A slight decrease in immunity promoting development. Boosting immunity after taking antibiotics

When a weakened immune system occurs in an adult, the symptoms, as well as the reasons why weakening occurs, directly depend on many factors of the body’s vital functions. This is influenced by where you live, the environment, food, place of work and much more. Of course, decreased immunity is a serious problem. Therefore, it is necessary to be more attentive to your lifestyle and monitor the condition of your body. In the cold season, you need to dress warmly, and in the hot season, do not overheat.

Immune system

The immune system is a kind of barrier that plays the role of protecting the body. Resistance occurs due to the presence of leukocytes and antibodies in the blood. But in general, the immune system is complex mechanism, consisting of many components that are inextricably linked. Their activation makes the body strong and resistant to various factors the surrounding world.

Basic immune abilities:

  • protects against viruses;
  • protects against infections of various origins;
  • helps to recover from illnesses and surgeries;
  • improves the well-being of the body as a whole.

Immunity affects the functioning of all organs human body. Therefore, it is simply necessary to monitor your well-being. After all, in the bustle you may not notice a decrease in immunity, which is so important for everyone.

Weak immunity in an adult is not so difficult to recognize. For example, the appearance of frequent colds and herpes diseases. Herpes is detected not only on the lips, but also in different parts of the body, bringing complete discomfort and unpleasant sensations.

To date the reasons weak immunity in adults are largely:

  • transmission of heredity, when still with small age a person is constantly sick;
  • malnutrition;
  • chronic diseases;
  • bad habits(smoking);
  • stress;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • unfavorable environment;
  • Frequent use of antibiotics and a host of other reasons can affect decreased immunity.

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Signs of a weakened immune system

Signs of weakened immunity in adults often appear due to the presence serious illnesses. For example, blood pathologies, oncological diseases, chronic inflammation and many others. In these cases, it is not uncommon for a person to look very bad, feel constant ailments, and headaches.

The main symptoms of decreased immunity:

  • irritation;
  • decreased performance;
  • drowsiness;
  • fatigue;
  • Bad mood;
  • apathy;
  • depression.

The causes of decreased immunity can sometimes be seen visually. For example, a person develops circles under his eyes. But at the same time, many people think that they simply do not get enough sleep. The appearance of dry hair, brittle nails, and the formation of bags under the eyes indicate a decrease in immunity.

A decrease in immune activity is quite dangerous for the body. The signs that appear can have a negative impact on health. After all, the body becomes vulnerable to various viruses. Many processes in the body are disrupted. A person is often exposed to colds.

Risk increases chronic diseases, which are much more difficult to treat. At this time, a person’s performance decreases and headaches often appear. The body becomes weakened, and you constantly want to sleep. At this time, it is necessary to take care of yourself, carrying out immediate treatment and restoration of health.

If you find at least some signs of immune dysfunction, you should immediately seek help from a specialist who is able to competently assess the current situation and prescribe correct treatment. You should not self-medicate. After all, it is not uncommon for even doctors to be unable to identify the causes of a disease immediately.

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Strengthening the immune system

People, thinking about their health, begin to strengthen their immunity by giving up smoking, but as you know, this is quite difficult to do. They begin to consider proper diet nutrition, eating healthy products: vegetables, herbs, berries, nuts, fruits, dairy products, fish and others.

Products of marine origin play an important role in strengthening the immune system, as they contain unsaturated compounds necessary for the body. fatty acids. It should be noted that it is better to steam food, since it is then that the maximum amount of nutrients and valuable substances at the products. Vitamin “C” should be included in the diet, which is simply necessary when the immune system is weakened.

In order to improve your health, you should not forget about physical education. Physical activity will give vitality body. Moreover, their choice is so diverse that you can choose. For example, gymnastics, water aerobics, yoga, playing tennis, badminton, any morning jogging on fresh air will only be beneficial.

Today, medicine has achieved great results by developing means and drugs to boost immunity. But only a doctor can prescribe them, who will collectively select the correct treatment. Patients are often prescribed a complex of minerals and vitamins. Also positive dynamics They will give you drugs containing bifidobacteria, which can normalize the intestinal microflora and have a beneficial effect on digestion.

Of course, the very first and main factor in weakening the immune system is nutrition. The diet should replenish the body with everything necessary elements. Vegetables, fruits, greens, fermented milk products, should be consumed by humans almost daily. Fatty and fried foods are not welcome in a weakened state.

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to exclude preservatives, additives and all kinds of dyes from the diet. In addition, a person must consume at least three liters clean water per day. This will help normalize water balance body. Some experts advise always having a small bottle of water with you and drinking in small sips.

Often weakened immune symptoms appear due to improper daily routine. You should always remember about a healthy lifestyle - follow a routine, eat on time, normalize time for rest and, of course, avoid lack of sleep as much as possible.

Change should be avoided hormonal levels To do this, you need to exclude stressful situations. It is necessary to exercise in the fresh air, preferably in the morning. You should know that hardening is the most main basis strong immunity. Often those people who carry out these procedures have enviably strong immunity.


  • dousing with cold water;
  • air baths;
  • sunbathing;
  • contrast shower;
  • rubbing with snow;
  • swimming in an ice hole;
  • swimming and so on.

All these procedures will help you develop a strong immune system. But it should be remembered that hardening can only be done when a person is absolutely healthy. If you have any disease, you should be completely cured and only then begin classes.

When fighting a weakened immune system, you can use unconventional treatment. For example, methods such as acupuncture and reflexology involve almost all organs of the body, not excluding the immune system. Need to add massage treatments, which improve blood circulation and have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system.

Quite often, people resort to traditional medicine to strengthen the immune system.

Using some correctly medicinal plants, you can improve your health well.

For example, berries - cranberries, rose hips - are available in almost any home. Often, healthy fruit drinks are prepared from cranberries, and rose hips can be brewed into tea.

So, it is clear that the power of a strong immune system is at the fingertips of almost everyone. If you approach your lifestyle responsibly, then you can avoid these troubles. After all, in many ways everything depends on ourselves.

The human body is designed in such a way that it can independently fight various pathogenic microorganisms. Protection against diseases is provided by the immune system, represented by phagocytes and leukocytes, which recognize and destroy foreign cells. When immunity decreases, the body's defenses weaken, clearing the way for various infections.

Causes of decreased immunity

Natural defenses are reduced due to many reasons.

Here are just a few factors that negatively affect immunity:

  1. Wrong lifestyle. Bad habits, sedentary work, poor nutrition, regime and wakefulness lead to the failure of many processes occurring in the human body and ensuring its vital functions. As a result, it is activated pathogenic flora present in cells internal organs.
  2. Bad environment. Toxins released into the air during various industries, increased radiation, noise pollution promote the accumulation of cells in internal organs heavy metals, salts and others harmful substances.
  3. . In women, after conception, a restructuring of life support processes occurs in the body, the purpose of which is to direct forces to the development of the fetus, that is, the immune system must now protect two organisms - the mother and the child she is carrying. During pregnancy, it is especially pronounced in the mother in the first 6-8 weeks and in the period from the 20th to the 28th week.
  4. Another possible period reduction – . This occurs due to excessive production of the hormone prolactin, which stimulates the formation of breast milk.

Diseases also affect the decrease in immunity, the reasons for this lie in negative impact pathogenic microorganisms on immune defense cells.

Especially severe consequences have:

You need to eat at approximately the same time, taking food in small portions. Calorie content daily ration calculated depending on professional activities, constitution and others individual factors person.

Features for children

Compared to adults, children are more susceptible infectious diseases due to an incompletely formed immune system. IN different periods age, they go through peak declines in immunity (immediately after birth, after giving up breast milk, during the first trips to kindergarten, at the beginning of puberty).

Not all recipes for strengthening the body's defense system are suitable for children due to their more sensitive digestive system. In addition, it is sometimes difficult for them to explain why some tasteless foods should be eaten, while other tasty foods are harmful.

The main burden of responsibility lies with the parents. Therefore, it is they who must monitor the diet, daily routine, and hobbies of their child, being an example to follow in leading a healthy lifestyle.


Immunity- this is the protection of our body

The immune system protects our body from any genetically foreign invasion: microbes, viruses, protozoa, from decay products formed inside the body (during infectious and inflammatory processes) or from cells of our own body that have changed as a result of mutations and diseases. If immunity is good and the immune system notices an invasion from the outside or breakdowns within in time and reacts adequately to them, the person is healthy.

How does the immune system protect us from infections?

Resistance to infections is due to a number of defense mechanisms.

Any pathogens or any of their individual structures that reach the mucous membranes of the intestines, nasopharynx, lungs, or enter the body are “caught” by phagocytes.

In immunology, foreign agents are usually called antigens. When the immune system detects them, they immediately turn on defense mechanisms, and the struggle begins against the “stranger.”

Moreover, to destroy each specific antigen, the body produces specific cells, they are called antibodies. They fit antigens like a key to a lock. Antibodies bind to the antigen and eliminate it - this is how the body fights the disease.

Innate immunity

Phagocytes (from the Greek phagein, “to eat” and “-cyte,” cell), guarding everything foreign, absorb this agent, digest and remove it. This process is called phagocytosis.

This is how it “starts” first line of defense- innate immunity. He takes over his cells too most of"attacks" of the microbial world.

During malfunctions of the immune system, there is a “recurrence” of infections, the reason for this is most often the “weakness” of the first line of defense associated with the process of phagocytosis.

Normally, molecules of the cell wall of bacteria or minimal fragments are formed in our gastrointestinal tract when they are digested by phagocytes, and they keep the innate immune system in a natural “tone”; when the number of first defense cells - phagocytes - is quite sufficient, then they are fully prepared fight back new bacteria or cope with those that came earlier.

If the “removal” of the pathogen does not occur, it is the turn of a more subtly and long-tuned second line of defense—acquired immunity. When, during the course of an illness, antibodies and memory cells are formed in the body, which will help in the future to recognize the pathogen of this disease and deal with it faster and more efficiently.

Strengthening the immune system with chronic infections is based on increasing the functionality of the innate immune system, starting with phagocytosis and further, activating all parts of the natural immune response.

Immunity accumulated throughout life after illnesses or vaccinations is called acquired.

But in protection against infections, the leading role is played by innate immunity, which directs the launch of acquired immunity and its subsequent work.

How does the immune system work?

The immune system begins to be created in the womb. For some time after birth, the child is protected by maternal immunity received from the mother through the placenta. When the baby is born, the most critical stage of immunity formation begins. The most important protection for a child after birth and support of his immunity is colostrum.


Only after being born, the child begins to receive the maximum possible maternal protection through feeding with colostrum. This stage is extremely important from the point of view of developing immunity in the child. Colostrum is necessary to create the basis for the newborn’s immunity. Colostrum contains more antibodies and blood cells than mature breast milk. It is colostrum that gives the newborn the first defense against most viruses and bacteria that he will encounter. The level of protective factors in colostrum is so high that it is considered not only as a food product, but as a healing agent. This is the first “vaccination” that tones the baby’s immune system.

Colostrum immune factors play an important role in the preparation digestive system child to the feeding process. In 1989 transfer factor was detected in colostrum. It is produced by cells of the immune system in response to the appearance of any foreign agent in the body and transmits information about the foreigner to immune cells. As a result, immune cells are trained to recognize the enemy and destroy it.

Then acquired immunity begins to form. This happens during every contact with any pathogen, be it a microbe, allergen, bacteria, or others.

And for each virus and microbe there will be a different response, the immune system will remember it and, upon repeated contact, will meet it fully armed and reflect it.

The immune system is able to recognize many “strangers”. Among them are viruses, bacteria, toxic substances of plant or animal origin, protozoa, fungi, and allergens. She includes among them the cells of one’s own body that have turned cancerous and therefore become “enemies.” Its main goal is to provide protection from all these “strangers” and preserve the integrity of the internal environment of the body, ensuring its normal functioning.

Recognition of “enemies” occurs at the genetic level. Each cell carries its own, inherent only to this person genetic information. The immune system analyzes this genetic information to detect foreign agents entering the body or changes in its cells. If the information matches, then the agent is one of our own; if it does not match, then the agent is a stranger.

Video from the Tsentrnauchfilm archive, 1987.

Despite the fact that the film was created almost 30 years ago, it has not lost its relevance.

He talks about the principles of the immune system, which remain the same to this day.

Immunity - where is it? (organs of the immune system)

The immune system plays an extremely important role in human life. It is a complex of organs and cells aimed at performing an immunological function, i.e. to protect the body from genetically foreign substances coming from outside or formed in the body itself.

The organs of the immune system include the bone marrow, in which lymphoid tissue closely related to hematopoietic tissue, thymus(thymus gland), tonsils, spleen, lymphoid nodes in the walls of the hollow internal organs of the digestive system, respiratory systems and genitourinary apparatus.

Bone marrow and thymus are central authorities immune system, because they contain stem cells bone marrow lymphocytes are formed.

The thymus is responsible for the production of T-lymphocytes and the hormones thymosin, thymalin and thymopoietin. A little biology: T-lymphocytes are regulators of inflammation, immune reactions, this is the central link of the entire protective system of the human body. Thymosin - hormone thymus gland, which is responsible for the maturation of these same T-lymphocytes. Thymalin is a hormone of the thymus gland, which is responsible for maintaining the functioning of the entire gland as a whole. Thymopoietin is a hormone produced by the thymus gland that is involved in the recognition of T lymphocytes.

Thymus (thymus gland)- a small organ, weighing about 35-37 grams. The growth of the organ continues until the onset of puberty. Then the process of involution begins and by the age of 75 the weight of the thymus is only 6 grams.

When the thymus function is impaired, the number of T-lymphocytes in the blood decreases, which causes a decrease in immunity.

Numerous lymph nodes lie on the routes of lymph from organs and tissues to venous system. Foreign substances in the form of particles of dead cells, together with tissue fluid, enter the lymph flow, are retained and neutralized in the lymph nodes.

With age, as a result of adverse effects, the immune system ceases to cope with the function of control and timely destruction of pathological cells. As a result, changes accumulate in the body, which are expressed in the aging process and the formation of various chronic diseases.

The immune system suffers especially strongly from exposure to stress, poor environmental conditions, poor nutrition and the use of toxic substances. medicines.

Causes of decreased immunity

Factors that reduce the effectiveness of the immune system:

  • Ecology, pollution environment;
  • Poor nutrition, fasting, adherence to strict diets;
  • Deficiency of vitamins and microelements;
  • Prolonged stress;
  • Excessive, exhausting physical activity;
  • Previous injuries, burns, surgeries;
  • Bad habits - smoking, alcohol, caffeine;
  • Uncontrolled use of drugs;
  • Irregular sleep and rest patterns.

Signs of defective immunity

Signs of problems in the immune system:

  • Fatigue, weakness, lethargy, weakness. Bad night sleep, feeling tired in the morning;
  • Frequent colds, more than 3-4 times a year;
  • The presence of furunculosis, herpes, purulent inflammation sweat glands;
  • Frequent stomatitis, etc. inflammatory diseases oral cavity;
  • Frequent exacerbations of sinusitis, bronchitis (lasting more than 2 weeks), etc.
  • Prolonged elevated subfebrile (37-38 degrees) temperature;
  • Gastrointestinal disorder intestinal tract, colitis, dysbacteriosis, etc.;
  • Persistent, difficult to treat infections of the urogenital tract (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, etc.).
  • The doctor called the disease you have “chronic” or “recurrent”;
  • You have developed allergic, autoimmune or cancer diseases.

What destroys our immunity?

But alas, an incorrect lifestyle, bad habits, overeating, physical inactivity, by the age of 20-30 bring a person to a catastrophic state of health. And thank God if a person remembers about his health and medicine earlier.

Almost every person sooner or later becomes a patient of some doctor or clinic. And, unfortunately, most patients practically do not participate in their own treatment and recovery, but seem to go “to slaughter”, taking all kinds of pills. It is interesting that the word “patient” translated from Latin means “obediently enduring, suffering.” In contrast to conventional medicine, the philosophy of healthy living requires that a person is an active participant in treatment and recovery, and not just a “sufferer.” IN Chinese medicine It is customary to begin “treatment” before a person feels unwell. A person essentially knows better than anyone what is happening to his body, knows where it all started, and therefore is able to analyze and change his lifestyle in order to recover. No matter how perfect medicine is, it will not be able to rid everyone of all diseases.

If you suspect that your immune system is weakened, make sure that the influence of factors that can reduce the effectiveness of your immune system is minimal. Don't let immunodeficiency conditions develop!

How to strengthen your immune system?

What's in your hands? Get involved in improving your overall health. Strengthens immunity:

  • Good food. The body must receive certain vitamins (A, C and others) and nutrients in sufficient quantities;
  • Healthy sleep;
  • Movement. All types physical exercise: with a reasonable load - running, swimming, gymnastics, training on exercise machines, walking, hardening procedures - have the most beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune system;
  • Quitting smoking and alcohol;
  • Careful attitude towards your psyche and the psyche of people. Constantly being in a state of stress leads to extreme negative consequences. Try to avoid stressful situations or treat them more calmly;
  • Hygiene.

Maintain hygiene

Compliance with hygiene rules greatly reduces the likelihood of infection entering your body.

The usual ways for infectious agents to enter the body (if hygiene standards and rules are not observed) are such organs as:

  • mouth;
  • nose;
  • leather;
  • stomach.

Currently, many worthy and very useful developments have been created in the field of immunology. Such developments include immunomodulators, in particular transfer factors, which act comprehensively on the entire human immune system. Being an immunomodulator developed by nature itself, Transfer Factor has no age restrictions. Transfer factor, in addition to all that has been said, does not provide side effects, it is indicated for use even by newborn babies and pregnant women.

Be healthy and take care of yourself!

The ability of the human body to resist pathogenic bacteria and viruses, resist the influence of adverse external factors- evidence of strong immunity. Determine your own threshold protective forces the body is not so simple. But some signs of its decline are clearly expressed. Knowing about them for sure, you can quickly consult a doctor or try to increase your vitality.

Symptoms of a malfunctioning immune system

A decrease in vital protective potential is characterized by the following typical signs:

  1. Constant weakness and increased fatigue, malaise and chills, headache and excessive fatigue, aches in muscles and joints, drowsiness during the day, and insomnia at night.
  2. Poor appetite or excess eating, which can manifest itself as an irresistible craving for sweets.
  3. The appearance of unpleasant rashes and boils, carbuncles and herpes, inflammation and peeling on the skin.
  4. Skin color changes. Healthy skin has a pink tint. With low immunity, he becomes pale.
  5. Swelling and bags under the eyes, blue discoloration - severe symptoms decreased defenses and evidence of heart, liver and kidney diseases.
  6. Sweat production increases and its smell changes.
  7. The hair becomes dull and begins to fall out.
  8. The nail plates become thinner, break and flake, change color, and grow slowly. White marks on nails - signs inflammatory process in the body. A pale nail bed suggests that a person is suffering from anemia.
  9. Frequent illnesses. People with excellent immunity rarely get sick. But if they get sick, they recover very quickly. The reduced potential of protective forces makes itself felt by infectious, viral and fungal diseases.

Strengthening your defenses yourself

If you find some signs of weakened immunity, try changing the situation in better side yourself, following these tips:

  1. Change your diet. Make it healthy and balanced. Avoid foods that are too fatty. Try to consume less sweets. Do not eat canned or very salty foods. Don't drink carbonated and energy drinks. Limit your alcohol intake.
  2. Replace animal fats with vegetable fats.
  3. Eat fish and high-quality dietary meat.
  4. Drink natural juices. Eat fruits and vegetables, raisins and nuts, dried apricots and prunes.
  5. Regularly consume natural bee honey, pollen, bee bread or propolis. One tablespoon of any of the listed products, taken on an empty stomach for three weeks, can increase the body's defenses.
  6. Take vitamin complexes.
  7. Monitor your bowel movements. To ensure regular bowel movements, take fermented milk products.
  8. Drink in large quantities plain water.
  9. Hot drinks are also beneficial: green tea, lemon tea and rosehip drink. Drink the latter through a special straw so as not to harm your tooth enamel.
  10. You can gradually prepare your body for fasting. One day of fasting a week will provide an opportunity to cleanse the body of harmful substances and will be a good stimulus for its functioning.
  11. Use aromatherapy. Buy an aroma lamp and essential oils orange, basil, lemon, fir and pine. This therapy effectively improves immunity.
  12. Take a massage course. It will improve metabolic processes in the body, hematopoiesis, microcirculation, tissue nutrition, increase the threshold of defenses and restore vitality. Also, such manipulations will normalize trophic processes in the skin and subcutaneous fat.
  13. Play sports. Ride your bike. Walk more. Sign up for the pool. The more movement, the stronger and healthier your health.
  14. Avoid stress as much as possible. They are the ones who inflict very swipe according to your health. If these happen, learn to overcome them by listening to good music or mastering yoga. Visit water bodies more often and take warm baths.
  15. Sleep should be complete, that is, at least 8 hours a day.
  16. Get rid of negative habits.
  17. Let your doctor prescribe medications that increase immunity. But even without them, following the above recommendations, it is not at all difficult to work on yourself and notice an improvement in your well-being, a surge of strength and energy.

>Decreased immunity

Immunity is the body's ability to defend itself. And you have to protect yourself from a lot: from pathogenic bacteria, viruses trying to attack the body from the outside; from certain medications; from toxic substances; from pathologies developing in the body (for example, cancer cells).

Thanks to immunity, our body copes with diseases on its own. However, our body’s protective abilities are not always at their best.

What signs indicate disturbances in the functioning of the immune system?

Skin condition

Reduced immunity is also indicated by the condition of the skin. A person with low protective abilities of the body suffers from various skin rashes, skin inflammations and boils. In addition, peeling and herpes may occur on the skin.

Quite often, a weakened person has excessively pale skin. It's worth remembering that normal condition the body is noticeably healthy pink shade skin - some people are lighter, others are brighter, but a pink tone can be seen.

What else should you pay attention to? Decreased immunity is often accompanied by blue circles, bags or puffiness under the eyes.

Problems with nails and hair

Low immunity is often accompanied by brittle and weak nails. They begin to flake and become uneven. The nail bed may not be pink (as it should be), but very pale, almost white. It is easy to determine a decrease in immunity by the rate of nail growth. If you healthy person If the nail grows by approximately a few millimeters per week, then the deterioration of the protective system is characterized by almost complete cessation of nail growth. Hair becomes thinner, looks dull, falls out and splits.


First of all, this is general well-being. Fatigue, weakness, chills, constant malaise - all these symptoms should make you wary. If you want to sleep during the day, but at night you are unable to sleep, if you are haunted by muscle aches and headaches, if you are unable to cope bad mood, then it’s time to think about the state of the immune system.

Another unfavorable sign is appetite disturbances. This includes not only a deterioration in appetite, but also all sorts of disruptions, for example, a strong craving for sweets.

Sweat gland activity

A person who has a decrease in immune strength often suffers from increased sweating for no reason. Moreover, if a healthy person’s sweat has virtually no odor, then the weakened protective functions of the body cause the release of sweat with a heavy, pungent odor.


A person with a strong immune system rarely gets sick. Even if some kind of illness overtakes him, it usually passes quickly and without a trace.

With the slightest decrease in immunity, all sorts of sores literally begin to “stick” to a person; not a single virus leaves him with its attention. At the same time, various chronic diseases worsen.


This is already a signal that the immune system is completely weakened, it can no longer cope with all foreign substances - the toxic load has increased significantly! Measures to cleanse the body, as well as increase protective functions needs to be taken urgently.

Smoking and alcohol

Cigarette smoke contains nicotine tars, which reduce the response time of the body's defenses to infections and viruses. Alcohol has approximately the same effect: frequent use Alcoholic drinks are fraught with a noticeable decrease in immunity. Diseases respiratory tract and other organs, as well as systems in people who smoke or drink, are more severe and longer than in those who lead healthy image life.


We are constantly exposed to more or less severe stress: at work, at home, on the street. Stress has a detrimental effect on the immune system: under its influence, the number of leukocytes in the body decreases, which means the body becomes more vulnerable and defenseless against diseases. Recovery from stress is slow and sometimes very difficult.

Sleep disorders

Constant lack of sleep is a sure way to reduce immunity. Fatigue accumulates in the body, it is forced to work literally “for wear and tear.” The protective mechanism wears out quickly.

Poor quality food

If a person constantly eats haphazardly, for example, fast food and sweets, then the body has nowhere to get nutrients from. useful substances(vitamins, minerals, fioblavanoids, amino acids, etc.) and only after short time You can observe a weakening of the body in general and the immune system in particular.

Violation of drinking regime

When the body is dehydrated, little is taken in clean drinking water, then acidification of the human internal environment occurs, the pH decreases, the blood thickens, while leukocytes (immune blood cells) cannot perform their functions - the immune system becomes weak.

Sedentary lifestyle

Movement supports life and health. We are increasingly giving up walking in favor of transport, and physical exercise in favor of an interesting TV show. A “lying down” or “sedentary” lifestyle reduces the activity of leukocytes, which lose the ability to quickly respond to attacks from viruses and bacteria.

Intoxication, slagging of the body

Living in cities, we are exposed to a huge toxic load from the environment. Waste and toxins tend to accumulate in the body in all organs and systems, but especially in the liver or intestines. But it is in the intestines that 70% of the formation takes place immune cells, and if it is clogged with dirt, then what kind of immunity do we want to get?

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