark spots. For problem skin It is recommended to prepare a simple decoction. Take a small saucepan and pour 320 ml into it. purified water, add 40 g. dried leaves of the plant. Simmer the ingredients over medium heat. After boiling, turn off the stove and strain the mixture. Wait for it to cool down. Wipe your skin three times a day.
  4. Digestion and appetite. To improve appetite and establish digestive processes in the body, it is necessary to combine 20 grams in a container. dried leaves and dandelion roots. Fill the products with 0.5 l. boiling water After cooling, strain the product. Take the composition twice a day, 30 ml.
  5. Insect bites. If you have been bitten by insects, unpleasant sensations will help you cope fresh leaves plants. Collect required amount raw materials and turn into pulp. Apply the mixture to the affected area. Soon swelling and inflammatory processes will pass.

benefits and harms of mint for women and men

  1. The storehouse of unique microelements in the plant helps people who suffer from diabetes. The benefit of dandelion is that special enzymes in the product stimulate the synthesis of insulin in the body. As a result, blood sugar levels remain low.
  2. To improve general state in case of illness, it is recommended to prepare a simple remedy that is actively used in folk medicine. Take 40 gr. herbal mixture, which includes dandelion leaves, chicory, nettle, walnut, biscuits.
  3. Place the raw materials in the container suitable size, pour in 470 ml. boiling water Boil the ingredients for a few minutes. Turn off the stove and leave the product to infuse for a quarter of an hour. Strain the mixture, drink the broth 3 times a day a third of an hour before meals. The recommended dosage at one time is 80 ml.

Dandelion for weight loss

  1. It has been proven that human urine contains about 4-5% fat. Therefore, if you visit the restroom more often, the faster you can get rid of excess weight.
  2. Dandelion, in turn, has an excellent diuretic effect. The plant perfectly removes excess fluid from the body. In the absence of contraindications, dandelion is completely safe for the body.

Dandelion harm

  1. Do not take the product in any form if you have serious illnesses gastrointestinal tract. Otherwise, the situation will worsen significantly.
  2. Avoid taking the plant completely if you have a stomach ulcer. Such contraindications apply to pregnant girls and during lactation. Also take into account individual intolerances.

The collection of raw materials must be carried out in an environmentally friendly place. The plant easily absorbs all the nasty things environment. As a result of using the composition, you risk serious poisoning. It is strongly recommended not to self-medicate and first consult with a specialist.

medicinal properties and contraindications of dandelion root

Video: dandelion in folk medicine

ABOUT medicinal properties Dandelion has been known since ancient times. IN Tibetan medicine it was called the “elixir of life,” and the Persian physician Avicenna devoted an entire section to the plant in his medical works. A vodka or alcohol tincture is prepared from it. Due to the fact that the product contains alcohol, it will be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

Raw materials need to be collected in sunny day, trying to choose a place away from roads and industrial enterprises.

1 How to collect and prepare dandelions for tincture?

Harvesting flowers begins at the end of April, until the yellow dandelion heads turn white. At this time, you can stock up on the stems of the plant; they can also be useful for preparing the tincture. If the raw material is dusty, then it will need to be washed and laid out on paper to dry.

End of october - best time in order to prepare the root. It is this part of the dandelion that contains the largest amount of beneficial human body substances. Over the summer, the root system accumulates everything valuable. The raw materials are dug up, washed and laid out for drying in a well-ventilated area. Store in canvas bags or dry glass jars.

Dandelion honey: beneficial properties, applications and recipes

2 Folk recipes for dandelion tincture

Most often this plant is used to treat joint pain, arthrosis and rheumatism. But this is not the only benefit of dandelions. Tinctures based on them, prepared according to folk recipes, cleanse blood vessels and liver, improve digestion and appetite.

The product is also useful for:

  • normalization of metabolism;
  • losing weight;
  • temperature reduction;
  • stress relief;
  • improving lactation;
  • increasing potency.

Water pepper tincture: beneficial properties and recipes

2.1 Vodka tincture from the root

The product is prepared from dried and crushed raw materials. About 50 g of raw material is poured into 0.5 liters of vodka. For 2 weeks, the tincture is placed in a dark place, taken out periodically and shaken. The finished product is filtered through cheesecloth or a metal sieve and poured into a glass bottle or jar. Apply 15-30 drops daily.

The health benefits of this tincture are that dandelion roots contain 25 to 50 percent inulin. This dietary fiber necessary for patients with diabetes.

Eucalyptus tincture: beneficial properties and contraindications, instructions for use

2.2 Flower vodka tincture

You can prepare a healing remedy from dandelion flowers either from freshly collected raw materials or from dried ones:

  1. 1. Yellow dandelion heads are placed tightly in a jar so that it is 3/4 full.
  2. 2. The remaining void is filled with vodka up to the neck and left for 3 weeks.
  3. 3. The finished product is poured into another vessel, filtered through cheesecloth, and the flowers are carefully squeezed out.

The use of the tincture will help those who suffer from gout, osteochondrosis, and joint pain. The product helps well against muscle pain after heavy physical exertion.

2.3 Dandelion root in alcohol

The crushed root of the medicinal plant must be poured with alcohol and kept for about 2 weeks. Alcohol helps preserve beneficial properties for the human body. The drug is used to treat bronchitis, runny nose, diabetes, liver cirrhosis, and to dilate blood vessels.

The alcohol tincture is taken in courses 2-3 times a day, 10-20 drops, which are diluted in water and drunk before meals. For treatment skin diseases, as well as osteochondrosis, arthrosis and rheumatism, compresses are used, which are applied to the sore spot and wrapped in a warm blanket. The compress is removed after 40-60 minutes.

2.4 Dandelion flowers in alcohol

The tincture is prepared from the decoction according to the following recipe:

  1. 1. 200 g of dried raw materials are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes.
  2. 2. The finished broth is drained and filtered, squeezing out the flowers, and 0.5 liters of alcohol are poured.
  3. 3. Leave for about 2 weeks.

To store the healing product, a kitchen cabinet that is not exposed to sunlight is suitable. It can be stored in glass bottles or vials for up to 2 years.

The tincture can be used in the treatment of liver diseases, for weight loss, and against hair loss.

2.5 Tincture on Triple Cologne

This remedy is effective for joint pain. It can be prepared using Triple Cologne, which is poured over the flowers or roots of the plant. Dandelion leaves are also used, but in this case they need to be harvested before the plant begins to bloom. Leave for about 3 weeks under a tightly closed lid.

As soon as joint pain appears, the product is rubbed into sore spot 2-3 times a day until symptoms disappear completely.

2.6 Use of dandelion extract and juice

Dandelion juice is used to treat diseases of the liver and digestive tract, for cosmetic purposes against hair loss and to slow down the aging process of the skin. It needs to be prepared in April-May, when the plant has not yet had time to bloom. Succulent stems and flowers are selected, everything is crushed and the juice is squeezed out through a juicer. Store the product in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days. When used internally, the dosage is 1 teaspoon of juice 2-3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

If you can't cook it yourself healing infusions, then you can buy dandelion extract at the pharmacy. The drug is available without a prescription in powder form. A decoction is prepared from it and consumed 3-4 times a day warm, 2/3 cup. The product improves appetite and has a choleretic effect.

3 Contraindications

If you exceed the dosage when treating with dandelion products, then instead of benefit, you can cause harm to the body. If the dose is exceeded, diarrhea, vomiting, and dizziness may begin.

The main contraindications apply to children under 12 years of age. Dandelion should be used with caution by people suffering from gastritis, blockage of the bile ducts and peptic ulcers.

Before starting treatment, it is better to consult a specialist.

Dandelion- a perennial common in temperate latitudes, known to every adult and child. A plant with bright yellow flowers and an unobtrusive honey aroma is considered a garden and garden weed. Fluffy flowers, similar to a small sun, contain a large amount of nectar and are a good honey plant.

The vitality of the weed is determined by its ability to produce a huge number of seeds and also reproduce by rhizomes. But few people know that unpretentious weed contains various beneficial substances in high concentrations, has many healing properties. How is dandelion beneficial for the body?

Chemical composition and nutritional value of dandelion

Vitamin concentration in flowers A more than even carrots. This vitamin ensures the proper functioning of the visual organs and prevents the development eye diseases. Flowers and green parts of the plant also contain a lot of ascorbic acid, vitamins B, tocopherol.

Dandelion is rich essential oils, tannins, fiber. Plant tissues contain valuable organic acids: linoleic, linolenic, oleic, palmitic and others. Flowers are excellent sources of antioxidants that remove toxins and harmful substances from the body.

100 grams of the plant contains no more than 45 kcal, contains nutrients in the following ratio: (see table)

Chemical composition of dandelion roots

The rhizomes are rich in starch and plant sugars. Root tissues contain high concentrations of vitamins B ensuring proper functioning of the nervous system.

The underground part of the plant contains a lot of vitamin B4, normalizing the composition of the blood, promoting an increase in hemoglobin, optimizing the concentration of sugar in the body.

Dandelion roots contain many specific compounds that are beneficial to the human body. The rhizome contains turpentine, a substance that regulates sweat. Therefore, it is recommended to use the underground parts of the plant to reduce heat and remove excess liquid, eliminating swelling.

The rhizomes contain inulin, a plant polysaccharide that normalizes the amount of sugar in the blood, cleanses tissues and organs of toxins and harmful elements, and stimulates the restoration of cellular structures.

Dandelion roots are rich in sterol, a substance that has a diuretic effect, removing excess bile from the body.

Also, the rhizomes are saturated with carotenoids - pigments that support visual acuity, necessary to prevent myopia and other eye pathologies.

Beneficial properties of dandelion

The plant has a variety of positive effects on the human body:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • prevents the occurrence of colds;
  • lowers the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • normalizes the functioning of the heart and circulatory system;
  • relieves symptoms of diabetes;
  • reduces the likelihood of developing cancer;
  • improves metabolism;
  • optimizes blood pressure;
  • rids the body of toxins and salts heavy metals, helminths;
  • is a choleretic and diuretic;
  • increases brain performance;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • eliminates fever, removes phlegm and relieves other cold symptoms;
  • relieves insomnia;
  • normalizes the state of the nervous system;
  • prevents the occurrence of stroke and anemia;
  • maintains visual acuity;
  • eliminates hormonal disorders;
  • has a positive effect on sexual function;
  • weakens the manifestations of liver pathologies;
  • accelerates healing of wounds;
  • is effective means from skin diseases.

Benefits of dandelion roots for the human body

Dandelion rhizome, rich in beneficial substances, is actively used in folk medicine and has a significant positive effect on the human body:

  • eliminates swelling and heaviness in the lower extremities;
  • suppresses activity pathogenic bacteria, destroys helminths;
  • normalizes digestive function, stimulates the synthesis of gastric juice;
  • cures gastritis caused by low stomach acidity;
  • removes mucus from the respiratory tract;
  • improves liver function, stimulates bile secretion;
  • cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol accumulations;
  • prevents the development of cirrhosis;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • cleanses liver tissue of toxins and toxic accumulations;
  • improves metabolism.

Medicinal properties of dandelion juice

This drink can be considered a storehouse of useful substances, so it should be consumed in the spring to prevent hypovitaminosis. Juice is a good remedy for eliminating constipation, relieving inflammatory reactions V digestive tract, relieving symptoms of gout, liver and gallbladder pathologies.

The drink is rich in iron and magnesium, so drinking it is beneficial for people with anemia. Dandelion juice can also be used to relieve fever from a cold.

Dandelion juice should be included in the menu for breastfeeding women. The drink contains substances that stimulate milk production by the mammary glands.

Dandelion juice can be used not only orally, but also externally. Fresh juice It is recommended to treat warts and areas of skin affected by eczema 3 times a day.

Dandelion leaves

Folk recipes with dandelion for various pathologies

Traditional medicine offers many recipes based on dandelion to get rid of various diseases.

The plant is used not only for medicinal but also for culinary purposes. But you need to take into account that since dandelion is a medicinal plant, then all dishes prepared with it can be considered medicinal, having a general strengthening effect.

Dandelion leaves are added to the lungs vegetable salads, using flowers, smoothies, jams, and delicious honey drinks, and powdered rhizomes can be used as a seasoning for many dishes.

Food prepared using medicinal plant, strengthens the immune system, normalizes the functioning of many organs and systems.

Harm of dandelion to the human body

Children under 5 years of age, as well as people with the following diseases, are prohibited from consuming dishes and medicines containing dandelion:

  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • gastritis;
  • disruption of the gallbladder;
  • diarrhea;
  • product intolerance.

You should not consume dandelion in excess, otherwise you will have to treat poisoning. It should be remembered that any product is useful if it is consumed in moderation. Particular caution should be taken when including a medicinal plant in the diet of pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

Rules for collecting and storing plant materials

Dandelion leaves and flowers should be collected during the flowering season when the weather is dry. It is recommended to harvest the leaves before the buds open, since at this time the green parts of the plant contain little bitterness.

The collected raw materials are dried in a shaded, well-ventilated place and mixed periodically.

Rhizomes should be collected in the first weeks of autumn, when the leaves begin to fade. The roots are dug up with a shovel and immediately washed with water. The green part of the plant and thin sections of the rhizome are cut off.

The raw materials are dried on fresh air until the juice stops flowing. Then the roots are transferred to a shaded, well-ventilated place and dried there.

It is necessary to store plant materials in a glass or wooden container, or in a cotton bag. The storage place should be dry and shaded. Best before date medicinal product is a year.

Video: The benefits and harms of dandelion

Dandelion has long been used in folk medicine as an effective medicine. Dandelion tincture relieves inflammation and promotes regeneration skin and strengthens muscle tissue. With the help of this healing potion you can not only get rid of joint pain, but also improve your overall well-being.

Dandelion tincture with vodka

This tincture is effectively used for:

  • joint diseases;
  • sore throat;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • renal failure;
  • immune diseases.

The recipe for dandelion tincture with vodka is simple. To prepare it you will need 60-70 g of dried plant roots and 0.6 liters of vodka. Grind the roots, pour vodka and place in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks. It is recommended to thoroughly shake the container with tincture once every 3 days. After 14 days, strain the infusion and refrigerate.

The medicine can be stored for no more than a month. Otherwise, it can have a detrimental effect on the digestive organs and heart.

A vodka tincture of dandelions for joints can be prepared from the flowers of the plant. To do this, you should collect the newly blossomed inflorescences, wash them thoroughly in running water and dry them. Place dandelion flowers in a glass jar so that they occupy approximately 2/3 of the container. Then fill the jar to the brim with vodka and close with a tight lid. The mixture should be infused for 28-30 days in a dark, cold place. After straining, the dandelion tincture is ready for use.

You should use dandelion vodka tincture 2 times a day immediately before meals. Dissolve 35 drops of tincture in a glass of cold water and drink in one gulp. When treating joints, 5-7 drops of tincture should be applied to the sore spot, lightly massaged and covered with a warm scarf or handkerchief. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes, after which the skin should be rinsed with warm water.

Dandelion tincture with alcohol

Dandelion tincture for joints in alcohol is very effective. It normalizes the production of cartilage tissue, improving joint mobility and muscle elasticity. To prepare the mixture you will need:

  • dandelion leaves – 200 g;
  • dandelion roots – 15 g;
  • dandelion flowers - 3 cups;
  • 0.7 l of alcohol.

Recipe for making dandelion tincture:

  1. Dandelion leaves need to be soaked in cold water 7-14 minutes, then finely chop and grind until the milky juice comes out.
  2. The roots of the plant must be cut into cubes.
  3. Wash the dandelion flowers thoroughly, dry them and remove the greens, leaving only the yellow petals.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly, put it in a glass container and fill it with alcohol. Close the container with a tight lid and place it in a cool, dark place for 3 weeks.
  5. Strain the finished tincture thoroughly and store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 weeks.

Use dandelion tincture with alcohol 3 times a day immediately before meals. Dissolve 20-25 drops of tincture in a glass of warm water and drink within 6-12 minutes.

To treat joint and muscle pain, it is necessary to apply compresses using tincture. It is impregnated with cotton wool, which is attached to the joint using a gauze bandage or bandage. The optimal duration of the procedure is 3-5 hours. The compress can be applied at night.

An effective remedy for joint pain is a tincture of dried dandelion sepals. It promotes the regeneration of cartilage tissue, healing small cracks.

How to prepare dandelion tincture for joints? To prepare the mixture you need 50 g of dried dandelion sepals and a glass of alcohol. Place the powdered sepals of the plant in a transparent glass container and fill them with vodka. Cover the container tightly with a lid and place it in the refrigerator. The tincture will be ready in 6-9 days.

It is recommended to use this medicine only externally, rubbing sore joints and muscles. You can make gauze bandages and compresses. If the joints of your arms or legs hurt, you should take baths with the tincture. IN warm water you need to add 30 drops of the mixture and hold the sore joint in it for 7-12 minutes.

Alternate baths with compresses and rubbing. This will increase the effect of treatment.

Dandelion tincture on triple cologne

Triple cologne dandelion tincture for joints is effective and easy to prepare. It relieves joint pain, reduces swelling and strengthens cartilage tissue.

To prepare the tincture you need:

  • 15 g fresh roots dandelion;
  • 130 g dandelion leaves;
  • 0.3 liters of triple cologne.

Rinse the roots thoroughly cold water, cut into slices. Grind the leaves in a mortar so that they yield juice. Place the leaves and roots in a glass jar and fill with triple cologne. Place the mixture in a dark, cool place for 2-2.5 weeks. It is recommended to shake the jar daily to speed up the cooking process. Strain the finished mixture through cheesecloth. Store in a cool place away from direct sunlight.

The tincture should be used in a course that lasts 3-3.5 weeks. Once every 2 days it is necessary to lubricate the sore joint with tincture, rub and apply gauze bandage. It is recommended to apply the compress at night.

The course of treatment should not last more than 3.5 weeks. The course can be repeated after 1-1.5 months.

Dandelion tinctures

Knowing the beneficial properties of dandelion, many people ask questions about how to prepare dandelion tincture and whether it will be effective for joint and muscle diseases. In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used, so tincture recipes can be varied.

For internal use, you can make a tincture with honey and milk. It helps strengthen cartilage and bones of the skeleton. you should use linden, buckwheat or floral. Fat milk for tincture is recommended: goat or sheep. A tincture of dandelion flowers is being prepared. Before use, the mixture must stand in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. This tincture should be consumed in the evening before bed, 0.5 cups daily for 4 days. Then it is recommended to take a week's break.

For external rubbing, a tincture with dandelion roots and oak leaves is effective. It not only strengthens blood vessels, but also promotes skin regeneration. Plants are filled with vodka or alcohol. Dandelion tincture takes 7 days to prepare. Must be used daily for a week.

A tincture with dandelion leaves, nettle and burdock oil. The mixture is infused for at least 3-4 days in a dark, cold place. Apply to the affected joint daily for 1.5 weeks. The effect of the procedure will increase if you make night compresses with this tincture. The course of treatment can be repeated after 3-3.5 weeks.

Dandelion tincture – traditional folk recipe, which has been tested by several generations of our ancestors. By following the recommendations for making and using the tincture, you can not only relieve joint pain, but also get rid of it forever.

By the end of the last century, the issue of treating diabetes and maintaining the required blood sugar level arose quite urgently. The amazing substance polysaccharide insulin, as it turns out, can not only lower blood sugar, but also strengthens the immune system and helps proper operation intestines. That is why insulin began to be added to foods for diabetics and also to food for children.

After some study of plants containing the miracle substance, it turned out that the most high quantity polysaccharide is found in the most common dandelion. But you don’t have to look for it in foods and supplements, because you can make a dandelion tincture yourself.

The flower contains not only insulin, but also:
a huge amount of vitamins (groups A, B, C, E, etc.) and microelements (calcium, manganese, phosphorus, etc.);
substances that cleanse the intestines.
Many preparations are made from dandelion, which are used as:
strengthening for of cardio-vascular system;
and many others.
But the best popular one is dandelion tincture for joints.

How to prepare a tincture from dandelion flowers?

First of all, you need to know that healing substances possesses the whole dandelion: leaves, roots and flower. You just need to collect them correctly - at the right time of year, when they contain the maximum amount medicinal substances, and this is only three weeks a year - from the end of April to the beginning of May, at a time when the yellow flowers fade and fluffy inflorescences appear. Of course, you need to pay attention to where dandelions grow, and not collect them near factories and highways.

You need to collect it in favorable sunny weather, immediately after the dew has dried and it is better to immediately put it in a pre-prepared jar, because in this way the maximum amount of useful substances will be preserved. If the dandelions are covered with dust, they need to be washed. This must be done in cold water and quickly. Next, let it dry for 4 hours. It is better to dry in a dark place.

It is better to put dandelions in jars, packing them tightly. When the jar is ¾ full, add alcohol. Now you need to leave the jar for three weeks, remembering to shake it every two days.

Dandelion horse tincture

Dandelion roots contain only about two percent insulin in the spring, but in the fall this figure increases to 35%. It is best to collect roots at the end of October - beginning of November. The roots must be thoroughly washed and dried. You can dry it completely, this will not reduce the beneficial properties tinctures, the only thing is that you will need half as many dry roots. Place the roots in a jar and add 250 ml of alcohol. Infuse in the same way as the flower tincture - three weeks in a dark place.

How to make juice from dandelions?

But dandelion juice is different in that it can be prepared at any time during spring and summer. Of course, it is best to do this as soon as the dandelions begin to bloom, i.e. in early spring, because at this time the juice is the best.

Wash the leaves thoroughly in cold water and dry in a dark place. Then, you need to grind and squeeze. The resulting juice needs to be diluted with vodka (to make it 50/50) and tightly closed with a lid. Dandelion juice should be stored in a cool, dark place.

If you need to make a juice that is not too strong, you can dilute it in a 70/30 ratio (70% juice and 30% vodka). But in this case, the juice must be stored in the refrigerator and be prepared for the fact that the juice will have a sour taste, but this does not in any way affect healing qualities juice

You can infuse dandelions not only with alcohol and vodka, but also with moonshine, and even with triple cologne. Certainly, triple cologne can only be used if the resulting medicinal product is not ingested, otherwise you can get food poisoning.

A tincture prepared with pure food alcohol must be diluted with water before ingestion (50/50% otherwise you can burn your throat and oral cavity.

Most the best option when making a tincture, it is still based on moonshine or vodka, with these options there is a guarantee that the product is safe when taken orally and will be suitable for external use for children and delicate skin.

How to properly use dandelion tincture externally?

Dandelion tincture, both from flowers and from roots, can be used for wiping for:
muscle pain;
joint pain etc.;
for colds as a warming compress;
itching, including from mosquito bites.

Insulin penetrates perfectly under the skin and strengthens cartilage and bones.
The tincture can be used as periodic pain, and for prevention. If this is a means of treating pain, then you need to wipe the affected areas twice a day - morning and evening. After wiping, do not go outside for three hours (in cold weather).

Dandelion tincture is an excellent remedy used for cosmetic procedures.

First of all, it does an excellent job of whitening skin: acne marks, freckles, age spots. To do this, the tincture or juice must be diluted boiled water(where 70% water and 30% tincture) and wipe the face or desired area of ​​the body daily.

If for a long time If you use this lotion, you can completely get rid of acne, pimples and other rashes, and improve your complexion. After all, the resulting dandelion tincture contains substances that help restore tissue. But it should be remembered that this remedy perfect for oily skin, A sensitive skin, after applying the lotion will need moisturizing.

Also, this tincture perfectly gets rid of the most unpleasant thing - warts. To do this, you need to apply lotions every 3 hours during the day.

How to use dandelion tincture internally?

All medicines that contain dandelion are laxatives. Therefore, you need to use dandelion tincture carefully so that the body gradually gets used to it. It is better to start taking it with 8-10 drops, constantly increasing to the desired dose. Before use, dandelion juice should be diluted with water (80% water/20% juice), and since the juice is bitter, it can be diluted with honey to taste.

Dandelion juice helps with:

impaired metabolism;
weakened immunity, etc.

Take a teaspoon 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is three weeks, no more.

Also, dandelion juice is an excellent remedy for rehabilitation after serious heart disease. But you should remember that you can use it with the permission of a doctor, since the juice contains an alcohol solution.

Dandelion juice is excellent in helping to restore vision. To do this, you need to mix 45 ml of dandelion juice with 120 ml of carrot juice (freshly squeezed) and sweeten everything with honey to taste. You need to drink this magical tincture in the morning, an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 2.5 months. True, in order for the result to be stronger, you need to do vision exercises.

Who should not use dandelion tincture?

No matter how miraculous dandelion tincture is, it cannot be used by everyone. It is prohibited to take when:
stomach problems (ulcers and gastritis);
to those who have had it removed gallbladder;
individual intolerance.

It should be remembered that dandelions can bring both benefit and harm, which is why, before using them, you need to check with your doctor about the correctness of your actions.

Dandelions are quite easy to find, from the entrance to the gorgeous yellow fields. In addition to the beauty that the beautiful dandelion brings, it is also incredibly useful. Therefore, before you weave another wreath of dandelions, think about whether it’s worth collecting it and then enjoying its healing properties for a long time?
Find out,

Dandelions have always been the harbinger of summer. Many people mistakenly associate these bright, sunny flowers with weeds. However, it is not. The leaves and stems of this plant contain a lot of useful substances. Medicinal dandelion is rich in vitamins A, B, C, F, as well as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, selenium and many other useful trace elements.

In addition, it contains organic acids, triterpenes, flavonoids, stearins, luteins, wax, choline, glucosides, asparagine, inulin, arnidol and other beneficial substances. The juice from this plant itself is bitter and thick. Therefore, a tincture of dandelions with vodka is made.

The wide variety of beneficial components of this flower is very suitable for treatment various kinds diseases. Since ancient times, recipes have reached us and have been preserved. traditional medicine. Like, for example, a tincture of dandelion flowers in vodka, with which people were treated for diseases of the skin, joints, diseases of the organs of vision, and so on. The prepared medicine was used to make compresses and rub them into sore spots. It is known that tincture of dandelions with vodka is very good for colds. A lot of traditional healers and herbalists include this plant in their composition medicinal fees for the treatment of insomnia.

Dandelion root is used to make medicines that improve digestion and also cleanse the gallbladder and liver. Healing powder, decoction and, of course, tincture of dandelions with vodka are made from it. But it is worth noting that it is recommended to use environmentally friendly plants as raw materials. Therefore, collecting dandelions near industrial enterprises and highways Not recommended.

Basically, dandelion vodka tincture for all sorts of ailments is made from the roots or flowers of the plant. For the first option, take fifty grams of crushed dry root of the plant and pour in 0.5 liters of vodka. Let it brew in a cool, dark place for two weeks. Ready-made dandelion vodka is taken thirty drops three times a day before meals. This remedy improves digestion and metabolism.

Also, dandelion vodka tincture is made from the flowers of this plant. They need to be thoroughly washed, dried, and then placed tightly in a glass jar. The jar should be approximately three-quarters full. Next, the flowers are poured with vodka and left to infuse in the refrigerator for three weeks. Afterwards, the tincture is filtered and taken as a rub for pain in the joints, sprains, and so on.

Vodka with dandelions can be used in pure form How alcoholic drink. It is very easy to prepare. Take clean leaves, cut them and pour vodka. You can add a little sugar. Pour the resulting mixture into a jar with a tight-fitting lid and leave to infuse for three weeks in a cool, dark place. After this time, filter the tincture and close it in a bottle. Ready!

Dandelions grow anywhere and everywhere. In spring, wherever you look, these little yellow suns smile at us from every clearing. By the way, they can not only lift your spirits, but also bring tangible benefits for various ailments.

It was not for nothing that Ray Bradbury’s heroes prepared dandelion wine - it acted as a saving balm on wounds, both mental and physical.

How good is dandelion tincture? Let's evaluate this ourselves by preparing the drug according to the old recipe (see others).

Dandelions contain a huge amount of substances that our body needs for normal functioning. These are vitamins B, A, C, K.

Thanks to this composition, dandelions famous for their antioxidant properties, wound healing, positive influence on metabolism and nervous system function. In addition, vitamin K helps cope with approaching osteoporosis. Without vitamin A they begin to develop serious illnesses organs of vision.

Potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium - all this is contained in simple dandelions, familiar to us from childhood. A tincture of them strengthens the immune system and supports the process of hematopoiesis. facilitates the work of the heart muscle.

Another interesting fact: an infusion of these flowers minimizes the consequences of destructive processes occurring in neurons, and therefore reduces the rate of development of Alzheimer's disease if the patient is given such a disappointing diagnosis.

When is tincture used as a remedy?

Many diseases are easier if, along with medications official medicine also use folk recipes.

For a cold

With ARVI and influenza, the body needs higher doses vitamin C. Therefore, add a little dandelion tincture to your daily intake of rosehip decoction, tea with lemon and ginger.

To restore appetite

A little tincture should be taken before meals, about 20 minutes, in order to stimulate appetite. Dandelion acts as a metabolic catalyst, thereby improving appetite.


For low hemoglobin, the tincture is very useful - because there is a lot of iron in the stems, roots and flowers. B vitamins, which are needed for the formation of red blood cells, are also important.

To normalize metabolism

B vitamins are active participants in the metabolic process, so “dandelion wine” is useful for improving metabolism.

For constipation

Tincture can solve delicate issue when intestinal motility slows down for some reason. It stimulates the gastrointestinal tract.

Important: If you are prone to diarrhea, you should not take this medicine - it can worsen the situation.

For diabetes

An infusion of dandelion flowers or roots stimulates the production of insulin by the pancreas.

Therefore, if you have diabetes, it makes sense to use folk medicine to reduce the dose of “foreign” insulin received from outside.

Benefits for joints

With age, many people begin to suffer from diseases of the joint tissues:

  • arthritis;
  • polyarthritis;
  • arthrosis

Some of them are inflammatory in nature, some are simply age-related changes. In all cases, dandelion infusion will help support joints.

For joint health, it is necessary for the liver to function well, because it synthesizes a substance that has a repair (recovery) function. Taraxacin “starts” the repair process. There is a lot of it in dandelions.

As a cosmetic

In cosmetology, tincture is used for:

  • cleansing pores;
  • removal of toxins;
  • acne treatment.

For vision

The high percentage of vitamin A in dandelions makes the tincture very beneficial for the visual organs. The development of cataracts is slowed down. Visual acuity remains at a normal level.

Against cough

Vitamin C in the tincture helps quick deliverance From cough. Of course, this does not mean that you can ignore the doctor’s prescription and drink only dandelion medicine. But how aid it's very useful.

For weight loss

In the process of becoming slim, the main task of a person losing weight is to lose excess fat deposits.

“Dandelion wine,” of course, will not cope with excess fat, but it will remove excess fluid, which causes swelling and makes it difficult to get rid of toxins.


It is not advisable to take the tincture orally for people with chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage, for those who often have diarrhea, as well as for those who are preparing for surgery: substances. Contained in dandelions, slightly thin the blood. And this is fraught with bleeding.

Preparing the tincture at home

The most important thing in the cooking process is to collect the dandelions in time.

Raw materials

The best time to collect flowers is from April to May.

If the medicine requires stems and roots, the plants should be collected closer to autumn. Over the summer, these parts have time to be “saturated” with microelements and vitamins.

Infusion of flowers

Harvest the dandelions and separate the yellow “heads.” They are the only ones you will need. Place them tightly in a glass jar.

Then fill the raw material with vodka up to the neck of the jar. The mass must be kept in a dark place for 3 weeks. Then strain, pour into a bottle and put in the refrigerator.

Recipe with roots

Grind 120 g of fresh plant roots and pour in 500 ml of vodka. Put it in a dark cabinet. On the 21st day, remove and strain. Then store in the refrigerator.

How to apply the juice?

Dandelion juice is a concentrated mixture of beneficial substances. You can also make it out of it useful infusion. After collecting dandelions in the spring, soak them in cold water for half an hour to remove the bitterness.

Then pass through a meat grinder and squeeze thoroughly. Combine what remains after spinning with water in a one to one ratio. Throw away the cake. Boil the liquid for 3 minutes.

Should be taken like this: 2 tablespoons 20 minutes before meals, twice a day. Expected effect:

  • immunity will increase;
  • vision will improve;
  • teeth will deteriorate less frequently;
  • cholesterol levels will decrease;
  • the vessels will become more elastic.

Nursing mothers will produce more milk.