Overview of the official types of the Chihuahua breed. Types and varieties of the Chihuahua dog breed Longhaired Chihuahua Cobby

Cobby and Deer types of Chihuahua dogs.

Today, depending on the structure of the body, standards recognize two types of Chihuahuas: the Cobby type and the Dir type. Let's take a closer look at them.


Cobby-type Chihuahua dogs are characterized by a stocky and dense build.

Little glamorous dogs of this type have the following distinctive features: Head: quite large, voluminous. Characteristically there is a large distance between the eyes and ears. The eyes are quite large and expressive, and the ears, although small in size, are quite wide at the base.

Neck: massive

Chest: voluminous and deep.

Limbs: compact

Back: straight, level topline.

Tail: thick with flattening and thickening in the middle.

Movement: energetic, active movement forward with the front legs and a good push with the hind legs.

Coat: thick, the undercoat is pronounced.


This type of Chihuahua dog breed is often called the deer type due to its resemblance to a fawn.

This type of dog is characterized by:

Head: small in volume with big ears, which gives the dog a resemblance to a bat. The muzzle is longer and lighter.

Chest: smaller than that of the cobby type.

Limbs: the paws are narrower and thinner, the angles of the hock joints are less pronounced.

Tail: Longer and much thinner than that of the Cobby. The push of the hind limbs is an order of magnitude weaker, which forces this type of small dog to do large quantity steps.

Coat: not as thick as the Cobby type, there is practically no undercoat.

Today, breeders recognize both types. However, the default preference is given to the cobby type. Among modern experts there is no unity regarding the types of Chihuahuas. This question remains open, ongoing Scientific research and discussions.

What experts who have dedicated their lives to Chihuahuas agree on is that apart from the types of Chihuahuas described above, there are no other species. All attempts by the seller to introduce you to new types of Chihuahuas with beautiful name- these are tricks aimed at selling a small glamorous dog that does not correspond generally accepted standards at an artificially high price. So try not to fall for the bait of an unscrupulous seller.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the most complete and detailed description dogs gives the standard. Depending on the extent to which the dog corresponds to it, its quality will be determined by the words “high-breed”, “pedigreed”, “typical”. And there are only two types of Chihuahuas: the stocky or cobby type and the lightweight deer type - the dir type. As you know, these types include both smooth-haired and long-haired dogs of this breed. And other definitions of types, alas, can be classified in the “fiction” section.

In fact, it doesn’t matter at all what kind of head, legs and tail your pet has. You chose him yourself, and he is so grateful to you for your attention and love. And if your Chihuahua does not fully meet the strict requirements of the standard, then you understand that it is not at all his fault that he turned out this way. All the same, he is the best and you don’t need anything else if you are not going to devote yourself to Chihuahua breeding in the future.

But when purchasing a breeding dog for your future kennel, be attentive and curious, try to visit at least a couple of exhibitions and get acquainted with several breeders of this amazingly complex and interesting breed. Believe your first impressions of what you see at the exhibition and in the nursery.

Learn to compare what you heard from breeders with what you saw. And then you will not be deceived either by the loud titles of your parents, or by the flowery description of their merits, as well as by classifying them as one or another so-called. "types" you are talking about, dear readers, read in this article.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the standards are described quite accurately and any deviation can be a shortcoming or defect (when disqualification is needed)


Any deviation from the previously listed characteristics in the description of the Chihuahua breed in the text of the standard must be qualified as a defect, as serious as the degree of its severity.

Absence of individual teeth.

“Double teeth” (continuously renewed milk teeth).

Deformed jaws.

Pointed ears.

Short neck.

Stretched body.

A hunched or sagging back (lordosis or kyphosis).

Beveled croup.

Narrow chest, flattened rib cage.

Tail: Irregularly set, short or curled.

Short limbs.

Twisted elbows.

Hindquarters too close together.

Narrow skull

Eyes are small, deep-set or bulging

Long muzzle.

Overshot or undershot.

Dislocation of the kneecap.

Disqualifying faults:

Aggressive or cowardly behavior.

Deer type (dogs of atypical or overly stylized structure: thin head, long neck, excessive thinness, long limbs).

Dogs with a large fontanel.

Drop or short ears.

Extremely long body.

Lack of a tail.

In the long-haired variety: dogs with very long, fine or shaggy hair.

In the smooth-haired variety: bald spots (alopecia).

Weight more than 3 kg.

Any dog ​​exhibiting physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified.

Deer, since most breeders prefer to breed Cobby type dogs.

But these graceful dogs have their admirers, who remain faithful to the classic type of the breed.

At first sight, chihuahua deer may seem too tender and fragile. In fact, they are in no way inferior to their stronger and more powerful-looking cobby relatives.

In the article we will tell you in detail about this breed of Chihuahua, and also show photos of these dogs.

When Chihuahuas appeared, there was no single breed type. Dogs could be of any color and build, and there were also differences in their sizes.

But at the same time, high-legged dogs had advantages - it was easier for them to hunt small animals living in the jungles of Mesoamerica, where their ancestors appeared in the 15th century BC.

Perhaps it was this feature that helped the long-legged and fast dogs This breed survived difficult times when, after the conquest of Mexico by the conquistadors, they again went wild and lived in the forests.

When they were domesticated again by local residents, these small, graceful dogs became faithful and devoted companions for them.

In the middle of the 19th century, American travelers became interested in Chihuahuas and local residents began selling them puppies of this breed. More full information

Read about the history of the Chihuahua.

Long-legged, deer-like dogs were popular until relatively recently, when stocky Cobby-type Chihuahuas began to be considered more conformable.

Description of character

The Chihuahua Deer is a small, elegantly built dog. She looks elegant and sophisticated, and her movements are light and free. When such a dog runs, it seems that it almost does not touch the ground. Chihuahua Deer are smart and very understanding. These are movable and playful dogs

, which, despite their apparent fragility, are resilient and quite strong. They are selflessly devoted to their owner, friendly and affectionate towards him. But to to strangers

Chihuahua Deer make good guards. Despite their small size, they are always ready to protect their owner or his property.

Distinctive features

Distinctive features of dogs of this type are:

  • the head is relatively small in size, slightly elongated in shape;
  • elongated muzzle;
  • large and high-set ears;
  • deep, but not wide chest;
  • rather long paws;
  • long and thin tail;
  • the angles of the articulations are less pronounced than those of the cobby;
  • There is no sense of strength or power in the movements of Deer type dogs.

Deer-type Chihuahuas do not have well-developed muscles, which makes them visually more sophisticated than representatives of the Cobby type.

Accepted standard type dir

The size of a standard Chihuahua Deer should be no more than 23 cm at the withers. Weight ranges from 0.5 to 3 kg.

The Chihuahua Deer is a small, square dog with a light bone structure.

The head does not look large or convex. The transition to an elongated muzzle is pronounced, but not sharp.

The ears are large and rather thin. They are set high, which gives the dog a resemblance to a fawn.

The eyes are relatively small, slightly convex. Their most preferred color is dark shades of brown.

The nose color is black or matches the base color.

The neck is quite long and narrow. The back is straight, not wide, merging into a slightly sloping croup.

The chest is deep enough, but not too voluminous. The stomach is tucked.

The limbs are parallel, due to the lack of pronounced muscles, they appear thin and long.

The tail is set quite high, long and thin.

The wool is soft, can be either smooth or, but not fluttering.

Your pet should be given chewing toys or treats designed to remove plaque.

Due to the fact that the dir accelerated metabolism, these dogs need already in cool weather, and the pet should wear it indoors.


Chihuahua Dire is not intended for street keeping - such a dog should only live in a house or apartment.

Price range

The price starts from approximately 20 thousand rubles, if the dog has documents. The maximum cost can reach 30-35 thousand and even higher.

How to choose a puppy?

Despite the fact that most modern breeders breed Cobby Chihuahuas, it is still quite possible to find Dire puppies with documents.

When choosing a future pet, you need to pay attention to the structure of its muzzle and head - while cobbies have a convex skull, dirs have an elongated one.

The muzzles of this type of Chihuahua are quite long, the ears are larger and set high, and the eyes are not very large and less rounded than those of the Cobby, and this is noticeable already at an early age.

Conclusion and conclusions

Chihuahuas of the Deer type, considered classic, have now become much less common. However, most of these Chihuahuas have retained their elegance and grace, without turning into excessive subtlety and fragility.

And, despite the fact that the Dire type is considered to be on the verge of the acceptable requirements of the standard, these dogs have their own fairly wide circle of admirers.

Useful video Useful and Interesting Facts

about chihuahua:

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The decorative dog of the Chihuahua breed has all the characteristics characteristic of small pocket dogs.

They are characterized by a doll-like appearance, small size and a rather sweet character.

There are officially recognized types of Chihuahuas that meet generally accepted standards.

But there are also artificially fictitious species of this breed, invented by unscrupulous breeders in order to get rich by deception. False types have multiple defects and are rejected experienced dog handlers

. Let's figure out what types of little charming Chihuahuas there are. Dogs with long hair

: hair is soft, non-frizzy, silky. There is an undercoat of medium density.

Longer fur on the ears, neck, back of the paws, and tail. Smooth-haired dogs

In the middle of the 19th century, American travelers became interested in Chihuahuas and local residents began selling them puppies of this breed. : hair is short, dense. If there is an undercoat, a longer coat length is possible. long hair

on the neck and caudal process, shorter ones on the head and ears, a little less often on the tummy and throat.

These dogs are also divided into two more types: Cobby-type, which is small, stocky and plump, and Deer-type, light, graceful with long legs.

Key Similarities and Differences Cobby
Dir Head weighty, big
small, light Ears small with a wide base
big Eyes large, meaningful, expressive look
deep, expressive Neck dense
a bit long Rib cage developed, voluminous
slightly less than the "cobby" type Paws short
narrow and thin Back without deflections, flat
flat Tail thickish, slightly thickened in the middle
long and somewhat thinner than the previous type Wool thick with dense undercoat
the hair is not so dense, there is almost no undercoat active and fast, well-developed pushing maneuvers with the hind limbs mincing, pushing maneuvers of the hind limbs are weaker than those of the “cobby”

Russian breeders have developed several subtypes of the Chihuahua breed.

Pekingese- excessive snub nose and protruding eyes make these dogs completely different from.

They have serious defects and shortcomings that make them unsuitable for further breeding and participation in exhibition activities.

Aboriginal- is characteristic of individuals brought from their historical homeland - Mexico. The subtype is not recognized by professional breeders.

The reasons for this are too high growth and not pointed enough round shape heads. And also eyes and ears very close to each other.

English– dogs with heavy, weighty bones. They are distinguished by a very rough constitution.

Extreme– the name speaks for itself. This one, with a large forehead and bulging eyes.

A distinctive feature is a strong snub nose and incredibly short legs.

On such terrible limbs, poor animals can hardly move; it is simply impossible not only to run, but also to walk on them.

Exotic- This is a smaller copy of the previous type.

Classical- similar in appearance to the dir-type, however, the shape of the head is somewhat simplified, the forehead is flat, and the muzzle is strongly lowered.

Professional breeders only accept smooth-haired and long-haired Chihuahuas. Other gradations are accepted by them only in case of maximum compliance with the standard requirements of the breed.

Serious dog handlers exclude all of the above subtypes. In their opinion, this is the result of illiterate crossing of Chihuahuas, a breeding marriage, or a mistake by the owners of the nursery.

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale admits the possibility of some intra-breed deviations - both in body composition and in the proportions between body parts.

The Deer-type recognized in Russia is, according to the association, on the verge of what is acceptable to the standard. All dogs with an excessively light skull, body and too high limbs should be culled.

The American Kennel Club, on the contrary, welcomes thin-legged “fawns.” By the way, in Mexico (the historical homeland of the breed) this type is most common.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in pure form“cobby” and “deer” types are practically never found. Most dogs have a mixture of these varieties.

Therefore, when buying a Chihuahua puppy, you should not look for the mythical pure type.

You should start from the kitten’s parental achievements, activity in exhibition activities and the experience of the breeder himself.

Requirements for dogs purchased for home care not so high. However, even in this case, one must approach it very carefully to avoid purchasing a sick individual.

The cost of high-breed puppies is quite high compared to the cost of false Chihuahuas. Affordability – main reason, at which unfortunate individuals are bought.

Here are a few points that will make you think about purchasing Chihuahua puppies with due care, as well as ensuring proper maintenance and care for your established pet:

There is a high probability of dogs being born with molera. This is a soft place on the skull, similar to the fontanel in newborn babies. As we age, soft bones harden.

Childbirth in dogs is very difficult, due to the size of the puppy's head exceeding the size of the opening birth canal. If you don't produce C-section, then there is a high probability of death.

Not all mixed breeds are ugly, helpless and sick. There is a dog, a mixture of a Chihuahua and a Prague rat, who happily serves in the police and uses his keen sense of smell to find drugs.

Because of birth defects, such as underdeveloped trachea, dogs can make wheezing, snorting sounds, and even squeal.

The breed has many (visual organs, heart diseases, etc.)

You should not trust the beautiful fictitious names of Chihuahua species offered to you by unscrupulous people. Adhere to breed standards to protect yourself and the acquired animal from pain and anxiety.

Photo gallery

These cute dogs, which you will see in the photo below, have a very fragile musculoskeletal system, due to which there is a high probability of getting a fracture or dislocation of the limbs.

Chihuahua dogs have been among the top ten most popular pets all over the world, including in Russia, for several years now. This is not surprising, since such a small dog can be kept in a city apartment without spending huge amounts of money on food and care products. In addition, Chihuahuas are very pleasant-looking dogs, they even mature age They evoke a feeling of tenderness, as if there is a little puppy before your eyes. Let's try to figure out which varieties of Chihuahuas are recognized by dog ​​handlers. This information will be useful to potential buyers who are considering purchasing a dog.

Types of Chihuahuas by coat type

come with long and short hair. Let's take a closer look at both types:

Photo: Long-haired and smooth-haired Chihuahuas | Dreamstime.com

  • Longhaired Chihuahua– dogs with long, straight, thin hair, whose length is maximum in the area of ​​the ears, neck, belly, back of the paws and tail. The undercoat is thick and fluffy;
  • Smooth coated chihuahuas– dogs with short and dense vegetation. The longest hairs are visible in the area of ​​the neck and tail. The hair of short-haired dogs is noticeably coarser to the touch than that of their long-haired counterparts. Surprisingly, this type of breed sheds more abundantly and more often than long-haired individuals. Therefore, dogs with short fur require more careful care.

Types of Chihuahuas by body structure

We looked at the types of Chihuahuas based on coat length. And according to their build, these dogs are divided into the following types:

The cobby and deer types are both recognized by dog ​​handlers, but the former is considered more valuable. Although in Mexico (this country is considered the birthplace of these small companion dogs), the Cobby type is not held in high esteem among Chihuahuas. They prefer sophisticated dogs like Deer. Today, by the way, it is hardly possible to find nurseries where only Dir Chihuahuas or Cobby Chihuahuas are crossed with each other. Therefore, puppies may have signs of one or another type. Let's say, a small head and small ears, a moderately short but graceful neck.

Types of Chihuahuas that are not recognized by the Breed Standard

In addition to the Cobby and Dir types, Chihuahuas are often divided into the following types, which, however, are not recognized among specialists:
  • Classic type– Chihuahuas, whose body structure could be classified as a dir type, if not for the sharp muzzle, which is quite narrow in the temple area;
  • Aboriginal type– dogs with a miniature structure: long thin legs and a slender body. Their ears and eyes are located much closer than those of Cobby or Deer dogs;
  • English type– dogs with a powerful structure: short, wide limbs, a dense body (outwardly they look stockier than cobby-type dogs);
  • Pekingese type- dogs whose face looks more like a Chihuahua than a Chihuahua. They have large, bulging, wide-set eyes and an upturned nose. Very often dogs of this type have breathing problems, which is why they have little value among breeders;
  • Extreme type- dogs with a short muzzle, a large convex forehead, a flattened short nose, and bulging eyes. Outwardly they also look like Pekingese;
  • Exotic type- these are actually the same extreme Chihuahuas, but smaller in size, which makes their appearance even more unusual. By the way, these miniature dogs there are problems with skeletal system: Their skeleton is often incorrectly formed.

Why you shouldn’t bet on a false type Chihuahua

So, we found out that the “correct” Chihuahua can only be of the Dir or Cobby type. IN as a last resort it is permissible for an animal to be an individual with characteristics of both species. But why are types of Chihuahuas such as, say, classic or Pekingese undesirable? Let's try to figure it out:
  1. Dogs whose exterior conforms to the Breed Standard are allowed for breeding. If the owner’s plans include selling puppies, then chihuahua shopping it is better to refuse an unusual type;
  2. Unscrupulous sellers, under the guise of purebred Chihuahuas, may offer to buy a mixed breed (for example, from a union of a Chihuahua and a Pekingese, etc.). Moreover, they often ask for a fairly substantial sum for a half-breed;
  3. Dogs with a short muzzle often experience problems with nosebleeds and breathing. From purchasing extreme and exotic chihuahua is better refuse;
  4. Those Chihuahuas whose eyes seem to be ready to pop out of their sockets often have vision problems. Cataracts, glaucoma, eversion of the eyelids, keratitis are just some of the problems that are inherent in “eye-catchers” of an extreme or exotic type;
  5. The Chihuahua is a small dog; its body should be moderately fit, but not too slender. Stocky and heavy or excessively skinny dogs are a deviation from the norm;
  6. Many of the atypical Chihuahuas (exotic, extreme) are too small, their weight is below normal (sometimes no more than 1-1.5 kg). Accordingly, problems with bones and joints cannot be avoided. Dysplasia hip joint, dislocations, osteoarthritis, arthrosis - just some of the ailments that threaten these little ones;
  7. Some of the dogs that are not Cobby or Deer types have a peculiar and not very attractive exterior. Let's say that not everyone likes short-legged and dense English-type Chihuahuas.

Chihuahua dogs are loved by many, so if you are planning to get this dog, you should decide which type to give preference to. There are many different types of Chihuahuas, and each one is different from the previous one. In this article we will tell you what types of Chihuahuas there are depending on the various characteristics.

Depending on the body type, it is customary to distinguish between the types of Chihuahua: Deer and Cobby. Let's take a closer look at them.

Key Similarities and Differences

Some also say "coby chihuahua", although the correct name for this type of chihuahua is "cobby", not "coby". IN English language The word "cobby" means "stocky" and these cobby dogs fit that description perfectly.

They have a rather strong and massive body, and their head and chest are voluminous. It should also be said that representatives of this type have a very short neck (sometimes it may seem that it is absent altogether), and equally short legs (but despite this, they are quite strong and muscular).

Their tail is quite massive, slightly thicker at the base, and the dogs’ fur is very thick. Besides, characteristic feature This variety has a large head with huge eyes, which is why the Chihuahua’s face is often compared to the face of a child (it is called “baby face”). The eyes, as well as the ears, of these dogs are located quite far from each other.

Thus, representatives of the cobby type are very funny stocky animals who, with their appearance easily capable of causing emotion.


This name may seem strange to some, but if we remember that in English “deer” means “deer”, everything immediately falls into place. This fawn-like Chihuahua is rightly called that. The dir type has its own characteristics.