Review of Cialis analogues. Cialis: analogues of Russian production and other cheap generics for men Analogue of Cialis for men in pharmacies name

About 30 years ago, the first drug to increase potency in men entered the pharmaceutical market, it was Viagra. Pfizer spent a lot of money on developing the drug and introducing it to the “masses”, so original tablets Viagra is still the most expensive among other representatives of this group of drugs. Around the beginning of the 2000s, the first analogues of Viagra were released - the drugs Cialis, Levitra. Their price was lower, but still remained quite high. Scientists have solved this problem - analogues of Cialis and Levitra were born, which were called generics.

A generic is essentially a substitute original drug(or another product) having the same properties and effect.

Initially, the active substance of the original Viagra was sildenafil, which belongs to the group of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors. But since the products were protected by a patent, other companies could not use this component. Therefore, it was decided to replace sildenafil with a substance similar in action and effectiveness.

This is how generic Cialis entered the market, the active component of which was similar to sildenafil, but cheaper tadalafil. A similar drug did not require serious clinical trials, did not need advertising or a patent; all this was done back in 1992 by Pfizer. This is what made it possible to significantly reduce the cost of the medicine.

A generic is a non-patented product that has been certified and has the same properties as the original drug, the only difference is that it is several times cheaper.

It was Viagra that became the progenitor of many drugs to increase potency; in fact, they are all its analogues. It should be noted that some generics even surpassed the original in the speed of onset and duration of preservation of erectile function.

Cialis or Viagra

Both drugs are intended to increase potency and improve erectile function in men and belong to the group of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors.

If we compare Cialis and Viagra, we get the following results:

  • Viagra– standard dosage of sildenafil is 50 mg. Application – 1 tablet 40-60 minutes before copulation. The duration of erectile function lasts for 4-5 hours. The drug can cause many side effects, the most common of them are facial hyperemia, shortness of breath, headache, change in color perception. The medicine should not be combined with alcohol; before use, it is not recommended to eat fatty, heavy foods;
  • Cialis– The recommended dosage of tadalafil is 20 mg. Application – 1 tablet 30-40 minutes before expected intercourse. The effect after taking the medicine (the ability to have full sexual intercourse) lasts for 36 hours. Cialis is less likely to cause facial hyperemia, all others side effects the frequency of occurrence is similar to Viagra. It should also be noted that this inexpensive analogue allowed to be combined with small doses of alcohol. In addition, the medicine is well absorbed regardless of the food consumed.

All PDE-5 inhibitor drugs are effective only if there is sexual arousal. Their task is to increase blood flow to the cavernous bodies of the penis, due to which an erection occurs, but they do not have any effect on the strength of libido.

The conclusion is that the effectiveness of Cialis is superior to that of Viagra, and the cost of the analogue drug is significantly lower than the original drug.

Cialis or Levitra

Levitra is a drug of the PDE-5 group, the active substance is Vardenafil (the chemical composition is almost identical to sildenafil, tadalafil).

If we compare the effectiveness of Levitra with the effect of Cialis, we get the following results:

  • Recommended dosage – 10 mg Vardenafil;
  • Application – 1 tablet 15 minutes before the expected intimacy;
  • Action – the ability to perform full sexual intercourse is maintained for 8 hours;
  • Side effects are mild, most often nasal congestion, facial flushing, and dyspepsia;
  • It is allowed to combine with small doses of alcohol, but it is better to avoid fatty foods before using Levitra (it impairs absorption active substance, slowing down its action).

All PDE-5 drugs have almost identical contraindications and cause side effects, but the most effective among them is still Cialis, which allows you to maintain a full erection for 36 hours.

This ability of the drug made it popular and in demand. In response to this, many pharmaceutical companies began to produce their own generic Cialis, and the form of release of the drug began to change.

Types of generic Cialis

You can purchase original Cialis at the pharmacy exclusively in the form of tablets with a dosage of the active substance of 5-20 mg. For a single oral dose (before direct intercourse), the recommended dosage is 20 mg of tadalafil; for a course of use, 5 mg tablets should be taken.

But generic Cialis is produced in different dosage forms:

  • Pills– this release form is similar to the original drug, however, the dosage of tadalafil can be 5, 20, 40 and 60 mg;
  • Chewable tablets– they are not swallowed with water, but dissolved or chewed. Such drugs begin to be absorbed instantly, so the effect occurs much faster;
  • Gels– they are packaged in disposable stickers, containing 20 mg tadalafil. This form is intended for oral administration, so the drug has a pleasant fruity taste, and it is not necessary to wash it down with water. The medicine begins to act within 5-10 minutes;
  • Capsules- in fact, it is a gelled substance enclosed in a thin shell. The drug is intended for oral administration. Enzymes getting inside gastric juice, the shell instantly dissolves, and the gel immediately begins to be absorbed, so the effect occurs quickly, after 5-10 minutes;
  • Combination drugs– they contain two active components at once, as a rule, tadalafil and dapoxetine. This symbiosis helps not only increase erection strength, but also prevent premature ejaculation.

Despite the fact that the analogue is much cheaper than the original drug, this does not affect its effectiveness in any way, of course, if all standards for the production of generics are met.

Generic tablets for oral administration

Before use, read about contraindications and possible side effects. The best option there will be a consultation with a doctor who will help determine the most effective, but at the same time safe dosage medicines.

  • Tadacip – dosage 20 mg of tadalafil. Take once a day half an hour before sexual intercourse. Duration of action is 36 hours. It is recommended to start taking half a tablet, but if necessary, you can increase the dosage. The price ranges from 1000 to 2000 rubles, depending on the number of tablets in the package.
  • Tadarise-40 is a generic drug produced in India. The content of tadalafil in one tablet is 40 mg (Tadarise is also available in a lower dosage). The medicine is recommended for men with overweight body, but first consult a doctor. The cost of 10 tablets is 1700 rubles.

  • Tadadel (Tadadel) - tablets for oral administration with a dosage of 5, 10, 20, 40. 60 mg of tadalafil. The highest dosage (40 and 60 mg) is prescribed exclusively by a doctor in particular severe cases with a long history of erectile dysfunction.

All drugs begin to act approximately half an hour after administration and retain the effect for up to 36 hours.

Lozenges (chewing)

This form of release allows you to achieve the desired result as quickly as possible. short time. All Cialis lozenges are designated “Soft”.

  • Tadajoy Soft – tadalafil content 20 mg. The medicine has a pleasant taste and aroma, and the presence of additional components reduces the risk of adverse reactions. At the same time, the properties of the generic are not inferior to the original Cialis. Even though it is more cheap analogue(the cost of 10 tablets is 1200 rubles) it begins to act after 10-15 minutes, and the effect lasts up to 36 hours.
  • Tadaga Soft 40 is a strengthened formula of the drug, so its use must be coordinated with a doctor. For resorption, it is better to place the dragee under the tongue, where it is better absorbed, and accordingly the effect occurs faster.

There is also Russian analogue Cialis Soft – Impaza lozenges. The drug can be used once - an hour before intercourse, dissolve 2 tablets in turn, or as a course (every 2 days for 12 weeks, take 1 tablet). The advantage of this drug is the absence of side effects and a minimum of contraindications. In addition, this Russian generic costs only 500 rubles.

In gel form

The consistency of the drug allows it to be taken in any situation, especially before spontaneous sex (it has a pleasant taste, there is no need to drink it with water, it acts instantly).

  • Tadaga Oral Jelly – after administration, immediate absorption occurs, so the effect occurs literally within 10 minutes. It should be noted that after using the gel adverse reactions occur extremely rarely and are short-lived. In single-use packaging, the content of tadalafil can be 10, 20 and 30 mg.
  • Apcalis Oral Jelly - produced by Goodviagra (the same drug is available in tablet form). Gel for oral administration does not cause addiction, but minor side effects are possible - dizziness, headache, facial flushing, nasal congestion. The medicine begins to act 15 minutes after administration.

Despite the pleasant taste and ease of use, it is not recommended to use more than 1 sticker of Cialis gel per day; this will not affect the quality of erection in any way, but may provoke increased side effects.

Generic Cialis capsules

Another one innovative development companies producing generic Cialis - the drug is quickly absorbed, providing instant action, and the result also lasts for 36 hours.

  • Tadaga capsules - we have already looked at this drug in the form of gels and tablets. Potency capsules from an Indian manufacturer have the same characteristics. It is recommended to take the drug half an hour before planned intercourse with water (at least half a glass). Standard daily norm tadalafil 20 mg.

  • Cialis super active is also capsules with jelly-like contents (manufactured in India). It is not recommended to combine it with alcohol and take it no earlier than 2 hours after a meal, so the drug will be better absorbed.

The price of the drug varies depending on the number of capsules in the package - 1,400 rubles (10 capsules) and 5,000 rubles (50 capsules).

Combined generics

These are drugs with two active ingredients. The most prominent representatives are:

  • Tadapox – the tablets contain tadalafil (strengthens erection) and dapoxetine (prevents premature ejaculation). It is recommended to take 1 tablet per day with a dosage of 20 mg of tadalafil 40-60 minutes before sexual intimacy. The medicine is not compatible with alcohol, overconsumption fatty foods impair the absorption of the drug;
  • Super Tadarise - tablets containing tadalafil and dapoxetine. The drug is intended for occasional use, no more than 3 times a week. The ratio of active components is tadalafil 20 mg, dapoxetine 60 mg. Side effects are possible, which increase with an overdose of the drug.

The list of drugs we have given is far from complete; there are many different analogues of Cialis; your doctor will tell you which one to choose.

This drug is considered a cyclic guazine monophosphate-specific phosphodiesterase type 5 (cGMP-PDE5) inhibitor. During sexual arousal, there is a local release of a substance called nitric oxide. Inhibition of PDE5 by the active component of the drug in question subsequently provokes an increase in the level of cGMP in corpus cavernosum reproductive organ- member.

After this, complete relaxation can be observed. smooth muscle large blood vessels and a gradual flow of blood to the tissues of the penis, which helps the appearance of an erection. The active ingredient of the medicine does not have the desired effect in the absence of sexual stimulation.

As a rule, many men suffer from disorders that prevent them from leading normal sex life. These include the most common: absence, as well as weak or insufficient erection.

The drug in question, called, helps representatives of the stronger sex feel their strength. When using it, you can achieve a stable erection and the ability to have successful sexual intercourse. More information about it can be found in this article.

Cialis tablets are a powerful medication that has pronounced biological and clinical properties. Its active ingredient is tadalafil. This compound significantly improves erection and also gives a man the opportunity to complete sexual intercourse with high quality.

According to the instructions, the medicine lasts exactly 38 hours from the moment you take the first tablet.. Today this is a potency remedy with the longest active effect.

Cialis tablets

For example, if the drug was taken in the morning, then even the next day you can please your girlfriend with a stable and high-quality erection. Positive effect from taking the pill is noted immediately after a quarter of an hour has passed.

However, it is worth noting that, like similar drugs in this category, Cialis has a significant effect only in the presence of strong sexual arousal. This means that you need to take it at least 19 minutes before the intended sex.

It is important to note that these tablets are also available in the “Soft” version. The main difference between this variety and all others is that the speed of onset of the effect is much higher. It works much faster than the simple view. Among other things, this medication is able to dissolve in oral cavity(under the tongue). It can also be combined with alcoholic drinks and fat-containing foods.

Release form

Cialis is available in tablets that are coated with a special film-coated. The medicine is presented in different dosages: 2.5 mg, 5 mg and 20 mg. The tablets are placed on a blister. And the latter are packed in paper boxes.

How many tablets are in a package?

Depending on the dosage, tablets are presented in the following quantities per package: 1, 2, 4, 8, 14, 28.

What is it needed for?

A drug called Cialis is a popular analogue of a well-known drug that is famous for its effectiveness - speech in in this case is about Viagra.

And she, as many people know, is. When used correctly, tablets can increase it.

Cialis is produced on the basis of a special extract from oysters and extract seaweed. So how does the drug actually work? The main active ingredient of the drug called tadalafil significantly relaxes the muscles of the penis. As a result, the muscles relax significantly, and blood serum enters the structures of the penis through the vessels, which contributes to a stronger and longer-lasting erection. It is noteworthy that after an act of love, the entire effect of the drug completely disappears.

It is important to note that the drug has excellent tolerability both during the first and repeated doses.

During sexual arousal provoked by the medication in question, under the influence of the synthesizing component, there is an increased filling of the male genital organs with blood serum. This is what contributes to a decrease in the tone of blood vessels, as a result of which a stable and very strong erection is noted. But it is important to note that positive action The use of these tablets is not completed.

There are other properties that work on the authority of Cialis:

  • these tablets, which contain active substances, will help the partner achieve the desired orgasm thanks to the man’s persistent erection, which does not weaken during the act;
  • a prolonged erection has an extremely beneficial effect on a man, adding more confidence to him in his abilities.

The developers of this medication Certain studies were conducted for quite a long time, in which more than 4,500 men took part. They were the ones who tested the effectiveness and safety of this product. In approximately 85% of all cases, the medicine helped improve erectile function. Among other things, it showed excellent tolerability by patients.

As you know, Cialis can help:

  • completely restore a man's erection;
  • achieve it to the extent necessary for quality sexual intercourse;
  • support her during intercourse;
  • get maximum satisfaction from the process;
  • receive exclusively positive emotions;
  • enjoy a stable and pleasant erection;
  • regain self-confidence thanks to erectile function without failures;
  • bring your beloved woman to orgasm.

Since the drug in question has a very long-lasting effect from use, a man does not even have to worry about constantly taking another capsule. Few people know that the duration of an act of love can even reach three hours.

In case of prolonged use of the medication, patients note that the penis may increase in size.

This is due to the rush of blood to it. A positive effect after administration is observed within one week. If it was never achieved, but, on the contrary, a decline in erection was noted, then you should immediately consult your personal doctor.

When using the drug Cialis, it is permissible to simultaneously use a cream to lengthen the penis in order to significantly increase blood circulation in it.

This will also help restore his tone. It is due to this that the penis may actually appear a little larger. On this moment there are several most popular forms medication

called Cialis, thanks to which a man can independently choose the most acceptable option for himself. The following are available in pharmacies: Cialis, Cialis Tadalafil, Cialis Tadfil-20, Cialis Soft, Cialis Gel.

Russian analogues Because of high cost

The drug in question is not affordable for everyone. Despite its effectiveness, Cialis has an exorbitant price. As a rule, this also depends on the manufacturer. The drug is produced in the USA. But, nevertheless, there are domestic substitutes for this medicine. However, it is immediately worth noting that not all of them are indicated for use.

A medicine such as Impaza is considered almost completely harmless for men.

Impaza tablets

The component helps restore the production of nitric oxide and also increases the content of cGMP in smooth muscles. It is thanks to this that blood circulation in the penis area increases and erections in men improve. The drug Impaza is used to treat poor erection of various etiologies. Among other things, it is needed in cases where a man has been diagnosed with certain autonomic disorders menopause.

Some representatives of the stronger sex are interested in actual question: So how many capsules are enough to take per day? The answer is clear: about two tablets are enough.

One of them needs to be drunk three hours before direct sexual intercourse, but the second - about an hour before it. The medication must be used for three months. It is strictly forbidden to use any more by leading sexologists.

In addition to allergies, when using Impaza, dyspepsia may occur in case of overdose.

It is important to note that Impaza has one significant contraindication – the presence of hypersensitivity to active components. When treating elderly people, the medicine can be used without a doctor's prescription. In this case, there is absolutely no need for dose adjustment.

What bothers all men? age groups? Of course, problems with erectile function, or as doctors also call it, are a genital reaction. When dysfunction of the genital response occurs, difficulties arise with reproductive system: difficulty getting and maintaining an erection. Naturally, obtaining sexual pleasure simply does not occur or occurs very difficultly. In such cases, the man is visited by an inferiority complex and difficult communication with the opposite sex. Some representatives of the stronger sex simply begin to abuse alcohol, others go in search of radical methods solutions to the problem (for example, treatment for traditional healers) or reception herbal recipes, found on the Internet. The World Wide Web, of course, suggests ways to get rid of problems. But recipes or recommendations alone are not enough. You also need to have an idea of ​​why the disease appeared. This will require a doctor's visit and diagnosis. If the problems are not related to chronic illnesses, then Cialis or analogues of this drug are recommended to maintain function.


To understand why and why Cialis or Russian analogues are taken, you should understand why it arose pathological process what does it mean. First of all, it is worth understanding that problems associated with erectile dysfunction can occur not only in men, but also in women, but the stronger sex more often suffers due to their reluctance to undergo treatment and constant employment. You can quickly understand that erection problems have begun to arise or have already arisen:

  • arousal is difficult;

"Cialis" is a remedy that helps cope with erectile dysfunction

Organic level Reasons are functional
  • tabes dorsalis;
  • syringomyelia;
  • multiple sclerosis.

If problems with the genitourinary system occur, consultation with a urologist is mandatory!

  • magnesium stearate;
  • croscarmellose sodium;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • hyprolose and lactose.

The drug is available in tablet form

Used to treat erectile dysfunction and impotence

The cost of the drug may seem high to many. To replace dosage form, you can take advantage of the developments of Russian pharmaceutical manufacturers. There are five similar drugs in total, but at a much lower price.

There are cheaper analogues of this drug on the market.

The result is no less effective:

To understand why and why Cialis or Russian analogues are taken, you should understand why the pathological process arose and what it means. First of all, it is worth understanding that problems associated with erectile dysfunction can occur not only in men, but also in women, but the stronger sex more often suffers due to their reluctance to undergo treatment and constant employment.

You can quickly understand that erection problems have begun to arise or have already arisen:

  • arousal is difficult;
  • maintaining sexual activity is difficult;
  • the completion of sexual relations is delayed due to the end of the erection of the flesh;
  • partial or complete absence of ejaculation.

Scenarios may vary depending on the disease or other causes of sexual discomfort. There are also three stages of development, which more than half experience male population on the globe:

  1. The initial stage of arousal goes well, but during sexual contact there is inhibition until complete absence. Ejaculation does not occur.
  2. Erection appears in insufficient form, i.e. partial.
  3. There is practically no arousal, or an erection occurs before or after sexual relations.

Problems with arousal and erection should not be left to chance, as they may indicate a serious pathology

Experts have divided the causes into two categories: functional and organic. The second group is much less common in percentage terms than the functional one.

Organic level Reasons are functional
Inflammation genitourinary system. This subgroup includes balanitis, urethritis, all types of prostatitis Personal characteristics of a person. These include low self-esteem and excessive suspiciousness
The appearance and development of benign and malignant tumors. Causing injuries and bruises in the groin area. Pathological processes If there is insufficient mutual understanding on the part of the partner or constraint on one’s sexual needs - problems with the partner
Disorders neurological nature. These include:
  • tabes dorsalis;
  • syringomyelia;
  • multiple sclerosis.
Psychological pressure from the person himself. This refers to memories of the first bad experience, fear of possible failure or dissatisfaction of the partner in bed
Peyronie's disease and acute cavernitis Fear. This subgroup of patients has problems at the level situational reasons: infection with diseases not only of a venereological nature or overwork
Chronic alcoholism and drug addiction

Need to know! Doctors believe that psychogenic factors or functional reasons are completely unrelated to organic ones, since 90% of patients belong to the 40+ group.

Only a doctor recommends purchasing an analogue of Cialis for men. It is not recommended to make decisions of this nature on your own. The fact is that quite often there is a combination of reasons. For example: the use of medications for sedation or sleeping pills along with overwork (psychological pressure from a partner). It is better to solve such situations comprehensively and with the help of not one specialist, but several.

You should not self-medicate, as only a doctor can determine the real reason problems

Often, the onset of diseases of the genitourinary system is relatively asymptomatic, so the appearance of problems with erection may be a reason for an urgent visit to a urologist or nephrologist. After going to the hospital, the patient:

  • will receive reliable information on the causes of dysfunction of the reproductive system organs;
  • will pass all necessary diagnostic measures to clarify the diagnosis and determine the causes of genital insufficiency;
  • treatment will be prescribed only by qualified specialists who are able to correctly select a treatment regimen and monitor the progress therapeutic measures, effectiveness;
  • You can get diagnosed not by one doctor, but by several at once. Then come to a common diagnosis. The procedure is simple: consult three doctors and combine their recommendations;
  • it is possible to determine the problem only with the help of modern technological developments and devices;
  • The entire course of treatment is carried out confidentially if the patient wishes.

Drugs that can improve sexual desire and normalize erectile function, there are many on the shelves of pharmacies. The most famous one for everyone is Viagra. Cialis is its generic. But it differs in price and quality, which is not inferior to the original. As for use, men often choose Cialis and its analogues, since they are cheaper and are not inferior in terms of effectiveness.

The dosage form comes in the form of tablets. One contains no more and no less than 20 g of tadafil, which is the active substance. The auxiliary ones include:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • croscarmellose sodium;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • hyprolose and lactose.

You can purchase the drug in small quantities to see if it is right for you.

All tablets are coated with a specially designed coating so that dissolution does not occur immediately, but reaches the intestines. It contains triacetin, iron and titanium, opadry. Packages vary from each other: from 1 to 8 pieces. Thus, the developers give men the opportunity to purchase a package with one or two tablets for testing. If the dosage form suited and gave the expected result, and also did not appear allergic reaction, then the drug can be purchased in a larger dosage. Storage is expected at a maximum temperature of 30 degrees above zero.

Each package of tablets contains instructions for use. It describes everything related to purpose and use. The medicine is designed to stimulate erectile function by suppressing the production of nucleotide substances. During excitation, nitrogen oxide is released, and this makes it possible to increase the level of nucleotides. Next, there is an improvement in blood flow to the groin area and in the tissues of the genital organ, which makes it possible to achieve an erection. But all this will happen only at the moment of excitement. Viagra works completely differently. After its acceptance into mandatory there must be sexual intercourse. With Cialis it’s completely different: sexual relations will be normal within almost two days (up to 34-36 hours).

If a man has no problems with blood pressure, then there is no reason for concern - an increase will not occur in the vessels, and the frequency heartbeat will remain normal. Absorption occurs within half an hour, which is quite fast for such drugs. Sometimes it reaches two hours. Everything will depend only on the food intake. Sperm does not change its composition, it is metabolized by enzymes, and the substance itself is released with feces and urine.

  • absence or inhibition of orgasm and friction speed;
  • internal system disorders, impotence;
  • impossibility or inability to complete partner sexual contact;
  • loss of sexual desire before or during sexual intercourse;
  • problems with erection (weakness and short duration).

Recommended dosage: take one tablet at the same time every day. After a thorough examination, the doctor may recommend reducing the dosage to 10 mg per day (half a tablet). Also, adjustment of intake is required if there are significant health problems: liver and kidney dysfunction, diabetes mellitus.

The cost of the drug may seem high to many. To replace the dosage form, you can use the developments of Russian pharmaceutical manufacturers. There are five similar drugs in total, but at a much lower price. The result is no less effective:

  1. Effect Neuro. With its help it is restored hormonal background, responsible for sexual desire and sperm production. The treatment must last for at least three months.
  2. Impaza. The drug is more homeopathic. Designed for course treatment if you have problems with weakened erection.
  3. Vertex. To increase libido and sexual desire. Restores potency.
  4. Evalar Yohimbe Forte. Contains only herbal ingredients. Take immediately before sexual intercourse. This increases the time and productivity of sexual intercourse.
  5. Parity is often recommended as a dietary supplement. It also consists of natural ingredients. Designed to improve erectile function and increase potency. Prevents blood stagnation and improves performance. But it should not be used independently for treatment or prevention. There are other medications for this.

Among the medications used to treat erectile dysfunction, a special place is occupied by Cialis analogs. Among the male population, the drug Cialis has gained significant popularity due to the presence of therapeutic effect groups ED.

Generic Cialis has improved properties in comparison with other drugs in this group, which allowed it to compete and in some cases surpass other drugs in terms of the strength of the effect.

The drug Cialis has a patented brand, which is why there is its analogue form on the pharmacological market. The drug Generic Cialis does not differ from the popular drug in the composition of the necessary components, the effect of the drug, chemical composition, quality.

Cialis analogues have the same side effects as the original Cialis. Medicine intended for the treatment of sexual diseases, especially erectile dysfunction.

Buy analogues of Cialis in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of the Russian Federation!

Advantages of Generic Cialis:

Cialis analogues differ from famous original the presence of flavoring additives, tablet form, dosage 5, 10, 20, SOFT, 40, 60 mg and packaging. The most important advantage of the analogue is its LOW PRICE in comparison with similar drugs in other online pharmacies.

The high cost of the patented drug Cialis is due to the additional research to develop the drug and study all the effects it has.

The cost of the drug includes all research costs incurred, which significantly increases its cost. When creating analogues, there are no costs for conducting research, advertising projects to increase brand awareness and increase popularity among the population.

Because of this, the cost of the Indian analogue of Cialis is much lower than the cost of the patented drug.

Action of the drug Generic Cialis:

The drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction is characterized by an effective effect and safety for human health. Chemical exposure of this drug on the human body is due to the flow of more blood to the man’s penis, which allows him to relax smooth muscle and induce an erectile state.

The duration of an erection is determined only by the duration of sexual intercourse, while the onset of an erection occurs only with the use of sexual stimulation and arousal. Processes are taking place naturally. However, in terms of its action, the drug Generic Cialis is not a means of arousing and increasing libido or sexual desire.

The advantage of the effect of Generic Cialis on the human body is its duration, which reaches 36 hours. The absorption of the drug and absorption into the blood of a man is observed within the first half hour from the moment of taking it. By virtue of short period time of the onset of effect, the drug became widely popular and widespread among the male population of various countries.

Cialis analogues are available in dosages of 5, 10, 20, 40, 60 mg, in the form of tablets or SOFT 20 mg dragees, while they are characterized by high safety famous brand Cialis from Eli Lilly!


The medications must be taken strictly as prescribed by the attending physician., according to the calculated dosages of the drug for the body of an individual patient. When prescribing a dosage, the specialist proceeds from the patient’s health condition, taking into account all his diseases.

Thus, a correctly calculated dosage of the drug significantly reduces to a minimum the risk of side effects, which can take the form of increased heart failure or the development of diseases of cardio-vascular system associated with high blood pressure.

We are used to thinking of our loved ones as strong, active and self-confident men. And they, in turn, try with all their might to meet the expectations of their other halves and, due to a series of stress, increased workload and everyday problems, sometimes they do not even notice how they begin to lose their masculine strength. Usually representatives strong half of humanity do not focus on isolated cases problems with potency arise and only when the situation becomes completely deplorable do they begin to look for a way to regain their former strength and joy from intimate life.

IN last years Cases have become more frequent when very young men turn to specialists for erectile dysfunction. Such problems have already become the scourge of the twenty-first century, and numerous pharmaceutical companies producing medicines for all occasions have joined in solving them. If you also encounter this unpleasant problem, as low potency, then try a course of treatment with Cialis tablets. This drug belongs to to the newest generation drugs that effectively combat erectile dysfunction. Therefore, it is considered one of the safest among previously known drugs of the same group. Reviews of Cialis from patients are generally positive, so today we decided to discuss the delicate topic of sexual impotence and talk about a drug that can help men of any age regain confidence in themselves.

The main causes of low potency in men

The drug "Cialis" is well known to Russians; they very often purchase it without consulting a doctor and then talk about its successful use. Unfortunately, few men dare to go to a specialist and openly admit their problem in order to conduct an examination and find out the cause of erectile dysfunction. However, doctors strongly advise not to use any drugs without prior consultation and laboratory tests so as not to harm your men's health even more. Indeed, in fact, the reasons for decreased potency are numerous, among the most common are the following:

  • Psychological condition. It's no secret that modern men are forced to work in a very intense rhythm, so any failures, stress and increased workload in connection with an attempt to climb as high as possible on the career ladder automatically lead to problems in their intimate life. This also includes inner fear before sexual intercourse, which affects some men.
  • Lack of a permanent partner. A person can find his soulmate even in old age, but this does not mean that he should give up regular sex life. Such a refusal has a detrimental effect on men's health and can even lead to temporary impotence (similar stories are often found in reviews of Cialis).
  • Hormonal disbalance. Quite often, malfunctions in work lead to a decrease in potency. endocrine system. The body stops producing testosterone in the required amount, which immediately negatively affects intimate life.
  • Wrong lifestyle. Today, many representatives of the strong half of humanity cannot refuse bad habits And sedentary image life. Such men avoid physical activity, regularly eat fatty foods and cannot limit themselves to smoking and alcohol. It is not surprising that such an attitude towards one’s health affects male strength.
  • Pathologies and injuries. Sometimes traumatic brain injuries, pathologies of the structure of the penis and other similar problems lead to erectile dysfunction.

In each of these cases, the doctor individually selects therapy and works with the patient until the result is achieved. Cialis tablets are often prescribed in combination with other drugs. They give men a chance to once again feel the fullness of life and feel like a happy person.

Description of the drug

Judging by the reviews of Cialis, it is a complex drug that completely normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system. Besides that this remedy helps get rid of erectile dysfunction, it can also affect the duration of intercourse. The pills make men more resilient and increase the number of possible sexual intercourses by reducing the body’s recovery time after ejaculation.

With this drug, you don’t have to worry that sex will be short and unmemorable. Some men, in reviews of Cialis, note that after taking one tablet they feel a stronger attraction to their partner, and the sensations during sexual intercourse become brighter and stronger. All this makes the drug extremely popular among representatives of the stronger half of humanity. In addition, you can purchase it without a prescription. Cialis is freely sold in Russian pharmacies and on special websites on the Internet.

It is interesting that just a few years ago, men suffering from decreased potency hoped only for the help of the famous Viagra. However new drug has proven to be more effective and has been actively sold in our country since 2003.

Manufacturer and release form

I would like to say right away that the effect of Cialis is provided by a special substance synthesized in one of the American laboratories - tadalafil. Today, this substance is actively used in various medicines. Most of drugs that combat low potency in men, containing tadalafil, are produced in India. Therefore, the packaging of Cialis often bears the logo of an Indian pharmaceutical company.

The drug is available only in tablet form. Each capsule is covered with a yellow shell. The tablets are oval in shape and have an inscription on one side. Therefore, the original Cialis is always easy to distinguish from a fake.

Currently, the drug is produced in four versions:

  • one blister containing one tablet;
  • two capsules on one blister;
  • two blisters, each containing two tablets;
  • four blisters (two capsules each).

The packaging of Cialis is made of cardboard, on which all the necessary information is printed. Keep in mind that the dosage of the tablets may vary. The manufacturer always indicates this information on the box. Capsules are usually produced containing two and a half milligrams of the active substance, as well as five and twenty milligrams.

Composition of the drug

A drug against erectile dysfunction consists of an active substance and auxiliary components. The active substance, as we wrote earlier, is tadalafil. Most often, doctors prescribe the drug in a dosage of twenty milligrams.

There are quite a lot of auxiliary components in the medicine, but all of them are safe for human health. We can name the following:

  • hyprolose;
  • lactose monohydrate and so on.

In addition to the composition we have already announced, the manufacturer in the instructions for Cialis must also indicate the substances included in the tablet shell. It consists of five components:

  • lactose monohydrate;
  • hypromellose;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • iron oxide yellow dye;
  • Triocetin.

Before the release of the drug, it went through several stages of clinical trials, so all its components are safe for humans and do not harm their health. However, we should not forget about possible side effects, which we will talk about a little later.

Indications for use

It is noteworthy that sometimes Cialis is prescribed in cases where erectile dysfunction has psychological reason. Experts indicate several indications for the use of the drug by men:

  • low potency;
  • erectile dysfunction, including impotence and prostatitis;
  • regular premature ejaculation;
  • the need to experience more vivid sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • complete or partial loss of desire for opposite sex and excitement;
  • a depressive state accompanied by loss of strength and lack of self-confidence;
  • decreased endurance level of activity during intimacy.

As you can see, Cialis has wide range applications. That is why he is so popular not only in Russia, but also among men all over the world.

Effect of the drug

Reviews often mention that the pill taken begins to act within sixteen minutes after administration. In this case, an indispensable condition for effectiveness is the presence of sexual arousal.

It is noteworthy that Cialis can be taken even by people with high blood pressure and problems with the cardiovascular system. After all, its active substance does not have a negative effect on blood vessels and does not increase pressure. This result could not be achieved by analogues of the drug that were popular earlier.

Tadalafil causes the smooth muscle in the arteries to relax, allowing blood to flow to the penis. As a result, an erection occurs. At the same time, the main substance of the drug does not affect the quality of sperm, so there is no need to worry about problems in this area.

After numerous clinical trials, it has been proven that Cialis today has the mildest effect on the body, nevertheless achieving the required result.

"Cialis": contraindications for use

Keep in mind that this medicine should not be taken by people with certain medical conditions. The list of contraindications for Cialis is not too wide, but it is still necessary for everyone who plans to start treatment with this drug to know:

  • hypersensitivity to tadalafil;
  • taking organic nitrates simultaneously with tablets;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system or their acute stage;
  • age up to eighteen years;
  • pathology of the structure of the penis.

Also, under no circumstances should women take this drug. Sometimes there are disputes on this topic on the Internet, so we immediately stipulate that Cialis is intended only for men aged eighteen to seventy-five years.

Instructions for use

It is very easy to take the medicine; all you need to do is read the instructions and follow the regimen indicated there.

You can take the tablet at any time of the day or night, regardless of food. It is necessary to take pills big amount water. The standard dosage is twenty milligrams per dose. Sometimes two and a half milligrams of Cialis are enough for patients (this is indicated in the instructions for use). Required dosage can only be adjusted experimentally.

IN in rare cases For severe erectile dysfunction, forty milligrams of the drug is allowed. However, this zone must be prescribed by a doctor, as it is considered critical.

"Cialis": side effects

Each drug can cause an unusual reaction in the body. Therefore, as a result of clinical trials, researchers note all the problems that arise when taking Cialis tablets. Side effects can be combined in the following list:

  • allergic reactions that manifest themselves skin rash and itching;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • tachycardia;
  • photophobia;
  • nausea, vomiting and other manifestations of gastrointestinal disorders.

I would like to note that all of the above reactions are extremely rare.

Cost of the drug

"Cialis" is not a cheap medicine, and many consider this to be a significant disadvantage. The cost of the drug, depending on the number of tablets in the package, ranges from one and a half to eight thousand rubles. The duration of the course of treatment is determined only by the doctor, so he can advise which package of the drug will be more profitable for you to purchase.

However, keep in mind that the compatibility of Cialis with other drugs must also be checked with a specialist. After all, for example, when taking antacids, the absorption of the active substance will be lower. Accordingly, the effect of the pill may not be what you expect.

What can replace the medicine?

Analogues of Cialis are well known. Most often, doctors call Viagra and Levitra. Some patients choose these drugs; sometimes the body responds to them much better than to the drug we describe.

In general, Cialis analogs are slightly cheaper than the original. For example, one Viagra tablet can be purchased for nine hundred rubles, and Levitra for six hundred and twenty rubles. Therefore, the choice is always up to the patients.

Analyzing reviews

To conclude this article, we would like to conduct brief analysis reviews about this drug. What do men write about him? Most of them are very satisfied with the effect. They clarify that for some diseases even a therapeutic dosage of five milligrams is sufficient. And in severe cases, Cialis can be taken for quite a long time without serious side effects. Many men who have experienced erectile dysfunction say that after taking the drug for several months, they gradually began to reduce the dosage and eventually completely got rid of their problem.