Incurable diseases are incurable patients. What are the deadly diseases?

When people think about the most deadly diseases in the world, their mind probably turns to the quick-acting, incurables that grab the media headlines from time to time. But in reality, many of these types of diseases are not included in the top 10. An estimated 56.4 million people died worldwide in 2015, and 68 percent of these were caused by diseases that progressed slowly.

There are certain deadly diseases that to this day, despite advances in technology and medicine, still cannot be cured and have no chance of survival.

To the extent possible, treatment of the most deadly diseases is only to treat the patient's symptoms in order to reduce suffering. Many of these diseases are part of national and international disease lists because they are highly contagious. Below we describe 25 of them:

Below is a list of the top 10 deadly diseases that cause the most deaths worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

The deadliest disease in the world is coronary artery disease. Also called coronary artery disease, CAD occurs when the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart become narrowed. May lead to chest pain, heart failure and arrhythmia.

Although coronary heart disease remains a leading cause of death, mortality has decreased in many European countries and in the United States. This may be due to improved health education, access to healthcare and forms of prevention. However, in many developing countries, mortality rates from CHD are rising. Included in this increase are life expectancy, socioeconomic changes, and lifestyle risk factors. It is included in the list of the most deadly diseases in the world.

Risk factors and prevention of coronary heart disease

Risk factors for CAD include:

  • high blood pressure
  • high cholesterol
  • smoking
  • family history of ischemic heart disease
  • diabetes
  • overweight

Talk to your doctor if you have one or more of these risk factors.

You can prevent CAD with medications and maintain good heart health. Some steps you can take to reduce your risk:

  • maintaining a healthy weight
  • eat a balanced diet that is low in sodium and high in fruits and vegetables
  • avoid smoking
  • moderate alcohol consumption

A stroke occurs when an artery in your brain becomes blocked or leaks. This causes the oxygen-deprived cells to begin dying within minutes. During the stroke, you feel suddenly numb and confused, or have difficulty walking or seeing. If left untreated, a stroke can cause long-term disability.

In fact, stroke is one of the deadliest diseases. People who receive treatment within 3 hours of a stroke are less likely to have disability. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 93 percent of people knew that sudden numbness on one side was a symptom of a stroke. But only 38% knew all the symptoms that would prompt them to seek emergency help. It is included in the list of the most deadly diseases in the world.

Risk factors and prevention of stroke

Risk factors for stroke include:

  • high blood pressure
  • family history of stroke
  • especially in combination with oral contraceptives
  • being a woman

Some risk factors for stroke can be reduced with preventive care, medications, and lifestyle changes. In general, good health habits can reduce your risk.

Ways to prevent stroke may include controlling high blood pressure with medication or surgery. You should also maintain a healthy lifestyle, in addition to regular exercise and a healthy, low-sodium diet. Avoid smoking and drinking only in moderation, as these activities increase the risk of stroke.

Lower respiratory tract infections are infections in the airways and lungs. This may be due to:

  • flu
  • pneumonia
  • bronchitis
  • tuberculosis

Viruses usually cause lower respiratory tract infections. They can also be caused by bacteria. Cough is the main symptom of a lower respiratory tract infection. You may also feel shortness of breath, wheezing, and chest tightness. Untreated lower respiratory tract infections can lead to respiratory failure and death. They are included in the list of the most deadly diseases in the world. They are one of the most deadly diseases in the world.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for lower respiratory tract infection include:

  • flu
  • poor air quality or frequent exposure to lung irritants
  • smoking
  • weak immune system
  • overcrowded child care facilities that mainly affect infants
  • asthma

One of the best preventative measures you can take to reduce respiratory infections is to get a flu shot every year. People at high risk of pneumonia can also get the vaccine. Wash your hands regularly with soap to avoid bacteria, especially before touching your face and before eating. Staying home and resting until you feel better if you have a respiratory infection will allow the rest to improve healing.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a long-term, progressive lung disease that makes breathing difficult. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema types of COPD. In 2004, approximately 64 million people worldwide were living with COPD.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for COPD include:

  • smoking or secondhand smoke
  • lung irritants, such as chemical fumes
  • family history, with AATD gene associated with COPD
  • history of respiratory infections in childhood

There is no cure for COPD, but its progression can be slowed with medication. The best ways to prevent COPD are to quit smoking and avoid second-hand smoke and other lung irritants. If you are experiencing any COPD symptoms, getting treatment as soon as possible will improve your outlook.

Respiratory tract cancers include cancer of the trachea, larynx, bronchi and lungs. The main causes are smoking, secondhand smoke, and environmental toxins. But household pollution such as fuel and mold also contribute. One of the most deadly diseases in the world.

Impact of respiratory tract cancer around the world

A 2015 study reports that respiratory cancer accounts for about 4 million deaths annually. In developing countries, there is an 81 to 100 percent increase in respiratory cancers due to pollution and smoking. Many Asian countries, especially India, still use charcoal for cooking. Accounting for solid fuel emissions accounted for 17 percent of lung cancer deaths in men and 22 percent of women.

Risk factors and prevention

Tracheal, bronchial, and lung cancers can affect anyone, but they are most likely to affect those who have a history of smoking or tobacco use. Other risk factors for such cancers include family history and exposure to environmental factors such as diesel fumes.

Besides avoiding vapor and tobacco products, it is unknown if there is anything else that can be done to prevent lung cancer. However, early diagnosis can improve your appearance and reduce the symptoms of respiratory cancer.

Diabetes mellitus is a group of diseases that affect the production of insulin. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas cannot produce insulin. The reason is unknown. In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or insulin cannot be used effectively. Type 2 diabetes can be caused by a number of factors, including poor diet, physical inactivity and excess weight.

People in low- and middle-income countries are more likely to die from diabetes complications. It is included in the list of the most deadly diseases in the world.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for diabetes include:

  • overweight
  • high blood pressure
  • elderly age
  • not regular meals
  • unhealthy diet

If you have diabetes, you can control your symptoms by exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy diet. Adding fiber to your diet will help control your blood sugar levels.

When you think of Alzheimer's disease or dementia, you may think of memory loss, but you may not think of the terminal illness. Alzheimer's disease is a progressive disease that destroys memory and interrupts normal mental functions. These include thinking, reasoning, and typical behavior.

Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia—60 to 80 percent of dementia cases are, in fact, Alzheimer's disease. The disease begins by causing soft memory problems, making it difficult to remember information. Over time, however, the disease progresses and you may have no memory of large periods of time. A 2014 study found that the number of deaths due to Alzheimer's disease may be higher than reported.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for Alzheimer's disease include:

  • being older than 65
  • family medical history
  • inheritance of disease genes from parents
  • existing mild cognitive impairment
  • Down syndrome
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle
  • women
  • previous head injuries
  • being disconnected from the community or having poor interactions with others for long periods of time

There is currently no way to prevent Alzheimer's disease. Research doesn't understand why some people develop it and others don't. As they work to understand this, they also work to find preventive methods.

One thing that can be helpful in reducing the risk of disease is a heart-healthy diet. A diet high in fruits and vegetables, low in saturated fat from meat and dairy, and high in sources of healthy fats such as nuts, olive oil, and fish meats, can help you reduce your risk of more than just heart disease - they may protect your brain from Alzheimer's disease, too.

Dehydration due to gastrointestinal diseases

Diarrhea is when you have three or more loose stools in a day. If diarrhea lasts more than a few days, your body is losing too much water and salt. This causes dehydration, which can lead to death. Diarrhea is usually caused by an intestinal virus or bacteria transmitted through contaminated water or food. This is especially common in developing countries with poor sanitation conditions.

Diarrhea is the second deadliest disease in children under 5 years of age. About 760,000 children die from gastrointestinal diseases every year.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for gastrointestinal diseases include:

  • live in an area with poor sanitation
  • no access to clean water
  • age, children are most likely to experience severe symptoms of gastrointestinal illness
  • malnutrition
  • weakened immune system

According to UNICEF, the best method of prevention is practicing good hygiene. Good hand washing practices can reduce the incidence of gastrointestinal diseases by 40 percent. Improved water purification and quality, as well as early medical intervention, can also help prevent gastrointestinal diseases.

Tuberculosis is a lung disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It can be treated, although some strains are resistant to conventional treatments. Tuberculosis is one of the world's leading killers of people with HIV. About 35 percent of HIV deaths are due to tuberculosis.

Tuberculosis cases have decreased by 1.5% annually since 2000. The goal is to end the disease by 2030.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for tuberculosis include:

  • diabetes
  • HIV infections
  • lower body weight
  • closeness with other people with TB
  • regular use of certain medications, such as corticosteroids or drugs that suppress the immune system

The best prevention against tuberculosis is to receive the Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine (BCG). This is usually given to children. If you think you have been exposed to TB, you can start taking medicine to reduce your chance of developing the disease.

Cirrhosis is the result of chronic or long-term scarring and damage to the liver. The damage may be the result of kidney disease, or it may be caused by diseases such as hepatitis and chronic alcoholism. A healthy liver filters harmful substances from your blood and sends healthy blood into your body. As substances damage the liver, a scar forms.

As more scar tissue forms, the liver must work harder to function properly. Eventually, the liver may stop working. It is included in the list of the most deadly diseases in the world.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for cirrhosis include:

  • chronic alcohol use
  • accumulation of fat around the liver (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease)
  • chronic viral hepatitis

Stay away from behaviors that can cause liver damage to prevent cirrhosis. Long-term drinking and heavy drinking are one of the leading causes of cirrhosis, so avoiding alcohol can help you prevent damage.

Likewise, you can avoid non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by eating a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, as well as sugar and fat. Finally, you can reduce your chance of contracting viral hepatitis by using protection during sex and avoiding sharing anything that may contain blood. This includes needles, razors, toothbrushes and more.

Deadly diseases

While fatal diseases have increased, their more serious conditions have also decreased. Certain factors, such as increasing life expectancy, naturally increase the incidence of diseases such as coronary artery disease, stroke and heart disease. But many of the diseases on this list are preventable and treatable. As medicine continues to advance and prevention education increases, we may see a decrease in mortality from these diseases.

A good approach to reducing the risk of any of these conditions is to live a healthy lifestyle with good nutrition and exercise. Avoiding smoking and drinking in moderation may also help. For bacterial or viral infections, proper hand washing can help prevent or reduce the risk.

Many chronic diseases can be easily controlled if you fully follow your doctor's recommendations. Others do not allow themselves to be controlled, introduce many restrictions into the patient’s life, and sometimes lead to a loss of faith in the meaning of life.

Of course, a lot depends on our psyche and the support we receive from family and friends. But medical statistics show that at least one in four people with a chronic illness suffer from depression, and most experience low mood every day.

A vicious circle is formed: chronic illness provokes depression, depression increases the symptoms of the underlying disease, reduces the effectiveness of therapy and worsens the prognosis of the disease.

Chronic illness contributes to depression

The mental state of the patient is influenced by many factors: physical suffering, changes in appearance caused by the disease, a destructive method of treatment, for example, the need for surgery.

In hospital patients, depressed mood causes distance from loved ones. Observing the suffering of other patients. The situation worsens when, as a result of the disease, a person loses his social role: wife, husband, boss.

Increasing depression affects the physical condition of the patient. Makes it difficult to follow doctor's recommendations, weakens the effectiveness of treatment and significantly increases the recovery period.

Research shows that depressed patients achieve significantly worse results in rehabilitation, more often refuse to return to work, and try to retire on disability.

9 steps to learn to live with an incurable disease

Coming to terms with a chronic illness and the limitations it brings with it takes time. Nothing happens here right away, because it is impossible to accept a new situation without objection.

The following rules will help improve your life:

  1. Try to talk openly about your illness. This tames her, deprives her of demonic influence. Do not hide the diagnosis from your loved ones.
  2. Allow yourself to experience grief, anger, fear. Say openly what you feel and what you are afraid of.
  3. Don't be shy to ask for help, if you need it, but don't bother others for the slightest reason.
  4. Talk to your doctor, ask to explain the issues that concern you, talk about fears and mood.
  5. For as long as possible be active, try to get out of the role of the victim.
  6. Learn to have joy from small things, small successes.
  7. Give yourself little joys, not to abandon previous plans, even when their implementation requires certain changes.
  8. Don't neglect your appearance– it also improves your well-being.
  9. Watch your body how he reacts to new drugs, but don’t listen to every little ailment.

Changes in the patient’s psyche change relationships with loved ones

A chronic illness of one of the family members affects all family members, gives rise to conflicts, and even leads to the disintegration of the union.

Sometimes sick people insult others as if they are trying to get even for their own suffering. Very often, the cause of this behavior is precisely depression - undiagnosed, and therefore untreated.

Depression is manifested by melancholy, mood swings, bouts of crying, irritability, bouts of anger, and pessimism. The patient has problems with quick decision-making, cannot concentrate, gives up his personal life, and sometimes begins to persistently think about death.

It happens that a terminally ill person finds joy in life, wants to use it, live with dignity, learn new things. However, more often such patients tend towards self-destruction, destruction of themselves. This is a huge burden for the family and it happens that the patient’s children or partner also begin to become depressed.

Tension needs to be relieved, but without self-destruction

Concentrating attention on the disease often makes the patient not notice changes in his psyche, does not see that in addition to the body, the soul also suffers.

The patient does not seek help from a specialist, but tries to ward off all sorrows using “known” methods. Takes cigarettes, alcohol, drugs or tranquilizers. Such depression creates dangerous behavior. This is a road to nowhere – it always leads to worsening health.

The patient should talk to a psychiatrist who will determine the best treatment and also help with psychotherapy.

What is cancer? This is the name of the most terrible disease of our century. Fear and sadness are a natural reaction when someone is told they have cancer. Several years ago I was also given this terrible diagnosis. How to treat? I was offered many different methods: radiation, chemotherapy, vodka with oil, urine therapy, kerosene and even naphthalene. Who to listen to? Everyone praises his own method of treatment, although the outcome of the disease in many cases is sad. I decided to seek advice in the Word of God - the Bible! I would like to especially note that the treatment that I used was begged by me from God with tears, prayer and firm faith that the Lord would help me.

Why me?

The Lord created the first man Adam perfect, healthy, strong, strong, and He Himself approved of His creation, saying: “Very good” (Genesis 1:1-31). God wants man to be healthy and prosperous. He does not want people to get sick, neither in the past, nor in the present, nor in the future. When Jesus was on our earth, He preached the gospel of the kingdom and healed every sickness and every disease among people (Matthew 4:23).

This was a great encouragement for me. The Lord can heal any disease, no matter how terrible and incurable it may be. That's what it says in the Bible. God says so! After all, if the Lord raised the dead and healed lepers, then why should He heal us? In caring for us, the Heavenly Father has thousands of ways that we know nothing about. If we adhere to His rules and His instructions, which He left for us in the Word of God, we will see how many difficulties will disappear and our path will be easier.

Then why do people get sick?

So I go to church every Saturday, consider myself a Christian, pray, keep God’s commandments, rejoice that I have a Heavenly Father, Almighty God, who can do everything. And... suddenly I find out that I have cancer. Why? We also find the causes of this disease in the Bible. The first reason is a violation of nutritional rules (i.e. God gave food specific to us). The second reason is the state of a person’s thoughts (stress, depression, anxiety). The third reason is an incorrect, sinful lifestyle. In the book Exodus 15:26 says, “If you listen to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight and keep all His statutes, then I will not bring on you any of the diseases that I brought on Egypt; for I am the Lord who heals you". The Lord says that our health will be good provided that we keep the commandments of God, fulfill all His laws and do what is right in His sight.

Illness, suffering and death are the work of a hostile force. Satan is the destroyer, and God is the creator. While healing illnesses, Christ warned the sick He healed: “Sin no more, lest something worse happen to you.” Thus, He taught that people bring sickness upon themselves by breaking God's laws, and that only obedience preserves health. So, the common cause of all diseases is sin.

Healing comes from God

There are people who simply cannot resist without trying some new treatment method on themselves. And now there are many of these methods, in every magazine and book there are new methods of treatment. But God doesn’t want us to experiment on ourselves like guinea pigs. God is not at all indifferent to how I will be treated, who I will listen to, what treatment methods to use. After all, the Lord created the human body in a miraculous way and is not at all adapted to swallow kerosene, mothballs and poisonous herbs. Even a car, if we fill it with the wrong kind of gasoline for which it is designed, will soon break down. God has given certain remedies which we find in the Holy Scriptures.

God's Method of Healing

In the process of exploration, we find healing where we least expect it. It turns out that it is absolutely not necessary to spend money on expensive medicines and other chemicals.

I would like to quote a few verses from the Bible about the healing tools that I used in treating my illness: “And Isaiah said, Take a layer of figs. And they took it and applied it to the boil; and he recovered” (2 Kings 20:7). So, a man who was terminally ill was healed with a herbal remedy. In Ezekiel 47:12 we read that healing for a person comes from fruits and leaves.

IN Luke 10:34 says, “And he came and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine.” Unfortunately, pointing to this verse, some argue that the Bible recommends ingesting vodka with oil for treatment. I tried to drink this mixture, but my soul was restless, my head was constantly foggy, my body was under the influence of alcohol. After drinking this mixture for several days, I realized that this is not God’s method of treatment. After all, in Proverbs 23:31-32 wise Solomon writes: “Don’t look at the wine, how it turns red, how it sparkles in the cup, how it flows smoothly: later, like a snake, it will bite and sting like an asp.”

Some claim that Christ consumed and recommended alcoholic wine. However, these allegations are completely unfounded. In the time of Jesus, it was not wine with a high alcohol content that was considered best, but fresh, unfermented juice. This is confirmed by the fact that writers of the time, such as Pliny and Plutarch, called “good” those wines that do not intoxicate. So as I prayerfully meditated on Luke 10:34, I realized that it wasn't talking about using alcohol for healing. The oil is intended to lubricate wounds, and wine, i.e. pure grape juice, is used for treatment and cleansing of the body.

So, I started my course of treatment with juice therapy. I used carrots, beets, cabbage with the addition of olive oil, as well as fruit juices (apples, oranges) only pure, natural, freshly squeezed, without sugar, a special collection of herbs, water, blue clay. But it was not carrots and beets, grass and clay that saved me, although this is also very important, but the faith that the Lord can cure me, as well as obedience to God, that is, finding the right method of treatment.

Faith Healing

During the time of Jesus, many people saw the miracles of the Lord and still suffered from illnesses because they did not believe! So in our time, many people, seeing and hearing that the Lord performed a miracle, healed a person from a seemingly incurable disease, stubbornly do not want to believe it, or begin to be treated with methods that do not agree with the Word of God.

But, thank God, there are those who heed the warnings and advice, implement them and receive healing.

Over the three and a half years since I was diagnosed with cancer, I have told many patients, advised them to take this treatment, to believe in God’s promise that the Lord does not want the disease, that He will help them, you just need to believe and listen to Him voice. One woman, Galina, believed and began to be treated using this method, which I was treated with. I want to say that this woman’s condition was very serious, she could barely move. She was operated on, her breasts were removed, she took radiation, four courses of chemotherapy, and her hair began to fall out significantly. She could no longer take the next course of chemotherapy; she no longer had the strength or desire to continue this torment. It was during this very difficult time for her that we met. I told her how I was treated, how the Lord helped me find the right treatment. Galina understood everything and began treatment with faith. After completing the first course of treatment, she took tests, the results were good, a year later she went to Kazan to the oncology center. After going through all the tests and pictures, the doctors confirmed that the source of infection had completely disappeared and all the bumps had resolved. It was a miracle! She currently goes to church and thanks God for His great love and the healing He has provided.

You are the main character

The main character in the battle against the disease is the patient himself, his will, his desire to achieve not short-term, but complete healing by switching to a natural, healthy lifestyle.

How can this be achieved if the patient is not told the truth about his illness and his condition? Here you should not lie to either doctors or relatives. It is immoral to promise a patient an inevitable cure, but we must tell him about the prospects that open up when switching to a natural, healthy lifestyle. The first step on the path to health should be the healing of his soul. Courage, hope, faith, compassion, love promote health and prolong life. The health of the body and the strength of the soul depend on peace of mind and cheerfulness of spirit. “A cheerful heart does good, like medicine,” says the Bible.

Our merciful God never turns away from a soul that sincerely asks Him for help. He is a refuge both in sickness and in health. How wonderful it is to think that Jesus knows all the pains and sorrows we suffer. He is with us in all our sorrows. The Lord God sympathizes with our weakness. He is the Great Physician. Bodily infirmities and illnesses may make you depressed, but this cannot serve as proof that the Lord is not working for you every day. If we ask Him in faith in prayer to forgive us, He will generously forgive us. It is said about the grace and mercy of God that it is sufficient for all the illnesses and trials that people have to struggle with. The power that Christ demonstrated while He lived among men is contained in His Word—the Bible. It was with His Word that Jesus healed diseases and cast out demons.

Health is not bought in pharmacies and is not restored by sitting in front of the TV. Health can only be restored through hard work! If the patient does not sacrifice a little time, a little money and energy to perform the procedures, then he will not regain his health. First of all, you need to create a schedule and an ironclad regime, which procedures to perform and at what hours. First you need to restructure your thoughts. If you previously thought: “I can’t, it’s useless, impossible,” then now you need to concentrate your thoughts on: “I want, I want to rebuild, I will always find 1-2 hours for my health, I believe in my strength.” And these positive thoughts will gradually stimulate and direct you to the right actions and actions. It is very important to weed out unnecessary and depressive thoughts and cultivate thoughts of cheerfulness, encouragement and joy. Read the Bible, for example, the Psalms of David. Your soul will be filled with the joy of existence and hope for a new life, because the Word of God revives us and inspires us to spiritual exploits, it ennobles our souls and cleanses us from the daily empty vanity and lust of the flesh. Courage, hope, faith, compassion, love promote health and prolong life. The health of the body and the strength of the soul depend on peace of mind and cheerfulness of spirit.
May God bless you and help you!

V. Lvova

I can send anyone who wishes to be treated using the method I used a detailed description of the course of treatment. Contact us at: 422907, Tatarstan, Alekseevsky district, Levashovo village, Lvova Valentina Ivanovna.

Today medicine is at a fairly high level. But, despite this, incurable diseases, the list of which is quite extensive, are very common. Let's look at some of them.


Poliomyelitis is an acute viral disease caused by poliovirus, which is highly contagious. When the virus enters the human body (through the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx), the central nervous system can be affected, resulting in irreversible consequences such as paralysis or deformation of the limbs. In the most severe cases, when the respiratory centers located in the medulla oblongata are damaged, the disease can be fatal. But most often, a person infected with polio does not even suspect that he is sick. This disease generally occurs without any symptoms. There are also erased forms that are accompanied by intestinal disorders. Incurable cases of paralysis occur in approximately 1% of patients. The most susceptible part of the population to poliovirus is preschool children.

This disease belongs to the endocrine group. It is associated with a person’s impaired absorption of glucose and insufficient production of insulin, a hormone that is responsible for reducing glucose in the blood. In addition, insulin is involved in the body's metabolic processes. That is why patients with diabetes experience various disorders of all types of metabolism. Diabetes is a chronic disease that requires strict adherence to the prescribed diet, and in more severe cases, therapy using insulin injections. Diabetes mellitus is dangerous because it can lead to serious complications - blindness, damage to blood vessels, coma and a number of others.

Another chronic disease that requires constant monitoring throughout life is bronchial asthma. This disease is characterized by inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract, which results in swelling. All this leads to breathing problems such as wheezing, shortness of breath, and a strong, prolonged cough. These symptoms may appear upon contact with any allergen, at night, or after exercise. Patients with bronchial asthma must necessarily use not only symptomatic medications that help relieve an attack, but also medications that can affect the very mechanism of this disease.

Oncological disease is a process in which the formation of tumors, both benign and malignant, occurs. And if a benign (i.e., not capable of forming metastases) tumor can be removed through surgery, then with malignant tumors it is not so simple. This type of tumor is characterized by the formation of metastases - cancer cells that spread from the site of the tumor process through the tissues of the body. For this disease, various types of treatment are used - radiation, chemotherapy or surgery. But even if the treatment was successful, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the body throughout the rest of your life, since the tumor can arise again, and it is very important to track it at the initial stage. If cancer is diagnosed at the last, so-called terminal stage, then curing the patient is no longer possible.

Systemic lupus erythematosus (or SLE for short) is an autoimmune disease. It is characterized by the fact that antibodies produced by the immune system begin to damage the DNA of healthy cells. In SLE, connective tissue is mainly affected. Most patients develop a characteristic red rash on their face. With systemic lupus erythematosus, patients may experience joint pain. In addition, this disease can lead to various cardiovascular diseases, kidney damage, anemia, and a number of psychiatric and neurological manifestations. Systemic lupus erythematosus is a disease that cannot be completely eliminated, but it is possible to improve the quality of life by following all the doctor’s recommendations.

This is another incurable disease that causes great discomfort to the patient. Rheumatoid arthritis affects the joints, leading to severe pain and limited mobility. Treatment is mainly symptomatic and aimed at relieving pain. In some cases, surgical intervention is also possible. Very often, rheumatoid arthritis leads to disability. The causes of this disease are still unknown. The first symptoms may appear after intense physical activity, during hormonal changes in the body, or after infections.

This disease causes a lot of trouble not only for the patient himself, but also for his loved ones. It is characterized by symptoms such as memory loss, speech impairment and motor coordination. As the disease progresses, changes in character also appear - the patient becomes irritable, sometimes aggressive, and may resist outside help. The last stage is characterized by almost complete loss of speech, apathy, and exhaustion. The patient moves with great difficulty and often does not leave the bed at all. Alzheimer's disease occurs mainly in older people, but sometimes it is diagnosed in younger people. There is currently no treatment to completely get rid of or stop this disease. Therapy can only help alleviate symptoms.

This neurological disease, which is chronic in nature, most often occurs in older people. Parkinson's disease is caused by the death of neurons that produce the neurotransmitter dopamine. The main symptoms of this disease are strong muscle tone, tremors, and stiffness in movement. In addition, patients experience metabolic disorders, which can lead to sudden weight gain or loss, as well as various mental disorders (such as unreasonable feelings of fear, insomnia, hallucinations, etc.). Treatment of Parkinson's disease is mainly symptomatic, sometimes requiring surgery.

These are diseases that currently cannot be treated, although, with timely diagnosis and properly selected therapy, it is possible to significantly prolong and improve the patient’s quality of life.

HIV is a virus that is caused by HIV infection, and AIDS is its final stage. HIV may occur without any symptoms, or may be accompanied by fever, swollen lymph nodes, general malaise, and sudden weight loss. AIDS is characterized by severe, more than 10%, weight loss and various associated diseases. It is secondary infections that are the main cause of death in patients diagnosed with AIDS.

These are not all incurable human diseases. The list can be continued with such diseases beyond the control of modern medicine as schizophrenia, herpes, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and others. But it is important to remember that with timely diagnosis and correct prescription in most cases, the patient’s life can be significantly extended.