My stomach hurts in the lower left. Why does the left side of the abdomen hurt, colitis and pull?

With the development of a feeling of pain in the lower abdomen on the left side, we can talk about specific symptom, which in modern medicine called "pelvic pain." The causes of such a symptom are acute or chronic diseases, striking internal organs And musculoskeletal system pelvic area, dysfunction lymph nodes located in the pelvis.

Pelvic pain itself is a collective term that includes a complex of uncomfortable sensations that can affect abdominal wall or abdominal cavity. Often a woman may complain that the pain is concentrated in one of certain areas:

  • Back of the body: pain in the area below the lumbar line.
  • Anterior side of the body: tenderness localized below the umbilical line.

What are the pain sensations?

Painful sensations tend to travel to distant areas of the body that are located far from pathological foci. The formation of a feeling of pain may be due to impaired microcirculation and metabolic processes, the development of inflammatory and dystrophic processes, functional changes affecting internal organs. At the first stage of pain formation discomfort are localized in the area of ​​the pathological focus, in the second - a secondary focus is formed, in the third - trophic disorders spread, and the pain focus can expand. Painful sensations that bother a woman can be:

  • Pulling.
  • Dull aching ones.
  • Sharp.
  • Stabbing.

Depending on the nature of the pain experienced doctor can immediately guess what is causing the development of the symptom. Additional manifestations of disorders may occur in the form of increased body temperature, nausea, and vomiting.

Why do women experience pain in the lower abdomen?

The feeling of pain in the left lower abdomen in a patient may be associated with the following types of diseases:

  • Gynecological.
  • Urological.
  • Orthopedic.
  • Gastroenterological.

Gynecological and urological disorders occur in the vast majority of cases. In second place are pains caused by dysfunction gastrointestinal tract.

Diseases affecting the genitourinary system

The development of external genital endometriosis can affect:

  • Ovaries - in in this case painful sensations varying degrees severity is localized in the lower abdomen and can intensify with menstrual bleeding, as well as during sexual intercourse. The development of pain is associated with the occurrence of adhesions.
  • Fallopian tubes - the feeling of pain will intensify if you palpate the cervix.
  • Peritoneum – pain may not occur until a certain point. The disorder itself can manifest itself in the form of a shift in the menstrual cycle.
  • Labia and vagina - pain occurs due to the formation of bloody nodules in the labia and vaginal mucosa. During sexual intercourse, the feeling of pain increases.
  • Cervix - a feeling of pain affects the rectum and intensifies during sexual intercourse and during bowel movements.

If pain is a symptom of dysfunction of the urinary organs, in particular the kidneys, this may indicate the development of Allen-Masters syndrome or hydrourethronephrosis.

Diseases affecting the colon

The large intestine is the lower, terminal part digestive tract, in which water is absorbed and feces are formed. The large intestine consists of several sections: the cecum, rectum and colon. Pain on the left side may indicate dysfunction of the descending or transverse colon. Similar violation may occur when:

  • Nonspecific ulcerative colitis– chronic inflammatory disease, affecting the mucous membrane of the colon. Among the main reasons for the development of such a disorder are dysfunction immune system, and hereditary predisposition to such a violation.
  • Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract, which is accompanied by damage to all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to pain on the left side, there are general disorders in the form of fatigue, loss of appetite, vomiting, and stool disorders. Depending on which parts of the intestine are involved in the pathological process, other manifestations may occur.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional pathology, which is characterized by the development of pain on the left side, as well as discomfort and bloating. The exact cause of the development of the disease is not fully understood; the basis is the effect stressful situations. IBS manifests itself in the form of pain, bowel irregularities, and flatulence. Diagnostic tests may not detect any functional disorders. During therapy, dietary adjustments and specific groups are used medicines.

At severe lesions there is an emergence of additional alarming symptoms in the form of impurities of pus and blood in feces ah, and also an increase in body temperature. In this case, pain on the left side may indicate the occurrence of:

  • Polyposis affecting colon. Emergence is observed multiple formations benign origin - polyps that are formed as a result of impaired water absorption. In this case, diarrhea and difficulty defecating can replace each other for a long time, often combined with dehydration.
  • Malignant neoplasm.
  • Atony of the large intestine.

With diverticulosis, the formation of diverticula is observed - pathological sacs that contribute to the difficulty of normal peristalsis. As a result, there is an accumulation of feces with the subsequent development of fermentation, rotting, and intestinal expansion processes.

Diseases affecting the small intestine

Often, pain in the left lower abdomen occurs due to diseases of the small intestine:

  • With malabsorption, the mucous membrane loses its ability to absorb useful material, coming with food. After consuming fruits and dairy products, manifestations may occur in the form of stool disorders, flatulence, and cramping attacks of pain. The feeling of discomfort may subside after the patient has a bowel movement.
  • Gluten intolerance ( vegetable protein, which is contained in grain foods) the occurrence of celiac disease is observed. After gluten enters the intestines, manifestations similar to malabsorption syndrome are observed.

Pathologies affecting the spleen

On initial stage development of spleen diseases, pain will occur in the left side of the lower abdomen. Such violations include the occurrence of:

  • Splenic infarction – pathological condition, which occurs as a result of blockage of the smallest arteries and the development of a focus of necrosis. Such a violation manifests itself in the form intense pain, significant increase in body temperature. There is also a danger of massive blood loss.
  • With acute enlargement of the spleen, the development of an inflammatory process is observed or the outflow of blood through the portal vein area is disrupted. A woman may complain of paroxysmal pain, which can spread to the lower abdomen. At the same time, the organ increases significantly in size.
  • Spleen cysts are hollow neoplasms of benign origin that are filled with watery, mucous fluid. Paroxysmal Blunt pain moderate degree severity, which intensifies after physical activity.

With abscesses, there will be complaints of intense diffuse pain, radiating to the left side and down the abdomen. Additionally, the body temperature rises, the state of health sharply worsens, in severe cases disturbances of consciousness are observed.

If pain occurs, it is recommended to refrain from self-medication, which may not have the desired effect. therapeutic effect. If discomfort develops, you should seek advice from an experienced, qualified specialist who will prescribe additional examination and pick up optimal scheme therapy. You should not use painkillers unnecessarily, as they can “lubricate” clinical picture, which will make it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis.

Every girl should carefully monitor her women's health. That’s why in any situation you don’t understand, it’s best to contact medical assistance. However, it’s a good idea to first try to figure out the problem yourself in order to know what diagnoses you can expect from a doctor.


It is worth noting that almost every woman experiences some discomfort from time to time. Why does this happen, what can it mean if a woman has a lot of it? This can only be a signal for the beginning of menstruation, the first few days of which women often experience quite painfully. If discomfort is associated with this, do not panic, this is normal physiological process female body.


What reasons lead to the fact that a woman has a left side? First of all, this may be preceded in the pelvis, when pain may appear on the right or left, depending on where the operation was performed. Pain may also be indicated by the presence of a disease such as adnexitis - inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. These will be precisely nagging pains that can radiate to the hip, lower back, anus. Unpleasant sensations may intensify during hypothermia, physical activity, or intimate relationships.

Ectopic pregnancy

If a woman has, then this may also indicate that the lady has ectopic pregnancy. However, such pains are most often not strictly concentrated in one place; they can be flowing and moving. It is worth noting that if this is the cause of the discomfort, the woman must be hospitalized immediately, because, most likely, surgical intervention will be needed.


If a woman has pain in her left lower abdomen, what could this mean? It may also be that the lady has inflammation of a certain part of the large intestine. To get rid of this, you can try to go on a diet that excludes the consumption of fatty and spicy foods. The diet should contain predominantly boiled vegetables and fresh fruit.

Genitourinary system

If a woman’s left lower abdomen hurts, this may indicate that the woman has problems with elevated temperature, as well as vomiting, hospitalization is simply necessary, because, most likely, surgery will be needed.


The pancreas can also bother a woman with pain on the left side. However, unpleasant sensations can also be felt in the back area.


If a woman is pregnant and feels nagging pain in the lower abdomen, what could this indicate? It’s okay if the pain is not too severe, it can accompany the woman to early stages when the body undergoes restructuring. However, if all this is accompanied by discharge, you should definitely consult a doctor, because there is a risk that the body will reject the child. Also, such sensations may indicate hypertonicity of the uterus. In such a situation, a woman also urgently needs to be observed by a specialist.

Let's look at what can cause pain in the left side behind and or in front, and why it can hurt in the back and under the ribs, as well as in the lower back and lower abdomen. Let's start our study with an analysis of human anatomy.

The left side includes the thoracic and abdominal regions. A conditional distinction between the sternum and peritoneum is made using the diaphragm, one of the largest muscles in humans. Located above the diaphragm rib cage. Below is the abdominal cavity with the organs of digestion, excretion, and reproduction.

Pain and heaviness in the left side is a sign internal pathology.

Any discomfort, aching and pain are caused by internal pathology. You can understand which organ has failed and what measures need to be taken to treat it by the nature of the pain. What are you experiencing - severe stabbing pain, or a pulling-aching sensation, or slight distension, discomfort. Let's consider possible pathologies internal organs, and what kind of pain is generated.

Why does the left side of my stomach hurt?

What organs are located in the abdomen on the left?

  • Digestive- stomach, pancreas.
  • excretory– kidney.
  • Genital– women have ovaries and appendages.
  • Immune- spleen.

Each of them can cause pain. Here is a description of diseases that cause pain in the left side of the lower abdomen.

Pain in the digestive organs - pain areas

On the left are the unique digestive organs. Stomach and pancreas (depot digestive enzymes). Each of them does not have a paired neighbor (two kidneys, and one stomach or pancreas). If any of them fails or malfunctions, serious threat human life and health. What to do, how to determine which one listed bodies is ill?


The stomach is a hollow organ, a cavity with two openings. This is where the main digestion of food occurs. Complex proteins and carbohydrates are broken down into simple protein and carbohydrate compounds. In this case, the initiators of digestion are aggressive substances. They are capable of dissolving the walls of the stomach itself (under certain conditions and circumstances).

For correct diagnosis and choice of treatment, it is important to know where, how, and, most importantly, when it hurts?

  • Gastric pain is often felt in the fourth intercostal space. To put it simply, it hurts above the navel on the left, under the ribs. If this chronic gastritis(inflammation of the mucous epithelium lining the stomach, against the background of increased or low acidity), then periodic mild pain occurs. There is a feeling that the left side is “pulling.” And with low acidity, a feeling of heaviness and distension develops (food in the stomach is not digested enough and becomes a source of rotting and toxins). With gastritis, pain appears immediately after eating.
  • A dull pain in the left side is characteristic of an ulcer. It makes itself felt in the upper part of the subcostal space, almost under the heart. If the diet is disrupted, something is eaten that is not allowed to be eaten during gastritis, then the walls of the stomach and the surface of the ulcer become irritated. A person has pain on the left side under the ribs. Pain from a stomach ulcer develops one to one and a half hours after eating. The time of onset of pain is determined by the type of food. Eating with rough dietary fiber(these are vegetables, fruits), black bread - gives discomfort after an hour. If this is the so-called buffer food (boiled meat, milk), then pain in the left side under the ribs in front occurs later, after an hour and a half.
  • For comparison and differential diagnosis. A duodenal ulcer is felt more strongly than a stomach ulcer, and forms later - one and a half to two hours after eating. If the ulcer has formed in the duodenum, it will hurt along the lower edge of the left hypochondrium.
  • When an ulcer in the stomach or duodenum is perforated or perforated, severe acute pain appears in the left side. The sensations are so strong that a person experiences a painful shock.


The next unique human organ is the pancreas. It is a digestive organ and endocrine system. It is located close to the stomach and duodenum, at the level of the upper lumbar vertebrae (this is slightly above the navel). Part of the pancreas (the so-called tail) enters the right side torso. However, the main sections (head and body) are located to the left of umbilical ring.

The pancreas secretes pancreatic juice with enzymes to digest food. When it is inflamed (pancreatitis), enzymes are activated ahead of schedule and begin to “digest” the pancreas itself. There is pain in the left side at waist level, to the left of the navel. Sometimes the left side under the ribs also hurts. The peculiarity of pancreatitis pain is persistent nausea, strong and prolonged, the inability to digest food (expressed in a change in the consistency and color of stool). Another feature of pancreatitis is that the pain is slightly relieved after eating (unlike a stomach ulcer, in which the pain intensifies after eating).

At long-term inflammation (chronic pancreatitis) the pancreas increases in size. Then acute pain in the left side spreads in all directions - the left side of the abdomen hurts, as well as the area below solar plexus, around the umbilical ring. Strong acute pancreatitis It can even radiate to the shoulder blade and shoulder.

Large and small intestines

The intestine consists of several sections. On the left is the descending colon and sigmoid colon. When the lower left side hurts, there may be an accumulation of feces in the sigmoid region. If this is the descending part of the large intestine, then pain is possible at the waist level and below.

In any case, with intestinal inflammation, the left side ache 2-3 hours after eating. Diet helps prevent discomfort. The human intestine ensures the absorption of nutritional components. If the absorption process is disrupted, not only does aching pain develop in the left side. Digestion and absorption of food is impaired. Regardless of the amount of food eaten, a person receives less nutrition and goes hungry.

Also, pain in the left side of the abdomen in women occurs due to inflammation of the left appendage or ovary.

Kidney pain is most often felt in the lumbar area. But it is also possible for them to spread to the lower abdomen. Lower back pain on the left side of renal etiology causes spasm muscle fibers. Therefore, the pain can be eased with a warm bath and a light massage.

In addition, renal pathology is accompanied by additional symptoms that can be used for differential diagnosis:

  • The urge to urinate becomes more frequent.
  • When urinating, there is discomfort and a burning sensation during bowel movements.
  • Swelling appears in the legs and arms (the kidneys cannot cope with the load).

Based on the presence of these symptoms, one can judge the reasons why the pain in the left side is due to a diseased kidney or for another reason.

Inflammation of the appendage - pain in the left side of the lower abdomen

Gynecological pain occurs exclusively in the lower abdomen, above pubic bone. Gynecology is often confused with intestinal pain (they accompany dysbiosis, various digestive disorders), and sometimes - viral infections, flu.

Pain in the lower left side is characteristic of the following gynecological problems:

  • Ectopic pregnancy is a pathology that can only be solved surgically. The earlier the improper attachment of the fertilized egg is detected, the better the treatment prognosis. During such a pregnancy, slight pain appears, which quickly increases and becomes severe. It begins to radiate to the perineum and back. The woman's condition worsens hourly, as with appendicitis.
  • When there is inflammation of the left ovary or appendage, it is felt nagging pain on the left side.

In gynecology, a woman’s left side in the lower abdomen does not necessarily hurt. Sometimes the lower back gives way and the lower back is pulled. At the same time, the left side aches and pulls from behind, below the waist.

Spleen hurts - pain on the left under the ribs

The spleen is immune organ. It is responsible for the functioning of the immune system and performs several important functions. Controls the activity of bacteria, synthesizes immune bodies, stores iron, and removes dead cells from the bloodstream. When the spleen becomes inflamed, it increases in size and puts pressure on neighboring organs(stomach, thin and duodenum), causes pain.

Pain syndrome with an inflamed spleen is felt under the ribs, on the left side of the abdomen. In addition, it radiates (spreads) up the back - to the shoulder blade and left collarbone. Thus, main feature splenic pain - its extensiveness, spreading to the upper back. The left side from the back and the adjacent scapular and clavicular areas hurt.

The nature of the pain is determined by its cause. With a traumatic rupture, the pain is severe, sharp, and is accompanied by the appearance of bruises along the torso. If there is inflammation or the blood supply is impaired, the pain is chronic, aching.

Pain in the left side during pregnancy

Short-term, mild pain occurs in any month of pregnancy. More often they form in the second and third trimester, when the size of the uterus increases several dozen times. Why does my left side hurt during pregnancy?

The growth of the uterus is accompanied by stretching of the ligaments. This causes some discomfort and pain. There is a pulling in the left side, pain is felt above the pubis. Discomfort also appears with sudden movements, with strong sneezing or coughing.

Such soreness does not pose any danger; it can be easily removed by complete relaxation. If you take a warm bath, the discomfort will noticeably weaken and disappear.

However, in this case, you still need to consult with a specialist, at least for your own peace of mind.

Pain in the left side in men

Speaking purely about male diagnostics, then left-sided pain is a consequence of inflammation of the genitourinary organs.

What may be revealed during the examination:

  • Cystitis- cystitis.
  • Prostatitis- inflammation prostate gland.
  • Urolithiasis disease.

What does the nature of the pain indicate?

By the characteristics of painful sensations (they are described in words - pulling, tugging, aching, cutting, as well as weak or strong, pulsating or even) one can judge the stage pathological process. To determine how urgently needed medical intervention, we need to analyze how the left side hurts?

  • Dull pain is typical for chronic process inflammation. It feels weak, you can forget about it for a while and not notice it. However, if the process continues, an exacerbation occurs, in which the pain becomes more noticeable and stronger.
  • A tingling sensation is characteristic of poor circulation. When an inflamed organ enlarges and compresses surrounding tissue, normal blood flow is disrupted. In addition, inflamed tissues swell, which also causes disruption of their blood supply. This is how a periodic feeling arises in which there is a stabbing sensation in the left side. The tingling sensation gives way to numbness as sensitivity decreases at the site of recent discomfort.
  • Pulsation is characteristic of purulent processes. If you experience pulsating or throbbing abdominal pain, a visit to the doctor is necessary.
  • Severe pain (pressing, cutting, stabbing and others) accompany acute processes. They may be a consequence internal trauma. Important: if there is severe pain, it is better to see a doctor first, and then take painkillers. The doctor must see the full picture of the disease, its clear symptoms. This will ensure accurate diagnosis. Painkillers are often antispasmodics. They disrupt the picture of the disease and “blur” its visible manifestations. Therefore, if you have severe pain, do not take painkillers, but consult a doctor immediately.

Pain in the left side can be caused for various reasons. There is only one clear conclusion: examination and treatment are necessary.

Pain in the lower abdomen in women is usually associated with the presence of internal diseases in chronic or acute form. Painful sensations in the left side often indicate that there are problems in the field of gynecology, or pathology of the internal organs that are located on the left side abdominal area.

Since the causes of pain can be a variety of pathologies, self-diagnosis in this case is not possible. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Only a competent doctor will be able to establish the correct diagnosis, identifying the initial cause of the pain syndrome and prescribing appropriate therapy.

Causes of pain

Since in the left side of the abdomen and under the ribs there are important organs Gastrointestinal tract, painful sensations can cause the following diseases:

  • Ulcerative colitis.
  • Intestinal diverticulosis.
  • Inflammation of the urinary organs.
  • Diseases of the spleen: volvulus, infarction, benign and malignant tumors.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Kidney problems: the appearance of cysts, stones, the development of tumors.

Autoimmune disorders that provoke a malfunction of the entire gastrointestinal tract, which is accompanied by discomfort and pain, especially when food is digested.

In addition, diseases can cause pain in the left side of the lower abdomen of cardio-vascular system. Because of them, the tissues receive insufficient oxygen, which causes anemia, which can lead to cramps and pain under the ribs and in the left side of the abdomen.

Major diseases

Male and female genital organs are significantly different, this explains the features reproductive function. Below are purely female pathologies that cause pain in the left side of the abdomen.

Inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes
The form of inflammation can be acute or chronic. The first is characterized by intense sharp pain in the lower abdominal region, which spreads to the left side, as well as the lower back, near the tailbone. In addition to pain, a woman experiences symptoms such as deterioration in well-being, lethargy, irritation, and fever. If the process develops rapidly, there may be vaginal discharge in the form of pus. In the chronic form, symptoms are less pronounced. Pain in the lower abdomen appears from time to time, pain in to a greater extent has a pulling and aching character.

If inflammation is not treated, the result may be the inability to conceive and bear a child, and the process, with a weak immune system, will spread to all internal organs, which can lead to extreme severe consequences, even death.

Inflammatory process in the appendages
Very in rare cases adnexitis appears as an independent disease. Basically, its occurrence is due to the rapid development of inflammation in the uterine tubes. It should be noted that even a woman with absolutely no health problems can experience inflammation of the appendages. This is explained by the fact that the vaginal mucosa is a habitat for harmful microorganisms that, if their number increases, can cause the development of an inflammatory process that can affect the entire genitourinary system.

The form of adnexitis can be acute or chronic, in some cases relapses may occur. The inflammation, which appeared for the first time, is accompanied by intense, cramping painful sensations in the lower left part of the abdominal region, moving under the ribs.

In the chronic form, pain can occur whenever the immune system is weakened, the feet are wet or frozen, or an acute respiratory, viral or infectious disease has been suffered.

The risk group for inflammation of the appendages includes women belonging to the following categories:

  • Performing an artificial termination of pregnancy every year.
  • Those using intrauterine devices contraception (spiral).
  • Pregnant women who may develop adnexitis due to hormonal changes.

If inflammation of the appendages is not treated promptly, the consequences can be extremely unfavorable.

Rupture of the uterine ligaments
This phenomenon can happen to women during pregnancy, as well as during childbirth. Due to the fact that the weight of the fetus increases, the uterus is forced to experience increased stress. Any unsuccessful movement can lead to connective tissue will burst. The lack of elastin and collagen in the body leads to aggravation of the situation - muscle strain occurs under the influence of load.

This pathology in most cases causes sharp pain in the lower abdominal region, spreading in waves under the ribs and into the left half bodies. During pregnancy and birth of a child, ruptures sometimes cause internal hemorrhages, which will require urgent surgery.

This is a gynecological disease in which endometrial cells (the inner layer of the uterine wall) grow beyond this layer. There can be many provoking factors for the development of such a disease. On this moment Experts cannot give an exact answer to the question of why the endometrium grows. It is believed that this can happen for the following reasons:

  • Hormonal imbalances due to which the activity of the hormone progesterone is suppressed.
  • Autoimmune pathologies.
  • Hereditary factor.
  • Weakened immune system and frequent colds.

In addition, the causes of the development of endometriosis may be diabetes and excess body weight, treatment of cervical erosion by cauterization, and artificial abortion in early age(up to 18 years old), chronic inflammation genitourinary system.

Acute symptoms of this pathology are observed in rare cases. Basically, endometriosis makes itself felt by aching pain on the left under the ribs and the lower part of the abdominal region. Increased symptoms occur during ovulation and critical days. The disease can affect a woman's fertility, causing infertility.

Ovarian cyst
The cyst is benign neoplasm, containing fluid and growing on the ovary. If the left ovary is affected, then, accordingly, pain will occur in the left side. The nature of the pain depends on the size of the tumor and its location.

When the cyst is actively growing and expanding, women experience the following: clinical manifestations:

  1. Drawing painful sensations that surround the lower part of the abdominal region. Usually this condition goes away on its own.
  2. Pain that gets worse during menstruation.
  3. Increasing cycle duration.

The maximum severity of pain is observed at the peak of cyst formation, when the risk that it will rupture increases. In this situation, in addition to pain, symptoms such as a general deterioration in well-being, an increase in temperature, and the possible development of pain shock occur.

Ovarian apoplexy
This condition is a sudden development of hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity, resulting from the fact that the integrity of the ovary is disrupted and it ruptures. At the same time, the abdomen enlarges and sharp pain occurs. During palpation, the patient also experiences pain, sometimes so severe that she may lose consciousness.

The following can lead to apoplexy:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • lower part injury abdominal cavity;
  • existing chronic inflammation of the genitourinary organs.

Initially, the clinical manifestations are similar to those of appendicitis. Painful sensations occur on the left side, the pain either increases or recedes. May spread to the entire abdomen and lower back.


Pain in the lower abdomen is a reason to visit medical institution. There is no need to postpone diagnostic measures, since successful treatment cannot be carried out until the cause of the pain is precisely established. If appropriate measures are not taken in a timely manner, the result may be infertility, the development of which occurs due to the fact that diseases of the genital organs are actively progressing.

The diagnosis is made through the following measures:

  1. Examination by a therapist. The doctor assesses the nature and severity of the pain syndrome by palpation.
  2. Ultrasonography. The procedure allows you to determine the state of the organs and detect hidden diseases.
  3. General tests (blood, urine). This type of study allows you to detect inflammation.
  4. In addition, you may need to visit specialized specialists: a gynecologist, a gastroenterologist, a surgeon.

How to treat

Therapy for all gynecological diseases should be comprehensive. It is required not only to take medications prescribed by the doctor, but also to follow the rules intimate hygiene, give up for a certain period sexual contacts, take measures to improve immunity. Treatment can be of the following types:

  1. Conservative. Involves taking medications and following doctor's orders. Basic therapy can be supplemented by using folk recipes, but only in agreement with the attending physician.
  2. Surgical intervention. The operation is performed only in situations where the condition poses a threat to life - if any internal bleeding, apoplexy, etc.
  3. Physiotherapy. During this treatment, special devices are used to cure diseases of the woman’s genital organs.

Efficiency folk remedies quite high, especially when a woman’s left side hurts due to inflammation of the genital organs caused by infection or bacteria. But they can only be used as an addition to the main therapy, in mandatory after consulting with your doctor.

What to do when the left side in the lower abdomen hurts

The occurrence of pain in the lower left part of the abdominal region in a woman may indicate that the body is developing serious illness. Therefore, only taking a pill for pain relief is not a solution to the situation. With this measure you can only stop it for a while pain syndrome, but not get rid of the provoking factor that caused it. And sometimes in these situations the reception medicinal product may even cause harm.

What actions to take if pain occurs:

  1. Make yourself as comfortable as possible to relieve pain.
  2. Until the doctor comes, you should remember everything that happened before the pain appeared. Even the smallest detail can help a specialist establish a diagnosis.
  3. If a sharp, severe pain occurs that does not go away for more than one hour, and other symptoms also appear - fever, vomiting and upset stool, you must call emergency help.
  4. If after two or three days the pain in the side does not go away, the woman should make an appointment with a gynecologist. If, based on the results of the inspection and other diagnostic measures gynecological diseases will not be detected, consultation with other specialists may be required - a surgeon, an infectious disease specialist, a gastroenterologist.
  5. It is not recommended to take painkillers - this will make it more difficult for the doctor to establish the correct diagnosis.

Even when pain in the side is not pronounced, but occurs regularly, this should be the basis for visiting a doctor in order to promptly prevent the development of serious diseases.

Video: where does pain in the lower abdomen come from in women?

Abdominal pain on the left side, like any other pain in the abdominal cavity, can be the result of many disorders in the body.

Pain in the left side of the abdomen often occurs after overeating or eating unhealthy foods. Stress and overwork can also cause pain in the intestines. In this article we will look at diseases that lead to left-sided pain in the iliac region, in the hypochondrium of the abdomen and in the lower abdomen on the left.

1 - left lobe of the liver

2 - pancreas

3 - stomach

4 - spleen

5 - large intestine

6 - small intestine

7 - ovary

8 - uterus

9 - upper hypochondrium

Pain in the left hypochondrium

If pain is felt in the left upper abdomen, then it can be caused by a diseased stomach, pancreas or spleen. The cause of inflammation of these organs is usually pathogenic bacteria, as well as unhealthy lifestyle and stress.

In addition, stabbing pain may occur when physical activity, and there is no disease behind it. The reason is improper load distribution.

Abdominal pain on the left due to inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis)

If aching pain in the left abdomen most often occurs after eating, then this is a sign of inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis). This pain occurs when the stomach is full of food. Then, as food passes further into the intestines, the pain subsides. Stress can also contribute to abdominal pain due to gastritis.

If the pain in the left hypochondrium is acute, occurs after eating and is accompanied by sour belching, vomiting, heartburn, and a feeling of pressure, then this may indicate a stomach ulcer.

One of the causes of inflammation of the gastric mucosa may be a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori. It can be detected during a medical examination.

Dull constant pain in the left hypochondrium

You should pay attention to such pain and undergo an examination, as it may be the result of an indolent disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Aching pain in the left hypochondrium can also cause a number of autoimmune diseases.

Pain in the left hypochondrium due to inflammation of the pancreas

If there is pain under the rib on the left, the pancreas may be the cause. Its inflammation causes unbearable burning pain in the left hypochondrium, which radiates to the back. Sometimes inflammation causes girdle pain in the upper abdomen. The pain may subside slightly when you bend your torso forward in a sitting position.

The pain is accompanied by symptoms such as bitterness in the mouth, vomiting bile, darkening of the urine and lightening of the stool. Common causes of inflammation of the pancreas are stones in gallbladder, cigarettes and alcohol.

Pain in the left side under the ribs in front

One of the causes of such pain may be intercostal neuralgia. This creates the impression of pain under the ribs. The pain may have different character, dull, tingling, move to different areas.

Upper left abdominal pain due to spleen disease

Enlargement and infarction of the spleen due to arterial thrombosis are the cause severe pain, which can radiate to the left shoulder. But as a rule, these diseases manifest themselves additional symptoms: fever, muscle pain, headache, enlarged lymph nodes.

Heartburn in the stomach on the left side

If the stomach hurts on the left and this pain is accompanied by belching and burning pain spreading throughout the esophagus, then in medicine this disease is called reflux. Heartburn can be caused by increased acidity stomach, and stress, and snacking on the go and too fatty foods.

This symptom also occurs with weak diaphragm muscles.

Abdominal pain under the ribs

If you are suffering from pain in the upper abdomen, just below the ribs, it is most likely not caused by the abdominal organs. The lower sections of the lungs and the heart are located in this upper abdominal cavity. Therefore, it is quite possible that pain under the left rib may be caused by pneumonia or even a heart attack.

However, with such diseases, abdominal pain is not the main symptom and other signs of disease necessarily appear.
With a heart attack, these are symptoms such as chest pain, weakness, shortness of breath and cold sweat. The pain can travel up to the shoulder on the left side quite quickly. With pneumonia - pain when breathing.

What can hurt in the lower abdomen on the left?

If you feel pain in the left lower abdomen, this may indicate diseases of the colon, ureters or kidneys. Pain in the lower abdomen in women can be caused by problems with the uterus and ovaries. In men, such pain is caused by the prostate gland or testicles.

Pain due to colon diverticulum

One of the most frequent illnesses colon is . Diverticula often go undetected during diagnosis. Their inflammation can cause stabbing pain in the abdomen.

The cause of pain is the ureters

Stones in the ureters or bladder cause sharp, paroxysmal, debilitating pain. They can sometimes give back.

Pain in the lower abdomen in women

In women, it is always necessary to take into account that the internal genital organs are the fallopian tubes, the ovaries and uterus are located in the abdominal cavity. Inflammation of these organs or cancer leads to permanent sharp pain lower abdomen.

The gynecological nature of the pain may also be indicated by disruptions in menstrual cycle, And pathological discharge from the vagina.

At constant pain in the lower abdomen, you should consult a gynecologist.

Lower abdominal pain in men

In men, these pains may indicate inflammatory processes or prostate or testicular cancer.

Stomach pain in the middle left

The causes of such pain can also be food intolerance.

Pain from appendicitis

Appendicitis can manifest itself and acute pain lower left abdomen. Although anatomically it is located in the right lower abdomen, but on initial stage inflammation and pain appear in the middle of the abdomen, near the navel. Then it moves to the lower abdomen and can be felt in both the left and right right parts abdominal cavity.

Sometimes vomiting and nausea appear, and the disease can be confused with.

If the condition worsens, accompanied by fever, then it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Abdominal pain on the left or in the middle after eating

Abdominal pain after eating middle region stomach may indicate food intolerance. Most often, pain occurs some time after eating.

Food intolerance manifests itself through a feeling of being full or stabbing pains after meal. Diarrhea or flatulence often appears.

Typical types of intolerance include fructose intolerance, lactose intolerance or. Gluten is a protein often found in baked goods or pasta.

Abdominal pain due to intestinal infections

In the first stages of the disease, pain may appear in the left side of the abdomen, since the narrower left side The colon quickly signals problems with pain. As the disease progresses, the pain spreads to the lower right side and then covers the entire abdominal cavity.

At intestinal infection Loss of fluid due to vomiting and diarrhea can be dangerous. Therefore, it is important to drink plenty of fluids.

Table of symptoms and causes of abdominal pain on the left

Abdomen areaSymptomsCauses
2 – left top part bellyAcute pain in the left abdomen, which can radiate to the backInflammation of the pancreas due to illness or large amounts of alcohol/cigarettes
3 – left hypochondriumFrequent belching, burning/tingling behind the sternumHeartburn due to stress, fuss, eating with high content fat, too weak diaphragm muscles
4 – left upper abdomen to shoulderPain in the upper abdomen may radiate to the left shoulderSplenic infarction due to arterial thrombosis or enlarged spleen
5 – left Bottom part bellyStitching pain in the abdomen on the left sideIntestinal diverticulum
4 - left lower abdomenAcute pain in the left lower abdomen, sometimes back painUrolithiasis, passage of stones or sand from the left kidney
5.6 – left side or entire abdomenAbdominal pain on the left or pain in the entire abdominal cavity, nausea, vomiting, diarrheaIntestinal infection
Pain near the navel, in the left or right lower abdomen, vomiting and nausea, digestive problems, feverAppendicitis
6 - left-hand side belly in the middlePain after eatingFood intolerance (fructose, lactose, gluten intolerance)
7.8 – left lower abdomenPain in the left lower abdomen in women, vaginal dischargeInflammation or cancer fallopian tubes, ovaries or uterus
9 – under the ribsChest and shoulder pain, depression, shortness of breath, cold sweatHeart attack
9 - under the ribsChest pain when breathingPneumonia

Attention! Our website provides you with primary information on the topic of left abdominal pain. However, this information cannot replace consultation with a doctor. Any abdominal pain requires medical examination.