Equipment for receiving scrap metal. New business ideas

No matter how funny it may sound, the scrap metal business brings good money. It just needs to be organized correctly. And, for starters, you need to open a special point for accepting scrap metal.

It's not as simple as it seems at first glance. But this business is very promising, because the raw materials for it are practically inexhaustible. Of course, you will have to invest, and a lot. It will cost you about 750,000 rubles, but you will recoup it in just six months.

To get started, purchase a scale to weigh entire tons of metal. Regular scales with weights won't hurt either. You will use them to weigh non-ferrous metal and some additional materials. The scale will cost you approximately $300 to $600.

There was stagnation, prices fell sharply all over the world. Demand for ferrous metals fell by 50%. The domestic market is still functioning more or less, but exports are almost non-existent. The situation is different with non-ferrous metals. Prices are rising here, and the government even provides benefits, for example, reducing or even sometimes canceling export duties.

But don’t worry about prices, the crisis in this area receded a year ago. Now prices have returned to the level they were at before the crisis. And, naturally, businessmen are very happy about this fact.

Entrepreneurs are returning to this area of ​​the market again. They are trying to introduce some new ideas that they developed while the business was in decline. Although, according to some, the point is not that the crisis has passed, but that the construction season has begun. But you need to believe in the best. The crisis has greatly affected this market, but its prospects are very good.

Next step:

Nowadays, a business based on aluminum cans is relevant. The fact is that now quite expensive products are made from aluminum scrap, not like before. So we advise you to pay attention to this market.

And, despite the fact that it brings good income, it also has a simple structure. What does this require?

First, you need to purchase special containers designed for these cans. Next, place them in special places, or at the plant sorter. Then you just need to sort and pack the collected cans. And you can take them to special enterprises. For this you will receive a 20% margin, which is an excellent result.

What will it take to start a business?

Well, at least the place where you will work. Next, the press with which you will package lightweight scrap. We advise you to be more careful when choosing a press. As well as choosing everything you need for your business. You will also need a small laboratory where you will test the metal. It won't be possible to do without it.

After that, start training your staff. If you want a good business, be responsible about the qualifications of your employees. The more experienced and informed they are, the higher will be both the speed of work and the quality of the product. Therefore, do not neglect this circumstance.

And finally, equipment. You must remember that this will require a very large investment of money. You'll have to buy a couple of dump trucks, a loader and don't forget about special scales. Without all this, the business will not work fully, and you will not make a profit.

After collecting scrap non-ferrous metals, a pressing question arises - where to take it?

Today, in every city there are a lot of collection points for non-ferrous metals, from reputable large organizations to reseller firms.

The cost at each point is different, so before you hand over non-ferrous metal for scrap, it is important find the best option for implementation to extract great benefit.

Buying scrap non-ferrous metals to a collection point has its own characteristics and nuances that distinguish this process from.

The procedure for accepting non-ferrous scrap is established at the legislative level. Everyone who carries out activities related to the purchase and resale of secondary metal raw materials is required to comply with it.

Non-ferrous metals are accepted for scrap metal sequentially.

  1. Definition type of non-ferrous scrap - the inspectors directly determine the metal itself (aluminum, bronze, stainless steel, zinc) using. This is an important stage that allows you to sort the entire batch of scrap according to the names of non-ferrous metals, because each type has an individual price.
  2. Grade quality - the next step to determine the degree of contamination. The presence of rust and non-metallic elements (wood, plastic, glass, ferrous metal impurities) is determined visually by the inspectors. If the percentage of contamination is higher than 20-30%, the price of nonferrous metals decreases.
  3. Weighing- a necessary stage. Scrap metal is weighed on scales at the collection point, and the net weight is taken into account (net weight without impurities and litter, containers, vehicles, third-party metals in the alloy).
  4. Calculation - The receiver carries it out based on the cost per kg, quality and net weight.

In the process of receiving scrap non-ferrous metals, a acceptance certificate, act of registration scrap metal Documents are registered in the Book of Acceptance and Delivery Acts.

After handing over the batch to the receiver, the scrap is checked for:

  • explosion safety;
  • absence of harmful radiation.

After transferring money (from mandatory issuance of a receipt to the person who handed over the metal) the batch of scrap becomes the property of the collection point and is subject to either resale, or recycling(melting).

Admission rules

Order , by which the clause accepts non-ferrous scrap is more complex and involves more restrictions than.

The points have the right to accept non-ferrous metal scrap from the following: population categories:

  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • legal entities;
  • budgetary organizations;
  • individuals who have reached the age of 14-17 years, with written permission from their parents (persons replacing them) to conduct a transaction; under exception from this age categories includes persons who have reached 16 years of age and have been declared fully capable by a court decision.

Acceptance of non-ferrous metal is carried out only after submitting a written application, which must indicate:

  • personal data- Full name, series and number of passport (or other identity document), residential address;
  • information about the lot being delivered- description of scrap metal (briefly), a type of non-ferrous metal;
  • How did property rights arise? for non-ferrous scrap (disassembly of personal old equipment, etc.);
  • at the end it is put date and personal signature.

Along with the application, the person handing over scrap metal is required to present a passport or other document.

If the consignment is handed over by an individual entrepreneur or organization, the list of documents presented expands.

You will need:

  • Supporting documentation ( invoices, checks, receipts);
  • power of attorney, giving the right receive cash facilities from implementation;
  • power of attorney for non-ferrous scrap- if it is not the personal property of the deliverer;
  • write-off acts broken down equipment that is handed over for acceptance.

Checking scrap to be handed over for explosion safety and radiation control - the most important rules, which the deliverer cannot ignore.

Radiation safety testing is carried out even before unloading and assessing the quality of recyclable materials, right in the vehicle. If the ionizing radiation readings correspond to the standard, then an explosion safety test is carried out. If the scrap is safe and does not contain explosive impurities, workers at the collection point will issue the appropriate certificate.

Based on the results of such checks, a decision is made permission or refusal in the delivery of scrap metal.

How to sell non-ferrous metals with maximum profit

Distributors of recycled metal raw materials always want to receive the maximum monetary reward.

To do this you need:

  • collect information about all the nearest non-ferrous metal collection points;
  • compare prices;
  • analyze the situation as a whole.

Many people try to open their own collection point, but their activities are not always legal.

When handing over scrap metal, try to avoid illegal points that accept non-ferrous scrap metal without.

For information about the dangers of such items, watch this video:

In contact with

The peculiarity of this business is that everything happens the other way around. Usually someone provides a service and visitors pay for it. Here everything is different. We pay visitors to give what they have. At the same time, the metal has practically no constant value. It depends on many factors, including the type of metal itself, as well as the time of year when trading is carried out.

The first step is drawing up a special one. It is necessary to think through literally every detail. Most entrepreneurs try not to register their metal collection points. This becomes the first serious mistake. An enterprise without is a direct violation of the law and serious fines are imposed for this. Therefore, obtaining one also becomes one of the first steps in the procedure of starting your own business.

In large cities, obtaining one will not cause much trouble. And it takes very little time. Among the required documents it is worth noting:

  • Receipt to confirm payment of the license fee;
  • or documents confirming the availability of relevant qualifications;
  • Passports and other types of papers for purchased equipment.

The location where this point is located has virtually no significance. Things can go with the same results both on the outskirts and in the center. If you open on the territory of a village or village, then the income will be the least. But in large industrial cities the opposite is true, because metal is always highly valued there. Things work best in the ports.

How much investment will be required?

It is equally important to decide how much start-up capital you will need. Collecting scrap metal is also beneficial because it does not require a large amount of money. Two thousand dollars will be enough for the first time.

The payback period will depend on the activity of a particular city. In most cases, it is 1-3 months, but no more. It is not necessary to purchase equipment forever from the very beginning. You can use programs or purchase something that has already been used.

Typically, entrepreneurs are supported by the Ministry of Economic Development in Russia. It issues so-called grants that have different goals and objectives. For example, to create small enterprises in one field or another. Or to support those who create goods and services for export. On the official website of the department you can learn more about the content of the programs.

About managers and subordinates

For normal operation of the point, the following specialists with the appropriate qualifications will be required:

  • Those who are engaged in rational control of materials, explosion safety testing;
  • Pressers of the first category;
  • Reception controllers who received the second rank.

Each employee is registered according to. This means that you cannot do without insurance premiums accrued on.

Features of advertising

This type of activity will not require large advertising costs. It will be enough to hang up a sign informing about the scope of activity and advertisements that will tell you at what address the point operates.

Postcards with more detailed content can be sent to the mailboxes of nearby houses, which reveal all the information regarding the services provided. Fences, checkpoint areas at large manufacturing enterprises - this is where they need to be placed to achieve greater effect.

In any case, the most important factor remains the price at which scrap metal is accepted at a particular point. Visitors will even come from other areas if the cost is higher than average.

Deciding on the tax system

The choice for entrepreneurs is small, but even in this regard it is worth showing some attention to detail:

  1. Definitely not suitable for a scrap metal collection point. This type of system is applied only to those activities that require it, in accordance with the current Legislation. Scrap metal items are not included in the list established by the Government.
  2. The patent system is available only to those who receive the status, and provided that the purpose of processing scrap metal is to obtain secondary raw materials. Processing, according to the standards, is an activity that includes actions with metal such as crushing, pressing, cutting, and so on. The disadvantage of this option is that the patent must be paid in advance. Even if the entrepreneur does not yet know how convenient the solution will be. Simple sales of scrap metal without processing will not fall under this regime. This means that you will need to keep separate records, which leads to the appearance of additional ones.
  3. There is also a so-called general mode. But it is complicated due to the simultaneous presence of accounting and tax accounting. Each of these actions becomes a separate direction in the company's work. Payment and submission of reports is a requirement that must be met quarterly, sometimes monthly. The tax burden does not have a positive effect on a business that has just opened.
  4. The optimal solution would be the so-called. It allows you to choose between two tax options. If expenses are insignificant and do not affect the amount of tax, then only income can be taxed at a rate of 6%. But if expenses increase, the difference between income and expenses becomes the object of taxation. Then a rate of 15% is applied.

If the simplified tax system is used, accounting becomes as mandatory as under the general regime. But small businesses can opt for a simplified option. Tax documentation will also not go away, but it is not as serious as in the case of large companies.

How to organize personal payments with clients?

As a rule, cash is used when making payments to citizens. Therefore, not only an acceptance certificate is drawn up for scrap metal, but also. It is associated with every cash issue. At the same time, entrepreneurs have the right not to fill out expense and receipt orders. But in practice, these documents are often simply indispensable. For an LLC, it is mandatory to prepare cash documents in full.

The limit at the cash register needs to be canceled, for which the manager issues a corresponding one. But only small firms and entrepreneurs have the right to perform this action. Then the funds are simply and risk-free stored in the cash register, regardless of the amount. There is no need to take them to the bank. This allows you to save on the tariffs of such organizations.

And remember an important rule - illegal entrepreneurs must pay a fine of about 50 thousand rubles. The maximum it can reach is 100 thousand rubles.


I believe that opening any business, including this one, requires considerable knowledge and therefore, if questions arise, it makes sense to contact competent specialists rather than try to figure it out on your own.


I agree that at first this idea may seem strange on the one hand, and unprofitable on the other, but if you look closely at it, analyze all the nuances to the smallest detail, it turns out that this business is very attractive and very profitable. Metal almost literally lies under our feet, but not every person wants to make money from it, or, in extreme cases, simply does not know about this profitable business.

A scrap metal collection point can bring very good profits. This business is good because it will never fail, because metal in our days was, is and will be, and people who want to earn at least a penny will, albeit little by little, still bring scrap metal to the collection point. This project does not require large investments and can be undertaken by absolutely anyone, with absolutely any education.

What does it take to open a scrap metal collection point?
First, you need to find a premises where metal will be purchased from the population (you can accept metal at home in the garage, you can buy a premises for transporting metal, etc.). Secondly, you need to find a vehicle that will transport the metal to an organization for the purchase and processing of metals (if you don’t have personal transport, you can enter into an agreement with an organization involved in cargo transportation, or lease a car).

Thirdly, you will need scales (preferably electronic, as they will show the weight of the metal more accurately; two types of scales are needed - floor scales, for weighing ferrous metals, and wall-mounted scales, for weighing non-ferrous metals). You will also need metal scissors (or special metal cutters) and a press for baling scrap metal. Scissors and a press are not necessary conditions for opening a scrap metal collection point.

Fourthly, we need staff. Usually this is a truck driver, 3-4 loaders and an accountant (the one who weighs the metal).

Fifthly, you need to register your business, at least as an individual entrepreneur, but also as an LLC, the main thing is that there is state registration, otherwise there may be big problems with executive authorities.

Marketing system or how to attract clients!
Before opening a scrap metal collection point, you need to find suppliers who will sell you metal (this can be private entrepreneurs, any organizations or the general public). I agree that immediately after the opening of the collection point, mountains of metal will not be brought to you, but they will still deliver it. First you need to place advertisements on banners, newspapers and bulletin boards. Gradually, people will be drawn to you who are not averse to handing over metal to your enterprise.
You will have to prove yourself as an honest and high-quality entrepreneur (I know from my own experience that at almost any enterprise that buys scrap metal, entrepreneurs turn up the scales, that is, for example, you brought 1 ton of ferrous metal, but the scales will show that there is only 850 kilogram) and then not only the population, but also private entrepreneurs and organizations will flock to you.

Of course, this business will not immediately bring huge profits (this simply does not happen), because you need to start small, for example, buy metal from people by the kilogram, and then hand it over to a recycling center in wholesale quantities of ferrous and non-ferrous metal. And over time, you will receive many orders for receiving metals, and then the turning point comes when the business takes off.

Next, you will need to find companies that have agreed to buy scrap metal from you in bulk. Travel to various scrap metal purchasing organizations, look at the price, quality of service and choose what is right for your organization.

Where can I get the money and how much does it cost?
There is grant support for entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation! Don't miss your chance, if you really decide (after weighing all the pros and cons) to open a scrap metal collection point, then go ahead! If you look carefully, this business idea does not require large investments. Let's start with the premises. If you decide to rent a folding room, then it will cost you 20-30 thousand rubles per month (it seems to me that this is not too expensive).

Employee salaries will cost you 10-15 thousand rubles per month, which is also not that expensive. The most important condition: timely payment of wages is the key to successful work of staff.
Equipment, including a truck, scales and scissors will cost you about 100 thousand rubles.

Let's summarize.
to open a scrap metal collection point you will need approximately 120 -140 thousand rubles
Project payback.
One car trip can bring in income of about 15 thousand rubles.
Annual revenue can amount to a good round sum (depending on how much metal was sold). On average, this is 550-700 thousand rubles per year. That is, if the organization works properly, the payback for this project will be several months after the opening of a scrap metal collection point. The most important thing is to remember the competition and set a competitive price, taking into account the real cost of this product on the market.