The reason for the appearance of worm larvae in the lungs of Suvorov soldiers has been named. In Izhvesk, a man grew a Christmas tree (tin) in his lung. How did the Christmas tree get into his lungs?

Artyom Sidorin was hospitalized with a severe attack of hemoptysis and pulmonary hemorrhage. Having given him first aid, the doctors did computed tomography. The man was informed that he had malignant tumor. Possible reason- smoking. The doctors warned that the tumor needed to be removed urgently, and sent Artyom to oncologists. A 28-year-old patient with suspected cancer was admitted to the Republican Clinical Oncology Center of Udmurtia. They began to prepare him for elective surgery to remove part of the lung under the leadership of Vladimir Kamashev, deputy chief physician.

The operation began as usual. First we opened chest, - recalls Nadezhda Bokareva, oncologist at the Republican Clinical Oncology Dispensary, participated in surgical intervention. - Then we felt a dense formation. When they made an incision with a scalpel, they realized that something unusual and foreign was sticking out of the lung. They began to cut further and were taken aback: Christmas tree needles appeared, and then the tree branch itself. Moreover, the needles were green, a little with a yellow tint, but fresh. The tree just grew into my lung. We couldn't believe our eyes.

Part of the lung and bronchus, along with the tree, had to be removed, of course. But no oncological tumors were found. The operation, which lasted about two hours, was completed successfully."


According to Artyom, he himself does not know how the tree, and even a living one, got into his body. The only way is by inhaling through the nose or mouth.

I assume that Artyom inhaled a small kidney,” says Nadezhda Bochkareva. - Such buds, ready to grow, are found on the tops of spruce branches. They have a sharp end. I think one of the kidneys got into the lung tissue and became encapsulated there - if the body cannot remove it out foreign body, it is overgrown with tissue. Because of this, the tumor arose. After some time in the warmth, the bud sprouted.

By the way, you can inhale not just a kidney, but any object that passes into the bronchi very easily. But usually a foreign body comes out with a cough. Artyom was unlucky in this sense.


How the plant actually got into the lungs may still have to be determined by experts. The tree was placed in a special solution and sent for further study.

Artyom returned home two weeks after the operation. Now the young man, according to doctors, feels well and is being monitored by specialists at his place of residence. He no longer has problems with his lungs. And with Christmas trees too.

By the way

A 10-month-old girl from China also developed grass 3 cm long in her right lung.

An 18-year-old girl from Armenia had cactus spines growing out of her arm. She pricked herself on a cactus and plant spores got into the wound. Only after removing the fragment - the fistula - did the spines stop growing.

You'll figure it out: if you smoke, you can get lung cancer.

If you don't smoke, a tree may grow in your lungs.

So breathe deeply after this.


Artem Sidorkin from Izhevsk was given terrible diagnosis: "cancer". But during the operation, doctors found a 5-centimeter spruce branch in the guy’s body.

Yes, we were one hundred percent sure. The 28-year-old guy had severe attacks“, he often coughed up blood,” recalls Vladimir Kamashev, deputy. head physician of the Udmurt Oncology Center. “We looked at the X-rays and found a tumor. I have seen hundreds of these in my practice. We decided to have surgery.

Even after opening his chest, the doctor had no doubt that Artem had cancer. But, before cutting out half of the lung, I decided to make sure of this - to give a piece of the organ for urgent examination. I made a cut and... came across green spruce branches.

“I blinked three times, I thought it was my imagination,” the doctor smiles. “I carefully say this to my assistant: “Go look... It looks like there’s a Christmas tree there!” He nodded dumbfounded. Then he admitted that he thought I was crazy.

The Christmas tree was removed. And they immediately measured it - 5 centimeters!
Doctors are still in shock. Artyom could not inhale or somehow swallow such a twig - it simply would not pass into the lung. This means that the guy inhaled a very small spruce bud. And it sprouted in the lung. Well, all the conditions are there - moisture, heat, oxygen.

They explained to me that I was coughing up blood not because of any illness. The needles just touched the capillaries... It was very painful. But, to be honest, I didn’t even feel like there was some kind of foreign body inside me. And it’s still growing! - the rescued patient is still surprised. A piece of Artyom’s lung was placed in a special solution.

This is a unique specimen! We will study it to confirm the hypothesis about a sprouted spruce bud,” says Kamashev. - After stories like this, you start to think: is it worth breathing deeply?!

Doctors and biologists are trying to find an explanation for the incident that occurred in Izhevsk. A city resident was urgently operated on because he was suspected of having a serious tumor in his lung. However, upon examination it turned out that the organ contains the usual spruce branch.

Report by Svetlana Kostina.

It seems that this story is told by Baron Munchausen himself. In Raspe's fairy tale, a tree grew on a deer's head; in life, Artem Sidorkin had a spruce branch in his lungs.

Oncologist Vladimir Kamashev shows photographs of the operation. The photographs clearly show that a real spruce tree has sprouted in the lung tissue.

Vladimir Kamashev, Deputy Chief Physician for Surgery at the Clinical Oncology Center of Udmurtia: “Look at this, it’s a spruce branch. It’s such a nice green branch. We were very surprised.”

Artem Sidorkin still cannot believe that a tree grew in him. A few months ago, a young man was admitted to an oncology clinic with a terrible diagnosis of lung cancer. Doctors insisted on urgent surgery.

A tumor was indeed found in the lungs. And it was necessary to immediately determine whether it was malignant or not. To do this, oncologist Nadezhda Bochkareva carefully examines the lump and makes an incision.

Nadezhda Bochkareva, Sidorkin’s attending physician: “An area of ​​such a withered color appeared. And then the branches began to straighten out, it became clear that this was a Christmas tree.”

The spruce touched with its sharp needles lung tissue. Therefore, when physical activity When breathing became rapid, Artem experienced pain.

Doctors found a green Christmas tree, 5 centimeters long, in the lung. Now doctors are trying to figure out where it came from. One version: the Christmas tree grew directly in the human body from a small seed.

Doctors believe that this seed could have entered Artyom’s lungs several years ago, while still in the army. During training sessions in the forest. Artyom himself thinks that he could have inhaled the seed anywhere.

The pathomorphology department also studied the green specimen and has a different opinion.

Sergei Sukhanov, head of the Department of Pathomorphology: “She could not have grown there. Green, with green needles. Fresh from the forest. There are situations when sensitivity sharply decreases.”

Biologists also believe that the green twig could only enter the body as a whole. The lungs simply do not have the conditions for plant growth.

The spruce branch is currently undergoing examination. Experts hope to find out how it got into Artem Sidorkin’s body. And if the doctors solve this riddle, then we can assume that Baron Munchausen was telling the truth after all.

Artem Sidorkin from Izhevsk was given a terrible diagnosis: cancer. But during the operation, doctors found a 5-centimeter spruce branch in the guy’s body.

Yes, we were one hundred percent sure. The 28-year-old guy had severe attacks, he often coughed up blood, recalls Vladimir Kamashev, deputy. head physician of the Udmurt Oncology Center. “We looked at the X-rays and found a tumor. I have seen hundreds of these in my practice. We decided to have surgery.

Even after opening his chest, the doctor had no doubt that Artem had cancer. But, before cutting out half of the lung, I decided to make sure of this - to give a piece of the organ for urgent examination. I made a cut and... came across green spruce branches.

“I blinked three times, I thought it was my imagination,” the doctor smiles. - I carefully say to my assistant: “Go look... It seems like there’s a Christmas tree there!” He nodded dumbfounded. Then he admitted that he thought I was crazy.

The Christmas tree was removed. And they immediately measured it - 5 centimeters!
Doctors are still in shock. Artyom could not inhale or somehow swallow such a twig - it simply would not pass into the lung. This means that the guy inhaled a very small spruce bud. And it sprouted in the lung. Well, all the conditions are there - moisture, heat, oxygen.

They explained to me that I was coughing up blood not because of any illness. The needles just touched the capillaries... It was very painful. But, to be honest, I didn’t even feel like there was some kind of foreign body inside me. And it’s still growing! - the rescued patient is still surprised. A piece of Artyom’s lung was placed in a special solution.

This is a unique specimen! We will study it to confirm the hypothesis about a sprouted spruce bud,” says Kamashev. - After stories like this, you start to think: is it worth breathing deeply?!

A Christmas tree has sprouted in the lung of a 28-year-old resident of Izhevsk. A five-centimeter-long tree was discovered and removed during surgery.

The doctors at the Udmurt Oncology Center who performed the operation are in shock. They didn't even suspect that this was possible.

Artem Sidorkin had been complaining of pain in his lung for a long time. In addition, he suffered from seizures severe cough, during which he coughed up blood. Doctors suspected that the man had lung cancer. In addition, the x-ray showed a tumor. The patient needed urgent surgery.

Having opened chest cavity, the doctor decided to send pieces of the lung for research. Imagine his surprise when, having made an incision, he discovered sprouting spruce branches.

A piece of lung with a sprouted tree was cut out and placed in a special solution as a unique exhibit.

As for Artem Sidorkin, he is happy that his disease turned out to be non-oncological. The blood and pain are explained by the fact that the spruce needles injured the capillaries of the lung.

How did the Christmas tree get into the lungs?

Doctors believe the man accidentally inhaled a tiny spruce bud. It got into the lungs and subsequently sprouted there.