It is necessary to open it to them. Individual entrepreneurship is the key to stability and prosperity

The first question that interests all future entrepreneurs is how much it costs to open an individual entrepreneur. In the case of self-registration of an individual entrepreneur, the cost will be equal to the amount of the state duty - 800 rubles. Self-registration An individual entrepreneur is not anything complicated and at the same time allows you to save up to 8,000 rubles on fees for lawyers and notary services. depending on the region.

The second question is what documents are required to open an individual entrepreneur. Here, too, everything is extremely simple; to register an individual entrepreneur, all you need is a passport and TIN, if available. Registration of individual entrepreneurs is carried out only at the place of registration of the individual. persons (registration in passport), and an individual entrepreneur can conduct his activities throughout the territory of Russia.

The third question is how long it will take to open an individual entrepreneur. The registration period for individual entrepreneurs is established by law and is equal to 3 working days. After receiving documents confirming the registration of an individual entrepreneur, you can immediately begin work.

The final fourth question is what to do after registering an individual entrepreneur and what taxes the individual entrepreneur pays. The entire procedure for opening an individual entrepreneur on your own for free, as well as the sequence of actions after opening an individual entrepreneur, is presented in our complete step-by-step instructions for opening an individual entrepreneur in 2019.

How to open an individual entrepreneur step by step instructions 2019

Step 1. Prepare application P21001 to open an individual entrepreneur

Currently, online services for preparing documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs are gaining popularity. Their main advantage, in addition to speed and convenience, is correct filling applications for state registration of an individual as individual entrepreneur in form P21001, an error in which may result in refusal to register an individual entrepreneur. You enter the necessary data directly through the site pages and at the exit you receive ready for printing and filing on state registration IP documents.

One of these services was implemented by our partner - Online service for preparing documents for individual entrepreneur registration in 15 minutes. The service is provided free of charge.

Even if you have not yet decided on opening an individual entrepreneur, you can prepare documents using the service right now, and in the future submit them for state registration at a time convenient for you.

You can also fill out an application for opening an individual entrepreneur yourself. To do this, you need to download the form P21001 application for state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur, approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/25@.

Please approach the issue of filling out this application with full responsibility, because new form P21001 is machine-readable, which means that any deviation from the standard may result in a refusal to register an individual entrepreneur. In case of refusal, you will have to fill out and submit the application again, and also pay the state fee of 800 rubles again.

Attention! When specifying the code of the subject of the Russian Federation 77 (Moscow) or 78 (St. Petersburg), clause 6.4. The city is not filling up.

The choice of OKVED should be approached carefully, choosing the OKVED code that corresponds specifically to your field of activity, so that in further work there will be no questions or complaints from regulatory agencies. First familiarize yourself with the types of activities prohibited for individual entrepreneurs.

Attention! One code must contain at least 4 digital characters. Additional codes are entered line by line from left to right.

4. On Sheet B of the application we indicate the procedure for issuing documents and a contact telephone number. Fields Full name and the applicant's signature are filled out only by hand in black ink in the presence of a tax inspector when submitting an application for state registration. You do not need to have your signature certified by a notary when submitting documents for individual entrepreneur registration in person.

Attention! We print out the completed application P21001 in one copy. Double-sided printing of the application is prohibited. The completed application sheets do not need to be stapled or stapled.

If you have any difficulties filling out the application form P21001 or you are afraid of making a mistake and being refused, we advise you to use the free online service for preparing documents for individual entrepreneur registration provided by our partner.

Step 2. Select an individual entrepreneur tax system

You need to decide on the taxation system before submitting an application to open an individual entrepreneur, since the regime will be applied from the date of registration of the individual entrepreneur. Notification of the future taxation regime can be submitted immediately with an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur.

The best option for beginner entrepreneurs is one of two types simplified system taxation (USN):

Income (STS 6%)- 6% is paid on the entire amount of income, while expenses are not taken into account at all and do not affect the amount of tax.

Income reduced by the amount of expenses (STS 15%)- tax is paid on the difference in income and documented expenses. The rate is 15%, but in the regions of power for different types activities, it may be reduced (the rate should be checked in the regional law).

You can read about the patent taxation system (PTS) in the article - IP Patent. There is also a UTII regime (single tax on imputed income), but an application to switch to UTII is submitted only when you actually begin to carry out “imputed” activities. When registering an individual entrepreneur, such an application is not submitted. If you plan to choose UTII or PSN, it is still recommended to submit an application for the simplified tax system. Read more about the simplified taxation system in the article - All about the simplified tax system.

Step 3. Pay the state fee for opening an individual entrepreneur

The state fee for opening an individual entrepreneur is 800 rubles. To generate a receipt for payment of state duty, use the Federal Tax Service “Payment of state duty” service. Tax details are entered automatically when the state fee is generated in accordance with the address you entered. After generating the receipt, all you have to do is print it and pay it at any bank without commission. The service also allows you to make non-cash electronic payments with the help of Federal Tax Service partner banks, thus eliminating a trip to the bank.

Step 4. Check the package of documents for opening an individual entrepreneur and take it to the tax office

You must have an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur (one copy), a notice of transition to the simplified tax system (two copies), an original receipt for payment of the state duty, a passport with a photocopy of it. At the Federal Tax Service, in the presence of a tax inspector, fill out the Full Name field with a pen and black ink. and place the applicant’s signature on Sheet B of application P21001. As a result, the inspector will issue you a receipt for the documents submitted by the applicant to the registration authority.

You can find out the address, work schedule and telephone numbers of the tax office at your place of registration using the “” service.

You can track the state of readiness of documents using the service “Information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in respect of which documents for state registration have been submitted.”

Step 5. Take documents confirming the opening of an individual entrepreneur from the regulatory authorities

After 3 working days, documents on registration of individual entrepreneurs (provided that the documents submitted for registration are completed correctly) will be ready.

To receive them, you must have a passport and a receipt for receipt of documents with you (issued by an inspector of the Federal Tax Service when submitting documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur);

Upon successful registration of an individual entrepreneur, you will be given the following documents:

Certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur with the specified OGRNIP number (main state registration number individual entrepreneur);

Certificate of registration - a document confirming the assignment of a TIN (taxpayer identification number). It indicates the Federal Tax Service to which you will need to report, your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and the date of registration;

Single record sheet state register individual entrepreneurs (USRIP entry sheet).

The application of the simplified tax system will be confirmed by the second copy of the notification (you submit two copies when registering an individual entrepreneur; one with a tax mark remains with you). If necessary, you can additionally request an information letter from the Federal Tax Service about application of the simplified tax system. It is sometimes required by counterparties to confirm the application of the simplified taxation system.

Step 6. Wait for a response from the Pension Fund regarding the registration of individual entrepreneurs

After registering an individual entrepreneur, the information is automatically transferred to the Pension Fund, where the entrepreneur is also registered. This is necessary to pay fixed individual entrepreneur contributions. You will receive registration documents by mail to your registration address. If you do not receive a response from the fund within a month, you should contact the Pension Fund (in person or by phone). You may need to come to the Pension Fund to obtain documents.

You will need to take with you:

A copy and original of the Individual Entrepreneur Registration Certificate (the document where the OGRNIP number is indicated);

A copy and original of the USRIP entry sheet.

An individual entrepreneur without employees is not registered with the Social Insurance Fund.

Step 7. Obtain IP statistics codes

A notification (letter) about the assignment of statistics codes is issued by Rosstat. The document is for informational purposes only and is not required to be received. But, in it, among other codes, an important code is indicated - OKPO, which is needed when preparing reports. In addition, some banks still require notification of codes when opening a current account. Therefore, it is better to have this document in hand. You can receive and print a notification with statistics codes yourself on the website or by contacting your Rosstat branch.

Step 8. Make an IP stamp

The use of seals is gradually being phased out and individual entrepreneurs are not required to have one. However, in some cases a seal is still required (for example, when issuing a power of attorney to the court). In addition, business customs still retain the memory of seals. Counterparties will trust and believe your documents more if they are stamped. Therefore, we recommend making an IP stamp. There are no requirements for the stamp; stamp manufacturers usually have ready-made forms and sample prints. In the future, you can use your stamp as needed.

Step 11. Decide whether you will have employees

If an individual entrepreneur will hire employees (under an employment or civil contract), then it is necessary to separately register as an employer with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund. It is not necessary to do this directly when registering an individual entrepreneur. When the need for workers arises, before concluding the first contract with an individual. an individual entrepreneur must go through the registration procedure as an employer with the Pension Fund of Russia and the Social Insurance Fund. Registration as an employer and the presence of employees will require you to submit additional reports to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund.

Step 12. Send a notification about the activities of the individual entrepreneur

The commencement of certain activities must be notified. The notification is submitted not upon the fact of indicating the OKVED code in the application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, but when you actually begin to carry out the corresponding type of activity.

The notification is submitted by individual entrepreneurs working in the field retail, provision of transport services and services to the population (individuals). Full list specific types activities that need to be notified are contained in Appendix No. 1 to the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2009 No. 584.

Step 13. Choose where to keep documents and how to submit individual entrepreneur reports

You should keep records of your activities from day one. The book of accounting for income and expenses is maintained according to established rules; transactions performed, income and expenses should be recorded from the very beginning. And the first payment to the budget (for optimal taxation) must be made at the end of the current quarter.

The options may be the following:

Hire an accountant;

Understand everything yourself, keep accounting in Excel, and submit reports personally to the Federal Tax Service or send by mail;

Leave your comments and suggestions for improving this article in the comments.

You are on a website entirely dedicated to the activities of individual entrepreneurs (IP) in Russia. This is a universal reference book. You can find comprehensive answers to the following questions here:

  • How to independently open (create, formalize, register or undergo state registration) an individual entrepreneur (IP);
  • How to start a commercial activity;
  • Register with the tax inspectorate, statistical authorities, extra-budgetary funds;
  • How to open a bank account and obtain a license or certificate for your activities;
  • How to work for cash register equipment and maintain personnel document flow;
  • How to keep records of income and expenses and which tax regime to choose;
  • How to correctly fill out documents for the tax office and more.

You will find answers to all these and other questions on our resource. The information will be useful to all individuals who decide to conduct business as an individual entrepreneur.

At the moment, to open an individual entrepreneur, you need to collect a certain list of documents (more about them below) and decide exactly how they will be transferred to the tax office. There are several ways:

    1. Personally
      a. Go directly to the inspection - on your own or use the help of a representative who must have a power of attorney;
      b.Go to Multifunctional Center- independently or use the help of a representative who must have a power of attorney;
    2. Remotely
      a.Send documents by mail with a description of the contents and declared value;
      b. IN in electronic format(how to do it: ).

Before registration.

1. Before opening a private enterprise, you need decide on the tax regime . Therefore, we recommend that you read the following article:

When filling out an application for registration of individual entrepreneurs, it is necessary to indicate the types economic activity which the entrepreneur will deal with. All activities are grouped into categories. All of them can be viewed at All-Russian classifier types of economic activities. OKVED codes can be found in or.
Try to cover as wide a field of activity as possible and indicate the maximum number of codes. Why immediately cover the niche as much as possible?
The fact is that if you have already registered, then you can add, remove OKVED codes, but this is a very troublesome task that will waste your time. In addition, you will need to obtain a second extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. And it’s already paid.
Further, types of economic activity contain such concepts as: main and additional . There can be one main type, and when filling out an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, it is placed first. Additional types There can be any number of activities. We do not recommend choose an OKVED code of 5 digits, because if you select a 4-digit code, it automatically includes all subcodes. In fact, you can carry out or not carry out any activity you like, the main thing is that the content of the agreement corresponds to the activity codes. If the code is not in constituent documents, then it must be added within three business days. If you are afraid of additional reporting or liability for extra codes, then there is none.

Attention! If your activity is related to OKVED codes that begin with 80, 85, 92, 93, then you may be required to provide a police certificate stating that you have no criminal record.

3. Necessary pay the government duty . () The amount is 800 rubles (you can pay at any Sberbank branch). Don't forget to keep your payment receipt, you will need it.

How much does it cost to open/register an individual entrepreneur?

Your costs associated with registering an individual entrepreneur will consist of the following payments:

  • State duty – 800 rubles;
  • Printing – 300 rub. (maximum 500 rubles, but this is not necessary, since an individual entrepreneur can work without a seal);
  • Opening a current account – from 1000 rubles (also an optional item);
  • Certification of signatures and copies of documents when opening an account RUB 300-800. (if the account has not been opened, then there will be no spending);
  • Intermediary services - 1000-3000 rubles. (using the services is optional);
  • Purchase and registration of a cash register (optional) – from 15,000 rubles.

It turns out that you can keep it to 800 rubles. But if we open an account and certify the signature, then we can meet the minimum wage of 2,100 rubles. But here you can save money and find a bank with free opening.

How long does it take to open a sole proprietorship?

  • Collect documents and fill out an application for registration – 1 day;
  • The process of registering an individual entrepreneur with the tax office takes 5 working days;
  • If you do not have a TIN, registration will take 10 days.

Do I need a TIN to register an individual entrepreneur?

To register individual As an individual entrepreneur, you must include your TIN in your application. If it is not there, then when collecting the package of documents for opening an individual entrepreneur, you need to add an application for obtaining a TIN.
Thus, the tax office will first register you by assigning a TIN, and then will carry out the registration procedure as an entrepreneur. Therefore, the time required to register an individual entrepreneur doubles.
Download a sample of filling out an application for TIN.

What does an individual entrepreneur not need or advantages over a legal entity?

  • It is not required to have a legal address;
  • It is not required to have Authorized Capital;
  • The individual entrepreneur freely disposes of the proceeds, i.e. all funds received from the implementation of its entrepreneurial activity.
  • No hired staff required. You can work without him, or you can hire him.
  • The very minimum number of inspections by control authorities.
  • A simple and fairly quick scheme for registering and closing an individual entrepreneur.

To answer the questions as fully as possible: “How to register an individual entrepreneur?” and “What is needed to open an individual entrepreneur?” We recommend that you visit the appropriate section and familiarize yourself with the necessary information. In it you will find all the necessary information for state registration of an individual entrepreneur step by step. Everything will be given Required documents for downloading, examples of how to fill them out, and for those with a powerful Internet, you can watch the video instructions.
In the section you can familiarize yourself with the necessary documents for registration in each extra-budgetary fund, which you will receive as a result. In addition, useful links are provided where you can find the coordinates of the nearest branch to you.
If you need a seal or still doubt it, you can visit the section:. It touches on all the pros and cons of printing for individual entrepreneurs, its types, how and at what price you can purchase it.
All the basic questions about . Be careful that you no longer need to notify the tax authority about opening an account.
If you still need cash register equipment to run your business, then you will find all the comprehensive information about registration, use, reporting and liability issues. All necessary sample documents are also included.

There are also interesting, simple and step by step video about how to quickly carry out state registration. It is worth noting that according to the new law, There is no need to report the opening of a personal account to the tax office .

Wanting to start a business and engage in entrepreneurial activity, the founder of a small or medium-sized business is faced with an inevitable procedure documentation your company. Complete and detailed information on how to register an individual entrepreneur, what papers to prepare and where to submit, is absolutely necessary for correct and timely registration.

According to the law Russian Federation, individual entrepreneurship (IP) is a type of economic activity in which the subject is an individual. The staff of his company may consist of one person (founder and manager) or include several employees.

Preparatory stage: once again weigh the pros and cons

The decision to register is a responsible step. After its implementation, the entrepreneur will not be able to “reverse”, since at this moment it begins economic activity. By this time, the founder of the company is obliged to make a list of his economic goals, develop a strategy for future activities, that is, have a real business plan in hand. In the process of collecting information on how to correctly register an individual entrepreneur, as well as when studying various legal aspects In all activities, the entrepreneur should pay attention to his responsibility to the state. It consists of timely submission of reports, mandatory deduction of certain amounts to the budget and payment of taxes.

Is it worth registering as an individual entrepreneur?

It is no secret that many entrepreneurs may try to run their business in the so-called shadow sector. This means that they do not have any permits to carry out their activities, do not reflect the income they receive in any way and do not pay taxes. The reason is the fear that you will have to collect a package of documents and interact with government agencies, as well as the desire to reduce your expenses.

In contrast to dubious savings, several arguments can be made in favor of a legitimate business:

  • The entire period during which a person is engaged in entrepreneurial activity is taken into account when calculating the pension period.
  • There is no need to hide from representatives of the law or conceal your source of income.
  • The procedure for obtaining visas to some countries may be simplified.
  • The range of opportunities and business contacts is significantly increasing, since many company owners prefer to cooperate only with individual entrepreneurs or legal entities.
  • It becomes possible to make non-cash payments.

Thus, we can conclude that any growth and development of a company involves searching for information on how to register an individual entrepreneur independently or through the mediation of special companies.

How are intermediaries useful?

In the case when future entrepreneur well versed in bureaucratic intricacies domestic legislation and is able to understand numerous certificates, statements and reports, he may well take care of the registration of his activities himself.

For the rest, those who have no idea how to register an individual entrepreneur on their own, the services of intermediary organizations are available.

Their employees will readily help you collect the necessary documents, make a seal, open a bank account, and also tell you which government agency you should contact at what stage.

Of course, their work requires appropriate payment.

How to register an individual entrepreneur: step-by-step instructions in general terms

Knowledge of the procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur and the sequence of actions is necessary for both categories of citizens: those who carry out the procedure themselves, and those who turn to intermediaries.

All actions can be divided into several stages:

Today, there are several taxation options for individual entrepreneurs. You should decide on the choice of system before registering an individual entrepreneur.

The differences between the types are related to the type of activity of the entrepreneur and the amount of his planned profit.

Types of taxation and their characteristics: general system

This is the name given to the system that is used by default. That is, it comes into force when no other is selected. Its main condition is mandatory control of financial transactions, as well as quarterly reporting (submitted to the tax inspector).

Before registering as an individual entrepreneur and choosing common system, you should find out that the entrepreneur will be forced to deduct 20% of the profit (the difference between income and expenses).

Also on the list of mandatory deductions are:

  • Property tax. It is paid when the organization owns any equipment, real estate or machinery.
  • Value added tax. Its size is 18% of the amount of goods sold or services provided.

The amount of deductions depends on the size of the business. It is paid every quarter.

Interestingly, an entrepreneur is not required to use cash machine to record transactions carried out in cash.

Patents and the patent system

Only some entrepreneurs are eligible for taxation under this system. The patent is relevant for companies with a small staff (up to 5 people) and an annual income of up to 60 million rubles.

Usage cash register equipment also optional. An entrepreneur does not have to submit reports, he does not need to visit a tax inspector often, he just needs to pay for a patent (valid from one month to a year) and correctly keep records of income in a special book.

Code selection procedure

Each type of business activity corresponds to a specific individual code, which is indicated in the all-Russian classifier.

This document lists all the main industries and areas: food industry, Agriculture, different kinds trade and construction.

By indicating the selected code when registering an individual entrepreneur, the entrepreneur determines which taxation system will be applied to him.

When thinking about how best to register an individual entrepreneur and selecting a code, you should use only the new classification (compiled in 2014). Additionally, the structure of this document may be subject to change, so you should pay close attention to any updates.

What documents will be needed for registration?

The package that is served in tax office, should include:

  • Passport or a copy of it if registration is carried out by mail.
  • A receipt certifying payment of the state fee.
  • A copy of the identification code.
  • Application with a request to open an individual entrepreneur (in the case when the package is sent by mail, the application must be certified by a notary).
  • A document notifying which taxation system has been chosen by the entrepreneur.

The collected papers are submitted to the tax office branch at the place of registration or sent by mail. One day after receipt, the entrepreneur becomes the owner of a registration certificate, taxpayer identification number and an extract from the unified state register.

After this, information about the individual entrepreneur is automatically sent to the Pension Fund.

Current account and printing

Even before drawing up an agreement with an individual entrepreneur for the purchase or sale of goods, provision of services or other type of cooperation, many companies and firms are interested in the possibility of conducting financial transactions by bank transfer.

Often, the lack of an official account with an individual entrepreneur becomes an obstacle to making the most profitable transactions. Therefore, those entrepreneurs who are determined to receive large contracts and orders immediately after registration apply to Rosstat for OKVED statistics codes.

A day after submitting a receipt for payment for the services of this state body, a copy of the identification code and documents received upon registration with the tax office, the entrepreneur receives the necessary codes in duplicate, as well as a letter certifying registration. Now you can open a current account, which will need to be notified to the tax inspectorate and pension fund.

A stamp, like a bank account, is not a mandatory requirement for individual entrepreneurs. However, with this attribute, the status of the company increases significantly and the possibility of promising cooperation with other organizations appears.

A seal is also needed to fill out work books for employees. If the head of a small company needs information on how to register an employee as an individual entrepreneur, he should contact Labor Code and other administrative documents.

When hiring the first employee, the entrepreneur will have to comply with several mandatory rules and register as an employer (pension and social insurance funds).

In the future, the hiring procedure will practically not differ from standard employment.

Before planning an expansion of staff, the head of a small business should find out about the existing restrictions:

  • Working according to a simplified system, the owner of a company can hire no more than one hundred people.
  • For a taxation system that provides for a single tax, the limit is the same (up to one hundred employees).
  • Individual entrepreneurs who have paid for the patent can hire up to five workers.

It must be taken into account that we're talking about on the average number of employees. Therefore, if an entrepreneur has two employees and the shift of each of them is half a working day, then the timesheet indicators will be equal to the productivity of one person.

Knowledge of the rules and regulations governing the provisions of the law on how to register an individual entrepreneur for the work of performers and assistants will help to avoid fines and other penalties.

If you are going to register as an individual entrepreneur, you will need to understand all the issues related to this. You must know how and where to register an individual entrepreneur, how to prepare documentation, and how to act in the event of unforeseen situations related to obtaining the opportunity to conduct business.

The procedure for registering individual entrepreneurs

If you already know how and where to register an individual entrepreneur, then you are probably aware that you will need to prepare all the necessary documents:

  • photocopied pages of your passport;
  • supporting documents in the amount of 800 rubles;
  • a statement indicating the tax form you would like to use during your employment.

The first and most main document– application filled out in form P21001. With the help of this paper you will be able to register as an entrepreneur. Several years ago, the procedure for filling it out was adjusted for the convenience of novice businessmen, so it will be easy to do.

If you already know how to correctly register an individual entrepreneur, remember that all documents that you submit to tax service, must be relevant. Replacement of all documentation, if necessary, should be carried out approximately 1.5-2 months before the opening of the individual entrepreneur. The application must contain information about the place and date of your birth, place of registration, as well as your Taxpayer Identification Number.

In the application, two additional sheets must be filled out: in the first, you will need to indicate what exactly you plan to do as an individual entrepreneur. Codes from a special classifier are indicated here. You should also fill out the second sheet and then photocopy it. After this, you need to flash the application; you do not need to include the second sheet (sheet B) in the general package. All documents must be accompanied by a receipt indicating that you have paid the state fee.

Where exactly should I submit my documents?

Every aspiring businessman faces the question: where is registration of individual entrepreneurs carried out? The answer is simple - at the tax office at your place of registration. If you do not live in the place where you are registered, you can register as an individual entrepreneur at your place of actual residence by providing confirmation.

You can contact the tax office before registration - most often this is necessary in order to obtain information about the actual registration process. In addition, this is where you can consult with specialists involved in preparing documents for opening an individual entrepreneur.

Registration and taxation systems

Now you know where you can register an individual entrepreneur, but before submitting documents you need to decide which one you are going to continue working on. There are several options by which you can carry out business activities.

For those who have not previously run their own business, but are ready to make every effort to do so, a simplified taxation system is perfect, which will allow them to save a large number of funds and keep documentation of your labor activity using easy and simple to understand algorithms.

With this tax system, you can deduct 6% of your income or 15% of the amount that remains after deducting expenses from your income. billing period income. The first option can be used by entrepreneurs who specialize in providing services (service firms), the second is suitable for those who intend to supply certain goods (groceries, clothing).

The mechanism of how to register an individual entrepreneur may seem quite complicated, but anyone can figure it out. If you have chosen the simplified tax system, you must submit a statement of your choice in two copies. If you choose a different tax system, you can change it once every 12 months - this is possible after a month after registration.

Each copy must be signed by an employee of the Federal Tax Service, after which the first set is provided to the organization, and the second remains in your hands.

Opening and registration of individual entrepreneurs

Now you know where to register as an individual entrepreneur. After all the necessary documents have been prepared, you can submit them to the Federal Tax Service. When going to the institution, you must have your passport with you. Do not forget to check your details with those indicated at the tax office stands.

Recently, you no longer need to have your signature certified by a notary. Thus, government agencies were able to significantly facilitate the existence of individual entrepreneurs. It is recommended to pay the state duty only at the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation. After submitting the documents, you need to wait 5 working days, after which you will be given:

  • USRIP record sheet;
  • official papers notifying you of registration with the Pension Fund and the Federal Tax Service;
  • certificate of assignment of special codes and registration with compulsory medical insurance;

If you represent someone's interests in the tax office, you need to know how to register an individual entrepreneur. For registration, you must prepare a similar package of documents. It must also be accompanied by a power of attorney stating that the person who plans to become an individual entrepreneur trusts you to represent his own interests in all relevant organizations.

Despite the fact that you know the place of registration of an individual entrepreneur, the registration process does not end with a visit to the tax office. It is very important to register yourself as an entrepreneur in a timely manner. additional organizations(PFR, FSS, Rospotrebnadzor, etc.), otherwise you will have to pay a fairly impressive fine, the amount of which can amount to 30 thousand rubles.

Registration process in other organizations

Many people will ask, is it necessary to register an individual entrepreneur? Answer in in this case one – necessarily, there are many reasons for this.

  1. Firstly, illegal business activities on the territory of Russia are prohibited and prosecuted by law.
  2. Secondly, few people will want to deal with an organization that is represented by an ordinary individual.
  3. Thirdly, you may have difficulties with translation Money, All financial operations will raise questions from regulatory authorities.

When registering as an individual entrepreneur, you automatically register yourself as a businessman with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Despite the simple registration, it is advisable to know where exactly you can turn if difficulties arise. From time to time you will need to make contributions to these structures; their amount is individual in each case.

Contributions are calculated based on the number of employees who work for you. If you hire someone to work for you, you will need to register yourself as a businessman and make contributions for employees in each reporting period. After registration, you will receive notification at the address specified in the documents submitted upon registration.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs, when clarifying the question of how to open and register an individual entrepreneur, are interested in opening a special current account. If you decide to open it, you will have to notify the relevant authorities, in particular the Pension Fund. You will need to provide the fund with two copies of the notice. A specialist from the organization must certify them, after which one of them will remain with you.

Also necessary. Maximum term registration is 10 days from the date of signing the contract with the employees you hire. If you fail to do this on time, you may be subject to a fairly large fine, ranging from 5 to 100 thousand rubles.

Reasons for refusal

You need to know how to open an individual entrepreneur correctly, otherwise... Even if you have prepared all the documents correctly and are rejected, do not be upset. You have every right to receive information about the reasons for the refusal. To do this, you need to contact the tax office with the relevant questions. After the reasons have been announced, you have the right to apply for registration of an individual entrepreneur. You may not be registered again only by a court decision.

You may not be registered as an individual entrepreneur if:

  • not all provided required documentation or it is provided incorrectly;
  • The individual entrepreneur has already been registered;
  • you have a criminal record;
  • you went bankrupt as a sole proprietor less than a year ago.

Selected moments

If you were previously registered as an individual entrepreneur and intend to open a branch in another locality, the local Federal Tax Service is obliged to do this. You don’t have to contact the Federal Migration Service of that region if you work under the simplified tax system. If you operate under UTII, the tax authority will have to notify the registration of the branch immediately after the start of its work.

You already know where to open an individual entrepreneur, but you do not have the right to make entries in your own work book. Officially, you are not considered an employee of your company, but you can change your this situation. Seniority for an individual entrepreneur it is calculated from the moment of commencement of activity.

You have every right to register a trademark for your business activity and use it in your future work. Registration is carried out with the help of regulatory authorities. They subsequently monitor the situation and prohibit third parties from using your sign.