Negative attitudes: how to identify everything at once and remove it forever? Neutralization of negative programs Can a negative impact change the life program.

then others will find ways to control you.”

In today's world, it's easy to get lost in the flood of information that flows in abundance from all sorts of sources. And if you are not careful, you can fall into the tricks of those who, through manipulation, want to impose their will on others.

Manipulation carried out by introducing alien programs into the human subconscious. The introduction of such programs goes unnoticed by a person's consciousness, because he does not have mechanisms that allow him to independently distinguish his own ideas from those of others, inspired at a subconscious level.

So a person can end up in some sect, become a music, football or religious fan, a gamer, a regular customer of hospitals and pharmacies, fall for the bait of distributors of dubious drugs, various dietary supplements or goods, etc.
The implemented programs suppress the consciousness of a person, which makes him deny the presence of alien beliefs in him.

Programming starts from childhood. Starting from the moment of birth, your parents, then the school, the university, the surrounding society lay their attitudes in you, thereby shaping you in the image and likeness of yourself in order to make it easier to manage you.

You are affected by the people around you . If you do not control the process of programming your brain, then someone else will do it for you. And it’s not so bad if they are our acquaintances or relatives, who often do this unconsciously, but out of good intentions. And what if they are manipulators who want to deliberately "zombify" you in order to control you for their own benefit? The circle of such manipulators is quite wide - from beloved relatives to bosses at work...

Your brain is programmed by the media. Millions of people are exposed to manipulative programming every day through advertising. Television, radio or the Internet are capable of forming any attitudes in the subconscious, even those that contradict the facts. So the hidden subconscious command embedded in advertisements makes you buy a product that you absolutely do not need.

All your actions occur thanks to the programs of your subconscious. These programs must be perfect enough, because your subconscious has honed them throughout your life so that you can quickly, effectively make decisions and act in any situation.

Everything that surrounds you has an impact on the formation of your programs. This makes it possible for ill-wishers to implement their programs and control you through your subconscious. By and large, many of us have long been "zombies" - outwardly living beings stuffed with other people's programs, automatically performing some actions, striving for unclear goals and at the same time considering that these are their aspirations, their desires, their life.

The study of the work of the human brain and the analysis of the programs that are laid down in the form of prohibitions, beliefs and beliefs leave no doubt: everyone is controlled to some extent by other people's programs.

If you calculate how many alien programs you received during your lifetime, you get an astronomical figure. And these programs are enough to manipulate any person, turning his life into an illusion, a projection of real life, where almost everything is alien, unreal, except for himself, his feelings and experiences.

And if you do not get rid of alien prohibitions, beliefs, beliefs embedded in you, then they will always be levers that manipulators can use to control you.

But if you have a desire to get rid of manipulation, and control your life yourself, then for this there are special practices that allow you to get rid of alien prohibitions and beliefs. Having mastered them, you will stop falling into the networks of all kinds of manipulators and will be able to live a more complete life.

H And today we will consider the simplest way that helps the body restore normal functioning in the state when you feel that you have received an energy blow or feel that an alien thought form has invaded your own thoughts and there is neither the strength nor the ability to counteract the implemented program.
It is then that the “Twisting Pyramid” technique works flawlessly, returning us to a dialogue with ourselves.

Purification of consciousness with the help of technology

"Twisting Pyramid"

spinning pyramid- a wonderful object for contemplation, capable of energizing anyone by itself. To use this object to cleanse the alien program, simply focus your gaze on the eye of the pyramid and keep your eyes on it, no matter how the pyramid rotates.

Do not be surprised if the appearance of the pyramid suddenly begins to change dramatically in your eyes, or if the direction of its movement suddenly changes. Just look at the eye and try not to think about anything.

If you are agitated or unable to focus on a drawing, close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Then open your eyes and focus on the eye.

As a rule, relief usually comes in the first 5 minutes of such meditation, so a longer concentration on a moving object can simply tire your eyesight. It is desirable to limit the maximum time of this meditation to 20 minutes (i.e. look at the eye for no more than 20 minutes in a row).

Purification of the mind with the help of a mantra

For those who are helped by mantras, here is another great object for such meditation: a spinning stupa with mantras. It is able to cleanse not only you, but also the space around you.

In this case, it is useful to pronounce the mantra "Om". The mantra "Om" clears the mind, opens the energy channels and enhances vital energy, expands and purifies the aura.

Clue: The sound "Om" is divided into "A", "U" and "M". The mantra is read on the exhale, breathing should be even and measured. It is customary to vibrate the mantra. And "Aum" turns into Aaaaa-uuuuuu-mmmmmm. After all, in fact, a mantra is a sound vibration, and this provides the effect from just one pronunciation. Sounds must be pronounced in a singsong voice and in the same key.

Purification of consciousness with the help of any moving object

We continue the theme of deep subconscious attitudes.

Have you noticed that sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we fail to fulfill our plans or achieve our goals for some reason?

Why is this happening?

The reasons may be dark darkness. And each of us will find any excuse.

However, no matter how we look for excuses for our own failures, we ourselves remain the main reason for them.

Let's see why this happens and how you can deal with it.

We unconsciously interfere with the implementation of our plans

For example, we have important, but not very pleasant work ahead of us. Instead of getting it over with quickly, we quite CONSCIOUSLY find thousands of reasons and explanations WHY we DID NOT do it. And immediately a heap of urgent matters is discovered, pushing the work back to the very time when the “fried rooster” begins to sharpen its beak ...

Many decide to start a new life on Monday. We assure ourselves that from Monday we will definitely START A NEW LIFE: we will go in for sports, stop smoking, give up beer / sweets / favorite cakes (favorite drugs). But Monday comes, and the implementation of the plans is again postponed to the future. And often, "that same Monday" - NEVER COMES ...

Sometimes the body resists actions or events that are potentially threatening so actively that a person can even get sick. Surely, some are familiar with the situation when, before a responsible meeting, the temperature suddenly jumps and the head splits. You can no longer go anywhere, do nothing.

The destructive work of our subconscious. Negative programs

It’s all because of the negative internal attitudes that block our efforts and erect obstacles on the way to success. Attitudes predispose a person to the same reactions and actions in repetitive life situations. And, over the years, this “baggage” in the subconscious, which we drag along with us, will become stronger and replenished with new negative experiences.

In childhood, mistakes in education contribute to the formation of negative attitudes. When critical remarks are made to a child in the form of categorical generalizing judgments, such as “you are always late”, “you are good for nothing”, “your work is terrible”, “stupid”, etc., subconscious attitudes are formed that deny any possibility of success and programming appropriate behaviors.

I call them negative programs.

Most often, negative programs in our country relate to such burning topics as health and money (there is also sex, but everything is easier with it, and therefore I will not write about it).

For example, people who have learned from childhood a prejudice against wealth, who believe that it is a synonym for dishonesty, a negative attitude will subconsciously prevent them from achieving financial success.

A kind of psychological ban on wealth will work.

Remember, the rich, even in fairy tales, appear as "dishonest deceivers." And not to mention the "hated bourgeois" who were defeated by our valiant people in the heyday of communism.

We have learned very well what is good and what is bad. Public morality took care of this, just in time, having introduced into our heads the installation: what to be and what not to be.

Can an honest person be rich?

Think about why such a manipulation was created.

The same applies to health. We have been very cleverly programmed into what diseases we SHOULD get, and by what age IT WILL HAPPEN.

You are sitting with the letter "Zu"! Your back is bound to hurt!

That is why, if we want to improve our health and get rich, we must overcome negative internal attitudes.

To prevent malicious installations from ruining our lives, we first need to identify and recognize them. After all, as you know, in order to defeat the enemy, you must first find him.

After all, sometimes we don’t even suspect that we are PROGRAMMED TO FAIL.

Imagine such a common life situation. A beautiful and smart girl is chronically unlucky with men. She considers herself a failure, but does not think about what exactly prevents her from arranging her personal life. And the point, perhaps, is in a subconscious attitude, which forms confidence in failure in advance, and disappointment does not keep itself waiting.

But, even if the presence of a blocking installation is realized, often we DO NOT WANT to admit it to ourselves. Indeed, it is easier to blame bad luck or fatal bad luck for failure than to try to break down psychological barriers to success.

How to identify negative programs in yourself?

The problem is that there can be many internal complexes and barriers, they are often so closely intertwined with each other that only a good shrink can unravel this tangle of contradictions.

I recommend turning to specialists in such matters: to trainers and coaches, in extreme cases - to practicing psychologists (“desk” and “room” psychologists should be dismissed immediately, I’ll tell you from personal experience, often such guys cannot put things in order in their lives. But to teach other life is much more)

However, you can try to solve the problem yourself. To do this, you need to master a few simple techniques of psychotechnics. I will help you with this.

Ways to identify negative programs

1. Visualization.

Mentally imagine the area of ​​your life in which you face the greatest difficulties and work through them. This will allow us to figure out what unconscious fears prevent us from putting things in order in this area.

Consider, for example, some of the most common financial problems today.

Sit comfortably. Breathe deeply. Relax.

Start imagining.

Imagine that you have become the owner of a large amount of money.


Now think about what problems wealth will bring you. And write down everything that comes to mind: envy, which you will certainly feel; aggravation of relations with friends and girlfriends; possible danger to your loved ones; maybe they even want to rob you, etc. Then consider whether the unpleasant consequences that the subconscious mind warns you about are so terrible. Try to mentally write a positive scenario of your actions, to imagine in detail how you cope with the difficulties that have arisen.

2. Analysis of the environment.

To identify psychological attitudes, it is useful to look around and try to understand what stereotypes of thinking are characteristic of our environment. Because, most likely, they are inherent in us.

The influence of the environment on a person: family, friends, neighbors is very great. Often, people who constantly communicate with each other form similar internal attitudes, the same programs. Therefore, if you find stereotypical ideas and prejudices among your relatives and friends, it is possible that these same harmful attitudes prevent you from living.

3. Analysis of authority, media, films, books.

And one more exercise.

We analyze on paper our favorite movie characters, favorite book characters, fictional self (who you like to be in your dreams), authorities (those you would like to be like). Such an analysis will answer important questions: with whom we tend to identify ourselves, what type of behavior is a role model.

Most likely, you will find certain psychological attitudes or stereotypes of thinking in your favorite "heroes". And, therefore, you will be ready to identify negative programs and overcome them in your subconscious.

The main thing:

make your analysis in WRITTEN. Go through three exercises and write everything down on sheets of paper (if you really started working on yourself, then there may be a lot of sheets - and this is normal).

At the same time write everything as it is! Write curse words if necessary. You shouldn't hold back.

Don't be fooled!

Write out all the negative attitudes! Because right now, you will receive a technique that will allow you to CHANGE your LIFE.


These exercises are aimed at finding internal attitudes. When they are discovered, we will begin to consciously get rid of them. We will try to break the stereotypes of our thinking and overcome negative attitudes using the special BSFF technique. We will also work on creating new positive attitudes and behavioral mechanisms that can lead us to success in life.

However, before you get down to the actual work, you need to learn one more thing.

On this difficult path, many serious difficulties and obstacles lie in wait for us.

First, we may experience pressure from our immediate environment. After all, having changed the model of behavior, we continue to be in an environment in which the old attitudes are inherent. And this must be fought. That's why,


Try to communicate more often with positive, purposeful, successful people and like-minded people. Change your negative environment.

Secondly, bouts of bad mood and disbelief in one's own strength can periodically roll up. This is completely normal and happens to everyone. As in nature there are ebb and flow, so in human life periods of vigorous activity are replaced by periods of recession and calm. However, such psycho-emotional destabilizations in your life must be minimized.

Therefore, it is important to understand what is happening HERE AND NOW, in no case give up, do not give up trying to change your life for the better and constantly develop.

Dissatisfaction with yourself is a sign of growth only if you are ready for change.

In working on oneself, it is very important to strive for positive thinking (not for the “positive thinking” of pop psychology, but for the correct positioning of oneself in the world). No need to think about the bad, prepare in advance for failures. You should not waste your life on fruitless worries and worries. The energy of our thoughts is a powerful force. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the bright sides of life more often, making plans and WISHING YOUR SUCCESS.

The fight against negative internal attitudes is the first, and at the same time a very important step on this path.

Today I want to touch on a very deep topic. Let's talk about a person's inner beliefs or, as they are also called, programs. How they affect our lives and why not all people can free themselves from negative beliefs. Read the article to the end and you will find out what is the main secret of the effective transformation of negative programs, which 90% of people are not aware of.

A belief or a program is a subconscious construct that controls our lives, pushes us to make certain decisions, choose certain people. The function of the program is usually to protect us from something bad that our subconscious thinks might happen.

The clearest example of a negative belief or program has to do with money. So, many people in Russia have a negative belief that money is evil. It is this inner conviction of a person that repels money from him and does not allow him to increase his income. But once this program served for the good of the family - it protected the ancestors from a very real danger.

Where do negative beliefs come from?

Someone from your family had a lot of money, but at some point suffered from it. For example, he was dispossessed. This was followed not only by deprivation and humiliation, but even the death of loved ones. The energy field stores all the memory, all the events that took place in the family. And if the event was strong and difficult, it is deeply imprinted in the memory of the whole family.

But new times are coming, no one is killed, because he has more money than others. They don't take away a cow, don't burn down a hut, don't send it to Siberia. But the program “Money is evil” is still stored and operates in the human genetic program. And no matter how you try to increase capital or earn more money, all attempts are in vain. And all because your program acts on you in such a way that you do not earn more money and, accordingly, do not expose yourself and your loved ones to mortal danger. The Money is Evil program protects you in this way.

How to get rid of the negative program?

The very first thing to do is to realize the existence of the program. And then work it out. The easiest and most affordable way to do this is to seek help from theta sessioners or learn the basics of thetahealing yourself.

But even without mastering the Theta Healing method, you can immediately weaken the influence of negative programs. To do this, it is enough to track the repetitive destructive behavior that deprives you of abundance and happiness. Turn on awareness, analyze your life and the lives of relatives you know. Think about how your destinies are similar, what problems unite you, is there anything in common in the trend of your lives. Such work will already give positive progress!

How the genetic program interferes with a person

Now, many people are already aware of the negative impact of installations, and even try to work through them. But very often the program reappears. Why is this happening? To answer this question, it is important to know about the genetic memory of the genus. Each program is not just imprinted on the memory of the family, it deprives the family of the opportunity to know HOW it is to live abundantly.

Our minds are very clever. It is much easier for us to think that someone else is to blame for all our troubles. Chance, luck, parents. Anyone but ourselves. The reason for this behavior is often the fear of taking this very responsibility. And also, not knowing how it is to live in full responsibility for everything that happens to you. After all, then it turns out that the man who cut you off is not such a fool. And it turns out that you yourself are to blame for this ... But our mind does not want to put up with this.

The problem of NOT knowing how it is to live in full responsibility for what you do is perfectly solved by uploading feelings. With the help of downloads in thetahealing, we teach our body new feelings that were unknown until now.

Just imagine, several generations live with the “Money is evil” program. From generation to generation this program is transmitted in the form of a genetic program - people do not know how to earn big money, they are not able to attract money luck, their vibrations are not tuned to the flow of accepting opportunities and abundance.

And so one of the representatives of this kind decided to end or cancel the program "Money is evil." But just canceling is not enough! It is also important to teach cells that have no idea how to live according to new, new feelings. Feeling of acceptance, abundance and joy from the opportunity to have big money. If you do not help the cells to rebuild in a new way, then there will be no effect. The program may return again.

That is why very often the development of programs by psychologists does not give a tangible effect. You understood what hinders the arrival of money in your life, but you did not teach the cells how to live richly, happily and abundantly. That is why ThetaHealing gives such fast results. Because we not only remove negative programs, but also teach cells new programs - abundance, joy and happiness.

And after you have trained your cells to feel new feelings, it is important to maintain a high level of energy in order to constantly be in the Stream of good luck and abundance. And to help you transition into this Flow, I'm hosting an amazing event just for women! Follow the link below and find out how to let Abundance into your life and attract what you want easily, playfully and in a feminine way ↓

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, under the yoke of recurring problems, people increasingly have negative thoughts. They interfere with living a normal life, achieving success and being happy. Over time, these negative thoughts are transformed into mental viruses, contributing to the formation of stable psychological barriers and complexes.

Not everyone manages to get rid of virus programs on their own. Most often, you need the help of a qualified specialist - an experienced psychologist. But you can try, otherwise the thoughts that have settled deep in the subconscious will attract everything negative to themselves, from which life will become absolutely unbearable.

Energy blocking mechanism

Any person is surrounded by his energy shell - biofield (aura). She is fragile and sensitive to everything that happens in the life of her owner. Someone has a strong biofield, while someone has a weakened one. But, like weaken, exists for everyone. At birth, the aura is pure, but during life it begins to form under the influence of external factors (environment, family ties, home atmosphere, etc.).

It turns out that a person independently forms his biofield and the energy with which it is filled. In part, the degree of power of the aura depends on the upbringing and people who surrounded the person in childhood. And not all parents, grandparents give the child a positive. Unfortunately, some .

If a person grows and develops, receiving positive attitudes, he will, be sure to become a successful person and find his happiness. But when a person's life from birth is filled with only negativity (events, thoughts, suggestion, adult examples), his life path is likely to be difficult and unpredictable.

In the second case, a person's connection with the Universe is broken, which enriches the aura with positive energy, contributes to its renewal, preservation of integrity and strengthening. It is precisely because of doubts and the lack of a positive that would attract such things to itself that people cannot love, career and health.

The most common mental viruses

Name - mental virus - not chosen by chance, because mental virus programs can be transmitted from person to person as well as their "biological counterparts". Below are the most common negative internal attitudes or, as they are also called, mental viruses.

"I am an unlucky person"

Success does not come to those who are not even confident in their own abilities. The more often such thoughts arise in a person, the less likely he is to be lucky in situations where a random coincidence will play a decisive role. To correct the situation, psychologists advise more often to pronounce such an attitude: "I am a magnet for good luck."

"I will never succeed"

This is a typical virus program that sets a person up for defeat in advance, making him a loser. In the presence of such an internal attitude, it is unlikely that success will be achieved in anything. Here it is important to eradicate negative thoughts in yourself and make an internal reconfiguration by pronouncing the following: “I am talented and smart, so I can do everything as it should be.”

“I’ve been in this kind of trouble in the past, and it will happen again this time.”

Failure from time to time can haunt everyone. And do not fall into despair because of them, thinking that the same thing awaits you in the future. Remember, any experience that fate has introduced you to is important. It is he who is the key to a happy future. After all, you can avoid such mistakes. No successful life project is complete without failure. The only chance to completely avoid defeat is to live in captivity, not developing and not moving forward. Say more often: "I learned to exist with problems, they only make me stronger and more confident in myself."

"I am an unhappy, sick and lonely person"

Instead of complaining, try to find the cause of your plight. In the case of poor health, it is possible that you do not take care of it carefully enough. If you are tormented by the absence of happy events in life, maybe you are not doing anything to make them happen. If you are bothered by loneliness, you may subconsciously avoid serious relationships because of fear or an internal complex.

There is such a thing as the relationship of biofields. In other words, a person's energy reacts with the aura of those around him. And if there are many people in your immediate environment who consider themselves losers, it will be doubly difficult for you to achieve success. Change the environment, this will make your path to a happy existence easier.

Generic mental viruses

Often, the carrier of mental virus programs may be not an individual, but his entire family. Even

Do you know the situation when suddenly everything starts to fall out of hand? When your plans are violated and uncontrollable events in life occur? Do you suddenly start to get sick and feel tired and weak, although nothing foreshadowed, but on the contrary, everything was fine? You get sick, and the doctors cannot make a diagnosis and "kick" you from one doctor to another?

To one degree or another, throughout life, we all encounter similar situations for which there is no explanation. But this is only at first glance. In fact, a negative program of directed action has “wound up” in your field. It can only be detected by those who work with subtle energies, who own the techniques of mental and energy diagnostics.

Types of negative programs

Negative programs are conditionally divided into 4 types. Each of them has its own characteristics, symptoms, duration of work and focus. All negative programs have one thing in common - they have a destructive effect with a focus on happiness, family relationships, love, material well-being, health, success and luck.

  1. Evil eye, a destructive program created by a strong negative emotion. It is directed at the person. Violates and distorts the flow of vital force in the body. The stronger the release of negative emotion, the stronger the impact. It happens intentionally and unintentionally. Symptoms: the appearance of causeless headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, cold symptoms, irritability, mood swings. More information about the evil eye program is in the article "". Cleansing from the negative programs of the evil eye is carried out by various methods: the Cosmoenergetics method, bioenergetic techniques, folk methods.
  2. Corruption is a stronger destructive effect. The essence of the negative program of damage is harm through magic, spells, conspiracies. This effect got its name from the word to spoil, damage, worsen. There are a huge number of types of damage: for family happiness, for infertility, for trade, material well-being, for illness, for death, for animals. There are also many mechanisms of influence. To remove the negative program of damage, you need the help of a specialist, a spiritual healer, an energy therapist.
  3. Damn, a very strong energy-information effect on a person. Negative curse programs are created intentionally or in a fit of emotional shock. There are 3 types: congenital karmic, generic and acquired. In order to get rid of curses, serious work is needed with the bioenergy-information structure of a person. For example, getting rid of family curses proceeds according to the following scheme: diagnosis, identification and elimination of negative programs of the family, work with the family tree, purification of the human energy field. Karmic curses also require a professional approach: competent entry into karmic structures, search for causes and correction of violations.
  4. Poselenie essence (this also includes possession, possession by demons, spirits, larvae, entities of a different order). A negative program in the form of a populated entity implies complete subjugation of the human mind and body. Please note that there is a distinction between the concept of a populated entity, innate, infection with entities and self-cultivation, attraction and allowing another entity to enter its biofield). To implement management programs, various methods are used, with their help they nurture the essence and plant it with a person.

Negative programs in the subconscious. This is a very wide type of programs that a person creates for himself, this is done independently due to certain beliefs, under the influence of family, society, public morality, family traditions, under the influence of strong charismatic friends, acquaintances, as well as various organizations (most often it is sects and similar organizations). The elimination of negative programs of the subconscious is a process in which the result depends on the person himself, how much he is ready to change and destroy destructive installations. In addition to the fact that a person creates various engrams for himself, there are known cases of suggestion and the use of hypnotic techniques to introduce negative programs into the subconscious of the right person. Such programs are filmed only by strong healers and psychologists who know the techniques of energy impact on a person.

Reasons for the appearance of negative programs on the human biofield

There can be several reasons for the appearance of negatively destructive programs, as well as their types: the introduction of someone else's program (infection or directed impact "planting"), the creation by the person himself due to his character, wrong behavior, actions, as well as inherited (these include negative programs of the kind). There is another kind of negative programs that we bring with us from past lives. They are called karmic.

How negative programs work

The objects of a negatively destructive energy-information program can be: people, relationships between people, animals, plants, material wealth, family, premises, vehicle. Most often in practice, one has to deal with 3 main programs:

  1. A negative program for the destruction of the physical body of a person (damage to health), including complete annihilation - death (this can be suicide, an inexplicable short-term illness). Damage to impotence and childlessness, the appearance of alcoholism, drug addiction - also belong to this type of program.
  2. A program that destroys the social side of life. The result of this impact is: problems at work, career destruction, job loss, dislike of people around, persecution, bullying, communication problems up to complete loneliness, loss of family happiness and well-being, this also includes the crown of celibacy, damage to the Black Widow.
  3. Negative programs for the destruction of material wealth. They are expressed in the loss of small and large things: loss of money, material values, deprivation of business or loss of its success, theft, breakage or destruction of valuable items, loss of wealth up to poverty. Recently, programs for misfortune have often been introduced: arrange car accidents, fires,

The essence of the negative program is a clot of energy that acts as a kind of blocker of positive energies, on the one hand, and their replacement with alien energies of destructive action, on the other. They work according to a clear scheme. At first, a person loses any opportunity to naturally restore his vitality and the lost form of energy. Then there is a series of misfortunes or one big trouble. Depending on the type of programs, there are long-term, one-time and multiple.

The introduction of alien programs occurs through holes in the human biofield. Depending on where the sample was obtained, a person experiences certain symptoms. For example, if the program was implemented at the level of the 1st Muladhara chakra, then a person experiences a leak of physical strength, weakness, deterioration in material condition. Sometimes even he gets sick: headaches appear like with a cold, dry cough, runny nose, aching joints.

With a breakdown at the level of the 2nd chakra of Svadhisthana, apathy may appear, a lack of desire to do something, a decline in creative forces, sexual life disorders, cystitis, a strange ache in the lower back and inexplicable pain in this area of ​​the back. Also, the victims of the introduction of destructive love lapel programs (namely, on this chakra they settle and are directed) experience difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex, frequent quarrels, partings, irritability towards the once beloved person.

More about what happens when programs of negative action are introduced into the human biofield, the mechanism of their action and elimination is in other blog articles, as well as on the pages of the site you will find methods for removing a negative program and destructive programs in your biofield. To apply write to: [email protected].

Timely identification and cleansing of negative programs is inextricably linked with the restoration of the biofield and the work of the chakras. This is an important condition for returning to normal life without the influence of alien destructive energies. After the cleansing and elimination of the negative program, the natural flow of energies is restored in a person, he gets rid of the negative consequences of the programs: health is restored, mood improves, psychological forces appear for the realization of various desires, a bright taste of life, joy and happiness returns.