Review of effective and useful techniques for gum massage. Vacuum therapy

With massage you can:

  • get rid of congestion in the gum tissue,
  • contribute to enhancing metabolic processes in tissues,
  • improve blood circulation;
  • prevent the occurrence of inflammatory diseases.

For massage to be effective, it is important to know how to do it correctly. First of all, you should not massage during acute inflammatory processes, as well as in the presence of decayed teeth or tartar. Therefore, first of all, you should remove tartar, treat decayed teeth, and relieve acute inflammation of the gums. And only after that you can start. That is, you can massage your gums only in a state of relative health, since inflamed and bleeding gums will hurt and bleed even more.

How to do

Gum massage is best done using therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes, as this enhances the therapeutic effect.

  1. Toothpaste should be applied evenly over the entire surface.
  2. Fill with your thumb and forefinger, grasping both surfaces of the gums.
  3. You should start from the center of the jaw, moving to the sides, movements should go from the teeth to the alveolar process.
  4. Movements should be circular, very careful, they should not injure the gums and cause discomfort.
  5. You cannot massage your gums with a long manicure, as long nails can hurt. The total duration of the massage should not exceed five minutes, but systematically every day, preferably in the morning and evening.
  6. When finished, rinse your mouth to remove any remaining toothpaste. You can also rinse your mouth with a decoction of medicinal herbs, since after a massage all healing components are better absorbed into the gum tissue.

Gum massage can also be done using a very soft toothbrush, pre-moistened in warm water and kneaded well with your fingers. Massaging with a toothbrush also removes plaque from the surface, which promotes healthy gums.


Gum massage can be done not only with your fingers or a toothbrush. There is a special silicone massager that gently massages the gums without injuring them. Very often, silicone gum massagers are used for teething in young children, thereby relieving itching and soreness. However, they can be successfully used for massage in adults.


Gum hydromassage is very beneficial for gum health. It helps improve blood supply to the periodontium and is an excellent prevention of the occurrence of inflammatory diseases gums

Hydromassage of the gums is carried out using the AQUAJET device. The powerful water pressure created by the device gently massages not only the gums, but also the entire oral cavity, removing food debris from such hard-to-reach places where it is impossible to reach with a toothbrush or dental floss. The ability to regulate the water pressure allows the gum hydromassage to be used not only by adults, but also by children. The device can also be used to clean dentures very effectively.

Vacuum massage

IN modern dentistry also applies vacuum massage gums It is very effective in the treatment of periodontitis, as it improves blood supply to periodontal tissues and helps improve periodontal trophism. Allows you to reduce bleeding, strengthen gum tissue, reduce inflammatory processes. Very often, vacuum massage is prescribed for the prevention of periodontal diseases.

Gum massage is really very useful, it helps strengthen the gums, eliminate bleeding, and relieve inflammation.

Gum massage is the final stage daily care behind the oral cavity. Patients often neglect this procedure, mistakenly considering it traumatic for the mucous membrane. Regular implementation of this manipulation helps to significantly accelerate metabolic processes and reduce the risk of developing periodontal diseases.

How is massage beneficial for gums?

Thorough cleansing oral cavity is not a 100% guarantee of protection against pathologies of the mucous membrane. Massage is considered as a preventive measure for gum disease. Scroll beneficial properties of this manipulation are:

How and with what to perform the procedure?

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Warp therapeutic massage– gentle impact on the mucous membrane, not painful and increased bleeding (we recommend reading:). To strengthen tissues, circular movements are made from the center to the edges, from bottom to top and from top to bottom - for the top and lower jaw, respectively. To achieve lasting therapeutic effect, the manipulation is performed daily for 5 minutes. After the procedure, the gums are treated with an antiseptic composition.

Methods of massage for adults

When choosing the optimal type of massage for an adult patient, the degree of looseness and sensitivity of the mucous membrane is assessed. At severe forms Periodontal diseases accompanied by weak gums, circular movements are made with the fingers. As a preventive measure for healthy tissues, massage techniques with a toothbrush are used, including:

  • Hirschfeld method - making smooth vertical movements from top to bottom and bottom to top;
  • Bell method - movement from the chewing surface of the teeth to the gums;
  • Charter method - implementation of circular vibrating manipulations so that the bristles penetrate into the interdental spaces;
  • Shtilman method - smooth movements with a brush from the gums to the roots of the teeth.

In order not to injure the tissue, you should avoid excessive rubbing and pressure. It is recommended that you first familiarize yourself with the videos that describe in detail these methods of treating the mucous membrane.

Use of irrigators and massagers

Irrigators and vacuums are also used in the treatment of periodontal diseases. Similar to massage with fingers and toothbrush, choice professional technology depends on the condition of the gums. To strengthen weakened tissues, irrigators are used that gently act on the surface using jets of water.

To prevent the development of periodontal diseases, this type of gum massage is included in the list of daily hygiene procedures. The advantages of this method are:

  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • removal of deposits accumulated in periodontal pockets;
  • the possibility of performing the procedure on patients wearing braces;
  • carrying out manipulations at home.

IN clinical settings diseases of the mucous membrane are treated using a vacuum massager. The procedure involves creating negative pressure on the jaw, stimulating tissue strengthening, eliminating inflammation and bleeding. The disadvantage of manipulation is pain, requiring the use of an anesthetic.

Massage and gymnastics of gums and teeth for diseases of the oral cavity

The purpose of these procedures is to activate metabolic processes for fast healing wounds and inflammation extinction. A properly performed massage gives the mucous membrane a feeling of warmth and fullness. Discomfort caused by the accumulation of residual products in the body, swelling and bleeding disappears.

Inflammation and bleeding gums (periodontitis)

Gum massage is considered as an effective preventive measure against periodontitis. It is necessary to treat the mucous membrane with anti-inflammatory oil (sea buckthorn, geranium, mint, cloves), making circular movements along the gums, from the center to the edges. After the mucous membrane has adapted to the load, acupressure is performed.

Massage for periodontal disease

For periodontal disease, gum massage is performed daily, morning and evening. A small amount of toothpaste or essential oil(mats, menthol, sea buckthorn) applied to thumb and treat the gums with circular movements, moving from the center to the edges of the jaw. The manipulation is performed carefully, without pressure, so as not to cause pain.

As a supplement to drug therapy For periodontal disease, perform gymnastics for the gums with a pine or oak twig.

It is necessary to gradually increase the load on the jaw so as not to provoke the development of complications. The procedure involves performing the following actions:

  • biting the twig from top to bottom - during the first weeks after the start of treatment;
  • fixation of the branch in the front teeth with simultaneous movement of the jaws to the right and left - a month after the start of therapy;
  • Having secured one end of the branch in your hands and the other in your teeth, try to bite off a piece of wood - in the 3rd month of treatment.

Is it possible to massage the gums after tooth extraction?

Massage of the gums after the tooth extraction procedure is carried out for speedy tissue regeneration. It is necessary to treat only healthy areas of the mucous membrane, avoiding touching the intervention area. If the wound is bleeding heavily, the manipulation is postponed until a blood clot appears on it.

To prepare a solution for massage, 1 tbsp. 3% hydrogen peroxide dissolved in a glass warm water. Rinse the thumb with the resulting mixture and massage the gums from the center to the edges, avoiding the area of ​​tooth extraction.

Folk remedies for applications

To strengthen the gums, use lotions with fir oil– an effective anti-inflammatory agent (we recommend reading:). It is necessary to soak the tampon with liquid and place it on the sore area for 15 minutes. Do not overexpose the drug to avoid burns to the mucous membrane. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms It is enough to make 15 applications.

Beetroot is an effective component against periodontitis. You need to mix 10 drops vegetable oil with 1 tsp. grated root vegetable, and apply the resulting composition to the problem area. Applications should be done up to 3 times a day for a week.

Sea buckthorn oil is an effective anti-inflammatory and regenerating agent. Often, patients suffering from periodontitis are prescribed medications made on the basis of this component. To quickly eliminate discomfort, you need to soak a tampon in oil and apply it to the sore gums.

Effective means of treating periodontal disease are lotions made from herbal infusion. You need to mix 1 tsp. calendula, St. John's wort, chamomile, coltsfoot, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave the resulting composition for 15-20 minutes. For application, a tampon is soaked in strained liquid and applied to the affected areas overnight.

Massaging the gums is effective prophylactic against periodontal diseases. The manipulation takes a few minutes, but brings tangible benefits to the tissues of the oral cavity. The procedure activates metabolic processes, thickens the mucous membrane, and removes the products of chemical reactions from the body.

The dentist may prescribe you a gum massage for periodontal disease or periodontitis. How to do it, why, general methodology and describe the characteristics in more detail.

This procedure can be performed in a doctor's office using a special device or at home as part of daily oral care. In this case, you should learn how to do this correctly and take into account possible contraindications, since even such simple manipulations may be prohibited.

Useful properties

To make sure that massaging your gums with your fingers is effective, you need to reveal all the benefits of this process:

  • Removed from fabrics congestion– blood flow and nutritional metabolism improves, excess fluids are removed.
  • Periodontal pockets are cleaned, especially if pus has accumulated in them.
  • Remains of metabolic products are removed from periodontal tissues, preventing bacteria from multiplying.
  • Blood flow increases, tissue healing and self-regeneration processes are accelerated.
  • The gums become denser and stronger, able to hold teeth and resist pathogenic bacteria.

That is, if you massage the gums at home on a daily basis, the mucous membrane itself and even the teeth will become much healthier and gain pink tint, their general condition will improve.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Massage should be performed at the most different situations. These include incipient diseases such as periodontitis, etc., and in the case of their absence. He can perform medical procedure or be part preventive measures. And yet, you should not do this without first consulting a dentist, who will sanitize the oral cavity and teach you how to perform the procedure as efficiently as possible.

Gum massage will also help with malocclusion. Back in childhood The dentist will make a diagnosis and recommend special treatment on the gums. This improves the nutrition of the jaw bone and gives a chance for natural healing.

If you massage the gums before dentures, it becomes possible to make this procedure easier. As a result, tissue healing will occur more efficiently.

The main contraindications, when using massage even at home can lead to unpleasant results, are the following:

Initially, the doctor will examine the oral cavity and tell you whether massage is worth it and which one will be better. If sanitation, treatment, or stone removal is needed, he will carry out the appropriate preliminary procedures.

How to massage your gums? Execution technique

If no contraindications to its implementation are found, then it will be useful to learn how to perform the movements correctly. Usually use only clean fingers and the following techniques:

  1. Stroking – these movements begin and end the massage. The index finger is placed on the buccal side of the gum, and the thumb on the inner side. Strokes are performed alternately. On the lower jaw they move from top to bottom, and on the upper jaw, on the contrary, from bottom to top. You need to massage rhythmically and not put too much pressure on the tissue. If you have gum disease, you should definitely start only from a healthy area and gradually move to diseased areas, reducing the intensity of the impact.
  2. Rubbing – helps to increase blood flow and activate metabolic processes in the mucous membrane. It needs to be done with a gradual increase in pressure. Initially, they make circular movements with light pressure, and then move on to more active spiral rotations. You also need to perform a massage along the lymph flow. In addition to direct effects, you can also use indirect ones, that is, when the massage is performed through the skin of the face.
  3. Squeezing - with a strong movement, as if squeezing out stagnation from the subgingival areas. In this case, rotational and vertical manipulations are used alternately.
  4. Squeezing or compression massage. It is necessary to squeeze the gum from the inner and outer sides at the same time with two fingers - the index and the thumb. outside. The impact lasts no longer than 7 seconds, then the pressure is weakened. Each time, the area adjacent to the previous one is captured, gradually moving from the front to the side of the jaw.

The massage should be finished with light strokes, as in the beginning. Total duration – 5-10 minutes. In case correct implementation After the massage, you feel a pleasant warmth and a feeling of fullness in the gums.

In addition to the movement technique itself, you should additionally influence special points that are responsible for correct work internal organs. Thus, conditionally dividing the jaw into right and left side, you can notice that exposure above the front teeth improves the condition bladder, kidneys, and also ears. Massaging the third units on each side helps the gallbladder and liver function. Further - large intestine and lungs, and the effect on the figure eight area will improve blood flow in the heart and small intestines.

Features of massage for periodontal disease and periodontitis

For diseases such as periodontitis, the dentist may prescribe massage as an additional treatment procedure.

At the same time, targeted movements help remove stagnant fluids from periodontal pockets. If you additionally use essential oils of mint, eucalyptus, lemon, orange and coriander, the beneficial effects will increase significantly.

The procedure should be carried out only with clean hands, and the teeth must first be treated and rinsed. By improving metabolic processes, the gums become healthy, stronger, and the disease goes away faster.

During teething

Carrying out massage manipulations is also justified when the baby is teething. You can apply pressure to the gums using your finger, previously washed and treated with an antiseptic, or with a special silicone fingertip.

Due to massage actions, itching is reduced and swelling is relieved. Thanks to this, the teeth themselves cut faster, and the child endures such a difficult period easier. Follow the rules:

  • Hands or fingertips should be perfectly clean.
  • Movements should be soft and circular.
  • Massage is done only on the sides of the tooth, but in no case on the surface itself where eruption is expected.
  • Take breaks so that the child can get used to new sensations and not resist.

Vacuum massage

This procedure is performed only in a doctor's office using a set of vacuum tubes. The effect occurs due to negative pressure on the gums. During the massage, slight hematomas may appear, which, with gradual resorption, have a beneficial effect on the immune system.

Everyone brushes their teeth. But does everyone massage their gums? We can't vouch for this. Meanwhile, gum massage is as necessary as brushing your teeth. It increases blood circulation in the gums and improves the nutrition of periodontal tissue (the tooth and surrounding tissue), helps prevent and treat the common disease periodontal disease, which results in teeth loosening and falling out. If you regularly massage your gums, the mucous membrane becomes less vulnerable. You can massage your gums with a toothbrush. At the same time, it should be soft - made of natural bristles, with firmly strengthened hairs. Using hard toothbrushes and made of artificial fiber (nylon, nylon) is harmful, as they injure the gums and wear out tooth enamel.

You should brush your teeth with tooth powder or toothpaste. Some people brush their teeth with soap. This is harmful, since soap, when decomposed, releases substances that have a negative effect on the mucous membrane of the mouth and tooth enamel.

It is enough to brush your teeth and massage your gums with a toothbrush once a day - in the morning, since during the day, while eating, your teeth are cleansed with food. If you brush them twice a day, this can lead to abrasion of the enamel in the area of ​​​​the necks of the teeth. In this case, so-called “wedge-shaped defects” are formed. Therefore, in the evening, before going to bed, you can massage your gums with your finger. After massaging the gums, and for people wearing dentures, after each meal it is useful to rinse the mouth with water at room temperature. It is advisable to add a few drops of a disinfectant solution to the water: hydrogen peroxide, calendula or tooth elixir.

There are several methods of brushing teeth and simultaneous massage of gums.

Charters method. When cleaning the labial and cheek, as well as the palatal and lingual surfaces of the teeth and gums, the brush is applied in such a way that half of the brush hairs lie on the teeth and half on the gums. The end of the hair is directed towards the cutting edge of the front teeth or the chewing surfaces of the molars. With this massage method, the brush makes vibration-circular movements, as a result of which the side of the brush adjacent to the gum compresses the gum and the area of ​​​​the dental necks.

Shtilman method. Just as effective as the Charters method. The brush is set at an angle of 45 degrees, and the ends of the hair lie on the gum, heading towards the roots of the teeth. While pressing on the brush, you need to move it from side to side with light movements, so that the ends of the hair come into contact with the gum. After the massage, the brush should cover the entire surface of the tooth, moving horizontally.

Bell method called physiological. The brush should be moved from the cutting edge or chewing surface of the teeth towards the gums.

Fones method. The teeth are closed. The brush is installed at right angles to the surfaces of the teeth. Using circular movements, the upper and lower jaws are cleaned simultaneously. In the same way - with open mouth- the lingual and palatal surfaces of the teeth are cleaned.

Hirschfeld method. It is the simplest. The main movements of the brush are vertical - from top to bottom and from bottom to top.

Everyone needs to brush their teeth, twice a day. This is exactly the minimum concern that for many years allows us to maintain healthy, beautiful, snow-white teeth and avoid dental surgeries.

However, sooner or later, every person faces oral problems. Itching, swelling and bleeding gums, bad smell from the mouth - all this indicates inflammation of the gum tissue, which in medicine is called periodontitis. Practice shows that if the problem is not identified in a timely manner and treated, it will develop in the oral cavity. chronic process called periodontal disease. It is characterized by degeneration of the gum tissue, exposure of the neck of the tooth and, as a result, loosening and loss of teeth!

How to deal with these unpleasant phenomena and can they be prevented? These questions today concern every third inhabitant of the planet.

Each of these diseases is treatable, but if left untreated, the process can be lengthy and extremely painful. It is much more correct to visit a doctor at the first signs of periodontal inflammation and follow all his treatment instructions. Surgical actions, prescribing creams and ointments, as well as vitamins to strengthen the gums - all this is within the competence of the dentist. The patient, for his part, may try to prevent the development of periodontal disease or promote speedy recovery, for which gum massage is ideal.

Why do you need a massage?

According to dentists around the world, gum massage is incredible useful procedure, which promotes the healing of gum tissue and prevents the development of periodontal disease. In particular, this massage:

  • improves blood supply to the gums;
  • stimulates metabolic processes in the periodontium;
  • thickens the gum mucosa;
  • increases the resistance of soft tissues to the effects of infectious agents.

But more importantly, by improving the blood supply to the gum tissue through massage, a person helps restore nutrition to the teeth, which become stronger and more resistant to caries.

You can entrust the massage procedure to professionals by attending sessions in a dentist’s office, or you can learn how to massage your gums yourself, because there is nothing complicated about it. Moreover, massage can be carried out with fingers, a toothbrush or irrigator. Let us tell you more about the technique of this procedure and its contraindications.

Contraindications for massage

First of all, let's say that massaging the gums is prohibited when there is inflammation in the gums. acute phase diseases, as well as with purulent or bloody discharge from gum pockets. That is, it is advisable to carry out a massage even before the onset of such disastrous consequences, or after treatment of the oral cavity. In the second case, permission to massage the gums must be given by a doctor.

Massage technique

The massage in question should include several stages. Let's look at each of them.

1. Stroking
These are the simplest manipulations that need to be used to start and end the massage. They should be carried out with the index finger or thumb, easily, without pressing on the mucous membrane. And if there are swollen areas on the soft tissues, you should start stroking from the healthy part, gradually moving to the affected areas.

2. Rubbing
This is a more intense way of influencing soft fabrics oral cavity. It should be carried out with small rotational movements, starting from a healthy area of ​​the mucosa and gradually moving to swollen and inflamed areas. Moreover, you can rub the gums either directly, acting directly on the tissue, or massage them through the cheeks. The second method is more suitable for those patients who restore metabolic processes in the gums after surgery.

3. Squeeze
This method involves simultaneous linear and rotational movements from the teeth towards the gums.

4. Squeezing
These movements should be carried out with two fingers. Simply squeeze the gums on both sides of the tooth, increasing and releasing pressure.

Features of gum massage

As noted above, massage manipulations are best performed with the thumb and index finger. In this case, each new exercise should begin from the middle of the row of teeth, gradually moving to one side or the other.

All massage movements should be performed along the passing vessels. This means that when massaging the upper jaw, you should move from bottom to top, and the lower jaw - from top to bottom. Moreover, no matter what movements you perform, the pressure should not cause discomfort! This is very important, because affected gums are very easy to injure.

It is better to carry out the massage in question in the morning, spending 6–8 minutes on it, i.e. approximately 2 minutes per element. And after the procedure, do not forget to rinse your mouth and treat the gum surface with a restoring gel, which will be prescribed by the doctor.

Energy points on the gums

Specialists in acupressure Please note that by pressing on certain points during the procedure, you can not only treat gum disease, but also contribute to the restoration of many other organs.

Finding these points is not difficult. Here's an example:

  • two teeth to the right and left of the center are areas responsible for the functioning of the kidneys and the functioning of the bladder;
  • the third teeth to the right and left of the center are connected nerve endings With gallbladder and liver;
  • the fourth and fifth teeth to the left and right of the center activate the work of the lungs and large intestine;
  • extreme, chewing teeth, are responsible for the heart and small intestine.
    Thus, by massaging the gums above the listed teeth of the upper and lower jaws, you will stimulate the functioning of key organs, which means you can prevent serious diseases.

Massage using essential oils

A lot has been said and written about the beneficial effects of essential oils on the body. However, not everyone knows that they can be used not only during regular massage, but also when massaging the gums. The most useful oils in this regard will be coriander, mint, orange, lemon and eucalyptus oils. This procedure will enhance the effect on blood flow, and the valuable components of the oil will saturate the periodontium with useful substances.

Execution technique

  • First of all, wash your hands with soap.
  • Brush your teeth thoroughly and rinse your mouth with warm water.
  • On the pillow index finger Apply 1-2 drops of your chosen essential oil and begin massaging the gums of the upper and lower jaw, moving from the center to the edges.
  • It wouldn’t hurt to massage your teeth too.

Massage for teething babies

A child who is teething becomes whiny and irritable, and all because he is experiencing severe itching. Gum massage helps to cope with this condition, which relieves irritation, swelling and promotes rapid teething. This is done as follows.

Execution technique

  • Wash your hands well, paying attention to your nails and the areas under them;
  • treat your hands with an antiseptic solution;
  • Using gentle, circular movements, begin to massage the baby's gums from the outer and inside emerging teeth;
  • don’t rush, or better yet, take breaks so that the baby gets used to the new sensations;
  • Please note that you need to massage side walls gums, but the eruption sites themselves should not be touched;

By the way, in pharmacies you can buy a special soft silicone fingertip, which is ideal for such a procedure.

Massage gums with a toothbrush

You can also massage your gums with a toothbrush. This is an easy and simple way to restore normal blood circulation to the periodontal tissues and prevent periodontal damage. The main thing is to use a brush with soft bristles for this purpose, which should be steamed a little before the massage. Let's look at several techniques for this procedure.

Execution technique

  • Holding the brush vertically, press one half of it to your teeth and the other half to your gums. Using light circular motions, start moving along the row of teeth from the middle to the edges.
  • Tilt the brush toward your gums at a 45° angle so that its tips point toward the roots of your teeth. Perform horizontal movements, moving away from the teeth and then back.
  • Holding the brush perpendicular to the floor, make vertical movements from the teeth to the gums, gradually moving from the center to the edges.
  • Pursing your lips and holding toothbrush horizontally, begin to perform large circular movements, simultaneously massaging the gums of the lower and upper jaw.

Massage with an irrigator

An irrigator is a great invention of dentists, which allows you to clean your teeth and oral cavity 2 times more effectively than with a toothbrush! This device, which cleans teeth with a jet of water, washes away plaque from the most inaccessible places and perfectly cleans the teeth even of people with braces. But more importantly, the adjustable water jet is perfect for massaging your gums.

So, according to experts, hydromassage using an irrigator:

  • improves metabolic processes in the periodontium;
  • reduces bleeding gums;
  • flushes out the contents of gum pockets;
  • strengthens local immunity.

Let us only add that to massage the gums with an irrigator, it is better to use a three-jet nozzle that mixes water and air. As a result of this connection, small bubbles are formed, which effectively destroy bacteria lurking in the gum pockets.

Gum massage – important procedure, which every adult should perform 2-3 times a week. Don’t be lazy to pay a little more attention to your gums and teeth and they will remain strong and healthy until your very old age!
Take care of yourself!