New hotel projects. Mini-hotel profit

According to the material they are:

  • from SIP panels
  • frame
  • wooden from timber
  • from all kinds of building blocks

Based on the number of rooms they are divided into:

  • mini-hotel projects for 10 rooms
  • projects for 6 rooms
  • mini-hotels with 20 rooms
  • for 8 rooms
  • projects for 15 rooms

Features when designing mini-hotels

Quality and reasonable price are important for your future guests.

  1. Firstly, the project must stand out in its appearance.
  2. Secondly, you need a terrace with a good view, and your guests will be delighted.
  3. Thirdly, these are the rooms, which should be quite spacious. Mini-hotel projects may have rooms of varying levels of comfort, but the most important thing is that everything should be clean and tidy, even if simple.

Choose a ready-made project or an individual one?

Designing mini-hotels is a voluminous task, and it is necessary to determine what the future facility will do, where it will be located, and how many guests it will serve. Mini hotels made of sip panels and motels need to be designed so that they are constantly filled at least 70-80%, which will allow them to quickly recoup the money invested in their construction.

Opening a small mini-hotel with 10 rooms for tourists will require much lower costs than, for example. However, neither in the first nor in the second case should you rush - first you need a project. There are two ways for further work - either choose a ready-made project, or order an individual one. Let's consider both options.

Ready-made mini-hotel projects

The option with ready-made projects is convenient because you simply select the one you need and order the design documentation. The main advantage in this case is speed; you don’t have to wait several months to work from scratch. Also, a ready-made project is usually cheaper, and those who save on design are happy with this. If the soil is normal and the construction area is not a protected area, why not? The price for ready-made mini-hotel projects for 10 or 6 rooms starts from tens and goes for hundreds of thousands of rubles, depending on the complexity and number of rooms.

There is only one drawback - ready-made projects do not take into account the regional, ground, and financial characteristics of the client. For example, multi-storey projects are not always suitable - in the case of weak soils, groundwater, etc.

Individual design

Discussions of the client's wishes - the beginning of work on an individual project of a mini-hotel made of sip panels or timber. Experienced specialists will listen to the owner of the future object, and in case of difficult terrain, they will go to the site.

Specialists, together with the owner, will take into account the characteristics of the site, the presence of groundwater, climatic features and will choose the type of foundation, building material, number of floors, and a number of other parameters that affect the cost of construction.

  • Simple accommodation for guests?
  • Do you still need a restaurant or cafe?
  • Add a bathhouse or sauna?
  • Do you need a pool and spa area?
  • Gym?
  • If the project is located in a protected area or near healing springs, will it include a sanatorium stay?

After considering and approving the characteristics and engineering systems of the future mini-hotel, specialists will develop the appearance and style of the building based on the customer’s wishes. At this stage, the object will be visualized in 3D, you can evaluate its appearance and make comments. After agreeing on the preliminary design, plans, diagrams, drawings, and utilities are gradually developed and agreed upon.

During individual design, all characteristics of the site and the external environment will be taken into account. And of course, such a project will be completely unique, which will help attract tourists. The time frame for individual design is from 3-4 weeks to several months.

  • Capital investments: 15,000,000 rubles,
  • Average monthly revenue: 630,000 rubles,
  • Net profit: 190,000 rubles,
  • Payback: 83 months.

An example of a business plan for opening a mini-hotel, which can be used as an example for obtaining investor funds or a bank loan.

Target: Attracting investment to launch a small city hotel.

1. Planning a mini-hotel

1.1. Project idea.

Currently, there are 5 hotels open in the city “N”, the total stock is about 400 rooms, the occupancy rate is 70-80%. In April 2013, it is planned to begin work on the construction of a new cement plant with a capacity of 2 million tons per year. The completion date for the construction of the 1st line of the plant is April 2015, the 2nd line is December 2017. Work at the new plant will be carried out by both local contractors and contractors from other regions (both Russian and foreign). Due to this circumstance, a significant influx of business travelers to the city is expected.

To meet the housing needs of business travelers, it is necessary to build at least 100 additional rooms. The construction of a mini-hotel is currently a very relevant business endeavor.

The hotel is planned to open at the address city “N”, st. Stroiteley, 117, number of rooms 15. At this address there is an administrative building with an area of ​​430 m 2, which is for sale.

To open a hotel, it is necessary to buy the building, redesign and repair the internal premises and communications.

1.2. Marketing plan.

The cost of the rooms will be in the middle price segment, the price per room is 1,500-2,000 rubles, depending on the season. Guests will be provided with breakfast (the cost is included in the room price).

1.3. Personnel plan.

The hotel staff will consist of 9 people. 4 people per shift (administrator, 2 maids, 1 cook)

Starting from 2015, the plan included an annual indexation of wages by 10%.

2. Project implementation plan

2.1. Calendar plan

A business plan for opening a hotel involves monthly forecasting of project implementation broken down into stages. Let's consider them in the form of a convenient diagram.

Stage name 07/12 08/12 09/12 10/12 11/12 12/12 01/13
Company registration
Purchasing premises
Repair, redevelopment
Replacement of windows, doors
Purchase of furniture, TV, sanitary equipment, other equipment
Coordination of permission to open an activity (fire service, SES, others)
Start of activity

The start of construction of the plant is scheduled for February 2013, and therefore the hotel must be opened before this date.

2.2 Decoding the stages of opening

Stage name: Who will do:
Company registration On one's own
Purchasing premises On one's own
Repair, redevelopment The renovation and redevelopment of the premises will be carried out by a construction company. The company will be selected through an auction.
Replacement of windows, doors
Installation of ventilation, air conditioning, fire extinguishing systems The work will be carried out by a special company. The selection will be made through an auction
Purchase of furniture, TV, sanitary equipment0 equipment On one's own
Coordination of permission to open an activity (fire service, SES, etc.) The coordination of all permitting documents for opening a hotel will be dealt with by a specialized company with experience in these matters.
Recruitment On one's own
Advertising On one's own

2.3. General cost estimate for project implementation

To open a mini-hotel with 15 rooms, an investment of 15 million rubles is required.

Project investment schedule

Investment distribution schedule:

3. Calculations and forecast of economic indicators

Planned performance indicators of the enterprise for 2013-2020

3.1. Planned revenue and profit

Revenue is planned based on a room rate of 1,800 rubles per day and a 65% occupancy rate. Starting from 2015, the plan included an annual increase in room rates by 10%.

3.2. Expenses

Below is a graph of hotel expenses, so the largest share (25%) is occupied by expenses for employee salaries, the share of other expenses is less than 10%. The net profitability of hotel activities is 25-35%.

4. Calculation of project payback

  • Project start date: July 2012
  • Hotel opening: January 2013
  • Reaching operational break-even: March 2013
  • Full payback of the project: December 2019
  • Project payback period: 84 months.
  • Return on investment: 14,29% per annum.


If you need a detailed business plan with calculations, then check out the offer from BiPlan Conslating. There are 2 versions available: paid and free, the paid version contains all the necessary calculations for obtaining a loan and subsidy. .

Construction of frame hotels according to projects by the Prestige-Karkas company in the Krasnodar Territory and the Southern Federal District.


Price Area

Construction of frame hotels in the Krasnodar region

In practice this happens quite often. Even more so in our coastal cities and resort villages. With the onset of the high season, millions of Russians and guests from near and far abroad flock to the Black and Azov Seas for treatment and recreation. All of them need a roof over their heads during vacations or student or school holidays. This is where it’s time for wealthy people who have moved to the south for permanent residence to think about whether they could build a private hotel next door with their own frame house for the family using the same method and from the same material and start a resort business?! Well, the idea is quite sound and, given sufficient funds, quite feasible. Moreover, in the off-season the hotel is unlikely to be empty; we have many people who want to rent housing for several months. We thought and moved from words to action. The company that built a frame house for your family will be happy to build you a private hotel in a short time. She even has relevant projects in stock for this occasion. If you want, here’s a one-story hotel, but if you have substantial funds, you can go for a two-story one!

There are projects for different sizes of hotel facades and residential premises. For example, the facade is 87.48 sq.m. with a residential area of ​​75.2 sq.m., and the project is designated with the letters and numbers KN-1. The hotel will also have a deluxe room of superior comfort and, accordingly, a higher price, and several rooms for two or three guests, but also profitable. At the hotel, you can equip a common blacksmith shop, and right there in the courtyard there is a shower stall so that, upon returning from the sea, guests can refresh themselves and wash off the salty coating of the waves from their bodies.

As with the construction of a frame house, the construction of a frame hotel will bring you direct benefits - low price of materials, high quality of panels and parts, ninety percent factory-made, accelerated pace of assembly and frame (wooden or metal) and the entire structure in general. But that's not all. Reliable operation will be guaranteed to you under any climatic conditions. You will not have problems with the strength of the structure and the sound insulation system. At the same time, the hotel premises will be environmentally friendly, earthquake-resistant and durable. Well, taking into account the high demand and supply, you will recoup the costs of building a private hotel in a few years, and then you will begin to receive a solid profit and, of course, direct part of it to expand your business, which will increase the wealth of your family and your personal well-being. We can only add to what has been said - firms, of course, have already drawn up projects for facades and the residential sector of hotels, but if you are rich in imagination and have your own project matured in your head and in the drawings, the company’s specialists will check it, analyze it, recalculate it and help it will come true, because the customer’s word is law for them!