My heart beats very quickly and it’s hard to breathe. Shortness of breath as an important symptom in diseases of the cardiovascular system

Not enough air: causes of breathing difficulties - cardiogenic, pulmonary, psychogenic, others

Breathing is a natural physiological act that occurs constantly and to which most of us do not pay attention, because the body itself regulates the depth and frequency of breathing movements depending on the situation. The feeling of not having enough air is probably familiar to everyone. It may appear after a quick run, climbing stairs to a high floor, or with strong excitement, but healthy body quickly copes with such shortness of breath, bringing breathing back to normal.

If short-term shortness of breath after exercise does not cause serious concerns, quickly disappearing during rest, then long-term or suddenly arising sudden difficulty breathing can signal a serious pathology, often requiring immediate treatment. Acute lack of air when the airways are blocked by a foreign body, pulmonary edema, or an asthmatic attack can cost life, so any breathing disorder requires clarification of its cause and timely treatment.

Not only the respiratory system is involved in the process of breathing and providing tissues with oxygen, although its role, of course, is paramount. It is impossible to imagine breathing without proper operation muscular frame chest and diaphragm, heart and blood vessels, brain. Breathing is influenced by the composition of the blood, hormonal status, activity of the nerve centers of the brain and many external reasons - sports training, hearty food, emotions.

The body successfully adapts to fluctuations in the concentration of gases in the blood and tissues, increasing the frequency of respiratory movements if necessary. When there is a lack of oxygen or an increased need for it, breathing becomes more frequent. Acidosis accompanying a number of infectious diseases, fever, tumors provokes increased breathing to remove excess carbon dioxide from the blood and normalize its composition. These mechanisms turn on themselves, without our will or effort, but in some cases they become pathological.

Any respiratory disorder, even if its cause seems obvious and harmless, requires examination and a differentiated approach to treatment, therefore, if you feel that there is not enough air, it is better to immediately go to a doctor - a general practitioner, cardiologist, neurologist, or psychotherapist.

Causes and types of breathing problems

When a person has difficulty breathing and lacks air, they speak of shortness of breath. This sign is considered an adaptive act in response to an existing pathology or reflects a natural physiological process adaptation to changing external conditions. In some cases, it becomes difficult to breathe, but the unpleasant feeling of lack of air does not arise, since hypoxia is eliminated by an increased frequency of respiratory movements - in case of poisoning carbon monoxide

, working in breathing apparatus, sudden rise to height.

Dyspnea can be inspiratory or expiratory. In the first case, there is not enough air when inhaling, in the second - when exhaling, but a mixed type is also possible, when it is difficult to both inhale and exhale. Shortness of breath does not always accompany illness; it can be physiological, and this is quite natural state

  • . The causes of physiological shortness of breath are:
  • Physical exercise;
  • Excitement, strong emotional experiences;

Being in a stuffy, poorly ventilated room, in the highlands. Physiological increased breathing occurs reflexively and goes away after a short time. People with bad physical fitness Those who have a sedentary “office” job suffer from shortness of breath in response to physical effort more often than those who regularly visit the gym, swimming pool, or simply take daily walks. As the overall physical development

, shortness of breath occurs less frequently. Pathological shortness of breath can develop acutely or be a constant concern, even at rest, significantly worsening with the slightest physical effort. A person suffocates when the airways are quickly closed by a foreign body, swelling of the tissues of the larynx, lungs and others severe conditions . When breathing in this case, the body does not receive what it needs even minimum quantity

oxygen, and other severe disorders are added to shortness of breath. Basic pathological causes

  • that make it difficult to breathe are: Diseases respiratory system
  • - pulmonary shortness of breath;
  • Pathology of the heart and blood vessels - cardiac shortness of breath;
  • Disorders of the nervous regulation of the act of breathing - central type shortness of breath;

Violation of the blood gas composition - hematogenous shortness of breath.

Heart disease is one of the most common reasons why it becomes difficult to breathe. The patient complains that he does not have enough air and notes the appearance of swelling in the legs, fatigue etc. Typically, patients whose breathing is impaired due to changes in the heart are already examined and even take appropriate medications, but shortness of breath can not only persist, but in some cases it gets worse.

With heart pathology, there is not enough air when inhaling, that is, inspiratory shortness of breath. It accompanies, can persist even at rest in its severe stages, and is aggravated at night when the patient is lying down.

The most common reasons:

  1. Arrhythmias;
  2. and myocardial dystrophy;
  3. Defects - congenital ones lead to shortness of breath in childhood and even the neonatal period;
  4. Inflammatory processes in the myocardium, pericarditis;
  5. Heart failure.

The occurrence of breathing difficulties in cardiac pathology is most often associated with the progression of heart failure, in which there is either no adequate cardiac output and tissues suffer from hypoxia, or congestion occurs in the lungs due to failure of the left ventricular myocardium ().

In addition to shortness of breath, often combined with dry, painful pain, in people with cardiac pathology, other characteristic complaints arise that make diagnosis somewhat easier - pain in the heart area, “evening” swelling, cyanosis skin, interruptions in the heart. It becomes more difficult to breathe in a lying position, so most patients even sleep half-sitting, thus reducing the inflow venous blood from the legs to the heart and manifestations of shortness of breath.

symptoms of heart failure

During an attack of cardiac asthma, which can quickly turn into alveolar pulmonary edema, the patient literally suffocates - the respiratory rate exceeds 20 per minute, the face turns blue, swells jugular veins, sputum becomes foamy. Pulmonary edema requires emergency care.

Treatment of cardiac dyspnea depends on the underlying cause that caused it. An adult patient with heart failure is prescribed diuretics (furosemide, veroshpiron, diacarb), ACE inhibitors (lisinopril, enalapril, etc.), beta blockers and antiarrhythmics, cardiac glycosides, oxygen therapy.

Diuretics (diacarb) are indicated for children, and drugs of other groups are strictly dosed due to possible side effects and contraindications in childhood. Congenital defects, in which the child begins to choke from the very first months of life, may require urgent surgical correction and even heart transplants.

Pulmonary causes

Lung pathology is the second reason leading to difficulty breathing, and both difficulty in inhaling and exhaling is possible. Pulmonary pathology with respiratory failure is:

  • Chronic obstructive diseases - asthma, bronchitis, pneumosclerosis, pneumoconiosis, pulmonary emphysema;
  • Pneumo- and hydrothorax;
  • Tumors;
  • Foreign bodies in the respiratory tract;
  • in the branches pulmonary arteries.

Chronic inflammatory and sclerotic changes in the pulmonary parenchyma greatly contribute to respiratory failure. They are aggravated by smoking, poor environmental conditions, and recurrent infections of the respiratory system. Shortness of breath is initially disturbing during physical exertion, gradually becoming permanent as the disease progresses to a more severe and irreversible stage of its course.

In case of lung pathology, the gas composition blood, there is a lack of oxygen, which, first of all, is lacking in the head and brain. Severe hypoxia provokes metabolic disorders in the nervous tissue and the development of encephalopathy.

Patients with bronchial asthma are well aware of how breathing is disrupted during an attack:
it becomes very difficult to exhale, discomfort and even pain in the chest appears, arrhythmia is possible, sputum is difficult to separate when coughing and is extremely scarce, the neck veins swell. Patients with such shortness of breath sit with their hands on their knees - this position reduces venous return and the load on the heart, alleviating the condition. Most often, it is difficult for such patients to breathe and lack air at night or in the early morning hours.

In a severe asthmatic attack, the patient suffocates, the skin becomes bluish, panic and some disorientation are possible, and status asthmaticus may be accompanied by convulsions and loss of consciousness.

In case of breathing disorders due to chronic pulmonary pathology, the appearance patient: the chest becomes barrel-shaped, the spaces between the ribs increase, the neck veins are large and dilated, as well as peripheral veins limbs. The expansion of the right half of the heart against the background of sclerotic processes in the lungs leads to its failure, and shortness of breath becomes mixed and more severe, that is, not only the lungs cannot cope with breathing, but the heart cannot provide adequate blood flow, filling the venous part with blood great circle blood circulation

There is also not enough air in case pneumonia, pneumothorax, hemothorax. With inflammation of the pulmonary parenchyma, it becomes not only difficult to breathe, the temperature also rises, there are obvious signs of intoxication on the face, and the cough is accompanied by sputum production.

An extremely serious cause of sudden respiratory distress is considered to be exposure to Airways foreign body. This could be a piece of food or a small part of a toy that the baby accidentally inhales while playing. A victim with a foreign body begins to choke, turns blue, quickly loses consciousness, and cardiac arrest is possible if help does not arrive in time.

Thromboembolism of the pulmonary vessels can also lead to sudden and rapidly increasing shortness of breath and cough. It occurs more often in people suffering from pathology of the blood vessels of the legs, heart, and destructive processes in the pancreas. With thromboembolism, the condition can be extremely severe with increasing asphyxia, bluish skin, rapid cessation of breathing and heartbeat.

In children, shortness of breath is most often associated with a foreign body entering during play, pneumonia, or swelling of the laryngeal tissue. Croup- swelling with laryngeal stenosis, which can accompany a wide variety of inflammatory processes, ranging from banal laryngitis to diphtheria. If the mother notices that the baby is breathing frequently, turning pale or blue, showing obvious anxiety or breathing and stopping altogether, then you should immediately seek help. Severe violations breathing in children is fraught with asphyxia and death.

In some cases, the cause of severe shortness of breath is allergy and Quincke's edema, which are also accompanied by stenosis of the lumen of the larynx. The reason may be food allergen, wasp sting, inhalation of pollen, medicinal product. In these cases, both the child and the adult require emergency health care for cupping allergic reaction, and in case of asphyxia, tracheostomy and artificial ventilation may be required.

Treatment pulmonary dyspnea must be differentiated. If the reason for everything is foreign body, then it must be removed as quickly as possible, when allergic edema administration is indicated for children and adults antihistamines, glucocorticoid hormones, adrenaline. In case of asphyxia, a tracheo- or conicotomy is performed.

At bronchial asthma multi-stage treatment, including beta-adrenergic agonists (salbutamol) in sprays, anticholinergics (ipratropium bromide), methylxanthines (aminophylline), glucocorticosteroids (triamcinolone, prednisolone).

Acute and chronic inflammatory processes require antibacterial and detoxification therapy, and compression of the lungs with pneumo- or hydrothorax, obstruction of the airways by a tumor is an indication for surgery (puncture pleural cavity, thoracotomy, removal of part of the lung, etc.).

Cerebral causes

In some cases, breathing difficulties are associated with brain damage, because the most important organs are located there. nerve centers regulating the activity of the lungs, blood vessels, and heart. Shortness of breath of this type is characteristic of structural damage to brain tissue - trauma, neoplasm, stroke, edema, encephalitis, etc.

Violations respiratory function in pathologies of the brain are very diverse: it is possible both a decrease in breathing and its increase, the appearance different types pathological breathing. Many patients with severe brain pathology are on artificial ventilation lungs, because they simply cannot breathe on their own.

The toxic effect of microbial waste products and fever leads to an increase in hypoxia and acidification of the internal environment of the body, which causes shortness of breath - the patient breathes frequently and noisily. In this way, the body strives to quickly get rid of excess carbon dioxide and provide tissues with oxygen.

A relatively harmless cause of cerebral dyspnea can be considered functional disorders in brain and peripheral activity nervous system-, neurosis, hysteria. In these cases, shortness of breath is of a “nervous” nature, and in some cases this is noticeable to the naked eye, even to a non-specialist.

With intercostal neuralgia, the patient feels severe pain in half of the chest, intensifying with movement and inhalation, especially impressionable patients may panic, breathe quickly and shallowly. With osteochondrosis, it is difficult to breathe, and constant pain in the spine can provoke chronic shortness of breath, which can be difficult to distinguish from difficulty breathing due to pulmonary or cardiac pathology.

Treatment for difficulty breathing due to musculoskeletal conditions includes physical therapy, physiotherapy, massage, drug support in the form of anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics.

Many expectant mothers complain that as their pregnancy progresses, it becomes more difficult for them to breathe. This sign may be quite normal, because the growing uterus and fetus raise the diaphragm and reduce the expansion of the lungs, hormonal changes and the formation of the placenta contribute to an increase in the number of respiratory movements to provide the tissues of both organisms with oxygen.

However, during pregnancy, breathing should be carefully assessed so as not to miss a seemingly natural increase in breathing. serious pathology, which may be anemia, thromboembolic syndrome, progression of heart failure due to a defect in a woman, etc.

One of the most dangerous reasons According to which a woman may begin to choke during pregnancy, pulmonary embolism is considered. This condition is life-threatening and is accompanied by a sharp increase in breathing, which becomes noisy and ineffective. Asphyxia and death without emergency assistance are possible.

Thus, having considered only the most common reasons difficulty breathing, it becomes clear that this symptom can indicate dysfunction of almost all organs or systems of the body, and in some cases it can be difficult to identify the main pathogenic factor. Patients who have difficulty breathing require a thorough examination, and if the patient is suffocating, emergency qualified assistance is needed.

Any case of shortness of breath requires a trip to the doctor to find out its cause; self-medication in this case is unacceptable and can lead to very serious consequences. This is especially true for breathing problems in children, pregnant women and sudden attacks shortness of breath in people of any age.

Video: what prevents you from breathing? The program “Live Healthy!”

Many people experienced disturbances in the form of a strong heartbeat and a feeling that it was difficult to breathe. This can happen in absolutely healthy people during severe physical exertion or emotional stress. This state is the answer of cardio-vascular system for various loads. If this condition recurs too often and without significant physical or emotional stress, then it is necessary to undergo full complex medical examinations so as not to miss the symptoms of a terrible disease.

Provoking reasons

Reasons provoking palpitations and lack of air are as follows:

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  • excessive physical activity;
  • severe overexcitation;
  • intense emotional situations;
  • lack of nutrition;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • menopause;
  • dehydration;
  • CVD diseases;
  • uncontrolled use of medications;
  • excessive consumption of energy tonics.

A rapid heartbeat, when it is difficult to breathe, can be a consequence of strenuous physical work. The heart rate after intense physical labor quickly returns to normal after a short rest. It becomes difficult to breathe after emotional shock, when the pulse quickens. It is enough to normalize the work and rest schedule, avoid psycho-emotional disorders, and the condition will stabilize.

Rapid heartbeat and difficulty breathing at rest can be caused by:

  • heart failure;
  • heart attack;
  • stroke;
  • an attack of bronchial asthma;
  • panic attack;
  • pregnancy;
  • poisoning;
  • high blood loss.

In the above situations, you will need the help of a highly qualified doctor or an ambulance call.

What are the dangers of heavy breathing and rapid heartbeat?

Impaired breathing and rapid heartbeat can lead to loss of consciousness.

Increased heart rate and hard breath may be symptoms of the following conditions:

  • heart attack or stroke;
  • acute heart failure;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • thromboembolism;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • seizures

Other symptoms

A pathological condition can be suspected when tachycardia occurs systematically and without cause. Palpitation syndrome - by-effect various pathological conditions. Tachycardia is often combined with the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • general weakness;
  • nausea;
  • dyspnea;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • blood loss.


Find out the reason for frequent heart rate Your local therapist will help you find out why it’s hard to breathe. Consultations can be scheduled narrow specialists and the following types of research:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • hormonal tests;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • immunological indicators;
  • radiography;
  • Ultrasound diagnostics;
  • ECHO monitoring;
  • electrophysiological examinations.

How to treat?

Cool compress will help relieve tension when pain.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the cause of the appearance, causing discomfort symptoms. At home, you can use the following methods to reduce your heart rate:

  • stop physical activities;
  • ensure influx fresh air into the room;
  • apply a cool compress to your forehead;
  • calm the patient and give him the opportunity to relax;
  • breathe deeply, inhaling quickly and exhaling slowly;
  • hold your breath and tense your abdominal muscles;
  • take soothing drops (Corvalol containing valerian);
  • if the above methods do not lead to improvement, call ambulance.


To reduce heart rate, doctors prescribe medications of 2 groups. The medications are taken in a strictly prescribed dosage, determined by the doctor. Short description these medications are listed in the table:

With VSD complex

To prevent VSD disease, it is important to adhere to a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle.

Palpitations and difficulty breathing are symptoms of VSD. Treatment for this pathological condition The doctor is a neurologist. Therapeutic measures include:

  • adherence to daily routine;
  • healthy sleep;
  • balanced diet;
  • feasible physical activity;
  • correction of stress loads;
  • auto-trainings;
  • relaxation techniques;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

There are 2 forms of VSD - hypertonic and hypotonic. Both forms are characterized by an accelerated heartbeat and difficulty breathing. Despite the similarity of symptoms, various medications are used to treat these conditions, which are listed in the table.

Rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, a feeling of lack of air - all this can spoil the quality of life. A person with such symptoms is overcome by fear and anxiety. Sometimes the feeling of fear can develop so strongly that a person can lose consciousness. Not everyone experiences this condition due to overwork or stress. Some experience similar attacks every day due to heart pathologies. Often the reason for the frequent appearance of a feeling when there is not enough air, it is difficult to breathe due to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath

Even a healthy person can sometimes experience this condition. Often these are the symptoms we feel after a fast run, but this is purely physiological changes related to the work of the heart. When there is a feeling of suffocation and rapid heart rate for no particular reason or at rest, you should be wary. It is better not to self-medicate, but to visit a cardiologist.

There are a number of situations in which to hesitate medical assistance it is forbidden. Sometimes like this simple symptoms can prevent the development serious illnesses hearts. There are many reasons for the feeling of lack of air, arrhythmia and difficulty breathing, but only a doctor will identify the problem. It is worth consulting a doctor if:

  1. the heart rate increases sharply (especially during periods of calm),
  2. the attack is long lasting and does not go away for more than 10-15 minutes,
  3. minimal exertion causes shortness of breath,
  4. there is dizziness, a sharp feeling of weakness up to loss of consciousness,
  5. there is a feeling that the heart is skipping beats.

These 5 reasons are worth knowing, because when timely diagnosis Angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, etc. can be prevented.

Reasons for appearance

The causes of these symptoms may be:

  • excessive physical activity,
  • experienced stress,
  • breakdown,
  • unhealthy diet,
  • smoking,
  • alcoholism,
  • addiction,
  • taking medications,
  • excessive consumption of caffeinated drinks.

If you lose your breath and your heart rate increases, then you should know that such symptoms are typical for the following types heart diseases:

  • cardiac cough,
  • tachycardia,
  • arrhythmia,
  • heart block,
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia,
  • panic attacks due to psychological disorders,
  • stroke,
  • heart attack

Cardiac tachycardia, difficulty breathing, extreme fatigue, weakness and sudden sweating appear due to illness endocrine system. Crashes in hormonal background affect heart rhythm.

What measures should be taken to normalize the condition?

What to do if you have a rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath if the attack occurs suddenly? Anyone who suffers from similar problems should know the answer to this question:

  1. stop panicking
  2. give up physical activity,
  3. take a comfortable position,
  4. provide air access to the room,
  5. drink cool water in small sips,
  6. put on forehead cold compress to cover the temporal part,
  7. breathe according to the pattern (quick inhalation and slow exhalation),
  8. take a deep breath, tensing your abdominal muscles, exhale slowly,
  9. rinse your face
  10. if there is a urge to vomit, then press on the root of the tongue,
  11. drink herbal soothing drops Corvalol or Valeriana,
  12. if breathing is heavy, then provide the person with an oxygen package.

When the measures taken do not help, call an ambulance. Often shortness of breath, burning pain in the heart and lack of air accompany an attack of myocardial infarction.

How to diagnose the disease?

Rapid heartbeat and a feeling of lack of air are the tip of the iceberg, which allows the doctor to determine possible pathologies or the absence thereof.

ECG of the heart

To determine the disease, doctors resort to the following diagnostic methods:

  • blood and urine tests (it is important to know the amount of hemoglobin, leukocytes and red blood cells),
  • hormone analysis thyroid gland,
  • blood test for biochemical composition(helps to identify the amount essential vitamins For normal operation hearts),
  • chest x-ray (may show dimensional changes in the heart),
  • Holter monitor (a special device reads the work of the heart over several days),
  • echocardiography and electrocardiogram (determines functional disorders in the heart, helps diagnose heart valves).

If necessary, the cardiologist will involve a neurologist, endocrinologist and therapist in the diagnosis if the identified disease is not related to the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

How to treat the problem?

Frequent and strong heartbeat, fatigue, and a feeling of shortness of breath should be treated only after the recommendations of a doctor. You should not self-medicate, as you may not know about the real reason the appearance of symptoms. Often symptomatic treatment in this situation, doctors consider antiarrhythmic and sedatives.

Important! Purpose of these medicines carried out taking into account individual characteristics patient, since there are drugs that cannot be prescribed to certain groups of people.

Antiarrhythmic drugs for the heart are prescribed intravenously and orally. This type of heart medication can stop an attack and prevent its occurrence. If the heartbeat suddenly increases by 30-40 beats above normal, then you can take this type of medication. These drugs include: Adenosine, Propranolol, Flecainide, Verapamil.

As for sedative medications, their action is aimed at calming the nervous system. Often increased nervousness, feelings of anxiety and fear worsen the condition. Sedative drugs are: Persen, Deazepam, Valerian, Novopassit, Tenoten.

Treatment of heart failure

If the heart feels arrhythmia after the slightest physical exertion, the doctor will suspect heart failure. Treatment is based on the following steps:

  1. Healthy eating, giving up alcohol and smoking. The patient should consume more vegetables, fruits and protein foods, but less salt.
  2. Treatment ACE inhibitors, glycosides, beta blockers, diuretics (for swelling), aldactone antagonists, calcium blockers. The dosage of drugs is calculated individually. Sometimes a small dose is enough to stabilize the situation.
  3. If treatment does not produce results, then a pacemaker is installed.

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Prescribe a medication regimen or general therapy in this case, a neurologist should.

Treatment for VSD

At vegetative-vascular dystonia sometimes cardiologists, therapists and endocrinologists can be involved at the diagnostic stage. Often the treatment regimen is presented as follows:

  • normalization of the daily routine (at least 8 hours of sleep),
  • healthy eating (avoiding fatty and sweet foods),
  • increase the time of walking in the fresh air,
  • physiotherapy procedures.

If this system is insufficient, then medications will be added to the basic treatment. For hypertensive patients - adrenergic blockers, for people with panic attacks - antidepressants and sedatives. Often, treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia is done without taking medications. As a maintenance therapy, the doctor will prescribe an appointment vitamin complexes, based on B vitamins. The psychological mood of the patient plays an important role. Such people are often recommended to undergo auto-training, swimming and athletics.

Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat - symptoms that may indicate pathologies in the body. They are not always related to the functioning of the cardiovascular system, so it is important to get diagnosed on time. A general practitioner, cardiologist, neurologist, and endocrinologist will help solve the problem.


Causes of rapid heartbeat, diagnosis, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Hello! According to ECHO, prolapse is a minor change that is not capable of causing all your symptoms. According to the results daily monitoring pathological disorders no heart rhythm was detected. But the average daily heart rate figures are noteworthy. 90/min is a lot for an average heart rate. This symptom can indicate many diseases. Here are the most likely options:
1. Cardiopsychoneurosis is a condition caused by an imbalance in the regulation of the nervous system. Stress, disruption of rest, sleep patterns, etc. lead to imbalance. To confirm, it would be a good idea to do a heart rate variability study or cardiovascular testing. In this case, the treatment prescribed to you is completely justified.
2. Chronic infection - as a rule, this is chronic tonsillitis, when there is a focus behind the tonsils chronic infection not visible during normal inspection. If at the age of 25 you have enlarged tonsils, you definitely have chronic tonsillitis. Staphylococcus or streptococcus in the tonsils has a very negative effect on the functioning of the heart. To clarify this diagnosis, a thorough examination by an ENT doctor with “everting” of the tonsils in a certain way, a smear for microflora from the tonsils, a blood test for antistreptolysin O is recommended. As a rule, when an infection is detected, removal of the tonsils solves the problem.
3. Such complaints and rapid pulse may be a symptom of thyroid disease. It is important to test thyroid hormones T3 free, T4 free, TTg, AT to TPO. Ultrasound is not informative, because The structure may be externally normal with significantly altered hormones.
4. Psychosomatic condition - this also happens when, subconsciously, for some reason, the body chooses to get sick. You can deny this with your mind, but your subconscious may well be simulating this situation. Especially if all examinations show normal results. But if you don’t do this, then sooner or later psychosomatics always turns into real illness. Here are a number of situations when the psychosomatic component is involved: illness is beneficial to you for something - to relax, to be pitied, to not do something (for example, fear of having children), illness as a punishment - this is if you like to be in a feeling of guilt , because subconsciously we all have a program that the guilty must be punished - some punish themselves with illness, illness is like a genetic program, when your grandmother, mother was sick with something and are convinced that you simply cannot be healthy (although it's an illusion). Psychotherapists work well with this section, especially Helinger constellations. There are wonderful constellations with illnesses, where it becomes clear to you why the illness came into your life.
Good luck and health to you!

Rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath: what to do? This question worries everyone who has encountered a similar problem. Symptoms may be related to various conditions, which are quite dangerous to human health. Therefore, you should not ignore the problem. It is necessary to visit a doctor, undergo an examination and eliminate the provoking factor.

Tachycardia, which is accompanied by shortness of breath, indicates serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. Typically these symptoms occur when coronary disease or heart failure.

The pathology is accompanied by shortness of breath or dyspnea, which worsens during physical activity. Increased heart rate occurs due to the inability of the heart to fully provide blood supply to the body.

Ischemia is manifested by tachycardia, since in this disease the patency coronary arteries impaired due to atherosclerotic changes.

Similar symptoms are observed with vegetative-vascular dystonia, myocardial infarction, stroke, and panic attack.

All these pathologies pose a serious danger to human health and life. Hemodynamic disturbances increase the risk of blood clots and impair the functions of all internal organs.

If a strong heartbeat and difficulty breathing occur during stress, use of drugs, physical activity, then the matter is physiological factors. Elderly people often suffer from this. To improve your well-being, it is enough to normalize your lifestyle.

What causes

Dyspnea and tachycardia may occur in response to external stimuli. An increased heart rate usually indicates pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, and can also be caused by:

Shortness of breath occurs when the body tries to adapt to new conditions. In this case, the person does not suffocate, since the lack of oxygen is stopped rapid heartbeat. Breathing problems are usually associated with psycho-emotional and physical stress, poor ventilation of the room. The condition in this case normalizes on its own.

Shortness of breath associated with pathologies occurs when a person is at rest. It occurs:

  1. For diseases of the heart muscle. The heart contracts more often and breathing becomes difficult due to the development of cardiomyopathy, heart failure, defects, arrhythmias, and inflammation of the cardiac membranes.
  2. For pathologies of the respiratory system. Difficulty in inhaling or exhaling is observed if foreign object, neoplasms grow, a vessel is blocked by a thrombus, with pneumosclerosis and chronic diseases, bronchitis, emphysema. With such problems, shortness of breath turns into suffocation, and attacks of coughing with phlegm occur.
  3. For cerebral disorders. Damage to the brain causes rapid heartbeat and difficulty breathing, because the regulatory centers of all organs and systems are located in this part of the body. These symptoms are usually observed during head injuries, stroke, encephalitis, and tumors. Shortness of breath and tachycardia are accompanied by severe neurological disorders. Whether the organ can recover depends on the severity of the damage and the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment. The development of cerebral dyspnea also occurs when the autonomic nervous system malfunctions due to stress and mental overload.
  4. For blood disorders. The ratio of blood cells is disrupted during anemia, oncological diseases, renal and liver failure, diabetic coma. The patient suffers from lack of air, but there are no pathological changes in the heart and lungs. The examination will show an imbalance of electrolytes and gas exchange.