You shouldn't pay attention. What should you pay attention to on a first date? Who is behind the project

We can get to know a person we really like, but not pay attention to some features of his behavior, because they can signal that we are faced with a typical future tyrant and despot.

We all strive for happiness. This is normal and natural. Meeting a person with whom you will live happily for the rest of your life and not losing him on the first date is perhaps easier than recognizing your soulmate in him.

Of course, it’s good to have an image of a healthy relationship and strive for it. However, in life it is important to learn to focus not on how “it should be right.”

Each person carries out (if he decides to do so) his own search for “right” or “wrong,” makes a choice and takes full responsibility for this choice.

That's why psychologists love to talk about the internal feelings and sensations of a particular person, because feelings of comfort (“I feel good and like it”) or discomfort (“I feel bad and don’t like it”) are more important than beliefs, principles, or our advice about what to do. what to pay attention to on a date.

So this is your life, your choice, and if you like a person, you feel comfortable and pleased to be in his company, then this person is “right” for you.

However, we suggest that you do not rely too much on your feelings, they can deceive you, but resort to a reasonable assessment of your partner’s behavior.

On a date, you should pay attention to the following personality components, namely:

- on his level of general culture, worldview and upbringing
- level of thinking, ability to analyze
- social environment and its influence on a person
— characteristics of childhood and the presence of psychological trauma
- emotional manifestations and the ability to control oneself

The level of general culture and upbringing determines the presence of the ability to tolerate tolerance in relationships.

Features of thinking and the ability to analyze will determine how hasty a person is in his conclusions, whether he is able to take into account various factors at all, think logically, and whether he is objective in his judgments.

How to study a person's social environment on a first date?

Pay attention to the peculiarities of your attitude towards other, strangers, for example, towards a waiter. Or the way you conduct a conversation on the phone. You can notice a special attitude towards others, or the influence of others on the person himself.

Pay attention to how a person talks about his loved ones - with warmth or noticeable irritation. For example, if a person clearly does not respect his parents, then the same disrespect will eventually overtake you, because the person has clearly not been taught to respect others, even those closest to him.

Already on the first date, you can talk about how his childhood was. Some characteristics of childhood affect the degree of openness of a person, the ability to trust others, and to be close.

If a person experienced psychological trauma in childhood, then he can isolate himself from the world and withdraw into himself.

Try to pay attention to manifestations of the emotional sphere, which significantly influence the reactivity of a person’s behavior, that is, the extent to which his behavior and reactions are caused by external influences.

For example, does his behavior depend on his mood, is it easy to piss off a person, and similar features.

If you notice some behavioral manifestations that alarm you, then do not create illusions that you will become extremely special to a person, and he will change for you.

You should definitely pay attention both on the first date and on all subsequent ones to all manifestations of a person, to approach the choice of a partner wisely in order to protect yourself from negative experiences and be happy.

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There are many ways to read not even a person’s thoughts, but his thoughts, his deepest hopes and fears. Anyone can develop the ability to see through people: it is enough to know about several points in the behavior of the interlocutor that you should pay attention to. Practice “reading people” more often, get into this habit, and after a while it will be impossible to deceive you.

All people are different and everyone has their own habits and characteristics. Someone
moves through objects on the table, someone wrinkles his nose funny, shakes his legs,
touches the chin. These behavior patterns can indicate nervousness, mistrust and much more. Or it could be a habit of this person that has nothing to do with what is happening.

That's why it is important to determine which behavior patterns are the norm for a particular person. And then pay attention to any deviations from the norm, to minor changes in the behavior and facial expressions of the interlocutor. The very essence lies in them.

Observe from the side and compare

To complete the picture, it is useful to observe your interlocutor from the outside: how he
behaves before communicating with you, how it communicates with other people, what the language says
his body. During a conversation with you, he will behave somewhat differently, he will
try to impress. By comparing what you see, you will get much more
more information about the person.
After the meeting, don’t rush to leave either - see if his mood and behavior have changed.

Always adjust for context

All people in society unconsciously play roles and slightly adapt to each other, mirror the gestures of people they like or those they want to impress. Make allowances for the context in which the person you are trying to read is located, because in different circles there may be different rules. For example, in some countries people look away because it is customary to express respect, and not because they feel awkward.

Wrinkles reflect a person's character. If a person frowns and twists his mouth for years, it will be noticeable. Facial expressions can tell a lot.

  • When a person longs to be understood and convincing, he raises his eyebrows and wrinkles his forehead. People who have pronounced longitudinal wrinkles on the forehead spend their entire lives trying to establish contact with others and want to be heard.
  • When your interlocutor is attractive to you, his facial muscles relax, his head tilts slightly to one side, and blood rushes to his lips, making them a little plumper and brighter. If meeting you is unpleasant for him, his face will be slightly tense.
  • If you see a smile on a person’s face, but no wrinkles form in the corners of his eyes, then he is smiling at you insincerely - this is a fake smile. Such a smile can also indicate that the interlocutor feels uncomfortable.
  • Squinting eyes during a conversation (as if a person is trying to make out something small) indicates that he is trying to understand, understand, concentrate and probably feels out of place. If a person looks straight into your eyes with a squinted eye, this signals his distrust and ill will.
  • Dilated pupils indicate strong feelings, sympathy, excitement, interest. When a person quickly goes through thoughts in his head, frantically looking for a solution, his eyes dart around.
  • If a person avoids direct eye contact or, on the contrary, looks too closely into your eyes, there is a high probability that he is not telling the truth.
  • Most often, when a person remembers something, his pupils are directed either upwards or to the left and upwards. But when composing and inventing on the go, a person looks to the right and up.

Behavior in a team

In groups, people are grouped according to similarity of views or characters. Observe your interlocutor, find out with whom he prefers to spend time. How he behaves with people will also say a lot, whether he worries about the convenience of others or unceremoniously interferes with them and does not even notice it.

  • A talkative and verbose person is usually proud and touchy.
  • Quiet speech and avoidance of public statements are characteristic of people prone to self-criticism, diligent and insecure.
  • If the interlocutor constantly interrupts and hears only himself, he is pessimistic, distrustful and selfish.
  • If a person talks a little, this does not always mean that he is constrained. Perhaps this is a sign of success: such people talk less and do more.

We feel that he should not be trusted: having sufficient experience in observing people, we subconsciously and very quickly compare the smallest details of behavior and recreate the whole picture. This is how intuition works. It can and should be developed, and you should also listen to it more often. Of course, sometimes we may be wrong in our intuitive assessments, but gradually, with practice and experience, we will make fewer and fewer such mistakes.

Can a person, if desired, hide his true intentions, feelings and fears? Or, knowing the subtleties of behavior, facial expressions and gestures, can you figure out absolutely any person, even the biggest cunning and skilled actor? What do you think?

The reading was conducted by Kairat and Valentina Kinibaev.

Session duration is 1 hour 41 minutes.

Woman, Latvia (reading was done via Skype).

Q. She has a husband. Last time we read, they started to improve. I even see from the energy sector that it is not polluted, and there are no longer any certain overlaps.

A. Yes, the biofields have become larger and denser, the energy glows brighter, more defined.

Q. Are there any extraneous overlays left?

A. There is no threat to them, energy or information. But there is garbage that is common to most of us. We can work with this - it is a matter of daily effort to not allow overlays and dirt to influence our lives. This is insignificant.

B. They need to know the rules: dousing with cold water, rest and relaxation, walking. Just regular dirt that accumulates throughout the day that can be thrown away?

V. They were in Greece, and near the monastery a psychic approached them and said that Natalya had a curse and a family curse, and said that this urgently needed to be removed. Was it a charlatan?

A. A spiritual person, with bright energy, bringing light and goodness, will never take initiative himself. It is always given when a person asks for it himself. Here were the actions of a not entirely decent person. Whether it is a good psychic or a person who wants to help, he will never approach you with such words and intentions. This is the principle of street gypsy fortune tellers, this is their method and means of influencing the psyche. You shouldn't even pay attention to such people. A person with abilities will not fit himself. He will give when they turn to him for advice and ask for it.

Q. Charlatan?

Q. Did you do the right thing by turning away from the gate?

A. Yes. He was a psychologist by nature, he had a trained eye. Don't pay attention to these words.

Q. Forget about the incident as if it never happened?

V. The light came from them. Last time the energy was tormented. This suggests that they are starting to go in the right direction.

A. Humility means accepting everything that happens in the world, looking at some things correctly. And there must be an understanding that they control their life and destiny. There must be a change in attitude towards the world, a change in worldview.

Q. Where should they move to settle down and live well, earn good money, in order to successfully use their knowledge? How to achieve financial growth in order to earn money for a house, apartment and travel? Is this even possible, or should I reduce my needs? Is it worth moving from Latvia to Russia or another country?

A. For earnings. Their desires are quite reasonable and feasible. The question is the effort they expend to create a certain level for themselves. They understand that there is a discrepancy between the energy spent and the result obtained. By correctly comparing themselves in another environment, they realize that with the same effort elsewhere they could have had a better outcome. There is internal disagreement.

In terms of energy, the place where they are is comfortable. There are many aspects that they are satisfied with, they are satisfied with them. I'm not happy with the end result. They should at least try to realize themselves in the same directions, but in a different place. Changing something in your life so that its realities change is a reasonable and correct approach. Changing their location at least temporarily would be more beneficial than harmful for them.

Q. Are their wishes quite just?

Q. It’s not about reducing desires, but about increasing financial opportunities?

Q. For the same level of work they put energy into?

Q. Need to change location?

Q. Where should they move?

A. Taking into account all the circumstances and the language barrier, the best direction is Russia. Choose cities with active and fast-moving energy, like million-plus cities. But this is a temporary measure. They will not feel comfortable and cozy in such cities. The point is to earn a certain capital in order to create for themselves the comfort and quality of life they dream of.

For a comfortable life, she needs calmer energy. This is more important for Peter - nature, distance from the bustle, beautiful landscapes. This is more important for him than for Natalya. To achieve such goals, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar can serve, but not further to the east or north. Although Yekaterinburg is also a controversial place.

Q. Why don't they consider the Crimea option? This is exactly the problem with baked goods. We ourselves are faced with the fact that there are no good pastry shops here. Cities are nearby, the place is cozy, you can choose and combine everything into one. And the sea nearby is warm, and nature, and mountains, and people, and soft energy. Of course, it will be difficult to earn money here, as in Moscow.

A. It's seasonal, so it will be difficult to quickly earn capital. It’s energetically comfortable, but we can’t talk about money.

Q. And if you come and see, would we show everything?

A. In this regard, we can consider Krasnodar. This is a more suitable option for them.

Q. I understand that money is important. But we don’t live for them. Or should they take the plunge, earn a lot of money, and move in 5-10 years? Or do everything little by little, why rush?

O. Crimea is not a place that would suit them. I don't know for what reasons. Cleanliness, order - the external side of life is also important for them. They are used to it because they have lived for a long time. They won’t miss it here, they won’t feel comfortable here. But to decide, you need to come and see. They will be missing something.

Q. And Greece?

O. In terms of energy for life - maybe. Greece, Bulgaria, Spain.

Q. Is it better to do everything step by step?

Q. Why go to Krasnodar - it’s far away. Maybe set up business and production in Moscow, make good control, save money, and then move to Greece?

Q. What is the best city in which to proceed with this plan?

O. Moscow.

Q. What district is in Moscow?

O. Western regions.

Q. Should I choose the western districts of Moscow?

Q. What to do with citizenship: change or not?

A. Not necessarily.

Q. Do they open an individual entrepreneur and work under a patent?

A. Yes, you can easily work like this. The strength and energy that they invest locally, if all this is reproduced in Moscow, then they can very quickly multiply their capital. That's not even the whole question. In order to really have savings, and they are decent, what matters is not how much you earn, but how much you spend. The expenditure part must be controlled.

Q. In Moscow?

A. Yes. Limit yourself to the minimum of needs, set yourself a specific goal - to earn money for your home. Not a million - because betting on money itself is impractical, it is only a means to an end. The goal should always be specific. Their dream is tangible and real, very easy to imagine. Be guided by this. Simply put, a house by the sea, where it is quiet, calm and comfortable.

Q. Can I open a school for lucid dreaming, event programming, and a talent system? Can they be taught?

Q. Will it be effective for them?

A. Yes. Attunements can work because when a person has a specific goal, he can focus on it, and then less significant desires and needs that require energy, physical effort and material costs will disappear on their own. A person is tuned to a certain action, and his energy is strictly focused and directed at one point. This allows you not to waste your potential in vain, left and right.

B. If a person’s consciousness is focused on one action, all his actions are automatically directed towards the goal.

A. They will be realized. There will be self-control: I don’t need this, and I can do without it.

B. There are two of them, and one can go through school and the other can be trained.

O. Peter is an intuitive person. He knows how to concentrate and save his energy. Natalya is more mobile. He can listen to intuition, internal clues that allow him to get results. Mine - not mine, plus - or minus, yes - no. You shouldn’t be afraid to use it and implement it into your life. You can try on minor moments, in training, check how his intuition works. Which direction to go if the address is unfamiliar. You need to be able to feel the internal signal and use it correctly for your own benefit. He's more developed than she is.

Q. I talked about having one of them go through the school of lucid dreaming and transfer the knowledge to the other. Is it possible?

Q. Which of them is more desirable to go to school to teach the other?

O. Natalya.

Q. Should she go through and then teach Peter?

A. Yes. She is more contactable and can absorb more into herself correctly. She has a very inquisitive mind, and if some little things and moments are incomprehensible, she can be meticulous. Thanks to the properties of its character, it nourishes all questions more fully and voluminously. First she, and then she can give it to Peter.

Q. Which setting should I give myself? House in Greece or business in Moscow? A house in Greece would be more appropriate.

Q. But now what is the best way to organize a business?

A. Set the house as the ultimate goal.

Q. Maybe they will sell the business first, and the house as a second step? Or vice versa?

A. Yes, first in that order - home, then business. From big to small.

Q. What direction of work should they choose if they go to Moscow? What's the best place to start? Confectionery, pastries, cakes, pretzels - delivery to cafes. Or a pastry shop and a mini-cafe nearby, selling everything on site. Mini-Pizzeria – we bake with delivery. Pizzeria with premises - where the client can eat. Bistro, cafeteria, grilled chicken or mini laundry?

A. A cafe-pastry shop where you can buy fresh, aromatic pastries, or sit, drink coffee, chat, and then take something with you. This option is the most suitable and comfortable for them. To begin with, you can limit yourself to a minimum number of employees. Moreover, in Moscow there will be absolutely no problems with hiring workers.

Q. So to start with, and then expand the business? What about delivery, etc.?

A. Yes. To carry out deliveries, certain volumes are needed. This is also a matter of time. We also need employees. You need to get used to the place and the surrounding atmosphere that will reign in a certain place. First, take root, take hold, and then, focusing on the place, act according to needs and necessities. It's about the sequence of actions.

Natalya has a lot of ideas, she has a developed imagination, she is a person of flight, creative. Perhaps ideas will come on the spot, being in a certain atmosphere and situation. Your vision can be very non-standard. It is quite possible that it will be possible to develop a network, which can then be sold as a franchise. Moscow is a suitable place for such projects.

A. Yes, bring your own flavor, flavor, and dilute the overall atmosphere. It's always attractive.

Q. How about a mini laundry?

A. To immediately have income and traffic, the main stage is the cafe, this is their direction, in which they are masters and experts in the business. I know the qualities, nuances, moments - everything is worked out and honed. In the future it will be possible to navigate.

Q. Do you need Moscow itself or in the Moscow region?

A. It is better to organize the business itself in Moscow.

Q. Find a ready-made premises, rent it?

Q. Make an interesting Baltic name?

A. You can even keep your brand.

Q. Isn’t there “trouble” in the name itself? Sometimes, a lot depends on the name.

A. It is acceptable.

Q. Is there no trouble?

Q. Will they have a unique style, a Baltic feature?

Q. First, should I go, see, breathe in the energy of Moscow?

Q. Regarding patents, can we contact our mutual friend Irina, will she help for little money, including accommodation?

Q. Is it better for them to create their own business there or start a franchise?

A. They don’t need a franchise.

Q. Should I create my own franchise?

A. Yes, it is quite possible.

B. They can set a goal - to create a chain of confectionery shops. Don't set small goals, but set big ones. Create a network of confectionery shops and distribute them throughout the cities. And the name is beautiful, I like it. I also want to be there and eat there. So guys, set global goals for yourself. This is quite possible. All millionaires are the same people, they just have the right mindset and are not afraid of anything.

If they come to Crimea, won’t this distract them from other goals? I think they'll like it here.

A. No, it won’t hit you. Their perception and feeling do not yet resonate with Crimea.

Q. Should they expect more?

Q. When they move, is it better for them to rent an apartment or buy their own outright?

A. It would be more advisable to shoot first. Such decisions are very serious, such as changing place of residence and activity. In any case, you need to act progressively and carefully. Buying real estate means limiting yourself to some extent. This narrows the scope, possibilities, and ties you to something. And this is a very expensive item - your own real estate. Initially, it is better to rent a house, feel everything and see. You need to try not to immediately burden yourself with moments that will deprive you of freedom of action. And you can rent housing not in Moscow itself, but in the suburbs. But it is desirable that the business be in Moscow itself.

But you can think through these points yourself. They may well be able to afford renting an apartment in Moscow itself. The main thing is to look for opportunities to implement your plans. There are many options.

Q. For Moscow, it is important that work is close to home. How long should the journey take for them?

A. No more than an hour and a half one way.

Q. A day 3 hours in two directions maximum?

Q. Living within walking distance to a business, can these 3 hours be used for practice and relaxation?

B. Subsequently, they should conduct a separate reading, more serious, on business. What kind of business, what size of the premises, range of products, how to create the surroundings. Right?

A. There is no need to do a reading on this. They have a lot of ideas about this. This can be done, but is not necessary.

Q. I know that they give a lot of valuable advice on these types of issues. Is it at their discretion?

Q. What should they look for when choosing an apartment? What area should I live in?

A. They first need to decide on the location they will choose for their business. And based on this, the main point is remoteness. Either the location must be very expensive, or it must be close to the metro and interchanges. This needs to be taken into account. In Moscow, proximity for cafe visitors is taken into account. When looking for a place, start from this. So that you can easily walk, so that it can be seen. Traffic there is good everywhere. Based on where the business will be, take into account as many points as possible on how to get to it. Or rent an apartment nearby in the area. Or, if they decide to rent an apartment in the suburbs, then so that it is convenient, easy and quick to get to, so as not to get caught in a traffic jam. It is better to rent an apartment in the city itself.

Q. Will they sell the laundry as a business in Riga?

A. Yes, they will sell the laundry as a business.

Q. Will they be able to sell it themselves or turn to intermediaries?

A. They can sell it themselves. Provide advertisements and information in as many sources as possible: the Internet, newspapers. Information is withdrawn from all sources, so there is no point in selling through intermediaries.

Q. For what price should I sell it: 15 or 18 thousand euros?

A. The quoted price always implies bargaining. Therefore, you need to set the bar so that it is not lower than 15 thousand. Vary by call to ensure the price is reasonable. Put 17 thousand euros. If there are no calls or very few of them, slowly reduce the price. As soon as the calls start, there is activity, which means the price is acceptable. When the price is an odd amount, it is more attractive to the buyer. The mechanism of this is difficult to explain. But An odd amount is more comfortable to perceive. Therefore, it is worth starting with this amount. Bet 17 thousand euros.

B. There is no need to rush - there is time. Set a high price and wait, and then reduce it?

Q. Will they sell the confectionery shop in Riga?

Oh no. If that fails, they have equipment they can use. The distance is not very long, and transportation will not be too expensive. A laundress can go away as a business, but with a confectionery shop it’s more difficult. It is unlikely that you will be able to sell it as a business.

Q. Should I still try?

Q. Is this how to schedule events?

A. Yes. You should always not be a victim of circumstances, but rather adjust the circumstances to suit yourself, what is needed. If it doesn’t work out, then try to use what you have for your own benefit. There is no need to immediately perceive this as a dead end and limitation. Everyone has their own path, and it is not always direct and understandable. It can be ornate.

Q. Should I also set the price to the maximum and then reduce it?

V. Natalya dreamed of her paternal grandmother in November 2014. She had never dreamed of it before, even during her lifetime. I dreamed of her smiling and singing songs. In the dream they drove a car, and she also wanted to go to the sea. What is this for?

A. This is news. The dream itself is bright, inspiring, imbued with kindness and positive emotions - the grandmother smiled and glowed. This is a good sign. She did not come to warn about problems and unpleasant events. This suggests that changes in life will be bright. This dream should be regarded as a harbinger of good changes.

V. She had another dream that she cut her hair very short, and at the back there was blond hair around the perimeter, up to her shoulders. In reality, she has long, chocolate-colored hair below her shoulder blades. She didn't want to cut them.

A. This dream is about change. There will be changes and changes. These are bright, unclouded feelings and emotions.

Q. Do these dreams carry no warning or sign, and only speak of change?

A. Yes. Changes that bring light.

Q. Who are her Guardian Angels, how many are there, who are they?

O. Natalya is baptized. A guardian, her patron - he is always given in moments such as baptism. The spirit of the patron saint who protects and guides her. There are blood ancestors who protect and protect. It was not for nothing that I dreamed about the image of her grandmother - she was nearby. She appears to warn her. Whether she is sad or happy is a kind of signal. That image is communication and connection with your guardians.

Both Natalya and Peter are bright people, they don’t wish problems on anyone, they are positive and open to others. They emit warmth and light. What you sow is what you reap. They have sowed, and now it is time to reap the fruits. You need to be prepared. It's always difficult to change something in your life; the unknown scares us, prevents us from developing, puts up obstacles and barriers.

You need to go through your life openly and humbly, accepting in peace everything that is given - both difficulties and joys. They need to be perceived correctly. So that there would be no regret later: when we were full of energy, strong and cheerful, and did not do what we could have done. As long as you have the fuse, energy, strength and the rest, you need to use this moment, at least try.

Finding yourself. Being in a state of search is better than being inactive. By making mistakes, we learn and gain experience. There is no need to be afraid of this. It all depends on how we perceive it.

Q. Who are Peter’s Guardian Angels?

A. He has a strong winning energy. He behaves wisely. Realizing inner strength and potential, he does not flaunt it. Many people have no idea how strong he is inside. It’s not for nothing that he has such a name, and his patron has such a name. This is what gives strength, inner conviction. His namesake is his patron, and he is also a Guardian Angel who supports and guides. You can turn to him in your thoughts - but not for help, but with gratitude. You should not turn to your angels for advice and help. Listen to the inner voice that guides us (intention, conscience). When we adhere to this, this is gratitude to them, who protect us and guide us. Approaching them should be with a feeling of gratitude for being nearby, giving us the road and light, guiding us.

Q. Does he want to give something to Peter?

A. He should listen to his inner voice, his intuition, because he can feel and understand a lot. You don’t always realize it, but you feel everything with your inner instinct. This ability can be used for good and developed for personal use, so that in critical moments you can make a quick and correct decision. Somewhere you need to stop, and somewhere you need to go further, in spite of everything. He is an intuitive person, he needs to know this and not be afraid to use it. Just check yourself in small ways to see how it works. At the level: yes - no, mine - not mine, necessary - not necessary, go - or stop. This is very developed in him.

Q. How should he communicate with his angel?

A. Gratitude. It can be expressed in an appeal to the Universe, to God. Direct communication is not even necessary. Our actions, acting according to our conscience, is the communication and gratitude we show to our patrons.

Q. How soon can they leave for Moscow? Should I sell the confectionery shop and make a profit, or should I start working for Moscow?

A. In order to take a step, they must be ready psychologically and have such an opportunity financially. First of all, you need to go on a business trip. If they choose Moscow, then travel around the main areas. And then draw conclusions. Seeing the real picture, the real possible costs, then proceed from what they should focus on.

It is worthwhile to reach your existing business to a certain level in order to sell it more profitably. It makes sense to emphasize this. And already on the spot, having gone, check everything, feel everything that is necessary, and so understand for yourself.

Q. How to schedule these steps, for how long?

A. This can be scheduled for next fall. Now they are not yet ready for this step. Summer is not advisable. In spring and winter, you can go on a business trip, and then make plans for the fall.

Q. Go and see, and then move for good?

Q. Should we do everything step by step, with Baltic caution, without rushing?

A. Yes, with reasonable care.

Q. Is there anything they do wrong? How to approach life differently, not communicate with someone? What advice do you have in this regard?

A. They behave absolutely correctly - they do not sow chaos, they do not sow evil. They radiate the energy of goodness, radiant and soft energy. She's like that for both of them. Even people who meet on their life path - scoundrels and unworthy people - are eliminated on their own, do not linger around them, because the energy is different.

We build everything in our lives ourselves, create reality and karma, which we then carry with us as if it were baggage. This must be treated as such. Intention, actions, thoughts - if they are aimed at creating and creating without causing harm or suffering to anyone, then this is always the right path. Live in such a way as not to disturb anyone or cause trouble. Go where you think is right. We need to be guided by these principles, which is what they do.

About help. They are compassionate and sympathetic people. Not all those people who are nearby deserve this support. These are stickies that are fueled by their energy. What we think is help is not always what we think is help. You need to be more careful, look around.

Q. Peter has a problem that started a couple of months ago. Panic attacks have begun, he cannot eat, cannot sleep, and is suffocating. What is it?

A. Nervous overstrain. Therefore, you need rest, the ability to disconnect from problems and worries. Physical and emotional stress always leaves a mark. This is a manifestation of panic attacks - as a result of overexertion.

Q. What should I do?

A. Before going to bed, you need to relax, because sleep is not always a relaxing moment. He even has a fear at night, before it gets dark and he has to go to bed. Breathing quickens. It allows thought - and the mechanism on the physical level turns on. This is a purely psychological moment. Everything else is a mechanism that works. An impulse arises, and the body completes everything else itself, intensifying the panic attack with physical manifestations.

You need to use sedatives with caution so that it does not become a habit or a permanent condition. Therefore, psychological step-by-step preparation for sleep is important. If you don’t have time or opportunity to go for a walk, you can just relax in bathroom according to the well-known principle. Can be used lavender oil, sea salt, soda. The alkaline environment will resemble the amniotic fluid in which the child is located, and this in itself is calming, balances energy and calms the psyche.

After this you can go to bed. Give yourself the attitude that if such processes arise - and first the brain manifests itself, and only then the body - as soon as the brain begins to give an impulse, do not allow the body to maintain this state. I am completely calm, my breathing is free and deep. At the same time, you need to try to breathe deeply. Take a full and deep breath, and exhale equally calmly.

You can also take your right hand and throw it over your head to your left ear. Do it lying down or half-sitting. This pose allows you to stabilize your heart rate. Because all physical processes begin to accelerate in such situations. And thus, having calmed the pulse, the rhythm of heart contractions, breathing begins to calm down, and the attack is not given the opportunity to develop.

But this is not a matter of one night, not just one time. We'll have to work. And as soon as you manage to bring the condition under control several times, then everything will be easy. The first time will be difficult. But the process can be controlled, so there is no need to resort to sedatives, tranquilizers, which destroy connections and disrupt impulses that should be perceived by the organs correctly and adequately. This is an effect on the central nervous system.

Q. He needs an explanation. His constant concentration on the problem and thinking about it led him to this state, right?

A. Yes. There is subconscious fear. I want to change everything, but I’m scared. And when it is perceived as inevitable, that it will have to be done, this occurs. Peter does not quite correctly perceive what is happening. He is afraid of losing everything he has, of losing what he created with such labor and effort. There is inconsistency within yourself.

I need to tell myself that everything depends on what decision I make. I may or may not do it. The fear that is inside manifests itself strongly in him through such states.

Q. You need to let go of the problem - is that the first thing?

Q. Second, apply a relaxation system?

Q. Third, walk before bed, 30-40 minutes, and preferably take a bath?

A. Yes, if you don’t have time for walks, because they can be so busy. This is an example of how the body should feel in a state of complete relaxation. The sensations may be unexpected: extreme fatigue, numbness of the body, tingling in the limbs, even ringing or noise in the ears. This is a state when the body is relaxed down to the smallest vessels. Not only the muscles relax, but also the smallest vessels. Blood circulation improves, and every cell is saturated with all the nutrients that blood carries.